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#134: Over one minute( before down)   

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captain, this is I hopes question that you asked! Klein earnest nod: „I felt that was better, I even think that I can now through the examination of Sacred Hall, this is one type is unable with the experience and self-confidence that the language described.” Thinks that the reply slightly was a little possibly fuzzy, he could not bear has supplemented one: „Perhaps the magical medicine name is really the key, when I summarize strictly according to myself ‚the Divinator rules’ is a divination Master, all become are happy and easy, un, I can open spirit vision with more covert means.” Dunn brow slightly wrinkle, the pupil light adduction, as if thought aloud in the ponder: „magical medicine name......” Crossed for several seconds, he looks to Klein said: „Do you need to go back to tell family member one? Sunday is your value defends the second day after Chanis Gate, you should obtain the rest.” Considered that Elizabeth is younger sister's good friend, moreover oneself had pledged the issue will be solved in one week, Klein has not replied awkwardly: „Does not need to waste the time like this, after waiting to embark, making the carriage circle one from

Narcissus Flower Street on the line.” „Good, you look for Frye, I fill in the application slip, 30782 ’ receives sealed item ‚.” Dunn points at the diagonally opposite lounge to say. Frye is „Corpse Collector”, does not have „Sleepless” such abundant energy, if has free time, often will take an afternoon nap. Oneself fill in the application slip, oneself sign, oneself receive...... captain, our control systems have the loophole...... The Klein unstated criticism two, have not opened the mouth, with the hat, withdraws from the Dunn office, has sounded the door of diagonally opposite. After thump thump thump the sound duplicates three times, Frye opens the door, is difficult to cover the doubts to look at Klein saying: „What matter has?” Because was still taking a nap, his hair is somewhat disorderly, the shirt also puts on is not neat, the icecold gloomy makings one was diluted. However, however, looked like just the deceased person who crawled from the coffin...... The Klein conceal lives in the smiling face, replied properly: „Has the together case, related to the resentful soul, captain hopes to obtain your help.” „Good.” Frye lifts the hand subconsciously, disorderly smoothing of hair, turned into live person not near gloomy and cold again. When he dressed to finish, two people only sat for 78 minutes to feel that in the sofa region of reception hall all around became warm pure, seemed accepting the illumination of solar Saint light. They

see Dunn Smith to go out of room partition, in the hand are taking -and-a-half plain badges of palm of the hand sizes. This badge presents the dark gold/metal luster, above draws is carving the symbolic sign of Sun, has the line one by one to extend to the edge, came from Republic of Intis sealed item „30782”, old name „variation solar sacred emblem”. Intis that was changed to the Republic by Russell from the empire, tosses about to return to the country of empire from the Republic, now it has established the stable republican system, situated in northern continent west bank, takes sea, Honages mountain range and other designated objects with Ruen Kingdom. Because starts from the Intis founding of the nation, Eternal Blazing Sun church took up the mainstream, has suppressed God of Craftsmanship church to change name to God of Steam and Mechanics church to the opposite party, therefore, this country is called the country of Sun. „Us, Frye you are responsible for driving, Cesar has no way to withstand that long sacred emblem purification.” Dunn told calm. Cesar Francis is the civilian personnel who is responsible for purchasing and applying for commodity, concurrent job horse cart driver, but he is an average person, has no way „30782” in 15 meters range to treat for over one hour in sealed item, but from Zoutlan Street to Ram small town, according to the Klein understanding, at least

takes two -and-a-half hours, this has not included Narcissus Flower Street to circle time. „Good.” Frye has not declined, but has inspected the personal effects once again whether has the omission. ............ When the afterglow of Sun catches the apex of small town church golden yellow, circled a Night Watcher squad carriage finally to arrive in Ram from Narcissus Flower Street. This small town situated in Thengen northwest, many constructions is also remaining the characteristics before steam era, almost does not have the factory to exist, is the business point of nearby complete village. Parks the carriage after the corresponding position of small town hotel, Dunn swept the eye opposite barber shop saying: „I had asked a moment ago local resident, on the abandoning old castle to mountain only needs the quarter from here, it is said that is the fourth era end to rule here feudal lord, but afterward does not know that had anything, turned into the present appearance, naturally, their descriptions can only belong to the folklore.” „Un, we pass now, solves that resentful soul before the darkness, then guards 30782 in turn ‚’, making it be far away from the average person?” Attains „variation solar sacred emblem” from Dunn to the present, passed for enough three hours, was away from the extraordinary limit to be getting more and more near, how long cannot want, they must separate, each

other left the time of restoring. „Good.” Frye brief answer. „I do not have the issue.” Klein has traced under the pocket quietly „sinks dormancy spell” and „calms the spirits spell”. Three wear the black thin windproof coat, wears Night Watcher of same color top hat or felt hat across the small town street, moved toward neighbor that hill from the branch road, is along the way overgrown with weeds, the bush is densely covered, but the path is quite broad, almost can for two ride the carriage parallel. In a while, they see the old castle that an outer wall collapsed, seeing above the outer wall that towers as before to crawl completely the green plant, the exposed place has the heterogeneity. Has not approached there, Klein felt that piercing gloomy and cold, the arm had a lump suddenly. „Really has the resentful soul.” Frye looks at the old castle, the expression anything accidented ground had not been saying. Dunn side looked at some new promote Night Watcher one, smiles to say with a smile: „Relax, has ‚30782’, has Frye, the resentful soul will not create too in a big way puzzles.” His is taking speciallymade revolver, is grasping variation solar sacred emblem, when takes a step first, moved toward the ruins old castle. Klein follows close on behind, frequently prepares to take away the trigger, or pounds the take action stick, uses the spell. Hum! Dunn from an old castle less than five meters time,

incomplete horse stable and water well and other things mapped in the Klein eye time, can blow with the gloomy and cold wind that sad and shrill described, seemed rejecting presence of unexpected visitor. Three Night Watcher have not halted , to continue, the warm pure feeling has scattered gradually gloomy and cold, is occupying front of old castle. They are stepping on the stone of piling up one on top of another through the outer wall of collapsing, gradually entered lost the old castle of front door, trod above the shatter floor tile. The stone column collapses, the old castle hall that the moss comes up in great numbers and from all sides is quite broad, but the window is narrow and small, and is located in the high position, making the natural lighting into a difficult matter, makes here murky and gloomy. This is also fourth era end and characteristics of fifth era initial period historic building...... The false historian Klein instinct is making the judgment, and hid to open spirit vision. At this moment, but illusory ear-piercing angry roaring eruption, the rich black fog does not know that fills the air suddenly from where, is resisting the warm and pure corrosion. In that black fog appears quickly a big form, he wears the black whole body armor, extravagant sword that the portable normal person is hard to wield. This resentful soul and Klein in complete consistent, the slit of two groups of

flame red light penetration scope armor in the Elizabeth dream sees, ice-cold but angrily is staring at three Night Watcher. „You have disturbed my sinking dormancy! Must the blood and meat repays!” He takes a step suddenly, one approached Dunn, in the hand the extravagant sword downward has divided heavily to chop. Dunn early agilely in the future will draw back, the pang lifting hand opened fire. When! Silver demon hunting bullet cannot penetrate that illusory black armor unexpectedly, hits above, sends out clearly, but insufficiently real sound. Klein and Frye simultaneously draw back toward side, grasps the spear/gun single-handed, aimed at the two groups of flames of black armor knight eyes position to take away the trigger, an eye pupil transferred the deep tranquil grayish white, was sizing up the resentful soul dedicated. The black armor knight angrily roars once more, the stride follows Dunn, sweeps away the extravagant sword. Bang! The extravagant sword cannot cut to injure Dunn, actually struck to fly him, layer on layer/heavily hit near the gate, hit the mouth to spit the blood. When, „30782” fell the ground, the resentful soul put on the right foot of iron boots to kick impatiently, purified the dangerous badge of surrounding thing to kick the old castle front door this unceasingly, kicked own 15 meters scopes. Klein that spear/gun cannot hit a moment ago saw

this, was the worry is anxious, felt strangely, is overlooking, the calm and sane stance to carefully examine the present change like oneself by one type. pang! He opened fire, the silver demon hunting bullet local area hit above surface armor of resentful soul, hit sparks/Mars to scatter, but has not caused the obvious harm. „Right hand glove!” At this moment, ice-cold gloomy Frye had always shouted, in the expression full is anxious. The voice has not fallen, he also lifts the revolver, has aimed at the resentful soul right gauntlet. pang! pang! Almost defers to Klein that the Frye words make to take away the trigger subconsciously, did not divide with the opposite party simultaneously has projected successively silver demon hunting bullet. This time, the resentful soul has not kept off with the armor again hardly, but early is prepared to raise up the extravagant sword, flew two bullet standards with ease. ! His takes a step, rushed to Klein at the speed of charge, hit directly on his body. Klein has flown upside down, saw own chest front is hollow, saw oneself are spitting blood, but does not have the uncomfortable feeling. He one awakens, drops in the place, the tumbling pitiful yell. Suddenly, the old castle and the pillar and moss of resentment soul and collapse everywhere broke strangely, all returned to the black fog to fill the air, the black armor knight just appeared. The only difference is,

the Dunn double fist grips tightly, partly bent the body, the gray eye pupil became quiet black profound. Really, the beforehand all were the dreamland, captain will complain about the soul, I and Frye have simultaneously dragged into his dreamland, but I was quite special, can maintain sober and sane...... Klein discovered oneself stand in a Dunn right hand two meters position as before, has not spat blood, has not called out pitifully. At this time, Dunn was straight the body, looks that soon will divide the resentful soul that chopped to come, the calm opens the mouth said: „Over one minute.” The resentful soul has gawked, then sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, the body starts the unceasing transpiration to leave the black fog, received the death to announce likely. It is not in the evil spirit degree the corpse and ghost is unable in 15 meters range to exist for over one minute in „variation solar sacred emblem”! My grass, captain, you quite lead! Klein is looking on this, almost blurts to shout 666. Dunn use dreamland ability to not use the home game superiority strikes to kill the resentful soul, merely is the protracted time! In the warm pure feeling, the black fog fast evaporates, gloomy and cold also gradually vanishes, in a while, wore the whole body armor, to tow the resentful soul knight of giant extravagant sword to be thoroughly transparent, integrated void. When! A black gauntlet

falls the ground, the surface concentrates some white to be incorruptible. Klein when asked for instructions captain, asked that must collect „falling goods”, but his vision swept, the inspiration was touched suddenly. The stair position of separation old castle hall and dining room as if has intense and illusory painful and dirty is summoning him!   

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LM :: Volume #1 #135: The portrait of Baron( sixth)   

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„There a little issue.” Klein is pointing at the that stair of separation living room and dining room, said seriously prudently. He has seen in the Night Watcher restricted data, if in the inspiration has the similar case, often means the target location hideaway has evilly, contamination thing, if itself has not grasped, should better not to attempt to touch, otherwise is very easy to discard the life sometimes, even if looked at one merely, will withstand the irreversible injury. Dunn followed to look, inspirational very high he had discovered similarly immediately was not right, side looked to Klein, told calm: „Your divination one explores there will be whether smooth.” Before entering the old castle,

captain has not let my divination, has the confidence...... This indicated that he thinks thing of hideaway is possibly more dangerous than the resentful soul...... The Klein silent nod, receives revolver, has given nearby Frye the cane. Then, he loosened citrine in oneself sleeve cuff to hang to fall, held to grip the silver chain link with the left hand, and considered the suitable divination sentence. In the wink of an eye, his eye pupil transfers the deep color, all around has the invisible breeze to circle. „The hideaway place of exploration old castle will be smooth.” „The hideaway place of exploration old castle will be smooth.” ...... After meditating seven, the Klein's eye returns to normal, seeing citrine to hang to fall is making the clockwise movement to move. Although the scope is not big, but it truly is making the clockwise movement to move! This means that the exploration will be smooth. Became true Divinator Klein immediately to Dunn and Frye has selected under: „Danger in range that can solve, or does not have.” Dunn „variation solar sacred emblem” will wear the left chest, put out a hand according to under own silk top hat, moved toward that stair quickly, knew extremely well to seek for the institution. After already Frye that the gauntlet collects the cane gives back to Klein, is raising the revolver, alerts all around vigilantly, as if there is enemy to emit in the fear suddenly. I am insufficient

the specialty...... In Night Watcher this domain...... Klein spunks up, extracts own revolver, starts the security. Several minutes later, Dunn Smith that partly squats does not know that according to anything, immediately the serious sound that the stair position sent out. There floor cracked, revealed the downward steps, the gloomy and cold and dirty feeling stuffed to fill the air, almost soon congealed the entity. Dunn looked at one, casts off the chest front sealed item „3-0782”, has thrown into it the secret door directly. After ding-dong jump several next, „variation solar sacred emblem” does not know that stopped in any position. If in has the dead souls class creature, definitely „3-0782” will pick up to throw...... That was interesting...... Klein stared at the downward steps, the patience was waiting. Cannot circle gloomy and cold and dirty quick meets Sun like the snow and ice, warm and covered the secret door entrance purely. „Klein, both of us get down, Frye remains same place, preventing other enemy to destroy the institution.” Dunn experiences makes the decision richly. „Good.” Klein has not had stage fright again, goes forward two steps, has arrived at side Dunn, Frye gently nods, has not relaxed the alert. , Dunn along steps downward, sound of footsteps silent reverberation. He has not prepared lantern or torch and other things, because sequence extraordinary to „Sleepless”, the darkness

is not the hindrance, but cares. In such environment, their lines of sight are not affected. The downward several steps, Dunn turns head suddenly, looks said to Klein: „I forgot that you did not have dark vision, I was familiar with not to prepare these illuminations the goods......” „...... captain, you do not need to care, I have spirit vision.” Klein discovered oneself actually do not have the surprised feeling. A moment ago such charming captain was really not the habit! In his spirit vision, the front darkness is stuffing grey ignorant, although this is fuzzy, but has been able to make him see the steps reluctantly. Un, captain is very healthy, the state of mind is also very good...... Klein extends the foot carefully, gradually downward. This flight of staircase was not long, after being slanting downward 14 fifth-order, has touched the ground. sealed item „3-0782” are lying down here, is sending out warm, is disseminating purely, and shines the glimmer. Taking advantage of this ray, Klein saw clearly, he observed the situation, discovered that this was does not calculate the big basement, coolness originally did not see, but moist still saved. The midpoint of basement is placing a black coffin, the above nail is the dark red color/look. The cover of coffin had been promoted a slit, can see that in lies down is having the white bones, headless white bones. Dunn looked at one first, bends the waist to pick up „variation solar sacred emblem”.

„captain, this coffin, un, its function is to prevent inside dead turns into the corpse or the resentful soul......” Klein is carefully examining that dark red nail on black coffin, is carefully examining their arrange style, depends upon itself also to calculate that the good mystery science knowledge identifies that is an ancient ceremony, prevents the ceremony of sudden rising. Meanwhile, he was whispering at heart: However, normally, who will be all right guards against own relatives sudden rising? The person who helps to bury not necessarily is the relatives...... Un, places the basement the coffin, but is not in the tomb pit, feared that was discovered...... At this time, wore sealed item „3-0782” Dunn closed up the coffin, carefully looked at a say/way: „The dead should be the poisoned death.” „That is intoxicates to kill his person to guard against his sudden rising to retaliate with magical ceremony...... Should this be the 1000 300-400 years ago matters? He turned into the resentful soul finally unexpectedly...... This thought was too simply astonishing!” Before Klein also arrives at the coffin said that „his head? That ceremony does not need to rip the head......” Dunn has thought the evil ways: „I have a speculation, this resentment soul has not existed, but recently appeared. Only needs walk quarter the small town to the old castle, all previous trouble makers definitely often comes, but before

this event, does not have the old castle to present the resentful soul the rumor.” Klein slightly does not nod to say obviously: „captain, your meaning is, recently some people arrived here, turns on the coffin, has taken the head of dead?” „Un, that ceremony has prevented the dead sudden rising, but also locked its resentment in the coffin, in disguised form preservation, when the coffin was opened, the ceremony relieved, these resentment quick with the aid of the gauntlet turned into the resentful soul......” „That opens the person of coffin not to leave behind the corpse, is not the average person...... Moreover what does he take away the head of dead to make?” Dunn stares at the white bones corpse in coffin saying: „resentment can preserve such for a long time, besides the reason of ceremony, should have dead's reason, he before death possibly is extraordinary, or belongs at least the descendant in the sequence extraordinary two generations, un, I mean sequence in beforehand definition, Sequence Six or Sequence Five.” „However such corpse somewhat is always special, his head perhaps, could at certain ceremonies, in certain situations applies.” Here, Dunn evil ways: „Before I said speculated, but the part can confirm, we under and others investigate in the small town separately, whose looked at childhood the old castle, here and was injured, un, if he were also living, the certificate

resentful soul truly recently appeared.” „The thinking pattern of rich logic.” Klein approved one, searched basement, does not have the discovery to have other goods. He attempted to describe once to enter of basement with magical ceremony „guest”, but because was separated by has at least surpassed for one month, and resentful soul paced back and forth in this place for a long time, affected the environment, cannot obtain the effective result. Later, he replaces Frye to get down, the expert who lets this corpse domain makes a more further inspection. Crossed for 15 minutes, when Sun will soon vanish in the horizon, Dunn and Frye returned to the old castle hall along the steps. The former was trying to find out closes the secret door, the latter described briefly: „Truly was the poisoned death, the neck trace is in the recent three months appears.” That is some people have come possibly is very big...... Klein is thinking deeply about the nod. Then, three Night Watcher snatch before the darkness returns to Ram small town, subscribes two guest rooms have attained sealed item „3-0782” the member to need to bring this dangerous goods in the hotel to go to outside the town the unmanned place to take a walk, two hours take turns one time, therefore only need two guest rooms. Has used the supper simply, Klein and Dunn and Frye goes to various small town places immediately separately,

inquired these long-term housing residents here. But in similar scene, the credential of police is particularly easy-to-use. ...... „Police officer, why do you want to ask about this matter? I remember old castle that I went to that abandoning in childhood frequently...... Injured? Definitely has, the situation that the child has not thrown how possibly down and so on, I remember, un, I was scratched......” one 40 years old by the sharp stone of old castle outer wall, the yellow haired soft man have had doubts look at Klein, was answering the issue honestly. This is the 14 th object of Klein inquiry, including two remember clearly oneself had been injured in the old castle in childhood. The speculation of captain is correct...... Klein makes the judgment, takes back the credential, the smile said: „Thank your coordination, I did not have the issue.” Not with him of cane, when departs, that 40 -year-old man transferred under the eyeball saying: „Police officer, are you interested in that old castle? My family has beginning the old castle for the portrait of Baron, that is my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather...... Before brief is very long matter, he took away an oil painting from castle, above it is said is beginning for the portrait of Ram Baron.” „Do you want? This is the genuine antique!” If the genuine antique, your family already sold out...... This fellow is courageous, do the police dare to deceive, wait to draw a pistol to

frighten him? Klein unstated criticism two, hold the mentality of having a look at spending: „Who knows that it is the real antique, I believe my vision and judgment.” „You take to make me have a look it.” That yellow haired middle age stacks smiling face immediately, returns to the house, turns looks. Crossed the meeting, he held the vice- oil painting to walk. Klein sweeps the portrait that fries in oil marks careless, sees that wears top/withstand the white curl wig the beginning for the Baron facial features is gentle, the skin ancient bronzes, in the eye are hiding the indescribable vicissitudes. This, probably Mister Ards! The Klein's eye opens suddenly, the subconsciousness looks to so-called beginning for the right earlobe of Baron. Then, he sees nearby to have a common black mole. This and position of Ards teacher black mole is exactly the same!   

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LM :: Volume #1 #136: Awkward Klein( first)   

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Cannot...... could it be that Mister Ards is the socalled beginning for Ram Baron? This was the 1000 400-500 years ago characters...... It is not right, how definitely the person in portrait is beginning for Ram

Baron...... Klein is staring at that oil painting, a mind confusion, like suddenly discovered that person turned into the monster completely, or the entire world is only a Spiritual God dreamland. He raised the head fiercely, is staring at front yellow haired middle age, puts out a hand to take out the revolver from the armpit hoister, the sinking sound said: „This is not the antique. If you do not talk clearly the situation, I the crime of fraud will arrest you, sues you!” No matter he prosecution whether belongs to the police department, the goal only then one, that threatens the opposite party, obtains the information! Meanwhile, Klein knocks on left tooth two lightly, opens spirit vision, monitors the mood tourmaline of goal. The yellow haired middle age had a scare, replied panic-stricken ambiguously: „No, I do not know that it is the antique, no, I heard that it is the antique, but I these, do not understand, I do not even know many words, un, word.” His eyeball rotation, looks around, as to call for help. But at this time, he saw Klein to adjust the runner and trigger, exhibited one to kill revolt the appearance of suspect. He brushes a stiff lumbodorsal region, does not dare to look everywhere randomly. „The oil painting where you obtain?” The Klein innermost feelings asked heavily. yellow haired middle age lip opening and closing, is flattering saying with a smile: „Police officer, this was my grandfather found from

castle, more than 40 years ago, there outer walls and two building rooms collapsed, presented some goods, goods that the beforehand person cannot find, had this oil painting, was not this oil painting, oil painting originally was very tattered, had no way to preserve, my grandfather asked the person to imitate has been drawing one, un, was that you saw a moment ago, I have not deceived you, the 40 many year ago oil paintings truly can calculate the antique......” „You determine this are beginning for the portrait of Ram Baron?” Klein is stroking gently the trigger, making the line of sight of opposite party not dare to have the slight migration. The yellow haired middle age hehe said with a smile: „I am indefinite, but I speculated that is.” „Reason?” Klein almost by shameless provoking laughter of opposite party. „Because on the oil painting has not labelled the name.” The yellow haired middle age replied rarely properly, „like my was called the rascal Gerui, my father to be called as curl Gerui, only then my grandfather is genuine Gerui is the same.” ...... Klein silent aspirated saying: „Your grandfather?” „In the graveyard, he buried there already nearly 20 years, his side was my father, three years ago buried.” The yellow haired middle age replied honestly. Klein also asked after other angle, is working as the surface adjustment pistol runner of yellow haired middle age, has returned in it the armpit hoister. Receives the

police officer credential, puts on him of black thin windproof coat to transfer the body, both hands has inserted the pocket to move toward the hotel position, shows in the weak light that in the both sides house the silent vanguard. „Did not determine whether the portrait belongs beginning for Ram Baron...... Does not know that the small town does have the accurate historical record of old castle......” „But whatever, that gentlemen who paints a portrait definitely are ancient people, at least before 1000 ancient people......” „He and Mister Ards except for the hairstyle, are almost exactly the same, is this socalled reincarnation?” „Initially Mister Ards gave up the positions of other Beckland universities, arrives at Thengen, perhaps has the obligation of remaining instinct......” „Un, other possibility, for example, that on portrait is Mister Ards, Mister Ards is he!” Thinks of here, Klein terrified one startled, was nearly tripped by the front stair. He back and forth walked slowly and aimlessly under destroyed gas street light several steps, unifies the information large explosion era experience, was making a more further analysis according to the guess: „Mister Ards turned into not the dead creature for some reasons, for example Vampire, therefore lives the present from the ancient times?” „It is not right, where has Vampire of bronze skin......” „Moreover I and Mister Ards shake hand, can feel clearly his body temperature, felt his within

the body has the blood to flow.” „He, although repugnant south burning hot, but is not afraid Sun, once was under the hot sun, with other teacher forming a team boat racing......” „Un, such a possibility, Mister Ards other sequence magical medicine or factor, have taken to his long life, but the price is to lose remembers! Hissing, considered that his completely different dreamlands, whether can suppose his memory losing is the circulation? Dozens years, he will forget every other, obtains the new life, but that dreamland is real lives that once he experienced...... Hehe, I have read similar novel probably......” „Must confirm this matter, light depends on divination not to be good, must find Mister Ards that life has had the trace, does not have the childhood youngster, directly trace that from starts grown!” Supposed boldly Klein start of careful proof favors an own latter guess, but „reincarnation” possibly temporarily is unable to remove. He restrains the chaotic thought that seriously considered whether must notify captain Dunn this matter: „If Mister Ards really lived more than 1000 years of ancient extraordinary, his strength will imagine compared with me formidable......” „He reminded me before is good intentions, but after I found his past clue, he maintained the good intentions will be very whether difficult to say......” „But Mister Ards has been very good to me,

introduces Night Watcher to have not to be small rashly possibly to harm him......” „Hū, goes to above the grey mist to remove disturbance divination one time, this was the choice that Divinator most should make!” Klein makes the decision, accelerated to return to the hotel. While opportunity that Dunn and Frye have not come back, he spends 1 sule, opened a room. Enters the room, Klein makes the wall of spirituality with the aid of „sacred night powder”, then counter four steps, penetrate crazy talking during sleep, arrives at above the grey mist. That palatial grand palace stands erect peacefully, ancient and motley bronze long table and 22 high back chair not slight change. Klein sits to most the head, making the front appear the tan parchment and black round stomach fountain pen. He takes the fountain pen, the earnest book wrote: „Should tell Dunn Smith the Mister Ards matter.” He loosened citrine in left sleeve cuff to hang to fall, has made spiritual pendulum divination. This spiritual pendulum divination answer is the anti-clockwise rotation, is „should not tell”! Puts down citrine to hang to fall, has always thought from Klein of heart several seconds, decide to trade „dreamland divination” to attempt again, need safely. This time, his divination sentence turned „has concealed the consequence of Mister Ards related matter in Night Watcher”. Is taking the parchment, will meditate

seven, Klein will depend in the future, with the aid of meditation, entered sank the dormancy. He saw himself in that illusory, dim and irrelevant world, seeing oneself to struggle the submersion in a piece of bloodshed. At this time, a hand has extended, pulled up from the bloodshed him, but the master skin color ancient bronzes and ear nearby of this palm had Ards of tiny black mole. The picture reorganizes shatter, Klein saw itself to place oneself in a darkness gloomy and cold imperial mausoleum, surrounding coffin opened wide. Ards stands in his side, is staring at the front line, seems seeking for anything. At this moment, Klein one withdrew from the dreamland, sees the illusory, grayish white and boundless mist. „A moment ago the symbolic significance of dreamland was, if I concealed the related matter for Mister Ards, that I will beset with a crisis some in the future time, will obtain his help, this crisis possibly because helped to conceal appears...... What meaning is the final picture? Will I explore somewhere the imperial mausoleum with Mister Ards? Un, perhaps the imperial mausoleum has other symbolic significance......” Klein both hands overlapping, resists the chin, was explaining a moment ago „dreamland divination” content. In light of formerly the spiritual pendulum technique result, he had decided that does not report own guess to captain, only probably proposes one, has a

townspeople put out it is said is beginning for the portrait of Ram Baron, this and Khoy University history teacher Ards quite similar Klein is unable to affirm that Dunn can hear this matter from other place, must therefore transfer. Naturally, does not have Ards related, does not know his strange dreamland, is very difficult to associate to arrive at anything with opposite party not familiar Dunn, Klein even suspected appearance that captain did not remember the Ards teacher. Thinks of here, he restrains idea, plans to leave above the grey mist, but at this time, he discovered that peaceful for a long time dark red stars present the weak contraction and inflation again. Klein is interested extends spirituality, before heavy saw, that said that Giant language youngster, seeing him to kneel in a pure crystal ball front. This youngster puts on to be different from the northern continent various countries style black leotard as before, the appearance blurs to twist, only indistinctly presents the yellowish brown hair. He kneels there, the expression exceptionally was imploring painfully unceasingly. Klein inclined the head and listened attentively, closes right up against basic Giant language to understand the opposite party to say anything finally reluctantly: „Great Spiritual God, please again go to this vision by the place that you abandon.” „Great Spiritual God, please let the people

of our these darkness get rid of the curse of that fate.” „I am willing to give my life to you, tries to please you with my blood.” ...... Abandoned place...... The people of darkness...... Great Spiritual God...... Klein is meditating these essential words and expressions, suddenly remembers „Hanged Man” has raised a place: „Land Abandoned by Gods!” In the Russell diary had also mentioned! He also sent out the fleet to seek, but has not harvested...... The Klein eye narrows the eyes, does not know that own guess is whether correct. He points is knocking the bronze long table edge, after three next, there is a resolution, extends the right hand, moves to that illusory dark red stars. That group dark red erupts immediately, the ray such as the water flows. PS: After several minutes, has one.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #137: Silver it city( second)   

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The city of silver, morgue hall. Dairic stands before the stair, both eyes blush look at the front, looks lies down in two coffin parents separately. On the flagstone before his body is inserting a silver simple

straight sword, in shakes the house to shiver once for a while in the thunderclap that is swaying slightly the straight sword. Mr. and Mrs. Bergh in coffin had not died truly, they try hard to open both eyes, from time to time is weak gasps for breath from time to time fiercely, but in certain person eyes, their life brilliance was unable to contain dimly, is hard to reverse dimly. „Dairic, begins!” Wears the black long gown, pokes the old man of hard cane to look to the youngster of face nearly distortion, the sinking sound said. „No, no, no!” Dairic of yellowish brown hair shakes the head continuously, every time said a word draws back one step, to finally, is sends out to tear the heart to split the lungs pitiful yell. Thump! That old man poked under cane saying: „Do you want entire city to bury for your parents?” „You should be very clear, we by the dark people who the God abandons, can only live in this is full of the curse the place, all dead will turn into the terrifying the evil spirit, no matter with any method, is hard to reverse, except that except for having the person of same bloodlines ends their lives personally!” „Why? Why?” Dairic at a loss and shakes the head to ask desperately, „why the subjects in city of our silver, just a birth was doomed to murder the father to kill mother......” That old man has shut eye, as if remembers the matter that passing experienced: „...... This is our fate, this is the curse that we

shoulder, this is the will of God......” „Pulls up your sword, Dairic, this is the respect to your parents.” „Later, when you are quiet, you can attempt become the God blood soldier.” Bergh in coffin wants to open the mouth, but after the chest fluctuated several next, can only make the sound of compulsory tax sound indicating resentment. Dairic took a step difficultly, returned to side of silver straight sword, shivered was extending the right hand. The icy cold touch spreads to his brain, the blood ice when reminding him suddenly of the father went out to hunt to bring, palm size can let the room cool several days merely. When his has flashed through the guidance sword technique severe father at present, flashed through has been patting the kind father of back dust, flashed through has been sewing the gentle mother of clothing, when has flashed through facing the variation monster, kept off the brave mother before own, flashed through the whole family to encircle in the same place, the candlelight of dragging, was sharing food the picture...... ...... In his throat exuded one to constrain the extreme, low and deep to the extreme sound, the right hand makes an effort fiercely, has pulled up the straight sword. deng deng deng! He is burying the head, charges into front, lifts up high the straight sword, layer on layer has gripped. ! In a painful pitiful yell, the blood has splashed, splashed on Dairic's face, splashed in his

eye. In his line of sight bright red, pulls up the straight sword, dug in side that coffin. The sharp metal penetrated the physical body, Dairic loosened the hand, swayed to stand up. He has not gone to look at situations in two coffin, like was pursued to stagger along to run the morgue hall by the evil spirit, his both hands are gripping tightly, his tooth is nipping maliciously, on his face blood red ran out of the light trace. „Ai......” looks on all these old men to sigh. On street of city of silver stands erect stone columns, above the stone column is being hanging the lantern, lantern inside is putting the candle that has not been burning. Here sky does not have Sun, does not have moon, does not have the star, only then the invariable darkness and is tearing all lightnings. Closes right up against shining of lightning, the subjects in city of silver communicates on the dim path, but that several hours that every day the lightning subsides were thought by them is in the legend truly night, at this time, needed the candle to illuminate the city, scatter jet black, admonished the monster. Dairic both eyes straighten go through in street, has not gone to think where the destination is, but he walks is walking, discovered own unexpectedly going home entrance. Pulls out the key, unties the padlock , to promote the door, he saw familiar all, has not actually heard mother kind voice, has not encountered the father to scolding

that he runs all over the place, in the room is empty and lonely. Dairic has closed tightly the tooth once more, returns to own room quickly, turned once more discovers that according to the father saying that was one is destroyed for a long time city-state to be used for the sacrificial offering Spiritual God the crystal ball. He has knelt, is facing that crystal ball, has not held anything to hope that implored, implored painfully: „Great Spiritual God, please again go to this vision by the place that you abandon.” „Great Spiritual God, please let the people of our these darkness get rid of the curse of that fate.” „I am willing to give my life to you, tries to please you with my blood.” ...... When repeatedly, he despairs completely, wants to stand up, actually sees in that pure crystal ball to erupt one group of dark red rays. This ray likely is the running water, submerged Dairic instantaneously. When he regains the consciousness initially, discovered oneself are standing in palatial palace that in a giant stone column haunches, the front is an ancient and motley bronze long table, the opposite of long table sits the position to cover the rich grey mist person's shadow. In addition, all around nihility, faintly recognizable and empty, the bottom fills the air cannot be seeing the grayish white mist and not real dark red luminous spots of boundary. Dairic heart has the flame of named hope to be lit, he has doubts at a

loss looks is lording over the person's shadow in front seat saying: „You, are you Spiritual God?” After asking, he remembered the city of silver to pass suddenly knows a few words in books, hastily low head. Those words are: „Cannot look straight ahead the God!” Klein depends backward, both hands grip alternately, the stance leisurely and carefree and replied with ease with Giant language: „I am not the Spiritual God, I am only one in The Fool that the long history is interested in” Already lightly knocked on left tooth two him to discover that at present ethereal body deep place stellar spirit body outer layer of youngster, the color was motley, has not unified. This indicated that the opposite party is also not extraordinary. Fool...... Dairic is chewing this word, silent difficultly said for a long time: „No matter you are the Spiritual God, is Fool, my hope does not change, I hope that all people in city of silver get rid of the curse of fate, hopes that in the sky appears, presents Sun that these books described, if, if, I also hope that my parents can resurrect.” Hey, my not making a vow machine...... Klein loosens both hands, smiles to say with a smile: „Why can I help you?” Dairic one is shocked, good half genius saying: „I will offer my soul, I will try to please you with my blood.” „My blood and soul to the mortal does not have the interest.” The Klein smile shakes the head, looks that the mood of front

youngster turns into the desperate color little. Does not wait for the opposite party to open the mouth once more, he said easely: „But I can give you an opportunity.” „I am one like the exchange of equal value Fool, you can with all that you can obtain from here, obtains the thing that you want from and your similar other person of there, the attention, must the value quite......” „This can make you formidable, perhaps one day, you can depend upon itself, making the city of silver get rid of the curse, making the sky reappear Sun.” According to the opposite party description, he had certainly grasps the silver city in so-called Land Abandoned by Gods. Naturally, he was unable 100% determinations, to defer to the religious ancient book record temporarily after all, the sky does not have the condition of Sun still to exist in first era, Era of Primordial Chaos, after all no one knows except for Land Abandoned by Gods, whether also has the strange place that northern continent various countries do not know. Dairic calmly is listening, lowered the head silent, after a while replied: „I want to become ‚Sun’, wants to obtain its initial sequence magical medicine formula from your there.” sequence, magical medicine, „Sun”...... sequence path that Eternal Blazing Sun church grasps...... It seems like truly in the same world...... But sequence this word is born after first Flagstone of Blasphemy is born, is the first era Era of

Darkness last act...... In other words is, if the silver city in „Land Abandoned by Gods”, that indicated really this region at least separates in the first era last act talent and south northern continent...... Can this be related with the second era cataclysm? In the legend, Goddess of the Night, Earth Goddess and God of War are born, blesses the cataclysm that human race crossed with Lord of Storms, Eternal Blazing Sun and God of Knowledge and Wisdom...... Klein obtained many information from the words of opposite party. However he hears to be very laborious, organizing the language more laborious, because Giant language is also not that skilled. Fortunately, ancient Fusac language direct derivation from Giant language, but in this regard, Klein is considered as on the expert reluctantly, therefore, he in Giant language grasps on the progress fast, now is insufficient to show one's ignorance. Klein maintains the stance is being invariable, expression replied lightly: „This transaction can place following, following two days, you should better not to go out, try not to treat with other people in the same room.” He does not know that the unit of time of white Yincheng is anything, how not clear this with the time conversion of northern continent Ruen Kingdom, has generally the indication to be tomorrow, after Tarot Meeting, told the opposite party again, later on this time point,

this...... As for „day” this unit, because in Giant language has, Klein thinks that the silver city is useless it to count, the opposite party should also understand is any meaning. „...... Good, obeys your instruction.” Dairic lowers the head the reply, has not raised objection. Klein relaxed secretly, the finger taps the table reason saying: „Before delivering you goes back, making us complete the exchange of equal value first, I have given your formidable opportunity, you must pay the corresponding price.” „I had said I am Fool of hobby long history, exchange that I demand is, these that the history of city of silver, you understand.” Dairic thinks, the voice replied low and deep: „I will describe truthfully.” „From creating all hosts, the omniscient and omnipotent God, abandons this lands to start, the city of silver existed, no, before then, it exists, but also is called the country of silver.”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #139: Research ticket)   





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At present dark red dissipates, Derrick. Bergh saw oneself bedroom once more, saw that pure crystal

ball. crack! The crystal ball from inside to outside has disrupted, or turns into illusory ray to fly into surrounding void a piece by piece, either fell place, selects the point is clear. Derrick silent is looking at this dull, from producing an inverted image of nearby bronze mirror discovered the bloodstain on own face is motley, discovered that the back of right palm had in the dark red ray to spin, concentrates to emit the circular of line. This strange mark has drilled in an instant into his back of the hand, vanishes thoroughly does not see. Derrick was startled several lightnings to illuminate the time of sky, finally sobered from the dreamland general confusedness. He looks at the ground the crystal ball fragment, looks at own right hand back of the hand, the vision gradually becomes deep. Goes out of the bedroom, returning to the living room, Derrick to open the front door, looks up to city of silver that sky. A lightning has delimited, myriad things have covered the silvery brilliance, in the billowing thunderclap, the world has belonged to the darkness, does not have ray darkness, deep dignified to desperate darkness. Both hands making a fist head of Derrick, in eye cannot see joyfully, remains as before is being sad and pain. But he is no longer vacant. ............ Hū, flickered a member, no, has developed a member...... Klein laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, is self-ridiculing the

Tarot Society current strength: As leader „Fool”, actually only has Sequence Nine, just digested „Divinator” magical medicine! But „Sun” in mouth cannot see a hope the city of silver at least to have three Sequence Four high rank expert! „Upholstery one time, can captain showing, hand in the special requisition again, once becomes ‚Clown’, I at least no longer am only auxiliary.” Klein has not stayed, extends spirituality, wraps oneself, downward whip. Penetrates grey mist, has rushed to talking during sleep, he returned to the room, has relieved the wall of spirituality. Then, Klein takes up the key, sliding door, first two rooms that goes to Dunn to reserve looked, confirmed that captain and Frye have not come back, then arrives at a building, pushed the key to the boss. The boss looked at eye side wall clock, has raised up the thumb to him: „Does well!” Hey, you think that what I do open „hour room” make? Klein opens mouth to explain, may decide finally makes the opposite party continue to misunderstand. He quite feels consoles oneself to say suffering from injustice: Un, like his long tongue in front of captain will not mention that I held a matter of room in addition! Also after exiting was coquettish transferred, Klein has made fast divination, returned to the hotel according to the result, directly soared two buildings, saw Dunn and Frye expected in a room was exchanging the probe.

„Can confirm, the resentful soul is the recent 2-3 months appears.” Dunn looked at Klein that the eye has opened the door, the nod has given the conclusion. Klein echoes to say immediately: „My investigation also confirmed this point......” He picked the beforehand question described with emphasis, end say/way: „, Has to ask the rascal Gerui townspeople also to claim in own family/home has beginning for the portrait of Ram Baron, said that is more than 1000 years ago antiques oil paintings.” „Won't you spend to buy it?” Dunn grey pupil twinkle, has been startled, asked directly. captain, you think that I am that easily deceived idiot? Klein said with a smile dry: „No, not, although I am only the history department student, but has also listened to the classes of some archaeology departments, has certain experience in this aspect, can distinguish the genuine and fake initially, the person on that oil painting looks like my history teacher Mister Ards very much.” He used not caring manner of speaking thoughtlessly raises to mention the most essential matter. Dunn has not really paid attention to this point, rubbed the eyebrow corner/horn saying: „This type the small town that had in the ancient times the vestige, has always filled all kinds of antiques, I met a moment ago have traded the townspeople of Ram Baron silver wine glass.” „Some people peddle the badge of Ram Family to me, said that digs from

castle.” Frye echoes to say. Klein asked one subconsciously: „Haven't you bought?” Frye visits him, he looks at Frye, both sides have not continued this topic again. „The following duty is, you or Frye who restored, take sealed item ‚30782’ to go to outside the town nobody's place, otherwise the people in most inn must turn only know ‚praised Sun’ the idiot, you first, were Frye?” The Dunn grey pupil looks at Klein to say deep and quiet. „I.” Klein has lifted starting slightly, smiles to say with a smile, „the present is not late, I come back to rest to be good to think, is two hours takes turns one time?” „Yes, Frye, you and Klein pass together, place that under the confirmation connects with.” Dunn side looked that Frye separates the investigation to „Corpse Collector” the midway, he looked for the opportunity „30782” to give Frye sealed item, otherwise he was already purified the body and mind, starts to praise Sun, because Frye the recovery time is insufficient, at present can only support again for three hours. „Good.” Frye takes down that from the inside of black thin windproof coat „variation solar sacred emblem”, put out a hand to give Klein. Klein was quite curious is interested very much received, only thinks that the metal touch of badge was mild, the interior had the hot water to flow likely. That warm genial ray as if ripples, layer by layer outward spread, bring the pure flavor/smell,

at the same time, Klein only thinks that this has dark golden sacred emblem of solar symbol to wash out own spirituality unceasingly, except the impurity, stays behind purely. Really, sealed item has side of non- often pit, will not pay attention slightly the deceased person, or compared with dying pitifully...... He whispered secretly, „30782” wore inside sealed item the clothing. Confirmed the after condition of good revolver, spell and cane, he and Frye accompanies, goes out of the room, leaves the hotel, directly soars Ram small town outside. By the sparse and lonely woods, two people have circled, confirmed that in the surrounding dozens meters does not have the live person. „If who approaches, drives away him.” Frye ice-cold reminded one gloomy, „after two hours, I replace you.” „Does not have the issue.” Klein smile reply. Gazes after Frye to walk into the small town, he found looked at good half Gaoshitou a moment ago, takes off nearby leaf, has scratched the surface. Then, he used the finger to move top the stone, the crimson moonlight was observing finger several. The confirmation is unmistakable, Klein tucks in the black thin windproof coat, sat. Can sit do not stand! He adds silently. Tranquil several minutes, he looks at the dim silent and profound fearful small woods, cannot bear stand up, has pulled out the different metal small bottle from clothing camera bags, has

sprinkled herbal medicine powder and volatile oil pure dew around the stone. Klein read aloud to read an incantation with Hermes language, with the aid of the material, spurted thin spirituality, seals region that own was. The goal of this brief ceremony has two \; first, does not rely on the premonition of Divinator to danger, the protection has the corpse and ghost sneak attacks itself \; second \; second, scatters the mosquito...... Compared with effect good 100 times of floral water! Klein sits down satisfied. Stayed bored for several minutes, he quite curiously takes down sealed item „30782”, carefully examines this carefully „variation solar sacred emblem”. Does not know that can divination leave its origin and special source...... Suddenly, Klein has flashed through an interesting idea, therefore puts out the paper and absorbing water fountain pen that carries along, under writing divination sentence: „In my hand origin of variation Sun sacred emblem.” As one qualified, true Divinator, Klein already to anytime and anywhere divination make fully the preparation. Meditates divination sentence seven, he closes both eyes, enters the meditation condition, takes this as the springboard, started own dreamland. In the dreamland, he only saw a piece of pure ray, in addition, does not have other harvest again. „Un, before church, definitely looks for other Divinator to try, in the material has not originated, explained that

has not obtained the effective result, a moment ago...... Klein like me” sighed, then wants saying that „does not know eliminates the disturbance, what result will have?” This idea just appeared, immediately occupied his brain, making his curiosity achieve. After hesitant dozen minutes, he sees the dim light of night to be tranquil, four nobody, oneself in the hiding place of small woods, will not be seen by passing by, therefore has stood, counter four steps in the wall of spirituality, enters above the grey mist once more. In the palatial grand palace, Klein sits in the ancient long table on most the head, making front appear the tan parchment, the black round abdomen fountain pen and that „variation solar sacred emblem”. „Feeling very real......” he took up sealed item „30782” to heft hefting, only thinks that the shape was the same to the outside with the touch. Depends upon my feeling to have directly presently? Klein whispered, has written down the beforehand divination sentence: „In my hand origin of variation Sun sacred emblem.” Meditates seven, he is taking the parchment and sealed item „30782”, will depend in the future, entered the dreamland. In the dusky virtual world, Klein saw one drop golden, warm, bright liquid. It floats above the sacrificial altar, front sets up one to put on the man of white classical long gown. This man only has the back, lost all life aura, he dropped down slowly, has reversed to

the sacrificial altar. At this time, he was grasping solar sacred emblem moved that drop of golden liquid, the latter quickly seeped. Klein sees here, the dreamland is fast pale, revived. „Originally is because fused that drop of golden liquid, this sacred emblem can be effective, is unable to be controlled, un, at least it was discovered until now, passed for dozens years, the ability of purification had not declined throughout...... Does not know that actually that drop of golden liquid is anything...... Some high rank extraordinary material?” Klein holds appreciatively in the hand to have present sealed item „30782”, was deep in the deep thought. Had considered several minutes, he is trying the feeling in basis dream, making has present „variation Sun sacred emblem” separate „golden liquid” reverse. Thinks that presented that the Klein shock stunned looks that front so is no longer warm and pure badge, looks at that drop static float the golden liquid, had a higher appraisal to the above the grey mist mysterious space: This could be called sufficiently mysteriously, even if were only the illusory goods that the separation had appears! „The source of this drop of golden liquid.” He quite excitedly has written down the new divination sentence. ps: Fourth, asked the monthly ticket! Un, tomorrow continues to have, three, first at the early

morning 0.0 2-3 points, second at noon 12 half, third at 7 : 00 pm, asks the monthly ticket!   

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LM :: Volume #1 #140: Is the dead expert( first asked monthly ticket)   

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„The source of this drop of golden liquid.” After meditating seven divination sentences, Klein is taking the parchment, grips the virtual golden liquid, in the future will depend to approach the chairback. He does not know that depends upon this to rely on the goods that the sensory isolatien has appears purely whether can carry on divination, can only suppose boldly, careful proof. In several seconds, Klein eye pupil transfers the depth, by brown was grow darked, entered the meditation condition. His eyelid has hung, „looked” saw the illusory and dim dreamland. That piece dusky, and presents in the world of torn to pieces appearance, suddenly leapt golden one round, dazzling Sun! The low and deep pshaw is away from innumerable void transmitting together, the bright ray lit all purely instantaneously, but the golden color the scalding hot flame sweeps across crazily outward. Bang! Klein one was separated from the dreamland, the whole body

shivered is reversing to the flank, the body already turned into the torch, flaming combustion. At this moment, his train of thought complete hysterical/frenzy, a normal thought has not reappeared. Rumble! The above the grey mist mysterious space presents fierce swaying, palatial grand palace cuns (2.5 cm) collapsing, the ancient and motley bronze long table was pounded the pothole, pounded several. This fearful change only maintained for three seconds, above the grey mist restored silent, as if anything has not occurred has been same. Klein golden color flame gradually is also put out, his surface burned black is tumbling, calling out pitifully, is returning until the ability of ponder initially. He supports the high back chair arm rest, has stood difficultly, was panic-stricken to the bitter experience and vacant. Before then, he has not thought completely merely one divination will cause such consequence! He breathed heavily several tones, raised the head to look all around, discovered that the timeless palatial palace and ancient long table encountered the destruction, this to never anything unusual „above the grey mist”, simply was the unprecedented injury. „This outcome what's the matter? My has divination aimed at some inconceivable existence?” Klein restored a point slightly, lets burned black shedding, is making the suspicion to the matter, „has above the grey mist

this piece of mysterious space to keep off, I perhaps already ash not remaining...... Is could it be that that drop of golden color liquid the God blood? I saw ‚Eternal Blazing Sun’ a moment ago, or formidable Angel of his subordinates? No, that is a Sun, I felt that looks like the former...... I go, could it be that did I look straight ahead the Spiritual God?” Klein more wants to be the fear, thought oneself nearly thoroughly transferred: „Really is the know-nothing party is dauntless, will not do not dead...... Later cannot any thing bring divination, who knows that will see anything!” „Comes words again, I do not know really this piece of mysterious space can also help me block the most fatal injury...... When the time comes died thoroughly......” „Un, if continues with the golden liquid attempt, definitely is incorrect, a moment ago that doubtful ‚Eternal Blazing Sun’ existence, is received the above the grey mist divination secret, the strange and sudden influence, has not made with enough time responded...... If he were prepared, perhaps this piece of mysterious space really cannot block......” Thinks of here, the Klein's form returned to normal, no longer burned black, but before comparing, dim illusory several points. He lifted the hand to rub temples, gave restored the idea of palace and long table. The long table that the giant residence palace and bronze cast recovers instantaneously, all returned to the

beforehand appearance. Klein sat, leans against chairback, self-ridiculed that said with a smile: „This not completely is misdemeanor, where at least I have clarified this piece of mysterious space limit approximately, had the definite goal...... Can Angel of close Spiritual God skid the above the grey mist strength completely?” „Ai, my ‚the Divinator rules’ must increase a content again: ‚Do not divination possibly involve the top digit standard creature at will the matter.’ Un, do not open spirit vision randomly, if looks straight ahead the thing that anything should not look straight ahead, perhaps on gameover, has been possible not to have this piece of mysterious space to resist the most not good influence in the outside for me at the scene......” Also slow several seconds, the Klein's expression suddenly becomes strange, because in his mind is reverberating some knowledge. Right, knowledge! A moment ago with that doubtful „Eternal Blazing Sun” existence contact short instantaneous, Klein has been at the divination condition, therefore the instinct divination from the opposite party left something and knowledge. He hurries with „dreamland divination” the skill recollection and reorganized not the harvest in initial goal, takes up black round abdomen fountain pen that has appears, wrote one after another: „1. cannot look straight ahead the God.” „2. pure white Angel.” „3. ‚Date

flame spell’ technique of creating...... This is quite high-quality solar domain spell, the effect can maintain for one year to weaken relatively...... Can not need to hold the ceremony, to ‚Eternal Blazing Sun’ hope, but ‚30782’ replaces with sealed item, steals the strength from solar sacred emblem of this variation......” „4. pair of Lord of Storms and God of Knowledge and Wisdom are hostile.” „5. ‚Eulogizer’ magical medicine formula: The principal material, crystallizes the sun plant one or the tail feathers of tail feathers or arson bird of growing up flint bird...... The stone of sea-nymph together or sang sunflower one...... Accessory material, midsummer grass, in July liquor juice five drops, a Elf dark leaf piece.” „6. ‚Light Worshiper’ magical medicine formula: The principal material, the light pyroxene together or blazing the white soul the powder or...... The heart of blood or the lava great blaming of mirror hedgehog...... Accessory material, gold-edged sun plant, monkshood juice three drops......” „7. ‚Priest of Light’ magical medicine formula: Lacking principal material, the accessory material has, rosemary 5 grams, golden citrus juice 7 drops, rock water......” „8. Golden God blood that Sequence Four ‚Darkless One’ magical medicine formula, in principal material available variation Sun sacred emblem withdraws, in addition can use the three tail feathers and sacred light pyroxenes of grown solar phoenix replaces

together, the accessory material lacks......” Finished above eight, Klein cannot bear knock the bronze long table edge. This harvest imagines him must be much more than! To him, can survive is very satisfied in that rash crude divination a moment ago, who knows also has this additionally „survival reward”. From the Night Watcher internal material, he knows sequence path that „Eternal Blazing Sun” church grasps is called „Sun”, but Sequence Nine „Eulogizer”, takes the singing sound and companion brings the courage and strength as, brings reverent and obedience „occupation”, their slogans are: „Makes us praise Sun!” Sequence Eight of correspondence is „Light Worshiper”, can display the magic arts and ceremonies in some solar domains, the unusual restraint corpse and ghost, Sequence Seven is called „Sun God Officer”, the magic arts and sacrificial offering ability in this domain obtained the enormous promotion. „In other words, I obtained ‚Sun’ path Sequence Nine and Sequence Eight complete magical medicine formula, un, before these different, this time magical medicine formula also listed has been possible the material names of substitute or different time...... Worthily is directly from ‚Eternal Blazing Sun’ there divination to formula!” Klein happily wants to say. Regarding the city of that youth's silver request, his plan is looked „Hanged Man” whether to solve, after all Lord of Storms

church and Eternal Blazing Sun church with for most ancient orthodox cult, cooperated from time to time resist from time to time cross for several thousand over ten thousand years to continue, had „Sun” path outset sequence to be simply normal in the former interior collection. „Before Hanged Man”, perhaps does not pay attention to the matter in this aspect, has not applied to pull and read the corresponding material, but by him very possible is Sequence Seven „Mariner” the status, must gain, is quite simple, but, does not need him now, I have solved, solved in a way of unthinkable and extreme danger...... The just young lady, Mr. Hanged Man, solar schoolmate, your Fool almost turned into the burned body...... The Klein a little fear at heart is also spitting the trough. He lowered the head to carefully examine the record on parchment, pondered other formula: „‚Priest of Light’ could it be that is ‚Sun God Officer’ the ancient name, is not right, the Night Watcher restricted data such has not raised . Moreover the content that my divination arrives at has not labelled...... This is Sequence Six, is Sequence Five?” „Sequence Four, ‚Darkless One’...... This is first high sequence formula that I harvest! What a pity, lacks the accessory material the name, does not know that has any means to make up neat...... That drop of golden liquid is really the God blood, sealed item ‚30782’ perhaps imagines all people are more formidable, in my

opinion, it enough becomes ‚1’ level sealed item.” „Un, should be beforehand Night Watcher only confirms this goods did have living the characteristics, harm to surrounding human race big, difficulty of control influence high, whether can cope with the corpse and ghost, has not lacked the means to clarify that special source.” „Perhaps solar sacred emblem of this variation can resist the evil spirit...... How initially confirmed the personnel possibly with ease to find the evil spirit to test......” „As qualified Night Watcher, I do not have the means become sealed item ‚30782’ the master, but, un, can look for opportunity manufacture ‚date flame spell’, steals its strength...... Ai, this time is impossible, I have not prepared the corresponding material, how my Goddess of the Night does Night Watcher possibly along carry the solar domain material?” Klein has rubbed under frontal eminence regrettably, sees above the grey mist not to have other sound again, finally has put down the heart, confirmed that „Eternal Blazing Sun” had not found here logically. „Cannot look straight ahead the God, cannot look straight ahead the top digit standard creature, must remember these words!” „Eternal Blazing Sun to being hostile to of Lord of Storms and God of Knowledge and Wisdom simply intense to the extreme, why?” „What thing pure white is Angel?” ...... The train of thought numerous, Klein felt

destitute and pain of head, moreover he thinks that the time for a long time, must return to the outside in the past as soon as possible, so as to avoid being discovered unusually by whom. Before he thought also in this mysterious space divination 2-3 times, less than one minute of matter, moreover there is a wall of gap spirituality, once were touched, will have the induction in above the grey mist oneself immediately, therefore thought very safe, had not considered that too many accidental/surprised factors, finally, nearly did successfully, has delayed a lot of time. Because is afraid the later front surface is together „the light of purification”, or discovered that „variation solar sacred emblem” was damaged, he raised a heart, making spirituality wrap oneself downward whip. The red red moonlight heaves in sight, hid in within/inner dark deeply heavily, Klein saw the sparse woods, saw the front weed, saw in the palm perfect sealed item „30782”. With trepidation several seconds, he believes finally oneself were safe. Hū...... Klein aspirated, has to plant after the death edge crazy probe sincere exhausted. ps: First delivers, asks monthly ticket ~   

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LM :: Volume #1 #141: Nightmare( second asked monthly ticket)

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Exhausted Klein has relieved seal the wall of spirituality, making the night cool wind have the flavor/smell of vegetation to blow on his face, blew him to sober several points. He is stroking gently in the palm mild classical sealed item „30782”, sighed one in the innermost feelings heartfeltly: „Who can think that in this badge fused a drop of God blood unexpectedly...... It is estimated that Eternal Blazing Sun church's expert had sought, but had not found......” Moved under the neck, Klein has not dared to try other idea again, „variation solar sacred emblem” will wear the inside of thin windproof coat. He follows the chain link, pulls out the tendrils pattern the silver pocket watch, presses, looked at one, inding distance „Corpse Collector” Frye has changed shifts also has one hour. „My eyelid needs two matches to support...... This is the repercussions of making!” Klein does not have the means that has to take out a metal small bottle from a small camera bag of young lady, captures the plug, the gathering tip of the nose. Peppermint and decontaminating solution promiscuous in one irritated the nose the flavor/smell to drill into his nose rapidly, stimulated his grains of lump to reappear, the spirit inspired, forgot instantaneously has been stranded intent.

This is he formula that Frye there learns from „Corpse Collector”, is called „the oil of Klag”, can help the person resist and other odor flavors/smells rottenly, has both stimulates the effect of awaking brain. Following one hour, the Klein particularly suffering, stands to take a stroll once for a while, several times in mosquito bite blood sucking by woods. Finally, he sees Frye of high nose thin lips and black bluing pupil to wear the thin windproof coat, is taking the cane, went out of the small town. Although the opposite party is one ice-cold gloomy is similar to the Living Corpse appearance, but Klein like seeing Savior, covered mouth to have a yawn, hit tears full Kuang, while moved forward to meet somebody, took down sealed item from the clothing „30782”. „What happened?” Frye is looking at the teammate pale ugly complexion, inquired one on own initiative. Klein sighed: „I the value had defended Chanis Gate last night, this morning rests is not good, therefore now is sleepy.” He does not have to raise this matter, changes the topic: „Was I four hours afterward took turns?” „Seven hours, captain midnight does not need to sleep.” Frye received „variation solar sacred emblem”. Cultivates virtue in order to become an immortal exhilaratingly...... Klein silent slandered captain, said goodbye to Frye, moved toward the small town. Along the street approaches the hotel on the way, he puts out the

pocket watch conveniently, looked at the next time: „Eh, compared with time of agreement early quick ten minutes......” „Really is a warm person......” Klein smiled, picks up the speed, returns to the hotel, has opened the ajar front door, walks up to two buildings in the vision that the boss carefully examines, enters belongs to his room. Locks the gate, takes off the coat and shoes, he has not cleaned himself, has fallen on the bed directly but actually. Also on several seconds of free time, his breath first is changes heavy, is then long and steady. In the sleep, Klein returned to Earth, the front is he has not played the game of entry, the left places is icing the fun and fragrant spicy chicken wing, the right is the bitter bamboo shoots sliced meat soup and rice. His not enduring hardship bamboo shoots, but likes making the material to add the soup that with it the sliced meat makes, in that soup whets the appetite neatly a little check person fragrance of fat, is used for the soak rice with soup to be quite perfect. Is joined to one plate of good dipping materials again, he can compared with usually have entire one bowl of food! Prepares to enjoy midnight snack in Klein well, plays plays the time again crazily, the scene in his dream one changes, presents is the Narcissus Flower Street 2 nd internal pattern. Klein vigilantly, knows suddenly soberly oneself are in the dream. He sees himself to sit in the dinner table flank position, in the

hand is taking «Thengen Daily», the front puts the tomato oxtail soup, to fry small mutton chop, mashed potatoes and oats bread and other food. He turns the head subconsciously, looks to the front door position, sees the living room correspondence outside the bow window to set up a person's shadow fiercely, calmly is staring in the house person's shadow! Klein had a scare, at once recognizes that is grey pupil deep and quiet Dunn, his half face sticks to the window, silent looks at inside person. ...... Don't captain, be scary good in the dream? Is this you acts the Nightmare way? Klein aerobic funnily is thinking, puts out the soup ladle, has fished a beef, puts in the mouth. Un, is my craftsmanship! He sighed one secretly, understood oneself why suddenly in dream sober, why the scene of Earth can vanish instantaneously. When some people invade his dreamland, his natural vigilance! At this moment, Dunn leaves the bow window position, has opened the Moretti family front door directly, is throwing over the black windproof coat, has arrived at the Klein's opposite peacefully. He takes off the hat, nodded the head gently, sat, the least bit also immodestly took up the knife and fork and soup spoon, fried small mutton chop, mashed potatoes and oats bread and other food the tomato oxtail soup on table with the extremely quick speed had eaten a cleanness. Klein looks dull, actually does not clarify

captain to make anything. Hū, Dunn aspirated satisfiedly, has set upright under the thumb to Klein, then put out the tobacco pipe and matches, was infatuated with came one. Puts out the smoke cloud, he stands up, with hat, old-fashioned person but steadily good a ritual, took a step to leave Moretti family, left this dreamland. „......” Klein is looking at the captain back, good long while cannot recover. He lowered the head the tray that looked at to empty, the subconsciousness wants to reappear food. However, this time, no matter tomato oxtail soup, fries the small mutton chop, the mashed potatoes, cannot continue to appear in his dream. „By thorough ‚swallowing’? This is ‚Nightmare’ ability?” The Klein corners of the mouth have twitched, wants to say reluctantly, „, therefore, the captain goal is to let me cannot eat the midnight snack in the dream? This also is really the nightmare...... This ‚Nightmare’ really acts has the creativity......” He laughs in spite of trying not, withdraws from dreamland, rests again. Klein that 5 : 30 am, has to get up early has drunk the coffee, has eaten the toasted bread and Bacon, went to outside the small town to replace Dunn hurriedly. Seven points, they start to return toward the Thengen City area on time. Is less than ten points, they arrived in Zoutlan Street 36 th, after full of energy Dunn sealed item „30782” return Chanis Gate, Frye sits before the

mechanical typewriter, in the civilian personnel did not have in the proper situation, personally reimbursing application of written yesterday's duty report and corresponding consumption. Klein looked on one, saw all materials that oneself used up to be included detailed list this to include him satisfied to be used to drive the part of mosquito expelling worm. He does not have to go home immediately, because with writing the way of cipher letter Dr. Daste in approximately good insane asylum at 1 : 00 pm, meets in the scheduled place. „Then also has three points Tarot Meeting...... Why can boss of my secret organization live such tired?” Klein silent talked to oneself, has lain down for two hours in the Night Watcher lounge, made up under has slept. Regarding these knowledge and matters that last night acquired, he was not worried to forget, this can recall with the divination method, what he was afraid, oneself have neglected existence of these knowledge and matter, lost including divination their ideas, therefore, he celebrated in the mind all sorts of details before resting, to deepen impression. This is also Klein every week persists in writing the summary, reason that combs various situations. Has used the lunch, he pulled out pocket watch to look at one, put on a hat to leave Black Thorns Security Company, arrived at situated in Zoutlan Street 3 rd „Shooting Club”. Opens the front door, enters the

entertainment hall, Klein has not belonged to Night Watcher that target range directly, but looked for the position to sit down in the hall, both hands junction gripped the black cane patient waiting. Meeting place that he and Daste decides in this „Zoutlan Street Shooting Club”! But the way that they agree writes a letter, when Klein needs to meet, he will write a letter as patient family member to Daste. Dr. Guderian, inquired name „disassociation of personality” the special disease, in the letter, Klein with various ways will mention Audience this glossary, coordinates black ink of cover position to confirm that by this own status, but time that in the letter unknowingly writes about is the meeting time point. As for the meeting place, has arranged in their first discussions, if Klein thought that should change a place, will transfer in the face-to-face talk. When Daste. Guderian wants to meet, but not urgent time, can send the letter to the hunting dog tavern, or this Shooting Club, the addressee is „Mr. Honages”, waited for that Klein fixed time takes. If he has the emergency case, that must give the hunting dog the letter directly boss Wright of tavern, moreover must put on one „to seek for mercenary soldier”, as the matter stands, delivers to Black Thorns Security Company the letter as Wright of Night Watcher surrounding member immediately. Waited , a point also misses two minutes of time, Klein sees makings

quite refined Daste entered „Shooting Club” the hall. He wears black silk top hat, wears the good-fitting coattails, in the hand takes one to inlay the silver the cane, the face top carriage pair of frame eyeglasses of gold-edged. Daste did not look all around half-turn remarkably, saw slight nod Klein, therefore takes back the vision, moves toward the onstage, applied for the target range skilled, rented the guns. He had come here one time. „Miniature range 7 th, every hour 3 sule, the revolver leasing expense, every hour 1 sule 6 pennies,...... was responsible for the girl who received doing well this matter including six rounds of bullets” rapidly. After Daste acknowledging time is 1 hour and has paid 10 sule expenses, he received the revolver and extra bullet, enters the corresponding target range under the influence of server. Klein waited for five minutes, leisurely set out, are raising the cane, arrive at miniature range 7 th outside, thump thump thump have sounded the front door. , The door split a slit, Daste has poked head about to look at one first vigilantly, then made way the position. Klein moves sideways immediately, locks on the other side the front door. „Good afternoon, Mr. Daste.” He said while takes out 10 sule paper money, has given the opposite party, „we will not make the surrounding member bear the meeting expense.” Because I can reimburse...... He has made up one silently. Daste

has not declined, accepted cash, then the sinking sound asked: „Does Officer Moretti, what matter your this time ask me to meet for?” ps: Second asked monthly ticket ~   

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LM :: Volume #1 #142: Association( third asked monthly ticket)   

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Klein is certainly impossible to raise „Heart Reader” from the beginning the formula matter, but he has not concealed himself to remember fondly the law in addition, after all the opposite is „Audience”, is not so easy to fool. „Hood. Ou did root recently have the performance unusual place?” He asked first Daste. Guderian develops is that insane asylum of Psychology Alchemy Union member „sickness”. Daste is carefully examining the Klein's look, expression and movement, has thought the evil ways: „No, he as usual. Honestly speaking, I think him , to leave the insane asylum, can display immediately healthily is very very normal, but he has not done this, he still treated in inside, as to attempt to treat each patient, un, these or chaotic or wild or the thought unusual fellows had to obtain a point to change for the better, perhaps, perhaps Hood. Ou

root is using this way to train his extraordinary capability.” „Audience” Sequence Seven of correspondence „Psychiatrist”? Is perhaps higher...... From Hood. Ou root is not insane asylum doctor, but is the incarnation sickness sneaks, explained that he has not grasped „acting method” clearly, should like such that Daste guessed, he was training own extraordinary capability, but this exercise was close „acting method”, to a certain extent can alleviate the negative impact of magical medicine, therefore Hood. Ou root simply took the insane asylum as the family/home...... Klein is showing confidently to Hood. The matter of European root has the thorough ponder. Because this will let Daste. Guderian thought that he knows, understands many, is as deep as a well. Thinks of here, Klein also inferred another matter, that was Psychology Alchemy Union has not grasped „acting method”, after all at least Sequence Seven powerful member not clear this extraordinary scarce era, which secret organization no matter, Sequence Seven at least were considered as mid-and high-level, knows sufficiently certain important matters, can help the member resist of out-of-control particularly effectively. Also is, Psychology Alchemy Union is the recent 200-300 years, the secret organization that even late establishes, has not grasped or not to summarize „acting method” to be very normal, at present is only

clearly proposed this means only has secret religious order, but this will be the history exceeds in 1500, can trace the previous era ancient organization! Eh, goddess church may be more ancient than secret religious order, the light was «Revelations of the Night» „The Saint's Notes” the history of some explicit records nearly in 3000, this has not been counted the front legend...... Why this kind of can't church discover „acting method”? In such long history, in such huge organization, would the idea unique member unconsciousness or holds the experimental mentality to try various possibilities, like „Spiritualist” Daly such, perhaps they cannot clearly propose acting method, but from the magical medicine name, has touched the correct path, and tried to find out something through the good feedback gradually, so generations of accumulation, example stacks, only if the high level were one crowd of hairy baboon, otherwise was impossible unable to summarize „acting method”! The Klein train of thought radiation makes the association, the whole person terrified is startled suddenly. In did not understand „acting method” in other Night Watcher eyes, similar „Spiritualist” the Daly people are genius, is common member inimitable existence, therefore some people will not suspect why Daly their experience is hard to transplant oneself. But, in grasping „acting method” in person heart, this was

strange! Klein believes that in Goddess of the Night church's long history, „Spiritualist” Daly is not first digests the low sequence magical medicine member with the method of similarly acting absolutely fast, she possibly cannot even arrange first ten, first 50! „This said from the probability does not pass...... Only if Daly is not ‚acting method that’ comprehend, has others' direction, that can explain that Goddess of the Night church cannot summarize ‚acting method’ is because has the reason of way old, all members are following the passing will, is believing the experience of seniors, does not dare to have the slight rebel, after all a rebel often means out-ofcontrol...... Un, besides this explanation, other possibility, church high level, because certain issues have concealed ‚acting method’......” „I must peruse the material that corresponds, looks to belong to goddess church's extraordinary to digest the magical medicine instance fast, as well as clarified their afterward results......” Klein to ponder dignifiedly. Daste looks at his complexion, waited for 1-2 minutes, the doubts asked: „Police officer, Hood. Ou root does the performance have the issue?” „Temporarily does not have, I was only associate to other matter.” The Klein smile replied, has thrown into the anxiety first one side. He then asked: „What did Psychology Alchemy Union recently have to move?” „No, except for exchange Ahowa County

small meeting of goods and experience.” Daste has not done to conceal replied. Klein nods to say gently: „Your situation how?” Daste is controlling own expression: „It is not good, still frequently hears to talk during sleep, presents some illusions, if I am not the doctor of neurology department, I even think that I had the disease of similar aspect.” Was saying was saying, his complexion were many several points of heaviness: „I according to Hood. Ou root and your urging, do not care about these illusions and talking during sleep, this made me more comfortable, but they affected my sleep, making me hot tempered, became testy, became likely is not oneself, as if within the body was growing brand-new I, or can describe for the new personality, regarding this, I worried very much, was afraid very much, someday, I will lose control suddenly.” With is the same, even does not need divination that I expect to expect...... Klein early is prepared to smile to say with a smile: „You do not need to be worried, you now are the Night Watcher surrounding member, has to be your benefits, but as an ancient organization, we grasped much the means that avoids losing control, this uncertain 100% effective, but can help you absolutely.” „Moreover, I personal am also willing to share my experience with you, you must know, your surface advance party the mister, has only used for one month totally got rid of the illusion and talking

during sleep, making them no longer appear, you should from Hood. Ou root and other companion there knew this is difficult.” For „Audience” Sequence Eight of correspondence „Heart Reader”, Klein had boasted slightly, praised broadly and level. „Police officer, in your words has the lie, but the main part is real.” The Daste calm opens the mouth, „what do you want to obtain from here suddenly?” „Audience” is really difficult to deceive...... Klein replied with a smile: „Not only I want to obtain anything.” „Justice” young lady...... Naturally, he knows that Daste definitely thinks is the Night Watcher squad wants to obtain anything. „If your means are truly effective, but the goods or the information that you want to obtain I can touch......” Daste to consider was saying. „I will pay in advance your benefits.” Klein said confidently, „we want ‚Heart Reader’ formula.” He will not conceal this magical medicine formula, on will give captain, said that is Daste received exchange for oneself in grasping the experience on magical medicine by this. But in this process, Klein will definitely confirm formula, „was not careful” in the head. Moreover, experiences formula that trades to be able for him to accumulate more meritorious services with him. When the time comes, in addition the beforehand part, he probably does not even need again additionally busy, can apply for „Clown formula” to

add the primary materials. formula does trades twice, is really cost-effective...... The Klein mood turns for the better wants to say. Daste is staring at his eye, the silent moment said: „You very confident...... I will try hard to gain this formula, how long but I do not determine this need, if extremely dangerous, I hope that replaces with other compensation.” „Does not have the issue.” Klein does not have the plan to force the opposite party, then vaguely described „acting method”, „the key of resistance out-of-control was the magical medicine name, we must understand it, understands that its true meaning, but this light did not depend on the matter that the ponder can complete, must experience truly, for example, as one ‚Audience’, you must understand, you were only ‚Audience’, was not ‚actor’, but ‚Audience’ was any appearance, you need to unearth in the life, attempts, summarizes its ‚standard of conduct’, and requested by this strictly.” Daste hears to be dedicated, some little time said: „Really is a brand-new theory, I am willing to describe your words with ‚theory’, this like, like the corresponding theory of play and opera singer...... I will attempt, hopes to have the good change.” „If, if can be effective, I will help you obtain Heart Reader strongly ‚’ formula!” „may the Goddess bless you.” Klein has drawn scarlet moon in the chest. He has not attached „Psychiatrist” this magical medicine

formula , because he knows that this is the duty that Daste the status definitely is unable to complete at present, the opposite party will not be slightly careful will expose. Therefore, he plans to take your time, helping Daste obtain a higher position in Psychology Alchemy Union gradually. Such one, longterm benefit will be rich. Klein has not stayed again, first in the hole through gate observed outside, then leaves fast, changes belongs to the Night Watcher miniature range. Entered there, locks in the door, his complexion changes sinks once more, in a moment ago to goddess church has not summarized „acting method” the guess, he associated to one by own the matter of neglect! Reason that neglects , because should be connected in the together two matters, as a result of the inversion of gain order, making him not go to make a more further ponder. The first matter is, Antigonus family by the Goddess of the Night church destruction. The second matter is, Antigonus family is grasping „Divinator” sequence, or at least grasped a large part. Because Klein knows that the gaps of two matters are too long, has almost not placed them analyzes together, has neglected strangeness that has, but now, one row, the issue is quite so obvious. Since Antigonus family at least is grasping „Divinator” path a large part of sequence, that thorough destruction their Goddess of the Night church possibly only did obtain Sequence Nine

„Divinator”? Spoils of war of harvest impossible, only then this! Only is attains Antigonus family mysterious notebook „Aurora Union” members can obtain „Clown” formula, has that destroyed entire Antigonus family Goddess of the Night church? Even if Antigonus family early is prepared, the most valuable thing will hide in Honages mountain range main peak, Goddess of the Night church should not, only then a little harvest, they have killed many Antigonus family members, but the deceased person can open the mouth! ps: Today three are completed, asks monthly ticket ~, then my slow several days, normal two several days, then in addition, tomorrow is on Monday, two time are 0 : 00 am with noon 12 half, later have fixed for noon 12 half and evening 7.2.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #143: Fool sign simultaneous interpreter( first asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket)   

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Klein back and forth walked slowly and aimlessly in the miniature range several steps, is pondering intention in Goddess of the Night church sequence

this matter in „Divinator”: „They do not hope that Night Watcher chooses this path, or does not hope that they are formidable on this path, therefore has issued subsidiarity obvious Sequence Nine ‚Divinator’? captain has also said that Sacred Hall possibly has following formula......” „No, in classified data that I can see, they have not even provided to correspond Sequence Eight and Sequence Seven magical medicine name, described the corresponding fight characteristics merely...... In other words, they do not hope that the following person knows the high level had the corresponding information......” „could it be that all chooses this path Night Watcher, probably turns into Antigonus family ‚revenge evil spirit’? Therefore the church high level makes similar decision, other reason?” At once, Klein to Goddess of the Night church's high-level full is the anxiety, has the intense alert and guarding, reconsiders gets up whether must make the special requisition, frankly and uprightly becomes „Clown”: „What fearful secret hard if this inside hid, I wasn't have jumped in the crater? I am not the person who that type can accept the strict investigation confidently......” „But, the Thengen branch submits ‚Clown’ formula, as ‚Divinator’ the member knew this point, the hope is promoted, wasn't very normal matter? Moreover Sequence Eight belongs to low sequence as before, should not bring in too the

attention of exaggeration......” „The only issue is, I only on thorough grasp ’ good magical medicine with one month ‚, has submitted the special requisition, if the high level knew and understood that ‚ acting method’, will understand the key...... Naturally, my reason is also full enough, after all I knew that ‚Spiritualist’ Daly, with strictly observes the maxim ‚Inquisitor of Secrets’ Old Neil is a friend, has been inspired, further completes ‚acting method’, is not considered as that the too unreadable matter.” „Un, even if Daly, Spiritualist ’ this level has treated in Sequence Seven ‚for three years, has the digestion sign, truly enters the high-level line of sight, was taken the future archbishop and senior deacon training...... I this stage will definitely not attract too many gazes in ‚ Clown’, only if digests magical medicine in several months, making them believe firmly that I effectively grasped ‚acting method’......” „In other words, applied for ‚Clown’ magical medicine not to calculate that too the behavior of risk, can continue, but, must pay attention, yeah, can only walk one step to look one step, went home to make divination to decide again.” Klein restrains the train of thought that puts out the revolver in armpit hoister, has carried on the daily gunnery practice and corresponding maintenance. This coming from the schoolmate Welch pistol quality stems from him to imagine well, does not have the accident/surprise

also to insist a long time, naturally, this also gave credit to him has learned the maintenance means of firearms from Dunn and Leonard there. „Actually went bad did not have anything, commodity that this can apply.” Klein looked at a target, receives the revolver, left „Shooting Club”. He rides railless public carriage to return to Narcissus Flower Street 2 nd, has not approached, sees the entrance to have a young girl to pace back and forth. This young girl puts on mosaic attractive flower bud silk the blue long skirt, wears under a roof pendant the hat of thin standard tissue, is the Melissa schoolmate, has lovable baby fat Elizabeth. Discovers Klein to approach, she moved forward to meet somebody quickly, takes off the hat, a joy of face. She two seconds, suddenly smiling opens the mouth: „Good afternoon, Mr. Moretti.” „I think that you were just came certainly back from Ram small town, right?” Sorry, I came back in the morning...... Klein smiles to say with a smile: „No, I come back from Zoutlan Street.” Un, this is very real reply...... He is thinking at heart funnily. Elizabeth has gawked staring, at once slightly excitedly and said excitedly: „Good, was I guesses wrongly, I look for you today, here waited for, wants to tell you, I had not had the nightmare last night again, has not dreamed of that to put on the knight of black whole body armor again! This and your divination result is completely

consistent!” Naturally, that resentful soul „30782” was purified by sealed item thoroughly, I want no way to achieve at the scene cleverly, let alone your dreamland...... Klein chuckle, responded temperately: „I was very happy that you cast off the difficulty, was very satisfied my yesterday's divination.” „Thank you, thanked you again! Good, I must say goodbye, in the afternoon must attend class, bye-bye, Mr. Moretti, I will find the time to visit Melissa ~” the Elizabeth footsteps vividly depart, in nearby a hackney coach. Looks at outside the carriage glass the picture of slow swept back, her corners of the mouth bring back little, happily wants saying: „Melissa definitely does not know that she has a such fierce Elder Brother......” ............ Felt that I explained a moment ago has not affected completely...... The young girls are always willing to believe fact that her intuition and her brain make up...... Klein gazes after Elizabeth to board, shakes the head while pulls out the key to open the door, returns to own bedroom. He makes the rest slightly, starts to comb and summarize front one week of matter, this included in the past the part of solution. Completes this daily, he burns down the paper, puts out the silver pocket watch, according to opening looked at one. „2 : 30? Waits for 15 minutes......” Klein to see again also has the time, simply wears obsoletest that formal dress coat, goes to Iron Cross

Street „Slim Bakery”, asked Mrs. Wendy to buy one cup of sweet ice tea. Is having the drink, returns leisurely and carefree, he has sealed the bedroom at 2.4 15 with spirituality, counter four steps enter above the grey mist. In silent ancient giant palace, Klein on the parchment that in having appears has written down the new divination sentence: „Must obtain Clown through the Night Watcher organization ‚’ magical medicine.” Puts away the fountain pen, he loosens to entangle in spiritual pendulum of wrist section, holds to grasp with the left hand steadily, and will make citrine hang to fall to hang will soon be contacting the parchment the position. Meditates seven, his eye pupil transfers the depth, spiritual pendulum in hand starts the small scope rotation, the clockwise movement moves. The answer is the affirmation, must...... But „Clown” later sequence was very difficult saying that developed my Tarot Society earnestly...... Klein crossed the matter carefully. Then, he separates emptied according to representative „Sun” that dark red stars the hand. He must call that youngster in city of silver ahead of time, confirmed whether he has to „six people of discussing official business groups” reveals the above the grey mist matter, if not, that gives the opposite party to grasp the means of meeting time well. ............ The city of silver, in the room of Bergh Family/Home. Derrick sits in bedside peacefully

silent, is waiting for „Fool” summon. In order to fulfill does not treat with other people as far as possible in the same place item, after he „return”, simply has not gone out, but the food in room was already eaten to eat all one's food by him. Is enduring patiently the hunger, listening to rumble the belly songs and calls, Derrick to think oneself like pacing back and forth Living Corpse on dark wilderness, but he has not opened the mouth as before, has not set out. At this moment, in he sees to be void has dark red filling the air, one will embezzle. The grayish white, boundless, lonely and silent world presented in his eyes, sat well on to cover rich mist Fool is presenting in his eyes. Klein is very satisfied „convening” not to be disturbed, determined that oneself has not obtained the dangerous omen. „‚Sun’, we met.” He said with Giant language with a smile. Derrick to occur again all feel to shock, the low head said: „You are The Fool of code of honor” „Other members also need to wait for one, I confirmed a matter with you first.” Klein these time changed to the Ruen language speech, but gives this piece of mysterious space to translate the idea of Giant language it. Therefore, in the Derrick ear, as before is Giant language that the opposite party said that he had doubts asks: „What matter?” Un, after I grasped Giant language initially, the above the grey mist mysterious space can realize the simultaneous interpretation of this

language, this is not worried about „justice” and „Hanged Man” not being able to understand „Sun” speech...... Ai, why my this big boss must such tired...... Klein puts out a hand to pinch the frontal eminence, shakes the head to say with a smile: „I allow you to read aloud read my name, remembers the following name.” „Does not belong to this era Fool, above the grey mist mysterious ruler, King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.” Derrick hears the pupil to contract, but does not dare to lose concentration, in has meditated at heart repeatedly, then seeks for the confirmation to Fool. „Returns to the city of silver from here each time, you need to read aloud with the brief ceremony read my name...... The later meeting, I will inform you ahead of time, you usually do not need to care, does not need to avoid other person, waits to receive my informing, completed to live alone in 1000 palpitations on the line.” Klein said that has considered for a long time means. This essence is to respond to the hope. Because worries the condition in silver city, and time-saving, Klein has left out the other steps of ceremony directly, this is implores to him in any case. „1000 palpitations?” Derrick is not asked back likely thought aloud. Klein to opposite party introduction the Tarot Society general situation, then has pulled out the silver pocket watch, presses. Derrick gawked, instinct stared to that strange thing.

