Lost Legend Super-mind Profile

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The Vault is $2,041 and Releases October 5, 2008 Enclosed is a Product Sample Plus Invite To Participate in a Live Demonstration And 18 Week Tela-Seminar Page #1

The Only Reason People Buy Leads and Hammer The Phones at Night is Because No One Taught Them How To Sit in Front of Thousands of People Who Eagerly Awaited Their Next Marketing Genius Diane Hochman Figured This Out Most People Aren’t Diligent Enough To Also Un-Lock This Secret

Mike Dillard and Joe Schroeder Figured This Out Most People Aren’t Diligent Enough To Also Un-Lock This Secret

Dani Johnson and David DiAngelo Figured This Out Most People Aren’t Diligent Enough To Also Un-Lock This Secret

The $100,000 Per Month Earners Did The Home-Work Most People Aren’t Diligent Enough To Also Un-Lock This Secret

What Exactly Did The 3% Figure out That The 97% Never Took The Time To? Could you even handle the truth if the Truth Was Given?

Are You Ready?

Million Mind March

Tony Robbins Was Robin Byrne Was Leonardo DiVinci Was Oprah Winfrey Was Ready Are You “Too Busy” For This?

$100K Vault Page # 2

The Legend Behind The Vault I was a crazed mule. I had psychotic focus. I was the embodiment of hard work and burning the candle at both ends. I write to live and lived to write ad copy that pulled like crazy. I was a rain- maker in the making I knew it. I wrote sensational e- mail sales scripts ripped with my own regal attention to detail. Top shelf stuff. Some tanked, but as things hummed along, they started to boil like mad and reams of cash orders flew into my wife’s (man she was patient) bank account.

Magazines editors started ringing off the hook, droves of downlines flipped from what they were doing and into our program. I had the Tigers edge, the guts to fight my own mediocrity and in the end, I had “won the mob.” Greg Drake called for help. Mike Dillard called for help. Jimmy Vigilante and Diane Hochman. Tim Berger and Robert Blackman. Magazine called.

Everyone Asked Me For The Secret Combination To The Vault, They All Asked, “What’s the Combination?”

And My Answer Was . . . The Combination To The Vault is . .

Page # 3

Keys To The Vault: Cracking The Code Lock Combination: 7891389116781

Here’s my answer. Think with me here. Lesson up. Let’s say there is this big bank vault. It’s iron cased. It’s black and it has a 13-digit combination lock. All tolled, that means there are literally Millions of possible combinations. In marketing, we call those “variables.” So anyway, of all of those Millions of possible combinations, only one will open the bank vault. Then, I walk into the room and I spend ten (10) years tinkering and futzing with the blasted thing. I try every cockamamie possible combination. I writhe in frustration, quit my F/T job, almost lose my family, I get so manically focused that I forget to pay my own bills, heck, I’m so into this that I no longer even have a job anymore!

But alas, I strike Gold. The vault opens. I crack the code and the Mother Lode tumbles all out and we get to split the Money. Bingo.

Then suppose I give you the proper combination? I jot it down for you. Think about what this is. What cost me ten (10) years of my life and I fork over to you for a lousy $2,041 bucks.

Maybe the 13 digit combination is 7891389116781. What then!

Here is 22 Pages from The 897 Pages VAULT Program Plus There Are Six Hours of Lock-Smith Audio CDs. Page # 4

Here Are Just a Few Pages

The Vault is 897 Pages (Both home delivered and digital)

The Vault is Six Hours of Audio The Vault is $2,041 Dollars

Here is Information That You Don’t Know That Has Separated You From Earning $100,000 Per Month Here are a Few Free Pages

Some Pages Are UP-SIDE Down On Purpose To Annoy Those With No Time And Patience To Actually Print And Study What You Are About to Here Are 32 Pages Which Will Prepare You For The Total Discipline of The Lost Legend Page # 5

“Win The Mob and You Win Your Freedom!” In the blockbuster movie classic, “GLADIATOR,” starring Russell Crowe, who plays the hero who has been captured, who used to be a GENERAL in the Roman army, and is now a captured “slave,” is now forced to FIGHT in the coliseum. So the General (Russell Crowe) is standing there, with the “head” Gladiator,

who is now a free man and earns money capturing and teaching new

Gladiators how to fight, and his mentor is telling him, the EX-Gladiator who now runs the shows in the coliseum for Casaer, he says “Win the Mob and You Win Your Freedom.” The General looks confused and Russell Crowe pipes back, “what does that mean—how?” The freed man,

his Gladiator teacher says, “The day you can get the multitude of

20,000. who will sit and watch you fight, the day you can get them to CHEER your name, because you are winning and because you are strong and because you CANT BE KILLED and the crowd loves you, the day you can win-over the mob, the king, who is CASEAR, will come down, touch you with his sword, lay it on your shoulder, give you a wooden sword, which will be your symbol of your now acquired and new freedom, and you will be allowed to leave and walk freely again.”

Gladiator Therefore, if you win the mob, as Joe Schroeder has, you can gain your freedom and . . . ?


Work from home. Do what you love. Be the artist. Be one with the mob. Have 10,000 friends. Have total lifestyle. Be the Hero! Get paid to be a hero! Experience bliss. Have serious income.


Be remembered.


Share your love.


