Liberi V Taitz - Exhibit 43 - To Liberi Show Cause - Supplemental Affidavit Of K Strebel

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Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER

Document 107-9

Filed 08/27/2009


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Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER

Document 107-9

Law Offices of: PHILIP J. BERG, ESQUIRE 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Identification No. 09867 (610) 825-3134

Filed 08/27/2009

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Attorney for: Plaintiffs


LISA LIBERI, et al, Plaintiffs, vs.

ORLY TAITZ, et al, Defendants.

: : : Assigned to Honorable Eduardo C. Robreno : : : Case No.: 09-cv-01898-ECR : : : : : :


I, K. Strebel am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein and if called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath. I declare as follows: 1.

As stated previously in my prior affidavit’s I have been aware of the Illegal

activities of Linda Sue Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr; Edgar Hale, Caren Hale, Plains Radio, KPRN AM 1610 and Bar H Farms; Orly Taitz; Defend our Freedoms Foundations, Inc; Neil

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Sankey and Mr. Sankey’s businesses. All of their false, degrading and nasty accusations were targeted at Lisa Liberi, Philip J. Berg and the Law offices of Philip J. Berg located in Pennsylvania. These individuals’ illegal behaviors then moved on to Evelyn Adams; Lisa Ostella; Go Excel Global; and any other party who has any affiliation with Philip J. Berg, his law practice and/or his paralegal, Lisa Liberi. 2.

Your Honor I am making this Supplemental Affidavit as I am aware of additional

and more recent events which I feel important to bring to your Honor’s attention. 3.

On January 23, 2009 Plains Radio had posted on their website at 966808&cmd=show a letter written by Orly Taitz regarding comments (opinions) a radio show host made about her. Mrs. Taitz letter was posted at Plains Radio with the following post: “Orly is kicking ass again. Publish both letters on your blogs.” “I have the audio tape of the show, but I have to cut it down to the clip. I'll forward it to you all when I am done. Pass this around. Let's make it go viral. If Orly filed a CIVIL suit against Medved for slander, maybe the BC documents could finally be obtained. Maybe Obama could be deposed. We have to start thinking out of the box.” 4.

Ms Taitz in her letter proclaimed her knowledge of California state law when it

came to Deformation and Slander, see EXHIBIT “A”. Mrs. Taitz’s letter was addressed to Joe Davis, President of Radio Division and Chris Henderson, Vice President and general Counsel for Salem Communications in Camarillo, CA 93012 and stated that she was slandered by Michael Medved during his radio show. In this letter Mrs. Taitz stated the following on the first page under the first paragraph. “Dear Mr. Davis and Mr. Henderson, On Monday, January 19th, during Michael Medved's Radio Show, Mr. Medved made some very disparaging and slanderous Affidavit of K. Strebel


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remarks concerning my character, mental state and my motives for pursuing legal actions that question Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President of the United States. Mr. Medved also made ‘false’ statements concerning the merits of the legal actions that I have filed and insinuated that my primary motive for pursuing these matters is to receive monetary donations from an unsuspecting and misinformed public.”


Mrs. Taitz goes on further in Paragraph 3, stating::

California State Law “Under California law, statements, like the ones that Mr. Medved spewed on your radio broadcasts are considered defamatory. In a court of law, I would not need to show special damages (e.g., damages to property, business, trade, profession or occupation, including expenditures that resulted from your defamation statements) because the statements are defamation per se. See Cal. Civ. Code § 45a; Yow v. National Enquirer, Inc. 550 F.Supp.2d 1179, 1183 (E.D. Cal. 2008).” 6.

Your Honor this is truly a travesty when an Attorney wants to have the law work

for themselves and yet when the same Attorney considers themselves exempt from or above the Laws of the land and spews her own brand of Defamation of the Character of Lisa Liberi, Paralegal to Mr. Berg, family members of Lisa Liberi, Phillip J. Berg himself, the Law Offices of Phillip J. Berg and those associated with his Law Offices, and Further slander of Evelyn Adams aka MommaE, Lisa Ostella and Go Excel Global. 7.

I also discovered where Neil Sankey found an article with the name Lisa Liberi,

which he altered prior to distributing it to Mrs. Taitz and Lisa Ostella. .Mr. Sankey’s email is located in Mrs. Taitz Dossier #6 which also contains Lisa Liberi’s full social security number, date of birth and other personal identifying information. Mr. Sankey’s email states:

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> From: [email protected] > To: [email protected]; [email protected] > Subject: FW: >>>>>>>>>>Urgent IMPORTANT INFO SAME SUBJECT<<<<< > Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:57:13 -0700 > > > > PLEASE NOTE THE LAST LINE! [Emphasis Added] > > Thursday, April 10, 2008 > > > New Mexico Woman Sentenced in Identity Theft and Real Estate Fraud > > > Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in > connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged > documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, > Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term > of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 > years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony > counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. > > From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification > of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and > counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of > dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. > > In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department personnel arrested > Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from > the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit > arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony > charges while she was out on bail. > > She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90’s. This is the last line referred to above. [emphasis added] 8.

The article in Mr. Sankey’s email above is an article which can be found on a

blog on the Internet.1 What this article really states is as follows:

1 _and_real_estate_fraud Affidavit of K. Strebel


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Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Mexico Woman Sentenced in Identity Theft and Real Estate Fraud Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department personnel arrested Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony charges while she was out on bail.