Looks that three points approach, Klein hand empty according to toward symbol „justice” and „Sun” dark red stars. A Derrick eyeball rotation has not looked at this, sees the opposite and flank eruption ray, stretches two fuzzy person's shadows. Audrey Hall looks all around the half-turn, is shocked suddenly, then hears Mr. Fool that was forever steady the sound: „This is new member, title ‚Sun’.” „This is ‚justice’ young lady, this is ‚Hanged Man’ mister.” New member? Audrey first is one startled, at once fills joyfully. She is glad to see Tarot Society to grow strong, has a spirit of host very much. „Hanged Man” Argel frowns, draws a young blood to have some discontented to Fool suddenly. At least should tell us ahead of time one...... However, Mr. Fool this influential figure truly will not consider our feeling...... He wants to say reluctantly, and „Sun” gave regards with „justice” briefly. But in this short process, Audrey entered „Audience” condition, carefully examines young blood carefully „Sun”. „His will not be old...... These body movements showed that he is a little anxious and cramped...... But the whole person is always maintaining enough silence, to person one type, un, the lofty one wolf, the feeling of right, the lofty one wolf......” Audrey is thinking, while went to The Fool of bronze long table most head the line of sight She opens the mouth to say joyfully: „Mr. Fool, I collected two pages of Great

Emperor Russell diary.” ps: On Monday, recommendation ticket monthly ticket ~   


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LM :: Volume #1 #144: Tripartite transaction( asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket)   

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Actually three pages, but these writing are too complex are too difficult to remember that my present limit is more than two pages...... Again many chaotic...... Other can only wait next...... Audrey has been supplementing several silently at heart. New Russell diary? The Klein spirit inspires, knew perfectly well that answer asked with a smile: „‚Justice’ young lady, what do you need to obtain?” The eye of Audrey one shines, but actually does intentionally to act with constraint replied: „You know that I will soon digest ‚Audience’ magical medicine, I hope that can a morning point obtain ‚Heart Reader’ magical medicine formula, with the aim of preparing the material ahead of time, I know that these two pages of diaries the contents are not many, possibly is unable to match ‚Heart Reader’ the formula value, I will again also give one page, un, will also pay your sum of money additionally

again......” Her voice has not fallen, suddenly feeling was not right, cannot bear in scolded itself at heart maliciously: Mr. Fool at least is close Spiritual God influential figure, how possibly to have a liking for the vulgar money! Therefore, Audrey cannot maintain „Audience” condition, stutter adds busily: „I am not that meaning! Mr. Fool, I mean, you can assign the compensation that wants, right, is this!” I liked you proposing a moment ago...... I will reply such: When you digest „Audience” truly magical medicine, can obtain following formula, I have a subordinate, no, with has compels the standard ‚family’, is bustling about something, just needs certain money, this is his not recording a name account, in the Beckland bank not recording a name account...... Un, this week I will masquerade the Beckland bank Thengen branch to handle a not recording a name account...... Klein had not replied immediately, seems like the profound regulations is deliberating own words earnestly. The Beckland bank is one of the Ruen Kingdom seven big banks, is grasping the right of settlement. Ruen Kingdom carries on the way of account settlement to handle with the centralism with the city inter-bank account transfer service, but is different to the Republic of Intis colleagues, here is not all banks can join this ranks, the biggest that seven banks dominated this right firmly, therefore they were called the clearing members, enabling

other bank only to attach in them. But remote account makes a connection can only in the same bank, completes through the settlements of different branch, after having the steam train and line telegraphy, the efficiency in this aspect has promoted much. At this moment, „Sun” Derrick. Bergh opens the mouth to say suddenly: „‚Heart Reader’ magical medicine formula? Behind is ‚psychoanalyst’ ‚Heart Reader’?” The Audrey doubts looked to him: „Do you know?” Meanwhile, „justice” young lady had problems with Audience instinct: What the opposite party uses is the corresponding Sequence Seven ancient said that „psychoanalyst”, but is less modern „Psychiatrist”! Very strange, this fellow...... Audrey carefully examines „Sun” once more every action and every movement. Derrick does not have to think oneself displayed unusual side, replied earnestly: „I can help you get so far as this formula!” After saying, because he cannot take to feel temporarily afraid, explained forcefully: „This is the origin in sequence of giant dragon clan, but our silver city once was under the rule of giant royal court, you know that the giant and giant dragon are mortal enemies, therefore, this sequence 9, 8 and 7, the city of silver has, I have the means to get so far as.” This child...... Before owing me, has urged him do not speak at a venture, do not disclose own origin, finally...... Klein almost wants to put out a

hand to cover up the face. Ai, „Sun” youngster, although a very silent very pain very mature appearance, but he really is also only a youngster! However, made me clarify a matter actually...... Originally „Audience” sequence stems from a giant dragon clan at first, no wonder „justice” behind young lady high back chair the symbolic sign that is combined by the stars is „giant dragon”...... The history of silver city preserves very well...... After Klein maintains, by the stance of chairback, looking pensive is listening to „Sun” statement. Actually, he can definitely relaxed prevent „Sun” to disclose these matters, so long as he does not help „simultaneous interpretation”, „justice” and „Hanged Man” hears is also white hear, because cannot understand. But Klein changes mind thinks, thought this can consolidate own formidable mysterious image in three members effectively, therefore with a smile is listening, has not voiced, has not made the unnecessary attempt. Giant royal court, a giant dragon clan, the city of silver...... Audrey hears blurry, first looked opposite „Hanged Man”, judges that mister to shock and have doubts from the body movement similarly. She is busy at side looking to on head of bronze long table, sees only „Fool” to sit on that high back chair, the whole body is covering the rich grayish white mist, right elbow in the arm rest position, making the palm section resist the slightly

side head leisurely and carefree, is not surprised, is not strange, does not have the thinking, is unsuspicious, only the eye looks at all these including slightly the happy expression. He knows...... He knows...... Audrey and Argel almost simultaneously at heart have been making the affirmative judgment. „The city of silver, I have not heard this place...... It where?” Audrey is probing asking, „Hanged Man” Argel dedicated listens attentively. At this moment „Sun” Derrick. Bergh is also the question of full brain, he can look, except for „Fool” this perhaps is existence of Spiritual God, „justice” and „Hanged Man” is obviously closer to extraordinary, certain sequence extraordinary. But by place that the God abandons, except for the subjects in city of silver, Derrick has never seen other live people. Therefore, he asked back: „You are not the subjects in city of silver, is which city-state?” Ai...... Klein could not bear wants to sigh. The Audrey lip opening and closing, does not know how for a while unexpectedly should reply. Un, the meaning that he hides is, if you do not want to reply that similar issue, do not inquire the city that casually others are at...... „justice” young lady nods gently, has closed the mouth gracefully. Very obviously, „Hanged Man” Argel has also misunderstood „Sun” the goal, does not know that the opposite party asked truly, purely, therefore also remained silent,

did not say a word. Not replied Derrick as if also understood anything, no longer raises this matter, then said: „I will get so far as Heart Reader as soon as possible ‚’ magical medicine formula, I want to exchange Sun with it ‚’ path initial sequence.” „‚Sun’ path? Sequence Nine ‚Eulogizer’? Hanged Man” Argel asks immediately. „Sun” Derrick has thought evil ways: „Should be this, but I lack the understanding.” Looked on all Klein to decide to act, because he does not want to brave to be robbed the business by others again the risk. He smiles to say with a smile: „I think ‚justice’ young lady should not have ‚Eulogizer’ formula.” But „Hanged Man” mister big probability can get so far as...... Sees Audrey to nod, his chuckle said again: „I give ‚Sun’ one ‚Eulogizer’ formula, ‚Sun Heart Reader’ magical medicine formula to ‚justice’ young lady, will strive ’ as soon as possible ‚in two meetings, but ‚ justice’ young lady the Russell diary that obtains newly to me, this completed to trade.” „Un, from the principle of exchange of equal value, ‚Sun’ has suffered a loss, but he also pledged, when he has put out Heart Reader really ‚’ formula, ‚justice’ how young lady considers to compensate him again, is compensated him by me, ‚justice’ young lady provides money to me family, he needs to handle something recently, hehe, this is because ‚Sun’ is not necessarily able to receive to obtain ‚justice’ young lady's cash or the

material compensation.” Klein added such one in behind intentionally, to let „Hanged Man” and „justice” will pay attention to the point to put „Sun” to be not necessarily able to receive the compensation at the matter, to highlight own being as deep as a well, thus makes everybody neglect family of that being short of money. Actually not necessarily receives is compensated...... „Sun” where? southern continent? Argel frowned immediately. „Sun” the origin is also very mysterious...... Really, Mr. Fool also has the subordinate in the reality...... Audrey sees became Sequence Eight „Heart Reader” the dawn finally, which also has other idea, she represses excitedly, smiled faintly: „I do not have the opinion.” „I do not have.” Derrick sees can attain „Sun” at the scene path outset sequence, nods without hesitation, does not care about the following compensation. Was removed beyond this tripartite transaction standpoint that „Hanged Man” Argel has not spoken, although he truly can get so far as „Eulogizer” formula, but this must wait for similarly for 1-2 weeks. At this time, succeeds „Fool that” will compensate to delay next time or under will get together next time Klein to proceed the hand to press happy, has appeared „Eulogizer” formula: „Principal material, crystallizes the sun plant one or the tail feathers of tail feathers or arson bird of

growing up flint bird...... The stone of sea-nymph together or sang sunflower one...... Accessory material, midsummer grass, in July liquor juice five drops, a Elf dark leaf piece......” He this formula „biography” to „Sun” front, seeing the opposite party to knit the brows first, at once stretches. Un, the Land Abandoned by Gods material name definitely was also maintaining the ancient characteristics...... Fortunately, my this formula is there obtains from „Eternal Blazing Sun” directly, has to label ancient name/reputation, there are various substitutes...... Klein had the institute to carry over „justice” vision suddenly young lady. Audrey looked at the eye meditates formula „Sun”, is busy two pages of diaries that gives to remember forcefully by thought of expression. The diary appears above tan parchment immediately, flashed in the Klein hand. He was the same to before, immediately started reading: „On November 3, Matilda was pregnant for three months, I looked that now these female servant from countryside thought them to be pretty, no, I cannot reduce my scale and style, just, Countess Foulle invited me to attend a private party, hehe.” „On November 8, model/pattern. Archbishop Ise has the matter to ask me to help, well, what can I help an archbishop make?” „On November 9, in sequence path was also hiding such secret, Archbishop Ise told me, after becoming Sequence

Five extraordinary, following can substitute with sequence of another 12 path correspondences partially mutually! Also is these step starts sequence to high sequence! But this is only restricted in that 12, once replaced wrong path magical medicine, half-crazy was the lightest result, moreover following was impossible to obtain to promote again.” „This can start the mutual replace path to have in Sequence Four, ‚Sleepless’ path with ‚Corpse Collector’ path, un, church's ‚Erudite’ path ’ path can also each other substitute in high sequence with ‚ Inquisitor of Secrets.” ps: On Monday two complete, asks the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket ~   

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LM :: Volume #1 #145: Request of cooperation( asked monthly ticket)   

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Certain can path replace after Sequence Five mutually? This is different from the Night Watcher internal view! Didn't choose path again unable to change? Did not say that is on the wrong road, although will obtain strangely, strange ability, but also definitely half-crazy, isn't able to promote

again? In this is hiding unexpectedly also certain exception! Klein looks at the diary, the eye pupil micro. He did not suspect that Great Emperor Russell will make out of whole cloth at this matter, after all between that surprised is so true, but he does not think the news that Russell receives on the absolutely correct, the opposite party also has is deceived and understanding wrong possibility. This matter treats the confirmation...... First writes down...... Klein was reminding oneself one at heart, and ponders over this matter thoroughly: If the description of Russell does not have the issue, the water in that sequence path is very deep...... conceal many secrets...... Complete path that Night Watcher grasps is „Sleepless”, relatively complete that at least can arrive at Sequence Four „Corpse Collector”, the result they can replace after Sequence Five mutually...... magical medicine formula of other chain links are incomplete, even only then initial...... Similarly, God of Steam and Mechanics church's complete path is „Erudite”, what is relatively complete is „Inquisitor of Secrets”, they can also each other substitute in the high level...... Interesting...... Does not know that which path my „Divinator” sequence can with replace mutually? At that time together the Great Emperor mentioned „Apprentice” and „Thief”? Un, „Divinator” path is very possible is front five sequence provides an ability

respectively, unites in Sequence Four, that in this step, should unable to use other magical medicine substitution...... Klein takes back the train of thought that will focus in the diary. At this time, he discovered that two pages of diaries seem like are linked to each other, but the concrete content does not link up, is the records of two times, when this is the successor traces the transcription the mistake of suspect. „On April 9, Eternal Blazing Sun church, Lord of Storms church, God of Knowledge and Wisdom church, each other relations were bad, was hostile to mutually, but Goddess of the Night church and Fusac Empire God of War church as incompatible as fire and water, these were can use, matter that also warranted consideration.” „On April 13, I attended the meeting of that ancient organization, cannot think that they are also the member of this organization, is really frightening.” „Originally second piece Flagstone of Blasphemy in this organization hand, my first time sees the divine object in this legend!” „Really, it is hiding the secret that is hard to imagine, hehe, perhaps in the future one day, I must make one to belong to my Flagstone of Blasphemy, no, is one group, each block must contain an ultimate secret!” I scratch, the Great Emperor, you said actually that ancient organization name is anything! Your I am very like this uncomfortable! Perhaps, perhaps, Russell out of

certain goals, no, or does not dare, writes down the name of that organization, even if he is using Chinese...... Klein looks is the heart itchy and has doubts. However, from this page of diaries, he confirmed finally Great Emperor Russell has looked at second piece Flagstone of Blasphemy, and afterward was copying it to manufacture a playing card, each corresponds a path of God playing card. Un, perhaps is corresponds the path of God ultimate secret...... Whose hand does not know this 22 playing card now in...... That ancient organization is actually grasping second piece Flagstone of Blasphemy...... The Klein train of thought phonograph, has thought. But he restrains various ideas quickly, turns away from the diary, looks to „Hanged Man” and „justice” and „Sun”, smiles to say with a smile: „Actually you can not use I.” „This is our being honored. Hanged Man” Argel already restrained discontentedly, responded humbly. Audrey has thought, smiled faintly: „The means of that public test selection affairs official Mr. Fool, you described before obtained the approval of king and prime minister, soon passes in Upper House and Lower House, it is expected that at the beginning of next year, will be in the official implementation stage.” „It seems like the king and prime minister have the brain.” The Argel routinely taunt said. Un, by the beginning of next year, by the Benson intelligence quotient, by his

diligence and studiousness, should be able to achieve and ruled lines in the grammars and accountant two aspects...... However, so long as Upper House and Lower House pass, various newspapers will definitely indulge in unbridled propaganda, does not know Benson how long first sends the superiority to maintain...... More early tests well...... Ai, such short time, Benson is impossible the elite who exceeds each university to graduate, but does not need to exceed, the post that they must compete at all will not be the same, in these fellow eyes only will perhaps be staring at Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Finance secretary and so on position...... Only smiles to nod the head, has not spoken „Fool” Klein in worried for the Elder Brother at heart. Saw Fool to agree the nod, the lumbodorsal region of Audrey supports straight, then said with a smile: „Mr. Hanged Man, you let the matter that I confirmed before, I got the answer, the king was convinced by the prime minister, in a short time in doing obeisance the bright east coast retaliates Fusac Empire, I think before you should pay , the extra pay of granting.” Argel as if silent several seconds said in the ponder: „Just young lady, thanked your answer very much, this made me not need to be worried about certain matters again, what extra reward did you hope to obtain? So long as, I will consider within a reasonable scope.”

Audrey early is prepared to say with a smile: „The Psychology Alchemy Union clue, or ‚Heart Reader’ the clue of magical medicine formula primary materials, naturally, after this can wait till ‚Sun’ to give me, formula does again.” „Does not have the issue.” Argel did not reply wordy. With „Hanged Man” with side, but has separated two positions „Sun” Derrick. Bergh is hearing to be confused, is exceptionally vacant, only thinks oneself can understand almost every word, but links not to know that was any meaning. The means of any public test selection affairs official, any king and prime minister, Upper House and Lower House, anything do obeisance the bright east coast, any Fusac Empire, any Psychology Alchemy Union, he does not understand completely. Fusac, the stem is the variant of giant, what relations has with the crash giant royal court? Derrick looked at „justice”, looked at „Hanged Man”, suddenly thought oneself not necessarily with two people in the same world. could it be that in the place of curse somewhere, in the city of very remote place distance silver, has more than one city-state, even has formed the state? Derrick remains silent, audits peacefully, understood indistinctly why mysterious Fool must say the socalled cash compensation that „justice” gives, oneself is not necessarily able to receive. Can draw great distance such remote person in the same

place, has disregarded these terrifying monsters of place of dark deep place curse, Fool perhaps is really the Spiritual God, ancient Spiritual God...... He such as wants to say. Completed had expected that Audrey of all matters planned to make peaceful Audience, but thinks suddenly another matter, opened the mouth to say busily: „I contacted some extraordinary circles recently, understood that is called expert of Mr. A, Mr. Fool, Mr. Hanged Man, solar mister, do you know his background and real status?” I do not know that you were saying anything...... Derrick remains silent. Mr. A? I only know Mr. z...... Such close code name, is could it be that also Aurora Union? Klein is making the suspicion at heart, has not actually opened the mouth to reply. He must maintain oneself image, does not do not to have the reply of too big assurance as far as possible, if has faced this situation, description also unclearly, likely zealot. Argel looked at Fool, sees him not to change tranquilly, is hard to guess the true idea, therefore considers is opening the mouth saying: „Aurora Union continuously in view of Lord of Storms church, Eternal Blazing Sun church and God of Knowledge and Wisdom church, therefore, compared with other organizations, these three big church knew about Aurora Union, but I knew some situations from their there.” Does not need to explain, I know you are the

person of storm, naturally, possibly is 25 young...... However, why is the Aurora Union hatred object just most ancient three big church? The Klein smile did not speak, looks at „Hanged Man” tranquilly. Argel knows that own sequence path definitely cannot hide the truth from Fool, does not care continues saying: „Aurora Union has five Saint and 22 Envoy of God, these Envoy of God take the letter as the code name, says Mr. A x gentlemen...... They least are also Sequence Seven extraordinary, most has Sequence Five, is quite good at hiding oneself...... Dies Envoy of God to have new Envoy of God to replace.” „I did not determine Mr. A who you said whether is Aurora Union Mr. A, can only say that very big possibility, as for the Aurora Union situation, I had told you before.” Audrey hears the slight nod, alerts to Mr. A. She slightly somewhat loves dearly opens the mouth saying: „Thank your reply, Mr. Hanged Man, that extra pay, you, you do not need to pay.” „No, I hope that and more extra pays asked you to help busy with the reply.” The Argel sinking sound said. „What busy?” The Audrey doubts asked. Argel has thought several seconds of say/way: „I receive the information, will be known as ‚in hurricane’ big pirate Zielinger, the secret came ashore, has submerged Beckland, does not know that wants to make anything, I hope that you helped me find his whereabouts, as for the following matter, did not

need you to take risk.” „‚In hurricane’ Zielinger? One of seven pirate generals?” The Audrey eye opens slightly, nearly cannot maintain the Audience condition. After becoming extraordinary, is the matter that she most wants to handle what? Naturally before is contacts these, only has the character in aristocrat legend! „Right, he is also ‚Sailor’ path Sequence Six extraordinary ‚Wind Caretaker’, simultaneously has mysterious goods, can be called sealed item, he is quite deceitful and cruel, do not try to cope with him.” Argel serious introduction said. Here, his leaning head, looked suddenly to Klein said: „Mr. Fool, I can request that your family does provide the help at crucial moments? I will pay price that you are interested.” My family only then I...... Klein to spit the way of trough to ease the mood, said with a smile slightly: „Premise is my family just in Beckland.” „Good.” Argel was somewhat disappointed and somewhat anticipated that takes back the line of sight.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #146: Hunger of creeping motion   

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„What specialness do Zielinger that mysterious goods have?” At this time, the Audrey quite a little confidence asked. She had considered a moment ago seriously, actually thought oneself have the good looking for missing persons ability in Beckland. First, her father is in the aristocrat the top rich and powerful people, has the good prestige and personal connection, but she, is also very popular in the younger generation, the resources that therefore, in the social middle and upper level, unknowingly can utilize is a lot. Next, two extraordinary friends who she knows at present also respectively have the circle, „Apprentice” thinks is the clinic doctor originally, present new promote Author, in literary world, in publishing industry, in being situated in the doctor of middle class, knows many people. „Arbitrator” rests. Dille , helping the middle and lower level people coordinate and arbitrate the event for a long time, in Beckland east district, in labor social stratum, in many criminal syndicates organize, is known, the secret channel are many. The circle that other extraordinary that in addition they contact, as well as other extraordinary develops, the energy of looking for missing persons cannot be underestimated. Facing „justice” the issue, „Hanged Man” Argel almost does not have any hesitation, does not need the ponder directly to reply: „The true name of that mysterious goods is not known, but

understood that some people called it for ‚hunger of creeping motion’, a Zielinger every other day must satisfies it with a soul and flesh and blood of live person, otherwise it will replace with oneself master.” „This is can be used to seek to even up Ringes's vital clue.” Audrey frowned to say. Regarding that type the evil goods that earnestly seeks the live person blood and soul, she from the heart feels ill, very loathing. „Yes, but in metropolises at least 5 million population, missing of several tramps will not pay attention.” Argel reminded one, then said that „, since obtains ‚hunger of creeping motion’, Zielinger becomes very nasty.” „He is only one ‚Wind Caretaker’, has the good extraordinary capability in the water, wind and weather domain, but afterward, the people discovered that he can make the goal the hysterical/frenzy, can enter others' dreamland, can summon the ray purification dead souls, can strengthen itself with the singing sound, can turn into the appearances of different person...... Almost omnipotent.” Argel quite in detail described, „we suspected these were ‚hunger of creeping motion’ this mysterious goods bring......” His words have not said that peaceful audit „Sun” Derrick. Bergh stunned escapes the tastes: „Shepherd!” „Shepherd”? „Worshiper of Secrets” „Listener” path Sequence Five? Un, the city of silver „six people of

discussing official business groups” in had the elder of new promote are „Shepherd”, it is said was formidable can resist Sequence Four expert, was equal to the rank evil spirit...... The Klein's facial expression has the change, but was covered up by the grayish white mist, but at this time, that Audience did not have to focus on his body. „Shepherd?” „Shepherd?” „Justice” and „Hanged Man” also voices, complete doubts, surprised, where as if has listened to „Shepherd” this name, knows some situations, but actually does not understand the concrete detail. Saw everybody's vision to throw itself on, Derrick was a little immediately flustered, he again was silent reserved, sad depressed, was only a youngster. He is busy at stuttering to explain: „My meaning is, ‚’ the characteristics that Hanged Man enumerates look like Shepherd very much ‚’ the extraordinary capability of this sequence occupation, each ‚Shepherd’ can others' soul, including the resentful soul and evil spirit, swallows within the body, and with the unique way urges these souls, the correspondence to use their certain abilities, like is herding the lamb for the Spiritual God.” „Therefore, no one knows that ‚Shepherd’ actually has many abilities, this only depended on them to swallow many extraordinary soul, but this made them appear very fearful, nearly was equal to high sequence expert.” „But some people suspected,

‚Shepherd’ can swallow the soul that and herd to have the quantity limit, but can make the change.” Originally „Shepherd” the meaning is sequence path that this...... „Aurora Union” grasps as always strange...... The object who no wonder they believe is „True Creator”, no, „Corrupt Creator”...... Klein one suddenly, but has not nodded, displays appearance that already knew. Meanwhile, he was sighing at heart: „Sun”, you really are also only a child, this is very important news, very important information, can bring to receive in exchange for the valuable thing, you actually like this said! Said...... Un, that needs by the ability and Sequence Five that the mysterious goods of seal „hunger of creeping motion” displays „Shepherd” looks like very much...... Can many sealed item also coordinatedly approach some sequence occupation, that under out of control condition...... Does not know that which sequence occupation sealed item „2-049” that Antigonus family puppet can with resemble...... Listens to „Sun” explanation, „Hanged Man” Argel as if solved some riddle to select, for a while was silent. „Justice” Audrey curiously asked: „Which sequence path is Shepherd? sequence several?” „‚Worshiper of Secrets’ path, 5.” Klein seizes the opportunity, trace place, to express own anything knows. „‚Worshiper of Secrets’...... Aurora Union......” Audrey has thought suddenly that doubtful „Aurora Union” Envoy of God

Mr. A, is a little suddenly sad. She starts seriously to ponder, pondered oneself can receive in exchange for Mr. Fool with any price take action, solves that disgusting fellow with ease, but thinks it over, has not thought how must touch Mr. Fool. Really, influential figure of close Spiritual God is not easy to move...... Goods and matter that they are interested in originally not many...... Audrey was sighing one at heart. She who temporarily gives up impulsing felt grateful the place to „Sun”, thanked him to make everybody has the new guess to „hunger of creeping motion”, can thus make reasonably more effective dealing. „Mr. Hanged Man, I am willing to accept this request, but I did not guarantee that can find ‚in hurricane’ Zielinger.” Audrey is then looking at the opposite say/way. „Did not compare this better answer again, no matter you whether succeeds, so long as makes the attempt, I later will pay your certain reward, for example certain secret knowledge and information, if can be successful, perhaps I can directly provide you ‚Heart Reader’ the primary materials, naturally, the premise is we must know that is anything.” Argel pledged with the unusual generous manner. „Deal.” Audrey sips the lower jaw, the faint smile replied. Then, Argel in Klein's permits and under the help, had has appeared Zielinger portrait. One of these seven big pirate generals have the characteristic wide chin, the

brown hair gripped the chignon of ancient warrior after the brain, the dark green eye pupil seemed holding the happy expression, but actually exceptionally ice-cold. Discussed that matter of this discussion, after sharing this share the information, lords over the Fool Klein smile of head to announce that finished today to this, then sees „justice” and „Hanged Man” sets out to salute deftly, seeing „Sun” to be half beat behind imitates. Before his right hand pressed, has interrupted the relation, but oneself has not left immediately. ............ The city of silver, Bergh Family/Home. Periphery Derrick looks at the familiar arrangement, looks at outside to delimit the lightning dark sky, for a while a little suddenly. But he sobers quickly, turns discovers a kind of parchment and feather pen, brushes the brush holder to remember forcefully „Eulogizer” formula has written down from memory. He looked repeatedly several, finally confirmed that does not have the issue. Derrick was not worried oneself have „Eulogizer” formula, becomes the alternative extraordinary matter, the upper formation by silver city will be suspected, because in the beforehand exploration motion each time, the members of elite squad from the monster, will be abandoned in the destroyed city from these more or less obtains some formula, materials and strange goods. But in this process, some people harbor a point are the quite normal matters, so long

as does not involve too important these, captain and high levels tacitly did not investigate. Accumulates for a long time, certain formula start to circulate in the silver city unofficial channel, some become around the family generation powerful basic silver city dark thing characteristics relatively is fixed, some materials are easy to obtain, some must penetrate the place of curse hopefully to meet. Put away the parchment, Derrick has remembered the urging of mysterious Fool, therefore the crude bedroom, the low head, simply was praying: „Does not belong to this era The Fool” „above the grey mist mysterious ruler.” „King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.” ...... Giant language is very ancient language, itself has the sacrificial offering, pray and mystique, therefore Derrick does not need to transfer ancient Hermes language again. ............ „Does not belong to this era The Fool” ...... Silent sat on ancient bronze long table Klein of head hears paced back and forth in Erbian the hope sound, saw „Sun” the dark red stars of correspondence in the inflation and contraction. But he has not tried to contact, planned when will get together next time ahead of time the dozen minutes responded again, let that the silver city youngster were ready to live alone by this. But what of this is most important was makes him dodge the conversion of time and date, reduces possibility that the Fool formidable image

damaged. Confirmed that this matter, Klein wraps itself with spirituality, fiercely downward whip. Returned to the room, Klein to relieve the wall of spirituality, made the rest to prepare to go out slightly once more. He has not needed to act Divinator now again, does not need to take going to Divination Club as the fixed schedule, occasionally earns an extra income to that side, carried out the Night Watcher supervisory duty to be good. Klein is hope well lazy afternoon, but afterward thinks that the matter has not been done, has to buoy up according to the agreement again, he looks to spy Henry today, attains the final report of red chimney investigation. „Ai, it is said influential figure is very busy...... Later must find time to go to ‚Thengen City help family servant’ with Benson and Melissa together association, asks a good odd jobs female servant......” Klein to struggle is replacing the shirt, wears the black coattails coat, is taking half high silk top hat and inlays the silver cane, went out of the front door like the gentleman. Besick Street, under Henry private detective office, Klein wears the mask, pulls down the hat, through the street, entered the stairway fast.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #147: Late at night visitor

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In private detective institute. „Sir, your request was completed.” Front private detective Henry of tobacco and liquor throat looks wears the black coattails, wears half high silk top hat and dark color obstructs the gentleman of face mask, relax said, „this is really not a easy duty, it is not difficult, but has spent we too many energy, said honestly, I regretted, regretted to open the price to be low before.” No, no matter how you said, I will not pay additionally again, even if one penny! Klein was emphasizing at heart, points at thick one pack of documents on tea table saying that „this is the report?” „Yes.” Henry holds down at least 60 pages of reports, said with a sigh, „this was I have done troublesome......” His voice has not fallen, sees Klein to hand over four 1 pound paper money, therefore the attention shifted above the identification truth. „This is complete tail funds.” Klein puts out a hand to grasp that thick report. Henry coughed two sound tracks: „You are really a gentleman of honest code of honor, yeah, I most start not to think that the report can use these many paper, completely beyond my budget.” At this moment, Klein takes up that very thick report, brushed to stand. He bows slightly, immediately takes the cane to move toward the front door. The

sequence utterance that Henry spies like this was stopped up in the throat. Hey, will I possibly pay for the paper expenses of report? This contains in overall request expense! Klein has traced under the other 5 pounds 8 sule pin money, in whispered at heart, walks to Besick Street on quickly. All around he observes first, confirmed that nobody pays attention to himself, resourcefully leaves here, found the opportunity to loosen the mask. Klein has not planned to go home now, but prepares nearby to look for a cafe, will hurry the report to make a reorganization, will discover after his divination to „red chimney”, there are these houses that the lessee will change, will then take advantage of the time investigation part before supper. The cafe of nearby block are quite many, but almost does not have one to meet the Klein's requirement , since the steam and machinery become the symbols of era, more and more cafes reduced oneself style, turned into existence of inexpensive dining room, is providing the tea for the busy labors, the coffee, the bread, the toasted bread, as well as the baby pea cooks lamb mutton and other cooked food, therefore, the dignified gentlemen and ladies no longer to the cafe conversation matter, no longer take this behavior as the symbol of status, all kinds of clubs started to appear, have replaced originally the public relations function of cafe. Walked the period of time,

Klein had finally found an environment also to calculate the good cafe. After sitting to the covert corner booth, his sips the mouth has only needed three and a half pennies Nanville coffee, has opened the report prudently. „...... In the Thengen City North area, east district, west district, Southern District, Golden Parasol District and wharf area and big school district, a total of 1179 houses have the dark red chimney...... In the Thengen City suburb, 546 houses have that red chimney that the employer described...... This has not contained to belong to these small towns and villages that Thengen but relatively is far away from.” „The following is the address and corresponding landlord and the lessee information each house, requests according to the employer, will be recent for three months the situations to make a more detailed collection.” ...... Klein pages have swept, is making the record with the fountain pen on the paper that oneself carry unceasingly. Finally, he discovered that after own divination to „red chimney”, 25 houses present the change of lessee. „Does not calculate too, strives for in two days to investigate, un, I have seen that red chimney in dreamland divination, has seen some appearances of that house, so long as in the reality encounters again, definitely will produce familiar on spirituality, thus confirmed the goal, simply speaking, I was flesh investigation......” Klein silent

nod the head, according to the difference of house place, planned that 15 that today must go. As for such motion is whether dangerous, he does not need divination to get the answer. Since presented the lessee change, that indicated that was been uncoordinated by own destiny, always runs into the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of coincidence event to leave! We hope that can know the former lessee from room Dongkou the appearance that...... However, since that conceal can affect my destiny in the secret fellows, making the coincidence seem like naturally appears, definitely also will have the means eliminate own has the trace...... Ai, can only implore the goddess, making that fellow present certain oversight...... Klein aspirated, rouses spirit forcefully, puts on silk top hat, with the good cane and report, set out to go out of the cafe. Then, he spent 2 sule to hire two rounds hackney coaches, snatched has the house of red chimney to run that 15 before the supper, what what a pity was, that in his dreamland did not see. „ If tomorrow's investigation this result, the matter has troubled, he actually was also occupied by before by the red chimney house that in my divination came out...... This either explained that he has enough self-confidence, is not afraid my investigation, even is not afraid seizing of Thengen City Night Watcher squad, either indicated that he

does not know oneself have exposed, those who afterward resisted my divination is one type completely does not belong to his strength...... Klein stands in the Narcissus Flower Street 2 nd entrance, is analyzing possibilities. Crossed for several minutes, he has patted some dust on black coattails, has pressed under half high silk top hat of top of the head, pulls out the copper system key, the face opens the door to go home including the smile. He planned prepares to cook in a covered vessel the lamb mutton and honey barbecue tonight to Benson and Melissa. ............ 11 : 00 pm, said mutually the brother and sister three people of good night entered oneself bedroom respectively. The Klein closing up door, before standing desk, the ray of gas lamp, was looking at outside a bow window, at this time, a nearby block darkness, only then few street lights in directing direction, the stars crustification of upper air on the black theater curtain, is not bit by bit defined. „Does not know that was known as ‚the place of hope’, ‚ten thousand’ Beckland can be any appearance......” Klein silent whispered, puts out a hand to grip the curtain arrange/cloth, prepares to draw. ! At this moment, gloomy and cold wind does not have the indication to blow, the ray of gas lamp suddenly becomes cloudy green. Klein withdrew subconsciously several steps, had the professional instinct to make the left tooth knock on very much

lightly two, at the same time, he by to the head, attempted took under the pillow to press the pistol fiercely. In his line of sight, on gas lamp under and desk above wall highlighted a face suddenly, not having the eye not to have the nose, only then the translucent face of mouth! „Do not open fire.” That face opens gathers the mouth to say. Can exchange? Klein with the spear/gun in the hand, has aimed at the goal. „What do you want to make?” His sinking sound asked. That face sends out the chuckle sound said: „I am Daly.” Daly? „Spiritualist” Daly? Was adjusted Beckland church „Spiritualist” Daly? The Klein doubts knit the brows: „Ms. Daly?” „I know that such visit is extremely crude, should inform your one ahead of time, making you be fully prepared, but, I do not facilitate now meet with you directly, can only and you exchanges through this little fellow.” That translucent non- eye non- nose face has smiled one. Although the voice is not right, faintly recognizable ear-piercing, but truly is Ms. Daly speech style...... „Spiritualist” the ability also is really very dazzles...... Klein has sighed with emotion one secretly, does not have the dangling muzzle to ask: „Madame, what do you want to exchange with me?” „If I am you, I will seal the bedroom with spirituality first, otherwise, your family member thinks that your spirit has the issue.” The translucent strange face teased, „hehe, you do not need such to alert, I was the letter that

because Dunn mailed the secret returned to Thengen, you know that Night Watcher cannot leave own area of jurisdiction at will.” „captain letter?” Klein has not approached the desk, but tries to find out „sacred night powder” from the black windproof coat inside camera bag on pin rail. „I and Dunn are extraordinary that the Thengen City Night Watcher squad grows, the relations maintain very well, he last Thursday, right, on Thursday, has mailed a letter to me, mentioned your matter, said you imitate the Inquisitor of Secrets maxim, summarized own the Divinator rules from the divination behavior ‚’, and claimed that this helped you grasp magical medicine effectively, thus no longer appeared hears should not hear the sound, seeing the situation that should not see the picture, Dunn saying that this looked like me very much.” „Hehe, don't you seal the room really? I did not mind that misunderstands anything by your Elder Brother and younger sister.” That translucent face language fast answered not so fast but so slow neither. Originally is this...... Truly is Ms. Daly...... Klein relaxed, filled the inside pocket „sacred night powder”, then before several steps arrived at the desk, put out the ceremony to use the silver knife from the drawer. Constructs the wall of good spirituality fast, he turns around to look to the strange face that on the wall highlights said: „Was Ms. Daly, what captain still believing to say?” „He

expressed oneself doubts, felt oneself grasped anything, but is unable to realize clearly, hopes can obtain my opinion.” Daly with the aid of not having the strange face of non- nose said that „, but I read that letter this morning, I know, you absolutely not like you yourself indicate ignorant, hehe, Mr. Moretti, I thinks that you should summarize acting method!” „Is this you looks for my goal?” Klein already does not have surely not to have negative to ask. Daly knew „acting method” explicitly...... He has been judging one at heart calmly. Daly makes that translucent face show smiling some expressions: „Yes.” „I think that we should at this matter each other honest, I know that you summarized acting method, you definitely also know that I grasped acting method, yeah, what was unpleasant, I have used close two years, clearly realized, but you, became extraordinary a half a month.” Heard the Daly words, Klein has considered the moment, then confidently has smiled saying with a smile: „This is because has you to set my example.” He wants saying that „I stand on the shoulder of giant”, but the decision does not give Great Emperor Russell to have the opportunity in own ear finally again. ps: The matter of activity, I already knew, reads the article and my ditch passes, but, I must come according to my rhythm, in the recent several days in the family/home the old person birthday, I back and forth

am rushing about, in addition front several days erupt quite much, must therefore adjust, un, strive before the activity ended can once more in addition, in brief, this is the new book top carriage moon/month, behind in addition will not be short, as for these duties, has completed two, hit to enjoy this matter, the top carriage first day everybody hits to enjoy many suffices, now does not need to demand.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #148: Messengers   

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Klein's replied that let the Daly chuckle, the translucent face of that mouth said: „Even if you obtained the inspiration from the Inquisitor of Secrets maxim, has determined the idea from my experience and performance, but only clearly realized that with one month ‚acting’, summarizes own ‚the Divinator rules’, showed sufficiently you have the outstanding intelligent and open thought.” Klein has not pestered this to let his afraid topic, then asked: „Madame, whether the church high level knows this, this so-called ‚acting method’?” „, They are without a doubt clear, I had glanced through the

church's historic information, seeks for these fast to promote disregards the rule similar, discovered that such Night Watcher such bishop are not few, I am not most special that but their results......” spoke of here, Daly has stopped intentionally, the expression somewhat seemed to be serious. „Do they have what kind of result?” Klein heart one tight, blurts to ask. could it be that Goddess of the Night does church regard „acting method” is the enticement of Evil God devil? That did not have not to have the translucent face of nose non- ear to smile making noise suddenly: „Their results are quite happy, and sacrificed the part in unusual event except for out-ofcontrol, remaining at least became the archbishop or the senior deacon, not deficient successful promote elevated sequence expert, the volume, in goddess church, Sequence Four and sequence 3 was called Saint, sequence 2 and Sequence One was ground Angel, naturally, each Angel once was Saint.” ...... Ms. Daly, you were frightening me a moment ago intentionally...... The Klein corners of the mouth move slightly, has not concealed own doubts to ask: „Since church already grasped acting method, why didn't tell each Night Watcher it?” „Although this cannot avoid losing control completely, but can definitely significantly cut the corresponding probability, reduces the senseless loss.” That translucent, only then the face of mouth appeared

little confused: „Why I do not know, they told me, when I became the archbishop or the senior deacon, can understand that the secret in this aspect, I look for you today, was hopes that you before submitting special requisition, quite told Dunn acting method clearly.” Klein had not asked that stupidly opposite party why do not handle this matter, but looking pensive said: „Once paid attention by church, must make the commitment, works out the pledge, didn't tell others acting method?” „Yes, in front of the goddess halidom, swore in his name, this has enough binding force, believes me, you do not want to know consequence that absolutely violates, I can only grasp the acting method person to chat now with your this type similarly, your condition before you replied told me the answer, therefore I dare saying that noun.” Daly makes that strange face sigh. She under also said: „I initially was only the indistinct assurance to acting essence, thus digested magical medicine quickly, right, in the church high level, with the digestion described magical medicine grasped, I think that this was appropriate, in brief, made the pledge in me, before being informed ‚acting method’, to this matter not very clear cognition, is unable to remind Dunn accurately they.” „I gave up, has not thought that will meet you, before submitting special requisition, clearly realizes ‚acting method’ rare and beautiful flowers, no, genius.” Originally you think so

my, Madame...... The Klein corners of the mouth have pulled out, solemn promise: „I planned taking advantage of the matter of special requisition reminded captain ‚acting method’ existence, some woman's your explanation, I have not needed to be worried about anything.” „Is very good, you are really a good young fellow.” In the Daly expression is passing obvious relaxation. Madame, you as if only compared with me greatly 2-3 years old...... Klein has been pointing out the issue of opposite party at heart. Does not wait for him to open the mouth, that translucent strange face continues saying: „If you have any issue, or has the place that anything needs to help, can write to me, when I, hehe, when I become the archbishop or the senior deacon, understood why church hides ‚acting method’ secret, I will suggest the quality of your this matter.” Klein hears the spirit to inspire, asked without hesitation: „Madame, is your address?” For him, the helper can many be many, moreover this is the relative powerful „Spiritualist”! Facing Klein that does not decline, Daly silent several seconds, said with a smile lightly: „Our exchanges should not through the post office, not use the normal correspondence, this unusual is unsafe.” „I teach you relatively simple magical ceremony, it can summon a unique spirit, is my spirit, correspondence that you will write to it, it will give me accurately, the speed cannot compare the

telegram, but quick steam train, you complete at noon, can receive situated in Beckland I in the evening.” Klein is listening dedicated, slight nod said: „Very practical magical ceremony.” Daly said with a smile lowly: „This magical ceremony characteristics are approach themselves to implore, from the spirituality extraction strength, does not need through the Spiritual God , is quite covert, but the might often is not big.” „...... First, you choose the corresponding domain herbal medicine and volatile oil, this point and normal magical ceremony anything have not distinguished, but the candle only needs to symbolize own that...... Then, is the incantation part, this three, first is ‚I’, shouted lowly with ancient Hermes language, Giant language and giant dragon language or Elven language ‚I’, second is ‚I by my name summon’, can change to Hermes language, third is the concrete description of summon, after for example you, is going to use: Paces back and forth the spirit in fabrication, the upper boundary creature of urged, belongs to Daly alone. Simone's messenger.” Upper boundary? In the mystery science domain, this often refers to spiritual world...... Klein earnest memory, while is analyzing the flow of ceremony. In this regard, he reluctantly was an expert. ...... This magical ceremony advantage has gone round the Spiritual God, pure use's strength, can by the limit of Spiritual God

respective domain, not be obtained the multiple magic arts effect, the issue is, this relies on own strength, the weak one is permanent, expert permanent...... Klein felt oneself acquired the new knowledge, this is mystery science that he sequence is unable to relieve at present. Daly described repeatedly several, emphasized seriously: „Remember, do not change the concrete description of summon at will, such is very easy to bring in the fearful monster.” „Good.” The Klein honest nod said. Meanwhile, he has thought of a matter suddenly: If changes to the description of summon „does not belong to this era Fool, above the grey mist mysterious ruler, King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck”, what thing will summon? Absolutely does not have the effect, grey mist arrives suddenly, or needs me to go to that piece of mysterious space to make a response? Can this help me many skid the above the grey mist strength? What fearful chain-reaction can this bring in? Just on made successful Klein also to remain in „variation solar sacred emblem” the fear, finally complied with the wish of heart, planned to go to above the grey mist to occupy a divination first, then decided that must attempt. He thinks, is interested asks: „Madame, if uses acting method strictly ‚’, how long needs from Sequence Eight to Sequence Seven, when needs to Sequence Six from Sequence Seven?”

„According to I have read material, Sequence Eight to the Sequence Seven three months to two years both has, this depends on you whether can the quick comprehension core spirit and corresponding rule in the process of acting, takes a half year to three years Sequence Seven to Sequence Six, is also similar Sequence Six to Sequence Five, Sequence Five arrives at Sequence Four, three years to 20 years......” Daly described approximately. Klein smiled suddenly: „Therefore, woman you already to Sequence Six?” He listens to Dunn to raise, Daly „Corpse Collector” „” Grave Digger has used for one year to Sequence Eight from Sequence Nine, „Spiritualist” similarly has used for one year to Sequence Seven from „Grave Digger”, but she becomes extraordinary five years, in other words, Daly this level had almost three years in „Spiritualist”. „Yes, this is also I adjusts the Beckland church reason.” That translucent strange face replied confidently, „my present occupation is ‚Necromancer’, but, I like ‚Spiritualist’ this name, was good, this little fellow was tired, I must leave, in this case, I did not say may the Goddess bless you.” „Wish you to have a good dream.” Klein presses the chest by the hand, with a smile good a ritual. „No, tonight will not have the good dream, I must hurry back to Beckland, this is not the pleasant experience, has the relations...... the Daly sound to

be getting more and more low like the person who and does not like”, that translucent non- eye nonnose face retracted slowly in the wall, has not left a trace. The ray of gas lamp one greatly bright, all cloudy green vanishes without the trace. Has opened spirit vision Klein to look at such change, good half genius to recover. „Spiritualist, no, Necromancer is really fierce, can cause the mysterious domain unexpectedly ‚messenger’...... Does not know how my Sequence Seven and Sequence Six will have specially......” him silent to talk to oneself two, have fast relieved the wall of spirituality and has extinguished the gas lamp of bedroom, lay down peacefully on the bed in darkness. He has not planned to go to above the grey mist tonight, must guard against Daly to return suddenly, comes a Dunn Smith classical famous saying, „was right, I have forgotten a matter”. When the time comes, even to silence a witness of crime cannot accomplish! ............ Next day, Klein three minutes entered Black Thorns Security Company ahead of time. „Good morning, Klein, the new civilian personnel came!” The Roseanne smiling face greets brightly. Klein feels for the opposite party heartfeltly happy: „Congratulates you, Roseanne, goddess heard your hope.” „The condition of my skin must come back!” The Roseanne eye shining nods. Exchanged greetings two, Klein moved toward the room

partition, has sounded the gate of captain office. „Come.” The Dunn mellow voice passed on. Klein pushed the door to go, seeing the captain instinct to sit straight the body, making the grey eye pupil deep and quiet, a preparation had the condition that the matter walked. „.” He settles the throat clear, was taking the hat and cane sat, „captain, I had a matter to report.” „What matter?” The Dunn both hands junction grasps, sinking sound asked.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #149: Undisguised upholstery   

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Klein looked at eye serious proper Dunn Smith, suddenly shows the smiling face: „captain, I want to understand a matter yesterday.” „What matter?” Dunn has duplicated a issue, leaned against the chairback backward, both hands that the junction grasped is loose. Before Klein recalled the next, dozen of good mental notes saying: „I in learning my beforehand lessons, I think that the magical medicine name itself contained one set of a series of rules, helping us grasp magical medicine, avoids the rule of negative impact, when we follow this set of

rule handles the matter, as if became the public figure of appropriate professional.” „Similarly, these rules are the implications, nobody told you directly, can only bit by bit summarize from the corresponding occupation, then acted according to the different effect feedbacks to revise.” „Therefore, when I become true Divinator in Divination Club, after having belongs own ‚the Divinator rules’, puzzled my talking during sleep and photism vanishes.” „This is the matter that I want to understand.” Spoke these words, Klein aspirated secretly, except for has not selected „acting” directly, he should say said. Ai, only hopes that captain does not want, when church sends for inquiring, said me to have such clear idea, such will make me receive many attention...... In addition „Divinator” path and Antigonus family factor, when the time comes, will perhaps have not the small trouble...... However, captain has also seen many storms, has the rich experience and not the low wisdom person, once he clearly becomes aware „acting method”, definitely will realize that concealment of church in corresponding issue, knows oneself should say anything, should not say anything...... The Klein mind train of thought that slightly somewhat is numerous chaotic. However, he set firm resolve quickly, had the plan: If captain this was unable clearly to become aware „acting method”, or has not realized church's to conceal, I

before submitting the special requisition remind him directly! Un, when the time comes first makes a probe, under the determination the rumor...... Dunn secure listened quietly the Klein's description, the gray eye pupil became deeper and quieter. His silent several seconds, put out a hand to rub under the frontal eminence, then took up the tobacco pipe, smelled one. After smelling, he had as if forgotten the stipulation of Night Watcher squad, has pulled out the matchbox conveniently. The bluish white smog leaps slowly, in Dunn semi-closure eye, as if in taste tobacco. Also after a while, he opens the eye, smiles to say with a smile to Klein: „Sorry, forgot that you do not smoke.” „Smokes the injurious to health.” Klein replied seriously. Dunn is taking the tobacco pipe, has thought the evil ways: „I as if also understood something.” No, captain, your anything has not understood! In any case do not loaf toward my dream in frequently! Klein has not opened the mouth to ask back, only outlined the temperate smiling face. „Perhaps, you did not need too for a long time to submit the special requisition......” Dunn deeply to attract a tobacco flavor/smell of mixture peppermint, half jokingly partly sighed that said. Tomorrow? Klein was replying at heart, pulls out the pocket watch, when looked at the next by-path: „captain, I must look for Old Neil, today's mystery science curriculum must start.” „Good.” Dunn is

taking the tobacco pipe, has gazed after Klein to go out. Closes the door of captain office, Klein moves toward the steps to bottom happy, when passed by the civilian personnel office, he sees inside to have a man and a woman two strangers. Newly arrived civilian personnel...... Klein looking pensive nods, and has been making up one at heart: „Separates again for two days, within this week, submits the special requisition to captain!” Then through a series of examinations, becomes Sequence Eight „Clown”! ............ In the low and deep peaceful underground walk, Klein turns to weapons storehouse, has opened the guarding room unlatched front door. „You what happened?” He sees the Old Neil appearance, frightened jumped greatly. The Old Neil energetic dispirited, the complexion is pale, has the yawn to say unceasingly: „I some constipations, tried one to solve this aspect problem recently last night magical ceremony, finally, I whole evening have not had a good sleep finally, has run toward the washroom, to afterward, me has almost fallen asleep on the chamberpot.” Un, constipation issue has been solved...... Sees is not the major problem, Klein a little wants to smile immediately. But he restrained oneself, then asked: „Now was good to select?” Meanwhile, he made the left tooth knock on kindly lightly two, observed Old Neil health energy field with „spirit vision”. The yellow of digesting system,

the orange color of excretion expulsion of toxin position, is a little dim and spot is mixed, but fortunately, within a reasonable scope...... Klein relaxed secretly. „Has been all right, the medicament that I look for Frye wants to flow swiftly.” Old Neil had a yawn to say like the smoker, „today's mystery science curriculum you study independently, in any case also on final 2-3 days of contents.” „Good.” Klein polite, „or I guard weapons storehouse here, studies independently the mystery science curriculum, do you go to the lounge to catch up on the dormancy?” Old Neil instantaneous ball straight lumbodorsal region, flashing eyes reply: „Small Moretti, you are really in Night Watcher is next to Frye have conscience!” „weapons storehouse gave you!” He took up the wool blanket of shop on knee, the tornado ran out of the guarding room, left behind a Klein person to be in a daze there. ............ In the morning, Black Thorns Security Company has gotten the list extra business, escorts a rich merchant to go to the wharf and person trades, Leonard and Kenry completed with ease, have earned many extra incomes, making Klein quite envy. But he as before routinely thorough mysterious, practices the marksmanship, is not known went crazy „suffering” by any exciting Teacher Gawain. Hū, shouts...... Klein opens mouth, the big mouth gasps for breath, good half genius to

restore to take a bath to trade the ability of clothes. After leaving the Gawain home, he continues busily, spent 2 sule to hire a hackney coach, passed by remaining that ten to have the house of red chimney in turn. When the last dark red chimney is far away from his line of sight, the Klein's expression becomes very dignified. „In my divination sees ‚red chimney’ house had not been replacing the ranks of lessee recently...... As the matter stands, the matter has troubled, 1000 600-700 houses, do not know when can investigate...... Ai, this matter, has no way to ask others to help, after all only then I face the goal, has the familiar feeling on that spirituality......” „Cannot be discouraged, cannot give up, so long as has free time, investigates, strives for three months, no, in two months found the goal! Did these that perhaps, I will investigate in the next two days contain the goal?” „Un, goes back to reorganize the material, after far and near regional planning daily investigation route!” Klein is inspiring itself, making the depressed mood be far away. Had him of decision to plan that told the cart driver turned toward Narcissus Flower Street, suddenly discovered that here and residence of Ards teacher was very near. „Before Mister Ards travels, writes a letter to tell me, said that this weekly assembly comes back, but has not raised concretely is several, happen to the way in the past looks, keeps a

paper to him, un, the hackney coach 2 sule 1 hour, almost must be the time now, takes Mister Ards as the end point, later traded public carriage......” Klein rapidly to make the decision. Crossed for four minutes, he goes down the carriage, arrives at outside the Ards main house gate. Here scale is obviously good in Narcissus Flower Street, but is inferior to the Howles Street area, the house front has the lawn, behind supplements the small garden. Ding! Ding! Ding! Klein draws the entrance rope, has sounded the bell in room. Waits for the moment, he hears inside to have the footsteps to transmit, then saw that the front door was opened. Ards of facial features gentle skin color ancient bronzes appears in Klein at present, because at home, he only at will wore the white shirt, the brown waistcoat and brown trousers. „Klein? I just want to write to you.” Ards greeted warmly, „I was just proficient last night.” Klein deeply looked under eye his right ear that tiny black mole saying: „Mister Ards, I found your past clue.” „Really?” The Ards expression one becomes excited, bringing the eye pupil that the vicissitudes are meaning to lose indifferently. „We, went to say.” About Klein looked at one. Ards fast nods, making way position, whatever in the guest enters. He locks in the front door, directing Klein to come to a living room in building, sits to the soft sofa on. „What clue have you discovered?” He asked impatiently. Klein

has not thought that today can meet Mister Ards, organizing the language saying: „I accepted the request recently, went to the abandoning old castle outside Ram small town to remove a resentful soul.” „Ram......” Ards duplicates this name in a low voice, the brow is wrinkling little. Klein looks at the opposite party expression, postpones the language fast say/way: „Except the process of resentful soul , we have discovered something, therefore does the thorough investigation to the small town......” „Has a townspeople to claim has beginning for the portrait of Ram Baron, tries to peddle to me, I watched this oil painting curiously, discovered that paints a portrait on person, except for the hairstyle, the facial features and Mister Ards you looks like, under ear that black mole, has the similar position and similar size.” „That townspeople under my interrogation, transfers the oil painting is more than 40 years ago works, the object but who imitates truly came from to abandon the old castle, truly is a portrait ancient painting that there digs.” „You know that our types the people who has the unique ability have the skill of preliminary distinction lie, but this skill told me, that townspeople has not lain.” The Ards body leans forward listens, the junction grips both hands, good long while has not spoken, throughout is maintaining the speechless silence. Crossed for 56 minutes, he aspirated saying: „Your description has not made me

recall more things, old castle that perhaps, perhaps I must look at that abandoning personally.” „Can you lead me to pass?” „This is my being honored.” Klein early is prepared to reply, „, but I need to go home, so as to avoid the Elder Brother and younger sister were worried.” „Does not have the issue.” Ards brushes stands up.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #150: Discovery of Ards   

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Narcissus Flower Street 2 nd, Klein has selected to Ards , before arriving at the room quickly, pulled out the key to open the front door. Melissa that gone home hears to lock the core rotation the sound, is busy at approaching the living room from the kitchen position. Sees Klein, her eyes pupil opens the mouth to say brightly: „I bought the dish, had the chicken, potato, onion, the meat fish, rape turnip and pea, I have also bought small can of honey.” Younger Sister, did you also adapt to occasional small „luxurious”? Klein smiles a sound said lowly: „Today you prepare supper, does not need to consider that my, I have the matter to need to go out, perhaps early morning comes back, un , helping Ards teacher busy, the Khoy University history department teacher.” Speech at the same time, he partly turned around to refer to the carriage of waiting. The lip of

Melissa opened has gathered two, sips said: „Good.” Klein said goodbye to the Younger Sister, went out of the front door, on the hackney coach of Ards employment, has spent for two hours 40 minutes to arrive in Ram small town. At this time close nine points, the weather is complete, only depends occasionally penetrates the cloud layer scarlet moon and trivial stars illuminates not to have the place of gas street light. Told that the cart driver after small town high grade treats, Klein is leading Ards, stepped went to abandon the path in old castle. Walks is walking, he discovered that Ards is getting quicker and quicker, lets own slightly run can follow, to finally, even became Ards has led the way in front. Klein wants to say anything, may see the opposite party silent face and tight sips lip, will swallow in the words the throat wisely. Under such speed, how long two people are useless, old castle front that arrives at that abandoning. It that almost turns into the ruins quickly is extending the body in the thick darkness toward all around, is irrelevant the apex to the sky, desolate, wild, gloomy, dim. The ancient castle that Ards is staring at this abandoning, has postponed own footsteps. He stopped there, vision was profound from time to time is blurred from time to time, as if in pacing back and forth in dreamland and reality. Suddenly, his pain snort/hum, lifted the hand to press firmly between the fingers the

forehead, the muscle on face twists fiercely. „Mister Ards, you, you how?” Klein starts spirit vision, opens the mouth to ask cautiously. In riding the hackney coach returns to Narcissus Flower Street on the way, he with holding appreciatively the coin way area of concealment has made fast divination, predicted that returns to Ram motion almost not to have any danger. But he believes that divination is not multipurpose, frequently guards against to explain the mistake, or the organization of divination sentence has the issue, in addition the Ards teacher is position mysterious air rich expert, no one knows that he was what kind in the past, does not know him, once the bitter experience stimulation can present anything to respond, discrete, alert and worry also became the Klein normal mood. Ards had not replied immediately, the expression goes forward painfully two steps, loosens presses firmly between the fingers the hand of forehead, is pointing at the front, with a sleep talking tone: „I have seen this old castle in the dream.” „At that time, it was very complete, has the firm outer wall, has the apex of standing tall and erect.” „I remember that there is a horse stable, there is a water well, there is the barracks of soldier, there opened stretch of paddies, was used to plant the potato and sweet potato......” „I remember that there has a practice arena, my child, he is a boy, 7 or 8-year-old likes dragging one

to be upon the jump the extravagant sword that he is higher, said that in the future must become the knight......” „My wife always complained that in the castle is too gloomy, she likes the sunlight, likes the warm feeling......” ...... Is carefully examining opposite party energy field color Klein to hear creepy feeling, but slightly is moved, like personally is experiencing a strange story. This ancient castle really has the relations with Mister Ards...... He is really beginning for Ram Baron, lived 1000 300-400 years of unusual living thing? Actually he is a person, is evil spirit? It is not right, where has under the sunlight to run all over the place, but also has the contact evil spirit with Night Watcher...... Klein cannot control own thought that whatever they each other collide, stimulates more ideas. At this moment, Ards stopped talking during sleep, took a step to enter the front door. He goes through to the interior, does not need the Klein direction, knew extremely well had found the institution, opened the secret door to basement. Grips tightly the stopping stick, Klein falls behind the opposite party two steps, along steps downward, returned to that to place the place of coffin. Before sees differently, the cover of coffin closed up, the warm and pure feeling also dissipates. On coffin quilt...... Should be Frye does, this is „Corpse Collector” work ethics...... Klein looking pensive nods, with spirit vision looks that the mood

chaotic Ards teacher arrives at the coffin front. Ards puts out a hand to promote the coffin cover, has promoted a slit. He is staring in that headless white bones for a long time, wail that suddenly sends out a sad as pain. deng deng deng, the Ards footsteps retrocede heavily, before Klein responded is staggering tumbling, sticks to the wall to fall. He uses the palm to cover the face, such dispiritedly sits, the surrounding environment becomes darker. Klein strives to be first two steps, this treats puts out a hand, but shrank, does not dare to disturb. At this moment, his inspiration told him, present Mister Ards is fearful, fearfully became to the basement gloomy and cold dense. Klein moves the footsteps silently, approached the steps. He believes the Mister Ards moral character, but is afraid the opposite party to lose control. Like this is restless, he waited for several minutes, see Ards to put down both hands finally, stand up slowly. Mister Ards as if had a change...... This is the inspiration gives my answer...... But in spirit vision, his energy field color has not had the obvious change, the mood also and equally was a moment ago low and deep and lost with the pain...... Klein fast is making the judgment, thought that the Ards teacher becomes deeper, is more dignified. „I think something, but is only very small part.” Ards with does not contain mood expression to say. He looks all around one saying: „I

realized that here has let your destiny uncoordinated that strength.” „?” Klein stares first, at once asks pleasantly surprised, „can trace its origin?” That is occupied by the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator in red chimney house except for makes the coincidence in secret, but also arrives at Ram old castle, has taken the head of that black whole body armor knight? Actually does he want to make what? What is his real goal? „Separated for a long time, but, I want to try.” In the Ards low and deep voice as if contains the volcano that will soon be erupting. „Attempts?” Klein asked curiously. Ards turns back that coffin front, stares at inside white bones saying: „He took away my child's skull, I want to find him with the aid of the relation of bloodlines.” Your child? Mister Ards, you confirmed that black armor knight is your child? You also are really the antique...... Loses really once in a while recalls one time? But is this obtains the long life the price? Klein inspired secretly, has to plant in the misconception of contact myth creature. At this time, Ards extended the right hand, has cut the index finger with the sharp thumb nail suddenly. A drop of red blood fell, contaminates on the white bones accurately. It soaks rapidly into, entire will have the skeleton instantaneously becomes blood red. !!! Klein heard crying aloud of baby suddenly, felt that behind who is staring at himself. He draws out the

revolver fiercely, rear area direction, then slowly turns around, but vision institute, empty, exists without any thing. The connection does not exist toward the steps of ground! ! ~! Babies wept and wailed to drill into the Klein's ear, he looked once more to the coffin position, saw there to have stunned or invisible or the face of distortion mixes with the black fog to leap, turned into a leaf of strange front door. ! The illusory front door opens wide, pale arms have extended competitively, but in front of Ards, their complete transpiration is the black fog. By the slit that the front door splits, Klein saw a white skull, it was discarded at will under the dark brown tree, rottenly becomes the powder in the wind. kuāng dāng! The front door that innumerable pale arms suddenly closed up pinches-off, falls the ground in abundance. At this time, Klein heard a long sigh, the sigh from Mister Ards, penetrated the rich history sigh. Along with this sigh, black fog vanishes steep, crying aloud of baby stops suddenly, all returned to the original condition, was only gloomy and cold many. Klein clenches the teeth, is hitting trembling, looks to the coffin, saw only the scarletred skeleton changes the white, clear white. „Sorry, had not found him......” back to say to the Klein's Ards low and deep opens the mouth. Meanwhile, he put out a hand to close up the coffin cover. „Had not found normally, can find is pleasantly surprised.”

Klein comforted opposite party one. In any case at this matter, I already disappointed many times...... He is adding silently at heart. Ards looked at eye front coffin, turns around to say slowly: „I will continue to trace, hopes to obtain your help.” „Does not have the issue, this is the matter that I want to handle.” Klein bears „red chimney” the matter now tell the impulsion of Ards. Because said also useless, can only be able to confirm the goal by him. However, this has also solved his big difficult problem, after that is found the red chimney house, should how introduce the Night Watcher issue he not to believe that can only kill that mystically that fearful secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator by oneself. But now, he can seek the help of Mister Ards! Ards opened mouth, finally anything had not said that but sighed, was silent is moving toward the steps. Left the basement, closes the secret door, two people along the path of weed and overgrown brambles, no one has spoken toward abandoning the old castle layman go. In the rich dim light of night, Ards opens the mouth to say suddenly: „Wait matters are solved, I will resign to leave Thengen, tracks down the past that I lose.” „Mister Ards, you understood actually you what happened?” Klein is difficult to cover asks curiously.  

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LM :: Volume #1 #151: Klein's requested 


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The cry of night owlet along with insect cry, reverberates in abandoning the old castle to the path of small town on, Ards visual front, silent several seconds of say/way: „Although completely had not affirmed, but had certain idea.” „Perhaps, perhaps I was one lived very for a long time very long person.” Under Mister Ards, you can give careful consideration to actually really whether also in „person” in this category...... Klein has replied one in the heart, but does not dare to say. This wilderness open country, this quiet at dead of night, always makes the person weak...... „I should pay certain prices, obtained the long life, has lived from the fourth era last act now, wanders like one in the spirits of various continent places......” the Ards voice is low and deep, seems constraining the mood of innermost feelings, „I do not remember, I forgot these to pledge person and matter that must always remember......” Klein looking pensive dials the front weed to say with the cane: „Mister Ards, I have a suspicion to your condition.” „What suspected?” Ards side looked at colleague one eyes. „I think that your forgetting is the circulation, perhaps your every other dozens years, will die one time, empty the beforehand memory, then after certain time, revive from the dark sinking dormancy, start the new life,

only by doing so, can explain that your different dreamlands, that is in your different lives the matter of bitter experience.” Klein was describing own speculation. The Ards footsteps slow down suddenly, as if had held on the lower hem corner dark, his vision low and deep is looking at the front, some little time said: „This and my was stimulated some memories of regaining consciousness to tally a moment ago.” Was stimulated a moment ago regained consciousness some memories? In the Klein heart moves, blurted out: „Perhaps Mister Ards, you do not need to leave Thengen to track down passing of losing, you will recall slowly!” „Why?” Ards surprise side head. Klein shows a faint smile saying: „Your memory has not lost thoroughly, today was stimulated regains consciousness the part is the certificate.” „Moreover, you still remember that you initially woke up in Beckland sleep, discovered oneself have forgotten matter?” The Ards serious nod said: „This has puzzled my nightmare.” Klein selected under has inlaid the silver the black cane, explained specifically: „Before today, I did not think that this matter has any issue, but unified you to describe and my guess a moment ago, it appeared somewhat has felt strange, when you woke up from the dream at a loss, has the new identification and enough money, as well as did not frighten other people's presence way...... That all these like

arranging, making you fit into the society quickly.” „That is who arranges?” „Answer only has one, past you!” „Past you restored memory, knows that soon will welcome a new life, therefore arranged the later all, avoided being suspected as far as possible.” Ards stopped, is looking in the distant place small town a sparse dim point ray, once again fell into the longtime silence. „Perhaps I continuously in seeking ‚parents’, were past I......” he sigh to make noise, acknowledged in disguised form the Klein's inference was very convincing. „Therefore, your anything does not need to do, so long as waited for patiently, slowly will restore to remember.” Klein gives the conclusion, is comforting the opposite party. The Ards unconsciousness has brandished under the cane, then the whole person as if incarnation the statue that becomes for the Dali stone carving. Long time, his vision replied profoundly: „When perhaps, perhaps old life reaches the last act, I will thoroughly restore to remember. I do not want to wait for am so long, I want the abundant time to clarify and get rid of this fate, therefore, I must seek for the past on own initiative, bit by bit stimulates oneself, finishes ahead of schedule you to speculate that in awakening, but the waiting will only make me duplicate the beforehand circulation.” „Choice that this truly most is worth anticipating.” Klein has not consoled the opposite

party again, then said, „Mister Ards, in each other helps, discovering makes my destiny not coordinate and take beside the criminal of your child skull, whether I can request earnestly you to help busy, not worthy of mentioning busy?” Ards nods gently said: „What do you need me to make?” Klein organizes the language saying: „I hope that you next week, or next next week, to the Thengen peripheral small town, ride the time that the carriage arrives to should better because of over two hours, in the small towns within five hours, creates some strange events, does not injure to the strange event of person, un, I thought that you traced the way of criminal according to the bloodlines relation a moment ago, should excel at the certain things of dead souls domain very much.” „Does not have the issue.” Ards complied without hesitation, has not gone to ask why the opposite party must such do. Meanwhile, he has also tacitly approved Klein to the guess of his ability. „Thanks, this matter is for me important, un, when goal that you choose the strange event, can only choose the Goddess of the Night follower, do not leave behind the clue.” Klein urged one. Only by doing so, the event will be forwarded to the Thengen City Night Watcher squad, only by doing so, he can join the duty team, and proposed that uses sealed item „30782”, only by doing so, he can when taking turns to guard, steals that sealed item, is „variation

solar sacred emblem” in God blood strength, makes „Yang flame the spell”! This is most powerful goods that he can obtain at present. In being occupied by the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator in red chimney house has not left in the Thengen situation, in oneself continuously is carrying on under the premise of investigation, Klein must make every effort becomes formidable! Un, according to knowledge that I acquire, but steals a strength, will not create „30782” the damage, makes the age limit that its purification effect can maintain reduce some at most...... My this is for the peace and stability of Thengen City! Klein in argued two for oneself at heart. Ards does not care about the opposite party goal, the nod said as before: „I will tell you ahead of time the small town name and approximate time, making you be able to be ready.” Hū...... Klein relaxed fiercely, thought that Ram small town is not white: Un, although opened the Mister Ards layer on layer/heavily mysterious most outer layer gauze curtain, more unknown with has not solved, but has at least harvested his friendship, on coping with the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator had found an enough reliable ally! ............ 11 : 30 pm, Klein was also tired sleepily and returned to Narcissus Flower Street 2 nd hungrily. „Mister Ards actually has not asked me to use a supper...... Ai, his present condition where has the mood to eat the thing......”

