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Preparing The Fish Lime
To get rid the smell of Patin fish
The lngrdknh Tempoyak (fermented durians) 5-6 pulps dudan, remwe ftesh and discard the seeds hoWtspsaH The flesh of the fruit is kept in an airtight container and some salt is sprinkled over it before the container is closed. It will take a few weeks forthe durian to turn sourlsh.
Itgivescolor to thedish Turmeric is mildly aromatic, with a pungent, bitter flavour, so you can't use too much of it in your cooking
Cill Padi/bird's evechillie~ It gives spicy taste to the dish
A SQhGeluuor (sliced tamarind or taman'nd skin _l
give a subtlesour taste Asam gelugor can be taken out if the Tempoyak are season; already have the sour taste inside.
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