Joel Olsteen Upside Down

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I Ain’t No Joel Olsteen! Dear Pioneer Doer and Servant of Mankind and God News Merchant At last count, TV preacher Joel Olsteen has a flock of over 43,000 church members. The book “The Secret” to date has sold some 8 Million copies. The conclusion is clear: People gobble up mind-set. By 2007 I had located something significant. But not until after I had built massive downlines and did it yet again and not until after I was earning ridiculous income. Not until after I took on personal clients such as Diane Hochman, Mike Dillard, Greg Drake and Mike Litman. Not until after I spoke “the code” into greats such as Robert Blackman and David LeDoux and yes, even Dennis Karganilla was given this “code.” He was with me in my training masters protégé Big Dogs summit Do Jo as well. For two years. What I located was this: 96% find most marketing too complicated. Many don’t have the time to market. effectively or even have the time to follow up with people. So I threw in the towel and stopped teaching and selling “hard” and decided to share and teach what people could master comfortably and quickly——word power and self- image. So I decided to teach marketing self-image and just like greats such as Dexter Yeager, Glenn W. Turner, James E. Tollison and Mark Hughs, I decided to sell a program that actually changed lives and more importantly, worked for 99% of all who bought who experienced our process and what we teach. That’s significant because now through this program here, you can share something that every last person you know can use and profit from—a stronger self- image and masters marketing. All would agree, Joe Schroeder “ Ain’t no “Joel Olsteen.” But I sure do love what he does to folks and I love to teach people simple little tricks and tips to become 10 feet tall and bullet proof.

Joe Schroeder Preacher of Plenty Good News Merchant SON of a Capitalist

$597 Marketing Physics

$1,341 Mega-Mind

$2,041 The Vault

Learn the Zen of Marketing

Total Mind-Set Mastery

How To Build a System

** Pays you $400 per sale. ** Two manuals + 4 CD album ** Learn the psychology of systems. ** Learnt the psychology of buyers. ** Learn how to DOUBLE yourself. ** Learn to instantly heighten SELF. ** Like putting self on mental steroids.

** Pays you $800 per sale. ** TWO (2) manuals + ten (10) CD. ** Learn organization architecture. ** How I build mega-downlines. ** How to “be” 10 feet tall/ bullet proof. ** THINKING like a Millionaire. ** Personality training.

** EARN (2) Levels $1,000 + $500. ** See how my campaigns work. ** Learn WHY they work. Build yours. ** Four (4) Manuals + 10 Audio CD ** One manual JUST my letters. ** One manual JUST my campaigns. ** NEVER revealed ever before.

Marketing is “mind noise” to most people and complicated. But if you share and teach mind-set, most people get it.

Page #1

“ The Hardest Part of Getting is Receiving.” People say one thing and do another. They say they want riches and yet they speak poverty. Haven’t those types figured out yet that “you can’t out earn your lips” and that what you say about comes about? You can’t speak like a pauper and then sleep within the palace. People say they want to earn $100,000 in this industry, but they fail to set themselves up to receive in the first place. Case in point: While my entire library is almost $4,000, have you even opened your mind, even a little, to my $597 Marketing Physics manuals and (4) CD program? Therefore the conclusion is this, even what people “agree” with they still ignore.

Short-Cut To Mega-Bucks Here is something [else] you should not ignore. Its easier to make more money with FEWER people if what you sell is high ticket. This is why the big earners in our industry sell $2,000 and $4,000 programs versus the little guy stuck in MLM pitching cheap $50 and $100 widgets. Dell computer sells a computer for $500. They have $27 per unit sold and their stock in May of 2008 was $21. 81 Apple sells their MAC for $3,000. They make $875 per unit and their share value in May was $176. Hope you heard that.