Be the Rock-Star. Make a few Millions.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Page 6

The Lost Legend The $100K Boys Club The Lost legend is the culmination of the hidden working order——on a magical scale —–of some of the greatest marketers in the past fifteen years. Within the legend, their “X” factor and uncanny and almost “weird” success, as their legend suggests, can be threaded back to a wisdom principle founded through Glenn W. Turner, Ben Franklin and ultimately through King Solomon who wrote the book of Proverbs. Between 1996 and 2001 the assembly within the “Boys Club” are today’s who’s-who on the internet:

The Boys Club consisted of Joe Schroeder, who founded Star-Link Nation, Jimmy Vigilante and Steve Sigman (who founded today’s biggest social Networking social media program, Wowwza), Yanik Silver, who back during this adventure over a decade ago was polishing and pioneering affiliate marketing inventing content distribution, Rich Reckenbeil (Big-Action-Media) who during the “Boys Club” was pioneering software for what would later take over the net with “Straight-Line” downlines and of course there were Robert Blackman, who now has his own monopoly with “MLM Master-Mind” and Dale Calvert who back during those mysterious meetings was doing over $2M per month in sales. Today the flame remains lit by Diane Hochman. Mike Litman was also a “fly on the wall” (and whose first e- mail name was given to him by Schroeder ([email protected]) back during the days of the order and legend and who later went on to become #1 at Amazon with his “Millionaire” book. Coincidence or historical “$100K Boys Club” formula? Therefore the question remains, “What was uncovered within the boys club and what was shared

amongst them and traded back and forth within their chamber of capitalism that resulted in each one individually creating their own legend?” Some flagrantly say it was a fluke. Others, to this day, follow this group and participate in the philosophy and are teaching segments of “The Lost Legend.” Note second generation (2005) Legend Mike Dillard. Note in his books how he mentions founder of the “Lost Legend” Joe Schroeder—–MLM Big Fish himself, as his inspiration. Once again, coincidence or formula? Also note the striking similarities between the staging and oratory prowess of a Diane Hochman (first generation) and second generation Pioneers such as Dillard, Drake and Kristen Darkenwald. Then you can compare back and see the similarities between Yanik Silver and Mike Litman. Were all of these man giants and future queens of the Internet also birthed by the hidden order discovered through Ben Franklin and King Solomon? This all becomes certainly undeniable when you line up all of these market rulers and then . . ** Thread all of their history back to the $100K Boys club from 1996 to 2001 ** Notice and actually watch how each performs now to the degree of celebrity and Statesman ** Each now has their own empire and each has become a legend for pioneering something. Coincidence? Clever story or was there in fact, a “code” they fashioned, as a collective mind, amongst each other and within the club, that has been lost into memorial and roots back to Ben Franklin and Solomon? Moreover, when you stand back by today’s standards and study, say, a Dennis Karganilla, (of MLM Gold Mine fame), who used to hang out at the club (he did nightly calls for the club), when you stand back from these internet “names” one can’t help but ask, “What in blazes did they all secretly uncover as a one-mind that resulted in each of their own legendary success?” Key Evidence: Just ask Google. It’s all There.

The Lost Legend Page #7

From Joe Schroeder, Founder of the Nation of Star-Link

“If One Desired To Build an Organization and Create Their Own Economy and Have Thousands of People Pay You Handsomely Each Month To Be a Part of Your Royal Society, It Would Seem Obvious That You’d Have To At Least, Study How Caesar Built His.”

“Caesar Minted His Own Coins, Taxed His Organization Monthly and Created His Own Empire. Now Today Myself and My Friends use Pay-Pal and “Mint” Our Own Money Virally By Empire Building As They Did in The Roman Empire.”

“To Those That Wish To Build Downlines or Thread Bodies of People All Connected Through a Cohesive Philosophy, Such as How Amway or Herbal-Life or Say a Star-Bucks, The Founding Study of a New Organizational Architect Would Be Compelled To Freely Analyze How The Roman Empire Was Built and Then How it Fell. I Did.” —–Joe Schroeder Key Evidence: Just ask Google. It’s all There.

The Lost Legend Page #8

Page # 9

Mommy and Daddy Here’s how it works. Your parents birth, bath and burp you. They buy you food, buy you your first car, pay the professor to teach you how to be employed, and then they kick you in the ass and say, “Go now and survive” in the real world. Meanwhile, dear old Dad never taught you how to “win the mob.”

And those who fail to learn how to win the mob are reduced to a life of slavery, within the work- farce, building the dreams of “the man” instead of building their own life. So there you are doing 40-40-40. Forty hours, forty years, in a job that only tolerates you versus a location that celebrates you, all so you can retire at age “I am pooped” and sixty five for a $40 gold watch. Forty-Forty-Forty.

Cheery stuff. All true. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. That’s how life is for 92% of the population. Simply because no one taught you how to “WIN THE MOB.”

Win the mob and you win your freedom. I did and darn- it, so can you!!!

Meditations & Truth Part 1: “What you desire must become a lifestyle or it will never become a part of your life.” Translation, make “winning the mob” a daily ACT of your higher truth. Part II: “When you become the right kind of person the RIGHT kinds of people will show up, double themselves BECAUSE of your energy and the world will sleep better. But not until you become the RIGHT kind of person.”

Turn The Page To Learn Why This Philosophy Fails For Most People

In Order To Become Someone Who Can “Move” a Village of People, You Need Four Intangible Qualities or Traits Fail at One of These And Your Freedom Won’t Be Won 1: You can’t have any fear of rejection. People with a fear of rejection don’t run for President of the United States, do street magic build large communities or build organizations.

2: You can’t have any fear of what people might think of you; you can’t fear what people will walk away thinking of you. People with a fear of how they will be perceived don’t give great speeches, can’t write well, hide at parties and basically, fail at life and have to spend 25 years working for people who are NOT afraid of what others will think of them. Get over yourself and into other people. Scardy cats never amount to much.

3: You be afraid of bodily harm. I’m not. This little subtle trait allows people like me to flaunt well, say whatever the flip we want and stun those who can’t and make them pay for the energy and “spine” they wished they had. So there!