Klein silent whisper, while pulls out the key, opened the front door. In the house not like he expects dim, an elegant gas lamp calmly blooms the splendor glow, making the living room warm and bright, lets sit in Benson of sofa position has put on one bright „coat” lonely. After seeing the front door opens, takes books Benson to be just about to open the mouth, has had a yawn suddenly, has to put out a hand to cover the mouth. Klein closes the door, resembled has proposed one at will with a smile: „Went to Ram small town with the Ards teacher, there has the time-honored abandoning old castle.” Benson suddenly, has smiled saying with a smile immediately: „Without the night of moon, abandons the millenniums the old castles, the gloomy and cold dense environment, in addition only has the archeological teams of two people, this is the standard strange opening.” All that tonight has also are really considered as the strange event...... Klein has thought that leaf of strange front door that Mister Ards makes, has thought that baby cries aloud, slightly a little fear said: „In such environment, really has this feeling.” Benson has had a yawn, therefore the closing up books said: „I must sleep, since starts to study the grammar, starts to read the classical literature, my sleep quality becomes very well.” Klein laughs in one's heart, remembers the matter that „justice” young lady

mentioned suddenly, therefore pulled down the throat sound said: „Benson, you know that our company and Ahowa County Police Department has certain relations, I heard recently, the Beckland that side transmits a rumor, said that the kings, prime ministers, ministers and congressmen were weary did not have the government of efficiency dilatory, planned to reform, by means selection talented person of public test, official who held the post of the processing concrete affair, like university entrance examination such.” Benson first is vacant, then eye shining asked back: „Means of public test?” „Right, so long as can through test, you also be able to become the employee of government processing concrete affair, I guessed, un, I guessed, the establishment of test content can imitate the university entrance examination, the grammar, the classical literature, certain mathematical and logic capability, as well as the basic legal knowledge......” Klein seizes the chance to instill into own idea, end the say/way, „Benson, this matter must keep secret, moreover do not hug too in a big way hope, no one knows it can passes by Upper House and Lower House.” „I will remember, I understand that I only need to try hard to study.” Benson shows the smiling face, said that „, no matter has this matter, I will try hard to study, strive to get rid of the current situation as soon as possible, found a better work.

The study, is person and the curl baboon biggest difference.” No, the scientific study showed, the baboon intelligence quotient is not low, has certain learning capability...... Klein spat the trough silently, gazed after Benson to move toward two buildings. Then, he traces the belly that gets down shrivelled with a smile, takes a step to approach the kitchen. Discovers some chickens that the beforehand leftover dish and Melissa leave behind specially, Klein is thoroughly relaxed to prepare „supper”. At this time, outside silence reigns, the dim light of night is strong, most people went to sleep, the nearby only then he is breathing the promiscuous fragrance slightly cool air, makes sound that slightly incites. All are such peace and ease. ............ Is satiated with food and wine, has washed the tableware, soaks good oneself, Klein returns to the bedroom, locks on the other side the wooden door. He has had a yawn, braces oneself, extracts the ceremony silver dagger, has sealed the entire room with the wall of spirituality. He must go to the above the grey mist divination summon „not to belong to this era Fool” whether has the danger!   

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LM :: Volume #1 #152: Good attempt   

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The grayish white dim mist timeless fills the air, the dark red illusory stars or far or near-earth are hanging, Klein sits in the giant residence broad palace, calmly is looking at present familiar all. Crossed for several seconds, he takes back the line of sight, making the front appear a tan parchment, then took pen in hand to write down itself to modify the summon ceremony of incantation: „0.1 candles, symbolize themselves \;” „Makes the holy environment with the wall of spirituality \;” „Drips into the full moon volatile oil toward the candlelight, the camomile pure dew, Deep Sleep Flower powder and other materials( annotation: In this step, does not need too tasteful, because is summons itself) \;” „Read aloud reads the following incantation:” „I!( ancient Hermes language, Giant language and giant dragon language and Elven language, must shout lowly)” „I by my name summon( Hermes language):” „Does not belong to this era Fool, above the grey mist mysterious ruler, King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.” ...... Carefully examined earnestly three, Klein in most under has written the divination sentence: „Carries on the above ceremony to have the danger in the outside.” Hū, he aspirated, puts away fountain pen, loosened the silver chain in sleeve cuff, held to grasp with the left hand. When citrine hangs to fall calmly float above the parchment, only almost contacts the divination

sentence, he restrains the thoughts, enters the meditation condition. „Carries on the above ceremony to have the danger in the outside.” „Carries on the above ceremony to have the danger in the outside.” ...... After meditating seven, Klein opens almost entire black eye pupil, seeing citrine to hang to fall is making the anti-clockwise rotation. This means the denial, means that does not have danger! „Can try.” Front Klein being busy makes the goods that presently comes vanish, extends spirituality to wrap oneself, simulates downward the feeling of whip. After returning to the bedroom, because early has sealed the entire room with the wall of spirituality, Klein on the cleaning up desk, had the candle of peppermint taste to stand one directly in most central. He right hand empty according to above candle pistil, leaps one opposite party to light with the way that spirituality rubs. Drags in the pale yellow ray, Klein dripped into the volatile oil, the pure dew and the herbal medicine powder correspondence toward the flame. The tranquil ease fragrance fills the air instantaneously, the room is bright from time to time is dim from time to time. Withdraws two steps, Klein looks at that to symbolize own candle, shouted the sound said with Giant language lowly: „I!” He changed to Hermes language: „I summoned in the name of my:” „Does not belong to this era Fool, above the grey mist

mysterious ruler, King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.” His voice just fell, immediately felt the tranquil fragrance blending of pale yellow candlelight and surroundings that drags an vortex, has been buying in crazily spirituality. „Belongs to scarlet moon Deep Sleep Flower, please transmit the strength to my incantation......” Klein is enduring the spirituality screened out discomfort, the following incantation will read aloud to read. At this time, he saw the candlelight to stop swaying, stood erect peacefully there, and caught the grayish white luster, stretched toward all around to the palm of the hand size. „Has not summoned any thing...... Right, perhaps needs me to go to above the grey mist to make a response...... Oneself summoned itself to trouble......” Klein to pinch the destitute stabbing pain forehead, silent talked to oneself. He slow several seconds, counter four steps, arrive at above the grey mist again, sees the ancient long table on most the light mark that has to swing one after another. This from corresponding the part of strange mark of strange mark after high back chair „eye without pupil” and symbolic change „Thread of Distortion” constitution by symbolic secret part. Klein made movement that put out a hand to touch, the ear bank has resounded immediately „me! I do not belong to this era Fool above the grey mist mysterious ruler by my name summon” and other

incantation sounds, the light mark mix that and sees spirituality that wells up with swinging, turned into one leaf illusory front door that has not taken shape. Does this front door sway, wants to open wide, Klein had the inspiration immediately, gives to shove open its intense thought. Almost was instantaneous, boundless grey mist and grand palace is towed suddenly, has produced the slightly not obvious ripples. This ripples one after another, are rushing that leaf illusory front door that has not taken shape. No matter but, how Klein promotes, that leaf of front door is unable to be opened, all sounds have belonged finally to quietly. „Because ‚the gate of summon’ hasn't taken shape completely?” Klein takes back the thought that frowns is analyzing the failure cause. He spoke thoughtlessly that leaf of illusory front door names as „the gate of summon”. „Un, is my spirituality is insufficient, is unable to construct completely ‚the gate of summon’...... When I promote Sequence Eight, becomes ‚Clown’, crossed the initial the distress phase, can attempt again, perhaps at that time did not have the issue......” Klein to nod gently, understood probably what's the matter. This experiment has given his enormous confidence with the intense inspiration, because this is beside divination Eternal Blazing Sun that event, he first makes the above the grey mist mysterious space have the different response! „Always has such

one day, I must clarify here all secrets!” Klein makes to announce in the innermost feelings excitedly, under spirituality wrapped has crashed into boundless grey mist. ............ Returns to the bedroom, Klein to hurry to destroy completely candle, had ended the ceremony, then tidies up the desk, has relieved the wall of spirituality. In wind that suddenly blows, he is having the yawn, pours to the bed on, just bound the quilt, has rested. In hazy and torn to pieces dreamland, Klein suddenly sober, discovered oneself are sitting living room at home, in the hand is taking share «Thengen Honest Newspaper». ...... Won't captain come? He stares first, at once aerobic funnily looks to the bow window. , The front door opens, puts on the black to cross Dunn of knee windproof coat to take the cane and tobacco pipe, gradually walked. He wears half high black top hat as before, has the deep and quiet gray eye pupil as before. Dunn goes to the living room, sits to that single-seat sofa on, leisurely and carefree right leg above left leg. He puts away the cane, takes down the hat, will depend in the future, such calmly, as if looks at Klein in the ponder. captain, you want to make anything today...... Klein vacant. For does not expose itself to know that this is the matter of dreamland, he disguised not to be affected , to continue to read the newspaper. One minute, two minutes, five minutes, he looked up eye

opposite Dunn, discovered that captain calmly, as if the ponder is looking at itself. Five minutes, ten minutes, 15 minutes, have tossed about several Klein the newspaper, see Dunn calmly, as if the ponder to look at itself with the corner of the eye split vision. captain, your I am very not like this comfortable...... Klein somewhat could not sit still, he folds the newspaper, one side puts, has selected to the Dunn smile, then goes to the kitchen to put out the cleaning rag, cleans the dinner table and tea table pretentiously. captain, you looked, my dream is so simple ordinary so is so bored, does not merit close look, you walk quickly! Or you change a ghost, I disguise to be frightened, let you complete „Nightmare” the achievement! He was praying silently, but raised the head actually saw Dunn deep and quiet, as if in the gray eye pupil of ponder. In such silent, under the invariable gaze, Klein scratched cleanly the furniture, cleaned the room, in dream tired. But most makes his heart tired calmly, as if has looked at own Dunn Smith in the ponder. Does not know how long to have bustled about, he sees captain to put down the right leg finally, has stood, then takes the cane, wears the hat, moves toward the front door. Klein turns very quiet, gazes after Dunn to leave itself. He lifts the right hand unrestrainedly, makes movement that said goodbye. Hū...... When all return to normal, Klein long

aspirated. A moment ago was really a nightmare! He wants to cry but have no tears wants to say. ............ Beckland, west district, Philip department store. This is the Ruen Kingdom upscaleest department store, only and has rich and powerful people opening of membership to the aristocrat. Its outside is always parking luxurious carriage one after another, the above badge has the difference respectively, here except for is shopping sacred place, because of the strict limit of personnel, became the well-known public relations place. Audrey is bringing female servant Annie and golden hair big dog Susie, in the attentive reception of waiter, goes down the carriage, entered the front door. Above, she can see viscount young lady along the way once for a while, Countess, or the parents have the prominent position young girl. She is maintaining the graceful stance, 11 greets with the standard not stiff etiquette, exchanges with the aid of the different breakthrough points and different aristocrats short, for example, facing such and such countesses, must praise her new skirt is synthesis how, exchanged greetings with such and such baroness, must say that her husband's performance in Upper House was outstanding. Beforehand Audrey always does not do well enough in this link, is extremely willful, but now, she even does not need the waste thoughts, can deal perfectly. „Audience” in eye, the majority of

aristocrat female mood and idea of like writing on face. Arrived at two buildings, Audrey changes has sold the shop of ready-made clothing. The waiter in shop is the shy diminutive young girl, she wears the black and white staggered women's clothing, has one stubbornly and shoulder golden hair, „Arbitrator” rests. Dille. Audrey does not have the expression change to signal with the eyes to big dog Susie, the opposite party understood her meaning instantaneously, runs cheerfully to another counter. Female servant Annie has to follow, to try Susie to pull back quickly. Does attractively! A Audrey dark to praise voice, arrives to rest. By Dille, disguises to watch the different model the women's clothing. „...... What matter do you make me to meet to have here?” Rests loud introduction, while low voice inquiry. Her voice is very immature, like child. „Waiter originally?” Audrey did not answer asked back. Rests observes all around was saying: „I convinced her, she can rest very much happily a morning.” Audrey is looking at the women's clothing of different design, from raising in the lambskin handbag took open/stretch Diehao the paper, the area of concealment has given resting: „‚In hurricane’ Zielinger secret will have submerged Beckland, this is his portrait, I hope that you can help me find him, un, do not alarm him.” Rested received that paper, launched to look at one fast,

discovered that above was the lifelike sketch, has 30 of-year-old unique width chin gentleman. I am frequently am also praised by the teacher in drawing...... Audrey looked at the eye to rest, raised the head. She adds: „Kingdom alines Ringes's posting a reward amount is 10,000 pounds, if can hold him, person who even if provides the clue , can definitely obtain at least several hundred pounds reward.” Her voice just fell, did not leave the eye that the expectation saw to rest to shine. genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #153: Final upholstery   

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The characteristic wide chin, the chignon of knight, was holding the ice-cold happy expression eye in the ancient times...... Resting. Dille partly lies down partly sits on the sofa, carefully studies that sketch that Audrey is giving. In her eyes, this is living, gold pound that can take a walk. After the big pirate Zielinger appearance deeply carves into the mind, she downward reads the additional description: „brown hair, dark green eye pupil.” „Portrait only makes the reference, because the goal has changes forms other people appearance the ability, duration

unknown.” The portrait only makes the reference...... The goal can change forms other people...... Only makes the reference, distorts other people...... Why I must remember like this earnestly the sketch content...... An expression delay that rests, as if felt the evil intention of world. She raised the head confusedly, looks thinks to the opposite sofa is lying down lazy. Woll, thought aloud that said: „This simply does not have the means to seek, not the clear long any appearance, only knows is the non-native, Beckland the newly arrived non-native quantity is unable to count every day simply.” Thinks of the waist to make an effort, wants to sit up, may try three times, suffers a crushing defeat. „I am only Apprentice, is not Arbitrator......” she mumbles is putting out a hand the holding down sofa seat back cushion, successfully from lying down to turn into sitting. „Perhaps that young lady thinks that we are Prophet?” Thought of a joke. Rests is just about to reply, suddenly the discovery additional description also has. She read in a low voice: „ Suggestion seeks from following path: „On 1. Zielinger has evil foreign matter, every other day must swallow flesh and blood and soul of live person, considers the missing tramp.” „2. collects Zielinger material in detail, summarizes his unique hobby and behavior pattern.” „The facial features of 3.1 people could change, so long as has not undergone the special training, he

would displaying likely is oneself, for example food of affection, style of walking, the movement of custom, as well as more details.” Thinks to hear to nod the head slightly said: „Miss Audrey like the hearsay is not a pure naive young girl, she has the exquisite innermost feelings and calm power of observation.” „Right?” Rests does not believe firmly that asked back, had not anticipated replied then proposed, „I am responsible for collecting the material, you summarize that to pile gold pound, no, the hobby and characteristics of that pirate general?” Thought to open the eye, in swayed to begin to install the cigarette iron box saying: „Are you cruel enough? Does your how being cruel enough make slender sensitive Author make this induction summary, the matter of analysis inference?” Rested shot a look at good friend one eyes, did not expose the persuasive dignity on own initiative: „In your «Storm Mountain village» has a very splendid inference content.” Thought to shrink shoulder, the low head, looked at the tea table saying: „You know that I for that inference, how many hair fell, how many lost time has slept?” She raised the head rapidly, looked at resting. Dille eyes, then continue to lay down the head, mumbled: „Life is short, has the matter that too needs to handle, why can we waste in such senselessly such tedious work?” Makes sense...... Rests nearly nods to echo,

maintains „Arbitrator” with great difficulty dignity. „Do you have other means solution this issue?” She is pressing the throat, making the immature sound low and deep. Thought has carefully thought several seconds, were on the rise to say fiercely: „We can please the professional do! You collect ‚in hurricane’ well after the material, we erase the name, takes away to look for the outstanding spy, asking him to help to summarize induces, the inference deduction, this only needs to pay the consultation expense!” How I have not thought...... A mind blank that rests, thinks of you to visit me with, I think you, no one has spoken. When the atmosphere becomes somewhat awkward, she settles the throat to say clear: „Defers to your proposition to do.” Then, she has supplemented busily one: „Consultation expense comes by you!” ............ Howles Street area, Divination Club. „Good afternoon, Mr. Moretti.” Pretty woman Angelica that is responsible for entertaining looks at the front to say pleasantly surprised, „you little come on Friday.” In order to investigate red chimney house tired Klein smiles to say with a smile: „Destiny has not duplicated, must always bring some accidents/surprises to us.” He just passed by here, the employment time of hackney coach also arrived, therefore comes up to drink the mouth black tea, rests. Moreover, this is also he last time upholstery, had new Divination Club „experience”, he will

conform to the logic to hand in the special requisition to Dunn Smith. „Your words are always full of philosophy.” The Angelica to praise sighed heartfeltly. Klein thinks, considers was saying: „I later little will come possibly to the club, you do not need to recommend me to others again.” magical medicine digests, he must go forward to the new goal! „Why?” Angelica confuses surprisedly said, „you were very famous in the club, most people know that your divination is accurate is mysterious, we even asked you to be Sunday course teacher in the consideration.” If divination has 1 pound each time, I am tired must clench teeth to insist again painstakingly...... Moreover I must run several to have the house of red chimney, strives to uncover that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator as soon as possible...... Klein said with a smile temperately: „Madame, do not detain, this is the arrangement of destiny.” „I am not do not come to the club, cut the frequency merely, my membership dues as scheduled will also pay.” Can reimburse in any case...... I occasionally can come under the monitoring here...... Klein has supplemented one silently. „Really is regrettable, hopes I produce the confused time, you just can come to the club.” Angelica said with a sigh. After passing initial astonished, she discovered that she actually has not imagined to this matter is so accidental. Perhaps is

so mysterious such awes the destiny Divinator truly is not a Thengen City club can have for a long time...... Angelica as if said with a smile in the ponder: „Sibe black tea?” „Yes.” Klein returns to smile. He sat for dozen minutes in the club, makes the recuperation slightly, drinks up the black tea, leaves here, rides axle public carriage to return to Narcissus Flower Street. Passing through the gate time, his routine opens the mailbox, saw inside to have one just to deliver soon letter. Disassembles conveniently, Klein finds this letter from Mister Ards: „...... I will go to Morse small town on Sunday, on Wednesday returns.” The townspeople of Morse small town generally believes goddess...... On Sunday goes, that defers to the normal efficiency, on Tuesday, or on Wednesday, Night Watcher can receive the message, I happen to can catch up...... Mister Ards has remembered my request unexpectedly...... We hope that he can also remember that personally do not act, a casual summon ghost, fooled on the line...... Klein slightly does not nod obviously, spurts to be thin own spirituality, lit the letter paper with the way of friction. His hand flings, the flame turns into the flying ash, fell the ground slowly. ............ On Saturday in the morning, Klein wears the black thin windproof coat, wears half high silk top hat, raises is inlaying the silver cane, entered Black Thorns

Security Company leisurely and carefree. After Roseanne has greeted, he looks at the eye to separate the position, seeing the gate of captain office to open wide, therefore has not controlled the volume to say intentionally: „Last evening, in Divination Club, I saw one with the girl who you looked like very much.” „Really?” Roseanne is interested asks. Klein nods to reply totally lacking in sincerity: „, I even think really she is your sisters.” „Makes you regret that I did not have the sisters, did not have including the hall sisters elder female cousins.” Roseanne is laughing and playing a sound said, „do you have to remember her name?” „No, why do I want to go to remember her name?” Klein said with a smile lightly, „saw you and saw that she did not have anything to distinguish.” „I can understand that was praising me for you?” Roseanne always does not need others to look for topic, asked on own initiative, „Klein, have you certainly made a lot of money in Divination Club? As true Divinator, your standard is not other amateurs can compare favorably.” Does not propose this topic, we well work together...... Klein coughed a sound said: „Divinator results in the awe destiny, cannot seek not the normal interests with divination.” „Are you summarizing your Divinator maxim?” Roseanne asked curiously. „Yes.” Klein confident reply. After the opposite party also chatted several, he waves

goodbye, is taking the hat, moves toward the room partition. Thump thump thump, he looks is tossing about the coffee Dunn Smith, has sounded the door of wide open gently. „Come.” Dunn looked up his one eyes, was busy at correcting own posture. Klein had probed the captain rumor over the two days, determined Dunn Smith during attempt „acting method” has not raised to others, even if, is abstaining from the church high level obviously. Therefore, he closes the door conveniently, sits opposite, in the expression is serious passes some were saying excitedly: „captain, I felt that I grasped Divinator thoroughly ‚’ magical medicine.” „I want to submit the special requisition.”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #154: Share „experience”   

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Looks at the Klein's eye, Dunn inspired, in the future will lean, puts out to say slowly: „Did you determine?” His expression change is few, as if early is prepared to special requisition this matter, but has not expected will come such quickly. captain, how you have to plant to relax, the feeling at heart steadfast...... Klein has not concealed own smiling face: „I determined, captain, when you grasp magical medicine thoroughly, you will have the type special, the marvelous feeling, determined without a doubt

oneself grasped magical medicine thoroughly.” „Special, marvelous feeling......” Dunn chewed these words in a low voice, the brow was wrinkling slowly. Eh, before captain, twice promotes, in hasn't digested in the magical medicine situation completely? Also is, did not understand that „acting method”, is very difficult to achieve the thorough digestion...... Only can by the polish of long time and subconscious acts to reduce the out of control the risk...... Pitiful captain...... Klein calmly is looking at Dunn Smith, has not opened the mouth, had not supplemented, whatever the opposite party pondered carefully. Crossed for nearly one minute, the Dunn deep and quiet grey pupil has shone upon the Klein's form once more, he considered the language saying: „Perhaps, again waited for that one year can be a better choice.” The meaning of captain is, waits for again for one year, will not be conspicuous, has Ms. Daly to set the example under the premise, the high level excessively will not pay attention to me, integrates further list of observation at most? Klein thinks, replied confidently: „I also want to wait to hand in the special requisition next year, the thing that after all I need to grasp also has, for example, the wrestle just crossed the threshold.” „But, captain, you did not think that our these 1-2 months have encountered too many coincidences? Tracks down the kidnapping suspect, finally meets

Antigonus family notebook in the opposite room \; sealed item ‚2049’ detention delivery, Riel Pipa has not fled Thengen finally unexpectedly, started the attempt of digestion strength in the wharf \; I attend a birthday evening banquet, finally has drawn out the Haynes Vincent matter \; I investigate to the library, met that Aurora Union member at the scene......” „I do not know that these coincidences mean anything, but always feels uneasy, therefore wants the maximum degree to promote itself.” Seizes this opportunity, after Klein has selected the afterpiece , the matter of evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, this is also he must put in the arrangement of program, in does not expose in own special situation, reminded the Night Watcher squad, making them find more clues from other aspect, but his these words, can only draw a conclusion in others eyes, the intuition was keen, excels in combing. Said after Klein „, but” this word, the body of Dunn the leans forward, to finally, has resisted the mouth with overlapping both hands gradually. His pupil light sinks to congeal, for a long time has not opened the mouth, seemed pondering a moment ago that segment words. After dozens seconds, Dunn lifts head, the voice alcohol, but said low and deep: „Very keen...... Perhaps, has any matter to hide in the dark deep place.” Does not wait for the Klein opens the mouth, he then told: „You can write special

requisition.” „Good.” The Klein corners of the mouth rise replied. He sets out with a smile, moves toward the entrance, accidentally/surprisingly and heard the familiar supplement. „waits for.” Dunn shouted that soon will open the door, but the fellow, is considering the say/way, „attention word usage.” Relax, captain, I attach importance to this issue compared with you! Klein nods to accept with a face all smiles. He thinks Dunn will dish out another plan, that through Sacred Hall, in secret does not promote Sequence Eight, waits for three years later walks the normal flow again, but afterward he carefully had studied, discovers this not possibly, because no matter special requisition, applied normally , to promote must under the examination of sending personnel through Sacred Hall, but was complex, quite simple. When the time comes, became the Sequence Eight secret may unable to hide the truth from the person, will implicate the entire Thengen City Night Watcher squad. ............ Leaves the captain office, had finished all mystery science curricula Klein sharply not going to the bottom changing shifts, gradually has walked into the civilian personnel room in next door. At this time, in this office is sitting a man and a woman, male 30 over, female 20 years old, are the newly arrived two members. They see Klein to come, first stares, then piles the smiling face, the nod gives regards, is

curious to extraordinary and awe. Klein has not gone to chat with them, looked for open/stretch Kongzhuo, brushes writes „special requisition” rough draft. Because early has the advance plan, he has only used for ten minutes, has completed the preliminary work. Read repeatedly several, revised many continuously, he sits before the Adkerson 1346 mechanical typewriters, turns into the principal edition the rough draft. In the dá dá dá keyboard knocking, two new civilian personnel looked at one mutually, sets out, goes out of the office, chatted to the reception hall and Roseanne, left a Klein person the room. Very cautious, has the security consciousness very much...... Klein looked at their back one eyes, to praise sighed secretly. He takes back the line of sight , to continue to type on keyboard. When he will soon do well special requisition, Leonard Mitchell comes out from the lounge, looks all around, takes away the shirt disorderly, the hair is having the uninhibited aesthetic sense. „What are you hitting to report?” Leonard looked at civilian personnel office, leans against the leaf slantingly, a right foot tip of the toe place, both hands inserts the pocket to ask. His deep green eye pupil interested is carefully examining Klein. Klein hits last word and last punctuation mark, side says with a smile: „Special requisition.” „Special requisition?” Leonard full is the doubts asks. Klein

takes up the paper, glanced over fast, resembles to speak thoughtlessly to explain: „Promotes the special requisition of Sequence Eight.” !! The Leonard fierce cough, good half genius to subside suddenly, blurted out: „Did your this digest magical medicine?” Digestion? Schoolmate, you know many...... Klein is grasping „special requisition”, arrives in front of Leonard, the eyebrow selects saying: „Yes.” Then, he is staring at the eye of opposite party, lowers the voice, has supplemented one with a laugh: „ I remember that who had told me, in this world some people are quite always special, can complete others not the matter that is possible to accomplish. „For example I.” „Also for example you.” Leonard one was stopped up does not know that should say anything, can only change the posture that stands, extracts from the pocket both hands, surrounds in the chest front. He opened mouth, finally organization good language, the sinking sound to ask: „You do not think this, did this too take risk?” Since knows the digestion, definitely understands factor that my promotion has not take risked...... Un, he refers to the church high-level gaze? Klein looking pensive explained: „Leonard, you still remember the first duty that we cooperate? The pure tracing kidnapping suspect, the discovery opposite room is hiding the Antigonus family notebook clue unexpectedly......” He will have said to

Dunn a moment ago the matter also described. The Leonard expression sinks to congeal little, slightly did not echo obviously has been selecting under. He muttered: „Perhaps, I must speed up the progress......” The voice just fell, he is looking at Klein suddenly, shows the bright smiling face: „Don't you prepare and us share your experience? Fast grasps magical medicine, the experience of maximum degree circumvention out-of-control risk!” This fellow turns hostile to be really quick...... Klein smiles to say with a smile: „I am glad to share very much.” He was planning that while today's opportunity, raises member of 0.1 Night Watcher squads, reduces risk that they lose control. Naturally, for own security concern, his impossible image plane such to say to Dunn Smith too undisguisedly, describes the content of first upholstery at most, that is can let the content that under the high level the sending personnel know. „Then on the present!” Leonard drew Klein to move toward Night Watcher recreation room impatiently. At this moment, except for taking turns on duty Chanis Gate Gragus, remaining Frye, Kenry and Kija Duna, leisurely and carefree is playing cards. „Everybody, everybody!” Leonard sounds the ajar door, recite opens the mouth saying that „lets by my serious introduction this mister, only used a half a month completely to grasp magical medicine Mr.

Klein Moretti!” ...... This fellow good empty boasting...... Klein suddenly thinks a little awkward. „What?” Also not well-known not best-selling Miss Author Kija Duna leaning leaning head, seems testing own hearing. „Leonard, do not crack a joke, your performance always such empty boasting.” Kenry covers the playing card on skilled person reluctantly. Frye is taking the sign, looked at Klein, silent several seconds of say/way: „Did determination completely grasp magical medicine?” „Yes.” Klein feels the concern of opposite party, definitely the nod said, „this has the clear indication to exist.” „What? Really?” After Kenry , after knowing, thinks that shouts one, brushes stands up. Leonard smiles, points at the paper in Klein hand saying: „This is the special requisition that he submits, wants to promote the special requisition of Sequence Eight!” „...... Accomplishes?” Kija Duna has thought that but inspiration, only asked that problem that most cared about. Quiet elegant she is hard to control the vision at this time scalding hot. Klein looked for a chair to sit down, the sound replied somewhat low: „I from ‚Inquisitor of Secrets’ the maxim obtained the inspiration.” „Acts in a selfserving manner, but don't injure?” Leonard fulfills responsibility coordinates to say. „Yes, our restricted data showed that observes this maxim ‚Inquisitor of Secrets’ out of control probability

compared with normal low.” Klein was saying knows the content that from Old Neil there, „, I also had a more further idea from Ms. Daly instance.” „‚Spiritualist’ Daly?” Kenry seeks the confirmation to ask. „Un, Ms. Daly has also submitted the special requisition, she only uses for two years, ’ ‚became from ‚ Corpse Collector Spiritualist’, she had told Old Neil, she must make true Spiritualist.” Klein answered in detail, „added on me again in the corresponding feedback that something of Divination Club experience and obtained, I summarized the Divinator rules gradually ‚’, and strictly followed it, attempted to make true Divinator...... When I truly such do, I discovered that I grasp the magical medicine progress become quick, is quick, even cannot call to grasp......” Listens to Klein's to state, Frye, Kija and the others were lost in thought that Leonard is also disguising to ponder. „I submitted ‚special requisition’.” Klein raised hand the paper saying that „, if has any issue, can ask me in private again.” „Good.” Frye seems like the ice-cold nod response. Left recreation room, Klein has sounded the gate of captain office once again. He sits down in the Dunn table opposite, takes up the fountain pen and ink pad, first after the signature, according to hand imprint. „captain, my ‚special requisition’.” Completes all these, his both hands are taking the paper, has given Dunn. Dunn carefully looked, puts

down to apply: „I will give Sacred Hall as soon as possible, you prepare for accepting examination, perhaps will be next week, perhaps is next next week.” „Good.” Klein inspired, serious nod. He stands up, goes out of the captain office, conveniently unlatched housing gate. In this process, he looked oneself that to apply for one, in the heart emits a thought spontaneously: Does not know that what examination I will accept...... ps: In the next two days has, asks monthly ticket! The specific time is noon tomorrow 12 half, 7 : 00 pm, with early morning, the day after tomorrow are also.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #155: Meets urgently( first asked monthly ticket)   

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The precipitation good mood, Klein to walk into the bottom, arrives at outside Chanis Gate, sounds front door that the guarding room opened. Sits in inside Gragus Raideen, early tidies up the personal belongings, seeing being in shifts to arrive, immediately has managed under the hair, sets out to be about to leave. After nodding the head mutually expressed best wishes, Klein suddenly opens the mouth saying: „I grasp the magical medicine progress to be good, just and Frye they shared the experience, you can ask them to exchange.” Gragus

of any expression slightly has not revealed the surprise to look at opposite party one, the lip opening and closing several evil ways: „Good.” Madame, hoping you under and others also to maintain this calm condition...... In recreation room sat one group of klutzes now...... Klein smiled, arrives at behind the table, knew extremely well takes up Dunn Smith to install Vellmer coffee the inlaying silver canister tin can. After doing well coffee that one cup of rich fragrance overflow, Klein sat leisurely and carefree, is looking at the corridor of silent nobody, the ignores train of thought flies fast to fly: „Hopes that motion of Mister Ards all smooth, do not leave behind any clue...... No, even if there is any clue, I will also disguise not to have the discovery......” Where „does not know ‚variation solar sacred emblem’ the seal after Chanis Gate in...... Un, it does not have living characteristics, left enough space good......” „Said, I have not entered Chanis Gate to the present, not clear inside condition...... Can make that every large or small strange dozens sealed item not cause the harm, is not separated from the supervision, definitely has the unusual place, for example, Saint Selina bone ash?” ...... Various thoughts numerous, Klein suddenly heard the rapid sound of footsteps, busy the attention will take back, looks to the entrance. He sees to wear the black classical long gown, the hand appears with

Old Neil of same color felt hat on the corridor, enters the guarding room quickly, stands in opposite, a few words did not say, such carefully examines itself. „...... Mr. Neil, accident sentiment of?” Klein hollow laugh two, carried spicy coffee sips. Old Neil has sized up his several eyes, sighed: „You unexpectedly from ‚Inquisitor of Secrets’ the maxim and in the Daly instance had found the inspiration......” „This must praise the Goddess, thanked your guidance.” Klein replied seriously. Old Neil draws the chair, sat fiercely, slightly dispirited said: „If, if early 20 years, were again good, good......” Knows that the age and body condition of opposite party have not allowed him to take magical medicine again, even if digested before thoroughly, that was not good, Klein maintained silent, has not opened the mouth. He thought that in this case, said anything in the exciting opposite party. „I earliest also try to discover from the Inquisitor of Secrets maxim grasp the magical medicine mentality fast, it is a pity that cannot arrive on the correct road, although afterward the success of Daly gave me to inspire, but at that time I over am 50 years old, gave up trying hard, subconscious thinks that was the specialness of genius, the normal person is unable to imitate.” Old Neil has rubbed under the frontal eminence, was describing own losing low and deep. His silent several minutes, lift head, look at Klein

saying: „Really is regrettable, I in such age understand oneself have missed anything.” Old Neil to „acting method” should be a little fuzzy cognition, is selected by the experience that I share, immediately wants to understand something...... Klein comforts saying: „Actually will not have the too big difference, church not ‚Inquisitor of Secrets’ Sequence Eight of correspondence.” „Perhaps Sacred Hall has...... No, their words, at least will tell the branch the name...... The underground trading market also had possibly......” Old Neil twittering several, supported the table by the hand, shook the head to stand up, smiles to say with a smile, „at least I have not lost control, lived perfectly for dozens years...... praise the Goddess.” He drew scarlet moon in the chest, the expression sank leaves the guarding room strongly fragrant, lost in the past cunningness. Klein looks that his back vanishes in the line of sight, suddenly long sighed. He even more cannot understand why the church high level must block „acting method”. Long time, Klein recovers, the attention will shift to front Night Watcher restricted data. Since drags into Tarot Society the youngster in city of silver, knows that there maintains to the thing ancient was also saying, he had the consciousness to strengthen the study in similar aspect, was grasping a past and present comparison diligently. Has not known how long, he

heard a sound of footsteps, gentle and calm sound of footsteps. Almost is simultaneously, in his mind one appears Dunn Smith to wear the black to cross the appearance of knee windproof coat. Digests „Divinator” thoroughly magical medicine, my inspiration also had the enhancement...... Klein looking pensive nods, saw captain after several seconds. „Your letter.” The Dunn right hand lifts, the wrist section shakes, had still approached Klein the letter in palm. Klein lifts the hand natural, tries to catch, but regardless of judges responded, has missed a point. ! The letter falls in the place, the Klein's right hand stands erect in the wind awkwardly. Suddenly in the peaceful atmosphere, his right hand stiffens first, then continues to lift, taking advantage of opportunity has managed under the hair. „The ray of gas lamp is insufficiently bright.” Klein spoke thoughtlessly to be perfunctory one, bent the waist to pick up the letter, has swept an envelope. Mr. Honages...... Daste. Guderian's letter...... He nods suddenly, opens the drawer, puts out cutting the letter blade. According to the custom of Night Watcher squad, if there are explicitly, the correct addressee, Roseanne and other civilian personnel will give of correspondence the letter directly, but runs into anonymous or does not have the situation of this person, then delivers to Dunn there, was inquired or the decision by him. Cuts the

envelope cautiously, Klein extracts inside paper, launched fast, glanced over. He discovered that insane asylum doctor Daste meets in request as soon as possible, is 2 : 00 pm. Did he attain „Heart Reader” formula? What matter has other? Klein raised started the letter paper, looked up said to Dunn: „captain, my informer, is Psychology Alchemy Union that hopes that meets at 2 : 00 pm.” „Has to disclose that is what matter?” Dunn early has the expectation to ask. „No.” Klein shook the head. Dunn has thought , the voice said mellowly: „Under makes Leonard help you guard Chanis Gate temporarily, I pass with you, hide in the, the request that this type meets urgently has is not small possibly is a trap, I see have listened to too many similar matters . Moreover, if there is important circumstance, this can also the quickest speed take the action.” ...... captain, you are really the experience are rich...... Un, meets the proper business, you are reliable captain that trustworthy, will not forget...... Klein nods immediately: „Good!” ............ 2 : 00 pm, Zoutlan Street Shooting Club, in No. 9 miniature range. Klein looked at the eye to cover entirely the bullet hole target, looked to slightly restless insane asylum doctor Daste. Guderian said: „Does accident sentiment, make you look for the mercenary soldier squad to the hunting dog tavern unexpectedly flustered?” Only by doing so, boss Wright of hunting

dog tavern immediately delivers Black Thorns Security Company the letter, but did not wait for that the Klein past took. Daste is observing the Klein's slight expression and body movement, the sinking sound replies: „I feel Hood. Ou root some were not normal recently.” Hood. Ou root develops Daste is that insane asylum sickness of Psychology Alchemy Union member. „What has not normal performance?” Klein has the professional spirit to pursue asks. Daste relaxed secretly, as if had found the dependence, considers was saying: „He, he resembles, probably really insane......” „Was really insane?” Klein asked stunned. Hood. Ou root to not train the corresponding ability of energetic domain, feigns illness to submerge the insane asylum, tries to affect these sickness from the pro and con? He actually really got sick, was really insane? „I think that is this......” Daste slightly somewhat anxiously back and forth paces, „before me, can exchange with him normally, and how obtains the guidance of correct using extraordinary capability, but recently for these days, his mentality, his condition, became very strange, did not have the means communication frequently, like me facing other sickness, although, although this also let I have attained Heart Reader successfully ‚’ formula, but I am unable to confirm that was real, was false, was afraid has not the controllable change.” Has not related, as Divinator,

has above the grey mist mysterious space Divinator, really and false will not confuse...... Klein relaxed first, subsequently knits the brows to ask: „Before he appears is not normal, has contacted what person?” „Only then these sickness, I, I am unable to affirm, I am not every day every hour in the insane asylum, I have the time of rest.” Daste expression sinks to congeal replied. Klein nods gently, this is the minor matter appearance: „Does not use anxiously, I will send for protecting you in secret, you clarify Hood as soon as possible. Before European root, which people have contacted . Moreover, you must be careful that he is testing you, the volume, you best simultaneously to notify this matter to other Psychology Alchemy Union member, looked the high level that you organize has anything to respond.” „Good.” Daste has pushed under the gold-edged eyeglasses, restored the Audience unique calmness, then pulls out a paper from the pocket, gives Klein saying that „this is ‚Heart Reader’ magical medicine formula, I did not determine whether correctly.” „We will confirm.” Klein smiles the reply, launched at the scene, looked at one. „Principal material: The complete hypophyses of grown seven color lizard dragons, spinal fluid 10 milliliters of Farr Sman rabbit.” „Accessory material: Chestnut spore 5 grams, dragon Yacao powder 8 grams, pure white elf flower 3 petals, 100 milliliters pure water.” „Is good.”

Klein praised one, and folds the paper, puts in the coattails formal dress inside pocket it. Also has exchanged several, confirmed Daste „after phonism” phenomenon has been alleviated, he said goodbye to leave, arrived to belong to the Night Watcher exclusive target range discretely, Dunn Smith is waiting for in inside. „captain, the informer has given me one ‚Heart Reader’ formula, thank me to help him control backlash of magical medicine, but he did not determine this formula genuine and fake.” Klein properly and submits paper seriously to Dunn, „other, he mentioned a matter......” Dunn glances over formula, listens to Klein to describe Hood. Ou root the matter, end the nod said: „I organize the manpower immediately, the monitoring insane asylum, this matter you have not had specialized training in turn, did not need to participate, went back to continue the value to defend Chanis Gate.” Here, he deeply looked at Klein one saying: „Is counted this formula, when you adopted the examination, does not need to accumulate the meritorious service again, can obtain Clown directly ‚’ magical medicine......” ps: In middle ten days, asked monthly ticket ~   

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LM :: Volume #1 #156: Considered that long-term Melissa( second asked monthly ticket)  

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Moreover I additionally have also paid one „Clown” the formula meritorious service...... This initially to divide two times led the evil that the merit made...... Ok, recently could not find the opportunity saying that I actually have „Clown” magical medicine formula...... Klein inspired, squeezes the smiling face diligently: „Hope examines to be smooth.” He went back to continue the value to defend the decision of Chanis Gate by himself regarding Dunn to lift both hands both feet to approve, because he is not only short of surveillance, investigation and other professional abilities, but also at upfront combat, cannot achieve and ruled lines. The fire domain, he and ordinary police compare, are considered as on good, but member each one is physical quality promoted extraordinary, even if not the expert marksman, could not miss many. As for near body wrestle, Klein is the basic level. Simply speaking, even if there are to sink dormancy spell, sleeping peacefully spell and dreamland spell, he also as before belongs to auxiliary extraordinary, deals with the average person to be very simple, similar that once the bitter experience is good at fighting, was quite dangerous. When I promote Sequence Eight, becomes excels at the skill wrestle, possibly and is grasping few magic arts „Clown”, I can alone complete the general unusual task...... Un, if can also

steal sealed item successfully „30782” the strength, manufactures „Yang flame the spell”, that was more perfect, defeats a superior enemy is not impossible...... Klein is thinking hopefully, gradually turned back Black Thorns Security Company. When to next morning, he finished the value defending, leaves Chanis Gate, Night Watcher squad to insane asylum Hood. Ou root the monitoring cannot obtain the useful clue as before, temporarily can only place hopes in the so-called informer in internal investigation. Went home, Klein uses up the breakfast peacefully, lies down to return to the bedroom, rested noon 12 point. His naturally awaking revolutions, slightly makes washing, was hearing the fragrance of food moved toward a building. „Melissa in preparation lunch?” Klein looks to reads newspaper in the living room Benson. Benson lowers the newspaper saying: „Yes, she has the guest visit today, I let her and guest chat, I prepare the lunch, finally she actually does not trust my cook, drew the guest to enter the kitchen together, this very not politeness.” Benson, you suddenly such quickly realized Melissa to your cook shuts out...... Klein is enduring the happy expression, moves toward the single-seat sofa, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: „Melissa guest?” „Yes, you should know, at the Selina birthday evening banquet has seen Elizabeth.” Benson will depend in the future

, to continue comfortably the newspaper reading. Not only has seen at the birthday evening banquet...... She visited unexpectedly really...... The Klein expression stagnated, is sideways to look at the kitchen entrance. At this moment, Melissa carried the tray to walk, hung Elizabeth of apron similarly. „Klein, did you awake? I was planning that called you.” Melissa quite joyfully sending out the tray of meat fragrance puts on the dinner table, „this is Elizabeth, you know.” „Hello, Klein.” Has the Elizabeth smiling face of lovable baby fat cheek to greet brightly. Klein does not lose the polite ground temperature and response. When two people expressed best wishes mutually, Melissa winked under the eye, said earnestly: „Elizabeth, etc. will go to help family servant association with us ‚’, their family/home has hired several servants, has the rich experience in this aspect, can provide certain advisory opinion to us.” „Actually, we have drawn up the choice odd jobs female servant's request, you listen, looked that has anything to need to supplement.” Melissa has scratched the hand on the apron, takes a paper from the pocket of home clothing, launches to discuss: „1. health.” „2. industrious, has the sense of responsibility.” „3. excels in the cooking.” „4. peaceful, is not noisy.” „5. family background is simple.” „6. appearance is ordinary.” ...... Requests one after another were read,

Klein and Benson hear mouth half, the look is vacant, has not thought that hires an odd jobs female servant, will make such troublesome. „Melissa, didn't you oppose to hire the odd jobs female servant before?” When the younger sister stops, Klein asked one subconsciously. Melissa pursed the lips, the serious nod said: „Yes, I opposed, but since my object overrule, I believe, we must complete this matter, but must complete a matter, beforehand must have enough preparation, un, what you have to supplement?” „No!” Klein and Benson also shake the head, caused that Elizabeth covers the mouth to laugh secretly. Has used the lunch, one line of four people ride axle public carriage, arrives at situated in Champagne Street „Thengen City help family servant association”. This is actually very close with „household management company that” the Klein ancestors know, but has half charitable nature, the personal information and work demand that on the one hand, they register various servants, facilitate the employment choice at the same time, increases the possibility that the helped object gets employed, on the other hand, they will organize some basic training, sharpens the working ability of helped object. Their maintenance funds have the part to come from the charity, has the part to belong to the extra payment of employer, closes right up against gathering, integrity,

conveniences and organization sense, compels to join these individual agents quickly either, either changes professions. Enters the association, Klein and the others warmly is entertained immediately, put on faint yellow to have near lotus leaf the young woman of long skirt to make them sit down to the sofa region, the smile asked: „Do I have something to help your?” „We need to hire an odd jobs female servant.” At this time, Benson advanced by the younger brother and younger sister front. „Do you have the detailed request?” That young woman asked skilled. Benson recalled under the cook and Klein's contrast earnestly, quite sincerely said: „Excels at the cooking.” „Excels at the cooking?” The young woman frowns saying that „said honestly, in the odd jobs female servant nobody excelled at the cooking, do you might as well hire a chef? If you need the female chef, our association also has many.” „In odd jobs female servant hasn't excelled at cooking?” Sees the request that oneself draw up just to start to encounter the setback, Melissa cannot bear interrupting ask. The young woman nodded, definitely replied: „Odd jobs female servant either is the daughter of floor labor, either is the girl who the countryside comes, the cook that their themselves can contact serves as a petty government official, even if after simple training of association, they also at most can guarantee food that makes does not

make the person fall ill.” „......” A Melissa silence, understands finally what is the plan has not changed quickly. „This is really the regrettable matter.” Benson has thought, organizing the language saying that „perhaps we can change to request: Is willing also to have that ability study cooking.” Good, the brain of Benson transfers really may quick...... Did not need me to interrupt...... Klein sits in side, grasps the stick, takes the hat, is leisurely and carefree and comfortable. „This does not have the issue, cooking training time, we will record these performance outstanding girls.” The young woman professionally said with a smile, „also had other request?” „Has.” Felt the Melissa vision, Benson swallowed a saliva, took that paper from the pocket, read one after another. That young woman is listening, good half genius to respond: „I, I under screening the material, recommend to you first conform to the odd jobs female servant of request, you can not make the decision anxiously, first chooses two to four, leads them to try to do one time to your family from me, then definite hires anyone, naturally, this will make you pay to the expense of association additionally many, but the food also needs you to prepare.” „Good.” The Benson pack the paper, the politeness nods. That young woman stands up, walked two steps to turn head toward inside office, said with a smile embarrasedly: „Can give me that paper? I

feared that omitted your request......” „Does not have the issue.” Benson is enduring the happy expression reply. after a while, that puts on the young woman of light yellow long skirt to take one pack of materials to come out, gives the Benson choice. On these materials has labelled odd jobs female servant the real name, birth year, home background, facial features description, body condition, passing experience, corresponding characteristics and expectation wage and other information. Reads material while Benson and Melissa earnestly the opportunity, Elizabeth approaches Klein, asked low voice: „Don't you have what request?” „Has, but is not very concrete.” Klein spoke thoughtlessly to be perfunctory to say. Elizabeth was interested: „How will you choose?” Klein smiles one lowly, points at spiritual pendulum that in the left sleeve cuff is hiding saying: „Naturally writes down the corresponding sentence, removes one by one, divination leaves most to suit into of our family/home odd jobs female servant.” „......” Elizabeth one is shocked, after several seconds , the political ability obviously confusedly nods, „simply is also the most effective means...... I forgot you unexpectedly am......” She has not said that because Melissa realized keenly two people are stealing the language, has cast the vision. Deeply saw the good friend and Elder Brother eyes, Melissa reveals as if in

the ponder expression. Hey, Younger sister, do not misunderstand! We in normal exchange...... Klein coughs lightly two, takes some materials on own initiative, glances through conveniently. Quick, they have decided three candidates, the price in per week 4 sule 8 pennies to 5 sule 2 pennies. Benson has not gone to press the wage of odd jobs female servant, but is earnest discussed that with that young woman needs to pay to the money of association additionally. After a friendly consultation, he turned into one week of wage from the two weeks of wage of odd jobs female servant some expenses successfully, but wants other payment opposite party to lead the odd jobs female servant to try to make the household management association carriage expense 1 sule. Decides this matter, Elizabeth says goodbye to leave, the brother and sister three people rode public carriage to return to Narcissus Flower Street. Above, Klein is looked by the vision that Melissa carefully examines not comfortably, just entered the main house gate, must directly soar two buildings. „Klein.” Melissa made noise to stop by calling him, after one type thought over about the serious language gas channel/angrily said, „, if you want with the Elizabeth engagement, you to need to try hard, her father was an import and export merchant, mother from the Baron, the daughter of Lord also often said......” Wait/Etc.,

engagement? When matter? Klein bewildered sees younger sister. Which did this worry to? ps: Second asked the monthly ticket   

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LM :: Volume #1 #157: Goods of dream( third asked recommendation ticket)   

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„No, we did not have......” the words of Klein rebuttal not to say with enough time, Benson said on the smile interruption: „Although the Elizabeth age was truly small, although her home background was more splendid than much us, but I think that you were very appropriate, but you possibly must wait for several years, she in reading college, the goal was admitted to the university, the marriage at least was the 67 years later matters, naturally, you can become engaged first.” ...... Do not consider to be so good long-term...... Klein inspired saying: „I do not like Elizabeth, un, accurately the expression is, I do not like the age being younger than many girls me, I like maturely.” Actually, within a reasonable scope, I can accept, but is not the present...... He has been supplementing one reluctantly at heart. „Likes maturely?” Melissa frowns saying that „that you must solve the marital problem as soon as possible.” ? Klein is really hard to understand the mentality that the Younger Sister jumps, asked back at a loss:

„Why?” Melissa explained earnestly: „You accumulate the good enough money for future marriage, you had almost 25 or 26-year-old, was maturer than a point you girl in that age, either has married, either already became engaged, do you want to pursue a widow?” This anything with anything...... The Klein whole face delay in returned to one in Chinese at heart. Benson with a smile refuted the Younger Sister: „Melissa, you are not clear, in the present middle class, 30 years old has not married or the woman of engagement is not rare, they are primarily the goddess follower, has by oneself crosses the good ability, rather single, does not want to accept a unsatisfied marriage, the volume, I see in the «Family» magazine.” „Right?” Melissa after all is only a 16-year-old young girl, are not many to similar matter understanding. Saw the elder brother and Younger Sister more chats more has the interest, Klein coughed a sound said: „I said mature, refers to the psychology, cannot be older than me . Moreover, should worry what marital problem is Benson.” Sorry, Elder brother, I have no recourse...... He in said a crop failure at heart silently. „......” Melissa has gawked, then layer on layer nods, „!” Also wants to speak the marital problem of middle class specifically, Benson hit to tremble suddenly, looks is staring at own Younger Sister saying: „I am in the life the transition time,

must the complete energy investment study, when I had the satisfactory work and certain savings, I have the woman who the confidence pursues to admire, gives her the enough happy life.” Klein and Melissa are startled first, at once simultaneously escapes the tastes: „Do you have the woman of admiring?” Spoke thoughtlessly Benson that was perfunctory to have a scare immediately, hurries to shake the head: „No!” „I give an example!” ............ Beckland, the Hilston area, slightly is gloomy in the murky house. Before the fireplace that has not ignited, two temple gray middle and old age gentlemen are taking the deep tobacco pipe, sits quietly on the rocking chair, the vision is looking at the visitor in sofa region profoundly. He is here Master, Eisinger. Stenton, in small group very famous private detective, but he has not opened the office, but asked an assistant to help. Eisinger who wears the white shirt black waistcoat collects the tobacco pipe to the mouth, was infatuated with attracts one slowly to put out saying: „A half hour of consultation expense is 1 pound, if I am you, definitely will not waste for one second.” Two woman of sofa region think. Woll and resting. Dille, they collected „in hurricane” Zielinger material, planned to be good at the big spy help of deductive method summarizing the behavior rule of goal. Naturally, they hidden went to Zielinger name, and will involve the unusual content to change the

description. Looks at the facial features to be thin, the edges and corners are distinct, blue pupil shallow dark Eisinger, rests. In Dille has given the assistant of opposite party hand dispatch case, wears the gold-edged eyeglasses and makings capable brown to send the youngster. „Spies the mister, I hope that you discover the goal from the material in the Beckland behavior rule.” Although is not tall, but when rests. Dille sits well straightly, when sinking sound opens the mouth, that dignity makes the person cannot help but want to obey as before. Eisinger deeply looked at her one eyes, received the dispatch case from assistant there, unties the winding, has extracted inside material. He puts down the tobacco pipe, read dedicated, one after another, has not omitted. After dozen minutes, this two temple gray gentlemen tap the arm rest to say slowly: „Goal windward has biased affection...... Then, in ‚dust’ Beckland, he definitely will not choose the pollution serious region to live for a long time, in other words, he possibly lives in Queen District, the west district, the Hilston area, Chowod District, or North area suburb......” „Goal is the position psychology has the disease series killer, every other day, must murder a live person...... The reasonable procedure in view of these homeless tramps, in Beckland, actually does not clarify many tramps including the police......” „Goal housing the region

distance tramp numerous east district and Beckland bridge and other places of will not be near, will not be far...... Seeks for the victim in the surroundings frequently, is not the mature performance, this and your descriptions incompatible...... If must spend can find the object who wants to murder a long time, the goal possibly cannot control own desire, crime in situation of easy exposition......” „Goal is the senior sailor, has in very outstanding water the energy...... A reasonable inference is, the place that he lives will not be far to the rivers, once the bitter experience accident/surprise, that will be the optimization that he will run away safely......” ...... „In summary, we can outline the sphere of action of goal, he lives is leaving the Beckland bridge region not far place, the consideration west district and Chowod District tower Sok River both banks......” ...... „The material that you give can only infer these contents.” Although hears is not too clear, but as if very much makes sense...... Rested thinks with looked at one mutually, the serious nod, took back the material, set out to say goodbye. Looks at the assistant to deliver the back that two women go out, two temple gray Eisinger have pulled out a brass accessory from the waistcoat pocket, that is one pocket-sized the book that spreads out, the center of book has is setting upright the eye. Eisinger shakes the rocking chair, strokes gently the accessory, talked to oneself

in a low voice: „Zielinger did sneak Beckland?” ............ Pritz Harbor, in some basement. „Hanged Man” Argel sits on chair, looks man who callously front creeping motion struggles. This man is the sailor to dress up, head was wrapped by the pale blue water film completely, a face suppresses purplish red wants to drop. His both hands grab to pull on the face unceasingly, but can only fling a little bit liquid. Finally, he could not withstand, has given the signal of submitting. The Argel corners of the mouth bring back, patted at will under has held. The pale blue water film breaks up immediately, changes to the raindrop, fell the ground. The male big mouth that sailor dresses up breathes heavily the air/Qi, breathes heavily the fierce cough, coughs to tearing the heart disruption lungs. When the opposite party is gentle, Argel will depend in the future, imitates Fool that tranquil indifferent language gas channel/air said: „Told me, Zielinger went to the Beckland goal.” „He, he to complete an request, but concrete is any I am not clear.” That pirate lost the will of revolt thoroughly, honestly and replied honestly, „I only know the advantage that he probably gained, Zielinger happily had raised before us, if this time matter were smooth, he will obtain him to vainly hope for a long time goods, in pirate ‚four kings’ will also turn into ‚five kings’.” Dream for a long time goods? Argel frowned, was lost in

thought. ............ On Monday in the morning, Klein cannot rest as before , to continue according to the plan, investigates Thengen City to have the house of red chimney. What a pity, this time, he cannot discover the target. In he went home at noon, hot last night leftover dish, has eaten the oats bread, then has caught up on one hour of dormancy. When 2.40, Klein puts down the books in hand, has sealed the bedroom with spirituality, enters above grey mist once more that piece of mysterious space. He sits to the bronze long table on at will the head, has not gone to control „Sun” the frequency of heartbeat to have many, extends the right hand, ahead of time has given the response. In the city of silver. Dairic. Bergh is swaying the sweat in the practice arena, at present has absent-minded suddenly, saw layer on layer grey mist, sees the grey mist deep place has sat well on tall Beiyi „Fool”. He is startled first, at once stops acting, low head. When „illusion” vanishes, he silent several own heartbeat, is taking the silver-white straight sword, moves toward the rest region quickly. After 1000 palpitations, he will have locked on the other side in independent washing the hands and face. Also waited for several time of breath, he sees the dark red ray from well up void, one submerges oneself. Above grey mist, after Klein, leans against chairback, left tooth has knocked on lightly two, opened spirit vision quietly.

He sees „Sun” ethereal body deep place, the motley color becomes purely, is similar to the dawn, therefore the smile opens the mouth saying: „Congratulates you, eulogy mister.” Meanwhile, he also discovered that behind the opposite party that tall Beiyi radiant stars fast move, reorganize to symbolize the mark of Sun. Does not need my thought that its spontaneous generation change, like conditioned reflex...... Un, except for the palace, the long table and chair, the thing that other appeared unable after I leave here has been preserved...... They very special...... The secret above this grey mist are really many...... Klein looking pensive is looking at front all. Dairic was also low the head, reserved and replied humbly: „This stems from your help, this is only starts.” He to Fool can see oneself took magical medicine not to be surprised. At this time, Klein pulled out silver pocket watch, according to opening looked at one, said with a smile lightly: „We start to get together, remember, later also probably is this frequency, un, or is separated.” Speech at the same time, he with symbol „justice” and „Hanged Man” the dark red stars have established the relation, drags into two members the giant residence grand palace. Audrey just saw clearly front picture, immediately greeted with the lively expression: „Good afternoon, Mr. Fool, here also has one page of Great Emperor Russell diary.”

„Good afternoon, did solar mister, attain ‚reads heart’ formula?” ps: On Monday asked the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket!   

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LM :: Volume #1 #158: preparedness averts peril( first recommendation ticket monthly ticket)   


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„Justice” young lady can always maintain the happy mood, is really enviable, hoping me also to be able like this...... Heard that lively greeting sound, on the sitting well bronze long table Klein of head cannot bear silent has sighed with emotion one. But he thinks at once the opposite party puts out 1000 pounds cash simply the matter, suddenly thought oneself must imagine „justice” same young lady always maintains the happy mood, is very difficult...... „Sun” Derrick. Bergh is the youngster who cares about oneself prestige, immediately replied: „I obtained ‚Heart Reader’ formula.” In this period of time, he reorganizes the inheritance that the parents have left, is used to miss the goods that except for the houses, furniture and a few, other valuable things by he attains the city of silver „black market”, traded „Heart Reader” formula with „Eulogizer” the magical medicine material, at present only depends on the food life of fixed quantity. But he believes that such condition will not

maintain too for a long time, waits through the fight inspection, he will join cleaning up peripheral „the thing of darkness” the team, receives not the poor reward. Waits to be formidable truly, I applied become the member of elite squad, explored the dark deep place, found to relieve the means of curse...... Derrick concealment hope is thinking, while side looks to rich grey mist „Fool”. His previous time notes, „justice” young lady after instruction „Fool” mister, can make not the wellknown Russell diary appear strangely directly! Although Derrick not yes, but he thought or looked that „Fool” mister is quite good. „You recall formula in the head first, then takes pen on hand, gives the intense expression desire.” After Klein resembles easely, leans against chairback. Because „Sun” from doubtful „Land Abandoned by Gods” silver city, therefore, he in front of the opposite party appears is not the fountain pen, but is the feather pen. Naturally, does not have the ink as before. Derrick does not dare to suspect that the Fool words, grip the feather pen that appeared on hand suddenly immediately. In several seconds, sees on front that tan parchment to be many accidentally/surprisingly „Heart Reader” according to him who telling to be magical medicine formula. Carefully examined two, Derrick remains silent, the thing that will pledge pushed to „justice” young lady. Audrey was also

excited is excited and anticipation but acts with constraint received, the vision swept, maps the mind the word that Klein translated all: „Principal material: Illusory image Yalong's complete hypophysis, spinal fluid 10 milliliters of half spirit rabbit.” „Accessory material......” Has not heard principal material...... Un, I know are not enough...... Recently has thought and rested there from cram ferociously the Audrey of common extraordinary material category and name slightly annoyingly is thinking. At this time, she had forgotten what is „Audience”. Suddenly, Audrey hears slight knocking, looks busily subconsciously to the bronze long table most head. She sees „Fool” mister to use the right hand index finger to tap the table reason pleasantly surprised, and nodded the head to oneself gently, makes to hint. What situation? Audrey doubts, two vacant. She when asked that the corner of the eye split vision saw suddenly front „Heart Reader” formula had the change, were many many annotations: „Principal material: The illusory image Yalong's complete hypophysis( also said that seven color lizard dragons), the spinal fluid 10 milliliters of half spirit rabbit( also called Farr Sman rabbit).” „Accessory material......” These I knew! Audrey stares first, at once emerges the strong joyful mood from the bottom of the heart. „Thanks, Mr. Fool, you are really learned.” She looks at the upward head

once more, thanked and praise heartfeltly said. Actually „Hanged Man” Argel was not clear what happened, but to „justice” the words disdained: Can influential figure of similar Spiritual God, how describe with learned? This existence to a certain extent, is in itself equal to the knowledge! Klein confidently accepted „justice” young lady's commendation, because this does not obtain Psychology Alchemy Union matter that by chance „Heart Reader” formula achieves. After „Sun” will drag into Tarot Society, based on the opposite party silver city specialness, he has been preventing similar issue, finds the corresponding material to study unceasingly, even if Daste. Guderian has not attained formula promptly, he can also complete the annotation a moment ago with ease, but underwent beforehand divination and contrast, he believes firmly that two „Heart Reader” formula was correct. This is prepared, does not have the disaster...... Klein slightly appears intent is thinking. Audrey repeatedly looked at „Heart Reader” formula several, takes back the vision reluctant to part, knows extremely well „expression” the Great Emperor Russell diary. „This is you earns.” She puts down the fountain pen, looks at Fool in grey mist saying that „other, I do give your family 300,300 pounds what kind of again?” She said is a little afraid, because three pages of Russell diaries have spent her 20 pounds, but

similarly is located in Sequence Eight „Officer” formula needs 450 pounds. In other words, from simple mathematical, she should pay 430 pounds beside three pages of notebook again. However, Audrey thought that this also has own lucky factor, the value of seller not clear Russell diary, this lets her by the quite inexpensive price to buy. Great Emperor Russell diary, each page at least, at least 50 pounds! Audrey makes a fist quietly, silent gave itself to rouse under has been mad. 300 pounds? I to date, has seen these much money in Sir Dweyer there...... Klein sobbed, disguised not to say to the money interest indifferent nod slightly: „Reasonable transaction.” „This is the information of my family.” He tries hard to avoid in mouth saying „the Beckland bank” „recording a name account” not to fall the style from „Fool” the noun, directly presented them above front sheepskin. Last week on Wednesday, investigated red chimney house time, Klein found time the Thengen branch of Beckland bank, masqueraded to open a not recording a name account. This account only needs to remember account number, and gives the corresponding scrambled text, can take out the balance in all branches of Beckland bank. If the owner of account thought that this way is not very safe, but can also additional sign with the comparison of fingerprint, that was quite troublesome. Klein to keep secret, to

hide identity, such had not established at that time, has left behind one group of scrambled texts merely. This group of scrambled texts with „do not belong to this era Fool that ancient Hermes language writes, above the grey mist mysterious ruler, King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck”. Because of ancient Hermes language itself can the nonprotectorate for the sacrificial offering and pray, no matter who, so long as dares to transcribe this group of scrambled texts, was equal to that was reading aloud reads my name, such one, I can receive corresponding clue immediately, to the above the grey mist resolution was the normal situation, who wants to steal my wealth! Klein is satisfied to the means that oneself find out. This only shortcoming is, will leak „Fool” slightly existence, but is the acceptable category. On the side of Audrey pushed the Russell diary to „Fool” mister, side takes to write the opposite party family information the parchment, above was labelling the Beckland banks and correspondences, not recording a name account comprised of one string of digit. Does not know that „Fool” family of mister is the male or the woman, is in sequence several...... Un, is very definitely formidable, at least will not compare „in hurricane” Zielinger to miss...... Audrey was hard to contain dispersed train of thought. But she restrains the attention quickly, starts memory that not recording a

name account. „Does not need such troublesome.” At this moment, she heard „Fool” low and deep gentle voice, „after you go home, read silently my name, can the corresponding information write directly.” This draws the red chimney picture that divination obtains like me...... The account number is very important, cannot remember incorrectly absolutely...... Klein in has supplemented two at heart silently. This also? From „Fool” the language judgment of mister, he very confident...... Worthily is approximate Spiritual God influential figure, this matter can accomplish...... Audrey has gawked, at once feels relaxed, thought that then conforms to the logic to conform to the truth. But, why I must remember a moment ago laboriously formula...... Audrey also somewhat is suddenly confused. At this time, Klein held down that page of Russell diary, had not looked eagerly, side looked to „Sun”, asked calmly: „You hope that what obtains to compensate?” Derrick has carefully thought the evil ways: Goods that „I had not wanted to obtain recently urgently...... I should quick be able to digest ‚Eulogizer’ magical medicine, the compensation accumulate there, un, prepares for Sequence Eight formula of correspondence, or must material.” Sequence Eight is „Light Worshiper”, I have...... Material, even if I can obtain, how also does not know to you...... Digestion...... The silver city is really

grasping „acting method”...... Un...... The there highest strength only has Sequence Four, was limited by the material? The Klein looking pensive place, hinted the deal. Audrey also keenly realized that „digestion” this word, has been considering asking: „‚Sun’ did mister, you grasp ‚acting method’?” Derrick looks puzzled to „justice” young lady, replied confidently: „This is not worth the strange matter...... Passing of silver city knows the class in teaching ‚acting method’.” Passes knows the class in teaching „acting method”...... Audrey looked at „Hanged Man”, discovered that the opposite party is also looking at itself, both sides fell into suddenly silent. „Sun” the origin is really mystical, does not know where „Fool” mister drags into „Tarot Society” him...... More is more formidable...... Audrey slow, looked at the eye to lord over in thick grey mist, does not have The Fool that the surprised mood appeared externally slightly At this time, „Hanged Man” Argel was probing asking: „‚Sun’ mister, you have a lecture of clarity ‚acting method’ matters needing attention?” „Has.” Derrick nods without hesitation, „our passing know the class to say very clearly, ‚acting method’ the matters needing attention only then, ‚remembers, you in acting’.” Expects with me same...... We in using ingenious way bypass the impediment, disintegrates in magical medicine thoroughly the remaining spiritual influence, but does not submit to

it...... „Sun”, you also are really a pure youngster, this was cheated the important information...... Klein shows a faint smile, went to front Russell diary the vision. ps: Today continues three, asked the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket!   