$100k Marketing Vault

Here’s The Big Idea I Shamefully Stole From Bob Proctor to Grow Rich. Use This To Change Your Life! Print This Out And Burn It Into Your Money Brain: Quick! If you “sell” money NATURE doesn’t recognize your goal. That’s because nature doesn’t have “money” in her vocabulary. However, if you teach WISDOM and share Universal healing, you then align with the harmony of nature and she then sees you as helping her further evolve nature. If you study the “greats” in our industry, they transcended “opportunity” and began to teach personal power, law of attraction, wisdom and actually——the principles within the book of Proverbs. Dexter Yeager / Dani Johnson / Mike Dillard / Diane Hochman /Randy Gage / Bob Proctor They each Started in MLM and Then Elevated and Became Teachers of Wisdom When you consider the fact the “soul” of money is service, you then have to re-consider what you sell and do here in this industry. Which helps people grow faster? Wisdom principles or Money? The answer is WISDOM because before a rich person takes a rich persons action the rich person has a rich persons thought. Remember, if you change how you RESPOND to things the thing you are focusing on changes its response to you. Therefore, if you want riches then you have to become “one” with all Mankind and help it to evolve into better harmony with all things. And you can do this by sharing WISDOM with people and allow the money to be the obvious response. Those who teach Wisdom grow more “life” into people instantly. More life = More people. Period.

Page # 2

The Rich Had a Rich Thought. . . Before They “Got Rich.” A warrior is a hunter. He calculates everything. That's control. But once his calculations are over, he acts. He lets go. He doesn’t do worry and he certainly doesn’t sit in a tree all day, as beginner hunters do, and watch his bait. For to be free is to be inaccessible. Where no one can enslave you. For instance, I use 1-800 lines, recorded of course, which sell, search, speak and hunt for me. I do this because after a decade of hand-to- mouth meat and seafood door-to-door, I vowed to myself I’d never “work” another day of my life. From that second forward, I decided to work for a loving and to gather other teachers, people who are addicted to freedom as I am, to gather other seers with me and to help un-shackle the smart who secretly sleep amongst the employed. I also use websites and auto-responders (instant e- mail alerts) which can “speak” again for me while I am off futzing about the forest, or streets, whatever settles my fancy that day. One day I am off on my Ford F-150 tricked out Hunters mobile, seeing old friends on my “freedom” route, other days I am coaching and training new hunters, while some days I do little more than count my blessings. And I study parables and listen to CDs on the book of proverbs. About you. A warrior——you——from now you are not a blown leaf at the mercy of the wind. No one can push you no one can make you do things against yourself or against your etter jud gment. A warrior is tuned to survive and he survives better than most. He is a LAW UNTO SELF and is never moved or injured by the words of others. Here’s why. . . Simply because what a Hunter vows into himself 1,000 times means more and has more value than what 100 negative people could say to him. Just as I taught you in my book, “Speaking into Storms.” That book is step-by-step on what “self- talk” I use as I trap and hunt. Get that book. A warrior is rarely offended by others because a true hunter would never hand over his gun (consciousness) to other person. Therefore rule #231 remains as it will forever, “what you do to other people God does to you.” Always return good for evil and be above the weaker man’s mind and of those who hate for living and spend their days in shame and who make a paycheck living a lie. Few people live a life of truth. The truth is that you were born free. The truth is that you were born with a problem to solve which in turn would heal many thousands of people. The truth is that you are allowed to earn as many times and in as many ways as you can imagine. The truth is, you are much more—–and much smarter—–than you have allowed yourself to demonstrate. Just truth.

If You Are Not Set-Up To Earn $1,000 to $3,000 per Week “Net” and/or Earn At Least $1,000 Per Customer You Must Have Decided Not To Pay Yourself Copyrights 2009 / Joe Schroeder / Founder / Million Mind March / Cell / 1-973-418-9261

Page # 3

How You Speak As You Fail Determines How Fast You Succeed A warrior is a Soldier of prosperity and you fight for people who don’t even know you are getting under them and pushing them ahead. You shall always be last. You do so as you allow the newer hunters to feel important and allow them to remain ahead, in front. As a leader and natural hunter of good news, you will always be at ease and you will always be in constant celebration of others. Let the crowd work a job and live a life that only tolerates them. Not you. We only eat and hunt where we are celebrated. All greats, such as Oprah, Arnold and John Lennon located where they would be most remembered and most celebrated, just as yo u are right now. Teach this to people.

