Lot Constitution -posted Revisions-

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The Constitution of the Leaders of Tomorrow University of Central Oklahoma Revised 11.06.09

ARTICLE I AME The Name of this organization shall be Leaders of Tomorrow (referred to as ‘LOT’).

ARTICLE II PURPOSE The purpose of Leaders of Tomorrow shall be to provide and aid in fostering the development of the ideals and mentalities of servant leadership, to provide support in the area of service to the University of Central Oklahoma and the surrounding communities, and to act as a recruitment tool for the University.


Eligibility Membership shall be open to all current UCO students who have been selected for and who are receiving the Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) Scholarship without regards to race, color, age, sex, national origin, religion, sexual preference, disability, or status as a veteran. Regular voting members must be UCO students.

Section 2

Member Selection

Impending College Freshman: Recipients of the Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship shall be selected each Spring through an application process open to incoming freshmen. These students are selected on the basis of a minimum grade point average of 2.75, American College Testing (ACT) score of at least a 20 or an SAT score of at least 950, and proven involvement and achievements in the areas of community engagement and servant leadership. Upon receiving the Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship, the impending student will be capable of serving a term length of eight semesters. A.

Continuing Collegiate Students: Recipients of the Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship for current students shall be selected each spring through the applications process open to any student who has accumulated at least twenty hours of collegiate credit. These students are selected on the basis of current enrollment in twelve credit hours at the University of Central Oklahoma, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, a minimum attainment of twelve credit hours on UCO’s Campus, and proven involvement and achievements in the areas of community engagement and servant leadership while attending the University of Central Oklahoma. B.

Section 3

Duties of Members

Organizational Involvement: All members of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council including the Executive Council shall be actively involved in at least two additional official University organizations, one of which must embody and actively portray the concepts of servant leadership. Approval for said organization shall be required and granted by the Executive Council. If this campus involvement is not fulfilled, scholarship eligibility shall be reviewed by the Executive Council and could result in a “strike” being delivered to the said members’ record. A.

Event Attendance: All members of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council shall attend all required meetings and activities unless the absence is excused by the Executive Council. If the attendance requirements are not fulfilled, scholarship eligibility shall be reviewed by the Executive Council and could result in a “strike” being delivered to the said members’ record. Any and all recipients of the LOT scholarship who are unable to attend the scheduled activity and/or event must fill out and provide an excusal form to the Executive Council the general meeting or the Executive Council meeting prior to the date of the activity or event. In the occurrence of a required event’s date being changed, with notification being less than two weeks prior to the said event, Article 3, section 3 B of the Leaders of Tomorrow Constitution does not apply. B.

Service Hours: All members of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council will be required to attain and document a minimum of sixteen hours of service per semester. These hours can be met through the member’s service organization or through any other service opportunity on campus or in the surrounding communities. These hours must be documented and turned in to the Individual Service Chair. If the service hour requirement is not fulfilled; scholarship eligibility shall be reviewed by the Executive Council and could result in a “strike” being delivered to the said member’s record. C.

Section 4:

Duties of the Advisor All advisor(s) to the Leaders of Tomorrow Council shall provide guidance to the members and to the organization (Leaders of Tomorrow) while establishing and maintaining good relations with all members of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council and with the UCO Administration. Advisor(s) to the Leaders of Tomorrow Council shall consist of at least one full-time faculty or staff member who agrees to serve the council and agrees to be present at each function held by the Leaders of Tomorrow Council. Advisors to the Leaders of Tomorrow Council shall be responsible for ordering yearly awards, graduation medallions, performing regular grade checks, reserving rooms for the General and Executive Council meetings, and inform any recipient of the LOT scholarship of a “strike” that was delivered to said member’s record. The “strike notification” must be delivered verbally and by means of a hand delivered written notification.


Compliance By accepting the Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship, recipients are agreeing to and stating that they shall abide by any and all agreements and/or laws outlined in the scholarship application, LOT agreement, University Regulations Handbook, and this Constitution.


Offices The offices held shall be: Chair (President), Deputy Chair (VicePresident), LOT Service Chair, Individual Service Chair, Unity Chair, Alumni Relations Chair, Logistics chair, Leadership Chair, Senator, and New Members Chair. These offices shall constitute the members of the Executive Council and shall have (1) vote per office held during Executive Council meetings.

Section 2

Term Limits These offices can be held consecutively by an individual member with a maximum of (2) offices per individual member per term. A term consists of one election cycle. Term limits of no more than (2) election cycles shall be observed for all offices. Following the second term in a given office, the former chair holder is no longer eligible to hold that office, but may also run for a different office if he or she so desires.