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LM :: Volume #1 #159: „Granting” and „offering sacrifices”( second asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket)   

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On the tan parchment, slightly obviously twists Chinese that and makes threatening gestures to write: „On August 2, this pond water also imagined deeply compared with me, little girl who the history really lets the person to dress up.” „On August 5, experiences the high sequence expert strength today, is simply fearful, they had the qualitative change in some aspect, becomes likely is the Spiritual God, no wonder ’ has described them with ‚half God and half human, un, I thought that name ‚ myth creature’ possibly is more appropriate.” „On August 6, making people feel that the strange matter, why seven big church treat magical medicine to have such strange manner, in low sequence stage, they not only gave to obtain the promotion primary materials, but also shared formula generously, the process of demonstration compound liquid medicines, if there is a ceremony of correspondence,

in detail will explain inevitably, but in the high sequence stage, they only provided the end product magical medicine.” „This fully does not conform to the logic, in the primary materials relatively easy collection and producuction process quite simple medium low sequence stage, should not keep secret formula, direct-frequency modulation does magical medicine give the goal? Arrived high sequence, because the primary materials are unavailable, should not share formula, does the member who lets the hopeful promotion seek on own initiative?” „In this definitely hides me not to know the secret.” „The matter that on August 9, had over the two days makes me feel that is not good, steam and machinery era that the Industrial Revolution that I start personally, casts personally, will become the hotbed that Evil God will be born?” What meaning? Hotbed that Evil God is born? Klein frowns, the index finger raps the ancient long table leisurely the edge. „Fool” did mister come across the difficult problem? Can make his awkward matter definitely involve very high level...... Audrey is looking by the leader who rich grey mist covers, explained his current certain conditions from the body language of opposite party. Truly has thought in Klein of doubts top level issue, has not gotten the answer, starts to consider that appoints divination to seek the enlightenment the possibility: Un, only depends on such purely such

simple two words, wants divination to leave the essence the thing is impossible, I am not Prophet...... „Hotbed that direct divination Evil God is born”? The feeling is doing dies greatly...... Evil God not necessarily has Eternal Blazing Sun to be so terrifying, but the ability is perhaps stranger, perhaps followed up a clue had found me...... Moreover does not have means divination to attempt to have the big danger like this, once because involves the Spiritual God, will divination have the danger itself to bring the danger...... First remembers this issue, the multi- observations pondered much...... At the magical medicine matter, the church's arrangement truly is passing much strange, does not know that behind this is hiding any secret, perhaps waits for „Spiritualist”, no, should be „Necromancer” Daly becomes the archbishop or the senior deacon, enters the church's core level, I can obtain certain suggestion...... Russell really said makes the person a little yearn for the high sequence expert elegant demeanor...... Ideas flash through, Klein stops tapping the movement of ancient long table edge, looks at „justice” and „Hanged Man” and „Sun” said: „You can the free alternating current.” „Hanged Man” Argel opens the mouth to say immediately: „‚Fool’ mister, ‚justice’ young lady, I obtained an information newly, ‚in hurricane’ Zielinger will submerge Beckland to

complete a difficult task, he may stay a long time there, and creates the shocking massacre . Moreover, I also know that this matter related to very important goods, can help Zielinger quickly become the high sequence expert goods.” „Quickly becomes high sequence expert? Doesn't he fear outof-control?” Audrey grasps the key point that the opposite party described, exhibited „Audience” the stance, the doubts asked. Zielinger is Sequence Six „Wind Caretaker”, is away from Sequence Five from Sequence Four. Argel already expected that attended the meeting such issue, replied confidently: „Therefore that goods are important.” „Naturally, this is my speculation, the information that I receive is this: Zielinger believes that once he completes the request, attains that goods, he can Nast and the others say with ‚King of the Five Seas’ quickly, lets in the pirate ‚four kings’ turning ‚five kings’, making seven pirate generals reduce to six.” „Average person is not perhaps clear, but as extraordinary, we should know, in pirate ‚four kings’ either directly are high sequence expert, either in the unusual the coordination of ships and under mysterious goods, has the high sequence strength, Zielinger , to obtain the acknowledgment, is equal to with them, definitely must have close standard, therefore I such speculation.” I only know that „King of the Five Seas” Nast is Sequence Four expert, is not clear his

magical medicine name...... Klein secure is listening quietly, has not taken a stand easily. „Sun” Derrick. Although Bergh does not understand „Hanged Man” completely the event of description, does not know that who is, but he hears to be very dedicated as before, only thinks that the world at present presented in oneself a leaf of new front door. Pirates? Does the place that they live have the sea that in the books declared? That and around the city of silver environment has very big difference...... Issue that they as if never are worried about to curse, is not worried about the attack of thing of darkness...... Really makes people very curious...... Un, „Fool” mister has urged, do not inquire others' secret at will, that not politeness behavior...... Derrick is thinking silent, back and forth carefully examines „Hanged Man” and „justice”. „Your speculation is very reasonable, naturally, that also possibly is one can compare favorably with the high sequence expert mysterious goods. Justice” Audrey faint smile response said. „Hanged Man” looks at the eye has lorded over in rich grey mist „Fool”, has considered, looks that „justice” stressed: „I described two key points a moment ago \; first, Zielinger will treat a long time in Beckland \; second, related to very importantly also possibly very mysterious goods.” Therefore, „Fool” mister, aren't you excited? You have the abundant time to let your

family to Beckland...... Argel has made up one in the innermost feelings silently, but he does not dare to say directly, can only tactful place. „Hanged Man” mister, you do not need to repeatedly stress, I can understand the meaning that you want to express...... However, my strength does not support me to mix this matter, moreover I do not have the means to leave Thengen arbitrarily...... After Klein, leans against the chairback, quite reluctantly is thinking. Did not say family, I can find the extraordinary help of two quite powerful actually...... One has promoted Sequence Six Daly, but I impossible to her to explain that all situations, proposed one at most, received the lead, „in hurricane” Zielinger will have submerged Beckland, lived in such and some streets, planned to handle any matter, such one, Daly will directly likely mobilize the Night Watcher strength, making the matter very chaotic very troublesome...... Arrived finally, if you cannot find the helper as before, un, can such trial, avoid the occurrence of massacre...... Another is Mister Ards, but I impossible to disclose „Fool” to him status, to ask him to mix to arrive in full in Ringes's matter, lacked enough and right reason...... Ideas flash through, the Klein gentle opens the mouth said: „I knew.” Sees Fool not to take a stand as before, as before the matter that does not take seriously Zielinger, „Hanged Man”

Argel sighed one secretly, restrained to lose, starts young lady to exchange this week of findings with „justice”. „...... In brief, we have locked Zielinger approximate sphere of action initially, soon will start more further seeking.” Audrey elaborated first simply the specific situation, then leads me to achieve the great accomplishment to make the mentality of proper matter saying that „we need more information, the key point is Zielinger hobby and custom.” „Hanged Man” Argel recollection said: „He likes eating the fish, particularly the fish in sea, the slice eats uncooked......” „He likes drinking the strong liquor, looks down upon the champagne and red wine......” „Once comes ashore, he will always ask the woman to vent, but his strong body keeps an independent woman from satisfying him......” „He is familiar with the cold weapons, repels the thermal weapon.” „His very difficult long time to be separated from water, I mean, he separates for several days to swim a time swimming or dives water.” ...... Audrey 11 remember, outlined and plentiful that in mind has been called Zielinger role. „Hope can be successful, the cooperation is happy.” secure listens quietly, she smiled faintly to open the mouth to say. „Cooperation is happy.” Argel can only force itself to believe that in Beckland has the energy very much „justice” young lady. During they exchange, Klein seems like earnestly is listening

attentively, the regulations train of thought radiation has thought beforehand issue, that is if „Sun” hope obtains the material, how should pay the issue of opposite party. He who mystery science can pass an examination reluctantly, routine seeks to solve the problem toward the magical ceremony domain the mentality, this belongs to the path dependence that the front success accumulates. „...... Before perused the Night Watcher restricted data, had seen the goddess granted the follower the record of halidom, un, much related to the ceremony of Evil God and in devil, there is a description that the goods arrived at...... This means that I can, when the response hope, ‚granting’ the opposite party goods, complete the material by this pays......” „In the beforehand attempt, I can only respond temporarily contain the image and sound thought...... But this does not mean forever can only like this...... When I promote Sequence Eight and stabilize, may have the new change......” „Moreover, a key point, can I lead into above the grey mist the real material or the goods? Un...... Eh...... Right, these involve the ceremony of Evil God and devil, often contained ‚offering sacrifices’ link! Whether I can consider do oneself ‚offering sacrifices’ thing give itself?” „Perhaps as the matter stands, really can leads into above the grey mist the material and goods of reality......” „If attempts to be successful, I can directly and ‚Sun’

and ‚Hanged Man’ there obtain the goods and material from ‚justice’, then ‚granting’......” „Un, ‚offering sacrifices’ is the quite high-quality ceremony, I could not have contacted temporarily......” „At present the matter of primary importance as soon as possible promotes itself!” Klein takes back the train of thought that continues to listen to three members to exchange with the profound stance, listening to them to discuss the characteristics of certain monsters from Zielinger matter. Almost, he said with a smile: „Today arrived here.” „Complies with your wish. Sun” Derrick and „justice” and „Hanged Man” simultaneously sets out to say. Shuts off after three members' relations, Klein also fast crashes into grey mist, left that piece of mysterious space. Returns to the bedroom, he relieves the wall of spirituality, pulls open the curtain arrange/cloth of bow window, making outside sunlight shine. „This week has two important matters \; first, to accept the examination , to promote Sequence Eight \; second, to manufacture ‚Yang flame the spell’, its prestige can even surpass Sequence Seven, Sequence Six......” Klein is looking at outside street, is thinking hopefully, „tomorrow, should be able to receive the report of strange event Mister Ards makes tomorrow!” ps: Second delivers, asks recommendation ticket monthly ticket ~ genius

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LM :: Volume #1 #160: Assurance opportunity( third recommendation ticket monthly ticket)   


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On Tuesday in the morning, had finished mystery science curriculum Klein not finding a peaceful place to glance through „past and present like before to compare Night Watcher case collection” and other restricted data, but is the stay in recreation room, plays cards with Leonard, Kenry and Gragus. I make Mister Ards create can carry over sealed item „30782” the opportunity...... Can seize this opportunity, but must look at my display on site...... Klein's thoughts completely not on table-board, lets slip again and again, lost 5 sule in one hour, quite loses him to love dearly, plans to concentrate on first, recalls some losses. Yesterday afternoon has purchased „Yang flame the spell” after various materials, his pin money fell once more less than 1 pound, moreover this must pay for 2 sule hackney coach expenses to investigate to have the house of dark red chimney every day. Waited for Kenry shuffles, he takes up front bronze penny bored, has made revolving at will. Suddenly, he saw Gragus to

observe closely itself, stared very earnestly. How? Klein stares first, at once saw that creakying bronze penny. ...... This was being vigilant that I do use the divination technique to cheat? Among the teammates plays the sign, does not use such earnestly...... He understands instantaneously, hollow laugh according to get down that 1 penny coin. At this moment, Dunn Smith knocks on a door into, looks all around one saying: „Some Morse small town conditions, Leonard, you process.” Morse small town? The Klein spirit inspires, does intentionally asks curiously: „Did captain, what condition have?” The Dunn grey pupil sweeps, speaks thoughtlessly to explain: „In the recent several days, there successively has the event that several have been haunted doubtful, first some people, when passed by the graveyard, hears inside to have the wail, saw that the fuzzy shadow flashes through, then, a widow midnight wakes up the washroom on the way, meets husband who she passed away, nearly frightens the corona . Moreover, the old man of living alone, always hears in the house to have the serious sound of footsteps reverberation, so long as he lightens the candle or the gas lamp, all belong to peacefully, the resident of this small town generally believes the goddess, the local priest the situation will have notified directly.” Has not offended somebody, is closer to practical joke...... Should be Mister Ards

makes...... Klein with has rehearsed repeatedly expression and language gas channel/angrily said: „Matter that captain, outbreak several are haunted doubtful, perhaps the back is hiding some secrets, in this regard, divination can give certain enlightenment, I think that I can help Leonard.” Heard these words, the Leonard deep green eye pupil has observed closely Klein immediately, as to find the clue and trace from the face of opposite party. Dunn first nods, then hesitates does not speak. Klein sees the response of captain, has made immediately up one: „Certain matters to finally, have perhaps needed magical ceremony to come the thorough purification.” „Reasonable.” Dunn has thought the evil ways, „that you and Leonard go to Morse small town together.” Does not wait for others to open the mouth, he adds: „Un, your afternoon wrestle practice should unable to catch up, I will find the person to inform Gawain.” Hū, first step was completed...... Klein aspirated secretly, tidies up front sule and penny fast. Gets so far as half, his movement stiffens suddenly, side looks to Dunn, the serious opens the mouth said: „captain, I think that we must result in prevent the worst case scenario, if the back of being haunted event has a resentful soul of powerful, only depends on me and Leonard, perhaps will be dangerous, but Thengen City area to Morse small town, two, volume, three hours? Even if

we sent the telegram to request reinforcements promptly, must insist very for a long time......” „Therefore?” Dunn has interrupted his description. „I hope to obtain a help of teammate again.” Klein ships out the thinking the appearance saying that „. Moreover, according to the stipulation, three and above Night Watcher combined action, can apply to use ‚3’ level sealed item, un, ‚30782’ most suit solves the problem in this aspect.” Hears here, nearby Leonard has smiled a sound said: „This is really your style, discrete, be careful, does not take risk.” You as if were saying that I instigated...... I have looked straight ahead „Eternal Blazing Sun” person! Klein disguises not to hear the Leonard words, looks at Dunn Smith to say sincerely: „captain, your opinion?” „The coincidence that truly the prevention accident/surprise, recently had were too many......” Dunn as if in the ponder has selected, looked at another two member one saying that „Kenry, you and Leonard, Klein went to Morse small town together, the volume, you planned an application fast, after I signed, after arriving at Chanis Gate, took out sealed item ‚30782’.” „Good.” Not high Kenry has put down the playing card in hand. Good! Klein makes a fist to cheer in the heart said that but the surface is one is actually anxious, discrete dignified appearance. At this moment, Hood of Kija Duna in monitoring insane asylum. Ou root, Frye takes turns on duty Chanis

Gate. Left recreation room, Klein has worn the black coattails, with the good hat cane, with the Leonard same place, the steps mouth to place bottom to be waiting for Kenry. Four nobody, peaceful lonely, Leonard leans to look suddenly to Klein said: „I think that you should better give up not the actual fantasy.” „...... What?” Klein vacant response. Leonard goes forward one step, stands in the steps edge, overlooks profound under saying: „Even if in the duty, you are impossible to discover that my secret, understands my special place.” ...... Schoolmate, the narcissism don't be so good...... Originally you think that I applied to participate in this duty on own initiative, to observe you in secret? I have not thought of the matter in this aspect from the start! Klein first was suddenly, then hey one: „How you determined that my specialness can't help me discover your secret?” Leonard expression dignified several points, but he unfolds face|color to say with a smile at once: „Right? I am waiting for your discovery.” When I collect many information and goods, I go to above the grey mist, helping you make time divination, you're welcome! Klein was responding to the opposite party with the unstated criticism. In a while, diminutive terse Kenry took „variation solar sacred emblem” to appear in the steps of winding. Feels that unique warmth and purity, Klein relaxed quietly, knows oneself

completed stealing finally „Eternal Blazing Sun” in the plan of God blood strength at first is also most difficult one step. Then, one line of three people leave Black Thorns Security Company, arrives at Zoutlan Street, moved toward was the carriage of Night Watcher squad. „...... Won't the effect of purification affect the horses?” Kenry somewhat restlessly asked suddenly, „I do not want to let only meets ‚praises Sun’ Ramallah car(riage)......” He becomes the Night Watcher age limit is only longer than Klein, the experience cannot call richly. „, sealed item ‚30782’ only will not purify has to compare with Gao Zhihui's creature.” Klein lowers the voice to reply. If not this, I will not be bitten by the mosquito...... He has been supplementing one at heart wooden. „Originally is this...... Hehe, I initially read the material to look insufficiently carefully.” Kenry has pressed under own black high top hat, said with a smile suddenly. Because Klein had not grasped to control carriage skill, in the following three hours, he sits in the compartment, strokes gently sealed item in palm „30782”, looks leisurely and carefree Leonard and Kenry drive in turn. Lunch, they finally arrived in Morse small town. „Really beautiful......” Kenry goes down the carriage, is looking at around the small town the vast golden wheat field, acclaimed one heartfeltly. Symbol „volcano constellation” date approached ended,

„Constellation of Harvest” soon the life of ruler everyone. Leonard stands in the position of cart driver, looked all around all around, the mouth was opening, as to make a sonnet of doing for the occasion. But finally, he only suppressed a few words: „Really beautiful.” Klein represses laughter, wears top hat, grasps the cane, has gone down the carriage. At this time, the middle-aged man who put on black priest to take walked, drew scarlet moon to say in the chest: „praise the Goddess, are you Church of Saint Selina send to help our friends?” „Yes, Ayre priest, may the Goddess bless you.” Leonard jumps down the carriage, the smile response said, „we handle recent several being haunted events specially.” „Doubtful, doubtful.” Ayre of grey bluing pupil saw many townspeoples to approach, is busy at emphasizing one. Morse small town is not big, which direction regardless in walks, at most ten minutes can enter the plain, the constant here people are very difficult not to know each other, the matter that before had passed on noisily. Therefore, was waiting for earnestly Goddess of the Night church many townspeoples who sends for solving the problem sees the priest to greet three strangers, in abundance was difficult to cover curiously and has encircled kindly, some stood on tiptoes the tip of the toe, some cocked the ears strongly. A Leonard chuckle sound said: „Priest,

please feel relieved, we are specialized, you looked, we brought the holy water, the silver dagger, Sacred Emblem of Darkness, as well as garlic.” He said that while conjured has pulled out the goods of description from the clothing inside pocket. Garlic? Do you want to suffocate the ghost with exciting flavor/smell? Klein aerobic funnily watches the performance of Leonard. A present Ayre face is confused, even starts to suspect that Church of Saint Selina asked group of swindlers to come. The townspeoples who these surround actually together show the gratified smiling face, as if finally obtained rescuing. Leonard approaches present Ayre priest, explained in a low voice near his ear: „They believe these......” Does not wait for the opposite party to get back one's composure, he adds: „We go to church solution lunch first, later reprocessing these events.” Right, the lunch is very important...... Waits to process these „strange event”, is takes turns to guard sealed item „30782” the time, is I manufacture „Yang flame the spell” the opportunity...... We hope that all smooth...... „Yang flame the spell” naturally manufactures to achieve the best effect in the daytime...... Klein is thinking in side hopefully. ps: Three are completed, asks recommendation ticket and monthly ticket! genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m. 


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LM :: Volume #1

#161: Standing upside down imperial mausoleum   

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The construction of Morse small town mostly is following the hundred years ago styles, most conspicuous that is an apex, black church. Does well the carriage, Klein and the others fast solves the lunch that the bread, toasted bread, Bacon, cream and coffee composed. „In sealed item ‚30782’ under the purification, we can also support for two hours 35 minutes.” Kenry stands in the church entrance, pulls out the gold/metal shell pocket watch from the inside pocket of coattails formal dress, according to opening looked at one saying that „I suggested to handle the event that several were haunted doubtful first, avoided the possible worsening, then returned to the church, the guarding, regained the condition in turn.” Normally, Sequence Nine, Sequence Eight and Sequence Seven extraordinary close limiting condition must be far away from „variation solar sacred emblem” 2 hours to be able thoroughly to restore, but if has not reached the limit, or only wants to restore the part, that in accordance with the situation decides, least 1 hour. „Good.” „I do not have the opinion.” Klein and Leonard simultaneously open the mouth to say. „Which together event do we

handle first?” Kenry was seeking information the opinion of companion. Leonard receives the careless stance saying: „Living alone old man hears in the house to have serious sound of footsteps reverberation that to get up.” „Why?” Kenry asked the reason subconsciously, Klein interested was also waiting for some fellow explained. Is could it be that this so-called poet intuition? He was quietly black opposite party. The Leonard vision transferred to the Klein face from not high Kenry face, then moved, a chuckle sound said: „Because there is recent from the church.” „Do you know? In the material has not written......” Klein to blurt to ask. Leonard hehe said with a smile: „On the way of dines, didn't I go to the washroom? On the road that comes back met an application pastor, spoke thoughtlessly to chat several, he told my Noah's family/home near the church, un, Noah was the name of that living alone old man.” Worthily is over three years Night Watcher, makes the duty to be very skilled...... Klein hollow laugh, side said to Kenry: „Family/Home that we first go to Noah.” „Good.” Kenry does not have any comment. But merely after one minute, they arrived in Noah's family/home...... Noah is the hair graying and sparse old man, his young that forever will lose own left hand in a war, has to leave the army, is taking the compensation, returns to the hometown. At this time, he opens the door, looked at front three

strangers, looked at the eye hurriedly present Ayre that catches up with from the church, is hoarse the throat sound said: „come in, hopes that you can solve my problem, I heard that you have brought the holy water, sacred emblem and silver dagger and garlic? This is really very good, I have felt relieved much, please forgive my wordy, you must understand that after a person of getting old consecutively two late are unable to go to sleep peacefully the condition, oh, Goddess, I have been undertaking the fear, the spirit becomes absent-minded.” Just entered the front door, Leonard has straightened up the lumbodorsal region suddenly, the vision just like carefully examined all around substantive. Following close on, Klein is feeling the gloomy and cold aura that in the room paces back and forth, that is the trace that the ghost once here moved to remain. „Really has unclean creature to come.” Kenry last discovered that here condition, lowers the voice to say. „Is very small and weak.” Leonard takes back the vision, ease opens the mouth. „Midnight Peot” in all Sequence Eight of church record, can calculate the inspiration high „occupation”. „Yes.” Klein felt sealed item „30782” nature sending out warm and pure fast is melting these gloomy and cold aura, but the opposite party does not have the resistivity. At this moment, waited for some little time townspeoples to gather Noah Family/Home, with one

was in pairs curious and vision of anticipation is gazing at Klein, Leonard and Kenry. „!” Leonard settles the throat clear, the clear and resonant voice said, „we have blessing of goddess, these unclean creature will vanish quickly, will not create troublesome any.” Then, he uses the vision to hint Klein to perform „purification ceremony” to everybody. Why is I? Klein asked with the look. Naturally, he does not know that Leonard can understand own look. Very obviously, Leonard has comprehended his meaning, pulls down the throat sound said: „You are the professional, in ceremony.” Good, who asked me the application to help on own initiative? Klein reorganized under the clothing, received the holy water, sacred emblem and silver dagger and garlic from Leonard there. He „Sacred Emblem of Darkness” will wear first in the chest front, then breaks off the garlic, a petal petal loses to each corner. „Eh, drives out the ghost time, the garlic is such use?” „In the description with newspaper is different......” „Can this be useful?” ...... The townspeoples who surrounds discuss spiritedly instantaneously, is curious and excited, like arriving at the circus troupe plays. Is useless! I casually set an example! Some Klein suddenly became „Clown” feeling, partly closes one's eyes hastily, picks up the holy water with the silver dagger, sprinkles to the ground. He sprinkles, while walks around house, the

mouth mumbled: „Goddess of the Night......” „Mother of Secrets...... Lady of Scarlet......” „Empress of Disasters and Fears......” „Matriarch of Quiet and Peaceful Sleep......” ...... This standard zealot model/pattern Like shook the audience, the townspeoples were one after another peaceful. But the person enters peaceful condition, can realize very much easily before , thing that neglects. „Very warm feeling.” „Like is sunning......” „No, I as if saw the pure sky......” „Really is mysterious...... Is this function of holy water?” „Worthily is the priest who Church of Saint Selina sends!” „praise the Goddess!” ...... The townspeoples were discussing low voice, looked is gradually awe-stricken to Klein, Leonard and Kenry vision, house-owner Noah obviously relaxed, to matter whether to solve is unquestioned. This is the results that sealed item „30782” produce...... We drive out ghost anything not to need to do actually, was waiting for one minute to suffice same place...... Does not use very troublesome very tired...... After Klein purifies the gloomy and cold aura of various house places, opens both eyes, receives the silver dagger, seriously and draws scarlet moon in the chest earnestly: „praise the Goddess!” „praise the Goddess!” The townspeoples were responding devotionally. „Then also something must process, but we need the absolute peace.” Leonard observes the situation, the smile opens the

mouth to say. What experienced is „specialty” the townspeoples do not dare to stop over forcefully, under present Ayre priest's greeting, withdrew from Noah's family/home tidal, the owner in this house, has to temporarily leave. „Actually I want to sleep...... Noah to mumble very much immediately” am moving toward the church. Leonard takes a step to put out a hand, the closing up front door, turns the head to say to Klein: „A cause of your divination event.” „Does not have the issue.” Klein also wants to try to be able divination to leave anything. I know that is Mister Ards does...... But his position standard is not as if low, can live 1000 300-400 years of person position standards not to be definitely low...... Therefore, my divination definitely will be affected...... In this case, does not have me of above the grey mist that piece of mysterious space help, clearly cannot obtain anything to inspire...... Klein puts out the written records that carries along, has written down „the divination sentence”: „The cause of Noah Family/Home being haunted event.” He is taking that paper, arrives by the round table, sat, closes the eye, latter leans against the chairback. In the blurred and dim world, Klein saw a black imperial mausoleum suddenly. It is similar to pyramid, but actually stood upside down has been inserting the ground, nearly was buried. But in this ancient imperial mausoleum, the rich black fog has covered

up all. Klein regained consciousness suddenly, has opened both eyes. „What has to discover?” Kenry asked kindly. Klein thinks, has not concealed described the enlightenment that in the dream obtains in detail, end say/way: „This definitely is not the northern continent imperial mausoleum style, I refer to fifth era, in this regard, I reluctantly am an expert.” Leonard as if nodded to say in the ponder: „That is southern continent ‚inverted pyramid’, means that enters the ghostdom from the world, but regardless in once Empire of Balam, were its branch Highland Empire and other places, only then the socalled Death God descendant can construct such imperial mausoleum for oneself.” „In some sense, this is ‚Death God’ symbol.” „Un, the ghost will be definitely related with Death God, this divination result is without a doubt correct.” Has not gone to pay attention to the ridicule of Leonard, Klein is lost in thought that has had an interesting idea: could it be that Mister Ards is the Death God descendant, or he can obtain such long life , because has carried out some transaction with Death God? According to the «Revelations of the Night» corresponding the restricted data record of chapter and Night Watcher, Death God is the evil Spiritual God, had started a catastrophe at the fourth era last act in northern continent, that period of time is called „pale age”. Un, he afterward it is said fell from the sky in seven

Gods collaborates...... The initial age of Ram old castle has not been possible to test, but will not be earlier than „pale age”. If some relations, that were occupied by the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator in red chimney house really takes the place that the Mister Ards child's skull had to inquire into...... Naturally, this may also be is northern continent various countries colonizes southern continent to find the excuse, after all that side mainly believes Death God...... Because does not have other discovery, three Night Watcher stays are not long, left Noah Home quickly, starts event that processes another two to be haunted doubtful. The similar process, similar result, they made the small town cast off the difficulty of dead souls aura quickly, but had not found all these sources. On the way, Leonard has inquired the townspeople, asked whether in the recent several days has the stranger to come, got the negative answer. Hasn't Mister Ards come? He should be the secret arrives, departs quietly, nobody discovered...... Truly discrete...... He said that on Wednesday returns to the meaning of Thengen City area is, even if we do not process, these „ghost” voluntarily will also vanish on this day? Klein is thinking the matter, followed Leonard and Kenry returned to the entrance of Morse church. But they can also in „variation solar sacred emblem” under-bracing 1 hour 45 minutes. „We guard in turn, 1

hour trades one time.” Klein endures patiently the innermost feelings the excitement, looked at the next day color, „ strives to hurry back to the Thengen City area to use the supper. „Did not have issue” Leonard to look at Klein one, said with a smile lowly, „, but to assure security, I suggested two people to guard, a person rested, took turns in turn.” ...... Klein stayed, the thought racing, the smile responded: „Good, but we must calculate like this most reasonable taking turns way, who rests first, is, finally is, requires how much time to restore each time, restores many, un, I think establish one to include the equation of unknown, to obtain optimal solution, and makes to compare with the single guard...... Had efficiency function that to be best...... We supposed the first unknown is......” „Stops!” In the Leonard deep green eye pupil completely is vacant and frightened, „, since this, we are the single guard, that is one's turn treats in the church, its range is big enough, naturally, Jeance Ayre priest they go to other place to be a guest, remaining two defend outside the church, preventing some people to approach.” „This is also my opinion.” Kenry discovered oneself hear the issue in mathematical to have a headache. „Good.” Klein „pushing someone take on a difficult job” the nod said. If he cannot convince two teammates a moment ago, that can only attempt like the previous time, has with

everyone special has the secret to come and Leonard transaction, pays certain information, received exchange for his departure. But now, the issue completely was solved!   

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LM :: Volume #1 #162: The sunlight is violent   

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The weak ray illuminates into from the narrow and small color window of high place, let dim in Morse church several points of obvious. The Klein knee puts top hat, the leg relies on the cane, sits left side of the corridor on peacefully first row of the chair, visual front chancel. There has not consecrated the statue, merely huge Sacred Emblem of Darkness, its pitch-black are the bottoms, the radiant embellishment, is crowding around just 50% scarlet moon. On the sacred emblem rear wall, opened holes, the sunlight of outside shines, condense to purely, micro highlight, they and periphery nearly the environment connection of dark night, incarnation for lofty starry sky. No matter Goddess of the Night, is Eternal Blazing Sun and Lord of Storms, all orthodox Spiritual God have not left behind the concrete image, consecrates, worship can only be

their symbol...... This seems „cannot look straight ahead God” another performance...... Whatever Klein own train of thought diverges, not anxiously while alone guards sealed item „30782” opportunity manufacture „Yang flame the spell”. He thinks that this matter must be discrete, must be patient, must wait for, most starts for dozen minutes, Leonard and Kenry momentarily possibly come to remind certain matters needing attention. In extreme peaceful atmosphere, time fast passes, Klein recovers suddenly, puts out the tendrils pattern the silver pocket watch, presses, looked at one. Past 20 minutes...... He silent whispered, inlays the silver cane to put side half high silk top hat and black, sets out nearby relatively covert the corner to the chancel. He first is to the chancel flank, may see that huge Sacred Emblem of Darkness and as if the nighttime sky projection sacred picture, inexplicably thought that afraid and is not comfortable, therefore transferred, back to chancel. Klein takes down wears in black coattails inside sealed item „30782”, bent the waist has put the ground this dark gold/metal luster plain badge. Looks eye that has been full of abstract meaning „Sun” mark, Klein puts out a section to mix the candle of sandalwood, places it in sealed item „30782” under. This is he from „Eternal Blazing Sun” there „study” to dual ceremony law: With symbolizes him with Spiritual

God related goods closely directly, represents itself with the candle. Inspired, relaxes under slightly obviously the tight mood, Klein has put out the goods that the ceremony needs, including a engraving knife, two light gold/metal pieces, black sun plant and gold-edged sun plant, white sun plant mix extraction „Sun” volatile oil, gold/metal citrus reticulata powder, as well as rosemary powder. Completes all these, Klein knows extremely well guides spirituality to flow with the ceremony silver dagger, around crude „altar” transferred, makes invisible, seal wall. He has squatted, puts away the silver dagger, extends the right hand, had the way of spirituality friction to light has symbolized own candle. Drags but in pale yellow ray, Klein takes up „Sun” volatile oil, dropped one drop toward the candlelight. Leaps, the illusory dense fog spread, is having some sunlight flavors/smells. The after powder of combustion good gold/metal citrus reticulata and rosemary, Klein is taking the engraving knife and gold/metal Pian, has stood, retrocedes one step, read aloud with ancient Hermes language discussed: „Blood of Eternal Blazing Sun.” „The light of your extinguishing, is not the incarnation of order, is the God of contract, is the commercial protector.” ...... Extinguishing light, order incarnation, the God of contract, the commercial protector, is not „Eternal Blazing Sun” Venerable a

part, if no „the blood of Eternal Blazing Sun” this prefix, the ceremony must obtain the response of Spiritual God to continue, such one, Klein suspected that „Eternal Blazing Sun” will recognize is in itself that looks straight ahead his disrespecting, when the time comes, Leonard and Kenry will come in only to see pile of black ashes. Moreover, the ceremony must use ancient Hermes language this direct source in the natural sacrificial offering language, only then does not have protection but effect outstanding it to make the incantation bypass „Eternal Blazing Sun”, aims at „variation solar sacred emblem”. Meanwhile, because is stealing Spiritual God the strength, Klein has no way ahead of time the divination matter will be whether smooth, he thinks that will be faced directly the Spiritual God by oneself again, therefore, can only hang a heart, read the following incantation discretely: „I implored to you \;” „Implored you to grant me the strength \;” „Grants me to complete Yang flame the spell the strength.” „The blood of Eternal Blazing Sun, please transmit your strength to my spell......” „The gold/metal citrus reticulata, is the solar domain herbal medicine, please transmit your strength to my spell......” ...... As the incantation is near the end, Klein felt suddenly at present has any thing to shine. That dark golden plain badge bloomed the blazing ray, like arriving at Sun above earth. Klein fell into

violent burning hot immediately, the hair rapidly changes burns, as if will soon burn. His both feet seems to be naked is stepping on after the high noon sunlight has shone above yellow sand, the billowing strong gale that the face and body in all directions were swayed washes out the polish time and time again. This instance, he thought that oneself must make anything, and expressed that combustion strength guidance, otherwise, he will turn into the flesh candle. Almost does not need to ponder, Klein lifts both hands, in the train of thought boiling hot is similar to the situation of hot gruel, depends upon the coordination of spirituality and strong gale, is following the instinct the guidance of memory and ceremony, starts, to correspond spiritual numeration and magic marking and ancient incantation with the engraving knife in the gold/metal piece pro and con plan symbolic sign. Outside the church, Leonard is standing in the shadow, is avoiding the afternoon straightly shoots. Suddenly, he discovered the sunlight violently one, like the early July burning hottest that days. He narrows the eye, looks to the sky, sees only blue that „theater curtain” cloud, has not had dust, is clear and calm makes the person acclaim. „Strange weather.” Another side Kenry also noted the change of sunlight. Leonard when smiles the response lowly, suddenly has leaned the head. His brow wrinkles slightly, the vision carefully

examine looked to the church. „Luckily Roseanne not here, otherwise she will complain that the sunlight tanned her skin.” Leonard takes back the line of sight, said with a smile. The blazing sunlight maintained for several minutes to be gloomy merely gradually, all restored appearance originally. The church, the Klein's engraving knife is dropping last. As that symbol „light” magic marking is completed, spirituality of gold/metal piece front and back suddenly continually a whole, and reserved to the metal innermost. No, this was closer to divine nature...... Klein got rid finally boiling hot and blazingly, carefully examines in the palm soberly that two „Yang flame the spell”. The golden luster of their surface became gloomy, the pattern is plain and complex, the warm favor feeling seeps out little, permeates the Klein's skin. „Good, I finally had the quite fierce card in a hand.” Klein silent said after a sigh. He for „Yang flame the spell” the opening incantation of establishment is in ancient Hermes language „light”. I must light, have up...... He teased one, „Yang flame the spell” income another pocket, with „will not have sunk the dormancy to calm the spirits” and „dreamland” spell places the same place, because such will have the influence to the latter, making the time limit that their effects can maintain reduce. „Un, ‚Yang flame spell’ the prestige can most little be able to preserve for one year, even

is longer.” The Klein restraining train of thought that looked at the vision to ground that „variation solar sacred emblem”. Sees its surface not to change, the warm and pure feeling also as before assimilates the surroundings, Klein was relaxing thoroughly, fast carries on the conclusion of ceremony, relieves the wall of spirituality. Until this time, he had thoughts to inspect itself, discovered that the personal shirt has almost soaked, the face completely was the sweat, the hair edge slightly has the curl. Fortunately, fortunately...... The Klein gratified sigh, receives good goods, returned to seat originally, was tired to sit to rest, until was awakened by the sound of footsteps. He opens the eye fiercely, subconsciousness traces „Yang flame the spell”, confirmed whether it still exists. „Isn't your condition good?” Enters Leonard of church to open the mouth to ask. Klein has rubbed under the two sides frontal eminence, sets out to say with a smile: „Because quick close limit.” He puts out the silver pocket watch, according to opening looked at one also saying: „Happen, was one's turn you to guard sealed item ‚30782’.” The voice has not fallen, Klein has taken down „variation solar sacred emblem”, has given Leonard confidently. After gazing after he goes out of the church, Leonard restrains the careless stance, dedicated and carefully examines sealed item earnestly „30782”, the expression gradually

becomes confused, shows the obvious confusion. Guards in turn, three Night Watcher took the path of return trip. Before then, their Jeance Meyer priest always pays attention to the small town the condition, once has the matter occurrence that is haunted doubtful again, immediately toward the Church of Saint Selina wire. In the evening 7.20, they finally arrive in Zoutlan Street, has delivered sealed item „30782”. Confirmed after captain does not have the discovery exceptionally, Klein leaves Black Thorns Security Company happy, snatches went home before 8 : 00. He pulls out the key, opens the door, saw a strange person's shadow suddenly. This is the obviously less than 20 young girls, wears the iron grey obsolete women's clothing, is cleaning the dining room diligently. Her black hair brown pupil, the eye is small, the nose , the facial features are not very ordinary. Who? Klein stares first, at once understands this possibly is the odd jobs female servant who tries to do the housework. At this time, Benson lowered the newspaper, looked to the Younger Brother, the smile opens the mouth saying: „Does not make the company that the employee gets off work on time always disgusting.” „The wage that but it gives can heal this scars.” Klein responded with a smile. Waits for „justice” young lady's 300 pounds to arrive at the account , to promote to tell Benson and Melissa the wage to per week 6 pounds

matter, making them not need too to be worried about the family finance situation...... Klein thinks by good cane, to take down top hat, moves toward the living room, pulls down the throat sound said: „Did you choose?” Conclusion that he yesterday with material divination of that three odd jobs female servant, suited, the right that will therefore decide has given the elder brother and Younger Sister. „Yes, Beira, weekly salary 5 sule, are willing also to have that ability study cooking, she hopes, can become the family female chef, such her weekly salary will turn time, her father is the worker in Thengen City steel combine, mother is the washing clothes female worker.” The Benson chuckle replied, „naturally, let another reason that I and Melissa made the decision is, other two female servant believed Lord of Storms, only then she was the goddess follower, I did not repel the Lord of Storms follower, but Melissa a little did not like.” The Melissa manner is not does not like, a more accurate description feels sad for their misfortunes, gets angry him not to struggle, right, Lu Xun said! Since Klein has recalled the Younger Sister performance, on the face has been showing the smiling face. Benson had not said again, puts down the newspaper, stands up saying: „Since you came back, we enjoy the supper.” ............ Next day, the Klein mood entered Black Thorns Security Company well. „Good morning.” About Roseanne looked at one

saying that „Old Neil has fallen ill, did we visit him to be what kind at noon?” „Did Old Neil fall ill?” The Klein surprise asked. Wasn't the ceremony that the lane stopped flows swiftly will have created the serious constipation? Un, knew after him indistinctly „acts law” the performance, suddenly falls ill also has the possibility...... Old, spirit one frail, body mostly with having condition...... Roseanne makes an effort to nod saying: „Yes, he found the person to come to captain to ask for leave.” Klein nods slightly said: „We visit him at noon, yeah, said, Old Neil is also very pitiful, the wife passed away early, the child does not know that which city is busy, after falling ill , can only lie down lonely, no use at home.” His is recalled that first time went to the Old Neil family's matter. Hears Klein's to sigh, Roseanne opened the eye, asked back stunned: „When has Old Neil married?”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #163: All sorts of signs   

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What? Klein by the Roseanne issue was made stayed, slightly at a loss recalls: „I went to the Old Neil home before time, was last month, discovered

that in the living room had a piano, he told me, the wife who he passed away liked the music very much......” Was saying was saying, Klein terrified one startled, had some not good idea inexplicably. Roseanne wrinkles the attractive eyebrow, not too said definite: „Perhaps was I remembers incorrectly...... It is not right, in the first half of the year I and Mrs. Oriana they will go to the Old Neil home to be a guest frequently, at that time, in the living room did not have the piano, I remember clearly I have asked him, why must maintain single, his reply is, has not met to let that woman who he wants to marry......” In the first half of the year did not have the piano...... Still was replying why maintains the single issue...... Klein one ties tight the body, the sinking sound asks: „Roseanne, your how long hasn't gone to the Old Neil home to be a guest?” „Since Kenry transfers Night Watcher, the Veuler choice leaves here, no longer is the civilian personnel, I either am staying up late, either is catching up on the dormancy, where has the time to go to others home to be a guest...... Un, in early June starts.” Roseanne was asked somewhat blurry, can only reply honestly. Klein hears a heart to sink gradually, as if had a premonition anything. He is busy at pulling out -and-a-half penny currency values from the pocket the coins, clamps between the thumb and middle finger. Deeply takes a breath,

Klein has considered, has decided „the divination sentence” rapidly. „The Old Neil present condition is not right.” „The Old Neil present condition is not right.” ...... During silent meditates, his eye pupil fast transfers black, the whole person entered the meditation condition. Zheng! His thumb springing, making that brass luster penny fly the midair, tumbled and revolves unceasingly. ! The coin falls, happen to falls on the palm that Klein has spread out. This time, George III head picture toward on. But the head picture expressed correctly, affirmed. This means that Old Neil present condition is not truly right! Klein grips the coin, remembered itself just to promote that meeting suddenly, grasped spirit vision quickly, sees behind exceptionally indifferently Old Neil had one pair nearly transparently, did not have the long eyelash, strange illusory eye. He at that time the explanation was, a magical ceremony residual attribute! Right, I also see the entrance gloomy place to have together close invisible person's shadow, his energy field color and periphery the pale yellow dim environment is completely consistent...... Also, I digest „Divinator” thoroughly magical medicine that time, changed to the light buckle tooth the spirit vision switch in secret, later, I have attempted, and looks at will to Old Neil, finally he coughs suddenly fiercely, coughs rendingly...... Scenes flash in the Klein's mind, lets

his expression even more dignifiedly. Roseanne looked at his one eyes, the fear and dreads asks: „Won't Old Neil lose control? No, although he is mean-spirited and parsimonious, anything wants to reimburse, but is actually a good person, little true vitality/angry, will not lose control......” „I am unable to determine, but I think that Old Neil is only close out-of-control.” Klein comforted Roseanne one, the half step through the room partition, has opened the door of captain office. Dunn Smith is drinking the coffee, had a scare by the sudden intruder, nearly chokes itself. „Accident sentiment of?” He has not blamed Klein, the expression becomes very serious. Klein is quite succinct but completely to reply: „captain, my divination has the Old Neil condition not to be right.” „Last month Old Neil told me, the wife who he passed away liked the music, but Roseanne said that today he was maintaining alone.” „Moreover, I just became the day of extraordinary, saw the Old Neil back to have the double illusory strange eye to gaze at all, the entrance also had nearly transparent form to spy on, he told me this is the magical ceremony residual attribute.” „I felt that does not suit, therefore was trying divination.” The Dunn complexion sinks to congeal to listen, brushes stands up, moves toward the pin rail, the doubts asked: „Your why not direct divination Old Neil whether loses control?” „This month, Old Neil

displays and normal extraordinary has not distinguished, even also collaborated to help Sivin eliminate out of control Justice Enforcer with me, I several times have also observed his energy field color with spirit vision, discovered that his relative health, was only a little senile, therefore, I think that he was only close out-of-control, presented certain indication, leeway of recalling.” The Klein one breath expressed own viewpoint. Dunn puts on black top hat, wears and knee windproof coat, nods gently said: „Very reasonable speculation...... We visit Old Neil now, un, avoids stimulating him as far as possible.” „Then, attempts to control him, stabilizes his condition with magical ceremony, contains his worsening.” Control...... Klein hears this word, suddenly a spiritual light lightning channel: „captain, we whether can use sealed item ‚30611’?” How he has been considering to solve the Old Neil matter a moment ago, wants to save the opposite party as far as possible, because is extremely flurried, is extremely restless, extremely worried, throughout cannot find the clue, until was reminded by the Dunn Smith words, remembers such sealed item to apply: „Serial number: 0611.” „Name: Sends the silk peacefully.” „Hazard classification: ‚3’, have certain danger, needs the careful use, only has three person and the above motion can apply.” „Security classification: Night Watcher full member and

above.” „Seal way: With not living biological direct contact.” „Description: This is the simple accessory that is twined by many blue black long hair.” „So long as the non- protection contacts it, all living the creature will lose completely ** with the mood, envies and envies, hatred including , but not limited, hungry, angry and sad, pain, happily, to satisfy greedily with.” „After the confirmation, comes under the influence the creature with 0611 to disengage ** also will vanish, they will treat peacefully in same place, has treated to the life end.” „If there is an external force to cause by influent and 0611 disengages, that former will return gradually to normal, but the empirical datum showed, all these tenable conditions are the contact duration not over two hours.” „Once contact duration surpasses for two hours, forever peacefully will get down by the influent.” „ The experimental subject highest rank is Sequence Five. „Can with wearing glove and other ways avoided the direct contact.” „These round of silk do not have living the characteristics, have not tried to escape the trend of seal.” „Appendix: These round of silk appear in promote in the event of failure together, is some Night Watcher captain cannot advance into the Sequence Six relic successfully.” Heard the Klein's words, the Dunn grey pupil profound place under: „Very good proposition, I almost forgot that ‚30611’, you went to recreation

room to look for Gragus, after I to Chanis Gate, takes out sealed item, comes back to make up the application again.” This, cannot waste the time! Klein has not delayed, immediately arrives at Night Watcher recreation room, will have little expression „Sleepless” Gragus shouted. „What duty is?” The black hair along slippery is similar to silk fabrics Gragus asks calmly. Klein aspirated, with some emotion replied: „Visits Old Neil.” „Visits Old Neil...... He?” The eye of Gragus one opened, had some not good guess. „Is indefinite.” The Klein slight nod said. Gragus has not spoken again, two people simultaneously fell into silent, in the surrounding air as if has any thing to condense little, is becoming heavy. This several minutes later, Dunn finally returns from the place bottom. He wears the black glove, grabs one clump is complicated disorderly jet black hair. With „variation solar sacred emblem” compared with, „sends silk peacefully” obviously not external exceptionally, if it falls on the street, will be neglected very much easily. After calling the cart driver Cesar, one line of four people stepped went to the distance of Old Neil. The wheel get lost/rolls the greasy road that just had rained, in the compartment is more peaceful than the midnight. Has not known how long, Dunn sighed is opening the mouth saying: „Old Neil young time actually has the lover who will soon have become engaged, but she had the serious

illness suddenly, is hard to treat, Old Neil braves to leak the extraordinary secret the risk to attempt to save her with magical ceremony, may actually still unable to succeed, that time Old Neil, just crossed the threshold in the mystery science domain.” „Documents and records have shown that time Night Watcher Old Neil will therefore be losing control, what making the person rejoice, he has retrieved the reason finally, has not displayed exceptionally.” We hope that this time also has a false alarm...... Klein could not bear in the chest has drawn scarlet moon, prayed in a low voice: „Wish the goddess to bless him.” Dunn and Gragus also make the similar movement: „Wish the goddess to bless him.” ............ The sky is bright gradually, gloomy cloud layer abates thoroughly, the carriage of Night Watcher squad stopped in the front of Old Neil that alone house. After letting Cesar catch up the carriage is hiding the distant place, Dunn restrains the mood, grasps the stick, is grasping sealed item „30611”, the grey pupil moved toward the main entrance deep and quiet. Klein has pressed second half high silk top hat, with the Gragus same place, follows in captain behind, passed through has been planting the rose and gold peppermint garden. After arriving in the entrance, Klein goes forward one step, drew that to connect in the room the rope of bell. ding dong! The clear delightful ting reverberation in the

room, broke sank to congeal the peace. ding dong! ding dong! Klein drew continuously several, the politeness retroceded, has not attempted again. Three Night Watcher waited for patiently for several minutes, but has not heard some people the sound of footsteps that throughout comes to open the door. „Perhaps, Old Neil has gone see a doctor, is not at home.” Klein squeezes out wipes the smiling face to say. His voice has not fallen, in the room transmits a melodious melody suddenly, that is the wonderful music movement that the piano plays, that is similar to under the moonlight is hoodwinking a fine gauze mist peaceful lake. The Dunn expression immediately becomes exceptionally serious and dignified, the Klein's heart also sank the valley. He when makes time divination, sees in main entrance below slit to have the current of water of gurgling to gush out suddenly. This current of water first is transparent pure, subsequently caught scarlet-red, blood general redness, richly to the redness of extreme.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #164: Pitiful creatures   

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The color of blood reflected red the Klein's eye pupil, reflects line of sight that he nearly coagulated red. At this moment, in the room spreads the sound that coughs lightly suddenly, Old Neil is hoarse the throat saying: „Dunn, what do you make?” Grey pupil of Dunn profound to the extreme, he uses the mellow voice urgently not slow not to reply: „Heard that you got sick, we visit you.” In the room one becomes peaceful, crossed for several seconds, Old Neil angrily and in a terrified way hissing shouts: „No! You are lying!” Does not wait for Klein and the others to open the mouth, his expression suddenly becomes weak: „Yes, I know that my condition a little does not suit.” Old Neil...... Klein has shut under eye fiercely, but the bloody water that in the crack in a door seeps out has not ceased. Following close on, Old Neil was raising the throat sound said: „But since, I had not injured anybody, whom also does not want to pass to injure! I do not have, I have not betrayed the Night Watcher important secret, I am most, most is the expense that reimburses should not reimburse, I have not done the misdemeanor really!” „Klein.” He like shouted suddenly in the past, „I told you Inquisitor of Secrets maxim have been ‚act in a self-serving manner, but do not injure’, I was always insisting these words, rather endured patiently, rather waited, also will not do to injure to others' matter......” Here, he was afraid to plead:

„Dunn, Gragus, Klein, you go back, goes back, when tomorrow, when tomorrow, I can restore normally, I pledged, pledged to the goddess, I will not injure others, really!” Dunn has shut the eye, expression asked gently: „Actually do you want to make what? What have you been trying?” „I?” Old Neil first is vacant, then yearningly stated said, „I in attempt resurrecting Shalisi, Dunn, I had found the means that I walked on the correct road!” „You should hear, I initially when held magical ceremony to make mistakes, cannot cure her disease, cannot save her, I know, this was because my mystery education grasped insufficiently well, but now, I have enough knowledge and experience to complete that all! Really regrettable, I cannot unexpectedly from ‚Inquisitor of Secrets’ the maxim and in the Daly instance has been inspired, has missed the best opportunity, if, if I am high sequence expert, the matter will become very easy.” Was saying was saying, Old Neil has taken several points of weeping voice, „, I cannot give up again...... Dunn, you go back, goes back, I asked you.” Klein clenched the teeth, hears the captain voice slightly to have the fluctuation to ask: „How do you plan resurrecting Shalisi?” Old Neil one becomes excited: „I with ‚life refining up’ the way, prepares a not senile body for her, Dunn, perhaps you do not know, Earth Goddess church's sequence 4 are good at ‚life building up’,

‚passes cognoscente’ path corresponding sequence also reluctantly to accomplish, un, I will draw support from the Spiritual God the gracious gift to complete.” „Then, I will summon her soul from spiritual world, and implored the help of Spiritual God, let the spirit and meat unites.” „Is very good idea?” Dunn goes up the corners of the mouth to say forcefully: „Yes, very good idea. Old Neil, making us go, perhaps we can help you.” „...... Dunn, aren't you willing to let off me?” Old Neil entreated saying that „went back, you went back, tomorrow I can restore normally, Dunn, I pledged really, will not steal with your coffee bean again, Klein, Gragus, I pledged, will not let you coordinated me to reimburse too should not the expense again, really!” Klein and in the Gragus slightly fuzzy line of sight, Dunn lowered the head, at once lifts saying: „Old Neil, you have misunderstood, we are visit your, you are our companions, you fell ill, the condition does not suit, we can definitely visit you, opens the door, making us look, making us be able rest assured that so long as your anything major problem, we have not gone really back immediately, you know that the recent duty are specially many, we must monitor the insane asylum, while must handle various thunderbolts.” Old Neil has hesitated evil ways: „My anything major problem, cannot restore really really tomorrow.” Blood red water fluid that seeps out from the main

entrance slit along stair, flowed on the flagging, flowed in the garden soil. „Old Neil, did we know for 15 years? Has teamed up the duty does not know that has many to get up, I care about you very much, worries about you very much, must look with own eyes you can feel relieved.” The Dunn voice alcohol and place said. „...... Good.” Old Neil mumbled, „my really not anything issue.” , The main entrance opens wide slowly, Klein lifted the hand to wipe under the eye fast, making the line of sight return to normal. Then, the liquid that he sees on the rug of entrance hall covered entirely blood-color, has mounted thickly, grows hair. Before the vision looks, gradually uppers shift, he discovered above the floor, ceiling, round table, piano and chair living room also all are disgusting, mounts thickly, blood-color, has the liquid of dense and numerous black short wool. The Old Neil gray head hangs in midair, is connected through the sturdy mucus and ceiling, the forehead and cheeks respectively grew a pair of eye, indifferent, does not have the eye of eyelash. The key of piano is jumping voluntarily, plays the wonderful and melodious melody. „Dunn, you look, my really not anything major problem.” The Old Neil smiling face said brightly, „Gragus, Klein, you also believe that right!” As soon as he opens the mouth, Klein flows blood-color is mounting thickly, on seeing, is growing the liquid of black short wool. The

Dunn grey pupil has glittered, resembles usually to chat: „Where Old Neil, you learn ‚does life refine’ and ‚resurrecting ceremony’?” Old Neil replied excitedly: „I hear, I have tried the front part, truly real! This is the Spiritual God gracious gift, he was narrating in my ear unceasingly, describing, he was, he was......” The Old Neil sound one catches, after several seconds, at a loss and said frightened: „He is Hidden Sage......” Hidden Sage? Isn't that nonpersonification Spiritual God of Moska religious order belief? But this Spiritual God, afterward lived, has brought evil and degenerates...... Moska religious order is grasping completely „Inquisitor of Secrets” sequence...... In the Klein heart moves, has thought. Mentioned that „Hidden Sage”, Old Neil as if finally sobered, looks all around at a loss, is sizing up all. In the inenarrable silence, his six eyes simultaneously look to Dunn, the forced smile open the mouth saying: „Originally, I turned into the monster......” Does not wait for Dunn they to reply, Old Neil reveals suddenly flurriedly, flatters, dreads, timid smiling face: „Makes me leave, I will enter the remote mountain, no longer the appearance, who I will not injure assume the post, I only peacefully try my ceremony, puts me to leave, asked you, asked you.” But at this moment, Klein only thinks that at present has any illusory thing to break. Old Neil that four callous, does not have the eye of eyelash to flash

through the dark ray, solidly has locked Dunn, his expression becomes indifferently: „You I enter dreamland in pulling!” „No, useless! My eye can see through all these!” Covered entirely the ceiling, floor and wall blood-color mounts the thick liquid to start the creeping motion, has opened the mouth like a giant, tried to swallow completely Klein and the others, but the head of Old Neil became fuzzy, was similar to the overlay of numerous illusory image. Klein has not drawn out the revolver flurriedly, but the hand taking bearing pocket, planned that uses „sinks dormancy spell”. Suddenly, he saw to be also quiet, these blood-color, mounted thickly, grew the liquid of dense and numerous black short wool was peaceful as if calmly has blown the lake water. Old Neil lost indifferently, icy cold, hatred, hope and other expressions, becomes is safely tranquil. When does not know, Dunn „30611” lost sealed item, has thrown into that pile of blood-color sticking thick liquid. On the Old Neil forehead and cheeks that four did not have the eye of eyelash to close up slowly, the desire of as if deficient opening. Any nonprotection contacts the creature of „peacefully sending silk”, will become peaceful, will lose all powers, until life end! Dunn, Klein and Gragus complete/even complete/even drew a pistol, has aimed at the opposite party head. At this time, on the Old Neil face showed the facial expression that

the extreme fear has struggled strongly, the intense seeking livehood desire slightly has defeated sealed item unexpectedly „30611” influence. That four extra eye vanished, the wrinkle of his corner of the eye and mouth is such profound, the hair is such gray, when the dark red eye pupil the pollution, like Klein first time sees him the appearance. „Dunn, you still remember that I had saved you......” „Gragus, you still remember that I helped you save the life of family member......” „Klein, you still remember that I did teach your mystery education every day? Still remembers that we discussed reimburses expense the matter? Still remembers that I do make hand to grind the coffee to you? Still remembers that we do cope with the out of control together Justice Enforcer?” ...... Illusory entreaties have drilled into the Klein's ear, making him grip the right hand of revolver to appear shivers obviously, making him feel that the trigger is such is hard to buckle. Bang! Bang! Two silver demon hunting bullet flew, one after the other dug in the head of Old Neil. Klein sees that exceptionally familiar face to show the desperate facial expression, seeing his skull to be raised, saw blood red and creamy white toward splashes in all directions. The surroundings mount the thick blood-color liquid to start to contract, flows backwards Old Neil to fall to the head of ground nearby peacefully, Dunn and Gragus simultaneously

the low muzzle, falls into silent. Klein looks at all these silently, looks Old Neil „corpse” finally turned into flesh and blood of one group of erosions, sees in the flesh and blood has one pair painfully, dark red, clear eyeball. He only thinks that all these like dreamland, cannot believe the matter to occur, like this finished. He wooden and looks at Dunn to go forward speechless two steps, saw the back of captain slightly rickets. Wears Dunn of black windproof coat is looking at front Old Neil „corpse”, thought aloud that the sinking sound said: „We are the protector, but at the same time we're also pitiful creatures that are withstanding dangers and madness.” This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more Got it! LNMTL - Machine Translations

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LM :: Volume #1 #165: Epitaph   

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„We are Guardian, but at the same time we're also pitiful creatures that are withstanding dangers and madness.” The words reverberation of Dunn in the Old Neil house, reverberates between revealing the corrosion trace floor, wall and ceiling, reverberates in the Klein's mind and mind. Before did not have any time, can make him compared with the present to those words impression more profound. He thought that perhaps own life is unable to forget this feeling, even if will return to Earth in the future. In the almost coagulation atmosphere, Dunn moves toward Old Neil „corpse”, has partly squatted, puts out a white handkerchief from the black windproof coat upper side pocket, covers in that to dark red, clear, on painful eyeball. At this moment, the Klein corner of the eye split vision saw the key of piano to stop jump voluntarily, there appeared indistinctly together nearly transparent form. This...... Opened spirit vision

Klein one to be startled in out. He suddenly completely had not discovered this before strangely „spirit”! The ability influence that after is received the disturbance of Old Neil spirit by he loses control, brings? Klein looks that say/way close invisible form fast evaporates, vanished in oneself eye thoroughly, understood anything indistinctly. In the serious depressing feeling, he hears captain to tell: „You search the Old Neil family/home carefully, seeks clue that possibly has.” „Good.” Klein just an opens the mouth, by own sound was made stayed for several seconds, that is so hoarse, so low and deep, like getting heavy cold. „Good.” Gragus makes noise the reply. Her voice condition and I almost...... Two nostrils both were stopped up same...... Klein looked at the eye never anything expression female teammate, as if first time knows her. He puts on the cane the umbrella-stand of entrance hall, bypasses sealed item „30611”, steps the serious step to walk into the living room, on to two buildings, a bedroom bedroom looks for the clue. Old Neil will ask fixed time the short-term employee to clean up the room, therefore here not majority of bachelor unique disorderly, all neat ordered, as if has a genuine hostess. After a half hour, Klein had found some draft manuscripts on the Old Neil bedroom bookshelf, above records disorderly unusually certain, strange ceremony: „Life refining up.” The

material that „needs includes: The spring of Elf( Sunya Island golden color spring) spring water 100 milliliters, star crystal 50 grams, golden half pound, phlogiston 5 grams, red iron ore 30 grams...... As well as massive live person blood.” Under of live person blood, Old Neil annotation: „Can consider to extract my, saves time and time again, preserves with magical ceremony.” Can consider to extract my...... Klein shut under the eye, finger has pinched to wrinkle the rough draft. ............ On Thursday when 9 : 00 am, moon, Raphael Cemetery. Klein wears all black formal dress and shirt, takes is inlaying the silver the cane, stands peacefully in the corner of graveyard. His chest front pocket position, filled to fold the neat white handkerchief, in the palm is grasping solemn and respectful quiet and beautiful Deep Sleep Flower. At this time, Dunn, Frye, Leonard and Kenry carried was loaded with Old Neil „corpse” the black coffin to arrive at the tombstone front gradually, was silent is putting to dig in the good grave pit it. Looks that a tan soil shovel shovel downward covers, wears the black long skirt, wore Roseanne of white floret to sob low voice: „Who can tell me, this real?” „Why must lose control, why must take magical medicine, why must become unusualness, why must complain about the soul why to have the monster, why cannot have safer means that why, why, why......” Klein is listening silently,

was covered by the soil until the Old Neil coffin, the trace that until he has deeply buries in the grave **. „may the Goddess bless you.” He has drawn scarlet moon in the chest, then goes forward several steps, before bending the waist ties Deep Sleep Flower to put the tombstone, that in hand. „may the Goddess bless you.” Dunn and Frye and the others simultaneously clockwise have selected in the chest four. Klein raised the head, relaxes, saw the blackand-white photo on tombstone: Old Neil wears his top classical black soft hat, exposes is motley outside hair, the corner of the eye and mouth wrinkle are grave, dark red eye pupil slightly obviously muddy. He is such tranquility, no longer has the sadness, no longer has the pain, no longer has the fear. Under of picture inscribes one line of epitaphs, this came from Old Neil in the content that in the recent diary writes down: „If cannot save her, that accompanies her.” The morning cool breeze has blown slowly, Raphael Cemetery chilly, peacefully and infects silently is presenting everyone. ............ At noon, Klein takes the form that captain is signing, moved toward weapons storehouse. He opens the ajar door, seeing keeps thickly must black Bright to sit behind the table. Klein has been startled obviously, will then apply for single Di to pass: „50 rounds of ordinary bullets.” Speech at the same time, his vision swept on the table that to inlay the silver

canister tin can, the tip of the nose as if smelled the spicy hand to rub the coffee flavor/smell, the ear bank as if heard these concealment happy expressions words: „Why may want, when had the extra money to go again? You can write to apply to give Dunn, making him authorize the expense!” ...... Bright looked at the Klein's expression, sighed: „I can guess correctly that your feeling, I cannot believe Old Neil like this left us, sometimes, I even thought that this possibly is a dreamland that captain builds.” „This perhaps is many Night Watcher fate.” Klein smiles bitterly to say. After this matter, his heart to concealing „acting method” church high level many disappointed and hate. „Hopes that such tragedy are getting fewer and fewer, may the Goddess bless you.” Bright has drawn scarlet moon in the chest, takes is applying for the list, set out to enter rear weapons storehouse. ............ Bang! Bang! Bang! The gunpowder flavor/smell fills the air in the surroundings, the Klein vent fire front target, consumes until the brass bullet, he tidies up himself, rides railless public carriage to arrive in wrestle teacher Gawain home. He from oppressive is carrying on practices group by group, until was stopped by Gawain. „Wrestle practice is not used to injure own.” Gawain stares at Klein with slightly obviously the muddy dark blue eye pupil, the sinking sound was saying. „Sorry, Teacher, my today is not

quite happy.” Klein aspirated, explained one slightly. „Accident sentiment of?” Gawain light does not see the mighty waves to ask. Klein thinks, replied briefly: „I had a friend to pass away suddenly.” Gawain silent several seconds, lifted the hand to touch under started the motley golden temple, the expression moved fast said: „I once lost 325 friends in five minutes, at least 10 can give of opposite party the back.” Klein has the institute to sigh suddenly: „This is the brutality of war.” Gawain looked at his one eyes, self-ridiculed suddenly said with a smile: „What is most brutal, I forever do not have the means to revenge for them, do not have the means to complete their wishes, forever does not have the means.” „However you, such opportunity, although I do not understand that actually to have anything, but I know, you are young, you have a lot of opportunities.” Klein silent, inspired suddenly, spunks up saying: „Thank you, Teacher.” Gawain nods gently, does not see any expression saying: „Rests for 10 minutes, then recreates ten groups the beforehand practice.” „......” Klein one does not know unexpectedly should deal with any expression. ............ On Friday in the morning, in Night Watcher recreation room. Klein, Kija Duna and Frye sit around the round table respectively, but has not played cards, reads the newspaper to turn the magazine, looks at outside the bow window to be in a daze, is

taking the fountain pen, wants to write anything, actually cannot fall on the paper. In the room is such peace, nobody spoke, nobody joke, the atmosphere nearly sank to congeal. Hū...... Klein aspirated, puts down the newspaper strongly, plan the attention to reading of various types of materials. At this time, Dunn Smith knocked on a door, observed the situation one saying: „Klein, you come out.” What matter? Some Klein hidden premonitions stand up, went out of recreation room. Dunn stands to leading to the bottom steps mouth, turned around to look at his one eyes saying: „The Sacred Hall person came.” Examined my person to come? The Klein's spirit one ties tight.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #166: Examination   

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During the wind that the bottom blows has the cool feeling of to terrify person, the Klein spirit to tie tight the feeling that also had several to decompose escapes. Finally came...... Has wanted this pass/test, at least in six months, I do not need to be worried about similar matter...... Once promotes Sequence

Eight, becomes so-called „Clown”, I can have the genuine actual combat capability, in addition assistance of divination, „Yang flame spell” guaranteeing a minimum, even if meets the big danger, there is not a small hope to shoulder...... In order to wait for the examination of Sacred Hall, I „justice” young lady stores 300 pounds of recording a name account not to take out, so as to avoid by „audit” the economic problem, was determined guilt as the vast fortune origin unclear...... ...... In various Klein ideas are hard contains flashes before, Dunn Smith manages under the shirt neckband, the voice low and deep said: „What is responsible for this examination is of Crestey Night Watcher nine senior deacons. Sima, Sacred Hall attaches great importance to you very much.” „Senior deacon?” Klein blurts stunned. 13 archbishops and nine senior deacons were the church high level in usual significance, it is said many high sequence expert! This 22 mister and woman in the status level are completely equal, only follows Goddess of the Night order from God, is only responsible for the Pope. Dunn has attracted the place bottom cool breeze, nods gently said: „Yes, a senior deacon, but you do not use anxiously, Crestey only has Sequence Five, has not stepped into ‚half God and half human’ the level, does not need too to be afraid and dread.” „Un, he in the title of entire unusual world is ‚the sword of

goddess’, because obtained an acknowledgment of halidom, the battle efficiency will not compare the Sequence Four difference that just promoted.” „I had chatted with him a moment ago, his manner is very genial.” The captain subtext is, he only said should say, had not said should not say, making me not use anxiously, according to scheduled plan...... Klein looking pensive nods to ask: „Where should I go to see this senior deacon?” „Mixes the liquid medicines Alchemy Room.” Dunn directly replied simply, on the face has flashed through low-spirited at once. Mixes the liquid medicines Alchemy Room? Is Old Neil mixes „Divinator” magical medicine that laboratory? Klein aspirated slowly, returns to Night Watcher recreation room, has taken down own coat from the pin rail. He wears that black thin windproof coat, both hands insertion pocket, along winding thoroughly bottom staircase first-order step downward, and in intersection left Guai. Quick, under Klein saw elegant gas lamps to shine the secret door, seeing inside sliver of table to be moved, vacated the central part. There is placing two classical high back chair, they relative and vertical, separated was less than one meter. Faces that this time of entrance to sit one to put on 30 of-year-old black windproof coat white shirt gentleman. He gold/metal brown hair shaves very short, the dark green eye pupil as if midnight does not have the lake

of moon/month, the neckband of shirt and windproof coat is setting upright high, hid the entire chin in the shadow. „Hello, Sima.” Klein bent the waist good a ritual. Crestey. Sima right leg above left leg, after leisurely and carefree, leans against the chairback, shows a faint smile saying: „Hello, Klein, you can sit there.” He has referred to opposite high back chair. Before his foot, puts the suitcase that a silver white metal is casting, the big or small length and breadth is similar to the box of violin. This can install the next not too long sword...... Klein goes forward several steps, sat in own position. Krey Sterky draws out the right hand index finger, resists own nostril, has hesitated several seconds of say/way: „I plan to test you to grasp the magical medicine degree first, doesn't have the issue?” „No.” Klein shakes the head confidently. „Is self-confident.” Crestey has smiled one, was maintaining the stance, such calmly gazed at the opposite. Klein felt suddenly the surrounding gas lamp ray vanished, was swallowed by the rich darkness. He one becomes very exhausted, like the sleep time of arriving at the biological clock having marked. However, his spirit highly is also tight, is hard to relax, the condition that with encountered too has caused unable to go to sleep peacefully tired to be the same in the past. Peaceful „night” fills the air in all around, Klein hears tick-tock tick-tock the sound that the water hydrant has not screwed tight,

hears sound that in Black Thorns Security Company spoke, hearing the wind to blow the sound of stairway. In addition, he has not seen any should not the thing of seeing, why not has not listened to assume the post this sound of hearing. „Is good.” Crestey's magnetic voice has scattered darkness, making the Alchemy Room inside and outside gas lamp rays present in the Klein's eye. Klein extricated from thick exhausted suddenly, restored spiritual Yi Yi. Unknowingly affected me...... Is this standard of Sequence Five? Is this terrifying of senior deacon? He slightly revealed the fear to recall the matter. Crestey. Sima both hands junction grasps is putting on the knee, the whole person downward shrank a point, making the lip the neckband be blocked is setting upright high: „You passed the test, you to magical medicine grasped to be the outstanding standard above degree.” „Then, I must observe your body mind whether has the hidden danger, unknowingly was changed whether the disposition by the magical medicine remaining spirit, has left behind the issue.” „You have three minutes of adjustment your condition.” Klein nods immediately said: „Good.” He inspired secretly, making oneself enter the meditation condition slowly, eliminated various not good thoughts. Crestey has not opened the mouth again, has pulled out a silver pocket watch from the black windproof coat, presses. Then,

he looks dedicated second hand dá dá dá takes a walk. After three minutes, a Crestey pā tà closing up pocket watch, the happy expression said in a tone with: „I started to recite.” Recited? Klein reveals the doubts the expression. Does not wait for him to speak, Crestey snort/hum melodious melody. This melody reverberation in Alchemy Room, gradually lost coordinated, no longer conforms to the tonality. Squeak!! Thorn! Klein as if heard the nail to delimit the sound of blackboard, hears sound that the plastic foam friction has made, heard the electric drill sincere sound, heard to make him stress the crazy noise variously. This noise are getting more and more, is getting more and more chaotic, causes his to have the cruel desire that wants to vent wants to destroy at heart spontaneously. However, accepted to talk during sleep with call out the test frequently Klein to suppress crazily fearfully quickly all sorts of impulsive. He also suitably displayed some anxiously, some tied tight, some lost patience with restlessly some. The too perfect condition instead is issue! When does not know, Crestey. Sima stopped recitation, the noise in Alchemy Room along with it disappearance, bottom peaceful and silent heavy has welled up. Peaceful really good! Klein from the heart sighed one. „Is very good, is good, your body mind does not have the hidden danger, naturally, you want to hit my, wants to block my

mouth, belongs to the normal response.” Crestey's lip the collar is blocked is setting upright high, letting the person only to judge his mood from his intonation. „No, I do not dare.” The Klein honest acknowledgment said. Crestey has smiled a sound said: „Congratulates you, passed all tests, is the question and answer link.” His dark green eye pupil suddenly becomes deeper, the vision is deep and quiet as if can see through the physical body, sees the soul. „Please ask.” The Klein stiff lumbodorsal region said. Crestey maintained the posture is being invariable, resembled asks at will: „You said that was the experience of Divination Club enables you to grasp magical medicine fast?” „Yes.” Klein replied confidently, but has not gone to make many descriptions. The Crestey slight nod said: „You said that this is ’ the inspiration of ‚ Inquisitor of Secrets maxim and in the Daly instance obtaining?” „Un.” Klein makes the affirmation first, then a thread of conversation revolution, in detail answered, „I Inquisitor of Secrets ’ teammate there know from one ‚, everything observed the maxim ‚ Inquisitor of Secrets’, the probability of out-of-control was lower than the normal value, later, I heard Ms. Daly to say a few words, she said that she must do truly ‚Spiritualist’, but she was in two years promotes Sequence Seven genius.” „The situation of unifying this both sides, I thought that I can attempt, does

one truly ‚Divinator’, and summarizes refinement ‚the Divinator rules’, un, the effect of attempt expects well many compared with me, I grasped magical medicine quickly, Sima, I do not know that you did have similar experience, was grasping magical medicine seriously time, will appear special, the marvelous feeling......” Klein was describing own experience, fuzzy insufficiently was elaborating „acting method” clearly. Traded to make the ancestors, in front of so formidable Night Watcher said that these many half real , half fake words, he will be definitely anxious, will blush, but from passing through to this world, he scattered too many too many lying, already was used to similar matter, the display must not have the slight defect. Deep disappearance in Crestey dark green eye pupil, the vision restored appearance originally, a chuckle sound said: „Relax, this is not illusion.” From his reply, Klein had not realized that the suspicion and carefully examining, in the heart relaxed quietly. „Dunn confirmed your experience, I think that you truly are logical clear intuition keen genius.” Crestey praised one, then asked that „you whether had to share these experiences to your teammate?” „Naturally.” The Klein confident acknowledgment said, „I hope can help them cut the probability of outof-control, we are the teammates, companion who must face the danger together, I cannot think that

any reason conceals, bases on this reason, I have not told the civilian personnel.” Crestey puts down the right leg, sits straight body, making the thin lip reveal from the shadow of vertical neckband. His corners of the mouth go up said: „Although you join the Night Watcher team to be also less than two months, but I think that you understanding to the companion be stronger than many people.” „Un, I planned that shares some experiences with you, but according to the stipulation of Sacred Hall, you must pledge to the goddess, cannot tell the content that we talked does not know the people of these matters.” „Doesn't have the issue?” Through examining? In Klein heart one happy, nods without hesitation: „Does not have the issue!” Although I therefore cannot teach others again directly „acting method”, but can also young lady and „Hanged Man” mister they do through „justice” indirectly! genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #167: Halidom   

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„Good.” Crestey. Sima has selected , the body leans forward little say/way, „that you press the halidom to take an oath.” Speech at the same time, he bent the waist to mention near the foot silver-white box. Halidom? Is that makes you be called „the sword of goddess” the halidom? Klein quite feels is gazing at every action and every movement of front senior deacon curiously. Crestey has put on the box the knee, the dark green eye pupil transfers instantaneously pitch-black. His right hand lifts, downward presses, the box silver white box surface has any thing to disintegrate immediately shatter, abates tidal. Almost in the same second, Klein felt that the surrounding splendor glow was attracted the past completely, attracted in that box. Therefore he sees in Alchemy Room a darkness, except for elegant gas lamp that itself the metal grid encircles, is pasting the silver white brilliance box except for that the scene particularly strange. ! In clear sound, Night Watcher core, Crestey nine senior deacons. Sima turned on the box, reveals the imposition in an inside pure white bone sword. Right, bone sword, just saw this less than one meter short-sword, Klein on the intuition thinks that its material of mainbody is the bone! Has in gas lamp silent combustion actually jet black non- light Alchemy Room, then calmly is sending out the short-sword pure white, favor splendor glow, looks like late at night in high is

hanging to console the will of the people moon, looks like in the storm marks the direction the lighthouse. Its surface seems like has no time purely, but if carefully observes, will discover that the deep place is densely covered the overlapping mark and marking, but these mysterious patterns and sword blades constituted the inalienable whole. Klein is sizing up this Saint sword, suddenly discovered oneself cannot move to the eye unexpectedly! His line of sight was attracted, the brown eye pupil lost the gloss slowly. At this time, Crestey upward moved under the box, making the pure white short-sword leave position originally. A Klein sobriety, from looks in the nightmare that finally helplessly is actually not able to avoid has worked loose. He goes to side the vision, asked seriously: „Is your excellency, needs me the hand according to this Saint sword on?” „Yes, you come.” Crestey's voice is similar, in reading aloud read near the pillow the book, recited the lullaby. Klein stands up, is slanting the eye, a half step half step moved, because is extremely dark, he cannot even see the leg and foot and opposite party that pair of slightly obsolete leather boots of front senior deacon. „Stops.” Crestey tranquil opens the mouth. Klein lives in the footsteps, stands in same place, looked at eye that with the corner of the eye split vision fast the pure white bones sword, then dreads puts aside. Following that short one second

of memory, his bending the waist back, extends the right hand, accurately according to above Saint sword. The ice cooled not the piercing feeling to spread to his brain through his skin, making the mood that the distracting thoughts in his heart and worried about be smoothed instantaneously, like one arrived at the village after noise, sat to the roof, was hearing the abundant harvest flavor/smell, calmly was looking up to the dark night, was looking up to the starry sky. „You read aloud with me read.” Crestey sinking sound said. „Good.” Klein has selected under. Then, in front of his hearing senior deacon changes to Hermes language saying: „more exalted than the stars, and more ancient than eternity: the Goddess of the Night \;” „I pledged to you by my real name and my spirituality.” „I, Klein, from now on, to do not know absolutely ‚acting method’ the person disclosed the corresponding detail.” „If violates, whatever you punish.” „Please witness my pledge.” Klein restrains all sorts of thoughts, with the Sima senior deacon, read aloud the pledge with Hermes language gravely read. Indistinct within, he thought that oneself and that the pure white bones sword, had with some of infinite distant place, have established the subtle vague relation. Takes back the right hand, he draws scarlet moon to say in the chest: „praise the Goddess!” „praise the Goddess!” Crestey shows the

smile, follows salutes. He closing up cover, and let the right hand heavily and has pressed slowly. Jet black was lightened instant, the ray of gas lamp has crowded the room once again. Klein saw that the Sima senior deacon caught the pitch-black luster eye pupil also at the same time to restore dark green. He backs up is sitting to oneself that high back chair on, frowns, the doubts open the mouth saying: „acting method?” Crestey clear under throat, does not have the direct reaction issue, then said with a smile: „Matter that I then must say, you somewhat will possibly confuse, a little will be puzzled, but why I will not explain to you, because this involves the church's secret.” When you become the archbishop or the senior deacon, you some qualifications know...... Klein looks at high Sima who opposite is raising up collar, has been viing to answer first one at heart. „You become the archbishop or the senior deacon, becomes the church's core, you were allowed to know.” Crestey emphasized one. Klein busily properly and seriously nod approval. Crestey puts near the silver white box foot, lifts the right leg saying: „In the long history, church extraordinary genius from generation to generation, tried to find out the means of maximum degree circumvention out-of-control gradually.” „However the core of this means is the magical medicine name, it is not only the key, is the key.” Looked at Klein thinking

expression one, Crestey continues saying: „We discovered that the magical medicine name is aiming at some kind of community, but the corresponding community has the approach, unique behavior pattern separately, simple, was the magical medicine name contained some specific rules, the different magical medicine names contained the different rules, when we strictly obeyed these rules that own magical medicine contained, the risk of out-of-control will fall to lowly.” „Similar to my ‚the Divinator rules’?” Klein seized the opportunity to ask one. This did not have I give „justice” and „Hanged Man” the explanation easy to understand...... Meanwhile, he in spits the mortise at heart silently „Yes.” Crestey has given the affirmative answer, „we obey the corresponding behavior rule time, looked like turned into that kind of community of magical medicine name description, in other words, we in ‚acting’ occupation of magical medicine name direction, un, this was ‚acting method’, you must remember, spirituality of everyone was special, unique, with taking compared with the same magical medicine person, the behavior regular core component that needs to observe cannot change, the corresponding boundary had the characteristics respectively, will not be similar, therefore, others' experience can only as the reference.” This I do not know actually I do not have the key point of

discovery...... Klein opens the mouth to say wholeheartedly: „Reminder thank you, I will remember.” Crestey smiles to say with a smile: „Experience that this from generation to generation accumulates.” „After use ‚acting method’, we not only grasp to magical medicine, is digesting, like food that digesting us eats up, when you digest magical medicine truly, when digests the remaining spiritual influence, you will obtain uniquely, marvelous feeling, yes?” „I understood. The digestion, this word, very appropriate......” Klein ships out one in the appearance of ponder. When Crestey also in detail explained one, he is considering asking: „Sima, since the magical medicine name is the key, is the key, that initial does extraordinary also obtain them? I heard that is the Flagstone of Blasphemy record?” „Yes, this view is correct.” Crestey replied confidently, „, but above recorded was ancient said, later evolution some of magical medicine name opened from ‚God’, some summary from extraordinary.” Klein nods slowly, pursed the lips saying: „Sima, since ‚acting method’ so effective, why church didn't tell each Night Watcher?” „I have said that this is the church's secret, when you become the archbishop or the senior deacon, you can understand reason.” Crestey stern replied, „was good, you returned to the building first, informed other Night Watcher, making them get

down one after another, I must carry on the last step of examination.” Is this must enable Frye they to reveal „acting method”? Klein looking pensive sets out, among the etiquette according to Night Watcher said goodbye to leave. He passes through the corridor, along the steps, returned to Black Thorns Security Company, seeing Dunn to smell the tobacco pipe in the bottom entry position lightly, does not know how long waited. The corners of the mouth curled upwards, Klein said on own initiative: „Should any issue, Sima not make me inform Frye they to talk one by one.” „Un, this was last, this also explained that front has not had the problem.” Dunn receives the tobacco pipe, rephrased in own words the matter to Night Watcher recreation room. Gazes after Frye and Kija bottom, Klein remembers the incident thoroughly suddenly, said hastily: „Is captain, must taking turns on duty Chanis Gate Gragus, Leonard of monitoring insane asylum replaces? Right, Kenry of leave.” Dunn has been startled being startled, pinched under the frontal eminence saying: „I have forgotten......” He, said with a smile lowly: „But, the matter will not be complex, one of advantage the senior deacon examines personally is, does not need to send the telegram to give Sacred Hall again, does not need to carry on the tedious copy clerk intercourse again, he can give the conclusion on the spot, can ‚’ magical medicine formula and primary

materials gives you Clown.” „This does not go bad but actually.” Klein is hard to contain to anticipate matter that is going to have. ............ One -and-a-half hours pass by, dignified pass after the expression Kenry of obvious doubts is going out of Alchemy Room, Klein is also shouted into bottom, faces directly the senior deacon once more, „the sword of goddess”, Crestey. Sima. This time, your excellency of this gold/metal brown hair dark green eye pupil does not have sits again, but stands there, whatever the bottom cool feeling moves his black windproof coat slightly. Crestey's twofold collar high is setting upright, hid his chin in the shadow. He is looking at Klein, shows a faint smile saying: „Night Watcher Klein Moretti, I inform you in the name of goddess seriously, you adopted the examination of Sacred Hall.” „Congratulates you, by your meritorious service, you can obtain the promotion now, becomes Sequence Eight extraordinary!”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #168: „Clown” magical medicine   