“You Will Only Earn Income To The Degree That You Circulate and Share Positive Energy.” ——The

Warriors Creed

Power is a very weird nut to crack. People crave it. Everyone wants more, but so few actually have it to spare. You will now have more power as I will show you how to assemble more of it. In order to have it and command it you must have power to begin with. I teach obsessively about this and you would be well served to read my “Alpha Code” ($597) study papers (125 pg) which are tightly reserved for students of the “code” who order our “Physics” work-shop. Which is two of my manuals and four study audio CDs.


A warrior never turns his back to power without blessing the favor received. When in places of power, you have to act as if nothing is out of the ordinary, because if you do, the hunters who have more power and experience than you will secretly abhor your inability to be “as one” with them. Always maintain confidence. Always salute the hunter ahead of you. Always trap and lay meat wherever you go, and never be caught with a posture of uncertainty. Just pretend that the assembled multitude is there to honor and bless you. Meanwhile, you bless them back. Always. Power is in the hands of other people. Just as while you make your own character, it is other people who make your reputation. Therefore never assume that “you” are power. In truth, you can not be true power, until you have the influence of other people behind you. I am everywhere and no where all at once. My ads are everyone. My army is bidding for me all day / every day. Meanwhile I am “up a tree” out of eyes reach and dreaming up new ideas and new MIND-SPEAK. Anyone online is an overnight marketing guru. What I do is hard to “copy.”

Page # 4

“The Get-Rich and Mastery of Money is The Mastery of Self” Power is reserved for the few who stare down tradition, who eat authenticity for lunch, who dare common opinion and rely on their own, and who have the spine to “be” the consciousness of all that is right, just and powerful. Authority and dominion are your natural God given birth right. Power is in the pockets of other people and until you can acquire the votes of other Hunters the power remains in their pockets and leaves your pipe empty.

“Become a law unto yourself. What you say you do and when you shift from the influenced to influence, you change overnight.” To gather more power you begin first by building up other people. You become an evangelist and a bonafide Good News mercha nt, as in, “if you build people up, the people will build you”. A man who has not arrested the influence and minds, of at least three other minds, has but a dream. But he who can align others to his own mind, now has the power, granted to him by others. ——–See “Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion” ——Napoleon Hill Money is simply an asset or measure of just how worthy you are as a hunter. People who can’t hunt and who are pretend warriors, sit at the mercy of larger men and ask, “please feed me.” Money is only a symbol and to the extent that you can become detached from the ego of others and to the preciseness of how well you can be incognito and “invisible,” to he more will be added. I Shunned The Work-Farce. I Never Allowed Others To Employ Me I never allowed others to access my time so I learned to create my own work in order to prevent the alternative, which would mean employment. Even on the meat-truck, I was as free as a jay bird. I’d come and go as I pleased and even as street magician, from age 19 to 26, all I ever did was stand there and “be.” Just as you will be now. Solid as a rock, as if someone poured two tons of sand into you. Solid. Unwavering. Committed. Sold out on yourself. Just as any good leader is.

“Wisdom” Means More To Most People . . . Than How To Bait Hooks What good is it if I show you where the fish are biting but you are impatient and never properly learn how to re-load your gun, bait various size hooks or even take a breath to learn how to think like an expert trapper, what good is that? What to learn how to bait a hook? See Guru # 3,401. You must agree to learn “how” to think like a hunter or else if you stalked the forest properly and gathered many skins, without knowing what a hunter knows, even if you made “kill” after kill, you still wouldn’t have the mind to support other hunters who will want to hunt with you. Ask anyone who spent $5,000 to learn from a “marketing” expert if that is true. Oh Lord. It is. I wanted to teach art. Therefore I speak art. I speak mind. Only 1 out of 5 even understand what I am saying. (or like it how it feels)