Not only did Mr. Sankey fail to investigate the above allegations against “A” Lisa

Liberi, Mr. Sankey has also taken it upon himself to add “She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90’s.”to the article to place Lisa Liberi in a false light before the public. As this Court can see by the above article compared to Mr. Sankey’s email above, “She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90’s”s was never part of the original article. There is NO excuse for the liberties taken by Mr. Sankey, a California Licensed Private Investigator, in an effort to defame and destroy Lisa Liberi and draw unfounded conclusions and pass them around as if reality. It is further disgusting, that Orly Taitz, a California Licensed Attorney allowed the above to go out over the internet, after Lisa

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Liberi’s full social security number and other private personal information was added and continued sending her Dossier #6 with this unverified and unfounded information out to over 140,000 individuals and business, including internationally and had it posted on blogs all over the Internet. 10.

Not only does Mrs. Taitz Dossier #6 still remain on her website, which is re-published on the Internet and resent out over the Internet to websites every three (3) hours by her RSS feed, but on or about July 24, 2009, Mrs. Taitz set up a brand new website located and she republished this dossier #6 with Lisa Liberi’s full social security number under “Supporting Documentation” located at

Mrs. Taitz has

completed and sent out approximately eight (8) dossier’s and dossier #6 which is about Lisa Liberi with Lisa Liberi’s full social security number, date of birth, and other private confidential information is the only one posted on her website. 11.

It is apparent that Mrs. Taitz holds herself in a higher regard than she does the


Mrs. Taitz relies on the laws of our Country to protect herself, however,

disregards them when it comes to the Plaintiffs’ herein. 12.

I am also disturbed by additional information which I have come across in regards

to the hypocrisy of Mrs. Taits. Earlier on she commented about an email she sent to Mr. Philip J. Berg Esq. regarding the supposed Criminal Record of Lisa Liberi, with the accusations of Fraud etc. I have now come to find out Mrs. Taitz has a new assistant, Travel partner and now Paralegal, Charles E. Lincoln, III who has drafted some of Mrs. Taitz most recent case fillings, filed the documents with the Federal Courts, traveled with Mrs. Taitz to the Court hearings and was introduced to the Courts as Mrs. Taitz Legal Assistant. In fact,

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Charles E. Lincoln, III was present at this Court during the June 25, 2009 hearing before your Honor. However, as previously filed with this Court, Mr. Lincoln has been convicted of Federal crimes; federal contempt of court; been to seven (7) prisons by his own admission; and disbarred from the practice of law in two (2) states, Florida and California; and voluntarily resigned from the Texas State Bar to avoid disbarment. 13.

Orly Taitz did not feel it important or necessary to make the public aware of

Charles Lincoln’s background. She has not made Mr. Lincolns criminal background known as she felt it was necessary to state a background of Lisa Liberi that has not been proven as belonging to Lisa Liberi. Instead, she continues to publish Dossier # 6 and puts out further information regarding Mrs. Liberi’s Mother’s name, Origin of Birth of Lisa Liberi and Information regarding a death of her sister. Your Honor Mr. Lincolns Criminal History is easily found on pacer and even some on his own Website. 14.











at insinuating that Mrs. Liberi somehow had a role to play with her sister’s death and called for a Pathologist to look into the matter. I still fail to see where anything regarding Lisa Liberi’s sister or her death has anything to do with Mrs. Taitz or gives Mrs. Taitz any reason to post this painful and private information of Ms. Liberi’s sister on her website. Ms. Taitz simply did this and continues to do this to hurt and harm Lisa Liberi and her family. This was cruel, malicious and extremely vindictive on the part of Orly Taitz. 15.

I have spoken with Lisa Liberi regarding her sister’s death. Ms. Liberi stated her

sister did pass away from an illegal drug over-dose. Ms. Liberi stated her sister’s name was not Cheryl that Orly Taitz had it wrong. Ms. Liberi stated her sister’s passing was four years

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ago on July 5, 2005. Ms. Liberi stated her family had kept her sister’s death private due to the fact it was a self inflicted drug over-dose. Ms. Liberi stated her family did not feel it anyone’s business. Ms. Liberi stated the postings by Ms. Taitz, which Ms. Liberi’s mother found on the internet on or about June 27th 2009, have truly upset Ms. Liberi and her elderly parents. Again, Orly Taitz posting regarding the death of Ms. Liberi’s sister was nothing more than vindictive and malicious, to cast Lisa Liberi in a false light, to make insinuating remarks to the point of accusatory comments is only and again to carry out her threat to destroy Lisa Liberi, which she has pretty much done. 16.

Your Honor this Court’s warnings on June 25th were again ignored, towards the

end of July 2009 Mrs Taitz set-up a new website where she again posted Dossier # 6, with Mrs. Liberi’s full social security number and other personal identifying information, which is also still located on her blog, but in her new posting when she opened her website, instead of the former text and font size in the E-mail from Neil Sankey the new website located at has a font change in that E-mail and also enlarged point size as well. Again this is nothing but malicious intent to continue to do harm to Lisa Liberia and her family. Furthermore it is apparent Ms Taitz continues in her defiance of this Court’s warnings from your Honor of June 25th 2009. 17.

Your Honor Ed Hale and Linda Belcher on Mr. Hale’s radio show, the Lion’s Den

on June 25, 2009, threatened Plaintiffs’ witnesses. The text of the defendant’s threats is as follows: Linda Starr: “Well I feel like the Judge threw Berg a bone today. Because he said, ok, you made all of these allegations and I'm gonna wait and give you a chance to support the allegations you made with proof and evidence. And sworn affidavits with real identities.