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Hū, finally passed...... This passed...... Hears Crestey. Sima's announcement, early has Klein that the

psychology prepares to relax first, slightly is then confused, felt that this is not very real, likely is a dreamland. In he estimates, the examination should be more difficult is longer, but thinks carefully, thought that the present condition is the appearance that should present, if he is not one month digests „Divinator” magical medicine, and seeks the promotion, but waits till routinely for three years later, the examination may not even alarm Sacred Hall, is only responsible for by Thengen City Night Watcher squad captain. I also think that will have the link of investigation home background and interpersonal relationship...... Un, perhaps Sima couple of days ago arrived in Thengen, has completed this step in secret...... I also think that the examination can including assigning completion of duty, this was really I wants to be many, the goal of examination was to confirm me merely digests the magical medicine degree, as well as whether had the hidden danger, had to realize clearly „acting method”, did have the shared experience to give other people...... Ideas flashed through in the Klein mind, making him show the heartfelt smiling face: „Thank you, Sima.” „praise the Goddess!” Crestey nods gently said: „Promotion to work for the goddess well, protects the good believers well, you must remember this point, believes me, it can help you resist the enticement of out-of-control similarly,

remember, is the enticement.” „Enticement......” Klein chews this word. Crestey is taking a look at him with the dark green eye pupil, said seriously: „‚acting method’ can help you digest magical medicine, reduces the out of control the risk, but it is not the multipurpose good medicines, even sometimes, will also let the role and self- existence that you confuse play, you know that such opera and play actor, definitely will present the serious mental issue, to the certain extent, you truly insanely will fall.” Remember, you are acting...... This is the only matters needing attention that the silver city summarizes, basically agrees with the description that Sima manages...... Klein looking pensive nods, indicated that approves the viewpoint of opposite party. „Moreover.” Crestey also emphasized that „out-of-control is not only related with magical medicine, but also has the close relation with your motion appearance and psychologically healthy, un, extraordinary most important can control itself, only by doing so, can resist the enticement of these Evil God devils, can resist the envy greedy and other the corrosion of mood and desire, naturally, my meaning completely do not remove similar mood and desire, this is human race, matter that even existence of half God and half human, is unable to accomplish, un, perhaps only then certain sequence, can achieve such condition specially.” „Must maintain in these

mood and desires the reasonable degree, was not controlled by them, does some not sane not normal matter?” Klein has thought of Old Neil suddenly, cannot bear opening the mouth ask. Crestey nods seriously: „Yes.” Replied, his corner of the eye bloomed several wisps of wrinkle grooves: „This is I must urge your matter, then I, un, ‚Clown’ magical medicine formula and corresponding material give you.” He bent the waist, mentioned the silver white box on sliver of table, then has transferred the body, moves several steps, has tunnelled the Klein's vision. When the surrounding ray vanishes once more strangely, sets up Klein in pure darkness to understand formula and material suddenly in that thinks of the halidom in the box, just before own vision, by the pure white bones sword attraction, had not paid attention or not to pay attention in also to have other goods completely. Several minutes later, the ray of gas lamp illuminated Alchemy Room, Crestey has raised the box to draw back, making the thing that on a sliver of table placed present in the Klein's eye. And, what is most noticeable is a gray sheep's horn of palm of the hand size, it seems shrunk to come by the normal scale, is all over the body glittering and translucent carving, the brilliance circulation, the interior has unusual patterns layer by layer indistinctly. By the sheep's horn, is a blue rose, on its flower petal has the red trace, each other

colludes, as if turns into the face that has grinned to laugh. Ha, hum, ha, hum...... Klein hears surrounding has illusory laughter and weeping sound interlocks, sees the grey glow float in the midair. Grown Honages grey goat alone corner/horn crystallizes, complete face rose, un, „Clown” the magical medicine primary materials were uneven! His slightly does not nod the head obviously, several steps have arrived at that sliver of table front. „The pure water 80 milliliters, the datura juice 5 drops, the black side sun plant powder 7 grams, the gold/metal cape grass powder 10 grams, the poisonous violet juice 3 drops......” Klein looks at the parchment that spreads out, the content that above writes with itself remembers that in formula has made a contrast. After the confirmation is unmistakable, he has recalled a Old Neil initial demonstration. Inspired, puts out slowly, Klein restrains the mood, in the installment with the aid of Alchemy Room distills pure water that magical medicine has needed. In magical medicine formula, the pure water finger/refers has distilled repeatedly the water. Then, he cleans black iron pot, has put the accessory material in turn, is skilled likely is the high school makes chemical experiment most that meetings. Because did not have the catalysis of extraordinary material, he had not discovered that the liquid in iron pot has the obvious change, can see the powder

impurity at most in inside float. Completes the premise to prepare, Klein went to that two primary materials vision, is rejoicing to say at heart heartfeltly: „No matter Honages grey goat alone corner/horn crystallizes, is the face rose, does not have the description of quota...... Perhaps the grown sheep's horn crystallization, or the complete face rose, with similar has not distinguished on the quantity, just meets the requirement...... Un, in the mysterious extraordinary world, this is the matter that definitely may present......” „As the matter stands, I do not need to worry that will put the principal material!” Steady several seconds, Klein has taken up that face rose, invested iron pot it. This strange fresh flower just moved the liquid, immediately makes the sound that incites, the surroundings illusory laughter is even more incisive: Ha, ha! Klein has not delayed, hurries to grip the clear mysterious sheep's horn, has also thrown into iron pot it. Pū! Let the laughter of person creepy feeling vanish suddenly, floats contracts in the surrounding point grey glow rapidly in iron pot. Klein looks down, saw only inside liquid to catch gold/metal, yellow and red tricolor, they each other interlocked actually exceptionally clear only. Rumble, rumble, air bubbles tumble to upwell in the liquid, is actually not able to jump out, can only lowspirited shatter. Such picture made Klein remember

Sprit of ancestors, the air bubble drink of ancestors. Feeling very tasty appearance...... In his mind flashed through spontaneously has conformed to the national characteristics idea. Represses anxious and excited and mood of anticipation, Klein draws support from the installment, shifted in the liquid in black iron pot a glass jar. But makes him feel what is surprised, magical medicine unexpectedly not remaining least bit in iron pot. Can let person achievement unusual magical medicine worthily...... Klein lifts the right hand, is staring in palm that cup of attractive golden yellow red tricolor liquids. Nearby Crestey. Sima is maintaining peaceful, at this time opens the mouth to say with a smile: „Does not need to be worried, at least I had not looked you mix the magical medicine process to have the issue.” „I wait for here, to process you take some accidental/surprised conditions after magical medicine, you can feel relieved, so long as the issue is not serious, I should be able to save.” Un, Klein has selected, „Clown” magical medicine will actually have returned on a sliver of table. He loosens the silver chain link in left sleeve cuff, trades to do nonhabitually uses to grasp to grasp, then makes citrine hang to fall is hanging above magical medicine steadily, only almost contacts the liquid. Regarding extraordinary of other occupations, spiritual pendulum technique can only divination „be” and

„otherwise”, naturally, is insufficient in the basic document, forcefully use remedy time, spiritual pendulum will stop there, does not make revolving, is the so-called divination failure. But as „Divinator” Klein had already tested, his spiritual pendulum technique can also determine fuzzily „is” and „otherwise” degree. The eye pupil transfers the depth, Klein discussed: „This cup of magical medicine are harmful.” „This cup of magical medicine are harmful.” ...... After seven, the eye that he opens semi-closure, seeing citrine to hang to fall is making the clockwise rotation, but the scope is very small. Affirmed, in other words this cup of magical medicine clockwise harmfully...... The scope is very small, expresses the harmful degree low...... Un, magical medicine will bring out-of-control, definitely has the fault, the degree accepts a lower status showed that magical medicine does not have the issue...... Klein relaxed, entangled on spiritual pendulum the left wrist, and covered up with the sleeves. At this time, Crestey could not bear sigh: „...... You are really specialized Divinator.” „Must make full use of own superiority, but cannot too rely on it, thought that it is multipurpose.” Klein replied in a low voice, has carried that cup „Clown” magical medicine. Drinks it, I can become Sequence Eight extraordinary...... The thought flashes, Klein no longer hesitates, on lifts the cup, raises the head,

rumble drank magical medicine. Painstakingly! Good pain! It is not tasty! He understood instantaneously what is the semblance is unpalatable attractively actually, only felt that the face of whole person wrinkled, wants to spit actually unable to spit. Klein discovered that own face is becoming flushed, but other body parts have similar change. He believes firmly shrimp roe of own present likely steaming, but the spirit actually pulled out, turned into pintles, integrated a little bit magical medicine, pricked cells. That is one type does not need microscope to be able „observation” to the feeling of cell, Klein to stand there, „looked that” entered the body slightest domain to the intruder. In these seconds, he thought that oneself is a robot, is accepting the transformation of components AND circuit. Has not known how long, in his mind has shone upon own form, like returns to the sound that heard itself to sing through the ear. With the aid of this strange shine, Klein discovered oneself can grasp the facial expression and body movement accurate. Meanwhile, all around his ear bank buzzes, hears talking during sleep that reverberates not to present once again for a long time and cried out: „Honages...... Flegrea...... Honages...... Flegrea...... Honages...... Flegrea......” Hū, the Klein imagination left the stack-up the light ball, entered the meditation condition slowly, was getting rid of

spirituality few overflows little, slightly uncontrolled situation. At this time, he clearly knows oneself promoted successfully, knows oneself were Sequence Eight „Clown”. genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #169: New ability   

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When the color of Klein eye pupil returns to normal, Crestey. Sima smiles to say with a smile: „You can move, adapts to the change of body, found ‚’ core competencies that Clown magical medicine brings.” Klein has selected, is thinking instruction that perhaps needs to manage high-level, therefore has not had scruples to have the bystander to present, according to content that this period of time practices repeatedly, takes forward one step, wriggles the waist to suspend the arm, pulls the shoulder to wield the arm, fiercely is a straight punch. ! He heard the fist to break the air current the clear sound, only before the sleep , the strength that flushed completely has been above own estimate. This instance, he like riding on the train that sharply checks, the whole person loses suddenly balanced,

proceeds to fall. Awful! Must stay behind with the Leonard same black history...... The Klein thought flashes, has prepared throwing down, but at this moment, he discovered that oneself can also effectively control the muscle under this condition unexpectedly, controls the body, the control center of gravity! The vertebra, tendon, ligament also caught up, he in has adjusted in an instant then the center of gravity, halts by the stance of distortion calmly and steadily. Un...... Has Klein that has clearly become aware continuously to make several groups of movements, confirmed the own biggest change was the body coordination had the enormous enhancement, did not have the special condition, almost again will obviously not be unbalanced. „Feeling likely is a tumbler...... Can perform the acrobatics...... Walks on the water pipe system is not the difficult matter...... Is ‚Clown’ magical medicine......” ideas flashes before worthily, Klein experimented the strength, agile and speed and other promotion of the degrees. „Un, will not compare Teacher Gawain the present condition to be bad, when has after fully adapted to and has carried on the pointed practice, definitely also will have the strengthen...... Moreover by me at present control to body, wrestle skill grasps becomes simple......” Klein will also stop the movement, looking pensive nods. In his idea originally, needs a half year to be able

reluctantly to become a wrestle skilled person probably, the wrestle skilled person in average person definition, but after taking „Clown” magical medicine, he thought that perhaps one month, even 2-3 weeks, oneself can become is skilled in the wrestle „police”. This is the difference of extraordinary and average person. The differences of different extraordinary „talent” in some sense has surmounted the human race level! Krey Stean geostationary looks new promote „Clown” tries various movements, stops completely until the opposite party, gently nods said: „Really is wrestle domain magical medicine.” Does not wait for the Klein opens the mouth, he then asked: „What sound did you hear a moment ago?” „Whom I hear in twittering ‚Honages’.” Klein concealed „Flegrea” temporarily this word. He plans to observe Sima senior deacon's response first, if the opposite party is willing to narrate that the Honages mountain range and Kingdom of the Night related matter, he took and heard the different contents for the reason supplement omission. Crestey slightly has not selected obviously, slightly crosses this topic, reminded: „You must remember, in same sequence path, high sequence expert can affect the corresponding to a certain extent medium low sequence extraordinary, some, in some sense, are this path contain the domain half God, you hear talks

during sleep or calls out, perhaps is, the venomous content that they transmit intentionally.” „If this sequence also belongs to some Evil God, that needs to be vigilant, I had chatted with Dunn a moment ago, that Night Watcher that your squad lost control of recently is similar situation.” Old Neil...... Hidden Sage...... A Klein look dark, serious nod said: „Sima, I will remember, I will not talk during sleep and call out by these enticement, will not be polluted by them.” Meanwhile, he has thought of another matter: could it be that this is church only provides „Sleepless” and „Corpse Collector” path, reason that and conceals other sequence majority of situations? After all the former belongs to „Goddess of the Night”, is one of us, but the latter corresponds „Death God” fell from the sky...... Reason that can also choose „Inquisitor of Secrets” and „Divinator” , because these two occupations belong auxiliary, can make up for „Sleepless” effectively and „Corpse Collector” insufficiency of path when Sequence Nine and Sequence Eight, and is in itself the outset, influence of accumulation not many...... But this is irresoluble, including the magical medicine name and corresponding characteristics, which item nearly vacancies once the bitter experience needs to pay attention to the issue...... At this time, saw Crestey. Sima takes the box, the preparation leaves, Klein busy restraining train of thought that with

consulting the manner asked: „Sima, I wants to know how to act ‚Clown’, can could it be that go to the circus troupe?” Crestey manages under has been setting upright high the collar, said with a smile lowly: „According to the view of current philosophy domain, you have made the mistake of formalism.” „You must understand, magical medicine name representative is not only the occupation, is a kind of person, has the common trait person, for example ‚Divinator’, we can trade a description, ‚peeps at person who the destiny but awes the destiny’, naturally, I had raised a moment ago, takes behavior rule that same magical medicine everyone summarized more or less somewhat differently, you cannot refer to others' experience completely, understood?” Klein looking pensive nods saying: „I was probably clearer, so long as can study the essence, in the life can also act ‚Clown’?” „Theoretically is this.” Crestey word usage replied discretely. „...... I understood.” Klein drew scarlet moon to say in the chest, „thanked you, Sima, wishing the goddess to bless you.” Un, „Clown” what is essence? Did not consider that on Earth various types Clown that extends the significance, only on the current world, Clown by the incredible way entertainment other people's occupation, for example the makeup of comedy accommodates, the movement of empty boasting, acrobatic

performance? The core is the incredible way, is entertainment other people, always feels not too right...... Can could it be that consider beforehand palace Clown? Klein is thinking silently, fell into puzzled. Crestey looked at his one eyes, selects scarlet moon in the chest. His corner of the eye laugh-lines slightly present said: „Wish the goddess also to bless you.” At this moment, Klein suddenly had an intuition, nearly the intuition of premonition, that is the Sima senior deacon will then step the left leg! Then, he sees Crestey to raise the silver white box, took the left leg toward the Alchemy Room entrance! One two three steps, Klein gazes after the opposite party to go out of the secret door, vanishes in the place bottom channel. This...... He stares blankly first, at once feels the intense joy. „Clown” the magical medicine extraordinary capability imagines strongly compared with him! Can depend upon the intuition to have a premonition that unexpectedly leaves the next motion of goal! This ability, in addition strong coordination, outstanding agile and speed, but also calculates can the strength, is equal to the so-called skill wrestle? Klein has the institute to think suddenly. Un, this also calculates that „Divinator” ability manifests at a Sequence Eight point, but also insufficient...... Before this path truly should be high sequence, every time promotes one time to obtain a unique ability that

kind...... However, the premonition of intuition is fleeting, does not have the means every time to grasp...... Naturally, this enough, has also grasped one time to have greatly possibly turns defeat into victory very much...... Right, when „Clown” the negative impact of magical medicine reduces to the stage that can control, I must try itself once more „summon” my ceremony, almost forgets this matter...... Un, certainly was captain infected me! Various ideas numerous, Klein once more carefully examines itself, inquired into that „Clown” magical medicine whether has to bring other ability. According to Night Watcher restricted data record, if magical medicine will enable taking to grasp certain magic arts, after that this sequencer promotes, can realize indistinctly which has specifically, like was instilled into the knowledge. „But I, in other words, ‚Clown’ sequence truly has not been similar to the description of Night Watcher restricted data, does not have the fast ability...... The deceitful meaning is I can control the facial expression and body language now effectively, is the lie easier to believe firmly?” Klein has moved under the neck, carefully is analyzing own condition. At this time, he remembered had encountered that coattails Clown, the opposite party unusual and diverse magic arts on him has made the profound impression: „Un, this secret religious order member seems like Sequence

Seven extraordinary, reason that makes the Clown appearance, conceals the facial features purely, so as to avoid, issued a warrant for arrest...... No wonder he can socialize with two Sequence Seven Sequence Eight that for a long time...... He has not explained me not to be affected, sealed item ‚2049’ control, ten I was not necessarily able to solve him......” „Naturally, ‚Clown’ absolutely does not have the magic arts ability, is some kind of magic arts......” Before Klein is sideways to arrive at a sliver of table, took up that to write „Clown” the formula paper. His eyes pupil variable depth, the wrist/skill shakes, threw the paper. ! That soft paper as if throwing knife, dug in the Alchemy Room wall! „Later can often bring tarot card on the body, can divination, can, when weapon.” Klein takes back the attention, tidied up to mix the magical medicine legacy goods a moment ago. Processes these, after receiving the good remaining material and has burnt down magical medicine formula, he aspirated, takes a step to leave Alchemy Room, has closed the secret door conveniently. Because of the Old Neil matter, he did not have the mood to attempt with incredible way entertainment everybody temporarily, planned that after „Clown” the magical medicine slight overflow phenomenon was reduced by meditation, does again. Hū, can be the brand-new experience...... No matter what, I no longer was the pure auxiliary

staff...... Un, Old Neil passed away, in the members of Thengen City being on night duty squad, can make the auxiliary only remainder my, Sacred Hall should adjust at least one from other places to us „Inquisitor of Secrets” or „Divinator”...... Klein along the profound corridor that elegant gas lamps shine, approaches the staircase lonely, returns to Black Thorns Security Company layer by layer gradually. Then, he saw the sunlight in Night Watcher recreation room. Sunlight that illuminates from the bow window, pure and warm sunlight. genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #170: Copper sentry post   

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Klein changes the captain office, seeing door to open greatly, after Dunn Smith, leans against the chairback, is smelling the tobacco pipe lightly. The grey pupil sweeps, the Dunn change sitting posture said: „Your condition is very good, like just did not take magical medicine completely.” „Perhaps after this thoroughly digests, advantage that promotes.”

Klein closes the door conveniently, pulls open chair to sit down. He and Dunn knows that „acting method”, can by the restraint of pledge, not be exchanged the issues normally, but two people have not raised this matter at this time tacitly, after asking answers, simultaneously fell into silent. Klein has thought, opens the mouth to ask: „Did Sima leave?” „Yes, as a senior deacon, he also has other matter.” Dunn hesitates several seconds of say/way, „, he has carried off Old Neil legacy that to the red eyeball.” The Klein surprise and asked back at a loss: „Why?” Dunn carried the coffee, sips, said silently for a long time: „We cannot deceive itself, out of control member turned into the monster actually, but I have told you, after monster death, meets legacy to concentrate the unusual strength the thing, if these things are not controllable, there are various issues, that must by the seal, un, this is one of the sealed item origins, but the Night Watcher internal rule is, the goods remote preservation of out of control member legacy, avoids stimulating to his companion.” „Understandable stipulation.” Klein slightly heavy place under. Suddenly, he realized keenly captain omitted a possibility a moment ago, therefore the doubts asked: „If after ‚monster’ death, stays behind concentrates the unusual strength the thing to be controllable?” Dunn looks to him, the gray eye pupil is deep and quiet as if the tranquilest night.

He sighed a sound said: „You do not want to know answer.” ...... Klein has been startled, comprehends some possibility suddenly: The normal monster meets the legacy extraordinary material, was used to mix corresponding magical medicine. Monster that out-of-control turns into? If their legacy thing is the controllable type, will be is also treated as the extraordinary material...... Thinks of here, Klein surged suddenly intense disgusting, could not bear side retch several, the line of sight therefore became fuzzy. This also really lets the guess that the person whole body feels cold...... But has possibility close real close answer! Suddenly, he to „to resist abyss, must withstand the corrosion of abyss is Guardian, was one crowd of times is resisting the danger and crazy pitiful creature” and other words had a more profound understanding. Can this be church conceals „acting method” one of the reasons? The recycling of certain extent? But this will make high-level itself also depart from church...... Klein's shines upon the complexion that oneself fluctuated at heart clearly. Sees his response, Dunn smiled suddenly, smiles in the grey pupil some rays to glitter: „You can think from good aspect, our companions changed a way to accompany us.” „They forever with us in.” The voice just fell, Dunn lowered the head, carries the coffee, has gathered the mouth. Also is several seconds of silence, he depends backward, lifts the head saying:

„Moreover you can feel relieved, so long as can also collect the normal origin the extraordinary material, we will not handle that matter that you think.” „Was good, according to the stipulation, you who just promoted can obtain a day of rest, in the afternoon must practice to wrestle, was decided by you yourself, but must find the person to inform Gawain.” Klein nods gently, deeply inspired, the stiff lumbodorsal region said: „captain, I had finished the mystery science curriculum, I want to be used to study track, monitoring and other following morning time the skills.” He, has seriously added: „I want to fulfill the Night Watcher responsibility as soon as possible.” Dunn deeply looked at his one eyes, sighs with emotion: „You imagine tenaciously compared with me, that defers to your idea to do.” „Yes, captain!” Klein sets out suddenly, has drawn scarlet moon in the chest. ............ After leaving Black Thorns Security Company, Klein has not gone home to rest directly, but while this opportunity, rode railless public carriage to go to the home of Ards teacher. Dingdong, dingdong. In clear bell sound, put on Ards of white shirt black waistcoat to open the front door. The knot position of his waistcoat has a golden watch chain, hangs there slantingly, is connecting the pocket watch. „Don't you need to work?” Ards watched a weather, discovered that Sun has not climbed up the peak. „Because some special

conditions, were arranged to rotate days off.” Klein answered slightly. Ards looked at his one eyes, as if saw anything nodded, made way the path. Enters the entrance hall, Klein puts away the cane, takes off the hat, comes to his living room with Ards. In the living room is arranging the fireplace, rocking chair, sofa and tea table, Klein knows extremely well that position that sat often to sit. Opposite Ards referred to the cigar on tea table saying with a smile: „Can come one?” „No.” Klein shakes the head firmly. Ards has not urged him again, delimits to light a fire the color, takes up a cigar preheating, simultaneously spoke thoughtlessly to ask: „Did the matter of Morse small town process?” „This must result in thanks you.” Klein said sincerely. Meanwhile, he in spat the trough at heart silently: Mister Ards, before losing memory, you definitely have left not the poor wealth to yourself, otherwise, one associate professors is not can the teacher, where enjoy the cigar frequently? Concentrates on while the opposite party manipulating the opportunity of cigar, he said on own initiative: „Mister Ards, I have a matter to consult you.” „What matter?” Ards has not raised the head asks. Klein slow, organizing the language saying: „My colleague lost control, turned into the monster, I want to know that his soul was polluted whether also?” Whether his not clear Mister Ards understands out of control the meaning, therefore prepared the

corresponding explanation and description, and other opposite party asked. Ards stops the movement in hand, lifts the head, looks to Klein, the dignified nod said: „This is without a doubt.” „Encounters similar situation, you must distinguish carefully, the direct factor that if he loses control is tempting of Evil God or devil, that as far as possible avoids cleverly, this very probably brings the fatal danger to you.” „I understood.” Klein somewhat loses aspirated. When Old Neil, his is not very calm, has forgotten cleverly, but Dunn Smith has not reminded him, has missed the opportunity completely. Now wants to come, captain has not forgotten, but has not raised intentionally...... Klein looking pensive silent several seconds. He does not have intertwines again this matter, then mentioned the beforehand bitter experience: „Mister Ards, I was trying divination in Morse small town a source of being haunted event, seeing one to stand upside down toward the pyramid imperial mausoleum that underground extended, my companion told me, this was the symbol of Death God, is glory that his descendant can obtain.” Ards just put down the matches, takes up the cigar scissors, there, good long while has not acted suddenly. He sat backward, leans against back of the sofa, the expression unusual ground submergence concentrates. after a while, he slightly low and deep opens the mouth

saying: „This to feeling that I am familiar with, but has not reminded me of more matters.” „Is very regrettable.” Klein said after a sigh wholeheartedly. He also thinks that can further awaken the Mister Ards memory with the aid of the enlightenment that divination obtains. Ards cuts the cigar hat, shakes the head forced smile saying: „If can recall the beforehand matter easily, I think that I already found the means to get rid of the fate.” „Naturally, I must result in feel grateful your regard, thanks you to remember my matter throughout.” He has thought under also said: „Was right, I will leave Thengen recently.” „Why?” Klein asked stunned. Does not reach an agreement to discover to affect my destiny together, steals the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of your child skull? Ards takes the cigar, the sigh is explaining: „Perhaps goal realized that my attention and investigation, did not have what sound these days, making me not have the clue, therefore, I plan temporarily to leave Thengen first, goes to Beckland, the trace that on the one hand, before seizing the chance to seek for me to lose memory, stays behind, on the other hand, makes the goal relax vigilantly.” Also is, Mister Ards recent one time loses recalls near Beckland University...... What a pity, you do not have the means to replace me to investigate the red chimney house...... The Klein serious nod said: „I watch out for this matter, once

the goal takes an action, has exposed, immediately informs you.” „Un, Mister Ards, how should I inform you promptly?” In the Klein's idea, Ards , if the Death God descendant, or has certain connections with Death God, his strength type should approach in „Corpse Collector” sequence, definitely has the means cause to be similar to „the Daly messenger” the thing. In other words, this can show from one side Ards is whether related with Death God, is his descendant. Ards has attracted a cigar, had pondered several seconds, have loosened an accessory from the left sleeve cuff. This is one fine, ancient copper sentry post, above has makes it be full of the mysterious flavor the unusual pattern. „This is I when Beckland wakes up, goods that carries along, you, so long as moves it, can summon one to be my messenger alone.” Ards is pinching that copper sentry post, explained one in detail. That many years passed by, can this copper sentry post also use? Was this mysterious goods? Klein not only surprisedly in this matter, and had proven in oneself joyfully indirectly Mister Ards and Death God have certain connection. Looked at Klein, Ards the copper sentry post gathering mouth, started the demonstration. He blows up both sides cheek gangs fiercely, has blown maliciously. In the room does not have any sound to resound, but Klein felt instantaneously gloomy and cold and icy cold. He

knocks on left the tooth fast, seeing on nearby floor to have dim white bones one after another to be thrown, has formed the strange fountain. After several seconds, in living room were many an illusory monster. It is constituted by the white bones all over the body, in eye socket is glittering the jet black flame, height close four meters, are lowering the head to overlook Klein that one meter 75 are not arriving. Saw the opposite party almost quick top to put on ceiling, Klein has flashed through a thought at a loss: „Mister Ards, your ‚can messenger’ too exaggerate?” Ards had not realized that his idea, smiles to say with a smile: „After the letter gives it, again blows the copper sentry, this can end the summon, but it quick can believing to deliver to my hand, in the way of secret.” After saying, the Ards wrist/skill shakes, threw that ancient copper sentry post to the opposite. The Klein right hand searches, holds accurately, only thinks the touch ice-cold, but gentle. Thank „Clown” magical medicine...... He relaxed silently, scratches clean wry mouth, has blown maliciously. Silent within, that giant messenger broke up dim white bones, has drilled into the floor. ............ The tower Sok River passes through Beckland, here leaves behind numerous wharves. Argel Wilson wears the Church of the Storms pastor long gown, gradually has gone down the passenger ship. He sees in the wharf the

crowded, innumerable porter to sway the sweat, the picture made noise warmly. „Has had not seen you for a long time, Beckland.” Argel silent talked to oneself.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #171: Is promoted raises in salary   

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After leaving the Ards home, Klein rode public carriage to return to Narcissus Flower Street. crack, he pulls out the key to open door, suddenly sees in the dining room to sit together the form. Klein has gotten subconsciously hold of the cane in palm, but awakens at once, that is not a thief, but is female servant Beira. Beira was reading dedicated is spreading out the newspaper on table, hears sound that opened the door, had a scare, brushed stands up, stutter explained: „I, I just finished the morning matter, is waiting, to wait for the water to boil to eat, eats the bread.” I have not really adapted to the family/home to be suddenly many a female servant...... Klein self-ridicules smiles, takes off hat, the slight nod said: „Reading is one is good to be familiar with, can in busy after-working hours insisted that read is encouraged by the goddess.” He

feared that the opposite party thinks oneself are taunting, therefore used the Goddess of the Night name. But in fact, only then God of Knowledge and Wisdom will read puts the lofty position...... Naturally, no matter which church, advocates the study...... Un, the 17 or 18 years old age, believes Goddess of the Night, explained that was affected by the parents, but such parents, so long as absolutely does not have the means that definitely will make the daughter be educated, the public elementary school cannot read, the church's free school does not have the issue, delays at most a time...... Therefore, Beira is not the illiterate person, the understanding word, can the newspaper reading...... Klein looking pensive puts away the cane, enters the living room. Regarding Beira, his impression is good. Although this little girl appears the insufficient adaptation in the kitchen, clumsy, but she shows the manner that has been willing to study and study diligently. Beira dangling both hands, slightly embarrassed said: „I before, had not read the newspaper before, the landlord mister have not allowed us to purchase the old newspaper to paper a wall...... I took up it a moment ago, cleans tea table time, did not look at one carefully, thought, thinks very interesting.” The pitiful girl, I pass through that meeting, the newspaper set the base in the interesting ranking...... Klein unstated criticism,

smiled, following the silver watch chain, puts out the pocket watch, according to opening looked at one, spoke thoughtlessly saying: „So long as you have completed your work, and completes well, other time you can freely arrange, does not need to be anxious, naturally, if I and Benson, Melissa were chatting, you should better or treat in your room, I allowed you to use inside gas lamp, and brought several old newspapers to go.” „Un, your 1 : 00 pm knocks the door of my bedroom, later prepares one cup of Sibe black tea to me, two soft white bread, one oats toasted bread, small plate of cream.” In order to congratulate oneself promote Sequence Eight, Klein decides slightly luxurious, eats the white bread that the Benson plan enjoys in the weekend ahead of time. Un, I will buy 8 pounds to come back again, the later staple food changes to the white bread from the oats bread! Sequence Eight extraordinary, the weekly salary will definitely rise...... Before captain, has not mentioned this matter unexpectedly...... He forgot! Klein has been startled, decided that tomorrow ascertains. „Good, good.” Beira occurred simultaneously pleasantly surprised responds. Then, her some not too asked back definite: „Mister Klein, entertains the Sibe black tea of guest?” Because one is Moretti, therefore she uses to politely call. „Tea that yes, later that usually drinks.” Klein wields the hand, takes a step to move toward the stairway.

After becoming „Clown”, he suddenly discovered that oneself financial conditions become very well. This is because does not have temporarily additionally, big expenses, on the daily fixed 2 sule hackney coach expense of investigation red chimney house, as well as the occasional material supplemented, but the latter, can reimburse every so often. Two are because in the Klein's recording a name account calmly is not lying 300 gold pound, must know, the paddies and pasture of countryside, one acre only needs 5 to 6.5 sule, in other words, he can buy 920 to 1200 acres village paddies or the pastures, slightly was equal to Earth 137 to 179 mu, or 23 to 30 acres . Moreover, this sum of money can also make him buy Narcissus Flower Street one house 15 years in the way of title deed year time. If changes into the land completely, land rent income probably is every year 23 to 31 pounds...... Also good, but currently does not have this necessity, these 300 pounds must remain emergency...... Hū, over the two days must look for the opportunity to tell Benson and Melissa my real weekly salary! Klein thinks while enters own bedroom. Locks on the other side the housing gate, Klein sits to the bed on, once again starts meditation, is controlling the little strengths of magical medicine overflow in this manner slowly, very careful, very discrete. For him, out-of-control is only one existed in noun orally, until bitter

experience that „Justice Enforcer”. However, he does not know that „Justice Enforcer”, does not know that the opposite party before then what happened, only subconsciously thinks that is the exceptional case, is little redundant situation. This like from the recent news saw that occurred after the murder cases of other cities, the normal person sobbed at most several, will turn around to forget. But the Old Neil matter has brought the enormous upheaval to Klein, making him realize clearly clearly, out-of-control in the side, in the surroundings, out-ofcontrol momentarily possibly arrives in the unexpected way! Really bloody lesson...... Klein finished meditation, opens the eye, silent talked to oneself. In this period of time, he will dream of scene of that day frequently, meets frequently midnight suddenly awakens, the cold sweat is dripping. He was already sorrowful in the death of Old Neil, was worrying own future, has meditation to assist to go to sleep, he believes that oneself definitely will frequently unable to fall asleep recently. „Except for digesting magical medicine, but must control as far as possible the mood and desire, let them in the reasonable range, was not corroded...... Klein to put out the foul air by them”, has lain down, enters the deep dormancy condition quickly. That day of Old Neil death, the performance and words of Dunn have given his enormous touching, lets his first time

carefully examine the Night Watcher responsibility earnestly, wants to take up own shoulder pole as soon as possible, to help captain and teammate. Therefore, he does not plan to waste afternoon time, the wrestle practice curriculum will participate as usual. ............ 3 : 00 pm, in crude practice arena. The golden short hair motley Gawain wrinkle looks that the Klein's movement little from jerkily becomes knows extremely well, from knowing extremely well became accepted the application knight of more than half a year training likely. But all these occur in short 40 minutes! He stops the practice, high and low sizes up the opposite party, cannot bear open the mouth to ask: „What happened?” Klein already thinks one set of excuse, has prepared the performance advances in the scientific study, but the Gawain voice just fell, immediately hesitates is adding: „If not facilitate to reply, does not need to reply.” It seems like the corresponding personnel of police department already the ditch passed with Teacher Gawain...... Also is, he will occasionally train extraordinary, how possibly in advance not to remind...... Klein relaxed, goes up the corners of the mouth saying: „Teacher, you think how long present I also do need to participate in the actual combat?” Gawain surrounds both hands, looked at his one eyes earnestly, the voice slightly obviously sank to reply mutely: „2-3 days.” „But this is not enough!” He as if

in ponder explanation: „Can participate in the actual combat not being equal to being skilled in the wrestle, the latter also takes 2-3 weeks probably.” „Moreover, you must grasp the portable cold weapons, for example cane, whip, dagger and sparganium stoloniferum thorn!” ...... These many projects? Klein one tarries. The Gawain vision vicissitudes sweep him saying: „You must remember, each sweat that you flow off here, in the future may save your life.” „Yes, Teacher!” Klein spunks up the response. ............ Saturday morning, Klein enters Black Thorns Security Company, has sounded the gate of captain office once more. Dunn Smith as if early is prepared, only looked up one, said: „Yesterday forgot to inform you, after promoting Sequence Eight, you turned into supervising in the position also nature of police department from application supervising, I will make them replace your credential and uniform epaulet as soon as possible.” „Your weekly salary will promote from 6 pounds to 10 pounds, church and Police Department undertakes half respectively, this has reached the senior Night Watcher level, naturally, I refer to Sequence Nine that.” ...... captain, did you have the rough draft? Klein hears one, at once the facial features stretch, the corners of the mouth curl upwards respond: „This me expected that must be more.” He also thinks that the weekly salary only

rises to 8 pounds. Dunn carried the coffee, sips tastes: „The growth of Night Watcher wage acts according to one is the age limit of service \; second, contribution that to make \; third, duty step, but the third point often also and contribution is closely related.” Also is, does not have the meritorious service, even if digests magical medicine, has met the standard of promotion, does not have the means to apply for formula and material...... Klein looking pensive nods. Weekly salary 10 pounds, is the yearly salary 540 pounds, in situation that in does not need to pay taxes, such income in the middle class was also very good, was next to big Lawyer, the famous architects, the senior surgeons and government senior employees and others nearly the occupation of public celebrities. The deputy head yearly salary of Ruen Kingdom Ministry of Finance Finance Division also 700 pounds, moreover before-tax, aftertax at most 640 pounds, un, does not arrive...... According to introduction on newspaper, the Beckland west district and a Hilston area good house asks a price is about 2500 pounds, I and Benson, Melissa, if can maintain the present expenses, 78 years can buy...... Depends on oneself purely, can only buys the alone house with 78 years in the position of imperial capital and demon leaning town center, this wage really makes the person mood joyful...... Klein sets out to say goodbye, the

step vividly enters the bottom, takes turns on duty Chanis Gate. Ten points, he hears some people to approach the value defending room suddenly. Quick, Dunn appeared in entrance, the grey pupil said deep and quiet: „Case needs your help.” „Related to extraordinary case?” Klein asked one subconsciously. „It is not, municipal councilman Mr. Maynard this morning was discovered dies in the family/home, the Thengen City police station bore very tremendous pressure, hopes that we use the clever way to help them lock the murderer as soon as possible, un, at present in the squad only then you can be clever.” Dunn explained that then adds, „Sacred Hall will assign one Inquisitor of Secrets ’ to join us in next week ‚, actually, this such did before, but you have just joined and chosen ‚ Divinator’.”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #172: „Autopsy”   

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„That, how long did that congressman mister die?” Klein tidies up sets out, while points to the core to ask. If there is surpassed for 15 minutes, the information that can harvest tails off cliff, over 1

hour, then can only obtain the quite shallow thing. If over 1 month, clever itself has the enormous probability failure. „Is very regrettable, the preliminary report of examination showed, Congressman Maynard died at 9 : 00 pm last night to 11 points.” Dunn swung under said, „you only needed to provide the help, did not need to consider whether had the harvest.” „Good.” Klein takes down the coat, with hat and cane, goes toward the value defending room layman, Dunn Smith replaces him to take turns on duty Chanis Gate. Actually, theoretically, as extraordinary, so long as itself spirituality had the enhancement, that spirit vision, divination and magical ceremony and other things can study, especially „Sleepless” sequence high is also famous for the inspiration. But in fact, different sequence each „occupation” the difference in similar aspect is as before obvious, for example Dunn Smith and Leonard Mitchell currently are grasping spirit vision, energy field color that but they see only then light white or blue, is unable to distinguish the human body different parts accurately the conditions, naturally, is at them under spirit vision condition definitely to see the ghost spiritual body class directly the thing, but this does not have the inspiration comes simply effectively. This has also created „Sleepless Midnight Peot” and „Nightmare” does not like opening the spirit vision issue.

Similarly, if they want, can learn spiritual pendulum, divination staff and dreamland divination and other methods, but the success ratio is not worth anticipating. The magical ceremony domain is also same situation. They brush to be obsolete, Dunn opens the mouth to say suddenly: „I forgot a moment ago, this matter is also under the charge to supervisor Toller, he in the security company reception hall you, remembers that changes your new uniform, with new credential.” A Klein point also unexpectedly outside area smiles to ask: „New uniform, new credential? The efficiency of Thengen City police station is very high.” His yesterday genius promoted Sequence Eight...... „Because this case is very important, therefore......” Dunn spread starting, sat the Klein beforehand position. Klein returns to the building, does not have anxiously the reception hall, but enters the Night Watcher rest room, solved the software problem value to defend to the attached washroom indoor only provides the chamberpot, thermo and basin. Then, he changes promoted to the specially-made police clothing of two silver stars and „double sword overlapping, crowding around royal crown” the soft hat. Shifted „Yang flame spell Ards copper sentry post ceremony with material” and other things, Klein has managed under the clothes, took the cane to go out of the restroom. Just through the room partition, he saw to

sit supervisor Toller in sofa region. Some time does not see, this big police officer even more clearly, the belly even more obtains the numerous, is joined to the thick beard and hair, like just the brown bear that ran away from the circus troupe. „Can cooperate with you very much happily.” Toller sees is understanding Night Watcher, immediately relaxed, the leans forward stands up, stretches out the bear's paws. No, palm...... Klein corrected itself silently, courtesy has grasped starting with the opposite party: „I am also.” At this time, Toller looked at the epaulets of Klein two silver star sparkles, slightly somewhat envied said: „Our even level, this was also less than one month.” Klein wants to say „dangerous possible ten times that seriously we withstand in you”, but has words on the tip of the tongue, has actually thought of oneself present status Sequence Eight „clown”. Could try...... He with the aid of shine of mind to facial expression, the corners of the mouth goes up, the smiling face replied obviously: „Perhaps 2-3 months, you must call my senior official again.” „You are really humorous.” Toller has smiled one, is pointing at the gate outlet, „us?” „Good.” Klein has not given up own cane, for him, after becoming „clown”, this „weapon” is worthy of the reputation. Left the Black Thorns Security Company front door, Klein and Toller goes downstairs shoulder to shoulder, one thin one fat,

the contrast is sharp. „I thought that we even can go to the circus troupe to provoke laughter these audiences.” Klein said with a smile suddenly. Toller approves the nod saying: „Yes, I thought that our contrasts have the comedy effect very much. Do you know? Certain circus troupes are attempting to combine the performance with the degree of stoutness and height different comedian clowns.” No, actually my meaning is to refer to the trainer and brown bear...... Klein will certainly not say does not have the polite words, he is echoing the say/way: „What pitifully is, our Thengen City not fixed circus troupe.” „Yes, but we have the opera house, big theater, music hall.” Supervisor Toller slightly obviously regretted that responded. They exchanged greetings were boarding the carriage of police station, but until this time, Klein changed the case the topic: „Congressman Maynard determines murder?” „Is indefinite, but his wife, his two sons, is not willing to believe that sudden disease possibility, un, some when scene truly issues, Maynard was discovered that has not worn clothes, such lies on the bed of guest room.” Toller considers was saying. „He and are his wife the house allocation rest?” Klein will lean against the horse bead in the future, imitates the ancestors have been looking at various detective movie leads. Toller shakes the head saying: „It is not, his wife in Thengen, she does not

attend an important public relations dance party to go to Beckland in the recent several days, you possibly do not know, she is a New Party leader, the daughter of private member, she still on returning to the Thengen steam train, but expressed own manner with the way of telegram ahead of time.” „Maynard is also the party member of New Party, has been the Thengen City congressman to surpass for ten years, he planned that will aim at the position of mayor in next year campaign.” „In other words, was his death possibly related with this?” Klein spoke thoughtlessly to ask, at once laughs in spite of trying not, „I helped ‚autopsy’, other matters not in range that in I should care about, you can not need to reply.” Toller does not care to sigh: „Autopsy...... You are very discrete.” „As for your guess, I can only say perhaps, last night Congressman Maynard had held a meeting at home, has too many guest communications, we do not have the means determination main suspect temporarily . Moreover, these guests have the dignified status, we must be discrete enough, cannot make mistakes.” „Understood.” Klein nods gently, is interested asks some scene details. Maynard's family/home is located in Golden Parasol District, belongs to the alone house, all around is surrounding the garden and lawn, has the horse stable, has the fountain, has broad path that the cement builds. Klein wears Hao

has the soft hat of police coat of arms, follows side supervisor Toller, across existing in name only the blockade line, entered two little building main entrances under the gazes of police officers. The living room region, two male two female four application supervising are finding the person to talk separately, collects the oral confession. Klein looks, had discovered the mister of many wear coattails, as well as several palace long skirt gorgeous and thin standard mourning bands obstruct the woman of face. „They are the guests who last night passed the night here.” Toller explained that leading Klein to move toward the steps, directly soars two buildings. Above, perhaps is supervises the effect of epaulet, the police officers in search house saw that two people show the esteemed look, has not had the slight stop. „This is discovers Congressman Maynard the corpse the guest room.” Body big tall and strong Toller stopped before a leaf of dark red wooden door. Klein looking pensive asked: „Whom was this guest room last night?” „It is not anyone, this house has too many guests to lie, it has not applied.” Toller wears the white gloves, put out a hand to twist off the scarlet red wooden door. In he makes police officer who is responsible for guarding temporarily leave, selected to Klein under said: „Moretti supervising, then gave you.” „may the Goddess bless you I, hope that can have the harvest.” Klein also

puts on the white gloves, locked on the other side the door. He paces to arrive at the bedside, looks that the dark red bed sheet is exceptionally disorderly, but above lies down to cover the plain white cloth the corpse. Klein now is also person of seeing the world, he unflinchingly pulls open the plain white cloth, looked to Congressman Maynard. This mister 40 years old is, the golden hair manages very short, on the face is remaining a painful and joyful mixed/mingled entanglement expression. Klein withdraws two steps, puts out the corresponding material, has prepared clever ceremony prerequisite fast. After an incantation, he and surrounds in own gloomy and cold wind in the tranquil far fragrance, meditated already to think the good divination sentence: „Reason that Congressman Maynard died.” „Reason that Congressman Maynard died.” ...... Meditates, Klein while draws back before tall Beiyi, sat slowly. His eyes pupil transfers black, will depend in the future, fast entered sank the dormancy. In the illusory, blurred and dim world, he saw a moment ago that mister suddenly. Maynard is opening deep blue eye pupil, is lying on a stature outstanding skin fair woman sprints strongly. He is reveals first satisfies the extreme joyful look extremely, then fiercely takes back the right hand, the holding down chest, the expression twists fiercely. ! As Maynard drops down, the picture is

rapid, Klein opens both eyes, woke from the dream. Has not thought that I can also watch a time small dirty piece in this manner...... Therefore, Congressman Maynard dies on the bed of having an affair, dies of extremely works hard? Klein smiles one lowly, has rubbed under the frontal eminence. He puts out the fountain pen and paper, uses the ceremony once more, described that woman who in the dream sees, naturally, the neck following omits. This is one the female who is difficult to talk clearly the concrete age, she has the 30-year-old mature character and style, has the youth residual pure flavor/smell, but her eye pupil water sleek/moist the gloss, felt to the person miserable. Looked at eye „” the work, Klein tidies up the ceremony material, has relieved the wall of spirituality. He has leaned the body, searched hand to grasp to by in nearby inlaying silver black stick. Suddenly, he heard to wander the sound indicating resentment sound in throat, making the person skin surface emit grains of lumps instantaneously the sound indicating resentment sounds! Klein looks fiercely to the bed, saw only both hands of Congressman Maynard firmly to hold the dark red bed sheet, grasped holds back azure black suddenly/violently Tu. That brushes, this died in 9 : 00 pm last night to 11 points the congressmen sat, the quarrel/corners of the mouth flowed the saliva, both eyes is opening emptily. ps: Tomorrow is

Dragon Boat Festival, additional one chapter, old time, before dawn, at noon and in the evening. genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #173: Live resinification( first recommendation ticket monthly ticket)   


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Klein has not transferred the new idea with enough time, sees whole body stiff Congressman Maynard a both hands brace, is clamping the serious sound of the wind, plunged itself straightly, plunged own left! Before trading does, bitter experience sudden outbreak, he mostly responds slowly, is hard to avoid, even if had realized ahead of time, get lost/rolls the belt to turn continually can escape from throwing of opposite party to strike the range promptly. But now, the Klein almost instinct has made dealing, a bright non- button leather boots tread, the whole person is slanting to leap, jumped on tall Beiyi. Because promotes one day, he to the strength, agile and speed has not calculated adapts specially, hurries, this jumps jumps unexpectedly too high extremely, the stopping over position

unexpectedly is the peak of tall Beiyi chairback! Only then narrow, in the Klein heart a tight, high speed control body, has adjusted the center of gravity. He has swayed several, such halted unexpectedly steadily, is similar to is showing off the black cat of balance capability. But sways at the same time, his left arm wields, following „live corpse” Maynard's the potential of former throwing, a cane pulled out its side rib, pulled out it to lose balanced, staggered is falling down on the rug. Klein stands in tall Beiyi Peak, the right hand on lifts rapidly, the taking bearing armpit, tries to draw out the revolver from the hoister, to front live corpse round of silver demon hunting bullet. But in this instance, how he suddenly thought should the issue of processing tail. If a spear/gun on the corpse of Congressman Maynard a hole, that afterward this to caring about this matter New Party congressmen did explain the cause of death to the family member of opposite party? Have I been making up a spear/gun to his corpse? During the thought twinkles, the Klein right hand enters the same side pocket of police uniform, touched a thin slice of triangle. Calms the spirits the spell...... He rapidly makes the judgment, has not put out that silver spell hesitant, and shouted in ancient Hermes language a word lowly: „Crimson!” In along with the reverberation of opening incantation, spell sent out the peaceful quiet feeling, Klein has been busy at

filling to pour into spirituality, and threw it to „live corpse that” has struggled to crawl Maynard. Ice blue flame leaps appears, the package burns that triangle thin slice, the tranquil and gentle black fills the air rapidly, is eliminating intense and restlessness of spirit. „Live corpse” Maynard stopped there, the empty pair of eyes dull gaze tread, the mucus of quarrel/corners of the mouth fell on the blanket one after another. Klein relaxed, must put out material, arranges the ceremony, solves front unclean living thing with the way of purification. May suddenly, in Maynard throat exude the sound indicating resentment sound once more, empty both eyes looked to the left pocket of Klein police uniform. I scratch...... Klein jumps to leap, jumped on the window of bow window from tall Beiyi Peak. Meanwhile, he hears the sound that tall Beiyi threw down and broke off. Klein of scalp slightly hemp has to fish out the length square shape once again the silver thin slice. This is „sinks dormancy spell”! By no means only then the live person needs the sleep, the dead himself was in „dying”, must appear exceptionally will regain consciousness, paces back and forth in the ground! In certain mystery education books, even described certain „live corpse” like this: They sink the dormancy in the daytime, regains consciousness in the night. „Crimson!” Klein shouted again lowly ancient Hermes language incantation,

planned that this time is defeated again, does not consider the consequence, draws out the revolver, snaps. Only then lives can go to the worry following issue! Feels in the palm the silver thin slice becomes ice-cold, Klein fills to pour into spirituality, has thrown it. The dark red flame one has illuminated his double pupil, slight explosive sound reverberation in guest room. The quiet secure Rou strength dissipation, brings to let exhausted that the creature is unable to resist, „since live corpse” Maynard just crawled from tall Bei the chair of being injured by falling down, has swayed immediately several, shuts empty both eyes, plop lies down. Has the experience, Klein does not dare to relax, immediately puts out Night Fragrant Grass, Deep Sleep Flower and camomile mix distillation extraction „Amanda pure dew” and dragon marked tree skin and moon flower manufacture „full moon volatile oil” and other materials, have arranged a sacrificial altar rapidly. He with the aid of „sacred night powder”, has blocked nearby region with the wall of spirituality, „live corpse” Maynard contains in within/inner the sacrificial altar and sinks the dormancy. Meditates the incantation, good corresponding three candles, and in separately on drop pure dew volatile oil toward candlelight, after sprinkling the herbal medicine powder, Klein retrocedes one step, looks at „live corpse” vigilantly

Maynard, read aloud with Hermes language discussed: „Is loftier than the starry sky, and more ancient than eternity: the Goddess of the Night \;” „I implored your caring for \;” „Implored you to care for your faithful protector.” „I pray for the scarlet's strength \;” „I implored to sleep soundly with the silent strength \;” „Implored you to purify nearby me the unclean living thing, that once was called John. Maynard's husband.” ...... „The moon flower, is the scarlet moon herbal medicine, please transmit the strength to my incantation!” „Deep Sleep Flower, is the scarlet moon herbal medicine, please transmit the strength to my incantation!” ...... Silent within, as if cool breeze reverberation that blows from the midnight in the wall of spirituality, „live corpse” on Maynard has a light black fog transpiration continuously outward. When all subside, Klein confirmed the opposite party unable with the divination method with spirit vision repeatedly again „waking up”. Sees the result, he puts down is raising that heart thoroughly, ended the ceremony and relieves the wall of spirituality. „His how sudden sudden rising?” Klein stands in lying down the Maynard front on rug, frowns downward overlooks. To inspirational not low extraordinary, can the dead the sudden rising have the obvious indication, not to mention Klein „divinator”, somewhat had a premonition to similar matter association, but the

change, stemmed from him to anticipate completely. Only if, only if there is a more mystical factor influence...... Like coattails clown that time...... Klein recalled scene carefully, realized indistinctly the issue was at: „Live corpse” Maynard has been trying to attack the left pocket of his police uniform! Left pocket? Klein will inlay the silver black stick to hand over the right palm, making the left hand enter the pocket, has put out the imposition in an inside ancient scrap copper sentry post. This is one covers entirely mysterious pattern the copper sentry post, this is Ards lends him to be used to summon the copper sentry post of messenger. „Has this copper sentry post caused the Maynard live resinification? Has the possibility, Mister Ards is not the Death God descendant, has certain connection with Death God, the mysterious goods that he always carries have similar function to conform to the logic......” Klein looking pensive to nod, pull out bronze penny, the judgment has made fast divination. Because at the scene, because is taking the corresponding goods, because the material is full, he reached the conclusion quickly, seeing bronze penny to tumble downward, falls to own palm, the head picture toward on. This affirmed...... Mister Ards actually has not reminded me to pay attention to similar issue, the volume...... He is „amnesia” patient, does not remember very normally . Moreover the copper

sentry post on him, is not necessarily have the negative impact, greatly was suppressed very much possibly...... Later goes to graveyard, old castle and other corpses numerous or the place that easy to be haunted, cannot carry this copper sentry post, otherwise is adds the difficulty to oneself, courts death crazily...... Klein takes down the matters needing attention that this summarizes newly silently, was not the hard sledding has not put on Congressman Maynard of clothes to put back into on the bed. Looks the bright trace that the opposite party leaning rib was brushed, Klein sighed, covers the plain white cloth, disguised not to discover. This issue leaves the police department worry! Un, two spells belonged to the duty consumption, can reimburse...... He thinks while receives good goods, takes the portrait to get to the entrance, has relieved locking on the other side. , The door opens, Klein sees supervisor Toller to defend outside, does not make anybody approach. „A moment ago what happened?” Toller has doubts worried that asked. He hears inside to have not the small sound indistinctly. Klein smiled, empty boasting replied intentionally: „Congressman Maynard lived, and tries to give me a warm hug.” „Do not crack a joke......” Toller to look in the camera oculi reluctantly. „Why can be like this serious?” Klein spread started saying that „because of also the indefinite issue, Congressman Maynard

turned into the live corpse temporarily, un, was that in various ghost stories, fortunately, I have not left, eliminated with magical ceremony promptly was unclean, making him return in the peaceful sinking dormancy.” „This and does his cause of death have the relations?” Toller seriously asked. „I am unable to you answer, I even not to know had problems, you should be clear, in our domains, the unable to explain matter is quite common.” Klein has been perfunctory one, then sways the portrait in hand saying that „clever time, before I saw Congressman Maynard dead the scene, he was sharing the husbands and wives to have the happiness that with this woman, and has covered own heart spot in the most joyful time.” „Your meaning is...... Is he that cause of death?” Toller „you understand” appearance. „Theoretically is this, requires the following dissection.” Klein has given supervisor Toller the portrait. Toller only looked at one, calls out in alarm the sound said: „Snow Madame coherence/order!” Klein bewildered looks at the opposite party: „Is she very famous?” Un, from the appearance and stature, should quite famous...... He was spitting the trough at heart. About Toller looked at one, slightly excitedly introduction said: „Snow coherence/order wife is Thengen City is most famous the most attractive widow, woman who is also the social occasion hounded, she is the second wife of

Khoy Baron, but unfortunately became the widow.” „She in upper class, in rich merchant of new promote broad popular, can simultaneously obtain the renowned young woman who the conservative party and New Party banquet invited.” „It is said that she and her adopted son, the current Khoy Baron, with Beckland certain aristocrats, with several government senior employees, has the ambiguous relations, is the position has the wife of energy very much...... Cannot think, she and Congressman Maynard are also this relations...... Hey......” Simply speaking, an outstanding social butterfly...... Klein summarized one secretly, is sideways to point in the room saying: „The following link in my duty, how should not interrogate the snow coherence/order wife specifically is your issue.” „Un, before the purification, I have pulled out Congressman Maynard a stick, you make to process, think that explained.” ps: Dragon Boat Festival asked the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket ~ genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #174: Snow Madame coherence/order( second asked monthly ticket recommendation ticket)  

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„What?” Brown bear Tolle had a scare, looked at Klein, looks in the guest room, flushed by a itself improper agile stance. He draws is uncapping the plain white cloth of corpse, carefully examined carefully several, the relenting gas channel/angrily said: „Imagines well compared with me, this is not the too major problem.” Perhaps I should draw out the revolver, delivers Congressman Maynard five rounds of demon hunting bullet, looked that actually the issue is serious...... Klein unstated criticism, is pointing at the gate outlet: „Later not my matter?” „No!” Tolle shouted fiercely, „you wait again.” Klein asked back puzzled: „Why?” Tolle is proper to explain seriously: „We must prevent the accident/surprise, waits to ask snow Madame coherence/order, completes the oral confession, I deliver you to return to Zoutlan Street again.” The death surpassed 10 hours of Maynard „living” to come, what matter but also there is unable to occur? You walked, I what to do? Tolle in has made up one at heart silently. „Good.” Klein rubbed under the frontal eminence saying that „you found a peaceful room to make me rest.” Promotes day of his aspect conditions not to be unstable, had held a moment ago several ceremonies, has used two spells, and receives not small frightening, therefore, must meditation, remove the issue as soon as possible.

Present Klein regarding „out-of-control” is exceptionally vigilant. Tolle draws in the plain white cloth, relaxed many say/way obviously: „Does not have the issue.” He leads Klein to enter approaches the guest room in solarization room, points in was saying: „Moretti supervising, you can feel relieved, some people will not disturb you, I look for snow Madame coherence/order first.” The Klein slight nod, gazes after the opposite party to depart, then closes the door, the closing up window curtains. In the dim tranquil bedroom, he arrives by the rocking chair gradually, has lain down comfortably, whatever the body has the rhythm around swings. Innumerable light ball illusion stack-up accumulation in mind, Klein ear bank humming sound the sound and a head pulling out pain point another point vanishes does not see. When the condition is stable, he opens both eyes, looks to outline outline the bunk, cabinet and other furniture in dark, the body and mind summarizes the beforehand attempt gentle: „The jokes of several times quite empty boastings have not received feedback temporarily ‚’......” „Perhaps is I truly has not controlled ‚Clown’ the magical medicine strength, negative impact surviving...... Naturally, does not rule out this acting function not big possibility.” „...... I am not glad to act ‚Clown’, but since has chosen this sequence path, can only brace oneself downward walks......” „Actually, in the life

everyone has into Clown more or less ‚’ time, does not need too to repel......” „Must clarify Clown as soon as possible ‚’ the core element is anything......” During various idea tumblings appear, Klein has pulled out one brass luster penny suddenly, the currency value is 1/2. He routinely wanted a divination Maynard's death whether had the influence of unusual factor. This perhaps is the occupational disease...... Klein shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not , the eye pupil transfers the depth, discussed repeatedly: „John. Maynard's death had the influence of unusual factor.” ...... Zheng! Lay down to spring that half penny coin on rocking chair he, looks at tumbling twinkle of its brass luster body in dim. ! The coin was falling on the Klein's palm, 1/2 this digit toward on. „Denial...... In other words John. Maynard's death did not have the influence of unusual factor...... This fellow looks like is really in extremely happy under sudden dies...... Dead for big, I do not need Chinese proverb to ridicule that he......” Klein received the coin, in the room that in the black faints deeply is blowing off own brain, has nearly rested. Thump, thump, thump. Slow has in the rhythm knocking, Klein reorganized under the clothing, puts on the police coat of arms the soft hat, leaves the deck chair, gradually arrives at the gate. The right palm just moved the arm rest, in his mind presented a picture suddenly: Brown bear

same Tolle supervising stands in out of the door, pulled under the neckband, among the facial expressions was passing obvious losing patience and helplessness. Twisted the hand, Klein sharply slowly did not open the door. Tolle supervising appears in his eyes, pulled to get the tastes: „Extremely was sorry, making you wait for was too long.” „We had looked for snow Madame coherence/order, recorded the oral confession, you can return to Zoutlan Street.” „Was sorry really very much, has delayed your precious time.” Klein has not gone to ask that the opposite party the mood reason, then says with a smile at present: „Did snow Madame coherence/order acknowledge last night and Congressman Maynard in the same place?” „Yes, she said that under the catalyses of massive alcohol, she and Congressman Maynard cannot control itself for a while, but after the discovery opposite party sudden dies, she is afraid, made processing to escape from that room slightly, hid own guest room, we did not have enough reason to accuse her crime temporarily, can only make her leave, restricts certain freedom, the waiting more further dissection result.” Tolle supervisor described in detail. The Klein leaning head, said with a smile slightly keenly: „Are you were explaining to whom?” Tolle has gawked, at once reveals the forced smile saying: „Yes, I do not need to explain anything to you, I was

tired of thoroughly by Madame Maynard, subconsciously said these many.” „Did the wife of Congressman Maynard come back?” Klein asked back suddenly. „Yes, is very regrettable, today's steam train appears exceptionally, has not been late.” Tolle makes the affirmative reply with the way of cracking a joke. Klein had not asked again, has inspected under the personal effects after being whether complete, moves toward the stairway with Tolle supervising, returns to the floor. „Why don't you arrest her?” „She is the murderer! I must accuse her, I must accuse your dereliction!” „I must please best big Lawyer accuse you!” ...... The slightly earpiercing words spread to the Klein's ear, he looks subconsciously, sees in the living room region, a plentiful fair middle-aged woman under supporting by the arm of two young people, is looking angrily at the opposite, keeps reprimanding. „Beckland the popular palace wind long skirt...... will read «Woman Aesthetic» this magazine this year” frequently Klein has such an inopportune idea first, then sees one to be protected by several gentlemen after behind female. This woman wears black long skirt, the skin is white and tender, brown sends is similar to the waterfall, brown eye pupil in fawn like forest pure pitiful, making the person cannot help but want to protect her. Snow Madame coherence/order...... Klein remembers „small dirty piece that” the opposite

party has acted the leading role suddenly, is busy at lifting the right hand, resists the mouth, has coughed two. He professionally made the left tooth knock on lightly two, observed the people on the scene with „spirit vision”: Madame Maynard's some body small issues, the energy field color is quite thin...... Can feel her anger from her mood color intuitively with her hatred...... This and her external performance is consistent...... Eh, the snow Madame Lun's mood color is represents the rational idea and calm condition blue color...... This and her semblance flurried anxious, miserable completely opposite...... Really, can become the person of social butterfly absolutely is not the small white rabbit...... Her in pink of health...... Carefully examines, Klein when takes back line of sight, sees snow Madame coherence/order to raise the head suddenly fast, looked at one in oneself this direction, appearance that then again the low head, timidly shivers. If cannot see your mood color intuitively, perhaps I will be deceived by your performance...... You should consider that direction develops toward „actor”...... Unstated criticism two, Klein has not stayed again, went out of the home of Congressman Maynard with Tolle supervising together, rides the police station arrangement the carriage to return to Zoutlan Street. After replacing captain, he continues to take turns on duty Chanis Gate, and seized the chance to write

by hand one to reimburse the application. A night of safe, Klein returns to the ground in early morning, received the breakfast that entrusted her to buy from Roseanne. „I like this meat pie!” He praised one. The expense of breakfast, he has given the opposite party ahead of time. „Right? I can attempt tomorrow!” Roseanne responded joyfully. ...... The Klein corners of the mouth twitched, copes with the milk and meat pie dedicated. When 8.25, he has had a yawn, is suppressing the sleepiness, arrives around Shooting Club. He several days made insane asylum doctor Daste before. Guderian meets at this time point. ............ Bang! Bang! Bang! In the ballistic range, Klein and Daste aim at the target respectively, has fired off a bullet of runner. ding dong, Daste shakes to fling cartridge case, is interested to lean to carefully examine Klein: „Before you compare, was more self-confident.” Naturally, I promote Sequence Eight, had the actual combat capability...... In the Klein heart is shining upon own facial expression and body movement, shows the arrogant stance intentionally: „Because I only thoroughly grasped the magical medicine strength with one month.” Daste slightly did not cast aside the lower jaw to say obviously: „Although this is proud matter, but does not need to say frequently.” Hey, as „Audience”, you suddenly has not seen through my performance...... Such looks like, „Clown”

quite restrains „Audience” ability...... Klein has comprehended smiled, then asked: „Hood. Ou root is the recent condition what kind of?” „...... He was really insane.” Daste silent one second of say/way, „I use various means to test him, he was truly insane, I open the just right medicine in the consideration to him, looks whether to cure him.” As Sequence Seven „Psychiatrist”, disguises as the mental patient unexpectedly...... Even if there is a certain treatment behavior, but does not conform to the magical medicine name the core element...... This belongs fuzzily and uses „acting method” wrongly, insane not specially was strange...... Klein has thought the evil ways: „Before he is insane, who has contacted him, do you have?” „The doctor except for insane asylum, patient, nurse and odd job, not having the bystander to contact him.” Daste definitely replied. Klein „un”: „Before is earlier? Whether some people have visited him, or can he leave the insane asylum regularly some time?” In order to keep the initial commitment, Klein front several times have not inquired Hood specifically. Ou root matter. Daste is lost in thought that good half genius saying: „Except for the Psychology Alchemy Union member, over five people have not visited him, including came three times, the name is Ell.” Does not wait for Klein to closely examine, he said: „But I listen to Hood. Ou root has mentioned, Ell is the fictitious name.” „His real name

is Lannhose.” ps: Second asked monthly ticket recommendation ticket ~   

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LM :: Volume #1 #175: Speculation( third recommendation ticket)   




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Lannhose? That does cheat out of money and deceives the color/look criminal? He unexpectedly with „Psychology Alchemy Union” Hood. Ou root has certain relation...... Klein heard to be startled, at once has remembered the significance of Lannhose this name representative. This has whirled away the swindler of over 1 ten thousand gold pound wealth! This is provides the clue to have 10 pounds , helping to catch to obtain 100 pounds motion national treasuries! This has deceived innocent female body and sentimental sediment! But he knows Hood unexpectedly. Ou root, and three times go to the insane asylum to visit the opposite party, this indicated that he contacted the extraordinary circle, or was he extraordinary? Thinks of here, Klein recalled to mind a magical medicine name suddenly: „Thief” path Sequence Eight, „Con Artist”! This kind of extraordinary often takes cheating other people

as happily! Has the possibility very much! Klein looking pensive nods, is controlling the facial expression and body language, does intentionally not to care speaks thoughtlessly to ask: „That Mr. Lannhose last time visits Hood. When Ou is root?” „In early July, concrete is which day, I must return to the insane asylum to read the corresponding registration form to know.” Daste. Guderian hesitated for several seconds to reply. In early July, at that time the Lannhose fraud had not gone bankrupt, he has not fled Thengen...... Klein then asked: „Hood. Ou does root usually have to mention the matter of this mister?” „No, you should know, Sequence Seven ‚Psychiatrist’ impossible, because was not careful that reveals certain matters, each few words that they spoke, at heart repeatedly has considered, only if they have other goal, otherwise very difficult to inquire the secret from their mouth, I also while Hood. The opportunity that Ou Genfeng falls, can attain ‚Heart Reader’ formula, was right, do you have to confirm that formula authenticity?” Daste will hide to the itself sequence proud mood very well. Klein smiles to say with a smile: „It real, when you need to promote, felt relieved that mixes magical medicine according to it, if ‚Psychology Alchemy Union’ cannot provide the material, we can help, un, is your recent condition what kind of?” „Also good, except for quite anxious Hood. Ou root

the matter, the whole person obtained relaxation, no longer has the sign of disassociation of personality, at this matter, you help me a lot.” Daste says with emotion heartfeltly. Klein makes the modest expression: „This is I should do.” „Made us return to topic, since you said that ‚Psychiatrist’ will consider each words that is going to say repeatedly, did not leak the secret easily, Hood. Why can the European root tell your Ell is Lannhose? Whether he was suggesting what, or what matter was reminding your?” Daste one tarries, good half genius to knit the brows saying: „This is truly strange, I actually completely have not paid attention...... But in addition, Hood. European root anything has not raised...... could it be that his goal is, if he had problems, I can rephrase in own words Lannhose this name to the high level in meeting?” „Realistic situation is also a little issue, I Hood. After the matter that Ou Genfeng falls notifies, really has the liaison officer to come, when I narrated in detail each detail, including the Lannhose name, the high level did not respond again, has thrown into the sea like the stone, whether this explained what they have guessed correctly?” „Very reasonable speculation.” Klein puts out demon hunting bullet, squeezes in runner one after another, tried to look under the target. „From this speculation, Hood. Perhaps Ou root already expected that oneself will

go crazy truly, or direct death...... But this and does Lannhose have certain relations? However, since he has expected, why doesn't seek help from the high level ahead of time?” Daste vision does not have the focal distance to look at the front, the thinking said with hardship, „what is a pity, he was now insane, does not have the means to carry on the effective communication.” „Perhaps some enticement made him choose the risk.” Klein makes a guess. Meanwhile, he is also regretting Hood. Ou Genzhen has become the mental patient, this makes many clues be cut off in light of this. Ai, even if the deceased person, is better than the lunatic, the deceased person I can make him open the mouth with the clever way, what to do should the lunatic? Right, Ms. Daly once attempted with the memory that the necromancy awakens me to lose, the theory of using also came from „Psychology Alchemy Union”...... This indicated that can also use „clever ceremony” to the live person, makes the spirit and spirit direct communication the scene...... Under this condition, does not know Hood. Ou root whether as before crazy...... What a pity, I in this domain insufficient specialty, it is estimated that did not have the means to achieve...... Un, I summoned the messenger first, wrote a letter to inquire Ms. Daly, looked that she can provide any skill, if she thinks, only then can complete, that told captain, making

him send the telegram to give Beckland church, the request aid...... I to not learn any skill absolutely and attempt to summon the ceremony of messenger, circles a circle...... In the Klein mind has flashed through ideas, gradually had has solved the problem the mentality. Daste quite approves to his guess: „Greedy always ignorant, even if knows explicitly front is the abyss, must try to approach the boundary, spies on.” This called the edge that made to probe crazily...... Klein unstated criticism, thinks saying: „After you return to the insane asylum, treats Hood as far as possible. Ou root, strives to make him sober some time, gives clue.” „Moreover, do not conceal own worry and anxiety, many and ‚Psychology Alchemy Union’ the person relation, urged that they solve Hood. Ou root issue, this is normally the most reasonable response.” Daste nods to say seriously: „I try hard to do.” Klein had not said again, considered was also asking one: „Hood. Ou root did the body recently have to appear exceptionally? For example, certain spots grow the close scale.” „When half-crazy” and „really insane” and „out-of-control” is extraordinary presents the issue varying degrees description truly, light is only three view changes, has changed individual likely, but can ponder sanely, the normal conduct, belongs „half-crazy”, quite serious will lose the logic, chaotic demented, is hard to communicate, is called „really

insane”, the type that is unable to save is the body and mind turns into the monster, thorough „out-ofcontrol”. But sometimes, if not solve the problem that has promptly, perhaps was insane is being insane is losing control. Before, for did not expose the ambush in „Psychology Alchemy Union” internal informer, Dunn told that Night Watcher did not control Hood immediately. Ou root, transfers adopts monitoring investigation, prevents the accidental/surprised means that but if the opposite party had the sign of out-of-control, must handle decisively. Daste shakes the head the forced smile saying: „No, you can feel relieved in this point, I also am afraid Hood. Ou root loses control, will not miss any detail, after all my one week has six days in the insane asylum.” After two people also talked several, was separated by a dozen minutes of place to leave the target range. Klein is enduring the intense sleepiness, rides public carriage, returns to Narcissus Flower Street. He opens the front door, seeing the younger sister to sit on the living room sofa, has not read, has not fiddled with the components and machinery, such is looking at the front, lost the appearance of soul. Knocks on the tooth lightly, opens spirit vision, the Klein doubts asks: „Melissa, accident sentiment of?” Looking from the energy field color, is very healthy...... Not malnutrition like before...... Melissa took back the

vision, sips lip, looked at the eye to have the kitchen that the sound spread, the vacant opens the mouth said: „Beira has been recommending her family/home unique breakfast recipe, said that is the unusual delicacy, I comply this morning to make her attempt.” „What procedure?” Klein had not the good premonition indistinctly. „Last night leftover dish will place boils together, then adds water adds the bread......” the Melissa voice to lower to move fast the redundant say/way. This, this is the standard dark ingredients...... Klein put out a hand to pinch under the forehead: „Therefore?” „Cannot waste food......” Melissa to bite the lip, earnest nod. The younger sister, I feels you in the suspicion life...... Klein settles the throat clear, suppresses the happy expression, then asked: „Benson?” „He in washroom.” Melissa got rid finally confusedly, the eye pupil reappears the brilliance. At this moment, a building washes the hands and face indoor resounds the pump the sound, Benson is taking the newspaper, opens the door saying: „Dear can Klein, come a breakfast?” „No, I have eaten.” Klein shakes the head firmly, and particularly rejoiced that approximately Daste this morning met, otherwise he ahead of time will not make Roseanne bring the breakfast. „Really is regrettable, otherwise you to my cook change view, confident.” Benson selfridicules to say with a smile. At this time, Melissa

noted a matter, the rotation eyeball, looked said to Klein: „You come back today very late.” Younger sister, naive, lively, always do not worry...... Your condition was very good! Klein said with a smile immediately: „Has a good news.” „You adopted the inspection of Police Department, can receive the extra wage?” Melissa has almost not made anything to ponder that asked the exit|to speak. Benson also with a smile nods to echo. „......” Klein is taking hat, stands in the living room edge, said funnily, „how this does make me give you to be pleasantly surprised?” Then, he coughs to add: „Yes, my weekly salary turned time.” He conceals per week 4 pounds wage that just increased, planned that will save the little strongbox for the future, after all cannot only not rely on the money in recording a name account . Moreover, turned time also sufficiently to frighten his Elder Brother and younger sister. „6 pounds?” Melissa blurted out, surprise and vibration. „I need to trade one to work.” Benson has traced under own sending border channel. Has information that Klein has supplied, his these days studying independently is quite assiduous. Does not wait for the Klein opens the mouth, Melissa to reveal the joyful God color: „As the matter stands, except normal expenditure, you in 2-3 years can save to enough wealth, satisfies is lowly standard, un, the standard that a gentleman marries is Elizabeth tells me.” „......” Klein cannot

help laughing say, „this is very long later matter, shouldn't we celebrate now? I announced that starting today, our staple food turn into the white bread, when I finish these days, we go to the different dining rooms to taste the good food.” Melissa looked at his one eyes, as if anything has not heard opens the mouth: „I and Benson must go to Church of Saint Selina to attend the mass, do you want to go?” I every day in praise the Goddess...... Klein laughs saying: „I must catch up on the dormancy.” This thinks, he rested 12 half, after Benson and Melissa have used the lunch , to continue to investigate the duty of red chimney house. When quiet at dead of night, he uses spirituality to seal off the bedroom, prepares summon messenger ceremony that tries „Necromancer” Daly to provide. ps: Third asked monthly ticket recommendation ticket   

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LM :: Volume #1 #176: Letter   

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regarding present Klein, simple magical ceremony like eating meal to drink water skilled, how long to be useless, he has completed the preparation of

material, lit has symbolized own that candle. Looks that on the desk dragged the uncertain that pale yellow flame, Klein has had a funny idea inexplicably: „Is this selects wax for oneself?” „I go, I am thinking anything blindly!” ...... He restrains the train of thought that took up to be the death domain black spoiled flowered powder, sprinkled lightly to the candle, traded one to be similar to the ancestors formalin flavor/smell. He „full moon volatile oil” dropped the family member of dark night. In Zizi sound, all around suddenly becomes tranquil, has invisible, the subtle feeling is surging. Klein will have drawn back in the future one step, read aloud with ancient Hermes language in a low voice discussed: „I!” Then, he changed into Hermes language: „I by my name summon \;” „Paces back and forth spirit in fabrication, the upper boundary creature of urged, belongs to Daly alone. Simone's messenger.” ! The sound of the wind surged sound of sob, the pale yellow candlelight caught the gloomily blue luster instantaneously. Under its shining, the desk following wall position ripples nearly transparent ripple, did not have the eyebrow not to have the eye not to have the nose to have the strange face of mouth to highlight. It publicizes the lips, puts out the long and bright red tongue, above is mounting the anomalous canines . Moreover, the peak of tongue steadily five careful fingers, they unceasingly are

also outstretching, pinches to gather together unceasingly, seems waiting for the delivery. This is Daly „messenger”? With Mister Ards compares, with child same...... No, this was unable accurately to describe the disparity of both sides, un, one is the grown giant, one is the human race baby...... Does not know that is the reason of that mysterious goods, is the Mister Ards itself very formidable relations...... I must adjust to his cognition, perhaps he is high sequence expert...... Aiya, I have forgotten, I should believe to ask Ms. Daly, asked that she „Sleepless” path Sequence Four and sequence 3 names separately are anything, Mister Ards possibly belongs to this sequence enormously, naturally, he not necessarily by the magical medicine promotion, un, perhaps by inherited chromosome...... Next time will ask again, the messenger is waiting...... Klein stared at several earnestly, will fold already the good paper puts in the messenger „hand”, looks that it firmly holds. Brush! The messengers have taken back the tongue, has swallowed the letter, that transparent, strange, the face of creeping motion shrinks into the wall, vanishes does not see. Has saying that the method of magic also very very dazzles, is very convenient, is unable to popularize...... Klein looks to restore the normal candlelight, swung, had ended the ceremony. ............ On Monday in the morning, Beckland, Queen District.