Page # 5

No More “Truth” Has Ever Been Revealed . . .Not Ever: The most dangerous people in our industry are people who ask, “Where and how do I find people?” or folks who ask, “can you school me” or people who beg you to teach them how to gather a list. Here’s why: because no matter what you show those types, they can’t get it or do it and they hop from Guru to Guru asking the same questions and getting the same bogus results. What then makes them dangerous, is that they quit, leave upset and permeate this industry as little confused lambs who infect all of us with their war stories of, “Oh poor me, I have lost so much money.” The truth is, people who work this industry properly and make money, never had to ask anyone “how to market.” These people secretly and all alone, fussed over and studied while the world was sleeping and also “asleep.” Mike Dillard, Karganilla and Hochman and the greats who have passed by my door never once asked me, “How do I do what you do and get what you have?” Not once. They didn’t have to. Because they could see the common denominators. They were smart enough to tinker, to test stuff themselves, to toss money at their own little start-up campaigns and it’s those kinds of people, the greats, and only those kinds, the Doers, the THINKERS, who rise and end up ruling over all of those too small minded and too lazy. . . . to work-it-out themselves. 75% or better who will see this letter or who walk past The Million Mind March won’t get us, understand you—–or me——understand our philosophy and the mistake my friend, is to expect them to. Look, President Obama only got some 52% of the popular vote. Know this, you only need a handful of people to become wealthy. ONLY a handful. I built mega-rich downlines over and over with only and just a teeny-tiny band of 7-10 Zealots. You don’t need everyone and besides, the more you become “all of you” the more other people will learn to detest you. You heard me. The more TALL you become. The richer you become. The less the closest people nearest you will like you. Go ask any rich celebrity if that is true. The common will see you as a threat and the ones least likely to be able to duplicate your success, will learn to despise you. You’ll see. The true warrior is prepared to eat alone. He also understands that to teach another how to load a gun often proves foolish because he ends of shooting you. Lead, but do not feed people. Unless you allow people to learn and to feed themselves, they will HATE you for spoon feeding them because in the end, they will know you charged them money for not taking the time themselves to figure it out. Themselves. They’ll resent you for “burping” them instead of leading them as an equal. I should know. Because no one showed me how to “get people.” I taught myself. You will too.

— Page # 6 —

Here is a Shocking Reality and Wake-up Call:

Everyone and Their Brother Says They Have a Networking “Home” Business. . . And Yet Almost None of Those Same People Can Even Remotely Explain To You What Their “Prospecting” Business Looks Like! . . . . That’s Because Most Networkers Have Neither One! A Million Dollar “Secret” Now Rests Between Your Fingers Repeat this after me, “I don’t want an MLM business. I already told people I do and yet I am still not even cracking $2,500 per month.” Great. Now say this with me out- loud, “The people earning the FT income are not Networkers. They are professional prospectors.” Here’s something that eludes folks who have yet to earn any substantial income in our industry. It’s this: Until you learn and turn “prospecting” into your business, the after effect of a downline and a monthly residual check will never become a reality for you. Until you learn to do hundreds of presentations per day, automatically, and actually earn money through prospecting and gather a “hive” stuffed with whitehot excited “show me what you got” stuffed stable of prospects and leads, well, if that doesn’t happen, please tell me, just exactly do you expect to go full-time in this marvelous industry? How? People say “Joe Schroeder” is a “big name” MLM star. Well nothing could be further than the truth. What I am, and perfected, and want to press and pass into you and your new downline, is the art, yes the art, and the science, yes, make no bones about it, this is a science, the way to actually earn substantial weekly income while you are prospecting to build your home business. The part-timer remains a little no- money part-time so called “Networker” because he refuses to act, think and participate with a full-time mind-set. He play smalls. He trades and sells low ticket items. Joins small little programs and worse, doesn’t properly market. Much less advertise massively and become a professional prospector. But he has a home “business” right? Uh, no he doesn’t. If you have a business you have an asset. All most people in our industry have is a “bill.” Otherwise known as a liability. Your Friend,

Joe Schroeder 24 Hr. Recorded Message 1-800-772-9781 Ext: 15 Hear Joe Schroeder Now With His Victory Message Hot-Line All Paid Members of my course also get an easy 1-2-3 “Fast Start” Guide PDF

Page # 7

I’ll Empty My Computer Out For $2,041. Re-Sellers Earn $1,500! ** Four (4) Manuals + 10 Audio CD’s called The Vault. ** All of my most cherished and prized campaigns. ** Use my letters, articles and earn TWO levels. ** Level 1 pays $1,000 and level (2) $500 ** Learn step-by-step how to build your own empire. ** My exact methodology broken down 1-2-3. ** Even my ads are explained and ready to use.