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Not fake IDs. They are gonna have to put their real identities out there.”[emphasis added] Ed Hale: “Yeah and I'm gonna tell you something. When these affidavits come in that they claim that they have. These people's names are gonna be known. Their addresses are gonna be known. And you know something, we are gonna know who they are. And you know what, we will go after them with a vengeance. And prove them a liar also.” [emphasis added] Caren: “Who are you talking about?” Ed Hale: “All of these affidavits that Berg claims he has. We are talking about...” Caren: “From just?...” Linda Starr: “Caren here is the deal. They are not going to be allowed to use usernames. In order to produce sworn affidavits in court they are gonna be notarized they are gonna have to use their real names.” Caren: “Ok.” Ed Hale: “Yeah, there is no more hiding.” Linda Starr: “Then we can identify them.” Caren: “And these are people that are using their user names that are making all of these statements.” Ed Hale: “That's correct.” Linda Starr: “That's right”. Caren: “Ok.” Ed Hale: “But now they have to come out from behind the anonymity of the internet. And they have to come out and face us. And you know something...?” Caren: “And they will probably refuse to do it for Berg, huh?” Ed Hale: “Let me tell you something. It’s easy as hell...” Linda Starr: “Ron Polarik's ID is gonna be exposed.” Ed Hale: “Let me tell you something...”

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Linda Starr: “All these people that want to know who he is, it's gonna come out who he is.” Ed Hale: “Let me tell you something and listen to this.” Caren: “We're listen...” Ed Hale: “This is what is hilarious in a way. The people that have told Berg, on the Internet, oh let's just use Chilieman for an example. That Ed Hale wanted him to give him money so he can give it to Berg. Well let me tell you something. Chilieman, you can't hide no more. You're gonna have to come out and say who you are and where you are.” [emphasis added] Linda Starr: “Oh we know who he is. We know...” [emphasis added] 18.

Your Honor this threat of Linda Starr a/k/a Linda Belcher “Ron Polarik’s ID is

gonna be exposed…All these people that want to know who he is, it's gonna come out who he is.” regarding Ron Polarik was actually carried out on Plains Radio website located at on July 29th, 2009. Ron Polarik has been a witness in a Federal Case, Berg v Obama which is currently with the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Polarik maintained his confidentiality for the protection of himself and his family from such threats as those being made by the defendants in this case. A post was placed on Edgar and Caren Hale’s website located at at 9:00 a.m. which states Ron Polarik, Mr. Berg’s Forensic document expert’s, legal name is Ronald Jay Polland and he resides in Florida. See EXHIBIT “B”. To further carry out their threats, Linda Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr










at which states: “Meet Ronald Jay Polland By CaptainAstro on July 29, 2009 6:38 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks This is Dr. Ronald Jay Polland. He received a BA in Psychology from Florida State University in 1970, a Masters in Educational Research from FSU in 1972, Affidavit of K. Strebel


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and a Doctorate in Instructional Systems from FSU in 1978. His curriculum vitae lists the other accomplishments he finds noteworthy. He holds himself out as an expert on surveys and market research. Ron Polland is Ron Polarik [emphasis added] .” 19.

Ms Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr has now further made good on her threat to make

known the identity of Ron Polarik a/k/a Ron Jay Polland. She has now conspired with the other defendants to post the identity of a Federal Witness and may have put his life and that of his family in danger as I and those who would provide affidavit’s in this matter as witness and testify under oath to the actions regarding this case and the defendants within. 20.

Your Honor, Mr. Hale has been deleting the posts he has made, since it has been

made known to this Court. I believe he is doing this in attempts to destroy evidence. In his link he posts the 77 page document sent to this court, Document # 83 on the court’s docket Filed 07/27/2009 Entitled Emergency Injunction for TRO. It appears to me that Mr. Hale and Linda Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr have now done this to further bring additional concerns of witness intimidation and witness tampering. The following was posted July 31st 2009 at regarding Ron Jay Pollond “Re: Ron Polarik By Linda Starr on July 31, 2009 4:50 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks To Whom It May Concern: I did NOT out Ron Polarik's identity. I would not do to him and make him a target the way Berg/Liberi has done to me. His identity would have been revealed in court at some point. His identity was jeopardized when Berg/Liber/Adams filed this frivilous suit. He defamed me all over the Internet and when I confronted him in emial, he ignored me and didn't bother to even acknowledge, or deny it to me. He lieved Affidavit of K. Strebel


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the lies of people who used him to defame me, quoted it everywhere online and made him the target for the nutjobs, just like me and my family have all been compromized. I tried to warn him months ago when he first got involved not to reveal himself to anyone until he absolutely had to. Like me, he's been used and discarded. To Ron, I did not out you. I don't care what the Politijab Trolls say. They claimed they didn't out Liberi's past there either. I got blamed for that too and had no idea.” 21.

Your Honor, since the time I met Linda Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr, she has had a

continual problem with lying. Just like above, she states “I did NOT out Ron Polarik’s identity” however, just two (2) posts below it Linda on her website states “MEET RONALD JAY POLLAND” which was posted at just approximately two (2) days prior. The defendants have teamed up with Orly Taitz and have set out to carry out the threats made by Orly Taitz do harm and take Philip J Berg and the Law offices of Philip J. Berg down and to do so she would destroy his paralegal, Lisa Liberi and anyone associated with them. That is exactly what they are all doing and as a consequence they may have placed Mr. Polland and his family, myself and other witnesses and the plaintiffs in danger. 22.

As stated above, Ed Hale has posted everything filed in this case since July 16,

2009 to date. Of the postings was Attorney Hoppe’s letter of July 30, 2009 to this Court, which during Mr. Hale’s radio show Mr. Hale referred everyone to read Mr. Hoppe’s letter. In Mr. Hoppe’s letter, his remark “Mr. Bergs failure to include the complete quote was, I believe, disingenuous and an effort to mislead the court as to the Hale’s and Ms. Belcher’s Intentions” is ridiculous. Your Honor there is no misleading of the court as it was a direct quote that I, myself, heard and listened to on the Plains Radio Show KPRN AM 1610 dated June 25th 2009. Further Attorney Hoppe apparently copied statements from an email or

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information he received from his clients as evidenced by the mere fact, he misspelled the word “liar” as “lair” which is the exact same way Mr. Hale always seems to spell it, instead of correctly spelling “liar” Mr. Hale always writes “lair”. Mr. Hoppe’s direct quote “AND PROVE THAT THEY ARE LAIRS” leads me to believe Attorney Hoppe never actually listened to the full show or parts provided in part, but instead took his clients word. 23.