In municipal garden covert corner that Duke of Negan builds, golden hair disorderly and coarse resting. Dille and makings lazy think. Woll looks at front consulting silly, for a while does not know unexpectedly should send regards with any language. Just crossed 1 meter 5, diminutive fine resting stared is swaying the golden hair big dog of tail and turnover tongue, has managed under own application knight clothing/taking, considered is opening the mouth saying: „Are you messenger who Miss Audrey sends?” „Oh, my goddess, why I must inquire a dog like this earnestly......” Thinks with the finger is clamping the slender cigarette, hey a sound said: „Perhaps is it the mysterious creature?” „I have not seen such have looked like the mysterious creature of dog......” to rest quite properly respond. Susie one sits, has closed the mouth, and has referred to own abdomen with the claw. In the long and thick golden hair, is tying up a leather packet. Rested about looked at one, definite nobody paid attention, the busy stride approached, bends the waist to loosen that packet. Thought looked at one curiously, the expression suddenly became strange: „Alligator skin, moreover there is a fashionable designer Mister Saidez style...... She makes the transaction with this type of package unexpectedly......” „...... In other words, is very expensive?” Rested has lifted under that leather

packet. Thinks of tight sips to live in lip, nodded earnestly. The movement that rests one slows down the exaggeration, she tears the zipper cautiously, took out inside letter paper, imitates in the finger citron to hold an antique vase. After reading off, she gave to think letter conveniently. Thinks to look earnestly, lights the letter paper with the cigarette, witnesses it to turn into the black salt, falls to the soil. „The extra information has not provided.” Rested not on own initiative honk under mouth, took in the pocket that to put out one pack to fold the good paper from the application knight. She looked completely dignifiedly to Susie, the subconsciousness urged one: „This is recent several days report, you must give Miss Audrey Hall directly.” Susie shivered, sits busily straight, the tail swings fast. Rests satisfaction to nod, will fold the good that pack of paper to squeeze in the leather packet, then tied up on the packet Susie. Susie, ran speedily the disappearing trace. ............ In Hall Family luxurious villa. Audrey is sitting on the sofa of own living room, takes is cutting the letter blade, tries to disassemble front correspondence. That is her second Elder Brother sends from southern continent Empire of Balam, with also package that the letter arrives. At this moment, she sees Susie to shove open the unlatched door, the half step ran to clash. Susie sits to Audrey front rug on straight, has

patted that leather packet with the claw. „You are really an outstanding messenger!” Audrey does not have parsimonious own praise. Susie turned head to look at an entrance, shook the air, said low voice: „Your friend is very serious, sees her, before I have remembered, at that time, will have the special hunter to train us.” When it is the Count Hall purchase hunting dog complimentary gift. Susie, your Ruen language was getting more and more fluent...... Is the language logically also a little issue...... Audrey looks that golden hair big dog loosen the leather packet, knew extremely well has torn the zipper. She signaled with the eyes to Susie, golden hair big dog understands immediately, stands up fiercely, flees the exit|to speak, locks on the other side the housing gate. „...... Did not have the result, but had discovered in the Beckland bridge region the tramp missing phenomenon, this is unable to determine, perhaps was only that tramp suddenly changes the activity path originally......” Audrey to turn the report, seriously pondered how should reply to rest with thinks: Told rests, so long as she can discover „in hurricane” Zielinger whereabouts, I directly bought „Officer” magical medicine formula to give to her...... No, this is not very friendly, will make her feel inferior, un, I must say, rest, I have prepared your monetary reward, so long as you can complete the request, 450 pounds cash was your......

Ai, „Heart Reader” the primary materials had only found the spinal fluid of Farr Sman rabbit, but also misses the hypophyses of grown seven color lizard dragons...... Gleylit, rests with thinks had not discovered temporarily...... Audrey, happy, at least you thoroughly have digested „Audience” magical medicine! Collects the material, you can become Sequence Eight extraordinary! ...... Audrey restrains the train of thought that takes written records, is about to sketch has sealed the reply, filled in the leather packet, and entrusted Thuthi to run again. Gazes after the back of golden hair big dog to vanish in the entrance, she disassembles the letter that the Elder Brother mails, the corners of the mouth starts to read with a smile: „ Dear younger sister: „I think that you should also arrive at southern continent to come, to the Empire of Balam colonizing region, here has the abundant sunlight, the seafood that the neat air, the clean environment, just salvaged, various unique customs, are obedient docilely is suitable to be the servant do obeisance the bright indigenous people, as well as, free flavor/smell.” „However Beckland gloomy and cold, moist, the air is very bad, common grey mist, cannot see Sun frequently , the population is such many, many to having all kinds of issues, un, forever dance party, banquet and salon without limits...... These social occasions are stereotypical, making me not want to stay, the dear

younger sister, I thinks that you have the similar feeling.” „I do not want to escape family, I am tracking down my life, but our elder brothers definitely do not believe, he is a selfish person, naturally, he is not parsimonious to you, because you can divide the wealth of arriving, only then a little, but I, am the biggest enemy of his inherit title, after all our fathers are the position have the count of long-term vision, absolutely by eldest son following undertaking to manufacture fetter.” „So long as he thinks to, he can make anything, did not give a thought to the vigorous opposition like initially him, sells out 50% paddies to enter the banking industry to be the same with the pasture.” „I will occasionally think of Beckland, but mainly thinks of the father, thinks of mother, thinks of you, thought of that in that several years, you let the smiling face that my mood improves, you certain became Beckland's most dazzling gem, but it is a pity that I possibly need two years to come back, the enterprise is the selfrespect of man, but the Ruen Kingdom outstanding young people take the world as the stage.” ...... „You can pass on to our dear maternal aunts, the Empire of Balam littoral is suitable to take vacation, is suitable she to be sore when the winter the swelling joint, I invited her to be a guest sincerely, if you can also with her, that be together better.” ...... „I have not mailed too many gifts to you, is mainly richly the

thing that some have does obeisance the bright style, for example the characteristics yellow silk, for example fills the Death God worship color accessory.” „I remember that you very much have liked the thing in mystery science aspect, I will help you pay attention, here folk customs have too many mysticalness.” ...... The reading letter, Audrey takes the backing strip and written records, latter leaned against the sand carbuncle on the back, sips the lower jaw, wrote earnestly: „I dearest Alfred:” „Although only passed was less than one year, but you remember that the little girl has grown up, no longer liked the matter in mystery science aspect, you do not need to collect similar thing.” Because this very dangerous...... Audrey roused the cheek, in Xinli has made up one. In this period of time, she at the extraordinary meeting, in narration that in resting thinks of, heard too many too many because of the tragedy that the mysterious thing has. She has thought, then announced excitedly: „My present interest in the biological domain, I was in a stew in seven color lizard dragons and other Yalong recently specially, you can help me inquire, where can find similar creature, or their well-preserved corpses.”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #177: Suddenly

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Shares scandal between some interesting matter and aristocrat, Audrey stops the written the movement, exhibits the appearance of earnest recollection. She closes right up against „Audience” the outstanding memory, and occasionally taught the father Count Hall fragment words, some news that the banquet, dance party and salon hear, 11 comb, organizes the paragraph. Hits the mental note, Audrey starts to write to write: „About the Beckland political situation that you inquired, this in my area of interest, I only cannot rely on the impression, describes the detail that I accidentally knew to you.” „In a while ago, the father told me, after «Grain Bill» was abolished, the grain price plummeted, the paddies and pasture rent standard also cliff fell, the concrete scope I was not clear, can only make you understand in an example.” „You know that Duke of Negan is outside a royal family, has land most aristocrats, was known as that has over 12 million pounds paddies, pasture and mountain forest, last year, his land rent income has met highest standard in history, 1.3 million pounds, but the complete land rent income that this year, can foresee is 850,000 pounds, reduced enough 45 ten thousand gold pound, this has exceeded the entire fortune that I can

obtain.” „Does not need I many explanations, my dear Elder Brother you definitely understands the characteristics that most old-fashioned person aristocrat, they take having the land as the honor, is primarily the land rent to receive . Moreover the dignity exceeds all, even if in debt, must maintain sufficiently the livelihood of match itself status, every year by the castle repair expense of ten thousand pounds computation, every year several thousand over ten thousand pounds clothing jewelry expenses, hunting that as well as perseveres, the public relations banquet, occasional big wedding, luxurious funeral, wait/etc., wait/etc..” „Because land rent income slides seriously, as far as I know, some aristocrats had the pecuniary embarrassment, for this reason Count Wolf has sold out a countryside 840,000 acres land, obtained 29 ten thousand gold pound, Viscount Conrad had sold to the national art museum the value 55000 gold pound collections.” „Except for had boldness aristocrat already to shift the center of gravity to steel, coal, railroad, bank, rubber and other professions few, other people suffered the serious harm in this «Grain Bill» disturbance, making us praise here our dear Count Hall!” „Father told me, financial resource povertystricken will make the aristocrats to the Lower House seat slide to the controlling force of local politics, can imagine, comes the congressman

quantity of land aristocrat to reduce many in next year changing session.” „However conservative party and New Party to raise the fund, granted, no matter who, so long as did not have the police records, after donating enough money, they will seek to seal/confer nobility for the opposite party, naturally, the premise was that mister has the lowest land area of match title.” „An example is, wealthy Mr. Xin Dela purchases most lowers 600,000 acres land that the Baron title has needed, then has donated 10 ten thousand gold pound to Carlton Club, has donated 400,000 pounds to the conservative party, the charity event donates 300,000 pounds, ultimately successfully obtains the imperial edict of king to seal, was the honored Baron mister, in this regard, I heard that has the price list, from the Baron is 300,000 pounds, the hereditary Baron is 70 to 1 million pounds, viscount and count not explicit answer, but I want to affirm enough exaggeration.” ...... „In this year, many finances has the possibility that the aristocrat getdown to and rich merchants issue of get together, in merely two months, similar marriage has three, the dowry of bride's side is mouth-watering.” „Moreover, initially paraded to protest that «Grain Bill» these workers truly obtained reduction of food price, the quality that but they live has not improved, even was lower, the farmers who because goes bankrupt enter the city,

is robbing the work with the inexpensive wage demand, therefore the wage of labor social stratum fast slides.” „On the day of I remember, said that these matters, the father once had asked me, you thought that who the winner of this «Grain Bill» event is?” „Dear Alfred, you definitely knows the answer, you definitely can also depend upon your effort to obtain a hereditary title.” ............ Obtains resting of Audrey reply. Dille and think. Woll is taking the carriage to return to the Beckland bridge region. Golden hair disorderly resting looks at out of the window brightly, the eye pupil to being similar two flame is burning. She was talking to oneself unceasingly „450 pounds” this words and expressions, like were reading aloud read the incantation, every time read, can obtain the growth of courage and strength. „Ducker Home has not come to look for us today, told the recent probe, we went to his home directly one!” Suddenly, rests turns head to look to thinks. Ducker Home is a chieftain of Beckland east district criminal syndicate, is controlling many bummers and thieves. Although a he always genial appearance, on the clear cheek throughout hangs the smiling face of being full of the affinity, but rests knows, this is the cruel vicious villain, he stepped on a hand of 13 or 14-year-old thief, because only the opposite party harbored the harvest. If not inevitable, rests is not even willing to

see Ducker Home, but the opposite party most understands one of this city tramp people. Thinks of the slightly volume after brown sends to allocate for the ear, said: „So long as does not delay my lunch.” „Does not have the issue! Perhaps this week later, I will ask you to have Intis feast!” Rests the selfsensation to promise to say good. „Can I thank God for this reason?” Thought asked one funnily. She and rests differently, she is the God of Steam and Mechanics shallow follower. During the speeches, two girls transferred another public carriage, arrives at Beckland east district, had found Ducker Home's home. This is in association row of villa a situated in narrow lane, on the wall steadily the deep green plant, outside environment is quite disorderly. Rests to the entrance, lifts right hand, had the unique rhythm to tap door several. , Does not have the related good front door to open wide along with her rap backward. Rests the slightly blurry expression to transfer instantaneously seriously, lion that like having a fit of bad temper. She extracts sparganium stoloniferum thorn that carries along , to promote the door cautiously, gradually in enters. Thought also changed the careless condition, does not know where has fished out a dagger. They have not smelled strange smell, but the rich experience makes them realize keenly was not right. One step, two steps, three steps, rested with think to enter in

Ducker Home's home. Then they saw to build the paleness on gas lamp to break the arm, saw the heart and liver spleen lung kidney on tea table, seeing flesh and blood one after another to sprinkle on the floor, hung on the pin rail! White bones were shaved cleanly, pile up in Zheng place to the entrance very much disorderly. But during the white bones crowding around, is opening the head of empty both eyes, is Ducker Home. On his clear face as before is maintaining the genial smiling face, as if all normal, but the interior has not filled the bloody flavor/smell, does not have tiny bit. As the clinic doctor, afterward best author, Sequence Nine extraordinary, thought to see compared with this more disgusting death scene, she patted under the whole body to tie tight resting that the shape desire vomited, while sized up, the sinking sound said: „Zielinger? ‚In hurricane’ Zielinger?” „He discovers Ducker Home in the investigation missing tramp, therefore the back tracking, does look to visit directly?” „Or Ducker Home arrived at his whereabouts, but was discovered by him?” Rests bears disgusting palpitation, expression nods to say solemnly and respectfully: „Worthily by the pirate general who with raw hate and is well-known deceitfully...... But here strange also conforms to the performance of his mysterious goods.” „Deceitful......” thinks of suddenly one startled,

blurted out, „he can also wait in the, tried to ambush to investigate his instigation?” Rested, at once slightly flustered replied: „Has the possibility very much!” That is Sequence Six „Wind Caretaker”, is grasping a big pirate of mysterious goods, but their two Sequence Nine! This is very simple and easy contrast! ...... In the Ducker Home Family/Home opposite house, has the 30 -year-old man of unique width chin and dark green eye pupil stands near the window, ice-cold gazes is resting thinks to open the front door with, gradually in enters. This is „in hurricane” Zielinger! Black glove that his left palm wears suddenly like had the vitality to wriggle, the surface appeared a dark golden close scale. Zielinger shows cruel joyful expression, the dark green eyeball along with it turns pale golden, the heartless vertical pupil. ...... Misses first one revolution, is busy at drawing is resting runs up to other one side, has shunted to the region of door. She bites the white tooth, takes down one string of bracelets that sleeve cuff lotus leaf has covered. Above this string of silver bracelets has three dark green rough stones, the surface of stone is full of the cauterization the trace, uneven. Thinks tears off a stone, shouts with ancient Hermes language lowly: „Gate!” She firmly holds to rest. Dille, looks that stone blooms the illusory light blue ray. Two women's forms are fuzzy, approach in invisible. They

saw to be hard to describe physique, the thing that even transparent to as if did not have, saw differently one after another color, was containing bright radiance of inexhaustible knowledge, they entered mysterious spiritual world, In that is higher than the reality in the strange world, thought to draw is resting took the step in some direction. After three breath, they have been separated from the transparent illusory condition, returned to the reality, returned to Beckland. However, place that they are is not Ducker Home's family/home, but is an unmanned graveyard. ...... Zielinger who wears the thin scale glove quietly appeared in Ducker Home's entrance, the vision ice-cold has swept to inside. He has gawked, frowned, thought aloud: „‚Traveler’?” ............ In graveyard. „Then what to do?” Thinks loves dearly and fear is breathing heavily the gas channel/angrily said. That string of bracelets are she in obtaining „Apprentice” that fortuitous encounter of formula and in material other mysterious goods of possession, except for each month full moon time will let she hears strangely some, fuzzy talking during sleep, does not have other hidden danger. On the bracelet had the Wuke head, can make her go through with the aid of spiritual world, achieves to be similar to the matter of transmission, but now, only remaining two. Rests calmed down spirits and

energetic, the serious nod said: „First informs Miss Audrey, then, then reported to the police!”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #178: Following mentality   

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„Warning?” Thinks. Woll surprise has duplicated. To extraordinary, the initiative warning seems the matter of another world. Rested back and forth walked slowly and aimlessly several steps, grasped under the coarse golden hair saying: „The scene that Ducker Home died is such frightened, such strangeness, the police want also steadily the eye, definitely will forward to Justice Enforcer, Night Watcher and Heart of Mechanics or is that special department of military, when the time comes, we disclosed a news again slightly, making them know that the murderer was Zielinger, can build the scene that the entire city captured.” „Our goals look to arrive in full Ringes, but does not hold him, had these many extraordinary ‚help’, the matter will be simpler, is safer, once Zielinger becomes flurried, makes the mistake, that is we gains the opportunity of monetary reward, hehe, I am refer to discovering his trail.” Rests hollow laugh two, is looking at stunned

Sidao: „could it be that in your mind, am I one person who sees the barrier also to hit? We and Zielinger disparity so is big like Disu Bay.” Thought selects slowly under said: „You are correct to your cognition, you have done too many similar matters, the loss that therefore suffers makes you promote Sequence Eight sufficiently.” „What is lucky, you also enough reason at this matter.” Rests lowers the head to look at the sparganium stoloniferum thorn in hand, hesitates was saying: „...... I must confess, I felt approaching of death a moment ago clearly, Zielinger in the, that is enough evilly enough breaks the rule without a doubt the aura, making me have the response of instinct.” Thinks of silver bracelet again wears good who will remain also two stones, has seriously pondered dozens seconds of say/way: „I approve of your idea, first informs Miss Audrey, then reported to the police.” „Un, no matter Ducker Home has discovered Zielinger trail, his person hand/subordinate found, we can investigate from this direction, clarify the Zielinger beforehand sphere of action and housing place.” Rests to wrinkle golden thin eyebrow saying: „But Zielinger will definitely not stay in the original place.” Again is one of the seven pirate generals, has the mysterious goods to be auxiliary again, Zielinger must be discrete in Beckland enough. Even if „King of the Five Seas” Nast, had encountered the calamity here, was nearly

seized. „No, my meaning, speculated or determined that from these clues Zielinger comes the Beckland goal, so long as understood he really wants to make anything, no matter how he camouflages how makes a show, finally will expose before us, such one, our duties were accomplished.” Thinks answers in detail, „the experience that these two years creates told me, focused on the key, the matter will become simple.” Rests the surprise to look at the good friend, as if cannot believe that the opposite party can say such reasonable words. „I am different from you, I am disinclined to ponder, but you pondered by the muscle.” Thinks of sips to live in the lip, first one smiles. „Taunted me unable to make you more intelligent......” rests is belonged to by several golden hair that oneself curled upwards diligently mildmannered, „good, we went to Queen District, told Miss Audrey this matter.” Thinks nods gently said: „Therefore, what we and Miss Audrey urgent contact way is?” „......” Rests vacant, looks at the tombstone of distant place saying that „she told me, her pet dog , before was us, that golden hair that saw, could go out every day takes a walk, at least five times, un, recent one time after the lunch.” „In other words, can we covertly wait for outside the Count Hall splendid palace?” Thought of the corners of the mouth to twitch. Rests fiercely the leaning head, reveals the smiling face of flattering: „Thinks, or do

you sneak directly?” „I think that this cannot baffle you, this is your special skill.” „Several hundred years of hereditary count, one of the Upper House most influential congressmen, close to cuts down the special bank biggest shareholder, the Beckland bank fourth major stockholder, the Royal Bank special adviser, the Kingdom of Intis Hiett Bank third major stockholder, the Constant's coal steel unified body second major stockholder, wait/etc., wait/etc., this is the Miss Audrey her father's prominent status, rests, with your brain, in such influential figure family/home won't have to invite extraordinary? Won't have to harbor? This these decline is different from the viscount and Baron who!” Thinks replied illhumoredly, „I pledged in the name of God, so long as I dare to submerge, over five minutes will not be discovered that were held.” Rests frequently nods, indicated the approval: „We wait for that golden hair......” Then, she shows the way before, after walking several, back to Sidao \; „Un, I will try hard to make up for you to lose in the future, un, I refer to that stone.” Hears these words, thinks of corners of the mouth to turn upwards to say slightly: „I am saving myself.” „, Rests, your going astray direction!” „God, if you are ‚Apprentice’, in the future will become ‚Traveler’, that meeting, that simply will be a disaster!” ............ Outside Count Hall luxurious villa. Rests thinks to hide in behind of Intis dryondra, is

gazing at the goal construction quietly, is gazing at crowded. Has not known how long, they saw bottom in the covert pinhole of that golden hair big dog from fence covertly to drill, and ear raises up, glances right and left, very careful. In Susie vividly and starts to take a walk joyfully, there is a black male dog to leap up suddenly, flatters, talks circuitously. „My first time knows that on the face of dog can show that user-friendly expression, actually does it some dislike that black dog?” Rests says after a sigh in a low voice. She saw the obvious loathing from the Susie look and face expression. Thinks to smile to say with a smile: „Like meeting was also crude the sexual harasser who is disgusting and pesters is not putting.” Saw with own eyes that Susie tries to pick up the speed, got rid of the black dog, resting has stood, maintained „justice”. „My ruling is, leaves it!” Rests seriously lowly shouts. That black dog has gawked, at once is clamping the tail, stampede. Susie relaxed, slows down the speed, politeness, swung has wagged the tail close to. The narrow squeak, the narrow squeak, almost said to them „thanks”...... The golden hair big dog was rejoicing at heart is thinking. Such scene will be awkward...... ............ The melodious melody stops slowly, sits Audrey on music stool takes is resting with the latest information that thinks to transmit, wrinkled the attractive brow. Her closing up piano cover, sets

out gracefully, in in Qinfang back and forth paces, was pondering then should make anything. „Zielinger is a very dangerous fellow...... Continues to trace again, likely lets rest with thinks of the bitter experience fearful matter...... Even will expose me...... Un, deferred to them to say did...... Right, two hours were ‚Tarot Society’, do not know that Mr. Fool had anything to suggest, if he were not interested, I with Hanged Man carefully discussed that......” Audrey returned to normal gradually the mood. This is her first bitter experience, or acts as a matchmaker from the participation so bad risk matter, presented a human life the matter! 3 : 00 pm. Line of sight Audrey that restores from the dark red and twilight state sees not to belong to realistic boundless grey mist once again, saw as if the palace in giant residence, saw the ancient and motley bronze long table, saw forever to hoodwink rich mist Fool, saw „Hanged Man” and „Sun”. In the wink of an eye, Audrey slightly obviously ties tight with the anxiety one is smoothed, her innermost feelings so calm and steady, so assured. I participate not in material world ‚Tarot Society’, what I face is nearly Spiritual God Mr. Fool, I and together Ringes at all not in a level...... The Audrey stiff lumbodorsal region, lifts the chin proud, greeted cheerfully: „Good afternoon, Mr. Fool! Good afternoon, Mr. Hanged Man! Good afternoon, solar mister!” After exchanging

greetings, Klein saw that „justice” young lady hinted her to have the words to say, therefore has selected gently, agreed. „esteemed Mr. Fool, does not know that your family does have to receive the compensation of that 300 gold pound?” Audrey bears narrated immediately the impulsion of Zielinger matter, cared about family one of the oneself leader. Klein said with a smile lowly: „I have not paid attention to this matter, but since my family extra has not requested the help again, that should be received.” Yes, I have confirmed repeatedly, in my recording a name account is not lying 300 gold pound...... The Klein mood has supplemented one joyfully silently. „This was really good!” Audrey felt relieved, then looks to opposite, „Mr. Hanged Man, Zielinger matter had the progress.” Argel one sits positively, is hard to conceal asks joyfully: „He where?” „Is very regrettable, we just discovered that his trail, he realized our investigation, has killed the related personnel.” Audrey will rest with the bitter experience that thinks of picks narrated with emphasis, and explained their following mentalities in detail. The Argel slight nod said: „I watch out.” Then, he is sideways to look to the bronze long table most head, in the vision vacant, has „Sun that” listens not to have under the Derrick gaze saying: „esteemed Mr. Fool, if clarified the Zielinger real motive and he that very importantly very mysterious

goods that tried to obtain is anything, please allow me to read aloud reads your name, informed you with the ceremony.” He does not have repeatedly requested again family of opposite party provides the help, since because had said that Fool has also given the answer, that is wordy, will otherwise enrage the Spiritual God. Therefore, Argel had only hope „report” manner. If the final enticement is enough, he believes family who Mr. Fool will certainly appear. This also? Audrey one opened the eye. Early knows I also applied for „report” right, perhaps such can occasionally be under Mr. Fool instruction...... She slightly annoyingly is thinking. In the vision of people, Klein in rich grey mist leans against the chairback, nods gently, sinking slow reply: „Ok.” genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #179: Praise „Fool” mister   

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Hears „Fool” the reply, „Hanged Man” Argel relaxed quietly, the low head, said humbly: „Please allow me to praise your kindly listening ahead of time.” Because I am also very curious...... Very curious

sequence 6 „Wind Caretaker” believes that actually obtains it to have the mysterious goods of sequence 4 strengths is anything...... Very curious pirate general wants to make anything in Beckland...... Klein shows a faint smile, is maintaining the profound silent stance. I also had not pledged in any case listened attentively must render the assistance! He was emphasizing one at heart. However, compared with before, present he had more energy, because the ally in his reality, mysterious Mister Ards is in Beckland. If really necessary, Klein is willing to use the copper sentry post, requested the Ards help, naturally, he will definitely not raise „tarot card”, only possibly fuzzily expressed from some information source. At this matter, but also has two problems, first, Klein and Ards are only restricted in the cooperation at present, the opposite party certainly will not provide the help, the mysterious goods that the matter that only if Zielinger wants to handle, or involves, can arouse the interest of opposite party. Second, Klein not clear Ards current strength strong, even if has adjusted the guess, thinks that the opposite party is high sequence expert, must consider discretely „loses recalled” weakening that brings, the knowledge often is equal to the strength after all, but the incomplete knowledge definitely will make the strength sell at a discount greatly. As the matter stands, whether Ards

can cope with has „creeping motion hunger” Zielinger, Klein cannot guarantee, will make therefore the acquaintance encounter the danger on some worries, does not arrive to have no recourse, is really not willing to trouble the opposite party. Thinks terrifying that Mister Ards that copper sentry post summoned „messenger”...... No, fellow where looks like messenger, acted boss to be enough! Un, Mister Ards cannot win Zielinger who „creeping motion hunger” in addition held, should be able to protect oneself with ease, and had the ample force to rescue „Hanged Man”, rescued „justice” young lady's extraordinary partner...... Klein looking pensive has adjusted under sitting posture, latter depends on the condition of chairback to be invariable, the right leg put above the left leg easely. „Hanged Man” Argel looked at „Fool”, opens the mouth to say once more: „I will soon obtain a number of Great Emperor Russell diary, believes next time, or under will get together next time, can present to you.” According to the Lord of Storms church's division, Pritz Harbor belongs to the Beckland church jurisdiction, therefore, Argel can report the previous departing situation the reason to enter the kingdom capital, will wait for „in hurricane” Zielinger to expose the one's manner while in office and in retirement. But historically, Beckland once was the Lord of Storms church's headquarters, until the

previous era end, Ruen Kingdom established, they moved the chancel Passo Island, therefore, regardless of, on the one hand said that Lord of Storms Beckland church was next to seven big church's headquarters, the rich degrees of various types of materials were conceivable. In this case, itself belongs unable to explain, makes this church extraordinary research the Russell diary definitely quite easy semiopen to be collected, regarding this, Argel is very confident. Klein made the expression take intentionally little joyful, nodded the head gently said: „Is very good.” His time real mood is half joyful half is sad, what is joyful is can see many page of Russell diaries quickly, perhaps above records many useful information, sad should take anything with „Hanged Man” exchange, after all no one talks clearly in these diaries whether has the content to make „Hanged Man” be interested, whether or has the content to have enough value. Even if „divinator”, is unable to know ahead of time...... Can make my „family” help really? Klein silent sighed. Sees „Hanged Man” and „Fool” the exchange of mister comes to the end, the Audrey Hall busy opens the mouth asked: „esteemed ‚Fool’ mister, if I obtained very usefully, and has the obvious time-limited information, whether can also read aloud reads your name, informs you with the ceremony?” Effectiveness...... Takes a look, „justice” young lady

word usage is elegant, compared with her, „Hanged Man” you were too vulgar! Klein slightly does not nod obviously, said by rich grey mist: „Ok.” Really good! Audrey has grasped under the fist quietly. Meanwhile, Klein turns the head to look to the silent audit „Sun” Dairic. Bergh, the expression said affably: „You are also same.” „Yes, ‚Fool’ mister.” Dairic low head. In the palatial palace above grey mist, the scene peaceful several seconds, Audrey was initiative the sound said: „I need the complete hypophyses of seven color lizard dragons.” „Read heart” one of the magical medicine primary materials? „Hanged Man” Argel as if slightly obviously did not nod in ponder. „I do not have, to be honest, this living thing, I have only seen in the textbook.” What Sun Dairic hears is the machine translation „illusory image Yalong”. What textbook meets the introduction unusual creature? Really enviable...... In I in extraordinary get together similar material that obtains, either is direct accounting orally, either is some wrinkled paper, insufficient system, lacks the orderliness...... Later has the opportunity there to exchange his textbook from „Sun”! Wú, what he is interested is „eulogy” sequence formula...... Audrey admired that is thinking. At this moment, Argel looked at „Fool”, takes back the vision, looks to opposite, hesitates was saying: „I could obtain the complete hypophyses

of seven color lizard dragons.” Does not wait for Audrey to be joyful, he adds: „But the premise is looks to arrive in full Ringes, when the time comes, I need to compensate your part in addition, happen to was equal to that ’ perhaps the complete hypophyses of seven color lizard dragons, ‚ justice young lady, you do not know, this Yalong approached exterminates, at present only then the dense fog sea, Mad Sea and in Sunya Sea certain primitive islands still has their trails, but the coordinate of these islands were only being grasped by a small number of people, if in the future you will be interested, we can make certain exchange in this aspect, because I will be one of the that small numbers of people.” I am also interested in these primitive islands...... Klein is listening to two people exchange silently. Thinks that seven color lizard dragon dragon class subspecies exterminate close, he recalled initially and Old Neil joke giant dragon and giant suddenly protects the association, the mood was suddenly low-spirited. Audrey hears to be very excited, is suppressing the mood: „I had vainly hoped for the navigation in marine, seeks for these primitive islands, on the experience ancient character and style.” Goddess, „tarot card” is really too formidable, was too mysterious! Really has to grasp the members of certain primitive islands coordinate! Praise „Fool” mister! Audrey lost

„audience” condition, lip sips left the elegant arc. Primitive islands? Klein is startled first, at once before having remembered, has looked at some page of Russell diaries, is that page of Great Emperor cos pirate king! He and his „revelation four knights” in the non- safe navigation route of dense fog sea, had discovered a nameless island, above has many unusual creature. Is this so-called primitive islands? What a pity, the Great Emperor has not left behind the coordinate in that page of diaries, un, perhaps the following diary has, but until now, I have not obtained the continual diary...... Klein is the regret is anticipated that is thinking. As for „Sun” Dairic, was been scared by dense fog sea, Mad Sea, Sunya Sea, primitive islands and other glossary lanes. He thought more and more oneself and „justice” young lady, „Hanged Man” mister not in a world. Slow several seconds, the Audrey doubts asked: „Seven color lizard dragons exterminate close, whether that indicated ‚audience’ path will interrupt quickly?” „No, definitely also has the substitution material. Hanged Man” Argel uses very assured tone reply. „What has to substitute the material?” The Audrey eye one asked brightly. Argel shook the head, is hiding the profound meaning reply: „I do not know, perhaps the Psychology Alchemy Union person is clear.” „Why you determined that can have the substitution material?” Audrey is vacant is puzzled. Argel smiles

to say with a smile: „You will be clear in the future, or the present pays the reward to receive in exchange for this information?” „I wait.” Audrey has roused under the cheek, silent aspirated, cancelled in light of this inquired „Fool” the idea of mister. Even if knew, is useless...... „Hanged Man” definitely to request „in hurricane” temporarily related matter...... Cannot be penetrated to involve...... She wants to praise suddenly oneself wisdom. But she had not expected completely what is, „Fool” mister is very disappointed at this time. The secret that Klein quite curious Argel in the words hid a moment ago, what a pity, has been in the best secondary attack position „justice” young lady has not chosen the transaction. No matter two people use any way transaction, so long as above grey mist, the content could not have hidden the truth from this Master! Un, seven color lizard dragons exterminate close, but Psychology Alchemy Union gives to contain its formula as before, has not provided the substitution material the name...... This indicated that Psychology Alchemy Union is grasping the coordinate of certain primitive islands? Or with grasping the influences of certain primitive islands coordinate is having the cooperation? Klein has the institute to think suddenly. After trading the link finished, he observes the situation, looks to „Sun”, the expression asked affably: „silver city whether also in belief Spiritual

God?” Klein at present is only the Night Watcher full member, is unable to contact more thorough mystery education knowledge, contains „offering sacrifices ceremony”, therefore, to confirm own „offering sacrifices” and „granting” mentality whether can make the piece of strange space above grey mist many material the exchange function, Sequence Eight he has planned to learn similar thing from other place as soon as possible. But undergoes the repeated ponder, he combed three methods: First, to excels at magical ceremony similarly , and duty step is managing „dead souls teacher” Daly consults, but this is easy to cause the suspicion of opposite party, can only wait for the opportunity patiently \; Second, inquired Mister Ards, but Klein cannot guarantee that the opposite party recalled to mind some knowledge \; Third, „Sun” there inquired with circuitous way always confessed Yincheng. As for how circuitous, Klein had the idea, moreover this can also maintain his image effectively. The matter that he asked will involve Spiritual God! Dairic with venerating the expression replied: „We believe to create all hosts as before, omniscient and omnipotent God.”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #180: The smart people always want to be too many

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Just heard „Fool” issue, Audrey quietly has supported the ear, entered „Audience” condition, waited for that „Sun” made the reply. Where her very curious silver city, has had any special place, but also embarrassed asked, after all this involved the opposite party **. At this moment, „Fool” mister inquired personally, making her after reading the volume one of the outstanding detective story for a long time, finally has the opportunity to buy the final volume to be the same! But „Sun” the reply has not disappointed her, they believe is not the mainstream seven orthodox Spiritual God, is not southern continent Death God, is not „Hanged Man” tells her secret to exist with the Evil God devil, for example Primordial Demoness, Hidden Sage, universe dark surface, God of Bounds, True Creator. The city of silver is truly special! Their unexpectedly direct belief „Creator” itself! Does this belong to „Hanged Man” mister has described the primitive worship? Un, the omniscient and omnipotent description is a little strange...... Audrey looked at „Hanged Man” subconsciously, discovers the opposite party really in the slight nod. But Klein slightly unconsciously accidental/surprised, the chuckle was asking back intentionally: „Even if he has abandoned you?”

Abandonment? Has Creator abandoned the city of silver? „Hanged Man” Argel terrified one startled, associated to a proper noun instantaneously: „Land Abandoned by Gods!” In the Lord of Storms church's restricted data, in Argel this bishop level in secret that „captain” can contact, „Land Abandoned by Gods” forever only has the name, does not have the concrete description, but is aiming at the Sunya Sea end explicitly, to his knowledge, even if cardinals situated in church core level, actually is also not clear „Land Abandoned by Gods” to represent anything, only then church's leader, Lord of Storms „acting”, finds out some situations, and seems managing seeking in secret „Land Abandoned by Gods” secret motion. Argel once made the bold guess, „sanctum” and „Land Abandoned by Gods” draws the equal True Creator that Aurora Union publicizes, but unfortunately, „Fool” has not given him to answer, keeping him from confirming. But now, he is shocked and discovered stunned, Tarot Society code name „Sun” the member, may very much on the family background in „Land Abandoned by Gods”! Where „Fool” mister has known „Land Abandoned by Gods”, and can drag into the member from there? This is the secret place that Lord of Storms church wants to find actually throughout could not find! „Hanged Man” Argel in a terrified way looks to sitting on the ancient long table most head

„Fool”, sees only the opposite party to close right up against the chairback, covers in the rich mist, as if anything had not said. Audrey does not have any feelings at this matter, she only one time heard „Land Abandoned by Gods” came from „Hanged Man” the issue, may not put this matter on the heart, is unable in the mister words to associate from „Fool” to anything. The silver city has by the legend of Creator abandonment...... Eh, „Hanged Man” mister mood fluctuation is very big...... What is he and afraid in the surprise? The Audrey doubts nodded, have remembered this moment detail. „Yes, we believe that we can finally again main caring, perhaps is that day that Sun raises once more.” Derrick. Bergh expression is not too replied firmly, „we once were ruled by giant Wang Ting, what belief is giant king Auermus, afterward, we obtained the main redemption, we will not abandon the Lord again.” Was ruled by giant Wang Ting...... Truly ancient...... But as if cannot correspond...... Had the guess „Hanged Man” Argel has thought in the «Book of Storms» secret chapter immediately regarding a first era Yuan description. But first era is called human race „Era of Darkness”, at that time, the protagonist of sky, sea and earth was giant dragon, giant, Elf, strange races, devil, phoenix, demonic wolf and dead souls, but finally, Lord of Storms, Eternal Blazing Sun and God of Knowledge and Wisdom led human race,

11 have defeated these unusual living thing, welcomed second era initial „age of glory”, later was so-called Great Cataclysm. Giant king Auermus...... Klein silent duplicates this name. In many legends, this is one endures compared with formidable existence of Spiritual God, even if to today, certain places were still remaining to his worship, for example Republic of Intis is most famous the most expensive wine is named as „Auermus” it is said this giant king Kuai blood common wine. Considered complete sequence that „God of War” church grasps, is „soldier” sequence, once belonged to the giant royal court, whether can think Auermus was ancient times God of War? Klein has made a guess. He has selected desirably, has not gone to go into seriously the matter in this aspect, then the low and drawn out opens the mouth said: „You is approaching whether still that omniscient and omnipotent God ‚offering sacrifices’?” „Yes, as in, but from was abandoned on that day starting from, we again have not gotten the response. Sun” in the Derrick expression is concealing the grief that is hard to conceal. After Klein, depends leisurely and carefree, the semiclosure glances the pupil saying: „Described the process that you offered sacrifices in detail.” „Fool” does mister want to clarify the silver city abandoned truth? Or does he want to determine that Creator also „existence”? „Hanged Man” Argel thought

suddenly had „electric current” to pass own body, the whole person trembled. He not only frightened, but also excited, because he thinks himself among the secret in contact Spiritual God! This makes him feel level obtained the sublimation! I try hard to track down the authority, tracks down strength, to not obtain this feeling? After Argel slightly depends, the chin slightly lifts, is infatuated with wants to say. „Hanged Man” the state of mind of mister was not quite normal...... „justice” Audrey to pity looked at opposite one. She understands finally, „Fool” mister and „Sun” perhaps the exchange is hiding certain astonishing secrets, makes „Hanged Man” have the rude situation. When Zielinger request conclusion, I paid the reward, mister there received in exchange for the matter that he comprehends today from „Hanged Man”...... Also does not know whether he wants...... Some Audrey anticipations somewhat worried that is thinking. „Sun” Derrick had not thought that has any is not right, replied honestly: „We construct broad sacrificial altar, above quarter completely main symbol, whenever ‚black surface grass’ obtains the abundant harvest, we hold an offering sacrifices ceremony.” „We will seize the monster of dark deep place to take the sacrificial offering, when read aloud read main Venerable the famous and corresponding pray sentence, jumped to try to please his dance, killed that several monsters,

let their spirituality or the dirt blood dyes completely the entire sacrificial altar, if cannot catch the monster, that used the silver city jail lowest level ‚crime’ replaced.” The „first clump of black surface grass that then we will harvest make food, offers the main front.” „Finally, in our eulogies with one voice, the ceremony ended.” What because I plan to attempt is to me „offering sacrifices”, therefore the time does not select, the altar conforms to simplicity...... The most important link is, opens the channel with the aid of spirituality or the blood of implication of extraordinary strength these monsters, completes to offer sacrifices, naturally, can the premise obtain the response? Really luxurious...... Klein with the mystery science knowledge analysis that oneself grasp each step of silver city ceremony, end say/way: „What is corresponding pray sentence? What language do you use to read aloud read?” Derrick was also expecting can mister there obtain to get rid of the curse from „Fool” clue, recalls carefully was saying: „What we use is Giant language, this is also our commonly used languages.” „Corresponding pray incantation is:” „Your faithful follower implored your gaze \;” „Implored you to accept their offers \;” „Implored you to open the front door of state.” ...... Klein listens silently, makes the body week grey mist wind around intentionally slowly, looking pensive has selected,

anything had not said. Listens to anything as for him, naturally will not say...... „Hanged Man” Argel thought that this is very normal, did the Spiritual God secret possibly directly tell the mortal? „Sun” Derrick sets firm resolve, must grow rapidly, strives soon to attain the thing that „Fool” mister is interested, from his there receiving in exchange direction. Also has exchanged one, Klein had ended today's meeting, looks „justice” and „Hanged Man” and „Sun” the form disappears at present. He looks into, will see only boundless grey mist and dark red stars never will as if change. However, after promoting Sequence Eight, he discovered that oneself can connect more stars, in other words, can drag into more members. At least two...... Klein slightly not obvious place under. He does not increase the member eagerly, planned like before, first waited for, first observed, if „justice” and „Hanged Man” had the recommendation, that first inspected. „I several times saw before, when ‚Sun’ pray, the front has a pure crystal ball, but after I drag into above the grey mist him, that crystal ball again has not appeared...... could it be that I through the premise of dark red stars native of Latvia am, does the opposite party side have special goods? Or each dark red stars are corresponding in the real world goods, has completed the relation, return grey mist?” „Does not know that ‚justice’ young lady and ‚Hanged

Man’ mister whether is also this...... First supposes this guess real, does not have the person of this kind of special goods, if read aloud reads ‚does not belong to this era Fool, above the grey mist mysterious ruler, King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck’, making me hear the sound of hope, whether I can also drag into here them?” „In the future can try......” Klein has not stayed, wraps oneself with spirituality, simulates downward the feeling of whip, only keeps the palatial palace, the ancient long table and 22 high back chair stands erect in above the grey mist peacefully, invariably. He grasped „Clown” the strength of magical medicine overflow, eliminated the negative impact of correspondence, therefore, he must try itself to summon his ceremony now! Does not know that will cause any thing...... Klein across crazy talking during sleep, some anticipations and fears is thinking.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #181: Different conditions   

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Returns to the bedroom, the wall of spirituality Klein has not been relieving, put out one to combine the candle of sandalwood skilled, placed it center the

desk. He defers to the flow, lights the candlelight with spirituality, sprinkles into the symbolic good luck and mysterious volatile oil, the pure dew and herbal medicine powder, seeing the flame that drags to duplicate the dim and bright two conditions, smelled the tranquil and ease fragrance. Klein withdraws two steps, is looking at the candle on table, shouted the sound said with Giant language lowly: „I!” Has the stop slightly, he changes Hermes language saying: „I summoned in the name of my:” „Does not belong to this era Fool, above the grey mist mysterious ruler, King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.” In an instant, pale yellow candlelight and tranquil ease fragrance that drags unceasingly interlocked to fuse an illusory vortex, was buying in the spirituality vortex crazily. When Klein read aloud to read the incantation, the vortex stably has become the grayish white circle of palm of the hand size. Carefully examined several, anxiety Klein counter has not walked slightly four steps, returns to above the grey mist, sees own that high back chair to swing one after another light mark accidentally/surprisingly, serves as contrast the strange mark that „eye without pupil” and part „Thread of Distortion” is constituted by part particularly to be strange. He inspired, lives in the mind with the aid of the way stability of meditation, puts out a hand to move to the goal. Almost

meanwhile, he hears the summon incantation that oneself read aloud a moment ago reads, saw racing wells up spirituality and ripples light mark mixes to stretch a leaf of illusory front door. Compared with the previous time, this leaf of front door took shape thoroughly, has covered entirely the mysterious pattern! But these patterns established contacts „Fool” in the central location the strange mark after that high back chair, „eye without pupil” and part „Thread of Distortion” was constituted the strange mark that by part! Looks illusory front door that this leaf is swaying to treat, Klein condensation spirit, has given the intense promotion thought. Silent, will never change the grayish white mist and palatial grand ancient palace seems invested the stone lake surface, has produced ripples one after another, toward that leaf „the gate of summon” the direction wells up. The serious fricative resounds suddenly, illusory, the strange front door split a slit fiercely, behind by it, can see indistinctly is dark as profound as the extreme world, there are hard to describe the transparent shadow of physique innumerably, has differently one after another color, is containing bright radiance of inexhaustible knowledge. At this moment, Klein only thinks that in the gate transmitted the suction that was hard to imagine and is unable contend with, the whole person cannot help but has thrown. I go! Doesn't give the leeway of

consideration? He just emerged the astonished idea, the form on the penetration slit, in vanished that piece was deep and quiet after the gate. „Head” the extreme dizziness and close crazy shouting sound subsides gradually, Klein has retrieved the selfcognition finally. Front he sees is the facial features ordinary young man of the wear obsolete shirts, the black hair brown pupils , an opposite party medium grade, the build is thin, but seems containing many strengths, the body has the obvious air of scholarly refinement obviously not to be cloudy. ...... Isn't this I? Klein is not strange to such scene, when he looks in a mirror every day reorganizes the clothing, can encounter similar matter. His slightly does not nod obviously, has clearly to become aware observes the situation all around, seeing oneself that to spread the bed of white bed sheet, saw to hang half high silk top hat and the pin rail of coattails formal dress and black thin windproof coat, saw to place the racks of many books, saw to tidy up cleanly only remains a desk of candle, saw the candlelight of sending out grayish white halo. But he is floating now in the grayish white circle front of that palm of the hand size. Therefore, did I come out to „summon” myself really? Similar to the effect of soul exsomatize...... But probably a little different...... Klein is looking at front that own physical body, looks soulless both eyes that „he” empty is at being

in a daze condition, was lost in thought. However, he had determined finally a matter, that is goes to above the grey mist, only then the itself soul, is mental body in mystery science, the external embodiment is stellar spirit body. No wonder I can in above the grey mist sees „justice” directly and „Hanged Man” and „Sun” stellar spirit body outer layer, thus determined whether they belong to extraordinary, and judges their sequence sketchily...... Un, my physical body certainly was protected probably, the protection from ceremony strength, can such steadily halt, has not lost balanced, falls down...... „justice” young lady they should also similar...... Klein gradually adapted to the current situation, starts to carefully examine the physical body and soul respective condition. He takes back the vision, tried actuation to mix own spiritual body of some mysterious space forces. ! The slightly gloomy and cold wind has blown, paces back and forth to circle in the bedroom, Klein savored joyfully the flight flavor/smell, has circled one after another. „With the city, I can also act one chapter ‚messenger’...... Does not know that can carry the realistic thing......” he to control the mood, stops, floats in the midair, experiments other ability. He grasps to the notebook book on bookshelf, the palm passed through, has put on, tries nowhere. „A little mounts the thick feeling, with penetration air

different...... When I am more formidable, or can more skid above the grey mist that piece of mysterious space the strength, can perhaps accomplish......” Klein to try the independent paper, but is unable to capture as before. Has thought several seconds, he flies to the pin rail, will be transparent the fuzzy hand to search into the black windproof coat pocket, moves to reimbursing has been made up successfully neat „sinks dormancy spell” and „calms the spirits spell”. This blended his spirituality goods, in the mysterious category, had certain difference with the ordinary realistic material, therefore, Klein wants to try to carry them. His palm passes through once again, but felt existence of spell obviously, felt blending of spirituality, was only his „strength” is not very big, is unable to take up the spell, naturally, can change a view, that was spirituality of spell is weak, is hard to produce the intense resonance with his current existenting state. „spirituality weak......” Klein looking pensive changes another pocket, there thinks to steal the God blood strength and blends „Yang flame the spell that” itself spirituality makes. The warm feeling has rapidly spread over his whole body, making his physique stabler, train of thought pure brightness. The light gold/metal piece took by him, has put out the pocket, but in room in recently added mirror, that spell is floats outward, like descriptions in numerous ghost story. „Can carry

Yang flame the spell, can voice with spirituality directly...... Un, under this condition I had certain strength......” Klein to fly to the mirror, stopped in the front, in saw, only then a light gold/metal piece presented that in addition, was to furniture, because the window curtains closed up dim that produced. Had considered several seconds, he „Yang flame the spell” will put on the bed, before oneself returns to the mirror, wants to attempt whether to worm one's way into. At present one black, the Klein's angle of view lives to change suddenly, he saw all pictures that in the mirror shone upon a moment ago, saw each article thing that in the dim environment outlined fuzzily, this made him feel that oneself was hiding in the covert corner, was peeping at the less than half room. Can enter in the mirror, but this is only the ordinary goods, not to any mysterious strange world...... The Klein slight nod, proceeds to clash, returned to the room. „Yang flame spell” carrying has given his enormous confidence successfully, therefore tries to work on another goods. That came from the Ards copper sentry post! Just moved this ancient and fine goods, Klein suddenly felt that own spirituality was inflating, in ice-cold. That leaps, his illusory eye turned into the flame of combustion, pitch-black flame. „As if formidable a point, the condition was closer to the resentful soul, but does not have in the spirit that

intense resentment......” Klein precipitated to shine upon the current appearance. This is belongs to „Clown” the ability. „The Mister Ards copper sentry post is really mysterious.” He has selected, discovered oneself can take up certain weight the paper, „sinks dormancy spell” also without a doubt. What a pity, the ceremony silver dagger can carry, the revolver is too heavy, is unable to work...... Klein had ended the attempt in this aspect, then does the research current condition have ability. After the earnest experiment, he determined that has two type magic arts abilities by who „summon” comes out \; first, frightens the soul of goal with invisible shouting directly \; second, through contact, manufacture similar frozen stiff effect. Stops satisfied, Klein went to outside vision the bow window, went to by the sunlight and street that the curtain arrange/cloth covers up. „Does not know that now condition I, can move...... him to whisper in the daytime”, before fluttering the window. Klein draws the curtain arrange/cloth cautiously, making it reveal a slit, making the little sunlight penetrate the wall of spirituality, illuminated into the bedroom. Under this bright sunlight, Klein discovered that own spiritual body in the transpiration black fog, the strength little is also abating. He hurried to let go, making curtain arrange/cloth block from the ray. „It is not good......” Klein ponder moment, looks at the vision to has put

on the bed „Yang flame the spell”. If there is „Eternal Blazing Sun” God blood strength in addition holds, can obtain the different effect? He flutters to the bed on, tries to work on that light gold/metal piece. But, he just moved goal, the warm pure feeling inflated ice-cold spirituality to have the conflict with him, was hard the coexistence like the water and fire. Incite! He such as scald had been thrown down the gold/metal piece in palm. The Mister Ards copper sentry post and „Yang flame the spell” is unable simultaneously to exist in my spiritual body...... Klein has clearly to become aware puts away the copper sentry post, lets the spirituality contraction, making the black flame of eye socket extinguish. Under this condition, my two type magic arts abilities weakened...... Experimented, Klein has worked on „Yang flame the spell”, felt the spiritual body stable and warm baptism once more. Before he returns to the window, opened a slit curtain Debra discretely. The sunlight has illuminated, according to his body, only then warm feeling, injury. „Good......” Klein shows the heartfelt smiling face, penetrates the wall of spirituality, has flown outside the room cautiously, plans to do many experiments.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #182: Rover Klein

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Thengen of early September, the weather from coolly became slightly cold, but 34 : 00 pm sunlight, make people feel as before warm. Klein across the wall and the bow window window spirituality, floats the midair outside bedroom, overlooks pedestrian and carriage that on Narcissus Flower Street is coming and going. At this moment, put on the man of grayblue worker clothing to be on the rise suddenly, looked. Klein had a scare, wants to hide, actually for a while could not find appropriate covering up. Transferred, sees not to have other means that he tries to drill in the family/home, but the corner of the eye split vision has swept, actually saw the vision of that man is only to sweep the windows of two buildings a moment ago, throughout followed a house sparrow to move, finally was thrown off regrettably. In the Thengen City area, occasionally can also see the birds. Hū...... I have forgotten, the average person cannot see me...... Klein relaxed, thought oneself fully have not adapted to the current condition. In the heart had the energy, he reduced the flight altitude, close to also calculates the broad street, the top of the head of such float being an expert people. From pulls closer, Klein discovered immediately own „vision” has slightly been equal to

spirit vision, does not need to open again additionally, but there is a limit of range. Moreover, besides energy field and mood color, he also indistinctly realized existence of each pedestrian soul, dim, illusory transparent. Now condition I as if can pass through the mortal body directly, attacks the soul...... Klein looking pensive nods. He circled, prepares to experiment the limiting velocity, therefore turns toward Iron Cross Street to fly strongly. In a while, he stopped, returned to originally outside that apartment of housing. Should have the speed of ancestors ordinary automobile, runs normally high-speed that...... What a pity, was unable to pass and out spiritual world freely, otherwise was perfect...... However, if becomes lost in spiritual world, the consequence will be it is said serious...... Klein just completed the selfassessment, the feeling mood becomes low, gloomy, has constraining of not being able to say. He observes the situation all around, the dark color that sees only here to cover the normal person unable to see, sunlight that is hard to scatter, residual numb and desperate, pain and other mood layer upon layer superpositions, just like essence. „After my previous promotion ‚divinator’, with is the same, Iron Cross Street middle street that the inspiration experiences and under the street throughout has not changed...... Does not know that many years can accumulate

such constraining before gloomy......” Klein remembers, sigh are raising the form, have flown the positions of three buildings. Here, he felt the sunlight finally, got rid of the low mood. Klein flies along below street, once for a while can see the clothing to be tattered, expression is numb, malnutrition resident, even has also come across the events of two natural deaths, is the long-term hunger, is not healthy, type that suddenly catches an illness. Here does not know that every month meets to be painful is elapsing many people, the former slaves who however, the farmer and southern continent of bankruptcy well up, quick will fill their positions...... Klein silent aspirated, changes the direction, flies toward Southern District. There is the Thengen City industrial belt, the iron and steel plant, the white lead factory, the ceramic factory, the printing house and metal manufacture factory, machine manufacture factory you by me, I by you. Flies to fly, Klein sees the chimney iron furnace that has towered high, saw the dust of filling the air, saw only compared with the below street good point strong gloomy. Here is flooding, ache exhaustedly, pessimistic, numb and other mood, the 30-year-old worker is the minorities. Must decrease in the altitude when Klein, carefully observes this region, he feels weak, weak from inside to outside suddenly. „My spirituality is unable to support this condition

again......” in the Klein heart one startled, first is returning to the home anxiously, at once has thought of a better possibility. I came out by „summon”, ended „summon”, naturally returned! His calming the mind spirit, is inducing carefully the condition and surrounding environment, discovered accidentally/surprisingly some infinite high and infinitely near place has the subtle relation with. Following this relation, Klein closely wraps „Yang flame the spell”, gave conclusion „summon” intense thought. The huge and terrifying suction transmits, he one leapt to nearly invisible form transparently, disappears in the material world. ............ The limitless grayish white mist fills the air silent, the illusory static dark red stars had nothing the twinkle heavily, Klein appear in the giant residence palatial palace, appeared on the ancient and motley bronze long table the head. The entire flow was this...... And...... The Klein pupil presently pleasantly surprised looks to own spiritual body, sees only inside to wrap warm and pure light gold/metal Pian. „Yang flame spell!” I „summon” my way have really led into above the realistic material with myself grey mist! He is difficult to cover the smiling face to put out spell, holds appreciatively repeatedly, confirmed that this does not have the virtual product that appears. Klein has stood, walked slowly and aimlessly smugly several steps, full is the

anticipation wants saying: „Really, the material and goods can also enter this piece of mysterious space!” „So long as can look to the means!” „But, this way is quite complex, needs the turnover one to achieve the goal, moreover always by member ‚summon’, will be harmed ‚Fool’ image, only then I can use, after or understands are more, designs a summon ‚the Fool family member’, but also similarly aims at my incantation......” „...... Am I the inborn coolie, why incantation must aim at me, when the time comes, can definitely make a similar messenger but more special ‚family member’ comes out, carries on the receive of material by it and gives......” The Klein train of thought numerous, had ideas, but is restricted in the strength and state-of-art, temporarily is unable to realize. Weakly becomes more serious, Klein does not dare to stop over again, wraps oneself with spirituality, simulates to crash into the feeling of grey mist. In an instant, he returned to the bedroom, saw the brilliant sunshine that illuminates from the curtain arrange/cloth slit. He carefully examined under oneself, confirmed that „Yang flame the spell” had not been brought to come out, kept above grey mist. „I rest well, to the early morning redundant beforehand summon ceremony, brings back the real world Yang flame the spell ’ again ‚...... Ai, if that condition can maintain the long point to be good a moment ago, like this I can

investigate to have the house of red chimney quickly, is not what a pity good at present, just flew, investigates several, must return to above grey mist, a rest half of the day, the efficiency is similarly low.” Before Klein arrives at the desk, has extinguished the candle of that static combustion. Tidies up the goods, he does not have relieves the wall of spirituality immediately, but sat, turns out the written records, starts to write a letter, to the Mister Ards letter! Finished „Mr. esteemed” this raising the head, considered for several minutes, Klein fell the penmanship: „...... I received an information recently, one of the seven pirate generals ‚in hurricane’ Zielinger will have submerged Beckland, he has is called ‚hunger of creeping motion’ the mysterious goods, this can provide ‚shepherd’ similarly ability, but ‚shepherd’ is swallows to use the different souls, and corresponds to obtain an ability sequence 5 extraordinary, the soul quantity that it is said that they simultaneously herd is limited, but can replace......” „...... Zielinger has many extraordinary capabilities, I do not know that he wants to make anything in Beckland...... The information indicated, this possibly involves very importantly very mysterious goods, makes Zielinger high sequence expert sufficiently, or compares favorably with the high sequence expert goods......” Klein with the aid of fictionalizing the message source described

Zielinger matter approximately, he believes in any case Mister Ards impossible to look for the Night Watcher captain first-level character proof. Here, he has not requested the help directly, resembles to speak thoughtlessly to mention, making the opposite party careful. No matter, can make Mister Ards help, the upholstery suddenly will not be first wrong! If there is such one day, this appears not towering! Klein aspirated slowly, starts to write letter the primary coverage: „That secret evil behind-thescenes manipulator did not have the further action, I had not found the related clue as before.” „I contact with you rashly, mainly wants to you consult ‚offering sacrifices ceremony’ the knowledge, I in some recent duty, have come across similar matter......” Had „Sun” description, obtains the reply of Mister Ards to make the comparison again...... I should be able to try „offering sacrifices ceremony”, but in turn is „granting”...... This meets „summon” the exchange of own ceremony more suitable material and goods...... Un, hopes that Mister Ards recalled to mind the knowledge in this aspect...... The Klein slight bow, puts down the fountain pen, has not signed. The copper sentry post only then such, he affirms Mister Ards unable the making a mistake sender. Therefore, Klein is careful for on, does not leave the name. Folds the letter paper, looked at the eye about three meters building store height, he

slightly a little hesitant has taken up the copper sentry post from the bed. Happen, making it squat receiving! Klein emphasized in the heart, lifts the right hand, puts the copper sentry post to the mouth, blows up the cheek, has blown the tone maliciously. The copper sentry post has not made the sound, but Klein felt keenly periphery instantaneously becomes gloomy and cold. He opens spirit vision, seeing above the desk to have flood the dim gloss white bones fountain to gush out one after another, more wells up is higher. These white bones got together quickly an illusory and huge monster, its head drilled into the wall of spirituality, does not know where extended. Is looking at the present white bones thigh and body, is looking at the arm of dangling, the right palm that opens, the Klein corners of the mouth have twitched, will fold the good letter paper upward to throw. The white bones giant palm sweeps, has gripped that letter steadily. At this time, Klein took up the copper sentry post without hesitation once more, has blown. The monster breaks up instant, turns into white bones to fall to the desk above, and drills into illusory, vanishes does not see. Completes all these, Klein relieves the wall of spirituality, in wind that in blows suddenly, limps is moving toward the pin rail, has returned the original position the copper sentry post. Then, he rushes to bedside quickly, falls down. His body just moved the soft

bunk, the whole person already the lethargic sleep in the past.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #183: Clever study „curriculum”   

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Has had the supper, chatted one, Klein sat to the living room single-seat sofa on, took up just sent soon «Hova Evening news», launched reading leisurely and carefree. Benson open/stretch face, is sitting in the younger sister opposite painstakingly, before the body, is Beira cleans the clean dinner table, is the grammar books, the classical literature, the accountant course and fountain pen paper, is similar to him, in front of Melissa is also placing the teaching material and stationery, including , but not limited, pen, paper, ruler, compass and other thing. „This lets I as if returned for several years ago, at that time I am a church Sunday School student.” Benson complained one, but as before low head, earnest study. Good, this scene makes me have to make the sense of achievement of guardian very much...... Klein smiles to say with a smile: „Knowledge change destiny, casts diligently

magnificently.” The following half a word was I just arranged, I do not know that Russell did have to say...... His unstated criticism said secretly. In the room the quickly changes peacefully, only the remaining pen tips have delimited very much the paper and books changed sound, Beira already cleaned the good tableware, reorganizes the good kitchen, returned to her a bedroom situated in building, is small guest room originally. Klein was reading the newspaper, once for a while drank the mouth Sibe black tea, chatted several with the Elder Brother and younger sister, crossed very satisfied. Suddenly, the gas lamp of living room and dining room simultaneously the tarnish, as if lost the sufficient fuel. Benson and Melissa do not divide lift the head successively, looks to the lamps and lanterns, tries to look for the reason. Klein has also thrown the line of sight. At this moment, he felt that had any thing flip own arm. Except for him, not having in the living room of live person to have any thing to touch his arm! The fine hair explodes suddenly, the Klein arm shrinks, turns head to look, saw five tiny pale fingers, they long in the red tongue peak, under have the anomalous canines! Klein is searches the hand to touch first to the pocket, there has „sinks dormancy” and „calming the spirits” spell, at once sees that five baby same fingers to grab one to fold neat paper very much. Letter...... Messengers!

Klein relaxed fiercely. At this time, grabbed the five pale fingers of paper gently to touch his arm. Klein looked to being just about to stand up to inspect Melissa of gas lamp, the left hand grasps dexterously, has gripped the letter paper, then fast retracted, hides under the newspaper. His corner of the eye split vision looks to see the pale finger, the red tongue and anomalous canine is instantaneously dim, vanishes does not see. In the heart moves, Klein knocks on the left tooth lightly, opened spirit vision quietly. He saw that five tiny to not the normal finger, saw to inlay the long red tongue of full white canine, seeing non- eye in their retracting ground not to have in the nose transparent face. After one second, this face has drilled into underground, the gas lamp ray of living room and dining room returned to normal. „Strange......” Melissa mumbled one, inspected earnestly has not found the problem for a long time. Why our family/home is the girl is responsible for this matter, but the gentleman looks in side...... Klein shook the head to laugh in spite of trying not, has closed spirit vision. When a spiritual body kind of creature is willing to be seen and had the corresponding ability, the average person can also discover them, a moment ago was an example. Each other after talking the issues of several gas lamps, Moretti family becomes peaceful, Benson and Melissa invested the sea of knowledge once more.

Klein draws support from covering up of newspaper, launches the letter paper single-handed, clamps in Neiye, read from „Necromancer” the reply of Daly: „...... I must emphasize again, I like ‚Spiritualist’ this title.” „Matter that you asked about, I gave the affirmative answer, yes, ‚necromancy’ can also use in living on creature, remember, was not only living human race......” „But, this will be quite troublesome, there is not a small danger. The dead residual spirit is pure, does not have too much impurities, does not have the chaotic train of thought that can not have the hindrance to communicate, asked the issue, obtained the answer, naturally, you can also in these step attached ‚dreamland divination’ the skill, saw the picture of correspondence directly.” „However living human race is not good, his will exists as before, resists is not having the communication between spirit and spirit of protection.” Sees here, the Klein corners of the mouth twitch slightly, confirmation reply is Daly oneself: Without the communication of protection...... Style that really she spoke...... Looked up a younger sister and Elder Brother, Klein continues to look at the following content: „Facing this situation, we have two means \; first, by itself formidable spirituality and profound clever skill, defeats the will of opposite party, communicates crudely \; second, is auxiliary with the aid of some medicines, making the opposite party

relax, I most commonly used is ‚Amanda’ pure dew and ‚eye of the spirit’ liquid medicines, hehe, I believe that you will surely not have the impression.” „After entering the official clever link, you must pay attention, is different from the dead residual spirit communication, at this time, you also in the spiritual body condition, simply speaking, were your spirituality entered the spirituality world of opposite party.” „Attention, regarding specialized ‚Spiritualist’, will not lack the self-preservation skill under this condition, but you are not good, these skills that I master even if told you, you are unable to learn, or utilizes.” „Therefore you must maintain enough sober enough reason, only by doing so, you can resist the storm that the opposite party disorderly thought promiscuously becomes, before arriving at his spiritual body, communicates with him, un, at this time, was ‚wisdom body’ the communication of level.” „In this link, you have two choices similarly \; first, with skill, forcefully the memory of read opposite party, but you must be careful, because you are unable to know the thing that reads whether is the matter that you want to know, but if a person huge memory of does not make the resolution receive, may crash your spiritual body very much, this will damage even to destroy the soul of goal seriously, regarding non- specialized ‚Spiritualist’, I did not suggest to use this means.” „The second

choice is, gently and opposite party ‚wisdom body’ communication, no matter has used the crude method, has drawn support from the medicine, the goal inevitably was at the ignorant condition at this time, is almost impossible to lie, no, you cannot recall your bitter experience! Although I know that you definitely could not remember!” Sorry, Ms. Daly, at that time I very sober...... Klein smiled one in the heart, under the line of sight moved, looks to the following part of correspondence: „Such communication can make you get the real answer, but not necessarily is all real answers, you should understand my meaning, so long as has contacted the person of journalism, had heard Great Emperor Russell that famous saying, the specific content I have not remembered, the general main point was to tell the truth, only told the truth, said that complete truth, in brief, spiritual body not necessarily remembered all matters, because many memories in his subconscious, even in the collective unconscious, oh, I this did not propose this, Dunn called it for the evil theory of Psychology Alchemy Union.” „Therefore, you must understand induction, excels in the design issue, do you understand? The concrete skill has......” „The above is the normal condition, regarding extraordinary that falls insanely, we when carry on cleverly, what should pay attention to?” „ Still is enough sober enough reason,

cannot be a little absent-minded, because extraordinary spirituality is very strong, because spiritual body of lunatic is also full of the chaotic idea, I give an example, normal person's consciousness is the islands, the subconscious is the islands hides the part under sea level, the collective unconscious is the surrounding sea area, the sky belongs to spiritual world, but extraordinary ‚islands’ above have the active volcano that can control, the lunatic ‚islands’ on , then the volcano is erupting, vacillated ‚bottom’, has polluted ‚sea area’. „ „When you do not have the protection with the spiritual body contact of lunatic, his confusion may infect you very much, like the polluted sea water with the ocean current, will proliferate to the nearby.” „Un, clever under this situation, slightly was equal to you oneself that piece ‚sea area’ and connection of opposite party in one, issue that must therefore enough attach importance to infect.” „Several examples are, when certain ‚Spiritualist’ handles similar matter, careless, has not made any protection, later appeared with the goal same mental illness.” „Normal, the mental illness is not the infectious disease, but in the mystery science domain, in passing spiritual world, it will truly infect the person.” „Maintains own sobering with sane, not by the influence of opposite party chaotic idea, this is the matter that must pay attention, later is the

induction inquires, obtains the answer same, the lunatic can the effective communication.” „If you hope to attempt, I suggested that you take tranquil medicament ahead of time ‚’, formula has after Thengen City Chanis Gate, the end product also has, this can help you maintain when clever effectively sober and sane.” „Naturally, you can also make Dunn aid to the Beckland church application, my being glad experiences Sequence Seven very much after ‚Psychiatrist’ falls insanely spirituality condition.” Sober and sane...... This aspect is my strong point, by clever time, I can maintain sober and sane...... Naturally, I am not the arrogant person, I will still apply for „tranquil medicament”, applied for „Amanda” pure dew and „eye of the spirit” liquid medicines! Klein relaxed, somewhat is eager to try. He puts down the newspaper, has stood, enters a washroom in building, lights the paper with spirituality, sprinkled into the chamberpot the ashes, crash-bang washed away. In the evening, Klein has tried itself once more „summon” own ceremony, „Yang flame the spell” will have brought back to material world, has brought back to own bedroom. Meanwhile, he does not have, when was expected that will be quick the Mister Ards reply that „sending” comes. Perhaps, he needs certain time recollection knowledge...... Perhaps, he has no free time to reply in writing temporarily...... Is feared that

disturbs my sleep...... Klein relieves the wall of spirituality, guessed several reasons, lay down on the bed. ............ Next day, is Tuesday in the morning. Klein enters Black Thorns Security Company, has sounded the gate of captain office skilled.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #184: After the gate,   

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„Come.” The Dunn Smith mellow genial voice passed on. Klein twists the hand, shoves open the door, seeing captain to enjoy the breakfast, his right hand is the sending out rich fragrance coffee, the front puts white Mianbao in tray, toasted bread and Bacon. Dunn will clamp the remaining toasted bread of butter to put in the mouth, silent has referred to under the desk opposite chair. Klein has not disturbed captain to dine, is holding the smiling face, sat, patient waiting. Sees him not to be urgent, Dunn relaxed the stiff lumbodorsal region, carries the coffee, has drunk one, swallows into the food of mouth the stomach completely. He pulls out the soft paper goods, scratched under the corners of the mouth to say „What matter has?” Klein nods to say earnestly: „I have seen Daste. Guderian, that insane

asylum doctor, Psychology Alchemy Union member.” Speech at the same time, his corner of the eye split vision sweeps, discovered that in front of captain is also placing a magazine of spreading out. „What information does he have to provide?” The Dunn both hands junction grasps, asked suddenly. Klein described briefly: „He told me, Hood. Before Ou Genfeng falls, once some people frequently visited him, that person is Lanl Oursse.” „Lanl Oursse......” Dunn lifted the hand to rub under the frontal eminence, „where I as if have listened......” „Has whirled away at least 1 ten thousand gold pound that swindler.” The Klein reminder said. Dunn seriously thinks, shakes the head not to express any impression. captain, you are insensitive to money! The Klein unstated criticism, has picked the Lanl Oursse's related matter narrated with emphasis: „This swindler made a false report that explored the merger and acquisition to buy one high the iron ore of high reserves, collected the fund development in Thengen City in private, has whirled away over 1 ten thousand gold pound, I suffered the loss in a friend of Divination Club understanding . Moreover, a girl was being deceived and him becomes engaged, on bosom his child.” „He several times visits does not have insane beforehand Hood. The European root......” Dunn hesitates was saying, „Sequence Eight extraordinary ‚cheating Master’? ‚Stealing’ that

path......” captain, you memory at similar matter are really good...... The Klein funny feeling, the nod said gently: „This is also my guess.” „Iron and steel company that because Lanl Oursse sets up in Southern District, various fool beliefs have, therefore this matter has not forwarded to us finally, even if the police department has to discover some unusual traces, is reassignment ‚Justice Enforcer’ squad.” Dunn understood finally the whole story of matter, looks at Klein to say with the deep and quiet grey pupil: „What do you want to make?” captain, should not be so keen...... Klein replied seriously: „I want to draw support from the clever ceremony and Hood. Ou root exchanges, clarifies Lanl Oursse to ask him to have any matter, clarifies this whether is the immediate cause that he goes crazy.” Dunn nods slightly said: „Even if you did not apply, waited to confirm Hood. After Ou root falls really insanely, I will also carry on similar attempt.” „But, Daly has told me, this matter has not the small risk, you determined that you do have confidence? I aid to the Beckland church application, delay for several days should not to have the issue.” Klein becomes the extraordinary prime motors studies mystery education, found the means of going home, can have the opportunity to make the practice, and itself confidence is formidable, he naturally is not willing to give up: „captain, I mastered the knowledge in

this aspect, regarding this has certain assurance.” „Naturally, I need ‚Amanda’ pure dew, ‚eye of the spirit’ liquid medicines and ‚tranquil medicament’ assistance.” „Tranquil medicament......” Dunn is chewing this name, confirmed the Klein's specialization. He remembers that Daly has said that this is the clever domain is quite uncommon, but very useful liquid medicines. Has considered for several seconds, after Dunn Smith, leans against the chairback saying: „You write an application, after going to Chanis Gate, receives the corresponding liquid medicines, the volume...... I do not know the liquid medicines that also has, if not, receive the corresponding the material, oneself mix the refinement.” „Good.” Klein replied joyfully. But he does not have to set out in light of this, buttocks sit on the chair steadily. Dunn saw that lifts the hand to rub under the frontal eminence, was thinking deeply about the say/way carefully: „In the afternoon starting from, is one's turn me to monitor the insane asylum...... We cannot look for Hood directly. Ou root, no one knows that in the doctor, nurse, odd job and patient insane asylum is hiding whether also the Psychology Alchemy Union member, no one knows that Psychology Alchemy Union in secret is monitoring whether also Hood. Ou root, our motions must enough secret, unable to expose Daste. Guderian became the matters of our informer.” „......