10 “Vault” Sales = $10,000 Dollars. Earn Another $10,000 when your Network sells ten (10) because You earn $500 each sale 2nd level.

Everyone Gets Started For Just $7 Bucks. We Ship Our Mini-Book and Audio CD “Free” Just S & H = $7.87

If you want theKing audio package send $10. U-Pick. $3 or $10 “Big Dogs Pin” PO Boxtoo 406 Ledgewood, NJ 07852

Buck Hunters All Mail Grand Slam

1-800-772-9781 EXT 12 16 (Rec. Message) Send Back This CardThis + $3Card for Booklet andKit Lead Kit Now RETURN For Free


Only $10 Package leads + Fast Booklet Start Todayincludes + All Enrollee’s GoStart Under You + CD

Buck Hunters $ 10 Downline System

Me. Five Five TimeTime MLMMLM Loser Loser / All /I All did Iwas did was mix the mixpower the power of a 1-Up of “O.P.M.” Aussiewith Payan Plan automatic with an “twister” automatic two two level level $100 whopand per $200 $400 and and the rest $400isand history. the rest Addisa history. stamp and Addnow a stamp my and now does mail-box my monthly all the gross recruiting. salesSponsoring exceed $90K. System You uses get dibs on card decks, our co-op mag ads ads++2M post-card card deck. + 2 Mail Million box card money. deck.

P.O. Box 406 Ledgewood, NJ 07852

“Mechanics “Ducks, Trucks of Wealth” and Automobiles” —–Get it now!

MLM Mail Order is Back! Fans are piling in. What was old is new again. The internet just got too confusing for many of us. At $100 to $400 per person folks are joining who never built downlines before!

Clock My “Clock Work Money Work Mail-Order Money” MP-3 24 Audio Hrs 1-800-772-9781 is On The House Ext 12

Print Neat + Return this card and $3 For booklet

Receive ID# and Booklet and Leads

24 Hr. MLM Gold-Mine Rec. Message 1-800-772-9781 EXT 12

“How a Nobody Truck Driver From NJ Built Downline of 3,971 Using an All Mail System With One Arm Tied Behind His P.O. Box and a Little Thrifty $7 Bribe That You Can Use As Well

You start with a hot motivated downline because everyone makes cash up-front even before the downline builds for you under you. $100 + $200 + $400 cash payouts direct to you and even the pre-enrollee’s are yours. This “all mail” system is the best “Plan B” because no one has combined mail-order and MLM with a white hot 2 level big pay. Booklet and info just $3. If you want the audio package send $10 for big pack.

You Must Send Back Exact No More DeadAlso Downlines andThis You EarnPost-Card $200 to So $2,000 The DealerEven and Their ID#Anyone on Bottom Gets Next Enrollee Weekly Before Actually Joins You

“Buck “BigHunters Dogs King Big Pin” Dogs” ID#ID# ______ ______

Always make what you sell as close to original as possible. Make it so no one can “copy” what you sell.

Page # 8




“Pay Day University”

Marketing Physics


Day-Job Bail-Out Transcript + 2 CD

The Science of Creating an MLM Prospecting Monopoly

Live Seminar Precursor Learn The Mental Chemistry Between MLM Giants and His or Her Downline of 1,000’s

2 Transcripts + 4 CD

Creating Your Own Economy ** Pays you $100 per sale. ** 121 Pg. manual + 2 CD ** eBook download-co-branded. ** Three recruiting booklets. Use now. ** 10 POST CARDS included. ** Shipped it’s $197 + $20 = $217. ** You collect the money. We deliver. ** You keep $100. We get $117. ** It’s like using MLM steroids. ** Two weeks of FREE membership! ** The “PT Millionaire” book included. ** Post-card and ad samples shown. ** MASTER POST-CARD file given. ** People pay you by cash / Pay pal ** MASTER COPY if this letter incl. ** Earn $100 per sale.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

TWO (2) manuals + four (4) CD. Learn to automate prospecting. How to build automatic downlines. The psychology of my ad systems. The psychology of your prospects. How to build multiple incomes. Pays two levels $400 and $100. 10 sales = 10 x’s $400 = $4,000.