Further your Honor as of July 29th 2009 the defendant’s have further made good

on their threat by disclosing and publishing information regarding Ron Jay Polland, as well as my own identity which was contained in my affidavit filed in this matter, July 27, 2009. Thankfully, I redacted my address and first name from my affidavit. 24.

Your Honor should these defendants be allowed to continue in this manner and

further be allowed to seek retaliation as in the case of releasing information and publishing it on their individual websites where the information is picked up and spread throughout the World Wide Web and over AM Radio shows, witnesses who have pertinent information will refuse to testify as some I know already have. Plaintiffs in this case are being severely prejudiced in their ability to seek fair justice under the laws of the United States Constitution and the laws governing such actions both State and Federal as they apply in this case. 25.

As witnesses in this case we are entitled to protection under the law and should be

afforded that protection by this Court. This Court has the ability to Order the defendants to stop there continued malicious and intentional behaviors and posting or distribution of personal information or slanderous statements including statements made in a Blog, Website and Chat Room. As someone with a family I am concerned for the safety of myself and family.

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It should also be noted; on Friday, July 31, 2009 in the chat from

Linda Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr, other than a few sentences, in the seventy four (74) pages of the chat that I have, Linda Belcher could not complete a sentence without bringing up Lisa Liberi and Philip J. Berg’s name and further degrading, slandering and libeling Lisa Liberi and Philip J. Berg, knowing her statements to be false. Linda Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr is very vindictive, hateful, abusive and dishonest. 27.

I have been checking Orly Taitz website as well as her blog to see if she has

removed Lisa Liberi’s social security number. However, as of Sunday, August 2, 2009, Lisa Liberi’s full social security number and other private identifying information was still present on Orly Taitz’s Dossier #6 located on her blog at as well as on her website located at and at a third location located at 28.

Your Honor I was sent by email copy of the most recent filings of Mrs. Taitz of

her affidavit dated August 1st 2009 document # 93-2 and her 32 page brief to this court Document # 93-1 on this Court’s Docket dated July 31st 2009 from one who has an account on Pacer and who is not subject to this action but is one who would be providing testimony and evidence in this matter. These two witnesses were advised by four (4) separate attorneys based on threats by the defendants that they should not testify until protections are in place to keep the defendants from carrying out their threats and from making known personal and private information of Plaintiffs witnesses. 29.

Mrs. Taitz in her affidavit in paragraph 6 states “If, as plaintiff’s appear to allege

in their new Application for TRO certain unnamed attorneys have advised certain unnamed witnesses not to appear voluntarily in this case to discuss certain unnamed and

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undescribed events on behalf of the plaintiffs, I do not see how that is my fault or attributable to me or anyone associated with me.” Mrs. Taitz is notorious Your Honor for posting personal information of many people to include but not limited to her clients Names in Full, Addresses, Telephone numbers and email addresses. I have personal knowledge of this as the Web Administrator of and where I have had to edit or remove postings having been cut and pasted from Mrs. Taitz blog such information even to include Military Personnel. Mrs. Taitz further went on in her slanderer ways to post the names, addresses and Phone numbers of individual officers in the states of California and New Mexico of contact people in Law Enforcement including Local and FBI Contacts as well as named probation officers in the state of New Mexico. And further asked her followers to contact them. In addition, Mrs. Taitz herself made threats against Philip J. Berg and his paralegal, Lisa Liberi. She stated, she would take Phil Berg down and to do so would destroy his paralegal, Lisa Liberi and get rid of her. 30.

Because of these actions of Mrs. Taitz and the Defendants Edgar Hale, Caren

Hale and Linda Sue Belcher postings of personal information on their individual websites, this makes them a threat to witnesses as evidenced in the recent postings of Edgar & Caren Hale at Plains Radio, KPRN AM 1610 and Bar H Farms and Linda Sue belcher a/k/a Linda Starr at of the Identity of Ron Pollarik a/k/a Ronald Jay Polland. 31.

Now in Paragraph’s 33 & 34 of Ms Taitz Affidavit she again insinuates that Mrs.

Liberi had something to do with the threats to ‘Kill Me and burn my body for the world to see”. As for this allegation, Mrs. Taitz posted on her website an email which she at that time claimed was from Everett, Washington, see EXHIBIT “C”. In this post, which was posted

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in early June 2009, was the actual email Mrs. Taitz received which was from a Johnny from Everett, Washington. Mrs. Liberi does NOT reside in Everett, Washington. Mrs. Taitz even had her “followers” looking up the person the email came from, which again had no involvement of Lisa Liberi.

Unless Evidence exists that Mrs. Taitz is aware of these

allegations against Mrs. Liberi are completely false. Unless Mrs. Taiz has evidence to back up such a claim she should not be allowed to continue using such comments in a malicious and harmful way toward Mrs. Liberi or her family. Again in Paragraph 34 she is insinuating that Mrs. Liberi had something to do with “tampering” of her vehicle emissions system “where a clamp was removed and fumes emissions hose was disconnected” Again, Mrs. Taitz is well aware her allegations against Mrs. Liberi are completely false. Mrs. Taitz had posted on her blog June 6, 2009, 21 days before falsely blaming Lisa Liberi, about these :”supposed” car problems. See EXHIBIT “D”. However it should be noted, apparently a few months ago Mrs. Taitz had a blow out in her car, at that time she blamed President Obama and his “thugs” for causing this blow-out on the freeway.. The concerns we have pertain to threats and witness tampering, which are the defendants own words and statements made on a radio show. On Mrs. Taitz Blog from the end of May 2009 through June, Mrs. Taitz has accused numerous different people for threatening her and has posted for people to call the FBI and law enforcement to report it for her. And now, as of June 27, 2009, Mrs. Taitz is now accusing Lisa Liberi of her car problems and threatening her and accusing Lisa Liberi of “murdering” her sister. Mrs. Taitz again is doing nothing more than attempting to prejudice this Court against Mrs. Liberi with her false allegations and further seeking attention by making false allegations.