We go before dawn, the secret sneaks.” „Un, I will defend in side, guards against the accident/surprise.” This is best! If Hood. Ou root is only false insane, I actually use the clever ceremony for him, how could it not be equal to turning into the zoo, dances in front of the tiger...... Klein felt relieved, said sincerely: „Yes, captain!” He has stood, turns around to move toward the entrance. At this moment, his corner of the eye split vision sweeps the content title of that magazine in front of captain has spread out: The „Sman sap in southern continent rain forest has the effect that the obvious promotion hair grows.” ...... Klein pitied takes back the vision, sliding door went out of the captain office. Suddenly, he has flashed through an amusing idea: Actually extraordinary does not use that troublesome, if Old Neil, him mostly will still suggest to design producing magical ceremony, aids to the goddess hope, as for whether finally will be covered with the pili, turns into hairy baboon, that was other issue...... But what will the goddess have to respond? Trades to do is I, definitely will say: mmp...... This idea made Klein's happy immediately in caught sadly, was sad feels the funny feeling. He enters the duty personnel office, sits before the Adkerson 1346 mechanical typewriters, dá dá dá has done well the application. When Dunn Smith signs the character to cover chapter, he is taking the application, thoroughly the

bottom, along the corridor that the gas lamp ray shines, gradually moved toward Chanis Gate. Until this time, Klein thought of an issue: After this is his first time will enter that leaf of mysterious front door! „Does not know after the gate, can be any appearance......” he conceals the anticipation to step out, before arriving, to the black iron front door that the person who that antithetical poen opened looks up to the feeling. First will apply to give the value to defend here Kija Duna to make the registration today, Klein has brought back of signature, thump thump thump has sounded Chanis Gate, only thinks that inside echo is empty and remote. Waited for dozens seconds, he without hearing sound of footsteps, sees to inscribe seven Sacred Emblem of Darkness starting out from opposite directions folio front doors to open wide heavily, makes noise. After Chanis Gate opened wide to can only a person pass, to stop, but Klein also drew support from the ray of corridor both sides gas lamp to see the scene of vicinity. After the gate, stands the position wrinkle to be very deep, the hair sparse old man, he wears the black classical long gown, is raising a lantern. Candlelight pale yellow ray leaves by glass photo, does not have the expression face light and shade to interlock according to the old man, has as if frozen according to his light blue eye pupil the millenniums ice pieces. „.” He is hoarse is putting out a word.

Klein has seen this old man, because of when the dusk last act, he and his companion will come out from Chanis Gate, after the value defending room, turns to Church of Saint Selina. They are Night Watcher that dies of old age, voluntary internal watchman. According to the Klein understanding, such watchman has five. „This is my application.” He has given front old man in hand. Has an internal watchman of pair of light blue eye pupil to enhance the lantern, carefully looked, one side confirming is unmistakable, falls back on, making Klein pass. Klein entered Chanis Gate gradually, has not sized up all around with enough time, feels indescribable gloomy and cold. This is not winter bitter cold, but lets the person including spirituality in the icy coldness of shivering. Catches the eye to look, Klein saw candlesticks on wall, saw root carving handicraft inscribes the pattern the silver candle, but the flame that they burn presents the gloomily blue luster, does not have slight swaying. ! The watchmen have closed Chanis Gate, all around one becomes the extreme is peaceful. Klein at present is a broad corridor, is spreading the corridor of ancient flagstone. By the corridor has leaves of stone door, is labelling „material liquid medicines material” separately and other inscriptions. In the end of corridor, the steps downward, it extends the nightfall to be dark, as if to abyss. There should connect the

different sealed item different seal points, it is said is divided into several...... Does not know that which the Saint Selina bone ash places...... Klein just adapted to the brightness after gate, suddenly in the feeling air has the invisible thing to blow own skin, one after another, ice-cold bone to inter the body. He hit to tremble, cannot bear open spirit vision. Then, he sees the surroundings, after seeing entire Chanis Gate, is flooding black fine laces, they are swaying gently, from time to time sticks together, from time to time extends, dense and numerous, has not left the blank. This...... Is this Chanis Gate strength after of seal? Klein slightly does not nod obviously, restrains the train of thought that after the watchman entered a leaf of sincere/heavy stone door „medicine header”. Quick, he had found „Amanda” according to the first letter pure dew, „eye of the spirit” liquid medicines and „tranquil medicament”. First both he had seen, the latter initial contact, sees only in the translucent glass vial, there is a gloomily blue liquid to ripple gently, light saw, made the person as if return to the arms of mother. On the bottle is also pasting a label, has indicated the manufacture date and six months effective clue. Fortunately, can use...... Klein receives three vial liquid medicines, under the watchman accompanied left Chanis Gate, has been separated from that type as gloomy and cold the feeling as innermost soul,

has been separated from by heavy lines have swept the strange experience. When the Chanis Gate closure, he cannot bear turn head to look to there, whispered secretly: „Long anticipates in inside, no matter the body, is the soul, will be affected?” „No wonder the watchman must volunteer......” ............ Before dawn, Klein locks on the other side the bedroom with the special way, opens the window of bow window, jumped to jump to under. The altitudes of two buildings do not have the slight danger to present him, he halts steadily, has not swayed presently. But the carriage of Night Watcher team stopped in opposite, is waiting for him. The unnecessary exchange, Klein had not arrived in the Thengen City insane asylum situated in North area quickly, according to clue, he circles to not having the fence corner/horn of street light, saw the waiting there Dunn Smith. „We go.” Dunn nods gently said, „I have confirmed that nearby this nobody.” „Good.” The Klein half step closes up. Going in...... As „clown”, enters insane asylum...... This always makes me think of a famous saying: Like going home...... He teased one. Following close on, him is following Dunn, on certain bulge with the aid of wall, dexterously and turned into the insane asylum fast, the movement was quick, balanced splendid. Dunn turned head to look at one, the nod, indicated the approval gently. Their Fu Di lumbodorsal region, from

shadow and retreat across the lawn and activity square and other places, entered the three story of buildings in insane asylum, arrives at situated in attic Hood somewhere. European root room. Because of Hood. After Ou Genfeng, has certain aggressivity, therefore he was arranged in the single room, but Night Watcher these days monitoring has not plowed the air, had already duplicated a key. crack! In slight opening the door sound, Dunn, when enters first, the Klein's line of sight crosses his form, seeing one to sit the person on bed. Hood. The European root face is lanky, the eye socket gets sucked, the pale-yellow hair is throwing over disorderly. His correct use gray-blue eye pupil looks is having the window of metal rail, is looking at outside scarlet moon. Klein closes the door, has smiled one, asked at will: „How to have rested?” Dunn has been startled, at once thinks the opposite party now is Sequence Eight „clown”, therefore maintains silent, has fallen back on the corner. Hood. Ou root turns the head, is looking at Klein, said with a smile silly: „I and other cake.”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #185: Mind world   

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waits for cakes? This also really stems from the answer that I imagine...... It is not right, if I can guess correctly that the answer of mental patient, showed I was also similar...... The mind idea flashes, Klein is maintaining the leisurely and carefree smiling face, like chatted with the friend asks: „Who can deliver you cake?” Hood. Ou root the expression one gives way, the facial skin appears even more lanky, wailing saying: „No, does not have the cake...... Without the cake!” „You have stolen away my cake!” His sound raises suddenly, the pair of eyes circle opens the eyes to look angrily at Klein. Has not waited for Klein to think how is good saying that he „Wang”, has opened the mouth fiercely, reveals two rows of white teeth. Following close on, his quarrel/corners of the mouth class saliva is jumping to the bunk, one step approaches Klein, both hands throat, tries to hold the shoulder of opposite party, then drags the goal before the body, layer on layer/heavily bites. Facing this sudden attack, Klein, although slightly is flurried, but has made the response promptly, he is instantaneously curving the knee, partly has squatted, at the same time, transfers the waist to be sideways, lifts the left arm. Pū! His elbow has hit Hood. Ou root the abdomen, hits opposite party two flood white, in the mouth keeps more saliva. But, Hood. Ou root has not anchored the movement, under he takes advantage

of opportunity but actually, and has opened the both arms, must grasp the goal stubbornly. The Klein body one, tumbled toward flank, knows extremely well like practicing several hundred. His right hand brace, the backward somersault stands up, plans to launch a counter attack, pounces upon suddenly, uniform match. At this time, he saw Hood. Ou Gensha stood there, both eyes lost the focal distance, the cavity and vacant. ...... Klein has gawked, at once leans to look to the corner, sees only wears the black thin windproof coat, to wear same color silk top hat Dunn Smith to grip tightly both hands, has laid down the head. captain Hood. The European root drew in the dreamland...... He has the institute to receive the movement suddenly, seizes this opportunity, extracts ceremony silver dagger that cannot offend somebody completely, makes the wall of spirituality with the aid of it, has blocked this single hospital ward. Then, Klein pulled out three to blend the candle of peppermint, suspended on them according to the way of triangle the window but actually, symbolized Goddess of the Night, symbolized Mother of Secrets, represented itself. In a while, his prepare the simple sacrificial altar, lit all candles with the way that spirituality rubbed. When he must then remind captain, Dunn already lifted the head, said with a smile low and deep: „Hood. Ou root a dreamland confusion, simply does not have the

means to induce.” His voice has not fallen, Hood. In Ou root the eyes the appearance meets again, is no longer empty. Then, insanely this falls „Psychiatrist” slightly supine lumbodorsal region, has had a yawn comfortably. ...... Klein does not know for a while unexpectedly should say anything, therefore anything had not said, took up was loaded with „Amanda” the metal small bottle of pure dew. He drips into the transparent liquid that this Night Fragrant Grass, Deep Sleep Flower and camomile mix distillation and extracts represents in the flame of his candle, making the quiet and beautiful tranquil fragrance send out instantaneously, fills the air to room each corner. Hood. Ou root the tight feeling, the angry feeling and comfortable feeling vanished completely, he sits lazily returns to the bedside, looks stupidly to scarlet moon of out of the window, the look loses the focal distance once more, piece of Ning He. Klein felt similarly when the time of quiet aloofness, he has put down „Amanda” pure dew, sat Hood. Ou root the side, planned that looks for a matter to make the opposite party withdraw the final protection. Only by doing so, he can liquid medicines let Hood with the aid of „eye of the spirit”. Ou root the spirit enters the ignorant condition little. After all I am only one non-specialized „Spiritualist”...... He thinks beforehand means that have pulled out tarot card from the pocket. This sign only has 22 main

card, the reason is portable, is „weapon that” the Klein success applied. On its each mounts the pure silver to injure to the tinsel of dead souls class creature, the pattern complicated and magnificent, making Klein only want to collect, does not want to be used to deal with the enemy. Klein cuts the sign single-handed, smile is looking at Hood. Ou Gendao: „We play cards.” „Plays cards?” Hood. Ou root takes back from out of the window the line of sight, is duplicating this word confusedly. Klein had not replied, bringing the good intention that allowed to reject not to squeeze in his hand that tarot card. Hood. Ou root imitated his appearance, was cutting the sign with a hand difficultly, and successfully completed. In this extraordinary psychopath the attention shift will succeed in obtaining the mediumhard and elasticity slowly is good, on sense of reality very outstanding playing card, has opened of surface: An attire tattered man was bound both hands, has hung upside down, his top of the head position has the indistinct halo. Hanged Man...... The Klein looking pensive place, seized the chance to set out, grips „eye of the spirit” liquid medicines, has been representing his to the candlelight that amber brown liquid drop as before. The wine that moves fast elusively fills the air, making the person only smell, has the feeling of getting drunk. Hood. Ou root the expression is little, the line of sight lost

dedicated, tarot card in hand fall to the bed on. But he still steadily sits, does not have softly but actually. The Klein dependence „meditation”, resisted this type changed by own body and soul light, changes flutters and changes the vacant influence, pulled out another metal small bottle from the pocket, revolving twists off the plug, in gloomily blue liquid will have poured into the mouth. „Tranquil medicament”! The icy cold liquid flows through the mouth, has delimited the esophagus, enters in the stomach, Klein instantaneously becomes exceptionally sober, does not have slight absentminded again. He aspirated slowly, takes up other volatile oil pure dew and herbal medicine powder skilled, drips into symbolizes in the Goddess of the Night two candlelights. In the light mist, he withdraws two steps, gravely and read aloud seriously lowly with Hermes language: „I pray for the night's strength \;” „I implored the strength of secret \;” „I pray for the Goddess' care.” „I implored you to let me and Hood. Ou root, spirituality communication with side extraordinary.” ...... Incantations reverberate, Klein saw to catch in the dark luster candlelight to have „jet black” outward diffusion. He has not avoided, has not resisted, whatever this deep „dark night” has covered itself. In the exceptionally sober condition, he felt that oneself spiritual body has been separated from the

protection of mortal body, entered universe deep place void, the surroundings are boundless have nothing the sound the pinnacle to be dark boundlessly, but the sky of top of the head full is hard to describe the transparent shadow of physique, is one after another different color, is containing bright radiance of innumerable knowledge. spiritual world...... Klein regarding this no longer strange. His idea just presently, saw the front to present a dimness, by the world that the glimmer storm wraps. Klein knows this on behalf of Hood. Ou root the spirit, is representing him „wisdom body”, therefore closes up, drills into has acted as the fence „storm”. Suddenly, he saw innumerable glimmer to whip on himself, heard to have several thousand tens of thousands several hundred thousand people simultaneously low voice to discuss something talking during sleep. This talks during sleep is chaotic, does not have logic, previous quarter was still praising the female gracefulness, latter the moment was recounting squatted unobstructed of chamberpot, the previous quarter was sobbing, latter the moment started the revelry...... Crazy thought storm „pulls to gnaw to nip” the Klein's spirit, wants to assimilate him, but Klein is maintaining the absolute sobriety and sane, turns toward Hood rapidly. Ou root „the mind world” interior flies. Enters the terrifying before above the

grey mist that piece of mysterious space to talk during sleep with me compared with fearful shouting, this simply looks like an interesting to listen to concert...... Klein laughs in one's heart, penetrates storm, saw ignorant and transparent fuzzy Hood. Ou root. This Sequence Seven „Psychiatrist” is maintaining the appearance of outside, the look looked wooden. Klein stops in his front, asked in a low voice: „Do you know Lannhose?” Hood. Ou root replied dull: „Understanding.” The surrounding light and shade change, as if Hood. Ou root opens „mind sea that” exposes. The quick, staggered light shadow described facial features to be ordinary, the forehead was full, wears the circular eyeglasses, the corners of the mouth often contains the ridicule happy expression black hair brown pupil young people, Klein on the warrant for arrest has seen Lannhose. Klein satisfaction nodded, has calmed down, asked with the expression of induction: „Why does Lannhose look for you?” „He said......” Hood. Ou root the voice gradually changes low. Suddenly, he traded vice- fully is the magnetic voice, slightly demented said with a smile: „Hood. Ou root, this is worst era, is best era, so long as can seize the opportunity, we can also become control of world, becomes true immortality!” „So long as you provide the help, I not only will tell you to grasp the means that the magical medicine strength, avoids losing

control, but also the commitment will help you obtain a divine nature in the future, immortal divine nature!” „You should look, which existence my back has, my commitment is his commitment, but Psychology Alchemy Union in some sense, has certain relations with him.” „Do not suspect, Psychology Alchemy Union is not very at present formidable, is unable to provide enough help to you, only if you are willing forever to stay in the present level.” Grasps the magical medicine strength, the means that avoids losing control of...... Has to plant me to use „acting method” to entice others' feeling...... Lannhose is really the ambition is broad, Sequence Eight, starts to worry about the divine nature matter obviously...... His back is actually which secret exists...... This fellow seems planning any matter, is not only cheats the wealth...... Or cheats the wealth is only his hobby? Klein hears the train of thought numerous, sees Hood. Ou root stopped recounting, was busy at pursuing asks: „What help does Lannhose want to make you provide?” Hood. Ou root had not replied immediately, entire „mind world” peaceful. He laughs, replied chaotic: „Help...... Help...... Help!” „Ha, I have provided the help! I have provided the help!” „I let......” At this moment, his words stop suddenly, entire fuzzy spiritual body curving, all around symbolizes „mind sea” the light and shade fast

fluctuate, condensed one gloomily, fearfully, dark sacrificial altar. Above the sacrificial altar, sets upright a cross, on the cross seems hanging upside down anything, the bottom is piling the slurred thing. The light shadow wriggles, thing that hangs upside down will be soon clear, entire „the mind world” ten magnitude of earthquakes have swayed suddenly. My grass! Klein one had a premonition the danger that will soon erupt, wants not to turn around to fly into the disorderly thought storm, tries to flee.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #186: Charming captain   

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The innumerable glimmer comes, 1 million people simultaneously send out the confusions of various talking during sleep to pour into the ear, Klein completely have not actually cared about these, „Clown” the ability told him, his spiritual body was being inflated the shadow that spread came to cover rapidly little. This shadow is a giant cross, above seems hanging upside down a person! crack! The thought storm of disorderly terrifying all turns around outward, becomes consistent, Hood. Ou root „the

mind world” cuns (2.5 cm) disintegrate. Klein discovered when oneself departed the experimental maximum speed of that day, his spiritual body after is mixing short some strengths of above the grey mist that piece of mysterious space, there are certainly, obvious enhancement! When cross shadow soon will thoroughly cover him, he ran out of that piece dimly „the world”, induced own physical body. Tenesmuss skilled rapidly, in the Klein eye one presents the face is lanky, yellow haired disorderly Hood. Ou root, presents on the window three candles of static combustion. He has been separated from the clever condition promptly! In an instant, he sees Hood. On Ou root the face grew black scales, the vacant pupil has set upright, becomes exceptionally callously exceptionally heartless. Awful! He must lose control! The Klein pupil just shrank, has not reacted with enough time, the discovery together wore and knee black windproof coat, wears the same color silk top hat form two steps to step Hood. Ou root the front, lifted the specially-made revolver in hand, has resisted the head of opposite party. Bang bang bang bang bang! Dunn Smith has taken away five spears/guns continually, Hood. Ou root the head one inflates, crashes from the high place like the watermelon in the ground, red, the white rainstorm sprinkled to room each corner. He snatches in Hood. Before the European root loses

control thoroughly, has solved the opposite party! Nearly on the Klein face upper body within 50 centimeters full is the blood and stain, he is looking at Dunn Smith, only thinks captain at this moment so charming. So long as did not discuss remembers, captain was very trustworthy...... He was praising one heartfeltly at heart. „What accident/surprise had?” Dunn receives the revolver, looks at Hood. European root nearly headless corpse slowly softly but actually. Klein just about to organization language replied, saw that corpse to turn into beach blood-color muddy flesh and lid in several breath in the above insane asylum sickness clothing/taking, as if linked the most basic structure to suffer the destruction. Hood. Ou root corpse quickly only remaining little complete things \; first, dozens are glittering the black glimmer scale \; second, he caught blue, became the clear heart. This heart is pasting the color visionally, was similar to the diamond accepted shining of light. It from time to time peaceful, from time to time lets the person amenomania, from time to time makes to tie tight, from time to time has the confusion, but in addition, not special performance. „Goods that this should be able to control.” Dunn receives the good revolver, puts out the black glove, wore in the right palm, then partly squatted, has picked up that clear heart. Goods that can control...... Then according to the

captain beforehand view, this can be Sequence Seven „Psychiatrist” the formula primary materials...... However, can this make therefore promotion extraordinary easier to lose control? Klein with take action, is cleaning on the face and blood dirt, and has brought back that specially-made tarot card, cleaned their surface. He looks to the ground, asked curiously: „What goods are these black scales also?” „This has contaminated certainly extraordinary strength material, can be used to make some effect lasting goods, for example, our demon hunting bullet, so long as over three months, the injury dead souls and other monster of the abilities significantly will drop, a point that only the surplus material qualities itself had hunted for the demon characteristics, if used similar black scale to make the material, the time that the effect maintained will achieve one year of even over two years . Moreover the effect itself will be also better, naturally, as a result of the issue of characteristics, these black scales was not obviously suitable to be used to manufacture demon hunting bullet.” Dunn explanation received the paper from Klein, has wrapped securely that blue heart, has wrapped securely the black scale. „It looks like on the unusual species can be used to make the spot outside magical medicine principal material?” The Klein example asked back. Dunn is straight the body,

nods gently said: „Yes.” Lost control really became monster...... Klein sighed, while the room by the wall of seal spirituality, was hurried to narrate the beforehand bitter experience as before: „I with Hood. Ou root spirit communication time, saw similar True Creator shadow from his mental level, but is different from the mainstream, did not tie up, is hanging upside down the giant by the chain link, is not the eye after shadow curtain, but is captain you in being similar that in the Haynes Vincent dream sees.” Haynes Vincent is the Aurora Union member, because Selina peeped his incantation and carried on completely „magical mirror divination”, causing him to encounter the investigation of Night Watcher. But Dunn Smith in his dream saw close True Creator but with the image different pictures that the opposite party spread widely, result injured, a strange death. Regarding matter that before had, in Hood. Ou root turns out „Hanged Man” this tarot card time, Klein had expected actually, but has not thought that will present in such way, naturally, this will belong to the mediate contact, will have no way to be direct with him „peeps at Eternal Blazing Sun” compared with, the worst result was also selected the wound, or by little pollution. Hears Klein's to describe, the Dunn expression one becomes dignified. He frowned, is low and deep was saying: „Hanging upside down man who giant cross, the

black nail, covers entirely the bloodstain stark naked?” „I have not looked too clearly, this is also the reason that I have not received the injury, I only note the giant cross and doubtful hung upside down person's shadow.” Klein replied tactfully. He was considering only „travelling” at that time...... Dunn as if in the ponder selected under said: „Lannhose visits Hood. Ou root matter with ‚True Creator’ related? Is related with Aurora Union?” When Klein will be busily clever the picture that the dialogue and sees described, end say/way: „...... Lannhose is used to entice Hood. What Ou root is ‚acting method’, is the so-called immortal divine nature, but I cannot understand why he must say this is worst era, is best era, un, perhaps, is this ‚Con Artist’ unique speech style?” „...... Hood. Help that the European root provides related to gloomy, dark sacrificial altar...... I suspected that Lannhose is planning any fearful matter......” Was saying was saying, in his heart moves said: „captain, do you still remember that to seal/confer written to the letter of Mr. z? That Aurora Union member letter of I kill!” „He said in the letter, when the opportunity is appropriate, probably was anything destroys the date to arrive, he will offer the Thengen City complete lamb to the so-called Lord. Can this be related with matter that Lannhose plans?” „Can Lannhose be Aurora Union Mr. z?” Dunn Smith thinks to say carefully: „I do not believe,

Lannhose is not Mr. z, otherwise he when making the Aurora Union proper business, but also sets up the false iron and steel company, cheats others' wealth, this will make his primary mission uncertain, un, the operation of iron and steel company has the accident/surprise slightly, will make him expose in the police and our eyes, has to flee Thengen, the interrupt plans.” „Naturally, if he is a through lunatic, that makes any illogical matter to be normal.” „But arranges the fraud from him, whirls away money unhurriedly calmly and looks deceitfully, he is not the genuine lunatic.” „Therefore I think that he is not Aurora Union Mr. z, naturally, he truly likely involves the matter that in that letter mentioned, offered the matter of Thengen City complete lamb to the socalled Lord.” Here, Dunn has stopped, back and forth walked slowly and aimlessly two footpaths: „This matter is quite perhaps serious, we must investigate Lannhose, strove to find some clues, un, we processed the scene, covered here trace, making all people know Hood. Ou root died, but who is actually not able to clarify is kills, lets Psychology Alchemy Union by this or other pays attention to extraordinary of insane asylum to jump, perhaps they know anything.” „Lannhose forgery case or still when police department there, either changed to ‚Justice Enforcer’ in hand, we take investigating Aurora Union obtains the clue for the reason, gets involved

in this case, with ‚Justice Enforcer’ cooperation, with ‚Heart of Mechanics’ cooperation, concentrates the Thengen City strength, investigates the Lannhose related person and thing carefully, when necessary, to Beckland church, to Sacred Hall, requested aids!” After saying, the Dunn side is excessive, looks to Klein, has considered the evil ways: „What you have to need to supplement?” captain, was said by you...... Klein shakes the head seriously: „No!” He makes the best use of the time, with the aid of crude altar that has not tidied up, used magical ceremony to eliminate some necessary traces, guaranteed in the normal condition nobody to find out and captain has killed Hood. Ou root. Then, he takes back the material, extinguishes the candle, has relieved the wall of spirituality, leaves the hospital ward with Dunn Smith silently, has turned out the insane asylum. „You go back to rest.” Dunn stands in not having the fence corner of street light, pressed under black silk top hat saying that „a lot bright genius can develop.” „Good.” Klein is not one day only with resting 2-3 hours of Sleepless, immediately said goodbye to leave, rides the waiting to return toward Narcissus Flower Street in not far away Night Watcher team exclusive carriage. Before he enters the compartment, turned head to look at one, saw only captain to stand in that piece as before including the moonlight blocked darkness, as

if calmly was pondering anything. Early morning street lonely nobody, carriage fast runs quickly, from time to time the direct acting, turns round from time to time. Klein is pondering over the Lannhose matter, the spirit has absent-minded suddenly. He sees the present color instantaneously to become rich, red is redder, black is blacker, like an abstract oil painting. All around all slow, the carriage as if entered in the strange world. Klein grips „Yang flame the spell”, and has drawn out the revolver. At this moment, a giant white bones palm penetration carriage window has extended, threw down folded the good letter paper. As the retraction and disappearance of this palm, the oil painting scene returned to suddenly normal, the carriage still steadily goes on the street. „...... Also was really......” Klein looks at the letter paper of under foot in the way of secret, the corners of the mouth was twitching.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #187: Warning of Ards   

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„Messenger” compelling made Klein shock for enough five seconds to recover, bends the waist to pick up the paper. „Mister Ards, because loses the

issue that recalls, is unable to use the most extraordinary capability, only sends out this messenger, can cope with Sequence Seven even Sequence Six extraordinary?” In his heart shines upon the expression that oneself were stunned and admired, has not been launching the letter paper anxiously, but holds into it the clothes pocket, with „sinks dormancy spell” and other goods to place one. The carriage continued, arrived in Narcissus Flower Street, Klein went out of the theater box gate the time, the subconsciousness looked at cart driver Cesar, saw only on his face to have the smiling face, the vision to relax tranquilly, did not have the detection to the beforehand matter. Changed to spirit vision to look at one, the Klein slightly not obvious place , before returning to oneself gate. He looked at the balconies and running water pipelines in eye two buildings, has hesitated for several seconds, decides maintains the demeanor, does not make the attempt that climbs up, as for catching the clothing of blood dirt, he will have taken away tomorrow Black Thorns Security Company, is acted by the police department, gives the specific washing clothes female worker to process, this can avoid frightening female servant Beira and younger sister Melissa. Jumps before the second floors the window leaves, Klein secretly has early relieved locking on the other side of main entrance, at this time takes

advantage of the time of quiet, puts out the key, has almost not caused any sound to open the door, moves sideways agilely into. After closing up and locks on the other side the front door, he quietly relaxed, puts the light footsteps, returns to two buildings. Stops before the locked in bedroom, Klein has pulled out tarot card unhurriedly, inserts the crack in a door, dexterous one group, the simplicity has disintegrated him the locking on the other side condition that uses the special way to make. In he pushes the door to enter, locks on the other side to take off the clothes, relaxed thoroughly. „Like...... Klein being a thief” with a smile shook the head, takes out the revolver unhurriedly, fills under the pillow. Completes the work of conclusion, he lightens the gas lamp, puts out the letter paper, sits before the desk, launches reading earnestly: „Sorry, now gives you to reply in writing, I have been bustling about am following the past trail, and with the beforehand teacher and gathering, chatted to be very late.” „Read your letter, I understood finally the matter of recent two days of bitter experience because of anything, the hotel that I stay in has the police to come to the room to search first one by one, night some people quietly transferred, right, what I said that has the person of extraordinary capability.” „...... Originally was that often appeared in the newspaper in ‚in hurricane’ Zielinger will have

submerged Beckland, and has made not small slaughtering, I remember that he not only issued a warrant for arrest by our Ruen Kingdom, similarly also in Fusac Empire, Republic of Intis and in Kingdom of Fenpot posting a reward list......” Therefore, how many are the monetary reward? Klein has had such an idea subconsciously. He has not gotten the answer, because Ards then raised other matter: „You described ‚Shepherd’ ability, I felt am very familiar, where as if has seen, has encountered, but could not think, before this should be me , the experience of some life, is unable to complete the recollection to make me feel that very bad was very worried.” Eh, Mister Ards has certain interest to „Shepherd”, this lets the breakthrough point that he helps actually, un, is some coincidences...... No, this is not the coincidence, belongs inevitably! According to the inference, Mister Ards lived for more than 1000 years, and very possible is high sequence expert, in he earliest life, in the beforehand life, definitely has experienced many sequence extraordinary capabilities, and to quite special has made the deep impression...... In other words, not only „Shepherd” can make him have similar familiar feeling, „Darkless One” and „Demon Hunter” and „Guardian” and other occupations should also good...... So long as the mysterious goods are corresponding some sequence ability, that Mister

Ards will think to look familiar, has the interest, may the conceivable matter...... Klein has doubts first, at once suddenly, in heart assured many. Under his vision moves , to continue to read: „Offering sacrifices ceremony that you inquired, I recalled very much long time ago, seemed the impression very profound reason, perhaps, in my some life, or in the earliest that life, I was a priest.” „I must remind you in advance, warned you, must be discrete when the use offering sacrifices ceremony enough, cannot own safe reposing in the conscience that the evil Spiritual God and certain secrets had, their not this type of thing.” „Moreover, you must have the formidable distinguishable ability, because the Evil God devils will create for oneself seem like the harmless status, my opinion is, cannot to oneself not clear not assured exists to offer sacrifices, otherwise your soul also will become the sacrificial offering.” With the easy to understand words is, the Evil God devils will throw over the waistcoat, camouflages the easily trusted status...... Like the network world, some seems like moe behind younger sister's account number, perhaps is squatting to dig out the foot guy...... Even if under the line meets, confirmed the appearance, carefully, perhaps that is the female attire big shot...... Klein not, because offers sacrifices to oneself, neglects the reminder of Mister Ards, unusual approval place under. Ards

emphasized that the matters needing attention, quick explained the offering sacrifices ceremony that he knew: „First, arranges the sacrificial altar, you hope that which Spiritual God to or the normal secret exists to offer sacrifices, draws carves the symbolic sign of correspondence, the use belongs to his domain herbal medicine and ore, naturally, can manufacture the Saint oil and balm, to fumigate with incense in advance and other goods.” Symbolic sign? Klein has gawked, discovers itself, is „does not belong to this era Fool”, actually has not known that own the symbolic sign of correspondence is anything...... His thought revolution, associated to the bronze long table most that high back chair complex mark after quickly, by some symbolic secrets „eye without pupil” and some symbolic changes complex mark that „Thread of Distortion” composed. „This should be my symbolic sign, said accurately is, I in the above the grey mist symbolic sign...... The domain was very simple, secret, change and good luck...... But is unable to affirm, can only try to make a lane...... Un, even if the symbolic sign has made a mistake, in ‚Venerable name’ under unmistakable premise, the offering sacrifices goal will not aim at other existence, creates the failure of ceremony at most, this point, I can determine......” Klein looking pensive stroked gently the paper surface, in the heart had certain plan. His vision

retrieves the focal point, looked to the following part: „Next, you must clarify to the correspondence exist to offer sacrifices whether needs at the specific time point, then, to do according to the flow of normal ceremony, until reading aloud to read Venerable the name and pray sentence.” „You must remember, must use Giant language and giant dragon language and Elven language, or ancient Hermes language, completes with the direct link of natural strength with the aid of them with the communication that the correspondence has, the specific sentence you can design, but must have that several essential word, ‚hope’, ‚gaze’, ‚offer’, ‚state’, ‚front door’, ‚opening’.” „Finally, you use to have the spirituality material, shake union that the incantation with natural strength creates, constructs the preliminary channel, connects to the correspondence has ‚state front door’ the channel, if that is interested, your offering sacrifices can complete.” „This cannot, if you can make the correspondence exist are interested, you just read aloud to read the incantation, he voluntarily will open ‚state front door’, voluntarily construction stable channel, but, this often means the danger, because the orthodox Spiritual God and also calculates that the friendly secret exists little such does, only then these Evil God and devils, will base on certain goals to respond directly.” Has the

spirituality material not cheaply...... Does not know that is only reads aloud reads incantation, can let I open „the door of summon” similarly the offering sacrifices channel, can transfer above the grey mist that piece of mysterious space some strengths...... Un, first tries, is not good goes to the underground trading market purchase to have the spirituality material again...... Doesn't need to use the extraordinary material? Had certain spirituality on the line? Klein has thought 300 gold pound in oneself recording a name account, have not thought several pounds pin money that just accumulated. The extraordinary material and has certain spirituality material not to be equal to completely, for example, Hood. Ou root the residual heart is the extraordinary material, these black scales belong to have certain spirituality material. Reads the Mister Ards letter, the Klein finger rubs, lights the spirituality flame, has fired the ashes the paper, sprinkled into the trash can. At this time, the dim light of night was deep, he does not have anxiously the attempt, plans to complete the plan first, decides the matters needing attention, then practices. He already hidden somewhat realized to the problem that oneself had actually that is, had in the situation of plan, worked to be discrete and sane, but once did not encounter the situation in plan, meets condition that spiritual light flashed, was very easy only to consider that the

good aspect, neglected the bad possibility. The simple description is, one impulsive is easy to do...... Klein put out a hand to cover under the face. Next day, already and „Justice Enforcer” and „Heart of Mechanics” ditch through Dunn Smith started to arrange the duty, Klein also to accept the corresponding designation, investigated the part and Lannhose has the person of certain relations, person but who according to his internal system of opinion and Night Watcher, he did not need to be responsible for the beforehand understanding. Naturally, his afternoon wrestle curriculum is still continuing, Dunn has not used as the main investigators him. ............ Beckland, the Hilston area, has the house in horse stable and in garden. Was growing the Zielinger of unique width chin and dark green eye pupil looked at the ground stupor man, has peeled his clothing, traded itself on. Before he arrives at full-length mirror easely, looks at the black glove digestion creeping motion of left hand, looks that its back appears many lines of distortion. After several seconds, Zielinger noticed that in mirror have covered the glimmer, the muscle, skin and skeleton strangely has the change. In a while, he turned into ground that man, regardless of the height, the appearance, is the makings, is exactly the same! ps: In an instant to Monday, tomorrow ahead of time will

renew, but does not have in addition, because of recently a little Carvin......   

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LM :: Volume #1 #188: Dance party( asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket)   

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Cheeks that the strong nose, sparse eyebrow, slightly reveals the sagging, blue eye pupil...... Zielinger looks in mirror, carefully examined several, the male not any difference of confirmation and stupor. After having gesticulated the several custom movements of opposite party, he bends the waist to tow the man of ground one side, has squeezed in the closet. Then, before him, extended the right hand, crack pinches the neck of opposite party. Pulls out the take action silk, has scratched under the palm, complete/even Ringes has won over the gate of closet. Before he returns to the full-length mirror gradually, puts on the black two-row to take away the formal clothes, knit the bow tie, then took up one bottle of amber brown perfumes, dropped several drops in the wrist/skill place, immediately cleaned the different parts of body. Looks in a mirror to comb under the hair, Zielinger went out of the door, closes

up conveniently, to waiting for outside control family fortune: „Do not allow anybody to enter my room, inside has the important goods.” „Yes, Gera Mil Baron!” Hair motley steward presses the chest by the hand, bows to salute saying that „servant of your carriage and accompanying downstairs you, Duke of Negan written invitation also there.” Zielinger is maintaining the manner of Baron, slightly does not nod the head obviously gently, accompanied by steward, the stance moved toward the stairway arrogant. Is shouldering many debts, including Baron who the ordinary security personnel do not give up the invitation, unexpectedly is maintaining a steward, a personal male servant, two aides, two first-grade female servant, four second-rate female servant, two washing clothes maids, a horse cart driver, feeds a native of Malaysia, a gardener, a chef, a compound of chef assistant, to these stupid aristocrats, really exceeds all dignified...... This makes me have to waste the time to learn from them to the strange pronunciation and so-called aristocrat tune of certain words...... Zielinger at heart ice-cold, but disdain wants to say. ............ Beckland, Chowod District, in some small and narrow apartment. Resting. Dille sits cross-legged to sit on the bed, looks is thinking with the aid of window ray reading novel. Woll said: „Really is desperate, a Zielinger clue has not stayed behind, actually throughout

cannot look up him to want in Beckland to make anything.” They according to the scheduled plan, go through many places to report to the police, and mails a letter in secret accepting the police station, described the strange condition and doubtful Zielinger in murder case scene criminal in detail. The response of police department has not stemmed from their expectations, discretely for heavy, transmitted to „Justice Enforcer” directly team. After a day of fermentation, „in hurricane” Zielinger will submerge the Beckland matter to spread over each „law enforcement squad”, rests with the place that thought of also to leave to rent, has hidden, carried on the covert investigation. They do not hope that was recovered police station to assist to investigate, no matter „Justice Enforcer”, is „Night Watcher”, as well as „Heart of Mechanics” the member of team, is hostile to is not belonging to official extraordinary, regards them for the potential criminal. Therefore, rests with thinks , is not only evading Zielinger possible pressing for payment, is shunting these „lawman”. „If such easily can be looked up his goal by us, Zielinger was already buried in the graveyard, before the tombstone, definitely also has been covered with the lush weed.” Thinks replies unhurriedly, „what we need is the patient waiting, so long as the investigation of this intensity continues, Zielinger definitely will make mistakes, has saying

that can change the different appearances the mysterious goods also is really enviable.” Rests both hands to grasp the knee, looks said to the window: „I worried that Zielinger will move in a short time, then snatches before all people responded flees Beckland.” „Such one, I do not know when can promote Sequence Eight, not to mention Sequence Six, Sequence Five......” She several seconds, lost whispered: „Does not know when can bring back to be the thing of our family...... My quick one year has not seen my younger brother......” Thinks to comfort to say with a smile: „You had completed the wish, please allow me to write the story your experience, this definitely very splendid very interesting.” „, I do not think by generous of Miss Audrey actually, even if the matter like this ended, she to us a rich monetary reward, after all we will also bustle about was so long, after all we make Zielinger come on own initiative.” „Hope is this...... Ai, why can't I have the fortuitous encounter?” Rested has caught under carelessly and golden hair of shoulder. Thinks frowns saying: „When the unusual world, fortuitous encounter often follows the danger, I until now not clear that full moon talking during sleep that can present is actually representative anything, whether will create any not good change, hehe, does not have the dangerous fortuitous encounter is also exists, but is scarce, your desire is really impracticable,

only if, only if we can obtain caring for of orthodox Spiritual God, gaze that or some friendly secret has, however, we are very difficult to distinguish this whether is the camouflage of Evil God devil.” Rests the stiff lumbodorsal region, drew scarlet moon to say in the chest: „Wish the goddess to bless me!” ............ Duke of Negan situated in the mansion of Beckland Queen District , a grand dance party is in progress. Here has been divided into two parts, one is the dancing hall, it is located in the floor, spreads is carving the magnificent flagstone of complicated pattern, the corner has to be the outstanding orchestra of duke completely, along the steps of hall upward, then situated in two, surrounded a winding corridor, the guests has been carrying the wine glass, stood before the parapet, was overlooking below dance, was similar to appreciates fencing from the stand position, once for a while had the gentleman to arrive in front of the young lady or the wife invites them altogether to dance, if has been permitted, both sides on holding the hand went down the staircase, entered in the hall. In does not approach another side of the winding corridor of hall, there is a gate one after another, behind belongs to the guest lounge basically. After that leaf of front door that but starts out from opposite directions folio is a corridor, the both sides are setting up the different gypsum statues, is the older generation of

Nepali root family. Arrives at the end, can see another part of dance party, here similarly is a hall, is suspending sliver of tables, is suspending various types of good food and good wines, is another orchestra of duke for the music that the guests play are relaxing melodiously. In this hall, the guests gather together in threes and fours, or sits or stands is exchanging various matters, hopes to evade the noise the person who to enter attached balconies in hall short, looks into the scenery and sky in garden scarlet moon. Audrey Hall of jump beginning dance stood in two of dance party hall, be in a daze is looking at the giant crystal chandelier that dangles from the roof, is looking at the above candle, but discovered that many people are ready to make trouble, after wants to come to invite the dance, she leaves here quick-wittedly, stepped to „dining room” corridor. Really senseless, but has no alternative but to participate...... Ai, can't they make me observe there peacefully? Has saying that some people dance the expression is really rich, always lets the animal that I remember these to seek a mate...... Audrey looks down own tip of the toe, walked a character step bored. At this moment, her corner of the eye split vision sees the form to approach together, is busy at postponing the footsteps, the stiff lumbodorsal region, instantaneously changed graceful and gentle Miss Hall. „Hello, Gera Mil

Baron.” Audrey greets with the perfect smiling face and etiquette. The opposite eyebrow is sparse, the eye pupil blue Gera Mil Baron smiles to salute saying: „Hello, Miss Hall, you are this dance party are brightest the most dazzling gem.” Exchanged greetings several, Gera Mil Baron moved toward the dance party hall, Audrey continued to approach „dining room” position. Walked several steps, she frowned suddenly, in the deep green eye pupil full is the doubts: „Gera Mil Baron with was not quite in the past same......” „When beforehand he, sees status high and quite beautiful young lady and wife, the vision will transfer to side, does not dare to look straight ahead, then looks unceasingly secretly...... But today's he, appears very self-confident......” „, The flavor/smell of his perfume is not right, when he attended various meetings before, the body sends out is ‚amber’ this perfume tail accent, the muskdeer is pure and pale, does not show off actually noblly, in other words, he several hours will spray the perfume ahead of time, before letting , the well distributed accent can volatilize before the banquet, may a moment ago, his fragrance be ‚amber’ accent, wadding close elegant......” The Audrey footsteps are getting more and more slow, as digested magical medicine thoroughly „Audience”, her keen to detail was far from other extraordinary can compare. Suddenly, she has thought a possibility, the deep

green bright eye pupil one coagulates: „It is not Zielinger will disguise as?” „‚Hunger of creeping motion’ has to change the different appearances the ability!” ...... Audrey more wants more to think that has this possibility, a heart has raised suddenly, is anxious and flurried. „If is really ‚in hurricane’, what he does want to make? What a pity, cannot bring Susie to attend this dance party, otherwise can make it observe the Gera Mil Baron in secret...... It is not good, I must remind father!” The train of thought numerous, Audrey steps out, enters the dining room, had found Count Hall that just and cabinet chief secretaries and the others exchanged. She outlined the impregnable smiling face, walked, pulled the arm of Count Hall, to other humanity: „Fellow gentlemen, can I borrow Count Hall several minutes?” „Beautiful young lady, this is your right.” Several gentlemen friendly responded. Audrey draws Count Hall to arrive at the recent balcony, looked for a secluded corner, said to the father who the middle age puts on weight: „Father, I have a matter to tell you.” Count Hall had the smiling face that is favoring to drown, but sees daughter's expression to be proper, has enforced: „What matter?” „I met Gera Mil Baron a moment ago, but he was different from in certain details, for example, his perfume flavor/smell was ‚amber’ accent, before was the tail accent, for example......” Audrey was saying observed

difference, this can with keenly and explained carefully. Described the matter, she considered is adding: „I listen to Viscount Gleylit to mention, ‚in hurricane’ Zielinger will have to change other people appearance the ability, he recently not in Beckland?” Count Hall secure listens quietly, the expression becomes exceptionally dignified. But he shows the smiling face quickly, comforts the slightly flurried daughter saying: „I will process, you look for your mother, treats with her in the same place, she in the lounge in this hall.” „Good.” Audrey nods to say cleverly. Goes to the lounge on the way, she turned head to look at her father, saw only Count Hall to exchange anything with an aristocrat in a low voice, the expression was quite serious. The heart of Audrey cannot help but has hung, thought oneself must make anything, so as to avoid the father, mother and Elder Brother encounter the injury. Observes the situation, she changes direction, leaves the dining room, enters a corridor, had found the small pray room of Duke of Negan familiar. She pushes the door to enter, backhand locked, looks at the eye front Lord of Storms symbol, the subconsciousness looked for a secluded dark corner. Audrey sat, body leans forward, both hands junction grasps the pray the posture to resist the forehead. Then, she uses Hermes language to read aloud in a low voice discussed: „Fool of another era, you are

above the grey mist mysterious ruler, you are King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.” ps: On Monday asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket ~ bq   

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LM :: Volume #1 #189: Hope and response( asked recommendation ticket and monthly ticket)   

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Thengen City, Narcissus Flower Street. Klein with Elder Brother Benson and younger sister Melissa discussion recently the popular play, and invited their next Sunday evenings to go to the big theater to watch sincerely. „I think that in the newspaper said enough many, «Count Return» absolutely is the play that is worth the scene watching, it has performed dozens in Beckland, full, I think that we should not miss this opportunity.” Entertainment project makes Klein not be willing to give up deficiently, after all his ancestors were to also keep up with the times to look at the person of modern drama. Naturally, if to not defend the image, I rather goes to the tavern to play the pool...... Un, rents a location to play the tennis to be also good, this can consider, is the leisure project of middle class, by my

present physical quality, so long as does not meet other extraordinary to enter randomly, can deal with the majority of matches with ease...... Ok, temporarily also can only think, in the morning investigates the Lannhose related person and thing, in the afternoon the wrestle practice, goes home in the evening, must investigate a drawing bonus chimney house...... I really am a busy person...... Klein tries to find pleasure amidst suffering is thinking. Sees Benson intent to move, Melissa somewhat hesitates, he adds with a smile: „It is said the «Count Return» most popular supporting role is the genius machinist.” „Good, no matter what, must go to the big theater to watch a play.” Melissa sips the lip, very reluctant nodded saying that but the eye was brighter than a moment ago much. Klein when responded, the ear bank resounded buzz humming sound whispering suddenly, his head for it dizziness several seconds. Some people were imploring to me...... He arrives at the right hand back behind, says with a smile lightly: „I patiently waited for order form date opened.” „Was good, I return to bedroom to make a report.” „We also the sea of investment knowledge, hope that should not be drown to death in inside.” Benson self-ridicules smiles, returns the dining room to sit down with Melissa. On Klein to two buildings, locks on the other side the gate of bedroom, has sealed off the entire room with the

wall of spirituality, then counter four steps, read aloud read the incantation, arrived at above the grey mist. In the giant residence palatial palace, his form appears in the bronze long table on suddenly most the head, in the eye pupil shone upon one to contract and dark red stars of inflation unceasingly. Klein lifts the right hand, spread spirituality, moved to that symbol „justice” stars. Of bang, he saw the distortion fuzzy picture, seeing „justice” young lady to wear the yellow white palace long skirt, sits on the chair of dark corner, both hands junction grasps the forehead that is resisting to lay down. But at the same time, slightly is immature and tight sweet female voice illusory overlay, layer upon layer reverberation: „Fool of another era \;” „You are above the grey mist mysterious ruler \;” „You are King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck.” „I implored your gaze \;” „Implored your kindly listening \;” ...... „I at dance party that Duke of Negan holds, has run into the doubtful Zielinger person.” „He camouflages Gera Mil Baron, the goal is unclear.” „I from some details discovered that today's Gera Mil Baron and past were different, this made me think Zielinger that mysterious goods made the person change the appearance the extraordinary capability.” ...... Klein earnestly listens attentively, the careful resolution, clarifies the matter that „justice” young lady described finally: Zielinger draws support from

„hunger of creeping motion” unexpectedly the special capability, has mixed in the Duke of Negan dance party! But what he has not expected, some aristocrat young lady is „Audience”, has remembered Gera Mil Baron in the past the characteristics „Audience”, therefore unknowingly exposed! What does this fellow want to make? But do I this do? I experimented over the two days have not used the spirituality material the offering sacrifices ceremony, discovered can make similarly „the gate of summon” thing, but is unable to open, just wants to find a time to go to the underground trading market to buy has the spirituality material to do the second experiment...... „justice” young lady to attend the dance party, definitely along will not carry the spirituality material...... Klein has pondered for several seconds, starts to respond to „justice” hope. ............ Indoor the small pray of Duke of Negan mansion. Audrey implored repeatedly several, finally stops, reorganizes the good clothing, moves toward the entrance quickly. She knows that she cannot vanish is too long, will otherwise let the father and mother worried, thus the erroneous judgement situation, makes not correct dealing. Stands after the gate, Audrey deeply inspired, is in the disturbed and restless mood stretches out wears the right hand of white tissue glove, has relieved locking on the other side. Leaves the small pray room, she

returns toward „dining room” along the corridor, saw with own eyes that these ends the wine glass, is taking the guests of dinner place to be getting more and more near, she a flower, discovered at present suddenly all around fills the illusory mist. That thick grayish white mist center is ancient high back chair, on high back chair sits unable to see clearly the mysterious existence of appearance and stature, is overlooking all mysterious existences. „Fool” mister! Audrey nearly pleasantly surprised blurts. She heard the familiar low and deep voice: „I knew.” The sound is still reverberating, grey mist already vanished, Audrey at present is that is placing the sliver of table of food and liquor water as before, as before is the lively picture of lively banquet scene. In heart disturbed and restless vanishes suddenly, she has straightened up the lumbodorsal region subconsciously, looks about, footsteps to enter „dining room” freely lithely, moves toward here lounge. ............ above the grey mist, in palatial palace. Responded to „justice” young lady, how Klein starts to consider to convey this matter to „Hanged Man”. „Is duplicated the narration not to be definitely good by me, has to lose the position standard ......... Where has exists mystically holds the post of airphone personally!” He has considered for dozens seconds, suddenly had the idea, the picture and sound that „justice” young lady will implore a

moment ago had present, changed hits the full mosaic movie scene. Puts out a hand, Klein rebroadcast the light screen was putting into symbol this relapse „Hanged Man” that dark red stars. ............ Beckland, Chowod District, Saint wind cathedral. In some simple simple room, „Hanged Man” Argel Wilson is studying the recent several days report, will try to find „in hurricane” from inside Zielinger clues. His right hand slanting place above, then places one pack writes all over distortion „mark” the paper. Backward depends on, puts out a hand to rub the eye the time in Argel, he discovered suddenly at present becomes illusory, presents the rich grayish white mist. Cannot see the end in this mist deep place, forever exists there high back chair, on high back chair sits an indistinct person's shadow. „Fool” mister...... Argel just emitted this thought that saw in the dim grayish white mist to be many say/way to put on the fuzzy form of palace long skirt. She is maintaining the stance of pray, stated unceasingly said: „I at dance party that Duke of Negan holds, has run into the doubtful Zielinger person.” „He camouflages Gera Mil Baron, the goal is unclear.” „I from some details discovered that today's Gera Mil Baron and past were different, this made me think Zielinger that mysterious goods made the person change the appearance the extraordinary capability.” ...... Argel first is one startled, at once

shows the pleasantly surprised expression, presses the chest by the hand, the low head said: „Praised you, Mr. Fool!” His voice has not fallen, hears all that and sees then to vanish does not see, as if has not appeared. Stared at one to place the Russell diary and desk of report, the Argel pupil micro, felt the great strength of Fool once more: But here Saint wind cathedral, once Church of the Storms headquarters, although this is more than 1000 years ago matters, but does not hinder the followers as before to regard as one of the sacred place it, however, „Fool” mister is as before silent „arrival”, gives the response...... Silent several seconds, Argel took the goods, turns around to go out. He must look for one of the Church of the Storms cardinals, Beckland church archbishop, „the singer of God” Ise. Snacke! Regarding Argel Wilson, kills „in hurricane” personally Zielinger is the best development, but if cannot accomplish, can confirm the opposite party dead, is acceptable! ............ After „justice” young lady's description „transmission” to Hanged Man, Klein leaves the above the grey mist mysterious space, returned to own bedroom. He does not have is relieving the wall of spirituality anxiously, but sits before the desk, spreads out the paper, takes the fountain pen, starts to write a letter: „...... Demonstrated according to the urgent message that I receive, Zielinger with the aid of ‚Shepherd’ the

appearance that the ability, changes Gera Mil Baron, has mixed in the Duke of Negan dance party, temporarily is not clear his goal.” Klein was not worried that Mister Ards suspects itself, the doubts just occurred at the Beckland matter, why places the Thengen City person to know quickly, because in this world has telegram type of thing. „My not clear this whether will make you be interested, but I think it is necessary to make you know.” The Klein quick ending, folded the letter paper. Then, he turns discovers that ancient copper sentry post, the gathering mouth, blows up the cheek help/gang, has blown maliciously. Huge, terrifying, the illusory white bones messenger appears again, towers there as before, did not care at all own head to drill into the roof. Klein has borne use „Clown” the impulsion of ability, has not turned into the throwing knife the letter paper, threw it to the messenger honestly. Blows the copper sentry again, ended summon, the Klein restraining mood, crossed in the mind the matter. At present he can do, only then a moment ago these! Although Klein can also draw support from „summon ceremony”, carries „Yang flame the spell”, goes to Beckland personally, but this is too dangerous, Zielinger is Sequence Six „Wind Caretaker”, the body also has „hunger of creeping motion” this mysterious goods \; second, is too troublesome, but must get so far as above the grey

mist „Yang flame the spell” first \; third, is too easy to harm the image, therefore he gave up this plan sanely. „Actually the issue is not big, Duke of Negan is the biggest aristocrat outside royal family, the conservative party back big shot, in the person who today attended the dance party also many senior officials are definitely high-ranking, must say that does not have the extraordinary protection of powerful, my first does not believe that Zielinger second, un, is not considered that the factor in this aspect, he does not need to camouflage to mix in...... Since ‚justice’ young lady had discovered ahead of time, making the aristocrats be prepared, the matter does not change was too serious, lost the control......” „Actually does not know the Mister Ards messenger speed quickly, if can shuttle back and forth with the aid of spiritual world, he also hopefully catches up with ‚full meal’, if like Ms. Daly messenger slow, after that only strong point, read the news to guess the truth......” Klein slightly does not nod obviously, after this matter has thrown into the brain, in any case he has no way to achieve. ps: Today two deliver, asks the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket ~   

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LM :: Volume #1 #190: Matching of ability

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Duke of Negan mansion, dance party hall. Disguises as Gera Mil Baron Zielinger who to carry one cup of blood red Auermus wine, stands after two building winding corridors parapets leisurely and carefree, is appreciating the men and women in dance floor, appreciates these to dress up the magnificent young ladies and wives. But his pupil does not contain the slight desire, calm like icing up lake surface, but occasionally sweeps the giant crystal chandelier that the roof dangles with the corner of the eye split vision, sweeps next several beside correct use vision to pursue beautiful forms Duke of Negan. This duke wears the straight dark blue admiral clothing, the shoulder place has the red colorful silk ribbon to connect medals of honor, every official situation, he likes dressing up like this, commemorates the front dozens years of magnificent army careers by this. However, his waist was already extremely fat, the body has filled the fat, sharp astute gray-blue pupil only remaining pollution and desires, because maintains very well, the wrinkle of corner of the eye, mouth and forehead is shallow, black hair as before cover. This is Pallas Negan, this generation of Duke of Negan, the main supporter of conservative party, the prime minister Agusid Elder Brother, Ruen

Kingdom is richest most has one of the power and influence that a handful people. Meanwhile, he is also Zielinger secret sneaks the Beckland goal! Assassination influential figure, is really is so rousing the whole body to tremble...... Zielinger takes back the vision, has shut under the eye. He is willing to accept this request, the pricetag that because the opposite party asks for is appealing enough, because also he deeply loves the risk, likes challenging very difficult matter. If can assassinate successfully, my fame will spread over southern northern continent, dominates in „four kings” above . Moreover, I will also obtain a playing card, of Great Emperor Russell manufacture am containing one of the Spiritual God mystery playing card! Zielinger represses the excitement in heart, lowered the head to carefully examine own left hand one. „Hunger of creeping motion” became transparent, depending on the naked eye and contact, the bystander is unable to realize that „Gera Mil Baron” also wears the glove. „This is really mysterious goods...... If not it, only then Sequence Six I have no way into one of the pirate generals......” ideas to flash through, Zielinger emerges the mood of some being a pity suddenly. In these many years pirate professions, he experienced and contacts many extraordinary, included liked toward the Sunya Sea end risk „Aurora Union” members. Therefore, he knows „hunger of creeping

motion” truly with „Shepherd” compared with, but also was short much. First is cuts the condition to be too slow, need at least one second, but true „Shepherd” can change instantaneously, next urged soul can only use before death one to three abilities, as for having many, is which several types, all decided depending on the luck, and in primary „herding” after-fixing, but true „Shepherd” can have the choice to decide three types, does not need like betting on the table throws the dice, finally, „hunger of creeping motion” can only at the same time „herding” five souls, true „Shepherd” can have seven high. Naturally, both have the similar limit, that is one time can only urge a soul, can only use the extraordinary capability of this soul correspondence and extraordinary capability, to replace soul some originally with the new soul, that process is unable to reverse, the opportunity of not having reneged on a promise. Zielinger after 78 years of adjustment, fixed five souls finally, their abilities each other were supplementary, making the master appear quite fearful. But because of that several years of continual readjustment, attempts unceasingly, among the pirates will spread „in hurricane” omnipotent, the story of any metropolis. In the warm dance music, Zielinger the following motion will preview in the mind, end in Neixin sighed one unfortunately: „Was a pity, for these days had not

found that ‚Traveler’, otherwise I do not need to be worried about anything tonight.” If can catch that doubtful „Traveler” woman, Zielinger definitely without hesitation originally „herding” one of the five souls feed to „hunger of creeping motion”. For him, this sequence path ability is useful! Zielinger looked at the eye the giant crystal chandelier that lets fall from roof, decides no longer to wait. Soul that he urges at present, only then an ability, that is changes the ability of own appearance and stature, does not have with other levels of extraordinary resistance, but because this unusual ability is useful at a lot, Zielinger had not hated to replace it. Good, on the one hand is, which soul no matter is urging, Zielinger can synchronize the use itself „Wind Caretaker” extraordinary capability. Finally, he ships out pursues some aristocrat madame wonderful graceful form the appearance, making the vision sweep Duke of Negan, sweeps his side has been crowding around these gentlemen. Duke of Negan is the Lord of Storms reverent follower, is the Church of the Storms influence kingdom situation key man, his side definitely has the protection of Church of the Storms extraordinary, but the Nepali root family is not over a thousand years of ancient family, but regardless of the wealth, is the power and influence, ranks the front row in the kingdom, definitely also in secret will seek sequence magical medicine formula,

seeks extraordinary offers services to...... Zielinger idea surges, will be the gentleman of aristocrat and official rejects, locked one to follow throughout in Duke of Negan man. This man wears the black coattails, the brown bluing eye, almost does not have any expression, has been alerting the surroundings vigilantly. The Zielinger slightly not obvious place , the right hand scope slightly proceeded to press very much. ! The sudden strong winds have swept across sky over the dance floor, blew out candles on crystal chandelier. In light secretly interlocks, in the vision attracted instance of people, several light wind edges with the aid of covering up of strong winds, chops, in has been hanging on the metal chain link of crystal chandelier, divided in the same spot. ! Let the person of tooth acid in shatter sound, the giant crystal chandelier crashes into the dance floor, pounds ground kuāng dāng to make noise, pounds the sound of scream continuously, pounds many guest splashed fragments injures, sends out the pitiful yell of extreme fear. While a hall darkness, everywhere the chaotic opportunity, Zielinger left palm glove creeping motion change, condensed golden outer layer. His expression was full of dignity, the vision has completely understood the darkness, has observed closely side Duke of Negan that man. , In the Zielinger double pupil shone two suddenly just

like the lightning ray. Be responsible for protecting Duke of Negan that extraordinary to send out a pitiful yell immediately, covers the head to pour in the ground, tumbles unceasingly, struggles unceasingly. Brushes, Zielinger form passes through the darkness, charges into Duke of Negan rapidly. However, the goal in he dark profound eyes pupil shining upon does not have flurriedly, is selfconfident. The Duke of Negan big obese body stands erect in same place, the stance to overlook is looking at attack Assassin. He lifts the right hand, proceeds to push, said with the ancient Hermes language low and deep opens the mouth: „Captivity!” Silent, Zielinger stops suddenly, his all around has as if covered entirely the transparent wall, or flows is mounting to the extreme liquid thickly. This lets him likely is the insect in amber, as well as the prisoner in jail. The leader of conservative faction aristocrat, the hereditary duke, Pallas Negan oneself unexpectedly am extraordinary, quite formidable extraordinary! The Duke of Negan once more low and deep opens the mouth, and has wielded the right hand: „Whips!” !! Zielinger as if had been selected by the invisible soft whip, pulls out the clothing to be stave, the body splits open, the white bones reveal. The Duke of Negan leans forward body, grips the right fist, the dignified trial said: „Death!” ! His arm wields, the entire body is dragging the remnant

shade, has hit Zielinger body, but the fist accurately has hit by the stance that irresistibly is unable to avoid the head of goal. crack! Zielinger head broke, but periphery all also broke, Duke of Negan stands in as in same place, was only the dream. When does not know, this pirate general had already cut the ability, enters „Nightmare” condition. But with normal „Nightmare” different, he after dragging the person enters the dreamland, itself can also move! Zielinger form appears in Duke of Negan behind quietly, the dark ice-cold eye pupil has locked the opposite party. His right fist was wrapping the strong winds of super revolving, the sharp blade thorn to the vest of goal. ! During the sound of the wind surges, the Zielinger right fist penetrated the body of Duke of Negan, penetrated the heart of opposite party, but, the Duke of Negan form actually rapidly sheds becomes transparent, like spiritual body that was summoned. This nearly invisible shadow rippled dispersing, Duke of Negan appears before winding corridor another side starting out from opposite directions folio front door, on the face was having the smiling face of carefully examining. Another extraordinary...... Have they been ready ahead of time? Is ambushing I? How possible! Zielinger idea flashes, although is not willing to accept this reality, but calmly has made dealing. His left palm glove creeping motion presents the dark golden close

scale, the pupil changes pale, has set upright. Invisible wave sweeps across toward all around, gentlemen, women, simultaneously fell into the hardto-control fear, they leave the hiding place, aimlessly everywhere runs, the scene one becomes exceptionally chaotic. This made these extraordinary not dare take action, the fear to injure the relative and friend rashly. Seizes this opportunity, around Zielinger coils around the hurricane, ran high-speed, has dashed a gate of leaf of lounge, has dashed the window of bow window. In the sound of kuāng dāng, he plunged outside the house, with the aid of caring for of wind, has soared unexpectedly not a short distance, departed the Duke of Negan mansion. The both feet just fell to the ground, Zielinger rushes to the opposite woods immediately, that was a municipal park he had already explored nearby terrain. So long as gets rid of back tracing, he can change the appearance, integrates Beckland to exceed in 5 million population. This is also he dares to meet taking advantage of very difficult duty! after a while, had the strong winds to blow to the Duke of Negan mansion, the Church of the Storms cardinal and Archbishop Beckland church, „the singer of God” Ise. Snacke „with” several „Justice Enforcer”, has been catching up with the means of flight directly. He informed other extraordinary without enough time.

Argel follows one of personnel Archbishop Ise arrives, but his mood is unhappy, because he saw the shatter window, sees colleague who just pursued the house. This indicated „in hurricane” Zielinger to escape.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #191: The motive is unclear   

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Across the woods, crosses the artificial lake, Zielinger under caring for of wind, has thrown away the following pursuer. He looks all around, planned that camouflages to submerge the false appearance that the tower Sok River escapes following the canal, then turns around to rush to into the Beckland economic center, the Hilston area. At this moment, he at present suddenly a flower, seeing various colors in darkness to become exceptionally rich. The blue-green trees dark green, bright red fruit is bright redder, the quiet black water surface is quieter black, all looked like are sprinkled the canvas of greasepaint. But in the scarlet moon blocked from upper air, there are hard to describe the transparent shadow of physique innumerably, has is containing the mysterious knowledge, different color bright

radiance. Zielinger discovered oneself have stopped, floats in the midair, the under foot is the quiet black water surface that rises unceasingly, under the water surface the skin pale palms outward is grasping absorbs. Awful! Zielinger understands oneself have encountered others' ambush. But the strength of ambush is not absolutely low! His appears at present suddenly a huge human form skeleton, this monster has four meters high fully, in the eye socket is burning the jet black flame, the white bones are unreal and dim. Zielinger vision did not contain the mood to stare at the enemy, the corners of the mouth is outlining one to sneer. Meanwhile, his left palm glove blooms the bright ray, becomes as if builds by the pure gold. After Zielinger body supine, the both arms open, resemble are hugging Sun. A stream of pure, blazing radiance suddenly, thus the day falls, the giant skeleton will cover in, the entire oil painting world had the fierce shake, the pale palm under dark water surface evaporates one after another. This is „Priest of Light” extraordinary capability! This is „Sun” the path Sequence Five extraordinary capability! This is the difficult adversary of dead souls! The bright light beam diverges, that giant skeleton is the jet black flame of eye socket extinguishes first instantaneously, then becomes transparent, cuns (2.5 cm) dissipation in airborne. Waits for Zielinger to

use „Priest of Light” once more ability has not broken the oil painting world, his expression one coagulates. He saw near oneself left hand to present a giant skeleton, height close four meters, the eye socket was burning the black flame, was exactly the same as the monster. Zielinger all around has emitted the same skeleton monster one after another, two, three...... Has been over 100! That over a hundred pairs burnt the eye of jet black flame simultaneously to go to the goal the line of sight. But under, the quiet black water surface is getting higher and higher, soon moved to arrive in full Ringes's sole. Only pale, the illusory palm grew, upward brandishes, the straw that wants to hold life-saving unceasingly. ............ „You disperse to pursue, attempt surrounds.” Church of the Storms cardinal Ise. Snacke told one, in the hurricane that in blows suddenly soars, flies to the direction that Zielinger flees. Duke of Negan and the others have not joined „Justice Enforcer” the ranks, the self-contained status, stands near the window, stands waits and sees in the balcony, but the ordinary aristocrats who at this time, ran all over the place flustered slowly are quiet. Because of a beforehand darkness, the cry shout, they were not continuously clear specifically what happened, only know that the duke possibly encountered Assassin. Argel Wilson clenches teeth, runs the Duke of Negan mansion, catches up around

the opposite municipal park to the Hilston area. Even if only then a hope, he is not willing to miss! Suddenly, he hears to have the sound „carrying” to come by wind: „Did not need to pursue.” Didn't need to pursue? The voice of Snacke cardinal...... Argel ran several steps to stop, the doubts turned around to look to the midair. He sees the sky of woods and artificial lake, puts on the black to embroider Archbishop Snacke of storm mark long gown float there, is staring slantingly under. Argel wrinkled under the brow, cannot give a thought to the ponder reason, rushes to the position that the cardinal was at high-speed. Along with pulling closer of distance, he with the aid of „Mariner” the extraordinary capability, looks even more clearly. That „the singer of God” upright face not slight expression, but his stance showed his dignity, hoary hair with the wind light that drills from the black soft hat, is serving as contrast exceptionally serious silver pupil. Argel takes back the line of sight, ran the woods. In his eye appears to glitter suddenly the red scarlet moon light chilly lake surface, appears to approach here water shore the big form. This form has characteristic wide chin, brown hair grips the chignon of ancient warrior after the brain, dark green eye pupil ice cooling cavity. Zielinger! „In hurricane” Zielinger! Argel is startled first, at once is pleasantly surprised, cannot believe that simply own eye,

suspected made oneself have the illusion dark. He has not made with enough time responded, sees Zielinger face to be fast rotten suddenly, rottenly to flowing out the yellowish green sanie, falls to the flesh and blood rottenly one after another. !!! Zielinger face remaining white bones, two empty eyeballs have only been separated hollowly, does not divide pounds successively in the lakeside ground. In the sound of crack, the Zielinger complete powder has put up, the clothing shop above, covered the rotten flesh lump and white bone, covered radiance of twinkle. Is less than 20 seconds, Zielinger seven pirate generals like this strangely died in the Argel front. This frightened field depth of field imprinted in the Argel mind, making him suspect that oneself was having a terrifying nightmare. What happened? Zielinger didn't escape successfully? How to feel strange that like this like this dies simply here? Actually he encountered anything, lost the life in the short time unexpectedly...... He is Sequence Six „Wind Caretaker” , he but „hunger of creeping motion” master! Is who does? Why must kill Zielinger...... In Argel is hard contains flashes through the innumerable ideas, he heard „the singer of God” Ise. Snacke's magnetic voice: „You has told whether also other people the information?” „This information itself whether also has other people to know?” Argel one restored calmly, looked at the

Zielinger skeleton, early is prepared to explain: „I just received the information, has given the archbishop on report/give report you.” Here, he could not bear was complaining one at heart: Ise. Snacke went to near the tower Sok River to take a walk, was spent not the short time to seek for him by oneself, Zielinger possibly could not escape from the Duke of Negan mansion! Naturally, such resentment he does not dare to say in front of high sequence expert, can only respectfully and continues to describe humbly: „The personnel who attains the information directly even therefore sacrificed, but these people of relay have not disassembled the letter, this point, I can confirm.” „But I am unable to affirm that information source whether still has the leak, since we can know, others are also possible.” Argel was saying was saying, at heart was guessing that is „in hurricane that” who kills Zielinger: Entrusted Zielinger to assassinate the Duke of Negan person, or organization? But since Zielinger ran away successfully, has not revealed the possibility of any matter, does not exist to kill his reason...... if it was me, I will make Zielinger ambush, in everybody thinks that he escaped from the Beckland situation, comes an assassination again...... Moreover Zielinger always only believes itself, he will not tell anybody the assassination plan ahead of time, Duke of Negan for several bills of September, recently often held the

meeting, does not worry not to have the opportunity, except for Zielinger, no one is able to determine that his when anything situation will begin...... Only if, only if that is „Prophet”...... Possibly is very low...... Other influence? Is impossible, „justice” young lady finds the problem at the scene, with transmits the information to the way that „Fool” mister implored, except for us, was impossible to exist simultaneously obtains the news organization...... „Fool” mister...... Argel terrified one startled, has thought of a possibility: What take action is „Fool” family of mister! He just in Beckland, therefore „just” has helped under busy! Argel more wants more to think that this guess is close: Only then „Tarot Society” the member and subordinate, can the earliest possible time know the information! Only then „Fool” family member take action, can make people think the matter to be strange, lacks the goal! When his recollections in close succession, Archbishop Snacke silent moment, „Justice Enforcer” said to other that catches up with one after another: „Zielinger died, high sequence expert has massacred him, or has used sealed item of same level, but this is quite dangerous, the possibility is not high.” „After the preliminary observation, I thinks that is ‚Death God’ path high sequence expert, perhaps is the Spiritual Religion Society member, but is not that I know, possibly is other member of

secret organization.” „Motive is unclear.” Spiritual Religion Society originates in southern continent, it is said earliest is certain Death God descendants the secret organization that tries resurrecting Death God to establish, after southern continent was invaded was colonized, their nearly destruction, but survived finally tenaciously, and develops northern continent various countries. High sequence expert...... Right, only then high sequence expert can in such a short time kill Zielinger! „Fool” mister family of hand/subordinate took place to have advantage sequence...... This is „half God”! Argel looks once more to that beach rotten meat white bones, the condition of whole person pulls out leaves, like losing all mood, is looking at all dull. If one day, I betrayed „Fool” mister...... He has had such an idea suddenly. Immediately, in his mind appears the frightened appearance that immediately Zielinger fast had corrupted a moment ago. Argel cannot help but hit to tremble, low head. Meanwhile, he also relaxed. Since is unable to be separated, is hard to revolt, that can only choose loyally. Hū...... Zielinger dies, nobody took that secret to threaten me again! He aspirated, has stabilized thoroughly. ............ In the Duke of Negan mansion, is accompanying mother and aristocrat madames discussed that a moment ago that assassination Audrey Hall, sees to keep two to cast aside the father of attractive small beard to

appear in the entrance. She found an excuse to leave lounge, arrived in the balcony outside hall. „Does father, what matter have?” Audrey looks with emerald eye pupil to Count Hall. Her pupil color/look heredity from her mother, but is not her father. Count Hall said with a smile lightly: „Matter has been solved, my child, you do not need to be worried again.” „Un...... Whether you do have the matter that Gera Mil Baron is disguises as tell other people?” „No.” Audrey shakes the head firmly. I told an approximate Spiritual God exists...... She in adds at heart silently. She thinks, described two specifically: „After telling you, I went to the washroom first, then arrived at mother there to go, you can ask her.” „Un.” The Count Hall slight nod, had not said again much, then mentioned, „Zielinger died, was killed.” „Who?” Audrey is surprised and excited. „Does not know why we cannot even guess correctly the murderer to massacre Zielinger, this is really unreadable.” Count Hall has stopped the evil ways, „perhaps is a person, perhaps is an organization, secret, formidable organization.” Cannot guess correctly the goal...... Secret, formidable organization...... Is could it be that „Fool” family of mister? could it be that is we „Tarot Society”! Audrey has clearly to become aware suddenly.  