4: No F-E-A-R of failure which is a different skill set than not being afraid of rejection. People with a fear of failure are secretly conceited, think they are “God” and want people to think they are perfect. You can’t invest the light bulb or work through the chaos of what doesn’t work, in order to locate your first Million, if you are some “fear of failure” wannabe. ** REHEARSE the command of these four global fears of man and you will win your freedom. ** Shake these fears out of you through knowledge that they exist and the daily act of abolishing Page # 10

How To Become The Governor and The Similarity Between Arnold and Joe Run, don’t walk and go grab the DVD about Arnold back in 1975 called, “Pumping Iron.” I have watched and studied. .

I said studied this montage of Arnold, the future King of Kalifornia, over and over for years. It’s a study of winning a village over one person at a time. And that’s what you do. You perfect and rehearse your magnetism on one (1) person at a time. An organization or empire starts with you winning over one person at a time. One (1) at a time.

The Stylings of Social Freak Who Grew up To Be Cultural an Icon In this “sick” DVD you will see Arnold verbally swindle people out of their ability to resist his charm. You will see the Australian Oak verbally out-wit his major competitor, Lou Ferrigno and make mince meat out of him while Arnold is chuckling and eating Lou Ferrigno for mental exercise.

Is it any wonder Arnold “won the mob” with his hands tucked behind his back and became Governor? 1980 Mr. Olympia - 1st 1975 Mr. Olympia - 1st 1974 Mr. Olympia - 1st 1973 Mr. Olympia - 1st 1972 Mr. Olympia - 1st 1971 Mr. Olympia - 1st 1970 Mr. Olympia - 1st 1970 AAU Mr. World Professional - 1st 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe Pro - 1st 1969 Mr. Europe Professional - 1st 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe Pro - 1st 1969 Mr. Olympia - 2nd 1969 IFBB Mr. Universe Pro - 1st 1968 IFBB Mr. International - 1st 1968 IFBB Mr. Universe tall - 1st 1968 IFBB Mr. Universe - 2nd Overall 1968 NABBA Mr. Universe Pro - 1st 1967 NABBA Mr. Universe Amateur - 1st 1966 Mr. Universe Amateur Tall - 2nd 1966 Best Built Man of Europe - 1st 1966 Mr. Europe Amateur - 1st 1965 Jr. Mr. Europe - 1st 1965 Mr. Styria - 1st 1964 Mr. Austria - 3rd 1964 Jr. Mr. Austria - 1st


You use wit, charm and mental Alchemy. And until you can win over the guy who pumps your gas you’re not ready to take on the village he lives in.

Home-Work. Buy This DVD

“Pumping Iron” Page # 11

The Study of Mental Alchemy Power Sex Energy Transmute Authority Tribal Passion Leadership

Alchemy [al-ka- me] Noun:

the way two individuals relate to each other; "their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other"; "a mysterious alchemy brought them together" [syn: chemistry]

Alchemist: A seemingly magical power or process of transmuting minds over another. To mesmerize someone.

Alchemy: The process or result of changing from one appearance, state, or phase to another. Synonyms: changeover, conversion, metamorphosis, mutation, shift, transfiguration, transformation, translation, transmogrification, Transubstantiation. Main Entry: change Part of Speech: noun Definition:

The game is to enter into a person’s consciousness and to them quickly employ your state of mind. It’s about understanding that you are angled at a higher level of enlightenment, joy and abundant thinking and quickly, within seconds, make them adopt to your “attitude.” Done effectively, people will automatically see you as relief. They hate their jobs, are peeved at their boss, afraid the sun won‘t come out on the morrow, and yet you are more “light” than they are accustomed to. From there, you “god force” yourself into their very being. On a lower use of words, you are almost over whelming people. Their energy is “3” while yours is at level seven. And guess who will become their leader. You will. It’s about practicing be a reward for 10,000 people.

You Become a Support For People Whereby They Actually Use You To Get To Where They Want To Go. You relax people to the point where they feel more comfortable USING you to get to where they want to go. You subjugate your ego and get UNDER them. The ZEN is this, “to be on top you need to be below.”

We study Zen Doership in my Book, “Super-Mind.”

Page # 12

Here’s An Example of My Own Rehearsal of Fortune First understand and grasp the fact that I “wining the mob” is a lifestyle for me. I do it now automatically and it is something I now perform virtually unconsciously; meaning it’s become like second nature. So I dart to the Hess station in town. I am always there either gassing my snazzy Ford F-150 at $105 per tank, buying ice or whatever.

So there we are. Nebab (the indian behind the cash register) and me. I ask the guy for guy for a pack of smokes. I know they are about $5.60 per pack and I say, “Gimme some so and so brand and if they are under $6 bucks and if you give me a special price I might consider buying three packs.” (he giggles)

He says, “They’re only $5.60 per pack” and I say, “well if you insist on wheeling and dealing with me and giving me SUCH a great discount, gimme three.” He laughs. He feels good about himself and I make him F-E-E-L like together, we are in kahootz and he is somehow giving me some super “behind closed doors” price. We both know he didn‘t. We both know the cigs are $5.60 for everyone and yet it’s a fun little skit, it’s imaginative, different, he knows it and because if that, my charm and imagination has now become a smile and “warm fuzzies” for him. Done. I won him over. It’s about being different. It’s about being remembered. It’s about winning them over.

You Become a Support For People Whereby They Actually Use You To Get To Where They Want To Go. You relax people to the point where they feel more comfortable USING you to get to where they want to go. You subjugate your ego and get UNDER them. The ZEN is this, “to be on top you need to be below.” We study Zen Doership in my Book, “Super-Mind.”