Section 3

Officer Duties


Chair (President): 1. Shall preside over and facilitate all meetings. 2. Shall set up committees as deemed necessary. 3. Shall act as an administrative liaison. 4. Shall exist as a point of contact for the Leaders of Tomorrow Council and to all outside social and collegiate entities. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual council members elected position. 6. Shall be responsible for maintaining and preserving the Executive Torch. 7. Shall partner with all Executive positions/chairs to insure the success of that position by working towards said chair’s Goals. 8. Regularly meet with the LOT advisor to maintain relations with Administration. 9. Shall preside over the LOT initiation Ceremony. 10. Shall maintain and be responsible for the LOT Book and Credo.


Deputy Chair (Vice President): 1. Shall assist the President in his or her duties and preside over meetings when the President is not in attendance. 2. Shall perform the President’s duties if the president is temporarily unable to perform the duties of President. 3. Shall become President if a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of President. 4. Shall exist as a point of contact for the Leaders of Tomorrow Council and to all outside social and collegiate entities. 5. Shall undertake and chair the committees for the Leaders of Tomorrow retreat, Banquet, and Christmas party. 6. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council member’s elected position.


LOT Service Chair: 1. Shall oversee Fall and Spring service projects. 2. Shall maintain relations with all service entities associated with the Leaders of Tomorrow. 3. Shall consult Executive Council on all service projects. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual council member’s elected position. 6. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the Chair (President).


Individual Service Chair: 1. Shall collect and review individual service reports (hours). 2. Shall document all individual service reports and maintain a database of all individual service hours. 3. Shall regularly provide the members of the LOT council with service opportunities throughout UCO’s Campus and the surrounding communities. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council member’s elected position. 6. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the chair (President).


Logistics Chair: 1. Shall type and provide agendas at Executive and General Council meetings. 2. Shall call role at General Council meetings, and all LOT activities. 3. Shall record minutes at Executive and General Council meetings. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council member’s elected position. 6. Shall work with the Leadership chair in maintaining, and updating the living historical document of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council, “The Torch”. 7. Shall be responsible for the distribution of excusal forms. 8. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the Chair (President).


Leadership Chair: 1. Shall be responsible for the LOT/Cans for Africa campaign. 2. Shall maintain the integrity and stability of the Leaders of Tomorrow Constitution. 3. Shall work with the Executive Council in maintaining, and updating the living historical document of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council, “The Torch”. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council member’s elected position. 6. Shall challenge and continue the legacy of service and leadership within the council in new ways. 7. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the Chair (President).


Unity Chair: 1. Shall plan events and/or activities that produce a sense of unity within the Leaders of Tomorrow council. 2. Shall assure and maintain the sense of unity within the Leaders of Tomorrow Council. 3. Shall work in coordination with the Alumni Relations Chair to ensure the continuity of past and present members. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council members elected position. 6. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the Chair (President).


New Member Chair: 1. Shall maintain new member relations. 2. Shall act as the voice of all new members during Executive Council meetings. 3. Shall keep new members up to date, while encouraging new members to excel in the areas of service hours, and campus involvement. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council members elected position. 6. Shall be responsible for planning, and executing the LOT composite picture. 7. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the Chair (President).


Alumni Relations Chair: 1. Shall maintain relations with graduated members (Alumni) of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council. 2. Shall serve as a liaison between current Council members and the Council’s Alumni. 3. Shall regularly keep Alumni informed on Council activities, events and progress. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council member’s elected position. 6. Shall assure and maintain a spirit of unity between the two parties aforementioned and actively pursue events that facilitate this. 7. Shall have accumulated four or more semesters as a Council member to be eligible for said office. 8. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the Chair (President).


Senator: 1. Shall serve as the voting member representing the Council in the University of Central Oklahoma’s Student Association (UCOSA) Senate. 2. Shall attend all meetings held by the UCOSA senate. 3. Shall provide regular updates on legislation to the council through whatever medium so chosen by the Senator. 4. Shall establish committees as needed. 5. Shall maintain and record activities, responsibilities, and goals of the individual Council member’s elected position. 6. Shall perform any duties as delegated by the Chair (President).

Section 4

Officer Eligibility All officers must be enrolled at the University of Central Oklahoma. Attainment of offices shall be open to all students who have been selected for and who are receiving the Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) Scholarship without regards to race, color, age, sex, national origin, religion, sexual preference, disability, or status as a veteran.


