
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 395
  • Pages: 3
//-------------------------------------------------------------------// // Laboratory 1 Logbook.java // // Definitions for the Logbook ADT // // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------import java.io.*; import java.util.*;

// For reading (keyboard) & writing (screen) // For GregorianCalendar class

class Logbook { // Data members private int logMonth, logYear; private int[] entry = new int[31]; private GregorianCalendar logCalendar;

// Logbook month // Logbook year // Array of Logbook entries // Java's built-in Calendar

// Constructor public Logbook ( int month, int year ) // Creates an empty logbook for the specified month and year. { int j; if(!((month-1)>=0&&(month-1)<=11)) logCalendar=new GregorianCalendar(); // Today's Date else { // Assumes a default DAY_OF_MONTH as first day of month logCalendar=new GregorianCalendar(year,month-1,1); logMonth=month; logYear=year; } // Set each entry to 0 for(j=0;j<=30;j++) entry[j]=0; } // Methods public void putEntry ( int day, int value ) // Stores entry for the specified day. { if(day>0 && day<=daysInMonth()) entry[day-1]=value; } public int getEntry ( int day ) // Returns entry for the specified day. { if(day>0 && day<=daysInMonth()) return entry[day-1]; else return -1;

} public int month ( ) // Returns the logbook month. { return logMonth; } public int year ( ) // Returns the logbook year. { return logYear; } public int daysInMonth ( ) // Returns the number of days in the logbook month. { int a[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if((logMonth-1)==1) if(leapYear()) return 29; else return 28; else return a[logMonth-1]; } // Facilitator (helper) method private boolean leapYear ( ) // If the logbook month occurs during a leap year, then returns true. // Otherwise, returns false. { boolean b=logCalendar.isLeapYear(logYear); return b; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // In-lab operations // //-------------------------------------------------------------------private int dayOfWeek ( int day ) // Returns the day of the week corresponding to the specified day. { logCalendar.set(logYear,logMonth-1,day); int t=logCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); // Returns the days numbered from 1 to 7 return (t-1); } public void displayCalendar () // Displays a logbook using the traditional calendar format. {

int dnb=dayOfWeek(1); System.out.println("

"+logMonth+" / "+logYear);

System.out.println("Sun"+"\t"+"Mon"+"\t"+"Tue"+"\t"+"Wed"+"\t"+"Thu"+"\t"+"Fri"+"\ t"+"Sat"); //System.out.print(" "); for(int j=0;j
public void plus ( Logbook rightLogbook ) // Combine logbooks. { }*/

} // class Logbook

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