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There are many other dishonest statements of Mrs. Taitz. Mrs. Taitz claims she

obtained Mrs. Liberi’s social security number from public records. This is a blatant lie to this Court. As you can see in reviewing Dossier #6, Neil Sankey clearly sent Mrs. Liberi’s social security number to Mrs. Taitz. Furthermore, in her next couple of paragraphs, she claims that California Civil Code 1798, et sequitur pertains only to Governmental agencies, which completely eliminates her prior statement. Mrs. Taitz is not only operating as a business, Defend our Freedoms Inc. which the court is aware of but she also sells advertising space and legal services on her website. 33.

Your Honor in reference to Document 93 which likely should be thrown out since

the defendant Mrs. Taitz did not seek leave of this court to file this document I will however touch on a few points within the document itself. In the first paragraph right out of the gate Mrs. Taitz and or through her Legal Assistant Charles Lincoln III have lied and have set out to deceive this Honorable Court by attaching a redacted Dossier # 6 to Mrs. Taitz affidavit in the following statement Furthermore, to the degree that this court expressed its concern regarding the possible publication of Plaintiff’s Lisa Liberi’s social security number, even if legal and permissible as defendants contend, Defendant Orly Taitz, shows by her sworn testimony in a form of an affidavit (Exhibit A) that from the date of the hearing she did not publish or republish MS. Liberi’s full social security number” I refer you to the statement within this supplemental Affidavit in Paragraph 28 where I was able to find 3 references as late as August 2nd 2009 in regards to Lisa Liberi’s full social security number.

As of

today’s date, Mrs. Taitz still has her dossier #6 with Mrs. Liberi’s full social security number and other personal identifying information posted on her new website which was posted on or about July 27, 2009.

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As for Mrs. Taitz statements that she noticed she had Lisa Liberi’s full social

security number in her dossier #6 and removed it in April 2009, and resent out the redacted version. This is another blatant lie to this Court in attempts to deceive your Honor. Mrs. Taitz has never had a redacted copy of her dossier #6 removing Mrs. Liberi’s full social security number until August 3, 2009, which is only on her blog, and was removed after her Court filings on August 3, 2009, however, she left this dossier #6 unredacted on her new website. See above. 35.

On page 4 paragraph 2 it is interesting that one would make the comment that

“but there two wrongs do not make a right” When trying to link an unproven Criminal past of “A” Lisa Liberi and Phil Berg in working together. When it is actually fact that Mr. Charles Lincoln has been convicted of Multiple Federal Crimes and spent time in seven (7) Prisons by his own admission and also verified through Pacer, Mr. Charles Lincoln and Mrs. Taitz are working together. Further they set out either together or on their own individually to Directly Lie to this court as stated in Paragraph 33 above. 36.

On page 12 of Document 93-1 in part the following statement is made

“Defendants herein further submit that, upon information and belief based on information available to Dr. Orly Taitz, it is more likely that these alleged threats as described Plaintiffs’ memorandum (page 16---Document 83 at page 19 of 77are nothing more than Plaintiffs’ downright disingenuous fabrications, evidenced by and consisting as they do from witnesses whose names and addresses where expunged, thus depriving the defendants of their Fifth Amendment right to confrontation of witnesses, especially witnesses alleging criminal or quasi-criminal conduct against them.” Your Honor the defendants are not being denied there Fifth Amendment Rights. Those who would provide

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testimony, Affidavit and evidence in this trial have no problem with being questioned by the defendants or their Attorneys of representation, as long as safe guards are put in place by this Court and the threats and intimidation are stopped. Witnesses for the Plaintiff’s simply ask this court for protection under the law as Defendants in this case have purposefully and with malicious intent have used information available to them in any fashion whatsoever to continue in bringing harm to the Plaintiff’s and have made threats directly to those who would provide Affidavit’s in this case as referenced previously in the June 25th Radio show on Plains Radio KPRN 1610 AM and Bar H Farms 37.

Your Honor on Page 16 of Document 93-1 at the bottom of the page Defendant

Taitz makes the following claim “of course it can be and should be noted that Defendants do not operate a commercial website” Interesting in that she currently is advertising on her website for Advertisers and Sponsors Attachments EXHIBIT “E” and to contact her for rates. This would constitute a Commercial Enterprise thus making it a Commercial site even though she claims to be a Non Profit Organization still with an unverifiable board of directors or valid tax ID #.

Orly Taitz also advertises for clients in Foreclosures, see

EXHIBIT “F”. And, Orly advertises for other clients in Civil Rights, Real Estate, etc. See EXHIBIT “G”, 38.

Edgar and Caren Hale of Plains Radio also do run a commercial Website at where they have the Plains Radio Auction. An auction in almost every case unless done for charitable reasons will always get a percentage of anything that is auctioned. Plains Radio also has a click trough where if you click on certain links they profit from this type of action and ask people on their chat and also radio station to help them out by clicking on those links.

