Light Basti Sheikh

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 225
  • Pages: 2
Project on Light Light is the energy which helps us to see the objects. Sources of light

Natural Sources of light

Cold Sources eg. Moon light

Artificial Sources Man made sources are called Artificial Sources. Eg. Bulb, Tube light , Candle light.

Hot Sources eg. Light of sun

Properties of light: Light travels in a straight Line. What happens when light falls on objects? 1. If light falls on the opaque(Through which light cannot pass) objects a black dark patch forms behind the object. This is called Shadow of the object. 2. If light falls on transparent objects no black patch is formed means no shadow.For eg, Air,glass. 3. If light falls on translucent(Through which partial light) objects light black patch formed behind the object.This is Light in colour. This is the Shadow of that Translucent objects.

Eclipses: Due to the this property of light, that light that travels in a straight line eclipses are formed.Eclipses are of Two types: 1. Solar Eclipses: When sun,moon and earth are in straight line. Moon between sun and earth then Solar eclipse occur.

2. Lunar Eclipses: When sun,earth and moon are in straight line. Earth between sun and moon then Lunar eclipse occurs.(moon does not has its own light it only reflects the sunlight.

Bibliography: 1.Text Book of science P.S.E.B,7th Class. 2.Web sites leading to Image search

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