20 Sales = $8,000 Earn $25,000 In 60-120 Days

20 Sales = 20 x’s $700 = $14,000 Earn $200 each time your downline sells one who you sponsored. 2nd level pays $200

2nd level pays $100

** Shipped out of USA it’s $137. ** Ad co-op optional. ($80)

** See how my campaigns work. ** Learn WHY they work. ** Two (2) Manuals + 10 Audio CD ** Advanced MIND techniques. ** Subconscious mind training. ** Mesmerize through marketing. ** Black Belt level marketing course. ** Pays 2 levels $700 and $200. ** YOU earn $700 per sale.

Don’t Forget, You Also Get:

Pays $200 of sales that your personal enrollees make @ $1,341 each.

What $14,200 Looks Like:

—–Paid Members/ Protégés Only — ** Master post-card file. We customize it. ** Master copy of this report/ sales letter. ** Auto-responder letters naturally. ** Weekly live Joe Schroeder calls. ** Access to re-sell all product you own. ** Earn on courses you also have bought. ** Ad co-ops reserved for proven leaders. ** Learn also to create your own little system.

1: You sell eight people @ $197. 2: You sell twelve people the $597 package. 3: Only 50% (10) all came back to upgrade to the $1,341. 4: Of those 20, eight sold the $1,341 as well. 5: Now remember, this also pays you $500 when they sell.

This Ad Pulls Like Wild-Fire *(sample)

6: Okay. Do the math. You just made $14,000 in 60 days.

CEO income from home: If you don’t believe it don’t call. 1-975-555-9261. Already $9,200 wk. www.

Learn How To Become “One” With An Open Market Place. I Did. You Will Too:

“I am a social scientist and explorer of how two minds become one. I only use Networking as the economy to bind my tribes together.” —–Joe Schroeder—– More Big Dogs Ad Copy to Study and Learn

MLM BigFish

** Apprenticeship / Tuition is forty-eight per month ** Sponsor 5 and it’s Free with No Charge


Page # 9

From Little To Big: Earn $400 and $700 Per Person! “Yes! I Want To Receive Mail-Box Money and Grow a Big Monthly Residual Check All At Once!” ? “YES! I am ordering the $597 program.” 2 Manuals + four Audio CD

Page # 10

? “YES! I am ordering the $1,341 program.” 2 Manuals + Ten Audio CD. ? “I am brand new, please send me the $217 course with one manual, report and two CD kit. All Orders Must Fax This No Refunds Clause and Why we offer ZERO and NO REFUNDS ever / Here’s Why: No refunds because all buyers first sampled on-line or read our free booklet or first ordered the $17.95 We are all adults here and no one wants to give back money they just made. Dealers pay forty-eight per month who want to re-sell our products and also u se our content and get on live Joe schroeder private member calls. You can be a member later. Some just want to order to get the information. You can only earn on product that you ordered yourself. Non buyers of the $597 for instance, can not re-sell that item for example and the profits roll up to the upline who is qualified. Sign below and you agree to NO REFUNDS on any Joe Schroeder Date______________Faith Signature Here ___________________________________________________________________

Your Sponsor Benefactor is:

Print Neat. Tell Us Where To Deliver Your New Life Changing Break-Through! Your Name___________________________________Home Phone_____________________________ Your Address__________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________State_________Zip_________________ E-Mail (Print neat PLEASE What are you ordering? ________ ($597) ___________$1,341 Check one. ( Both )____________ FAX this page to 1-973-927-7065 (Schroeder Publishing) This page must be signed and faxed in.

WHO SENT YOU HERE? E-Mail Joe Schroeder If You Have Questions or Just Call us

[email protected] / Office: 1-973-418-9261

Pre-Register Now. Fax This Completed to 1-973-927-7065

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