General Council The Leaders of Tomorrow Council will meet at 3:30 P.M. on the last Tuesday of every month during the Spring and Fall semesters, unless otherwise stated by the chair (president), or Executive Council. All General Council meetings, dates, and times shall be approved before the adjournment of the last meeting of the current semester. All activities and dates shall be announced at the first General Council meeting of the semester. Activities and dates that are not announced at the first meeting will be submitted to and approved by the Executive Council, and announced at the General Council meeting at least one week prior to the activity, in accordance with the student handbook.

Section 2

Executive Council The Leaders of Tomorrow Executive Council will meet at 3:30 P.M., one week prior to the General Council meeting. All Executive Council meetings shall be announced at the first General Council meeting of the semester. All members of the LOT General Council are given the opportunity to attend the Executive Council meetings, but will be asked to leave during the review of excusal forms. Those members of the General Council who choose to attend the Executive Council may address the Executive council at the end of the Executive meeting during open floor.

Section 3

Emergency/Special Meetings The Chair (President) of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council shall arrange emergency and special meetings of the Executive and General Council.

Section 4

Committee Meetings Committee meeting dates and times shall be determined by, and at the discretion of the committee chair. All committee chairs will report to the Executive Council on the activities of said committee.

Section 5

Order of Business All meetings, with the exception of nominations, and elections, will be conducted in a casual and leisurely manner, while maintaining the needed level of respect, admiration, and attention needed to conduct an affective and successful meeting. Full attention will be given to any member of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council, or guest speaker who has the floor.

Section 6

Activity Reports Each member of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council will be required to turn in an activity report before the start of the General Council meeting. If the member fails to fulfill this requirement, he or she will be contacted requiring justification to the absence of said activity report. The Executive Council will then review the member’s scholarship eligibility and then have the authority take no action or to issue the delivery of a “strike” to said member’s record.

Section 7

Advisor Attendance The Leaders of Tomorrow Advisor(s) is required to be present at every organizational meeting. He or She is also required to attend all social and entertainment programs or activities in which a designated chaperone has not previously been appointed.

Section 8

Quorum and Deposition of Minutes Quorum must be established in order to conduct both the General and Executive Council meetings. The Logistics Chair shall record minutes for all of the aforementioned meetings. These minutes are to be made available to all members electronically within (7) days of said meeting.



Allowances: All Elections with the exception of New Member Chair or a vacated Executive office, shall be held the during the spring semester of the academic year during the General Council meeting in March. The newly elected officers will serve for the entirety of the impending academic year. In the case of occupancy of a vacated office, the newly elected officer will preside over said office immediately following the election and will serve the remainder of the academic year. A.

New Member Chair: The New Member Chair will be elected at the first Leaders of Tomorrow General Council meeting of the fall semester, and serve for the remainder of the academic year. Only new members shall be eligible to cast this vote. For any vacated office will be held at the next General Council meeting after the Executive Council Member has vacated office.


Section 2

Order of Business: Nominations and Elections will be conducted in a Semi-Parliamentary process in order to insure a swift nominating and electoral process, and to maintain the needed level of respect, admiration, and attention needed to conduct effective and successful Nominations and Elections. Full attention will be given to the Executive Council conducting the process and to the nominees who have the floor.

Section 3

Election Procedures:

Order of Elections: The order of elections will be as follows: Chair (president), Deputy Chair, Service Chair, Individual Service Chair, Logistics Chair, Leadership Chair, Unity Chair, Senator, and Alumni Relations Chair. The New Member Chair will not be elected until the fall semester. A.

B. Candidate Evaluations: All nominees for the said positions will be allowed two minutes to give a speech as to why they are the best-suited candidate for their nominated position. Following the two minute speech, the nominees will then undergo a three minute questioning by the LOT General Council members. After all nominees for the said position have finished their questioning they will then be asked to leave the room.

C. Candidate Considerations: The council will then select one member of the council to speak for no more than one minute in Favor of the candidate, and one council member to speak in Opposition to the candidate. In the case that the nominee runs unopposed he or she will not be spoken in Favor of or in Opposition to, rather he or she will only be required to deliver a speech and be questioned. Section 4

Appointment of Officers Officers shall be popularly elected by a majority vote of the silent ballot cast in each election. In the case that no candidate receives the majority vote, the deciding vote will be cast by the Leaders of Tomorrow Chair or the next listed position in the Executive hierarchy. The last Executive Council meeting in April will be run by both the abdicating Executive council and the newly elected Executive council. The Last General Council meeting in April will be presided over by the newly elected Executive Council.


Succession and Vacancy:

Chair (President): In the case that permanent vacancy occurs in the office of Chair (President), the Deputy Chair (Vice President) will take office as the Chair. Elections will take place at the next General Council meeting for the office of Deputy Chair. A.

