Lotf Project

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 927
  • Pages: 3
Character Section (Groups will choose one)  Facebook Profile • Create a Facebook profile for one of the characters in Lord of the Flies (digital or on paper). This profile will need to include: a profile photo, at least three status updates, a personal info section (relationship status, etc.), biography (about me section), personal quotes, and friends list. Create the profile on a piece of poster board and design it to look like an actual Facebook profile page.  Journal Entry • Write a journal entries from one of the main character’s perspectives in Lord of the Flies (amounting to at least two pages, typed total). Be sure to chronicle the character’s entire stay on the island and include key events from the novel.  3 newspaper accounts of the characters’ return • Imagine you are a journalist covering the children’s return home. Write three different newspaper articles regarding their return. Feel free to include portions of interviews of any of the surviving characters. How would the rest of the world react? Research and Analysis Section(Groups will choose one)  Research the symbolic meaning of pigs in various cultures  Research the use of ceremonial sounds in various cultures around the world  Research the connection between clothing and civilization  Research Golding’s life  Choose a topic to be approved by your instructor Research and write a 1 ½ to 2 page paper on one of the topics above. The paper will need to describe and analyze your chosen topic incorporating at least two outside sources. We will be working in the computer lab to compile sources as well as discussing how to write use MLA format. All papers will need to be typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, and have a works cited page. Creative/Performance Section(Groups will choose one)  Music • Record island sounds  Record various “island” sounds to create a soundtrack for the novel. • Compose music score/ anthology  Create or compile music to create a score or anthology for the novel. Be sure that each song or selection represents a significant event in the novel.  Video/Skit • Survivor talk show Imagine that the boys have just returned home after their rescue. Videotape interviews with the major surviving characters appearing on a talk show to relate their adventure to the TV. audience. Use events from the book. Write a one-page paper explaining the significance of the events you choose to share with the TV public. • Trial for Simon or Piggy’s murder Videotape a grand jury preliminary hearing determining whether there is enough evidence to investigate Piggy’s or Simon’s death as a murder. Use actual characters and details from the book, as well as your own characters for your grand jury and court personnel. Write a 2-3-page script for this video. • Skit: The book in three min.

Transform and condense the novel into a three minute short to be shown or performed in class. This short needs to be complete with costumes and props. Be sure to include all the significant characters and events of the novel. Write a 2-3 page script for this video or performance.

 Art •

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Character masks Design a mask for one of the major characters in Lord of the Flies. The mask needs to incorporate the likeness and symbolism associated with the character. Replica of Coral Island Create a replica of Coral Island in Lord of the Flies based on details from the story. Your replica must include: the scar, the beach, castle rock, Simon’s hideout, the mountain and signal fire, the paratrooper, the huts, and the lagoon. Graphic Novel (3 chapters) Create a graphic novel based on three chapters from Lord of the Flies. The novel will need to be at least four 8 ½ x 11 pages in length containing at least four panels per page. Your novel will need to include the significant events and characters from the novel as well as detailed images and dialogue. Replica of the Lord of the Flies Use descriptions from the novel to create a 3-D replica of “The Lord of the Flies”. Choose your own and have it approved by your instructor

* 1 page reflection for the creative portion

Due Dates: Week 1 Oct 26th – 30th: Week 1 will focus on the research portion of the project. A printed rough draft of the paper will be due Friday, October 30th. Week 2 Nov 2nd – 6th: Week 2 will focus on finalizing the research portion and completing the character section. There will be a rough draft of the character section due Friday, Nov 6th. Week 3 Nov 9th -13th: Week 3 should be the week that all projects are in their final stages. On the last work day, I will meet with each group to evaluate their progress.

All final projects and checklists will be due the week of Nov. 16th. The majority of this project will be worked on outside of class. However, Wednesdays will be “in-class” work days. This will be time for you to work with your group in class. However, if I see that students are not taking advantage of this time, we will return to normal class work and students will not be permitted to work on their projects during class. I am available after school until about 4:30 pm or before school Tuesdays and Thursdays if students need to meet to work on any part of the project. I can provide video cameras and other resources if requested in advance.

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