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1  BLA BLA BLA  Exero 01, 5555

ONLY $3.99 VOL. 01 NO. 01 Released: 30-09-2009



Is the police turning a blind eye to the racist groups?

Citizens of Los Santos feel uneasy saving their hard earned cash in the “public piggy bank”.

AL Va SO Pu riou IN T bl s i HI i n S W classi ei c O ter IS rd pi vi S An Ne nio ew UE d f w n s m mu ieds s s m uch ch or e


2  BLA BLA BLA  Exero 01, 5555

RACISM IN LOS SANTOS And is it being accepted? These last couple of weeks

was arrested. It makes one won-

violent we were forced to call the

we’ve noticed an increase in rac-

der, is the public accepting this? At

police. The Heritage Movement

ism in Los Santos. There’s been

idlewood gas almost nobody inter-

claims to NOT be a racist group.

agressive groups, while a few

vened, only the African-Americans

We’ve interviewed them, you

take a more passive approach.

expressed their dissaproval. Sure,

can read this interview on the next

The Bum Squad and The Heritage

there was an odd “RACIST!” yell by


Movement are two examples of

people of different race, but no-

Either way, there has definite-

groups whose idealogies are a

body called the police to report it.

ly been an increase of racist-like

bit questionable.

Until the bullets started flying no-

groups in the city, now the ques-

body called the police.

tion is, what shall we as citizens

The Bum Squad, as seen in the picture above, has been involved

Another controversial group is

of this great city do, sit back and

in numerous high-profile inci-

the Heritage Movement. They are

watch? Or stand up and take ac-

dents, including the kidnapping

well know here at SAN due to the


of SAN ex-Vice President Dexter

fact that they once made some con-

As the election for the mayor’s

Cole. They’ve also publicly dis-

troversial comments on live radio

office is approaching, will their

criminate African-Americans at

and had to be forced off the radio.

policy regarding racism have any

the idlewood gas station. One

Afterwards they started a protest

influence on the votes they get?

particular incident escalated to

in front of the SAN Building, claim-

such an extent tha police inter-

ing that we violated their freedom

vention was required. But no-one

of speech. After the protest turned

3  BLA BLA BLA  Exero 01, 5555

The Los Santos Businessman


Are you a business owner?

os Santos is a city full of opportunities, a true example of a place where the American Dream can come true if you have the will. Around Los Santos there are hundreds of

businesses, large corporations such as Delta Systems Aerospace Corporation and small time businesses such as Daniels Donuts. Each of

We are looking for more business owners to interview. Wether you have a small, or maybe even had a business that went bankrupt, we’re interested.

them are different, all of them have a different beginning, and every owner has their own philosophy. We here at SAN Magazine decided to start the “The Los Santos Businessman” column to give our readers an inside view of the business world, to let other succesful business

So don’t hesitate to contact us, take a look at the last page for our contact information.

owners share to us the secret to their success. How they managed to make it big, or if it didn’t work out, what they did wrong. That way when you decide to open up a business you’ll know what to do and what not to do. Hopefully you will enjoy this column as much as we enjoyed writing it.

an interview with james coy:

los santos businessman

Welcome to our new column LS Businessman. For this column we will be conducting weekly interviews with different entrepreneurs in Los Santos. For this first edition we have interviewed James Coy, the owner of “James Limo Services”. A limo rental company for those who want to arrive at their destination in style. How did you come up with the idea for a limo rental service? What inspired you to do it? Well, I saw new clubs and pubs popping up all over, yet there was no possibility of renting a limo. That’s what inspired me to do it, basically I’m giving them the possibility of arriving at their destination in style. Be it a meeting, a club or whatever, arriving in a limo is the perfect way to get all the attention. As we all know, we are currently in a mild recession, has this affect your business? It sure has, business is a bit slow these days. But I don’t fully blame it on the recession, there are more contributing factors. There’s a lot of crime in the city, people driving around with no license, or while intoxicated. Barely anyone respects the blue zones; they just speed through without stopping and frequently cause accidents. The dangerous state of our roads is also slowing down businesses. You could say that crime is bringing this great city down.

There’s a lot of crime in the city, people driving around with no license, or while intoxicated. Barely anyone respects the blue zones, they just speed through without stopping and frequently cause accidents.

Do you have a lot of regulars or do you get various new customers? It varies from day to day, but most of the people I get are new customers though. But like with every other business I do have a small group of regulars though. Does your business bring in enough to have it as your only job? At the moment it does not, as I’ve said, business is a bit slow. I mostly drive the limo between my shifts at the bus garage. My main job is as a mechanic at the bus depot, but when I’m free I drive the limo. Do you have any policy regarding who’s allowed to rent the limo, or do you accept anyone? For example, would you drive around with members of the mafia? Yes, I drive anyone who pays, but of course driving around with mafia members is a bit risky. Have you ever been a victim of crime while on the job? I have had the luck of never being attacked or robbed by anyone. I keep myself neutral, I don’t engage in any illegal activities, so maybe that’s why I’ve never been a victim. All genuine business owners should be neutral in my opinion. Ever had a client commit a crime while in your limo? Once a client of mine decided that it would be a swell idea to do a drive-by in style. The police quickly arrived though, they did wreck the limo when trying to stop me though, the engine had to be fixed and extensive body work had to be done. Now that you mention the police, what’s your general opinion about them? Some people claim that they use too much force, do you agree? I do agree with them, the police do use excessive force, but I think that it may be needed. Like I already said, crime in Los Santos is on the rise. Criminals are getting bigger and bigger weapons, high-tech weapons and such. It’s only logical that the police have to update their arsenal as well.

