Logic Model Exercise Situation
What’s the specific problem you’ll be solving. What makes it a priority here & now.
What resources will you put toward solving the problem?
What will you actually do with those resources to solve the problem?
In quantified terms, what results from the activities?
In both quantified & qualified terms, what is different as a result of those outputs?
What is the opposite of the situation you described; the ideal rather than the reality you’re combating?
Hire Spanish/ English bilingual peer educator
Place 12 key ads in community targeting unbanked
2,400 people learn about program
768 (80%) complete course & indicate improved confidence & knowledge of banking with a credit union
Eventually, all families in the three county area have at least a basic relationship with a regulated, depository institution. They retain more of their income, are more financially resilient, and stronger as a family.
Example: 60% of low income families are unbanked in our three county area, and 40% of them are Spanish speaking. They are losing 4-9% of their income on check cashing alone, and lack access to credit for emergencies and assets to get ahead. Family financial stress is high, contributing to poor health, lost work, and other negative outcomes.
Logic Model Exercise
Adapt promising financial education curriculum & translate to Spanish Develop training for member services representatives Hire marketing firm for Spanish language marketing campaign $5 opening deposit for previously unbanked
Deliver 48 financial education workshop Deliver 6 trainings to member services representatives at 6 credit unions to help graduates of workshops open new account Match each new account by graduate of workshop
960 attend financial education workshop 36 member services representatives complete training
500 open new accounts, representing $2,500 in beginning savings for low income families 6 credit unions better experienced at welcoming unbanked
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members at participating credit unions
Logic Model Exercise
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What’s the specific problem you’ll be solving. What makes it a priority here & now.
What resources will you put toward solving the problem?
What will you actually do with those resources to solve the problem?
In quantified terms, what results from the activities?
In both quantified & qualified terms, what is different as a result of those outputs?
Logic Model Exercise
Impact What is the opposite of the situation you described; the ideal rather than the reality you’re combating?
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Logic Model Exercise
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