Lsm Grade 3 Cled 1st Trim Exam Sy 2009-2010 Answer Key

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CHRISTIAN LIVING EDUCATION 3 Lourdes School of Mandaluyong First Trimester Exam Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your answer from the box below.







Adam and Eve


free will



original sin





In Greek, the word angel means “messenger”.

2. God gave His angels free will so He tested their love and devotion. God also gave this to us to make us capable of choosing what we think is best for us. 3. Lucifer is the leader of the fallen angels, the ones that were never to look upon the face of God. 4. Angel Michael’s name means “He is like God.” He is the archangel assigned for Sunday. He is our protector in the traffic and the troubles of life. 5. Angel Gabriel is the messenger of God’s care. He is archangel assigned for Monday. His name means “The Strength of God”. 6. Raphael means “God has healed”. He is the archangel assigned for Tuesday. 7. Angel Uriel’s name means “Angel of Divine Justice”. He is the archangel assigned for Wednesday. 8. Angel Sealtiel’s name means “Angel of Worship and Contemplation”. He is the archangel assigned for Thursday. 9. Angel Jhudiel is the archangel assigned for Friday. His name means “bearer of Divine Love”. 10. The archangel assigned for Saturday is Angel Barrachiel. He is the angel of breadwinners in the family. 11. The first human beings created by God were Adam and Eve. 12. Eating the fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was forbidden. 13. Adam and Eve committed original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit. 14. Sin is any thought, word, or action that turns us away from God. 15. The serpent was the one who tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

CLED 3 LSM 2009-2010


Prepared by: Mauie Flores

Classify the following choirs of angel under their correct group. Arrange them in their correct order of authority. Choose your answers from the list below.   

Virtues Angels Dominations

  


Cherubims Principalities Seraphim

  


Thrones Power Archangels
















3. Powers

3. Angels

Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1.

It is the large lake with clean, fresh, water. Fish and people swim in it. a. Sea of Galilee c. Dead Sea b. Jordan River d. Mediterranean Sea

2. The water here is salty and nothing grows along its banks. The water that flows into it never gets out again. a. Sea of Galilee c. Mediterranean Sea b. Jordan River d. Dead Sea 3. It connects the two seas in Palestine. It uses the water and then passes it on for others to use. a. Sea of Galilee c. Mediterranean Sea b. Dead Sea d. Jordan River 4.

He is the saint who helped the poor to live useful lives. He founded the Order of the Preachers, a group of priests who help people know about God. a. Saint Francis of Assisi c. Saint Paul b. Saint Dominic d. Saint John

5. This is the date of the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. a. August 14 c. August 16 b. August 15 d. August 17 6.

The date when Pope Pius XII proclaimed the assumption of Mary to heaven as dogma. a. November 1, 1950 c. November 1, 1951 b. November 2, 1951 d. November 2, 1950


He was the saint whom Mary lived with after the death of Jesus. a. Saint Francis of Assisi c. Saint Paul b. Saint Dominic d. Saint John

CLED 3 LSM 2009-2010


Prepared by: Mauie Flores

8. What happened during Mary’s assumption? a. Mary’s soul was taken up to heaven. b. Mary died and was buried. c. Mary’s body and soul was taken up to heaven d. The apostles prayed with Mary. 9.

It is the act of praying or acting in behalf of another. a. blessing c. intercession b. assumption d. doctrine

10. These are the flowers that symbolize Mary’s virginity. a. roses c. violets b. lilies d. marigolds 11. These are the flowers that are also called “Lady’s Slippers” because they are said to have sprung in Mary’s footsteps. a. lilies c. columbines b. marigolds d. roses 12. These are the flowers that symbolize Blessed Mary’s humility. a. roses c. marigolds b. violets d. roses 13. The place where Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary. a. Nazareth c. Bethlehem b. Jerusalem d. Egypt 14. It means “God is with us”. a. Mary b. Elizabeth

c. Emmanuel d. Gabriel

15. It is our way of speaking to God. a. Praying b. Meditating c. Writing d. Thinking

Write one or two sentences to describe something that you can do to fulfill the following: 1.

Feed the hungry. Giving extra food to people who do not have anything to eat.

2. Clothe the naked. Sharing old clothes that are still good to wear to victims of calamities. 3.

Visit the sick and those in prison. Giving flowers and get well cards to a relative who is sick.

CLED 3 LSM 2009-2010


Prepared by: Mauie Flores


Shelter the homeless. Volunteering in projects that build houses for the poor.

5. Bury the dead. Saying a small prayer for the dead and for the family he/she left behind.

Write 3 things you can do to show preparation for the Feast of Mary’s Assumption: (any of the following) 1. Study our lessons everyday. 2. Listen to the advice of our parents. 3. Do kind deeds. 4. Participate in the Holy Mass. 5. Pray the Rosary. 6. Read the Bible.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases to complete the Vision and School Year Theme of Lourdes School of Mandaluyong. Vision of Lourdes School of Mandaluyong A Christian community of service preserving the value of quality Cathlolic education as manifested in the virtues of fully integrated Christian persons.

School Year Theme: 2009-2010 Renewing our commitment to holiness, excellence, and service through Catholic education.

Identify the part of the LSM Seal being described in each number. Then, label the seal below using your answers. Clay Pot 1. It takes the place of the usual torch. The true Lourdesian must remember that life is shaped by the Eternal Potter. Pax Et Bonum! 2. Peace and all good! Cross and Star 3. These symbolize Jesus. Two arms crossing 4. These symbolize Jesus and St. Francis.

CLED 3 LSM 2009-2010


Prepared by: Mauie Flores

Cross and Star Pax et bonum!

Clay pot Two arms crossing

Match Column A with Column B to complete each Lourdesian Creed. Write the letters only. d 1. I am Christian. e 2. I am a child of the Blessed Virgin Mary. f 3. I am Franciscan in Spirit. a 4. I am a man of truth.

g 5. I am a free human person. c 6. I am a community builder. h 7. I am a peacemaker. b 8. I am a Filipino.

a. I am honest to myself and to others. I accept and share my God-given talent. b. I love my country. I am committed to be proactive and responsible to national and global needs. c. A steward at the service of others and a sign of salvation to all. d. Christ is my life, the Holy Spirit, my light. I love God with my whole mind, with my whole heart, and with my whole strength, and I love my neighbor as myself. e. Mary is the model of my faith, and my love for her is seen in my life of simplicity, humility, and obedience. f. The Holy Eucharist and the Word of God help me live the Franciscan values of joy, peace, brotherhood with all of God’s creation. g. I make free choices and responsible decisions according to what God wants me to do. h. I am committed to promote unity and fraternity, justice, and mercy, understanding and goodwill among men and the whole creation.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases to complete the prayers. The Act of Contrition My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart, in choosing to do wrong and failing to do good. I have sinned against You whom I should love above all things.

I firmly intend with Your help to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.

CLED 3 LSM 2009-2010


Prepared by: Mauie Flores

Our savior Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us my God, have mercy. Amen.

The Angelus

Leader: The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.


And she conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Leader: Behold the handmaid of the Lord.


Be it done unto me according to Your Word. Hail Mary…

Leader: And the word was made flesh.


And dwelt among us. Hail Mary…

Leader: Pray for us O Holy Mother of God.


That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Leader: Let us pray,


Pour forth, we beseech You, O lord, your grace into our hearts. That we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Your Son, was made known by the message of an angel. May by His passion and cross, be brought to the glory of His resurrection, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

CLED 3 LSM 2009-2010


Prepared by: Mauie Flores

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