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For the continued malicious ongoing and un-retracted postings by Mrs. Taitz;

declare under the Denalty of PeIjury of the laws of the United States that the foregoing is

further intent to do harm by the postings and threats from Linda Sue Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr; Edgar Hale, Caren Hale, Plains Radio, KPRN AM 1610 and Bar H Farms; and the fact that Ms. Taitz posts information on her website of a personal and attacking nature, asking for people to contact them, I have again redacted Email Addresses, personal information such as Physical Address, Phone numbers, etc. I have signed this document within legal rights before a notary public, duly sworn, who witnessed my Signature. I have provided Plaintiff’s Council with my contact information and a complete un-redacted copy of this Affidavit. I declare under the penalty of Perjury of the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 4th day of August, 2009.

__________________________ K. STREBEL, Declarant

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) §

County of Salt Lake


On this ______ day of August, in the year 2009, before me __________________________ Notary Public Name

a notary public, personally appeared K. Strebel, and proved on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged he executed the same. Witness my hand and official seal.

___________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC

SEAL My commission expires: _____________

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Radio Network - Voice of the People

Return to Website Index > General > General Forum > Orly takes action against Michael Medved for slander August 4, 2009 - 3:27:18 PM Author



Paul Thompson Orly takes action against Michael Medved for slander Courtesy of Jean Kulig Tucker of WTPUSA Orly is kicking ass again. Publish both letters on your blogs.

Jan 23, 2009 - 5:18PM I have the audio tape of the show, but I have to cut it down to the clip. I'll forward it to you all when I am done. Pass this around. Let's make it go viral. If Orly filed a CIVIL suit against Medved for slander, maybe the BC documents could finally be obtained. Maybe Obama could be deposed. We have to start thinking out of the box. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------805-987-0400 Salem Communications 4880 Santa Rosa Road Camarillo, Ca 93012 Joe Davis, President of Radio Division [email protected]

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Chris Henderson, Vice President and General Counsel [email protected] Dear Mr. Davis and Mr. Henderson, On Monday, January 19th, during Michael Medved's Radio Show, Mr. Medved made some very disparaging and slanderous remarks concerning my character, mental state and my motives for pursuing legal actions that question Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President of the United States. Mr. Medved also made "false" statements concerning the merits of the legal actions that I have filed and insinuated that my primary motive for pursuing these matters is to receive monetary donations from an unsuspecting and misinformed public. I find that Mr. Medved's willful ignorance on the issues surrounding Mr. Obama's "Natural Born Citizenship" status, and his unwillingness to familiarize himself with the merits of the numerous lawsuits that have been filed by concerned citizens, not conspiracy theorists, across this great County, is a great disservice to your listeners and the American public as a whole. Under California law, statements, like the ones that Mr. Medved spewed on your radio broadcasts are considered defamatory. In a court of law, I would not need to show special damages (e.g., damages to property, business, trade, profession or occupation, including expenditures that resulted from your defamation statements) because the statements are defamation per se. See Cal. Civ. Code § 45a; Yow v. National Enquirer, Inc. 550 F.Supp.2d 1179, 1183 (E.D. Cal. 2008). To remedy these slanderous and defamatory statements, California has a retraction statute, Cal. Civ. Code § 48a, that applies to the "publication of libel in a newspaper" or " slander by radio broadcast." Under the California retraction statute, I have a right to serve you with a written request for retraction against the slanderous and defamatory statements that Mr. Medved has made about me, my character, statements he has made about my mental health and my motives for pursuing legal actions on behalf of my clients concerning Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as POTUS. Additionally, I have the right to request that Mr. Medved and your company and your affiliate stations that broadcast Mr. Medved's Show issue a retraction based on the misleading and misinformed derogatory comments that Mr. Medved made concerning the merits of the legal cases that I have filed involving matters relating to the Nov 4, 2008 Presidential election. Therefore, I am demanding that you instruct Mr. Medved to invite me

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onto his radio show and allow me to defend myself against the slanderous and defamatory statements that he has made about me to your listeners. I am hopeful that this request will allow me to discuss these false statements and correct the misinformation that Mr. Medved has made public to your radio station listeners. I am requesting ample opportunity to discuss the legal merits of the cases I am litigating on the airwaves so your listeners can be fully informed on the issues concerning Mr. Obama's lack of eligibility to serve as POTUS. If you do not allow me ample opportunity on Mr. Medved's show or equal time on your radio stations to personally present facts that directly contradict Mr. Medved's slanderous and defamatory statements, I demand that you issue an immediate oral retraction on your radio stations, and that this retraction include a fair and accurate historical outline of my background, my character, my mental health status and my motives for filing legal actions on behalf of my clients. I also request that this oral retraction present a fair and unbiased presentation of the legal merits of my case, and the merits of similar lawsuits that Mr. Medved lumped together with mine. In addition, I demand that Mr. Medved and your affiliate stations issue a written retraction to be placed on Mr. Medved's personal/business web site, on the web site, on ALL your affiliate stations web sites in which you broadcast Mr. Medved's show, and to make certain that these written retractions specifically address the issues that I outlined above. I ask that each retraction be placed in a prominent position on your corporate web site and all of your affiliate station web sites and that "RETRACTION-Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq." be placed in the heading of the section where the retraction appears. I also request that you publish this letter along with Mr. Medved's and your company's written retraction. Please respond to this written retraction request by email, no later than February 3, 2009 and send a hard copy of your response and written retraction to me at my Mission Viejo address via Certified Mail/Signature Required no later than February 10, 2009. Sincerely, Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. 26302 La Paz, Suite 211 Mission Viejo Ca 92691

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29839 S. Margarita Pkwy Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688 Office: 949-586-8110 Cell: 949-683-5411 Fax: 949-586-2082 Email: [email protected]