Page # 13

Where This Concept of “Mob Winning” Becomes a Problem IF

You fail to learn and begin winning people over, as people start to call you and e-mail you, about whatever it is you promote, you will sound just like everyone else, lose your appeal and they won’t buy from you.


You fail to love the guy who pumps your gas and if you are too low of self image to believe that you are allowed to play KING and be THEIR REWARD, you will sound common and never build a network.


You don’t learn to become a positive FORCE in strangers lives, then when STRANGERS bump into in life they find you alluring or worthy of their time, imagination, money or their own state of consciousness.


You don’t seriously learn to absolutely win over the mob you will forever be stuck serving a dweeb “boss” at work and never know what life could have been like had you not been too shy and self-conscious.

Only The Gifted Few Win The Mob and Thus Win Their Freedom

The wooden sword given to freed Gladiators was called the “Rudius” wooden Sword. Under the rare occasion that upon the chanting and almost insistence of the Roman crowd watching the “until death” spectacle, the Emperor was virtually forced to free the Gladiator upon the urging of the assembled crowd otherwise considered, in the days of the Roman empire, “The Mob.” Upon this decision, the Emperor, would lay a wooden sword on the Gladiators shoulder and say, “You have won your freedom” and then hand the Radius to the Gladiator and he was a free man. And of course, the mob would cheer!!! Page # 14

The Gathering of Automatic Income, Done Wisely, is The Capturing of People’s Time… — Not Their Money —

I just had a moment with God. He told me to tell you some wisdom of the ages. . One doesn’t make money, you make people. In that you add more life to people and they in turn add their influence, and time, and their list, into your life. One doesn’t make money only because you and me can’t “make” anything. At best, all we can do is lay our HIGH energy before man and wait for him to lay his next to ours. And in the game of Networking, if the village surrounds you, because you became a resource worth using,

When you market, place ads and what-not, don’t try to make money. Simply “fight” (for their contained focus upon you) and market, in such a way, whereby the observers, i.e., the mob, will

This Single Page is Worth $77,000 to You!

A Million Dollars is Now Between Yours Hands

they in turn will release what they have, both through their money and influence, and add it into yours.

relax, if only for a second, wherein they will give you ONE MORE MINUTE — of their time. It’s about being so relevant and mesmerizing that the suspect offers you one more second. Then they decide “just” to check out your website. Just for a minute. Then he/she decides to only and just, give you another shot and they hop on a conference call. And if you deliver, they MAY decide to read your eBook. For another minute or two. But again, don’t ask for their money!!! Just be MORE than they expected. They see your ad and somehow, it’s so incredible, that they hop to your website. Then that is so intense, they invest another MINUTE and join your LIST and then the FIRST letter they got was so hot, then they grab the eBook, then the next conference call and then they called you. Just to say hello and to check you out. And you BLOW them away. But they still don’t buy. Then weeks go by and Sally calls you after a month and says, “I have $2,041, where do I send it.” Minutes add up to hours and hours, days. The longer you can induce a person to sit within your “show,” the more apt they are of relieving their pain by forking over their money. The key though, is to slow it down and sell them minute-shares into your drama called more life.

Frame This Page and Read it Daily Until You Are Free Page # 15

Exercising The iQ of God

The 7 Highly Effective Habits of Those Who Use Their iQ of God and Who Shock, Amaze and Mesmerize a Crowd To Where They Amass Their Own Following Exercising The

iQ of God

7 Habits of Those Who Amass An Army As I studied the relationships and geometry between those who had “won the mob” and who were proficient at group (and often cult) building, I never allowed myself to miss the darker edges of my study, such as looking at people like, well, people like Hitler. Moreover, in order to truly study organizational architecture, one must have the uncanny inspiration to also study—and be aware—–of the darker side of “mob control” just as evenly as you would study people like Lincoln, Wallace D. Wattles and say, a Winfrey, who used their gifts for the good of all. That said, always remember that “a wise man investigates what a fool ignores.” Translation: Never be too tall and too high- n-mighty to deeply study all of mankind including the not so

pretty and darker rims of what man can do, both good and bad. Because in the end, if you inclination—and heart—–are clean and pure, what you study from the negative avenues can certainly heighten your more positive conclusions!

David Koresh of Waco Texas

Dexter Yeager of Amway Ben Franklin

Hitler Mark Hugh’s of Herbal-Life

John Lennon of the Beatles Dr. Pat Robinson

Abraham Lincoln

“The Wealthy and Those Expert At Drawing a Crowd Didn’t Accomplish Their Dominion Doing Certain Things, Those Kind of

World Changers Accomplished This By Doing Certain Things in a Certain Way and Had Very Unusual God Given Talents!”

There is a Hidden Order! Page # 16

The 7 Habits Are: Diligence Delegation Cosmic Habit-Force Alchemy Difference Trinicity Loverage In This Report We Will Train and Discuss “Diligence.” The Other Six Will Cost You $2,041.

Page # 17

When I speak about “exercising the iQ of God” I didn’t say “be” God. Nor am I talking about “how to win friends and influence people.” Those subjects are readily available at Barnes and Nobles and have already been written about. I am speaking about the habits of THOSE who would be King! I am going to teach you a “code” shared within the few who BUILD Armies.

