Life, Self & Love

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 516
  • Pages: 3
Life, Self and Love

There is but one LIFE manifesting through all forms. There is but one SELF manifesting through all forms There is but one LOVE manifesting through all forms. The SELF is one with LIFE, and the SELF is one with LOVE, - therefore are the three but one. She who realises her unity with the LIFE, SELF and LOVE knows Bliss. For pure LIFE is Bliss, the pure SELF is Bliss, and pure (unconditional) LOVE is Bliss. When the Sun shines through crimson glass, there appears to be a crimson Sun, and when the Sun shines through emerald glass there appears to be an emerald Sun. Yet is there but one Sun, which is neither crimson, nor emerald. And so it is with the one SELF, shining through a myriad individual selves, which are as the coloured windows, through which the Sun of the Self does shine. My friends, perceive the one SELF in all beings, then will ye love all beings. (these).. are the Great Simples, yet they are the eternal profundities.

“My friends, Perceive the one SELF in all beings, then will you love all beings In your Scriptures, it is written ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself’, and you have deemed that to mean - love your neighbour as much as yourself. But you are mistaken, for it also means that you should love your neighbour as yourself because he is one with yourself, since there is but one SELF. Truly, there are many waves in the sea, yet are those waves one with the sea and formed out of the sea; and their difference is not of kind, but only of name and form. And so it is with yourself and your neighbours. Only when Mankind will realise this will all enmities cease. Not facts, but illusions are the cause of discord in the world. The mother of conflict is the illusion of diversity; the mother of unhappiness is the search without, for that which is within. Every soul whether knowingly or not, is striving to find the bliss of the SELF. The sage tries to find it through wisdom and saintliness, and the sinner through folly and sinfulness. The desire is the same but the methods are diverse. Blame not the sinner, my friends, but have compassion on him, for his sinfulness is but ignorance, incurring, nonetheless, it’s retribution, be it in the present or the future. This is what we of the East call the law of karma. But you of the West have erased it’s truth from your religion, deeming that one can evade the consequences of misdeeds through repentance. Yet is the law of karma a benign law, for if one could avoid the results of searching for the SELF in the wrong way, how would one ever come to think to search for it in the right way? Through the ways of error, then, man eventually arrives at Truth – the Truth of the SELF which will set him free. Peace be with you “ from a discourse given by a Tibetan in the 1880’s

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