Copy of Letter sent to and Michael Medved TownHall.Com 1901 N. Moore Street, Suite 701 Arlington, VA 22209 To: Michael Medved RE: Michael Medved Show Email: [email protected] Online Email Form: Date: January 23, 2009 Dear Mr. Medved, On Monday, January 19th, during your Radio Show, you had made some very disparaging and slanderous remarks concerning my character, mental state and my motives for pursuing legal actions that question Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President of the United States. You had also made "false" statements concerning the merits of the legal actions that I have filed and insinuated that my primary motive for pursuing these matters is to receive monetary donations from an unsuspecting and misinformed public. I find that your willful ignorance on the issues surrounding Mr. Obama's "Natural Born Citizenship" status, and your unwillingness to familiarize yourself with the merits of the numerous lawsuits that have been filed by concerned citizens, not conspiracy theorists, across this great County, is a great disservice to your listeners and the American public as a whole. Under California law, statements, like the one's you spewed on your radio broadcast are considered defamatory. In a court of law, I would not need to show special damages (e.g., damages to property, business, trade, profession or occupation, including expenditures that resulted from your defamation statements) because the statements

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are defamation per se. See Cal. Civ. Code § 45a; Yow v. National Enquirer, Inc. 550 F.Supp.2d 1179, 1183 (E.D. Cal. 2008). To remedy these slanderous and defamatory statements, California has a retraction statute, Cal. Civ. Code § 48a, that applies to the "publication of libel in a newspaper" or " slander by radio broadcast." Under the California retraction statute, I have a right to serve you with a written request for retraction against the slanderous and defamatory statements that you made about me, my character, statements you made about my mental health and my motives for pursuing legal actions on behalf of my clients concerning Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as POTUS. Additionally, I have the right to request that you issue a retraction based on the misleading and misinformed derogatory comments that you made concerning the merits of the legal cases that I have filed involving matters relating to the Nov 4, 2008 Presidential election. Therefore, I am demanding that you invite me on your radio show and allow me to defend myself against the slanderous and defamatory statements that you made about me so we can further discuss these false statements and the misinformation you made public regarding the legal merits of the cases I am litigating. If you do not allow me ample opportunity on your show to personally present facts that directly contradict your slanderous and defamatory statements, I demand that you issue an immediate oral retraction on your radio show, which includes a fair and accurate historical outline of my background, my character, my mental health status and my motives for filing legal actions on behalf of my clients. I also request that this oral retraction present a fair and unbiased presentation of the legal merits of my case, and the merits of similar lawsuits that you lumped together with mine. In addition, I demand that you issue a written retraction on your personal/business web site and on the web site, that specifically addresses the issues outlined above. I ask that this retraction is placed in a prominent position on the site and that "RETRACTION-Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq." be placed in the heading of the section where the retraction appears. I also request that you publish this letter along with your written retraction. Please respond to this written retraction request by email, no later than February 3, 2009 and send a hard copy of your response and written retraction to me at my Mission Viejo address via Certified Mail/Signature Required no later than February 10, 2009.

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Sincerely, Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. 26302 La Paz, Suite 211 Mission Viejo Ca 92691 29839 S. Margarita Pkwy Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688 Office: 949-586-8110 Cell: 949-683-5411 Fax: 949-586-2082 Email: [email protected] State: WI.

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Plains Radio Network - Voice of the People

Return to Website Index > General > General Forum > PJer Outs Ron Polarik as a Fraud Search:

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Jul 29, 2009 - 9:00AM

July 29, 2009 - 11:59:28 AM by keywords


Board | Threaded Comment PJer Outs Ron Polarik as a Fraud



PJ member Loren has been tracking down Ron Polarik, Phil Berg's forensic document expert. It turns out that Polarik is a far right Israel supporter who agreed with IsraeliInsider's original fears about Obama's muslim ties. None of his claims about document expertise are borne out by his actual resume. ANd that's why he'll never testify about Obama's "forged" COLB in any American court. Polarik's real name is Ronald Jay Polland. And he lives in MY city!! Oh, joy!!! For those of you that don't know Ron Polarik, here is his analysis of Obama's COLB:

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page=321#321. State: FL Civis Naturaliter Natus

Re: PJer Outs Ron Polarik as a Fraud



I see no evidence that one is the other. Merely a gratuitous assertion. Jul 29, 2009 - 9:36AM

Aslo, what this guy who does the outing does not understand, is that even if this fellow does not have the expertise, he could have been collaborating with other document experts and posted their collective work under the Pollark name... So who he is proves nothing. Look, If an anonymous fellow gives you the mathematical solutoin to the Integral (x-3)^.1-(x^2+3x)^2=y, for y=1 to 5, It does not matter what his credentials are, if the truth of the answer he gives you can be independently determined. So the real "proof" will be a document expert who critiques Pollarks work. But in one sense it is a wast of time, because the JPG is not a document, and so no disproof is necessary, since it is not admissable in Court. So when Obots claim the BC is on the net; their claim is rediculous and inadmissable evidence. It is illogical for them to hunt down someone who calls that evidence into doubt, because it is not evidence admissable in court in the first place!


Re: PJer Outs Ron Polarik as a Fraud



Civis, Jul 29, 2009 - 9:47AM

Do you know anything about establishing and impeaching subject matter experts in a court of law? The first thing that impeaches a subject matter expert is "I hang around with people who are experts." The second thing that impeaches a SME is to have a written record of lies. Polarik claimed that HE possessed doctorate level forensic document analysis skills. He does not. He has lied in writing. Any lawyer who puts him on the stand is a fool. State: FL

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Rebel Rose

Jul 29, 2009 - 11:10AM

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Quote: Originally Posted by rikker Civis, Do you know anything about establishing and impeaching subject matter experts in a court of law? The first thing that impeaches a subject matter expert is "I hang around with people who are experts." The second thing that impeaches a SME is to have a written record of lies. Polarik claimed that HE possessed doctorate level forensic document analysis skills. He does not. He has lied in writing. Any lawyer who puts him on the stand is a fool.