The Lost Legend The $100K Boys Club

I have “the gift” and I have used the techniques you are now about to read. That’s not the cool part. The cool part is that those who also had “the gift” somehow were sent to me, so in order for me to better reveal, to each of them, the heightened revelation, back to them, about the God given talents that they have—–to become massive leaders. If your eyes are now ON THIS PAGE, I would dare remind you that you were sent here, by HE WHO MADE YOU, as He now uses me, to arm and prepare you for the Army who is waiting to battle and grow UNDER YOU. I was not born to teach marketing. I was not born as a healing to the poor who needed a faster buck. I was born to teach the selected few how to LEAD AN ARMY. What other conclusion can we surmise, outside of this truth, when you consider WHO was sent to me to learn these skills, i.e., the $100K Boys club members! Not everyone is ready for what you will uncover on the following pages. However, those BORN to amass an army under them will see “music” and technique that will sound and read like something they already knew, but needed reminding of.

Page # 18

Dominion Key #1:

Diligence “When All You Can Do is All You Can Do All You Can Do is Enough!” Diligence, if skinned through Daniel Webster, is merely to be “persistent” or to move ahead through steadfastness; then, if you really want to be an over achiever, you can toss in “attentive care.”

However, if you were thread and pencil the word “diligent” into a corner, using the eyes and wisdom of King Solomon, who wrote the book of Proverbs, you would get a much richer meaning and certainly a meaning and definition that left this author speechless!

But I am getting ahead of myself. (as I am prone to do, just listen to me on conference calls!)

Kings and Rulers Rule Over The Majority Who Wouldn’t Dare Be Truly Diligent. It’s Way, Way Too Much Work!

The Hidden “Code” within The Book of Proverbs The “key” word is Proverbs is Diligence or “to be diligent.” In fact, and ask your Preacher if this is true, God told King Solo mon to write the book of Proverbs and warned that those who failed to be diligent and USE and live by the words delivered therein, would experience pain, anguish, anxiety and DEBT. All surrounding and driven by the concept of being Diligent. Moreover, just like electricity, whereby electricity works with or without your permission, the laws within Proverbs are just that, laws. That which if ignored, can and will deliver certain ruin. Period. Consider this: Just as air-travel was always available to man, until he learned to USE the laws of flight and to assemble the necessary tools for flight, man was reduced to horse and carriage. Just as poverty will be your deliverance without diligence Page # 19

Page # 20

Everything You Lack Can Be Traced Back To Your Insistence of Not Being Diligent The Power of What you are about to Discover and Decode with me: Diligence is the silent and “secret” thing behind Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Jobs and all who rule dominion. Taken a step further, one could lace the extreme and almost weird success of say, a George Washington, a Gallileo and a John Adams, back to diligence. Even

more chin pulling is that once you truly ascertain

what diligence truly is, you will be forced to agree that not two (2) in a 1,000 are in fact, exercising diligence. Diligence, if used by someone like me, who is a nerr-do-well looky loos who barely made it through ninth grade and who never had a job, if used thoroughly, the art and discipline of Diligence can virtually tilt the world for you. I have [used] diligence to become who I am and to accomplish the uncommon. And so can you if and only if, you are prepared to do and “be” what 99% of the population wouldn’t dare.

“Thy Will Be King and Rule Over Many!” The common choose the path of least resistance. They work just enough to get by (if you can call how they live even that), they haven’t finished what they started since they left Kindergarten, their goals are never actually managed, they plight through life in a “ho-hum” state and they barely can even afford four tanks of petrol and a trip to Disney. Oh how the prisoners of lack mind live not.

Meanwhile the unabashed and strong, choose a path of higher resistance and live a life resisting their worst selves and in so doing, rule over the mob!

Everything You Lack Can Be Traced Back To Your Insistence of Not Being Diligent!

Joe The Meat-Man Meets King Solomon Look, if we are to really understand the “mind” of Solomon, who was the richest man to ever live and who employed 12,000 and who had 4,000 stables and who had more bank than Chase Manhattan (yeah, this cat is seriously worth studying!), one must, without cautious, sleep or misstep, really “back-story” and really DIG under each word written by Solly. For remember, the words Solo mon wrote were formed and founded in the MIND of GOD.

Proverbs 20:11 “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure and whether it be right.” ** That means even a child can become King. ** That means that even a lowly meat-man can have it all. ** Solomon reminds you that “even a child” can pull this off. ** Solomon reminds us that education or lack of can NOT define you. ** Solomon is leveling a profound lesson, which is, dominion can be found by all; not some.

That now teaches us about Diligence. Here’s why: Brother Solomon uses the word “pure” not in an ethical manor, but as a word to teach and encourage us all to work in the purest form of work being do all that you can do and leave no stone un-turned. And to be “pure” as Solomon suggests, is not here meant to infer “don’t sin,” but rather, as a multi- multi- multi-Millionaire Solomon is asking you to act purely as in have the diligenc e to be and do 110%. This is where being optimized comes from. In business, the goal is to be optimized which is about three levels higher than being leveraged. To be leveraged one buys a business. However to be optimized, your energy works for you whether you are there or not. To be optimized means to get to the end result in the quickest about of time, with the least amount of effort, while using every last stitch of energy from OTHER people and to do so while using the least amount of your own money. So once again, being diligent is the highest art of business because it requires you to be the most thought out, the most “automated,” the most trust worthy, the purest of intention and to have the largest apple cart in your trade, i,e,——to be diligent. ** We discussed “optimization” in my eBook, “Conquering Chief.”

Pg. 21

Thy Way of Sluggard and Fool A slack hand represents the man who is lacking in energy or diligence, inclined to be lazy or idle, remiss, careless, or negligent or lax in regard to his duties. A slacker is a slack person, who shirks work or avoids exertion.

