Logic Model

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 490
  • Pages: 2


What external factors or stakeholders shape or influence your project? (Things to consider when planning project activities)

What are you adding? (New resources you purchase, beg, borrow, steal, or otherwise add into your school system with this project) Laptops & Projectors, iPods, video cameras, wireless slate

Technology Standards •

Math & Science 1st Year

Language Arts & S.S. 2nd Year

Library Media Standards •

Math & Science 1st Year

Language Arts & S.S. 2nd Year

Partnerships (CSPD, OPI, Districts, UM)

Training doesn't currently exist •

No personnel

Lack of funds

Lack of resources

Lack of access

Web 2.0 technologies Moodle Skype Google Docs Blogs Social Bookmarking Podcasting /RSS feeds Social Networking Video Professional Development (Time, Knowledge, Skills, Guidance) Textbooks (Traditional and RSS feed based) Adding Professional Learning Network Continuing Ed Credit Montana Technology and Library Media Standards CSPD - provides content and access to technology instruction Collaborative Learning Model

Strategies and Actions

Immediate Objectives

Long-term Goals

What will the project do? (Project strategies and associated activities)

What short-term change do you expect and desire as a result of the project? (Intermediate or short-term goals or outcomes)

So what? (Impact or long-term outcomes of the project)

Face-to-face workshops -train on Collaborative learning model in the content area - train on collaborative learning model in their Professional Learning Model - Technology training on Web 2.0 software tools -Technology training on integrating Web 2.0 tools in the classroom using the Collaborative learning model Online training -asynchronous instruction on emerging technology trends and issues - exposure to current and emerging literature and research of educational technology - leveraging Web 2.0 instruction and current literature to design or enhance classroom lessons Participation in a Professional Learning Network -Regular one-on-one contact and support with mentor versed in Education -Communication and collaboration amongst peers -Resource sharing and

Knowledge gained from current educational readings reflected into educational practice Learn and Deploy Web 2.0 technologies to close the gap between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants Utilize Web 2.0 technologies in classroom instruction to increase student engagement, technology literacy and meet the requirements of the Technology Standards Utilize Web 2.0 technologies to engage in a Professional Learning Network (including a repository of training materials and shared resources) that is not bound by distance or time Educational advancement to ensure highly qualified teachers

Develop a sustainable inservice model that is not bound by distance or time Empower teachers with the ability to adapt and apply future technologies to student learning Every child is technologically literate by the time they finish the 8th grade Teacher lessons using collaborative model with technology in the content area to engage digital natives and increase achievement

National Council for Staff Development standards

training materials Technology Cadre -providing a forum for -networking and collaborative work, -focusing on exemplary staff development skills, -utilizing a project based learning structure (2008-09), -internalizing NETS for teachers, -modeling effective instructional strategies while demonstrating emerging technologies.

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