Afterwards - kemudiannya
Meanwhile - pada masa yang sama
Eventually – akhirnya
Consequently – akibatnya
Thus – oleh itu
Therefore – oleh itu
However – walaupun
Besides – selain itu
In addition – tambahan pula
Furthermore – lebih-lebih lagi
Similarly – sama dengan
Nevertheless – walaupun begitu
Subsequently – berikutnya
In the interim – sementara itu
Hereby – dengan ini / maka
Hence – maka
From this time – dari masa ini
For this reason – utk sebab ini
Moreover – tambahan lagi
Apart from that –
Other than that – selain itu
In spite of this –
In a nutshell – akhirnya
In conclusion –
At the end of –
First and foremost – mula-mula sekali
By the way – oleh itu
Apart from that – selain drpd itu In spite of this – walau bagaimanapun In conclusion – kesimpulannya At the end of – pada akhirnya
Penanda Wacana Selain itu
Keadaan ini Namun begitu, Walau bagaimanapun Akibatnya Begitu juga Sebaliknya Walaupun, Kesimpulannya
Pada keseluruhannya, Pada amnya Akhirnya Seterusnya Dengan perkataan lain Oleh hal demikian Tegasnya
As a result, consequently Similarly, On the other hand, On the contrary, In contrast Although, Even though To conclude, In conclusion, In a nutshell
Generally, In general Lastly, Finally Next, Then In other words, In another word Because of this He/She reiterates that, he stresses that, So, Therefore, Hence, Thus
Jelaslah Sementara itu
It is clear that, It is evident that Meanwhile, In the meantime
Before, Before this, Previously, Prior to this Now, Lately, Especially, In summary, To summarise,
Kini Khususnya Ringkasnya 2
Cohesive Devices Furthermore, In addition, Not only this, Apart from that, Besides, This, This situation, However, Yet
Self-discipline is the power needed to accomplish a certain task or adopt a certain behaviour. Willpower is the ability to overcome bad habits. By having these two powers, we can achieve success, both spiritual and material better. Self-discipline is the assertion of willpower. It endows us with the stamina to persevere in whatever we do. With both, we are able to choose the behaviour and reactions we want instead of being ruled by them. It is not true that they are difficult to master. To develop them, we take effort in practising techniques and performing certain actions or activities that involve determination. The stronger our powers, the more control we have over our thoughts and powers of concentration get stronger. When this happens, we enjoy inner peace and happiness. [129 words]
After being warned by jessie about the bear,lydia then screamed to her boys tu run away as far as they can.So they can escaped from the bear as she draw attention so that the bear don’t chase her students.Lydia try to escape but fail as she was hit by the bear paw and ripe her nose then fainted.After a while lydia came to sense,thanfully a fellow teahcer simon shot down the bear.After that,Lydia started crying for the tragedy happen to her and after a few moments she collapsed at the police sleeping befere she was sent to the nearest clinic to treat her injuries