This kind of person puts off work as long as he

can; he resents real labor; he hates tasks requiring focus and effort. The slacker always has conceited excuses for his laziness; he will reject sound reasons from even seven men who warn him (Pro: 26:16)! Have you ever heard me say, “You will only gather income and influence to the degree that your awareness and EGO will allow you to hear?” Okay. I confess. I cheated and actually lifted than “idea” from Proverbs 26:16. Sue me. (wink) Those divided by diligence have an evil disease, laziness, and will not listen to wisdom. Dear reader, crush your thoughts and believe the proverb! Solomon learned more in a day than you will learn in a lifetime, and he wrote by the inspiration of the HIM who made you. .

When I Got Lost in The Act of Diligence I Located More Dough When I Got Lost in The Act of Diligence I Located More Dough I became bored one day (lie, I was actually using the faculty of God) and was hohumming about, wondering what I would do to fill my day, which are diligently filled with hundreds of OTHER people making me money and doing my bidding for me, and I happened upon a notion to DIG.

I decided to DIG beneath the word “diligence” and to use the PC to really find out the hidden code of the Book of proverbs. This is small smattering of my discovery. First, if you dig, you can locate the “linking” of diligence all woven within Proverbs. 10:4: A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the wise and diligent makes him rich. 13:4: The soul of one who is diligent makes one (rich) fat. 13:4: The DESIRE of the sluggard dies (notice how fools always quit stuff) and has nothing, but the desire of the diligent shall be satisfied.” ——–Wow! 21:5: The plans of the diligent surely lead to PROFIT, and everyone who is hasty surely rushes to poverty.” One just can’t make this genius SYSTEM up. The entire RICHES formula is right there!

Pg. 22

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The Science of Getting Rich is The Science “of” ——Diligence Hard work works! But the sluggard will not do it! He hates ha rd work and perseverance. They are painful to him. He loves to sleep; he wants to take today off. The diligent man, working hard each day, enjoys the prosperity and plenty the sluggard seeks, often gets and then loses. Lazy people want stuff. They envy and resent the things of workers. They have a million excuses as to why others have more than they have (PRO 20:4; 22:13; 26:16). They just won't put in the work to get it. Instead, they babble and dilly dally about discrimination, luck, favoritism, etc.! They covet (desire) more than most, but they cannot get their lazy butts out of bed to get those things (PRO 6:6-11). They won't even unfold their arms to put food in their mouths (19:24; 26:15)!

Work frustrates them, and they cannot figure out the simplest means of gain (Eccl 10:15). When success falls in their laps, they cannot get it in the bank (PRO: 12:27)! They need a bigger house, but they turn down offered overtime. They want a nicer car, but it is more fun to play basketball than take that side job. They want a better marriage, but they are too tired to invest in their spouse. They are sick of the rebellious children of this generation, but they don't have the energy to train their own tonight.

They want

to know the Bible better, but the thought of thirty minutes of study overwhelms their minds!!!!!!!! A sluggard is a lazy person. A sluggard goes to bed late, uses the snooze button, sleeps in late, is grouchy until noon, complains about his job, dresses

sloppily, arrives late,

moves slowly, slouches, is often still (and slow) with hands in pockets or arms folded, would rather talk than work, takes frequent breaks, complains (as a hobby) about difficult tasks, stands around unless forced to action, never asks for

the next assignment, looks for shortcuts, leaves early, makes fun of hard workers, and is always talking about his last or next vacation.

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A diligent man is the opposite. He loves hard work and stays until the job is finished. He goes to bed early, jumps up early, smiles in the morning, is excited about his job, dresses neatly, arrives early, walks briskly, stands erect, is never still, hates small talk, always asks for the next assignment, does every job properly, stays late, ridicules sluggards, commends hard workers, asks for overtime, and considers vacations necessary evils! Diligence works. The diligent man rises out of the swamp

of losers to

the top of the class (PRO 22:29). He becomes a ruler (PRO 12:24). He gets rich (PRO 10:4). He has many possessions (PRO 21:5). Both God and men will reward the man who works hard; and in this generation of lazy workers, the difference will be more visible and the distinguishing rewards greater.


Jesus!” ——Joe Schroeder—

amass an Army and BORN to learn the hidden code! How does it feel to be so alive? How does it feel to know you were BORN to lead, BORN to this book and learn the “next step” of your leadership evolution. So there. RULE, not to mention the Golden Spirit of “can do” within you and you were SUPPOSED to read YOU WERE MEANT to read this BECAUSE you already know you have the ways and means to

upon yours eyes. If that is not true, what possible reason (why?) could this book gave fallen to get you to “BE” the next level because YOU were born to RULE! and you were sent here to LEARN “the next level” because HE who made you is trying

what you are reading right now. The lessons herein, are divine instruction Authors Note: The only reason God sent you to me and was to read Parallel Translations: 1 Timothy 4:15

Digging to Decode The “Root” of Diligence!

International Standard Version Think on these things. Devote and be diligent your life to them so that everyone can see your progress. New American Standard Bible Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. GOD'S WORD Practice these things. Devote your life to them so that everyone can see your progress. King James Bible Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly (diligent) to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. American King James Version Meditate on these things; give yourself wholly to them; that your profiting may appear to all. American Standard Version Be diligent in these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy progress may be manifest unto all. Darby Bible Translation Occupy thyself with these things; be wholly in them, that thy progress may be manifest to all. English Revised Version Be diligent in these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy progress may be manifest unto all.

So you see, the “Hidden” word is Diligence. it Sources Back Throughout Entire Bible.

Pg. 25

Page # 26 The ugly truth is that most people in our “industry” (I use that word loosely because few actually do this industry, and yet Millions watch the diligent rule here and within it), have spent $25,000 to $50,000 going to college, years ago and have spent 20 years screwing up theirs lives. Then they come here, to this industry, almost broken and most near broke, and say, “I want to replace twenty years of failure with a website, right now and you better bring me a F/T income, fast, or I’ll quit.”