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123 Everywhere Ave, Suite 000City, ST 00000

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conse feum veliquisim amet venismod minibh eum accummy nulla feuis do consed modolore feugue dolor alit wis aliquatisit lortio elis acilis dolor ilit luptat, sed commy exercilla 000 faccum (555)555-5555 000 MAGNISIM –  Dolortie cor ad ea core modipis cipismodiam illa facin volorem ver si. Suscil ex el ullan venit adion hent wisl ute vulla feugue exercilla 000 faccum (555)555-5555 000 MAGNISIM –  Dolortie cor ad ea core mom illa facin volorem ver si. Suscil veliquisim amet venismod

Dui erostie ! 555-555-5555 123 Everywhere Ave, Suite 000City, ST 00000

cilla 000 faccum (555)5555555 000 MAGNISIM –  Dolortie cor ad ea core mo-

5  BLA BLA BLA  Exero 01, 5555

tubs, owner of club 420, talks to ls times How he went from working in a local garage to owning the hottest nightclub

Exotic Cars Driving around Los Santos you see a lot of different cars. Different colors, different models, and sometimes even with nice modifications. We here at SAN Magazine decided to look around for those rare vehicles, those you don’t see every day. In this issue we’ve decided to write about the Hotknife. Siruse, the proud owner of one of the few Hotknifes in Los Santos decided to talk to us a bit about his car. Siruse: “This hotknife here is my 4th car, I’ve had a few other cars before, but I always liked the older vehicles, their retro design is something I like. And there’s nothing that sounds better than an old V8 engine” At this point Siruse turned on

We all know the club, we all know the man, but do you know the story behind it all? Local entrepeneur, “Tubs”, talks to LS Times explaining how he did it all. “A couple of years ago, in Las Venturas, me and my brother decided to open up a garage. It was a small garage where we fixed and modded vehicle. Business was good, and soon enough we decided to broaden our range of services. We opened up a used car dealership. As with our garage, business was good. After a while I decided to move to Los Santos to look for new opportunities.”

the best stadium in San Andreas. After some modifications the stadium became home to a variety of events. We held various races, car shows, paintball contests, stunt biking tournaments, and a lot more. Business was good, it was here that I made my fortune, transforming me from a smalltime business owner to a succesful entrepeneur and businessman. Eventually the investors were paid severance, making all the profits mine. After a few months I decided to sell the stadium. I had other plans on mind, I wanted to provide the hottest club Los Santos has ever seen.”

After he arrived in Los Santos he opened up “Tubs Towing”. A company specialized in towing, fixing and modding vehicles. Way before BT&R and McJones towing, Tubs Towing was the only company that provided towing services in Los Santos. This helped to make it an extremely succesful company that made Tubs good money. “After a while I made some strong contacts in town. Since I was the owner of a prominent company I also got to know many investors that were willing to help me out with my next big plan, the purchase of Los Santos Forum, that’s the stadium, for the ones that don’t know.” The LS Forum is the biggest stadium in Los Santos, and the second biggest in the state of San Andreas. “Me and my investors eventually purchased the LS Forum, transforming it into

used for a casual outing with co-workers to the place to go for a night of non-stop partying. One would think that Tubs has reached the top, but he has bigger plans than just a nightclub. “I want to also introduce gambling, you know, to help people in these hard times. As you know, the United States is in recession, people can use an extra buck now and then, and I want to be there to help them.” (In our next issue of LS Times we’ll be going more in-depth on gambling in Los Santos, so be sure to read our next issue.) We asked Tubs what he thought played a role in him being this succesful. “Well, I’ve learned many things by mistake, and correcting my mistakes have made me a stronger investor and business owner. But most importantly, to have a succesful business you MUST offer was the public wants” With this we’ve concluded the interview with the Los Santos entrepeneur, Tubs.

Without any doubt, Tubs delivered exactly what he promised. Club 420 is one of the hottest, and best, nightclubs in Los Santos. With it’s low entrance fee, anyone can afford going to Club 420, this is also why it’s one of the most popular nightclubs, and always packed in the weekends. With a bar stocked with a great variety of drinks, satisfying those who prefer not to drink alcoholic content, to those who want the best champagne, Club 420 can be

But before we left he reached into a cabinet and pulled out a piece a small booklet, and teared out a piece of paper. That’s right, a free coupon to all readers of the LS Times! Cut out the coupon and present it at the bar for a free drink. Club 420 Free Drink Coupon. Code: 420420 ((Just tell Bruno the code))

understood why he likes these old V8’s. That engine was pump-

Sadly we didn’t have a lot of

The Hotring!

time and had to leave at this point, but we did manage to take a picture of Siruse’e ride, take a look on the left. To our readers: if you have an exotic car and is willing to talk with us for short while about it please email us or give us a call, we’d be more than happy to come on over and hold the interview. For our contact info please take a look at the last page.

in los santos

the engine and I immediately

ing out so many decibels!

“I like old vehicles, that’s why I bought this Hot-Rod. Nothing better than an old V8”

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