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LM :: Volume #1

#192: Attaching great importance to   

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Audrey eyeball light revolutions, the train of thought diverges, one analyzed a lot: „Hanged Man” mister has described, Zielinger is an alone wolf, does not believe anybody, his planning for action only then oneself knows, discovered except for me ahead of time, whom should not have to be clear he to assassinate tonight...... I am only doubtful the matter that „in hurricane” Zielinger will disguise as to tell the father Gera Mil Baron and „Fool” mister...... Although in the Duke of Negan mansion has the telegraph line, can the intelligence transmission, look for the helper promptly, but this does not need to conceal...... Father's puzzled showing strikes to kill Zielinger expert not to be expected in them...... In summary, person who massacres Zielinger almost can determine for „Fool” the family member of mister! Only then our Tarot Society special pattern can make the motive unclear strange situation! Zielinger is Sequence Six „Wind Caretaker”, but also has mysterious goods „hunger of creeping motion”, can the non- scar chop to kill him quickly, is called „half God and half human” high sequence expert? Has used in the hearsay hidden danger enormous

risk very high sealed item? No matter which possibility, fully showed that „Fool” the family member of mister is exceptionally formidable...... Worthily is „Fool” mister! No matter what, I calculate that has provided the clue, „after Hanged Man” mister, must fulfill the commitment, gives me the hypophyses of seven color lizard dragons! This should be we „Tarot Society” the first official motion? Of Zielinger seven pirate generals therefore died! Sees in the daughter ponder to bring some excitedly, when is young was also Count Hall of position handsome gentleman lightly coughed one, quite warned seriously: „Audrey, I know that you are interested in the thing of mysterious domain very much, usually is also tolerating you, but this matter, you cannot involve absolutely into, inquired that is not good, you will be getting by the queen at the end of the year, was entered the social occasion by official introduction, as the adult, you must clear and remembers, terrifying extraordinary, or secret, the formidable organization, is often equal to the danger, yes?” „I knew, father.” The Audrey sweet and delicate voice replied, „I a moment ago was only a little curious.” „Curious is not good!” Count Hall emphasized that this, cannot bear show the helpless smiling face. „Un un!” Audrey busy clever nod. In any case I compared with your clearer entire item matter...... She was making faces at heart. Count

Hall thinks, said with a smile temperately: „No matter what, you are the tonight's hero, was the Duke of Negan liberator, Zielinger death at least has half to give credit to you, monetary reward similarly so, naturally, if nobody acknowledged oneself struck to kill Zielinger, declared that was responsible for this matter, and received the monetary reward on own initiative, that remaining half will also be you, in addition altogether had 1 ten thousand gold pound.” „Un, the monetary reward that Republic of Intis, Fusac Empire and other countries and organizations set up can also send for receiving, converts, should have 2 ten thousand gold pound.” „Duke of Negan had promised a moment ago, must the taking vacation manor situated in Disu Bay bestow him to you, this contained big rubber woods, every year income I do not have understood specifically, but will definitely not lower, he initially spent 8000 gold pound to buy, following has also constructed the house, has purchased the improved variety.” Audrey of 300,000 pounds properties could be called sufficiently richly, but close has even surpassed the rewards of 4 ten thousand gold pound for her, as before is a large amount income, many aristocrat young ladies' dowries cannot be this number. In August together marrying of aristocrat and in merchant, Mary. Oldbury young lady the daughter of this 1 million wealthy man also on dowry 8 ten

thousand gold pound. „I had not considered monetary reward......” Audrey from the heart whispered. Suddenly, she has thought of a matter, if receive the monetary reward, making the reputation spread, that „Hanged Man” can determine with ease who „justice” is. This is not good! As the Tarot Society member, I must maintain mysterious! Audrey looks to the father, organizing under the language saying: „Father, I somewhat is afraid......” „Why? What happened?” The Count Hall busy concern asked. „If publicized is I had discovered Zielinger was disguising as Gera Mil Baron, I am afraid his subordinate to retaliate me, I am afraid to incite him to assassinate the Duke of Negan person to stare at me secretly......” Audrey to make itself appear diligently pitiful, small and weak, as well as no use. „I will ask the person to protect your.” Count Hall responded to one first, then gently nods said that „, but truly does not need to make you take this risk . Moreover the person who massacres Zielinger took away ‚hunger of creeping motion’, naturally, to high sequence expert, this does not have the motive of enough persuasive power, un...... I will pass on to Duke of Negan, making him conceal this matter, and by his other is found the person to receive the monetary reward, later compensates you again in private.” Here, Count Hall was all smiles: „Was my daughter, the simplicity makes 4 ten thousand gold

pound worthily, this surpassed your 1/10 of present wealth.” That 300,000 pounds are he divide in advance, to daughter's property, when she gets married, will also make up part again. „Before having the father you, fierce?” Audrey asked joyfully. Count Hall shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not to: „Is fiercer than me, my first time the income of the trade yielding is only 60 pounds.” Audrey immediately becomes exceptionally happy, 40,000 pounds monetary reward, father's praise, causing „in hurricane” Zielinger dead and complete a sense of achievement of extraordinary matter, was „Tarot Society” the pride of member, in afterward seven color lizard borneo camphor pituitary glands that there will obtain from „Hanged Man”, making her harvest, not only the double joys, there are three times, even four times, five times! Wants mister to report to „Fool” really immediately, obtains his confirmation...... No, is not good, motive unclear mysterious expert struck to kill Zielinger, now definitely some people in secret are observing me, looked for the clue, I cannot display slightly unusual...... Bah! I did not have anything exceptionally, so long as does not try to read aloud reads „Fool” the Venerable name of mister...... Un, if truly is „Fool” the family member of mister does, he affirmed that knew the result, does not need me to report again...... Wú...... Do I need to post a reward

with that family share? No, no matter 20,000 pounds money with any payment, definitely will bring in the attention, I cannot take this risk...... Moreover, is „Hanged Man” mister have helped in please „Fool”, should pay the reward by him, un un, he declared many Russell diaries! I collect some diaries as far as possible again, thanked „Fool” mister to respond to my hope, he definitely could not have a liking for the vulgar money...... Audrey had determined quickly how then should do. ............ In Duke of Negan mansion, in private small study room. The obese big duke sits on table following high back chair, is smoking the cigar, looks opposite „the singer of God” Ayre. Snacke and kingdom prime minister Agusid Negan and the others. „Looked from the information of feedback one after another, at present is unable to confirm is the matter that which high sequence expert handles.” Agusid just hurried back from king there. Archbishop Snacke nods: „We have also confirmed with the unusual method, is not these high sequence expert of knowledge, is not Spiritual Religion Society that several.” „Some enough reasons believe, is we not clear mysterious expert, naturally, did not remove him to use the dangerous sealed item possibility.” Duke of Negan takes the cigar saying: „Perhaps is not only high sequence expert, his back is also likely hiding a secret organization, secret organization that we

insufficiently understand, otherwise does not have the means such accurate to ambush Zielinger, un, perhaps tonight some participant of dance party is their members.” His younger brother Prime Minister Agusid said dignifiedly: „No matter which possibility, we must be careful, must clarify that high sequence expert status as soon as possible, clarifies him to come the Beckland goal is anything, clarifies him whether purely chases down Zielinger, as well as why must massacre Zielinger.” In grasping high sequence expert wanders in Beckland, causes the matter that the kingdom governments and three big church attach great importance to sufficiently! Although Sequence Four and sequence 3 expert not necessarily can block the bombardment of great ship cannon, but they definitely do not need to make positive/direct contending, they have too many strange abilities. Therefore, this is compared with ironclad ship more dangerous existence, such title can look merely from „ half God and half human „! „The singer of God” Ise. Snacke sets out to say immediately: „I arrange immediately, and contacts Church of the Night and steam church.” „King will also let the military and intelligence related activity coordinates.” Prime Minister Agusid pledged. ............ Beckland North area, in a hotel. The skin color ancient bronzes, by the ear have mole Ards to sit under the gas lamp, stares a glove that front is

placing. This glove is frivolous, as if becomes by the person leather, so long as if fills up the flesh and blood, it can change a hand. Ards looked at the period of time, reveals the pain suddenly the distortion expression, talked to oneself in a low voice: „I resemble, has probably cooperated with them......” ............ Klein whole evening rests is not good, because he had not received „justice” and „Hanged Man” the report, has not received the reply of Mister Ards, throughout will be worrying about „in hurricane” the result of Zielinger that matter. Should make not the small move, lets „justice” young lady and „Hanged Man” mister does not dare to contact with me rashly again...... But, hasn't Mister Ards replied in writing? He has not participated, or said? Was wounded by Zielinger? Klein puts out a hand to cover the mouth, has had a yawn, mounted went to Zoutlan Street railless public carriage. „Extra! Extra! ‚In hurricane’ Zielinger will be killed in Beckland!” „Extra! Extra! ‚In hurricane’ Zielinger will be killed in Beckland!” ...... The carriage is just about to go, Klein heard sound this of newspaper boy also to originate from the invention of Great Emperor Russell suddenly. Gawked, Klein has hurried to pull out 1 penny coin, dispatched out of the window, has bought «Thengen Morning paper», many passengers have also made the similar choice. Launched the newspaper, Klein saw the front-page news

immediately: «Big Pirate Zielinger Was killed by Duke Bodyguard in Beckland» Zielinger did die? Does Mister Ards do? Klein was lost in thought that and spat trough: As secret boss of this matter, I am looked unexpectedly the newspaper knows the result......   

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LM :: Volume #1 #193: Coming to the end   

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The concerned Zielinger news is not long, has explained clearly the time, place, character and result, the content is shorter, the matter is bigger. The matter that capital Beckland 89 : 00 pm last night had, Thengen City this morning had the newspaper to disclose, the communication speed of this world was not too slow, this was the outstanding contribution of Great Emperor Russell...... Un, definitely was the aristocrat and congressman who attended the dance party has given certain the reporters of being on good terms the news revelation, but some reporters sent back this resounding news with the way of wire have been located in the newspaper office headquarters in other county other cities respectively...... The

morning paper generally is evening's typesetting, midnight prints, in the morning distributes, happen to can make the adjustment urgently, prompt publication...... Depending on this news, today's «Thengen Morning paper» at least can sell over a thousand, this is in the situation of only calculating this city urban district...... The Klein train of thought radiation is thinking, in the heart has also stabilized: „Since ‚in hurricane’ Zielinger will die, that explained that Mister Ards is injured, is insufficient too seriously......” „If quite serious, Justice Enforcer or the Duke of Negan that extraordinary bodyguard he definitely hurried to holds, but meets this urgent condition, ‚justice’ young lady and ‚Hanged Man’ mister will definitely find completely all opportunities to report to me, the latter has not occurred sufficiently proves the matter in the controllable category......” „Un, if before tonight early morning, Mister Ards has not replied in writing to me, or ‚justice’ young lady and ‚Hanged Man’ mister has not implored to me, I once more blow the refined copper sentry, the summon messenger, mails a letter the inquiry......” Relaxes, the Klein's attention put aside from the newspaper, observed the situation public carriage compartment. Rides the person of this type of transportation vehicle to know the word richly majority, received „extra” a moment ago influence, many people have purchased «Thengen

Morning paper», several that now knows were discussing in a low voice: „For a long time is very before very long, General king of He pirate are harming the route, except for facing the fleet of each country can flinch, does not pay attention to the armed merchant marines...... Although Zielinger is listed as one of the not over ten years seven pirate generals, but is actually first by the big pirate who the government kills......” „Said honestly, I was very curious, what did he make to Beckland? When the pirate left the sea, matter that death can foresee.” „After the hope , the extended session has a more detailed report.” „Storms of the above, I want to know that now is Zielinger who Duke of Negan which bodyguard kills, his monetary reward has 10,000 pounds!” „10,000 pounds...... If 10,000 pounds, I immediately resign, buys 2-3 middle-and-small plantations, invests the stock of some colonizing company and railway company, every year enjoys the income fixedly......” „This is only posting a reward of kingdom, Intis, Fusac, Fenpot, as well as some commercial organizations, in ’ Zielinger to ‚ hurricane will post a reward, I desperately hope that has a newspaper to be able these to post a reward the amount to arrange in order completely.” 10,000 pounds? Klein heard absent-minded. Was considered as on the rich wage by him at present, must not eat and drink close 20 years to accumulate these much

money...... Early knows...... Ok, I not possibly do not have the means that to receive to post a reward...... He somewhat loses to fold newspaper, looks to the carriage glass. Arrived this time, he confirmed „in hurricane” Zielinger matter to come to the end finally, that batch of Russell diaries that some this remaining wrap-up work, for example „Hanged Man” will only pay. ............ Beckland, Chowod District. Who wears the black gauze cap thinks. Woll and resting. Dille walks in the street, goes to recent close to to cut down the special money shop. „Money always unknowingly does not have.” Thought to sigh one. Rests deeply has the same feeling to nod: „Yes.” „What is lucky, «Storm Mountain village» this book is quite popular, has the payment for published piece to enter my account one after another, otherwise, I can only look for the family/home clinic or the hospital, was the doctor.” Thinks to satisfy and worry that sighed. Rests the silent several seconds, asked cautiously: „This time investigates Zielinger to affect your author status? After all we they will possibly stare by Justice Enforcer and Night Watcher......” „No, stared can only be you.” Thinks of a chuckle sound said, what „finds the person to go to the police station to report to the police is you, what mailing a letter is you, in criminal syndicate circle and east district certain streets known is also you, but I, think. Woll, was always

recently quite popular best author.” „......” Rested stayed evil ways, „, therefore, you were accompanying me these days?” Thought to pull up under hair, said with a smile lowly: „You did not think that this is a very interesting experience? Un...... This experience has given me the inspirations of many creation, my next writes all sorts of stories that a murderer case of coming causes.” Rests does not know immediately should deal with any language, can only proceed in low spirits, incautiously has forgotten the corner, thought drawing by. At this moment, they heard the shout of newspaper boy: „Extra! Extra! ‚In hurricane’ Zielinger will be killed in Beckland!” ...... ? What? Rests thinks bewildered with looks at each other. When the newspaper boy from far to near, has duplicated several, they suddenly awaken. „What? Zielinger did die?” Thinks cannot believe oneself ear simply. „He died unexpectedly! How he will die suddenly!” Resting of that savage pirate is possibly existing is avoiding reverse chases down to be shocking and dumbstruck. This, shouldn't this walk a normal flow? First found the clue, determined that Zielinger goal, then gathered expert, ambushed he, finally was the pirate is killed...... Finally, first step has not been completed, Zielinger died...... Such simply died...... Thinks and rests you to visit me, I think you, as if two marble statues. Crossed for dozens seconds,

rests charges into the newspaper boy fiercely, has bought this morning «Tasok newspaper». This is one of the Ruen Kingdom quantity issued maximum three newspapers. „Wú...... Zielinger truly died, was killed by the Duke of Negan bodyguard...... Goddess, the Duke of Negan bodyguard is......” rests the automatic deafen, not behind „formidable extraordinary” said. Thought to pity looked at good friend one eyes: „You actually entirely believe the description on newspaper......” „Perhaps good, was others ahead of time had discovered Zielinger goal, Justice Enforcer, Night Watcher, Mechanical Heart and high level of military special department jointly completed a successful ambush......” to rest to be startled suddenly, aspirated saying that „we did not need to be worried about anything again, can return lived normally, but avoided the range of beforehand that police authorities as far as possible.” She looked at to think of one, some somewhat disturbed anxieties asked: „You think how many rewards Miss Audrey will pay our, in this case? I know, for her, several hundred pounds are not many, but we have not completed the request truly......” „No, at least we made Zielinger appear on own initiative, reason that he moved eagerly, falls into the ambush, definitely also had our contributions.” Thinks to comfort saying that „by generous of Miss Audrey, even if not pay all rewards, at least will give half.” „Hope is this......”

rests deeply inspired, full is the expectation whispers, „does not know that who can be receives that 10,000 pounds monetary reward......” „Really makes the person envy, if I have this sum of money, I already arrived at sequence 7, sequence 6, opportunity times have missed finally!” Thinks of also a feeling, end the reminder said, „rests, we in a short time do not look for Miss Audrey, when she contacts us on own initiative, Zielinger death hid the detail that were too many we not to know, will look for Miss Audrey likely to make us fall into the danger rashly.” Rests nods first, then stunned said: „How you know that I do want to go to Queen District now?” „You guess.” Thinks of the funny reply. ............ Has bustled about one in the morning, Klein returns to Black Thorns Security Company, reports to say to Dunn Smith: „captain, I am responsible for investigating does not have the issue with some Lanl Oursse's related that people, is only the pure victims, has not involved into related to the unusual event.” The Dunn double elbow simultaneously said on desk: „You temporarily stopped, waited for other people responsibly some finished, traced several of suspicion again with emphasis, we impossible to throw all manpower at this matter, must prevent other thunderbolt.” „Good.” Klein is just about to stand up, enjoys own that lunch, suddenly heard the sound of knocking on a door. „Come.” The Dunn

voice opens the mouth to say mellowly. Twists the hand, the door opens, Roseanne looks around saying: „captain, some people entrusted the duty.” Request duty...... This view aims at Black Thorns Security Company, but is not the Night Watcher squad...... Therefore, who was also bumps into to look for us? Klein has the institute silent to talk to oneself suddenly. Dunn has thought the evil ways: „Can listen, too rejects troublesome.” He reorganized under the shirt, waistcoat and watch chain, goes out of the office, through the room partition, closes up the sofa region of reception hall, Klein and Roseanne curiously follows on the heels. The sofa position sits two women, wears the black soft hat, wears the black long skirt, does not have the unnecessary color. And a stature plump and smooth-skinned, skin is fair, the face has the thin standard mourning band that on the hat lets fall to cover up, the appearance is indistinct. Sees her, Klein somewhat is suddenly familiar, thought where has seen. When he is recalling, hearing another quite emaciated woman saying: „The duty that we want to entrust is, the track and surveillance snow Madame coherence/order, found her crime the evidence.” Snow Madame coherence/order...... Klein suddenly, suddenly where recalled to mind the familiar feeling. That woman who has not spoken is the wife of Congressman Maynard, the New Party big shot’s

daughter. She to own husband slain to accept, is not willing to acknowledge the conclusion of police department, therefore looks for the security company to investigate in private? Hey, suddenly directly had found us...... Klein shakes the head to laugh in one's heart. genius home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: m.   

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LM :: Volume #1 #194: Sinking   

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„Snow Madame coherence/order?” Widow who Dunn clearly knows that Khoy Baron, Thengen City most famous social butterfly. The wife of Congressman Maynard leaned to look has accompanied her to come Black Thorns Security Company emaciated woman one, oneself have not opened the mouth. The emaciated woman of similarly black skirt black hat has considered the evil ways: „The wife of that old Baron yes, snow Madame coherence/order, the Khoy family passed away, she, she......” Has stuttered for several seconds, emaciated woman blurts suddenly angrily: „She is a whore!” Hears this thick mouth, Klein recalled suddenly that oneself saw „small dirt piece”, when timely snow Madame coherence/order

seems like the timid regulations calm performance, this made him believe firmly to the related hearsay several points, in sympathized with the old Baron who had to pass away at heart silently: Did not say that snow Madame coherence/order cannot remarry, but procedure of this making do...... Ai, the before grave of old Baron, feared that has a green lawn...... Dunn does not have the change of expression, sits to the opposite sofa, the voice alcohol and place said: „But this and is she criminal not any relations.” „You are clear, I am also clear, snow Madame coherence/order is very influential in Thengen City, tracks her rashly, monitors her, causes the problem that is unable to solve very much easily and very bad consequence.” „She is a criminal!” The emaciated woman resents saying that „she has caused the death of my brother, but her these lovers have given the police department very tremendous pressure, making them have to make my brother, because drinks wine continuously to indulge in sensual pleasure excessively suddenly the sudden death conclusion, they, they are the criminals!” These...... Klein sympathized with old Baron one second, and has clarified the emaciated woman's status, she is the younger sister of Congressman Maynard. Also is, this type related to the scandal matter, will definitely not lead the maidservant to come up, one of us felt relieved...... He has the institute to nod suddenly.

Madame Maynard has patted under the emaciated woman's back of the hand, the voice low and deep and ice-cold adds: „She is a criminal!” „If you were therefore harmed, I will help you solve, and makes up for your losses.” This expression...... Worthily is the New Party big shot’s daughter...... Perhaps the police department was very confident to my clever result, must yield to her pressure...... Klein unstated criticism. Dunn silent several seconds of say/way: „Good...... My issue, what are you as if assured we to find out?” The emaciated woman nods saying: „Is tobacco dealer person Vickrolle introduction we comes, he commended that you are this profession highest elite, can complete the task that others are unable to complete.” tobacco dealer person Vickrolle...... Is this which? Klein looks subconsciously to captain, finally discovered that Dunn Smith is also the eyeful doubts. I am really silly, why I will expect that captain remembers this matter...... After all I do not remember...... He sighed secretly. Sees two elites „mercenary soldier” to be puzzled, the emaciated woman has made up one: „You have saved his kidnapped son.” Originally is he...... That kidnapping case made me discover the Antigonus family notebook clue...... Klein suddenly. Dunn also said with the slight nod: „I understood.” Sees that the emaciated woman has pledged condition: „You track and monitor that whore two

weeks, even if cannot find her crime the evidence, whom must record to arrive in her home to be a guest, in whose home she went to be a guest, we will pay 50 gold pound for this reason.” „If you can find her crime the evidence, or the clue, we pay 200 pounds additionally again.” This was the large amount request gold/metal...... Klein thinks suddenly oneself only used 7 pounds to make Henry spy collect that many red chimney house materials, unexpectedly somewhat was for a while ashamed. Dunn has thought the evil ways: „Without the issue, we can sign the contract now.” „You need to pay in advance 20 pounds expense.” captain, the manpower was very recently tight, has Lannhose that big case...... Klein has not thought that Dunn Smith will comply with this duty, although he somewhat is quite excited. Madame Maynard nods gently said: „Does not have the issue.” „I believe you, asked you do not disappoint me.” Dunn smiles has not spoken, turns the head to say to Roseanne: „You plan a contract.” When the contract signs, the earnest money accepted, gazes after Madame Maynard and emaciated woman leaves Black Thorns Security Company, Dunn side looked that said to Klein: „This duty gave you.” „?” Vacant of Klein face. Dunn has smiled saying with a smile: „Do not study the skill that track and monitors? This is a very good practice opportunity, just in time in Lannhose case

your responsible some finished.” „Good......” Klein has not declined. Just complied, his train of thought started fast to rotate: According to the stipulation, the half of duty remuneration for services rendered on give Mrs. Oriana, on gives the squad the treasury, remaining by participating in the member equal division, but this request, as if only then I take over...... No matter investigates whether succeeds, guarantees a minimum has 25 pounds income . Moreover the wage receives...... If can find some clues, can obtain the entire 125 pounds! captain is really wise! Dunn shot a look at his one eyes saying: „You look for the skill that Leonard and Frye study track and monitors in the morning, afternoon wrestle curriculum suspends, this week suspends, un...... I think that you should grasp similarly, I will send for informing Gawain.” Looks skill that Leonard and Frye study track and monitors? Felt that is not a little reasonable...... Klein has gawked, in him, the only means that Leonard can use is, plays the Fenpot zither, recited the beautiful poetry, enticed snow Madame coherence/order to go to bed, short distance track and monitoring, but the Frye makings were special, ice-cold, gloomy, this let him where, no matter, will gaze by others, this vivid person did track and monitors? The train of thought goes through many places, Klein replied earnestly: „Good.” Dunn nods gently, walks toward the room

partition, suddenly, he anchors the footsteps, has transferred the body, hesitant evil ways: „Do you remember that tobacco dealer person? How is the kidnapping case a matter?” ...... Originally captain you anything had not recalled to mind a moment ago, anything not clear...... Why you can install so to be so self-confident calm! Klein put out a hand to cover under the face. ............ According to the guidance of Leonard, Klein has not been tracking snow Madame coherence/order anxiously, even if his very clear opposite party lives in the east district Orr Sina street. „Before has not found out the motion rule of goal, the track is rashly easy to have problems, but the independent person's monitoring is hard to observe all matters, only if you do not eat and drink do not sleep do not go home.” This is the Leonard original words, therefore Klein according to his direction, goes to the hunting dog tavern, found some criminal syndicate chieftain, spends 5 pounds to ask him to send under turn to monitor snow Madame coherence/order, records her daily motion. Fortunately, this is can reimburse...... Felt that is layer upon layer is subcontracting likely...... On Friday in the afternoon, Klein attains the report that criminal syndicate chieftain has provided. This said that is the report, is insulting these specialized private detective obviously, the subordinate of that criminal syndicate chieftain does not have an

understanding word, depends entirely on the drawing and mark replaces, then read-only one year of Sunday School semiliterate Boss reorganized and explained by them, looks at the Klein head one intermittently to pull out the pain, good half genius to read. „According to the monitoring, snow Madame coherence/order little went out recently, few guests visit...... Should be receives Congressman Maynard the influence of death case...... These gang members very able, unexpectedly and snow Madame Lun's female servant made the contacts...... Un, she must attend the banquet of this city conservative party tonight, perhaps late goes home very much, perhaps does not go back...... This is an opportunity of practice.” Klein makes the decision quickly, plans to submerge snow Madame coherence/order tonight the family/home that searches quietly. As the Lannhose case he was responsible for the conclusion of part, the suspension of wrestle curriculum, as well as „in hurricane” coming to the end of Zielinger incident, Klein only the remaining two matters will be busy recently \; first, to investigate red chimney house, two were to track and monitoring snow Madame coherence/order, therefore relative free time. Couple of days ago, he received the reply of Mister Ards, in the letter only had a few words: „I have attained ‚hunger of creeping motion’, I recalled something.” This makes Klein determine finally Zielinger is Mister

Ards kills, finally determination this has losing of long life to recall that the teacher is high sequence expert, but he may I ask the opposite party to recall anything with the aid of „hunger of creeping motion”, because Ards does not want to say obviously, if he is willing to share, will directly describe in the letter. In the reply, Klein except for the regards, reminded Mister Ards, „hunger of creeping motion” will earnestly seek the flesh and blood and soul of live person, must find the safe seal means. Moreover, „justice” and „Hanged Man” has not implored to him as before, but Klein no longer worried, understands two members are the monitoring that the scruples possibly have, no matter read aloud rashly reads the honorific titles. ............ The night Orr Sina street, the gas street light shines the smooth path, scarlet moon is being hanging high. Klein that goes out secretly with the aid of „Clown” balanced and agile, were quietly crossed the snow Michio fence. Across the garden, arrives at side the house, he climbs up the running water pipeline, rubbed to enter the balconies in two buildings. This never successful Klein to the childhood crawling tree, was the alternative creation history. Pulled out tarot card from the pocket of black windproof coat, Klein has inserted the balcony crack in a door it, one group turned on the clevis pin gently. „Servants are very negligent...... Has not added the extra lock

unexpectedly, otherwise I can only attempt to turn the window......” Klein silent to whisper, flashed into the room. According to information that the criminal syndicate chieftains provide, he had found the snow Madame Lun's bedroom with ease, twists the hand, sneaks dexterously. The closing up door, he smelled a light delicate fragrance cautiously suddenly, making the person think that the female lets the person bloodlines Ben open/stretch delicate fragrance. Klein one somewhat absent-minded, even felt that the body presented a response. He uses the meditation way to be quiet at once, spat the trough secretly: „This is taking the aphrodisiac, when fumigates with incense?”   

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LM :: Volume #1 #195: „Unlocks expert” Klein   

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Slow several seconds, Klein opened spirit vision, looks all around the room, sees only under the crimson moonlight, the snow Madame Lun's bedroom arranges is luxurious and magnificent. The bedding bag that the thick rug, the spacious space, the velvet makes, is placing the platform of various

types of skin appliances and cosmetics disorderly, is glittering the jewellery ornaments of different radiance, the ajar ajar cloak room, throws the frivolous clothing and suspenders silk stockings on rocking chair at will, is mounting many ornaments of gold thread, 11 have mapped the Klein's eye. But in entire room most appealing eyeball is the oil painting that has not finished, above is exposing snow Madame coherence/order of body, she brown sends like the waterfall, the brown pupil imitates in Flynn the eye of fawn, chaste water sleek/moist, but beautiful curved eyebrows outstanding eye, very nose tender lip, outlined mature feminine charming, both were mixed by a contradictory stance in the same place, actually sent out the astonishing attracting strength. The neck downward, Klein only looked at one, has not looked carefully, this is not the fake formal dress, his opposite party „small dirt piece” looked, what also fears „little yellow rabbit”? His attention by oil painting nearby pigment, tray, paint brush, as well as at the same time whole body mirror of silver-plating attracting. Such combination, such placing, such location, making him have a strange thought that that was this oil painting author is snow Madame coherence/order, but some painter who she did not gang up with. An appearance is moving, stature is outstanding and charming and pure female, strips off the clothing, looks in a mirror,

described itself, record beautiful...... Such scene feeling is strange...... Snow Madame coherence/order rather too narcissism? Klein silent muttered, takes back the vision, starts crime evidence that turns looks for possibly has. According to the guidance of Leonard and Frye, he has worn the black glove, every time turns looks for one, must remember appearance originally in advance, with the aim of recovering afterward. Regarding one „divinator”, this does not have the slight difficulty, if forgot, with „dreamland divination” the skill can recall with ease. Naturally, tonight before going out, he to himself divination, does not have the danger, is quite smooth. This is qualified zealot this matter of doing...... Even if I am „clown”...... Klein spat the trough, spent for nearly 20 minutes to search for the snow Madame Lun's bedroom, had not found any thing that was worth paying attention, also has not seen the least bit spirituality ray. Finally, he stopped before the safe cabinet of room corner. Iron grey it has one meter high, is thick and heavy, exceptionally felt to the person firmly, as if moves in the blasting explosive, do not want to open. „Has the steam era characteristics really...... Inside definitely had the extreme complex machinery combination......” Klein to try to unlock, encountered the failure ignominiously. He advances the matter of safe cabinet temporarily finally, cast off the left hand

glove and takes down wrist section winding citrine to hang to fall. Grips the silver chain, to the spiritual pendulum sagging, Klein eliminates the dryness and heat that in the room the fragrance brings, enters the meditation condition. His eyes pupil transfers the depth, talked to oneself lowly: „This room has the secret room or the hidden compartment.” „This room has the secret room or the hidden compartment.” ...... After seven, the Klein's eye pupil color returns to normal, the vision looked to citrine has hung to fall, seeing it to make anti-clockwise revolving. This expressed the denial. Klein slightly does not nod obviously, leaves the snow Madame Lun's bedroom, according to the flow, turned to find study room, living room, solarization room and other places quietly, but cannot discover the useful valuable clue. Reason that he does not use „the divination staff searching for items method”, because does not know what oneself must look is any thing. Pulls out the tendrils pattern silver pocket watch, he according to opening looked at one, confirmed the time, then returns to the body to turn back the snow Madame Lun's bedroom. Closes the wooden door cautiously, Klein puts out the ceremony silver dagger, spurts gurgles spirituality thinly, lets it with the natural strength union, has sealed off the entire room. He wants „summon”! He must drill into that sincere/heavy safe cabinet with the spiritual body

way, inspects inside goods! „Master does not need to understand the unblanking!” Klein mumbled one in Chinese. Because implored to oneself, all flows can conform to simplicity, did not need that tasteful, therefore Klein put out one to dope the candle of sandalwood, lit with spirituality conveniently, even if prepare sacrificial altar. „I!” „I summoned in the name of my:” „Does not belong to this era Fool, mysterious ruler above grey mist, yellow black king who wields the good luck.” In the incantation sound reverberation Madame in Xuelun bedroom, Klein's spirituality gushes out, with the candlelight mixed grayish white, the light screen of palm of the hand size. His counter four steps, the penetration whooshed, entered above grey mist. Looked on behind eye ancient long table most that tall Beiyi „the gate of summon”, Klein just wants to respond, has been startled suddenly. „Has come in any case, makes divination while convenient, looks whether to discover any clue...... Here, will be removed except for the disturbance, my ability has certain enhancement...... Moreover my body environment, making present divination be equal to the goods that using snow Madame coherence/order has carried along......” he sat, appeared in front the parchment and round abdomen fountain pen. divination what? Klein fell into had pondered: „Does snow Madame coherence/order have the issue?” „No, everyone has

made mistakes, everyone has certain issue.” „Snow Madame coherence/order related to crime?” „...... This is not very rigorous, as the human relations precious flower, mingles among the political circle, involves the matter that some dirty is unable to identify to be very normal...... Moreover is the crime defined by what? The Ruen Kingdom law, is Republic of Intis, or my free heart card?” ...... During the thought tumblings, Klein does not think the delaying time, after all his mortal body also in the real world, therefore, before he plans to confirm one next, to make several related divination. Takes the fountain pen, does not need to write, on his front parchment presents a divination sentence: „John. Maynard's death had the influence of unusual factor.” This is Klein goes to Congressman Maynard family/home, when helps the police are clever, has made divination, then answer was negative. Is grasping the silver chain, making citrine hang to fall only almost to contact the word on parchment, the Klein semi-closure lives in the eye, meditates the divination sentence: „John. Maynard's death had the influence of unusual factor.” „John. Maynard's death had the influence of unusual factor.” ...... Has duplicated seven, he opens both eyes, looks to spiritual pendulum, the pupil shrinks suddenly. citrine hangs to fall is making the clockwise rotation! But the clockwise rotation affirmed! The

death of Congressman Maynard had the influence of unusual factor! Klein stared at spiritual pendulum that was returning to normal slowly, the heart tumbles the monstrous waves: „My then divination was affected, has disturbed......” „Snow coherence/order wife is extraordinary, quite fierce extraordinary? Behind her has such character help, has planned the death of Congressman Maynard together?” „To remove the powerful competitor of this mayor throne, to remove New Party future private member?” Ideas flash through, Klein has written down the new divination sentence: „Snow coherence/order wife is extraordinary.” Is meditates as before seven, as before is „the spiritual pendulum method”, Klein with the aid of own current environment and snow Madame coherence/order some related materials, has completed divination, saw the answer. The answer is citrine hangs to fall in the clockwise movement moves, the answer affirmed! The snow coherence/order wife is extraordinary...... Klein heart one tight, has not delayed again, immediately responded own „summon”, has opened that leaf of mysterious front door. After confusion and dizziness, he saw the snow Madame Lun's bedroom, saw itself. Before Klein partly floats half flight arrives at the unwieldy safe cabinet, finds out the right hand, has extended cautiously. Since snow coherence/order wife is

extraordinary, he must guard against the arrangement of opposite party in the safe cabinet to have the trap. But under spiritual body condition that this type has doped some mysterious space strengths and own majority of spirituality, Klein does not need again divination, only approaches the danger, can obtain the clue major part divination essence is to depend upon stellar spirit body roams through spiritual world to obtain the enlightenment, said simply stems from itself spirituality. Close transparent palm across the thick metal door, Klein has not realized slightly exceptionally. After high and low about has swept, before he suddenly throws, entire spiritual body has drilled into the safe cabinet. In he sees to be divided into three, is placing the standard gold bar and thick bill and a more precious jewelry, has the documents of many deficient title pages, Klein blows up the cheek help/gang, has blown several, cannot open successfully, sees inside content. Un, waits to carry the Mister Ards copper sentry post to try one again time...... Before Klein, has experimented, with spiritual body wraps „Yang flame the spell” completely and „Ards copper sentry post” situation, these two goods can penetrate the barrier, as if turned into half real half illusory existence. The safe cabinet bottommost that matter is quite strange, has only put a black-and-white photo, in the picture is a pretty young man. „Snow

Madame coherence/order beforehand lover? Their was broken up forcefully, snow Madame coherence/order has to marry the old Baron, therefore starts to degenerate, roams on the beds of man, but the deep place of her innermost feelings, but also is retaining chaste lands, whenever quiet at dead of night, will show this picture, shed tears to stroke gently......” Klein to make up a sorrowful miserable romance big play on the brain instantaneously. However, he more looked that more does not suit, because in the picture that young man, as if, the general idea, possibly, grows a little with snow Madame coherence/order looks like...... Snow Madame Lun's Younger Brother? She is extraordinary...... Grass, she is not succuba path? Silk is the same with „setteron”! The Klein heart flashes through together spiritual light suddenly, gives to have a scare him. Before silk, why will stop over in Thengen , because she does have the companion here? Klein careful observation picture, even more thought that young man and snow Madame coherence/order quite resemble. He nearly transparent face makes the expression that contorts one's face in agony, thought oneself had no way to face up to beforehand that again „small dirty piece”. The restraining mood, Klein tried to find out that all around of safe cabinet, looks whether is hiding other thing. Although present he is unable to take up

paper, but passes through the goods with passing through the feeling of air is different, among the goods of different density, the feeling is different. In the fumble, Klein is startled suddenly. He approaches the wall in the safe cabinet that side, touched a cavity, a band! After the confirmation does not have the danger, Klein wormed one's way into, in the line of sight shone upon the grease, to fumigate with incense, herbal medicine powder and other goods, shines idol that a white bone carving has become. This idol palm of the hand size, indistinct is an attractive female, the hair is long, has extended the ankle area, and clear, sturdily is similar to the poisonous snake In the peak of each hair, but also is carving an eye, they or closes/obsctructs Huozheng, dense and numerous. Klein had a scare, „heard that” to some evil different flavor/smell, hurried to withdraw from the band. He understood a moment ago the divination secret room and reason of hidden compartment failure finally! ps: Tomorrow starts to have, asks monthly ticket ~, tomorrow first at noon   

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LM :: Volume #1 #196: Spiritualist mirror( first asked monthly ticket)   

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Klein had withdrawn from the sincere safe cabinet, when did not realize after any issue, returned to normal the condition. „That white bones statue is very evil different...... Although is not dangerous, but inexplicably is also flustered...... could it be that, could it be that is so-called ‚Primordial Demoness’? With evil Spiritual God that ‚Hidden Sage’ and ‚universe dark surface’ and ‚True Creator’ and called?” Klein thinks oneself a moment ago to the snow Madame Lun's guess, immediately clearly those who became aware the white bones statue possibly to represent was which exists. When he ponders, spirituality touches suddenly, emerges not the good premonition. Klein is busy at flying by pattern complicated window, looks to the house path, sees only a carriage under shining of gas street light ray, quickly and sails to the main entrance steadily. Did snow Madame coherence/order come back? In his heart moved, has clarified the origin of crisis premonition. Considered that silk after the female who Sequence Eight „Instigator” turns into, likely belongs to Sequence Seven, but snow Madame coherence/order enlivened upper level Thengen City the circle also many years, the big probability Bits silk was stronger, Klein does not dare to depend „Yang flame the spell” and „Ards copper sentry post” risk, decided to retreat sanely. This is because the former has quantity limit, with one few one, but

deceives „variation solar sacred emblem” this sealed item not to know when once more must wait, is not the critical moment, has other means that Klein does not want to waste, will face afterward also the issue how to explain. He cannot say to Dunn, expert of good intention passed by coincidentally, has helped me conveniently one? Why as for does not use „Ards copper sentry post” , because Klein did not determine summoned „messenger” had the battle efficiency, if others were only the semblance overwhelming power, will only deliver a letter? „Depending on these things of discovery, enough Night Watcher squad sent out a moment ago, why can I with snow coherence/order Madame single Tiao? Can gang up on obviously her!” Klein was emphasizing at heart, ended the summon, whiz one returned to above the grey mist, then wraps oneself with spirituality, crashes in the body of real world. He extinguishes and receives candle fast, relieves the wall of spirituality, moved sideways the snow Madame Lun's bedroom, returned according to the old route, but did not have the time the clevis pin restoration of balcony front door. Slides following the water pipe, from turns out the garden with the main entrance direction opposite fence, Klein has ambushed the next door block, takes the expensive night hackney coach to go to Zoutlan Street. ............ A black skirt actually obviously handsome snow

Madame coherence/order slows pace to return to two buildings, sends the maidservant, has twisted off the gate of oneself bedroom. Her pure water sleek/moist eye pupil concentrates suddenly, shone upon nearly transparently, the slightly not obvious filament, they did not have the spirituality brilliance, looked like the hair of pathological change human race, if did not know existences of these things in advance, or had very special eye, whom did not have to discover them. At this moment, these filaments are cut off completely, let fall toward the ground. Snow Madame coherence/order has narrowed under eye, went to the sincere iron grey safe cabinet the vision. ............ Zoutlan Street 36 th, Black Thorns Security Company. Is curling upwards the leg, Dunn of leisurely and carefree newspaper reading, the expression slightly strangely looks to appearing in own office entrance Klein, silent sighed: „Tonight in the family/home that attempts to submerge snow Madame coherence/order, carries on the preliminary search?” „...... Found the problem?” The Klein serious nod said: „Yes.” „I suspected that the snow coherence/order wife is the demoness cult member.” „demoness cult member?” Dunn puts down the newspaper, is chewing this phrase, asked seriously, „what have you discovered?” Klein has not sat down, the body leans forward, both hands support the desk edge saying: „I saw a picture first, above is a young

man, but looks like with snow Madame coherence/order very much.” If he changes into the female attire, and puts on make-up, the beautiful face and ps, that slightly was equal to snow Madame coherence/order the present appearance...... Klein could not bear is spitting the trough at heart. ’ Silk is similar „with ‚ Instigator?” Dunn grey pupil twinkle, suddenly. They judged silk is very possible before are the demoness cult members. „Yes.” Klein felt that quite complex place, then said, „I afterward drew support from the divination skill, discovery snow Madame coherence/order in the dream in the band of safe cabinet has a white bones statue, it is the beautiful female, but the hair long has arrived at the ankle area, sturdily are similar to the poisonous snakes, the peak also has the eye, is quite strange, captain, this is ‚Primordial Demoness’ image?” Because the security classification is insufficient, the demoness cult material that he can see is few. Dunn had recalled, nods dignified said: „This is ‚Primordial Demoness’ image.” „We must move immediately, control snow Madame coherence/order.” Klein echoes to say immediately: „Un, if snow coherence/order wife is demoness cult sequence extraordinary, I do not think that she will unable to realize some people have submerged her bedroom.” At this time, he flood doubts, blurted to ask suddenly: „captain, seven orthodox Spiritual God

concrete images, only have not replaced why with the symbolic sign, but the evil Spiritual God that I contact at present, has the appearance of kind of person, ‚True Creator’ is this, ‚Primordial Demoness’ is also this, is this one of the God and Evil God differences?” Why will have such difference? Klein has made up an issue silently, but has not said wisely. „This is the God and Evil God difference.” Dunn has given the affirmative answer, then sets out to move toward the pin rail saying that „we cannot delay again, I worried that snow Madame coherence/order flees.” Here, Dunn: „You called Kenry, three of us moved, this can apply for sealed item, snow Madame coherence/order likely incessantly Sequence Seven.” captain, you are really wise! Klein replied without hesitation: „Good.” Then, he slightly curiously asked: „captain, which sealed item do you want to use?” The Dunn recollection and has considered several seconds of say/way: „30217.” Because sealed item after Thengen City that leaf of Chanis Gate are not many, quickly what Klein recalls to mind captain to apply is anything: „Serial number: 0217.” „Name: Spiritualist mirror.” „Hazard classification: ‚3’, have certain danger, needs the careful use, only has three person and the above motion can apply.” „Security classification: Night Watcher full member and above.” „Seal way: Lays aside in the non- light darkness.” „Description: Back

of this mirror is plating mercury, presented three not big cracks directly.” „The investigators of initial contact look at to this mirror time, sees inside has female of a long hair, sob, then, he discovered that this female crawled from the mirror.” „According to experiments to indicate repeatedly, the image majority of times that mirror shines upon are not same, even if the same person looks at it repeatedly, can encounter the different things, the hazard classification is various, but first deals with the person who looks in a mirror.” „, The most dangerous situation is, sees itself.” „If nobody illuminates this mirror, under having ray premise, its every other three hours automatically will reappear an image.” „It does not have living characteristics.” „Appendix: This mirror belonged to Spiritualist, is very ordinary mirror, until one day, this Spiritualist illuminates it, committed suicide strangely.” Truly, after Thengen City Chanis Gate, can sealed item that is used among extraordinary fighting not be many, „30217” is a good choice...... Klein had not said again, immediately runs up to Night Watcher recreation room, shouted „Sleepless” Kenry. Tonight, Gragus takes turns on duty Chanis Gate, the Leonard rest, Kija Duna inspects Raphael Cemetery and other places, the new member results in can arrive on Sunday, therefore, Dunn can only chooses one from Frye and Kenry, considered that snow Madame

coherence/order belongs to demoness cult, is not big with the dead souls relations, he has chosen the latter. Several minutes later, Dunn returns from the place bottom, in the hand is taking one by the mirror of thick black cloth solid package. Honestly speaking, does not know in advance, I could not distinguish it was a mirror, it did not have any spot to expose outside...... Klein and stature diminutive Kenry moved forward to meet somebody. „You are responsible for using sealed item ‚30217’.” Dunn has given Kenry the mirror. Sees this, Klein suddenly awakens oneself is Sequence Eight extraordinary, and has the strength of upfront fight, cannot hide one side to do again purely assisted. Hissing, is a little anxious...... He has traced under the pocket „sinks dormancy spell” and other goods, confirmed oneself prepare completely. „The only issue is, for the convenience climbs up, I have not brought the cane, un, can borrow Kenry, his mirror pistol, was enough.” The Klein train of thought numerous, three people arrive at downstairs, takes the hackney coach to rush to Orr Sina street. On the way, Kenry looked at sealed item in palm „30217”, slightly obviously tight sighs with emotion: „This is my first participation such dangerous motion.” Normally, Night Watcher handles the extraordinary event not to use sealed item. Before went to Morse small town solution strange event time, applied for „variation

solar sacred emblem” guards against the small probability accident/surprise, because the distance was too far, rescued definitely without enough time, but this time, the goal almost can be set that was sequence extraordinary! „Does not need to be worried, perhaps snow Madame coherence/order ran away.” Klein smiles to say with a smile. Honestly speaking, his anxiety were not less than Kenry. A Dunn grey pupil revolution, looked at his one eyes to say reluctantly: „We try not to make snow Madame coherence/order run away.” ............ After more than 20 minutes, three Night Watcher arrived in Orr Sina street, saw the garden and snow Madame Lun's in darkness house, they calmly crawl there, as if anything has not occurred. Klein takes down spiritual pendulum in left wrist sleeve cuff, started fast divination: „Inside has the danger.” „Inside has the danger.” ...... Meditates seven, he opens eyes to see citrine to hang to fall in the clockwise movement moves, the scope and speed belong medium. This indicated that inside has the danger, is not high, but is not low! ps: First asked monthly ticket ~   

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LM :: Volume #1 #197: Motion( second asked monthly ticket)   

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Has the danger, is not high , not low...... This means that snow Madame coherence/order also in house, has not fled...... Klein has gawked, at once wants to understand the reason: He oneself way changes into condition unusual spiritual body to search the safe cabinet with „summon”, searches inside band, has not unlocked forcefully, has not touched other hidden mechanism or any thing, therefore, snow Madame coherence/order had not realized that the secret had been discovered very normally, she only thinks that is which thief enters the inner rooms the burglary, or which private detective accepts the request, sneaks the investigation, but has not had the harvest. In this case, she is not very vigilant , to continue to remain at home, is conforms to the matter of truth and logic. Collision point condition cannot calm down slightly, gives the extreme response, like snow Madame coherence/order of Klein understanding, that is not one can disguise to be afraid and pitiful social butterfly calmly, that is one hides the extraordinary status many years of demoness cult members. If the telephone had been invented, snow Madame coherence/order definitely will hit to some lover acts like a spoiled brat, complained that the Thengen City public security, and implied Madame Maynard...... The Klein daydream a play, told Dunn and Kenry the divination result and guess. „This most draws close to the

inference of reality.” Dunn has pressed second half high silk top hat, the grey pupil looks at the snow Madame Lun's two small corridors deep and quiet, „we anxiously going.” „Why?” Is taking sealed item „30217” Kenry asked one subconsciously. In his match „the Spiritualist mirror” fills to dread, is always afraid this sealed item to have any accidental/surprised condition. Dunn puts on the black glove, looked at Klein one saying: „Still remembers that surrounds and captures ‚Instigator’ the matter of silk?” „Remembers.” Klein ponders several seconds of say/way, „she as if ahead of time realized our nearness, thus made to deal promptly, ran away successfully.” I still remember that afterward replied when captain issue, proposed plan that the firepower covers, this is safely the safest means that but this time is not good, is unable to use, because in snow Madame Lun's house also many innocent servants...... If informs them ahead of time, making them evacuate promptly, definitely will alarm to snow Madame coherence/order, but according to the Leonard lecture, silk can the stealth, must therefore suppose that snow Madame coherence/order also mastered similar extraordinary capability...... Klein one associates to many. Dunn looked up sky scarlet moon saying: „Is good, your reply is good, you intuition under this scene are quite keen.” „We cannot close up rashly, alarm snow

Madame coherence/order, I try the long-distance range to tow her to fall asleep, if successful, you and Kenry go to subdue her, un...... You can decide whether must massacre her, cannot control to solve, own security is the matter of primary importance.” captain, whenever the critical moment approaches, your mentality so is always clear! I am waiting for your words! Klein approved one secretly. In these two months of being together, he in chatting has almost found out the characteristics of their respective extraordinary capability with Dunn, Leonard, Frye and the others, as „Nightmare”, Dunn Smith can in home, or in Black Thorns Security Company, comes and goes out in the dream of entire Thengen City area each sleeping soundly freely. Concrete is carries on what way, related to the respective sequence secret, Klein in detail has not inquired. But that type drags the situation that the person falls asleep directly, has the limit of range, often only appears in the positive/direct showdown. But Klein hear of captain have raised, cannot faceto-face be able to try this extraordinary capability, in hundred meters distance, it can obtain certain effect, but requires the time, needs the process, is unable one to complete, like coaxing the child goes to sleep. At this moment, in Dunn wants „longdistance range” to tow to fall asleep snow Madame coherence/order little, completes the preliminary

control, creates the best aspect to Klein and Kenry. „Good.” Kenry also quite approves of the captain plan. Not again wordy, Dunn looked for the position of corner to lean, closes the eye, gripped tightly both hands, has laid down the head, black and knee windproof coat and half high silk top hat as if integrated the night. ............ In luxurious and magnificent bedroom. Snow Madame coherence/order lies down on the comfortable rocking chair, the whole body is naked, a wisp, the white and tender outstanding stature completely will expose in the air. She has leaned from time to time the head, looks at a that whole body mirror, appreciation inside fills who attracts the strength. Looks is looking, her cheeks spill over the pink, in the eye have the water to drop likely come out, during the expression is blurred is passing strange feeling attached. On the table of her body bank is placing that white bones idol, sturdy such as the long hair of snake as if also becomes in the warm ray and pink atmosphere gentle. , Snow Madame coherence/order looks gradually to the frequency of whole body mirror is getting more and more low, the head bit by bit, the eyelid stops sags freely. ............ Time one minute one second passes by, Klein has thought suddenly a matter, after that is captain snow Madame coherence/order draws in the dreamland, this promptly informs itself and Kenry? So long as he

is separated from „Nightmare” condition, snow Madame coherence/order will regain consciousness, and vigilance has the matter to occur...... Does not know that captain can has a dream gestures to us? Klein looks always returns to pace, not tranquil Kenry, plans and opposite party discussed that this matter, shifts his attention. At this moment, his spirit suddenly absent-minded, saw round huge scarlet moon, seeing under moon to put on the black and captain Dunn Smith of knee windproof coat, seeing a face to stare dull, stature diminutive Kenry. Klein one recognized that oneself is having a dream! I drew in the dreamland by captain...... Originally can also inform like this...... He good to cover the face, but can only maintain the confused ignorant sleepwalk condition, the silly opens the mouth said: „captain?” Dunn nods slightly said: „Snow Madame coherence/order entered dreamland, you can move.” Then, he also stressed one: „Remember, must be careful enough, cannot crude...... Rather misses, do not take risk.” His voice just fell, Klein sees cuns (2.5 cm) shatter at present, in the line of sight heavy shines immediately by in the corner position, is burying the head, grips tightly Dunn Smith of double fist. But in other one side, does not know when stopped pacing Kenry also opening both eyes. They each other have looked at each other one, has selected mutually, simultaneously entered has

carried out the task the condition. Although this is the Kenry primary bitter experience quite dangerous duty, but compares Klein, he is experienced, has joined many official motions, at this time quick on adjustment good oneself, becomes is calm and keen. Naturally, this also has the dark night to „Sleepless” addition factor, why this is also Dunn lets Kenry, but is not Frye with one of the reasons. „Walks.” As Sequence Eight, Klein took on the coordination role, hinted itself teammate. Kenry had not opposed, grasps to bind the thick black cloth firmly the mirror, puts the light footsteps, starts to follow. Klein is getting him, arrived turned the wall before the position, both hands stretches out, covers the slit and bulge, 2-3 next within climbed up the top. He is maintaining the balance of exaggeration, has transferred the body, gets down the waist to search the hand, catches „the Spiritualist mirror that” Kenry lost steadily. Just a contact, Klein's inspiration suddenly one tight, as if in the black cloth is not the mirror, but front door to some dangerous strange world. Really, each mysterious goods of need seal have evil different side...... Klein has sighed with emotion one secretly, looks that the Kenry hands and feet and land climbed up. For the convenience moves, Kenry has placed by cane Dunn, Klein has not intertwined again this. Across the garden, arrives at the house flank, he was the same with before,

following the running water pipeline, rubbed to crawl to two building balconies. Then, he is almost the instinct both feet hangs, the body hangs down, once again received sealed item „30271”. Kenry slightly revealed the surprise to look at one, at once has clearly to become aware the place under. At this time, Klein actually had a scare, the lumbodorsal region made an effort, a left hand brace, turned with ease. „A moment ago what's the matter? Why can I make such movement? Feeling with instinct same...... This could it be that is ‚Clown’ ability?” He tasted a moment ago, thought in practice, oneself displayed „Clown” well characteristics. When Kenry climbs up similarly with ease, Klein „the Spiritualist mirror” will give back to him, pulls open balcony front door that the clevis pin has not locked. Kenry cautiously unties has twined sealed item „30271” the black cloth, lets its mirror surface toward below, according to floor tile. Does not aim at itself and teammate is use „the Spiritualist mirror” regular one! Plugs in the black cloth, draws out the revolver, Kenry follows in Klein behind, the footsteps pass through the corridor very much lightly, before arriving at the snow Madame Lun's bedroom gate. Klein grasps is adjusting the pistol of good runner, opens spirit vision, uses left palm the taking bearing room door knob. He remembers that the beforehand divination result has the danger, therefore does not

dare to have the slight general idea. Reason that the non- scene makes fast divination again , because he knows that in the room has that evil different Primordial Demoness idol, in distance such near situation, oneself definitely will be disturbed, does not depend on the impediment of grey mist, has not gotten possibly the correct and clear answer, but Kenry in side, making him have no way to enter that piece of mysterious space. Silent twists, after the door opens, the one who maps Klein and Kenry eye pupil is the warm gas lamp ray. Then, they saw snow Madame coherence/order in deck chair position, saw her attractive body. Snow Madame coherence/order has not fallen asleep, leans there, the corners of the mouth outlined the faint smile, was looking at rashly two guests of visit. Among the subconsciousness, Kenry crossed palm, photo approaches snow Madame coherence/order with „the Spiritualist mirror”. Klein is startled first, at once escapes the tastes: „Does not want!” He remembers very clearly, another side of deck chair, should the whole body mirror, but now, he has not seen! The second hand beat the free time, „the Spiritualist mirror” had already locked snow Madame coherence/order. However, that snow Madame coherence/order actually a fuzziness, turned into a whole body mirror. Kenry saw in mirror, saw sealed item in mirror „30271”, seeing its aplanatic to illuminate itself.

„The Spiritualist mirror” in appears instantaneously together the form, is unemotionally, gloomy and cold silent Kenry! But Klein hands and feet simultaneously one tight, filament that as if by innumerable not being able to see tying down. Exquisite outline cuns (2.5 cm) outlined by the whole body mirror, threw over snow Madame coherence/order of sleeping robe to highlight. She horizontal two people eyes, said with a smile lightly: „The idol coincidentally side me, I now should only be able the deep sleep to wait for that you kiss awake.” At this moment, the Klein low and deep opens the mouth, has put out a ancient Hermes language word suddenly: „Crimson!” He does not know when holds into left palm in pocket, the finger changes flexible, „sank dormancy spell” top/withstand dexterously. ps: Asked the monthly ticket   

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LM :: Volume #1 #198: Appropriates specially( third asked monthly ticket)   

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The silver spell suddenly becomes ice-cold, looks like crystal that layer upon layer the snowflake piles

up.[ Along with the _ dream] ā Klein hit to tremble, a brain sobriety, the frightened and flurried mood as if short was frozen. He is busy at filling to inject in itself spirituality the spell, and top/withstood the pocket this light silver piece with the finger, fell to the foot. The dark red flame appears in the midair, sound of close reverberation slight and continuous explosion. The tranquil and deep feeling fills the air instantaneously, has covered the less than half bedroom, has covered snow Madame coherence/order and „Sleepless” Kenry, has covered Klein! „Sinks dormancy spell” itself to belong does not divide the goods of enemy and ourselves, normal use time, needs to throw, throws to the enemy. As the matter stands, oneself at most was affected by the complementary waves, being insufficient is unable to resist the enticement that sleeps soundly. But now, the Klein's arm tied down by the filaments of innumerable not being able to see, not having the means to throw the spell, can only by sleeping soundly of own sinking dormancy receiving in exchange snow Madame coherence/order! But similar situation, he had already considered, has prepared, because this involves his specialness, is different in the majority the specialness of low sequence extraordinary. In an instant, the Klein's eyelid has hung, entered unusually sank the dormancy, entered the dreamland, but snow Madame

coherence/order and delay Kenry also similarly presented slow and stop. Under this unusual pattern, Klein retrieved in the dream rapidly, sanely knows oneself were sleeping soundly. As long as related to the compulsory dreamland the effect of invasion and similar hypnosis, he can maintain sober! When encounters the Dunn Nightmare ability is this, when Daly is clever is also this! crack! Klein breaks the dreamland forcefully, revived, only the sleep ties up the innumerable filaments of oneself arm, both legs and body relaxes slightly, no longer ties tight, but whole body mirror nearby snow Madame coherence/order the facial expression is confused, as if will soon get rid of „sinks dormancy spell” the effect but truly not to wake up, Kenry collapsed on the ground, „the Spiritualist mirror” backed off in the, the revolver pistol shot to the gate near. Opportunity! Klein seizes the opportunity of filament relaxation, takes left palm, hit a sound to refer, has lightened pale blue spirituality flame, and fired with it to the front innumerable filament. Meanwhile, his right hand lifts the revolver, took away the trigger continuously. Bang! Bang! Two silver demon hunting bullet drill bore of gun, has shot at snow Madame coherence/order. Klein has not confirmed the result, knee is curving, the lumbodorsal region makes an effort, a tumbling by to Kenry, and has pulled apart a filament of winding. The goal that he opened fire a

moment ago is mainly to inform outside captain, told in Dunn Smith to have the accident/surprise, entered the battle condition, please as soon as possible come to rescue, naturally, if can direct hit snow Madame coherence/order, that be the best result, best development! But Klein does not think that one possibly is Sequence Seven, even is Sequence Six extraordinary has that easy solution. Leaps, the midair burns continuously pale blue flame, that lit filaments, but in this scene visionally, two silver demon hunting bullet has accurately hit the snow Madame Lun's body. crack, crack! Snow Madame coherence/order put on the translucent sleeping robe and partly visible body in scarlet moon like the lake to collapse has dispersed, her nearby whole body mirror split, turned did not arrive at the thumb fingernail size the fragment, hung above the picture frame few as before, each one as if palms of the hand, grotesque palm of the hand. Substitute people? demoness sequence extraordinary capability? The Klein corner of the eye split vision has swept, already get lost/rolled side Kenry, because the filament was pulled apart by his movement, the pale blue flame of midair has not spread. At this time, snow Madame coherence/order disappeared does not see, „sank dormancy” Kenry to extend own both hands, seized own neck, pinched the saliva to flow out, the tongue put out, has not

been willing to let go But in Klein's spirit vision, the nearby does not have any strange thing! He has thought of sealed item suddenly „0271” a description in material: The most dangerous situation is, sees itself! „could it be that Kenry through whole body mirror, saw a moment ago sealed item ‚0271’ did shine upon itself?” The Klein thought flashed, does not have the ponder time and has fished out a silver spell. It assumes the triangle, it is „calms the spirits spell”. „Crimson!” Klein puts out the ancient Hermes language word, while pours into spirituality, threw the spell. Then, under his left hand pressed, touches „the Spiritualist mirror”. He had confirmed with the corner of the eye split vision a moment ago, this sealed item is the upfront toward below, will not shine upon itself. The silver spell of triangle burns the ice blue flame, the gentle and peaceful black has covered Kenry, and has affected Klein. The restless nervousness one dissipates, Kenry pinches the movement of own neck to slow down suddenly, Klein also no longer likely places oneself in the battlefield, but before being similar to sets up bow window at home, is overlooking the time of quiet street, the body and spirit therefore obtains tranquilly. This is change that the Klein hope obtains! At this moment, he entered an extreme peaceful condition, entire world as if only remaining he, no longer has other thing. With the aid of this feeling, in his mind has

flashed through an intuition thought suddenly: Snow Madame coherence/order must attack my right waist! This is „Clown” the foreknowledge ability in fight, Klein holds „the Spiritualist mirror” without hesitation, tumbled toward the left. He just had the movement, one was burning the dagger of jet black flame on the silent thorn to the position that he was at a moment ago, the thorn to his right waist. The snow Madame Lun's form outlined once again. During the tumbling, Klein „the Spiritualist mirror” will lift suddenly, the photo approaches snow Madame coherence/order! He closed up Kenry a moment ago, except for the rescue companion, the main goal is to pick up this sealed item. Otherwise he does not think oneself can support captain to help in the snow Michio person hand, obtains good result „Yang flame the spell” to be used to cope with extraordinary, but the effect might as well bully the dead souls . Moreover the opposite party will not be standing silly, whatever you use the spell. If not really good, Klein can only take risk to use „Ards copper sentry post”. Matter of explanation, when saved the life to say again! However the development of matter must be better compared with the Klein expectation, snow Madame coherence/order has chosen the assassination, has not interrupted he uses to calm the spirits the spell and holding down „the Spiritualist mirror” the attempt. Therefore, Klein has

made instantaneously a simple plan, does not avoid „calming the spirits” the effect complementary waves, enhancement „Clown” the foreknowledge ability, then seizes the opportunity, avoids the attack, shines upon the enemy with „the Spiritualist mirror”! Puts on snow Madame coherence/order of translucent sleeping robe to strike to fail, the match who will pursue the agile tumbling, saw a mirror suddenly, has three not big cracks mirrors. In the mirror wave, appears together the form of female, her head becomes dark to be thick, throws over, has blocked from the face. The Klein left hand shakes, „the Spiritualist mirror” proceeded to slide dozens centimeters along the rug, the upfront toward on. A pale hand stretched out the mirror surface, that say/way put on the female form of white bed sheet women's clothing fast to crawl from the mirror, plunged snow Madame coherence/order. The snow Madame Lun's expression slightly becomes gloomy, brown, the pure eye pupil caught one quiet black. Her all around winds around seven black flame. Whiz, black flame departed, hits the long hair to block from the white skirt female of face. ! The woman has burnt, in mouth sends out the groan of pain, vanishes quickly does not see. Whiz, whiz, whiz! Black flame are similar to bullets, the one close behind the other shot at Klein. The Klein pupil shrinks, tumbling, does not dare to have the slight stop hastily. The

movement that but, he tumbles gradually becomes the detention, because nearly invisible fine laces have twined, is slowing down his speed, is affecting his movement. This simply is „Clown” the difficult adversary of wrestle ability! A black flame scratched the Klein's face to fly, fell on snow Madame Lun's that bed, but, it has not actually burnt, as if can only affect to have the life or to have the spirituality thing. Klein had not rejoiced with enough time oneself evaded that had struck a moment ago, in the mind has flashed suddenly through a premonition. Therefore, he pulls vertebra fiercely, before changing, turns for the rolling. The transparent ice crystal long spear/gun highlighted together suddenly, punctures on the rug, punctured the Klein originally scheduled next position. The white incorruptible spread came, to affect is affected movement Klein by the filament. He hits to tremble suddenly, the body becomes stiff, although can also move, but actually quite slow. Sees side snow Madame coherence/order to coil around the new black flame, in the hand condenses the transparent incorruptible long spear/gun, Klein no longer hesitates, searches into the pocket the hand, has gripped the Ards copper sentry post. responsibility, responsibility, responsibility. At this moment, Kenry broke out of „calming the spirits” and „sank dormancy” the influence, crawled, the vision looked emptily to snow

Madame coherence/order. On his face seems covering a shadow, is silent and strange. deng deng deng, „Kenry” plunged left his recent snow Madame coherence/order. Snow Madame coherence/order the eye narrows the eyes, making the winding around body week the black flame project, shot „Kenry” the body one after another. Pū, pū, pū, that black flame vanished like the snowflake, cannot create any effect. Klein is startled first, at once lifts the right hand, opened fire toward the position that snow Madame coherence/order currently is. Bang! Snow Madame coherence/order dodged ahead of time, throws the incorruptible long spear/gun, however it also stabbed „Kenry”, pierced the clothing of goal, cannot penetrate the skin, cannot make the freeze. Bang! Klein opened fire, snow Madame coherence/order flashed by the shatter whole body mirror, has picked up a fragment of palm of the hand size. She acts continues to walk randomly agilely, avoids the bullet, and with that anomalous fragment photo to „Kenry that” once again throws, making the form of opposite party map in the mirror. Snow Madame coherence/order dodges, while with covering the palm of black flame wiped to the mirror surface. At this time, the Klein radiation the bullet, has to fling the runner, let the cartridge case and pistol crashes above the rug together. He just tumbled to pick up Kenry that the revolver, suddenly

heard teammate's pitiful yell. „Kenry” stopped, bent the waist to start to vomit, has put out the bile, has put out the bright red heart, put out has been burning the black flame lungs and stomach. ps: Third delivers, asks monthly ticket   

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LM :: Volume #1 #199: „Throws dice” success( first asked monthly ticket)   

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The internal organs of beat, yellowish green liquid, the black flame of static combustion, the human body of forward tipping, has simultaneously mapped the Klein's eye, deep brand mark in his mind. The most dangerous situation that in so far duty, he experiences coped is broken Riel Pipa of digestion process, may be such dangerous such terrifying monster, has only created the severe wound of participants, has not made any person sacrifice. Only teammate Old Neil that Klein loses, as well as he has witnessed the official extraordinary death, stemmed from out-of-control, „murderer” or the surreptitious difficult word, or was aiming at the evil Spiritual God, had nothing to do with the concrete duty. But now, his first time saw the sacrifice of

teammate in the duty, such death stemmed from a wrong choice merely. Night Watcher are crazy in the resistance, similarly also in resistance danger. One time makes mistakes, perhaps again does not have the opportunity to make up. Of bang, the Klein's train of thought exploded. He as if enormously was stimulated, partly squats on the ground, lifts the right hand, bang bang bang turns toward snow Madame coherence/order to open fire, lets silver demon hunting bullet across the filaments of innumerable not being able to see, shoots at the opposite party head, shoots at the opposite party translucent resting skirt. , Snow Madame coherence/order was pulled to shift another direction by any thing suddenly likely fast, has avoided the Klein crazy fire. Until five rounds of bullets in the revolver have shot completely, resounds the sound of blank round until the ear bank, Klein sobers, has retrieved the ability of ponder. His heart one tight, replaces the bullet without enough time, discards the pistol directly, searched the palm to grasp one pack of tarot card! ! Snow Madame coherence/order the body fierce side, seeing a playing card to fly, deeply has inserted outer layer of toilet table. Her corners of the mouth outlined, the attractive brown pupil caught the quiet black luster once again. At this moment, she waterfall brown sent to raise suddenly, was received the invisible strength to

move likely. Snow Madame coherence/order has been startled, must avoid again, has been half beat behind, was shaken „Magician that” the wrist loses by Klein playing card the beautiful hair nail on the wall. ! Snow Madame coherence/order pulls apart the hair forcefully, proceeds get lost/rolled, the body fast vanished in the Klein's eye. Also is the stealth...... The Klein finger is clamping tarot card, moves slowly, all around alerts vigilantly. Suddenly, he understood why snow Madame coherence/order must give up attacking a moment ago, why will appear slowly. According to the normal development, Klein does not use „Ards copper sentry post” to have no way to resist this fearful demoness again! Right! Certainly was captain rushes to the nearby! In his heart one happy, the eyeball rotation, the subconsciousness looks to the window. Meanwhile, he has emitted a judgment: Snow Madame coherence/order wants to run away! She on was clear we also to have the companion a moment ago, can drag the companion who she is entering the dreamland, but she does not know that following has also had other Night Watcher, Justice Enforcer, or Heart of Mechanics member! Although she is fierce, but cannot expert of person destruction extraordinary squad! The heart flashes, the Klein wrist/skill shakes, will be clamping tarot card has thrown, throws in the window direction. Whiz whiz

whiz! He throws five signs continuously, three blockade windows, two change to the throwing knife, cuts to the entrance. crack!!! In glass shatter sound, two tarot card one after the other deeply insert the bedroom door that partly opened, but Klein achieved wishes to hear the sound of dodging. He shakes wrist cast off once again, with „Clown” the intuition, threw the playing card toward some gate side position. The playing card is having sharp sound from out of the blue, approached there high-speed, helpless has drilled into the hard wall, but the form fast outlined in the air together, puts on snow Madame coherence/order who the translucent sleeping robe, brown sends the brown pupil. Snow Madame coherence/order just an exposition, the eye pupil suddenly lost the appearance, as if stood is entering sank the dormancy. captain...... The Klein vision sweeps, has not thrown the playing card eagerly, because he knows that snow Madame coherence/order can work loose the dreamland quickly, if cannot cause the fatal damage to her in liangsan seconds, the opposite party forcefully will escape. Nightmare under such distance, itself easily was worked loose! The knee is curving, Klein tumbled fiercely to the side front, partly lay on the ground, the elongated right hand, held the upfront toward on „Spiritualist mirror” edge. Then, his wrist/skill shakes, before oneself arrived by the

mirror surface photo, „30271” has flung sealed item, faced snow Madame coherence/order to fling directly. The snow Madame Lun's body has shaken, the appearance in brown pupil quickly returns to normal, the vision had also found the focal distance. But what is more sober than her is earlier, her body surface appeared clear and firm incorruptible. However, she has not seen the playing card that flies, or silver demon hunting bullet, she only saw a mirror from far to near, only saw in that mirror to shine upon itself both pure and charming appearance. That attractive face becomes twists suddenly, above presented the wrinkle, presented the bloodstain, presented the rotten mottling. „No!” Snow Madame coherence/order exudes together the sad and shrill cry, like witnessing the death of love. Her skin caught rapidly dark green, the corner of the eye has the yellow sanie to flow out. Leaps, snow Madame coherence/order from inside to outside burns the peaceful black flame, seems driving out anything. Outside the black flame has had thick incorruptible, is manufacturing to sink likely the coffin of dormancy. Filament winding that not being able to see, superimposed the naked eye obvious luster finally, they will be incorruptible wrap in within/inner layer by layer, as if has had the giant silkworm cocoon. Thump, thump, thump, sealed item „30271” fall to the ground, tumbled forward several,

stops Madame in Xuelun that hugeness „silkworm cocoon” side. At this time, the sound of kuāng dāng got up, Dunn dashed the window frame, turned into the room. He looked at one to lose aura Kenry, the expression sinks suddenly. At this moment, „silkworm cocoon” cracks, ices coffin cuns (2.5 cm) to disintegrate, the black flame turns into the fluorescence, disperses toward all around. The snow Madame Lun's skin color returned to normal, both eyes slightly are exhausted, but does not have exceptionally. In her pupil shines upon has been lying as before partly Klein, shone to put out a hand the holding down forehead, closed Dunn Smith of eye. Invisible ripple swing, the snow Madame Lun's eyelid cannot stop crashes, but under the Dunn black thin windproof coat, there is a poisonous snake thing to wriggle one after another. Understands that captain could not control snow Madame coherence/order to be too long, like that time coped with monster, Klein was a tumbling, works lost a moment ago on the rug, own that revolver. His left hand grasps three silver demon hunting bullet, knew extremely well has squeezed in the bullet hole. ! The Klein closing up runner, has stood, both hands grasped the spear/gun to aim at snow Madame coherence/order, has aimed at her forehead. Bang! He by „Clown” ability is controlling the body, took away the trigger. Silver demon hunting bullet

flashes, accurately has hit „fixed target”. The snow Madame Lun's forehead presented a bloodstain, but the bullet has as if passed through many invisible hindrance, lost the most strength, cannot lift the skull of opposite party. Klein linked two spears/guns without hesitation, seeing the snow Madame Lun's eyes to open suddenly. Bang! Bang! The blood rain along with lemon spot dispersing, might be called snow Madame coherence/order of outstanding person turns together has been able to make each man make the broken skull female corpse of nightmare. Her „substitute person” has used up before. Hū, shouts, Klein both hands sagging, the revolver referred to slantingly, breathes heavily the thick air/Qi, but only remained snow Madame coherence/order of half head to reverse to the ground softly, the stature was as before outstanding, the skin was fair, but young and fresh-looking. Dunn is straight the body, opens both eyes, according to will have put on the hand of forehead, the expression is somewhat pale, he has not been injured obviously, actually as if excessive loss of blood. „If not she wants to kill 12 individuals to run away again, if not sealed item ‚30271’ shine upon her time, just presents her appearance, perhaps we can only wound her......” Dunn to go forward gradually, have arrived at side Klein's, voice exceptionally low and deep. If not I have the special place, the fight just

started for several seconds, I and Kenry simultaneously transferred...... Klein side looked at the eye calmly to lie down Kenry in black ashes, aspirated saying: „captain, Kenry......” „I know that......” the Dunn voice sinks replied mutely, „is I made mistakes, had been hoodwinked by snow Madame coherence/order, has not thought that she quietly had already been separated from the dreamland.” He, stern again said: „But, you must be familiar with, Night Watcher dies in the duty is a normal matter, perhaps next is I.” Klein is silent is not knowing how should reply, the Kenry both eyes of vicinity open, is looking at the ceiling emptily. „may the Goddess bless you, making you obtain true sleeping soundly.” Dunn arrives at side Kenry, has drawn scarlet moon in chest. Then, he has squatted, closed up the eye of member. may the Goddess bless you, in the tranquil dark night no longer has the danger and crazy...... Klein also draws scarlet moon, in prayed at heart silently. Crossed for several seconds, he forcefully takes back the vision, asked low and deep: „Is captain, now clever?” Dunn slightly does not nod the head obviously said: „Do not attempt to inquire that ‚Primordial Demoness’ related matter, this is dangerous.” „I will defend in side, does not make the accident/surprise disturb you.” Klein has not delayed again, pulls out various materials, the rapid prepare the sacrificial altar,

started cleverly. Read aloud to read the incantation, he retroceded, used „dreamland divination” skillful say/way: „Snow Madame Lun's partner.” „Snow Madame Lun's partner.” ...... After seven, Klein enters the dreamland, saw dusky world the spirit in snow Madame Lun's. He moves transparently to this, illusory spiritual body, sees at present changes suddenly. That is some place of night, puts on the black to wear snow Madame coherence/order of hood long gown a bronze ancient book has given the moon-face genially „Instigator” Terris, and in hearing the question in opposite party name after „Witch”, slightly nervously lowly said with a smile: „Aren't you have been very strange? Felt strange why our high levels are the female......” Also is really demoness cult...... The guess of Leonard fully conforms to the truth, does he really have very big secret...... „Assassin” and „Instigator” Sequence Seven of correspondence is „Witch”? Real pit...... Klein wants to say spontaneously. Following close on, the scene change, Klein was seeing a profound hall, saw the high place narrow and small window, seeing one to throw over the female of white holy long gown. She carries to snow Madame coherence/order, said with a smile: „So long as closes up ‚primary’, we can obtain Saint, has been stiffened, has been redeemed, evades the final end.” Snow Madame coherence/order lowers the head, the doubts asked:

„Why may probably turn into the woman, because ‚primary’ is a woman?” „Is the could it be that woman symbolizing destruction and disaster?” The back to snow Madame coherence/order, making Klein unable to see the female who appearance replied calmly: „No, the man is also same, they are the synonyms of war, this is two close sequence.” ps: First asked the monthly ticket

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