Now I ask yo u, now that we just decoded what proverbs is really all about, just how insane are those kinds of people? Pretty insane, if you ask me.

Here is what common looks like. People pay $1,000 to $4,000 over and over again and not once actually have diligence, hunker down and do the business. We know the Sluggard the second he arrives because he testifies to his past five or six failures as he is now handing me his next $4,000.

What he reveals is his commitment to NON-commitment. Start, stop, quit, join another program and it spirals for him, perpetually, until he goes bankrupt. Why? Because he lacks diligence.

And after you understand and fully appreciate the Diligence “secret code” of increase, its darn easy to see it missing from 999 our of 1,000 people.

If one is diligent, one would have already located the “how” behind gathering leads and exactly how to turn those prospects into a Kings ransom. I did. Because I am fiercely diligent.

If one was really diligent, he would have already figured out how to make real money and wouldn’t be down in the dumps and basically living hand-to-mouth. If one was actually diligent one would have already learned —and demonstrated—–his highest level and already sold $20,000 worth of my products his/her second or third month. Then again, on page #27 I explained why most do NOT.

The ugly truth is this: If most people actually knew what a “Dia ne Hochman” ACTUALLY did to climb from fat, poor and irrelevant to who she is now, most would cower under the pressure, cry for their Mammies and head for the hills. No Sir, when we speak about Wining The Mob we are speaking about people with DIVINE skills, of which they innately tend to, because like Solomon, what they HEAR in their heads leaves them with NO choice, but to unleash that “mind” upon

The Ugly Truth

Diligence Looks Like . . . Because so few are living examples of diligence, few can spot a person’s diligence, nor are they aware of when others are being diligent. Now that you are up to speed on this “code” of those who rule, let’s take a Kodak moment and find it (diligence) where it remains “blind” to the have-nots.

If you want to know about Steven Jobs, beyond the obvious conclusion, “Oh he’s the Genius behind Apple computer, the iPod and the iPhone,” go look at the doggone BOX his stuff is shipped in. Why? Because using diligence, Jobs [even] makes the boxes his stuff is shipped in as pretty as the product sold. Conclusion? Jobs is so diligent that eve n the boxes are beautiful and perfect!

Ever eat a donut at Dunkin Donuts and still, after all of these years, be stunned at how crazy tasty those little cellulite candies really are? I do. How in the world did some man invent such a Delicious donut? Answer: Someone was being diligence.

Ever walk through a mall parking lot and notice how the cheap cars are usually messy inside while the “rich folk” have spotless interiors? Read proverbs and study about the care of “things” the rich take time for versus how the sluggard leaves his home a disaster area. The rich take care of every last detail, the poor can’t even spell “diligence” and they telegraph their MIND-LESS poverty by being messy. Messy car = messy mind.

The diligent don’t buy what they haven’t earned and therefore don’t lay awake at night in dire anxiety over their CC card debt. The working stiffs use CC cards to buy what they never earned and spend their lives in mental ruin. It’s all taught, and predicted in PROVERBS. The wealthy are on a higher plane of being and don’t eat their own seeds.

Anyone can make money and often those “anyone’s” make $15,000 to $25,000 per month punking others on the internet each month. However, it is only the truly diligent who make money and grow an empire: all at the same time. The difference between the types is not only staggering, their entire skill set is different. One is working and using “Wisdom Kingdom” principles, while those who make money and yet fail to build a flock, are simply expert Hucksters.

Page # 27

“The Diligent Will Rule” Proverbs 10:4

Mob Winning Secret Those who “win” through Jesus (seek Him first) and who do for HIS glory and who learn how to be diligent, to a point whereby your energy is worthy of the Mob’s attention and respect, will gather the village—–to such an extent—that the village itself will anoint you their proverbial King.

The greatest in this industry have come to me and sought my favor. Why? Because I was diligent and their acts of favor, upon me, were promised by Him (Pro 10:4). The industry’s greatest publishers have come to me and placed me on their covers, at zero cost to me and only to heighten the awareness of an industry, to my name and my ministry of increase. Coincidence or prophetic law? The $100K Boys Club and the Lost Legend is now legacy within our industry and without my own diligence and me participating in the SYSTEM of Solomon, through Him, the multitude of Master Networkers would have never shown an interest in me, and yet they not only did, but they followed me. Which levels any argument and assures that in fact “diligence” is a Kingdom promise more than just a “Wisdom Key.” 1 Timothy 4:14: “Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed on you through

prophetic utterance.” Now do the math. His word divided in you, layered by you into other people, while you fashion more blessing into the people, again through you = big house. The reason I am here teaching the masses what you are reading is because HE KNEW, decades ago, that I would someday reveal to “fresh ears” what you have JUST read, absorbed and now been made aware of. And because I followed up. Because I am here. Teaching this. Because I care not what you or In 1 Timothy 4:15 it says, “Meditate upon these things, give yourself wholly (diligent) and

your profiting will be revealed to all.” To “meditate” means to work 200% and to bolster joy, hope and persistence, into your work and offered up—your work—through God, divided in love and offered BACK to HIM in secret devotion. To be diligent is actually a physical meditation. It’s a “working prayer” of devotion. Therefore to slack or to not ring the bell and do and be all that you can, is (wrong) an abomination. To be diligent and use your work as a meditation, you must “BE in these things” and your work is your love and what you DO is (1 Tim 4:15) an expression of HIM. You can’t live this LAW if you choose work you cant stand. I cheated. I took a short cut. Here’s why. . . . . My success was easy because (a) I only do work I craved and (b) I only did work that valued Jesus