All Other Offices: In the case that a permanent vacancy occurs in the office of Deputy Chair, LOT Service Chair, Individual Service Chair, Logistics Chair, Leadership Chair, New Members Chair, Senator, or Alumni Relations Chair, elections will take place at the next General Council meeting for said office, and will follow all guidelines set forth in this Constitution. B.


Grounds for Impeachment Any member or Advisor of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council who fails to uphold the standards of this council by not properly fulfilling his or her duties as set forth in this Constitution can be impeached and removed from the Leaders of Tomorrow Council. Failure to uphold the best interests of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council, or failure to fulfill Council requirements shall be up to the discretion of the Executive Council, and may result in the termination of membership. The power to remove any member or Advisor will rest solely in the hands of the Executive Council.

Section 2

Request for Impeachment: Any member or Advisor of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council may bring written charges with a valid anonymous complaint to any Executive Council member. The Executive Council will review the charges brought forth and deliberate on the actions that need to take place. The Executive Council will then have the sole authority to either take no action to further review the charges, or to initiate the Impeachment Vote process.

Section 3

Impeachment Vote: A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Leaders of Tomorrow Executive Council members shall determine the outcome of the impeachment charges. If the Impeachment Vote is in the Affirmative, the said member of Advisor shall immediately be removed from the Leaders of Tomorrow Council.


Proposal: Amendments to the Leaders of Tomorrow Constitution shall be proposed by any member of the Executive Council, or a petition of thirty or more Council members. A hearing on said amendment proposal shall take place during any Executive Council meeting. Following a majority vote of the Executive Council, the said amendment shall be brought before the General Council.

Section 2

otification: All amendments to the Leaders of Tomorrow Constitution approved by the Executive Council must be presented during a non-election General Council meeting. A vote on said amendment shall be brought before the members at the next General Council meeting. All amendments shall be published electronically for at least two weeks before the vote is to be held.

Section 3

Ratification: All amendments to the Leaders of Tomorrow Constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote cast in a General Council meeting. The amendment shall be submitted in writing and approved by the Director of Campus Life before taking effect.


Conduct Process: All misconduct issues and problems which violate University policy shall be reviewed and dealt with by the Executive Council.

Section 2

Excusals & Appeals: An application to be excused from Leaders of Tomorrow activities or events must be obtained via e-mail from the Logistics Chair to request/justify your absence from said events or activities. The Applications/Excusal Forms will be reviewed by the Executive council. The Executive Council will then have the authority take no action or to issue the delivery of a “strike” to said member’s record. Excusal forms must be filled out and submitted the Friday prior to the event or activity. Failure to fulfill this requirement will result in a strike being delivered to said member’s record.

Section 3

Disciplinary Actions: If for any reason, fulfillment of any and all requirements placed upon the members of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council is not met, a “strike” will be issued and delivered to said member’s record. Every “strike” issued will be immediately followed by a letter informing said member of the issuing of the “strike”, for what reason the strike was issued, and the number of total “strikes” said member has accumulated. The letter will also inform said member that he/she may schedule a meeting with the Executive Council if said member desires to do so. If a member of the Leaders of Tomorrow Council accumulates a total of three “strikes” during the entirety of their time on council, said member will be removed from council and their scholarship revoked.


Finance: Monies collected and dispersed for the organization will be deposited and handled though the UCO finance office, unless previously under management of the Office of the Executive Vice President.

Section 2

Interpretation: In case of conflict which necessitates authoritative interpretation of the meaning of this Constitution that cannot be resolved within the Leaders of Tomorrow organization, the said conflict shall be submitted to the Director of Student Life upon appeal. Original jurisdiction on any irresolvable conflict shall be given to the Executive Vice President.

Section 3

Resolution: This Constitution of the Leaders of Tomorrow organization shall take effect upon approval of the Director of Campus Life, the UCO Student Association, and the Vice President of Student Affairs.

ARTICLE XIII PUBLICITY The president and the Executive Council shall be the official spokesmen for the Leaders of Tomorrow organization. General inquiries of a member by the press or college agency, concerning the organization, shall be referred to the Chair (President) or Deputy Chair (Vice President). All publicity, news releases and/or newspapers concerning UCO and the Leaders of Tomorrow organization must be cleared through the Public Information Office/University Relations.

This document verifies that the Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) recipient listed and signed below has been informed and agrees to adhere to and is stating that he or she shall abide by any and all agreements and/or laws outlined in the scholarship application, LOT agreement, University Regulations Handbook, and this Constitution.

____________________________________ Printed ame

*________________Student ID umber

____________________________________ Signature

__________________ Date

____________________________________ Witness

__________________ Date

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