I Used This System To Obligate Success and To Experience Heaven On Earth Pg. 28

If You Don’t Have $1,000 For My Live “Wisdom School” Two Day Event or $2,041 to Own The “Lost legend” and Vault Collection, Then Just Give Me $500 for Live Coaching ** The game is to circulate this report into as many lives as you can. ** Please pray about this and lets demonstrate DILIGENCE and favor upon 1 Million people. ** You will earn $400 and I will give your new “fresh ears” 7 weeks of live coaching. ** Just get this PDF report into many hands. E-Mail it. Hand it to folks. Spread the word. ** I will UN-LOCK whoever sits with me and give them 7 weeks of live private calls. ** You do not need to own any Joe Schroeder teaching products to sell or order this. ** As long as you are a paid member of my community at the Royal Society at Star-Link you can purchase this “make-over” and also re-sell it and earn $400 per life altering process.

What an Un-Common Mentor Can Teach You in an Hour Can Erase Two Years of Future Struggle We Call This Solution The $500 Million Mind March Diligence

Win The Mob

Delegation Stay Home And Be Wealthy

Cosmic Habit-Force

Build Your Own Kingdom

Word as Wand Difference

Learn the Science of Habit-Force

Trinicity Loverage

Earn Money Saving Lives

7 Habits Exercising the iQ of God

Oprah Did. You Can Too!

Your Benefactor is (your name here) and their Phone is: 973-555-1234


Pg. 29

I Call This Bi-Weekly Live Call “The Million Mind March.” ** This is a $500 live call and it’s twice monthly. Come back as often as you want. ** Every call will be live and virtually the same. That way you can come back as a refresher. ** As a BONUS the $500 M-3 (Million Mind march) class students get my book, “Super-Mind.” ** New students will receive (1) Super-Mind book (2) live calls twice per month & recorded. ** The calls will demonstrate and teach (1) idea because this single idea is all you need. ** You will learn to OBLIGATE success through a procedure I call, “Cosmic Habit Force.” ** To manifest the abundance of this LIFE-FORCE you will have to use much diligence. ** You collect $517 ($497 + $20 shipping) and you send me $117 to deliver Super-Mind. ** For $517 you receive the book + live calls + access to our on-line community.

What People Don’t Know is Costing Them Their Very Lives and They Are Walking Away From Fortune, Increase and Lifestyle No Wonder Most People Are Not Millionaires! No Wonder Most People Fail at Losing Weight and Attaining Most of Their Goals! No Wonder Most People Are Two Missed Mortgage Payments Away From Eviction!

Your Life Will Double and “Things” Will Fall Into Your Lap and The Mystery of The Ages Will Be Given To You——Only For Future Millionaires! Here’s The Problem It’s been scientifically proven that we has a people are experiencing over 2,000,000 bits of environmental data in any given atmosphere. Which means, wherever you are, at the Gym, the supermarket or at work, there are over 2,000,0000 bits of data trying like the dickens to grab your attention. The part that gets troublesome, is that your brain can only accept 134 bits of data per second and worse than that, your BRAIN prefers bits sizes of seven (7) give or take add + 5 bits or subject (-) 2. Did you ever wonder why phone #’s are only seven digits? Well now you know why. You also just learned why for $10,000 dollars you could NOT remember twelve digits if someone gave you even .45 seconds to memorize them. Why? Because the conscious brain, which only represents 2% of your life, can’t remember beyond 5-7 digits if asked to remember quickly. Why? Because the conscious brain can only FOCUS for seconds at a time which is why if you were given the task of making a Million dollars, chances are, you never would because the avalanche of date bits fighting for your attention would distract you. But most people never knew all of this and thus don’t know how to (a) reverse this and (b) know how to make what they want a force of nature

Pg. 30

No Matter How Many Programs and Opportunities You Join and No Matter How Hard You Try To Gather Success, You Will Continue To Fail Without Learning The System of “Cosmic Habit Force” I Will Un-Lock You For $500 and Send You “Super-Mind” and Coach You For 7 Weeks Here is What You Will Learn On My Live Calls The $500 Super-Mind Connection ** Learn to unlock the force of nature and make it your partner. ** Learn to erase procrastination with a single daily twelve minute mental exercise. ** Learn what the cerebral “reticular” system (sits on your spine) is and how to “plug” it in. ** Learn how to double whatever income you currently make by tripling your sales & energy. ** Learn to become TEN feet tall and bullet proof. Learn to manifest a Super-Human aura.

U NTIL you learn to make your desire an act of cosmic habit what you desire and want will avoid you. (your current existence is proof of that probably of which you do not possess.)

U NTIL you learn how to make what you desire an unconscious desire you can work 12 hour days, fill your days with Tony Robbins seminars and join a new opportunity biannually and what you actually want will be your shadow, rather your reality.

U NTIL you learn the magic of Diligent use of Super-Mind and learn to act as one with your reticular mental processing system, you will forever wonder how average people, like Joe Schroeder, acquired super-natural success and someone educated like you did not.

U NTIL you stop making decisions based on what you don’t yet have like, “I don’t have $500 therefore I can’t afford to change my life”——not much for you will change.

Learn to Un-Lock Your Reticular Mental System of Automatic Success Pg. 31

The 7 Habits Are: Diligence You Just Learned About This One

If You Knew And Exercised The Other Six You’d Be Like Mike Dillard Diane Hochman Dani Johnson Donald Trump And All The Other Millionaires Who Learned To “Win The Mob”

Delegation Cosmic Habit-Force Alchemy Difference Trinicity Loverage

In This Report We Will Train and Discuss “Diligence.” The Other Six Will Cost You $2,041.

Page # 32

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