I see Civis drank the Kool-Aid on this one, too. Polarik's research meant SQUAT from day one, and anyone who wasted time on his claims of "fraud" and "forgery" regarding the COLB clearly lacked knowledge of what constitutes proof in a court of law and what doesn't. Recently, he's tried to get the spotlight to shine on his study yet again--obviously seeking more publicity for himself--and some blogs are even foolish enough to publish it. Others are even gullible enough to believe one word he says. Despite all of his ramblings, the online version was never acceptable proof of ANYTHING. It was NOT the original, it was NOT the vault form that was needed to prove citizenship-digitized image or not, irregular borders or not, "seal" or not, so there was absolutely no value in paying any attention whatsoever to any of his claims. I put him in my "hoax" file a long time ago. Focus on the long form--period. State: Tennessee

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« Can someone go to Everett WA police and fbi and demand that they apprehand this person? Next Post »

here is another person, possibly in Everet, WA making threats

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« Previous Post Why does the Justice Department protect the abortion doctors, but not the patriots who are getting threats? »

threats and car problems I was very reluctant to talk about this matter, since it is very unsettling for my children, my husband and probably most difficult for my mom and dad, but since someone has posted my email on, I guess I will need to talk about it. Indeed, I got a number of threatening messages. One person threatened to shoot me and burn my body for the world to see. A few days ago my husband’s car died. It was taken to the shop and they found that a fuse was missing and they could not find that fuse anywhere in the car. At the same time a warning signal went on in my car. It took me a few days to get to the mechanic, as I had to fly to Tulsa OK. When the car was checked on Thursday, they found that a clamp was removed and a vapor emissions hose was disconnected. It caused the gasoline vapors to go to the engine, which could’ve caused a combustion. My whole family could’ve died. I reported this to the police. I am preparing dossier #9 with all the details. A number of people have written to me that I have to hire 24/7 security and they have written that they support me, they are all behind me, and they are praying for me. This is all very nice, but I can’t pay the security with the word of support and prayers. Typically those companies charge $40-$50 per hour. Multiply that by 24/7, this is very expensive. I get letters, e-mails from attorneys. Mostly it’s big mouth, big ego and grand standing letters. There are only a couple of attorneys helping here and there. What most of these attorneys don’t understand, is that Obama was born and raised with the ideas of radical communism. I lived in a communist society and I can tell you that the group that will be dissipated first- will be lawyers. When Obama is nationalising anything and everything and creating one governmental totalitarian bureaucracy, you will be talking to the walls. There were hardly any lawyers in the Soviet Union. Two main reasons: a. the populace was impoverished and they couldn’t pay the lawyers b. as you know, you can’t fight the city hall, and the whole country was one big city hall. Affidavit of K. Strebel

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Let’s take health care. Say you are a brilliant lawyer. You had a great career and now you are in your fifties or sixties, you need life saving surgery and some governmental bureaucrat decides that it is not worth spending thousands of dollars on surgery for some big mouth lawyer, it makes more sense to use this money for this bureaucrat to go on vacation or to bring a bunch of illegals from Central America, they will be cheap labor, docile and silent. You will be frustrated, you will file law suits from here to the Supreme court and nobody will listen. Just like now they don’t listen, they don’t hear a word, nobody in law enforcement, nobody in Judiciary, nobody in the government. They are all utterly corrupt and violating their oath of office and it will only get worse and worse. Do you know what the outcome is going to be? You will die young from a treatable condition, as I’ve seen people dying young in the Soviet Union, while they were easily treated from the same diseases here in US . Here is another example for some brain dead big mouth lawyers. Obama is depressing Christianity and promoting Islam, calling it a religion of peace and tolerance. Look around. How many Christian churches and Jewish temples are there in Saudi Arabia? How many Jewish lawyers are practicing in Kuwait or Iran, do you know, you idiots? I’ll tell you- big fat zero. How about women’s rights? In many of these countries women are not allowed to vote, they are forced in arranged marriages with much older men, taking a “proud” position of wife #3 or wife #4. Many are stoned for infractions. How about you- homosexual men and women. Look how they are treating homosexuals- with hangings and lashes. What you all don’t get, is that you will be loosing your liberties and constitutional freedoms more so then anybody else. Obama is talking about liberties and freedoms, but in his core he is a radical communist, radical Muslim, raised in a mob influenced environment of Chicago dirty politics. This man is completely destroying the economy of this country and the constitutional freedoms of this country and he has never proven any legitimacy for the position he holds. So here is your choice. You can continue kissing Obama’s boots until you will be thrown under the buss or until some fuses and hoses will be disconnected in your car, if god forbid you speak up, or you can join me and fight for true transparency in government, you can fight to take the country back, to have true balanced trade and bring all the manufacturing back to this country, so we can finally get out of this economic slump and see our people going back to work, producing and proudly supporting their families. This entry was posted on Saturday, June 6th, 2009 at 10:18 am and is filed under Events, HOT ITEMS!, Health & Safety. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« I need someone in HI to confront this piece of work Chiome Fukino and verify under which statute was the BC issued. Was it issued under statute 338-5. If you have an answer, call me ASAP. thugs are at it again »

You can Advertise on Orly’s blog! NOW AVAILABLE LIMITED ADVERTISING SPACE Links or Top Posts in blog, Contact Orly for more info; [email protected] 1.949.683.5411 Are you going into foreclosure? Call us, we might be able to help This entry was posted on Friday, July 31st, 2009 at 1:34 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “You can Advertise on Orly’s blog!” 1.

Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero - Peter Francisco says: May 18, 2009 at 8:21 pm

Where is the info for Advertising? Thanks

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[email protected] says: May 18, 2009 at 10:35 pm

what do you want to advertise?


[email protected] says: May 30, 2009 at 12:49 am

tell me where did I ever lie? in what?

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« Previous Post The truth will set us free »

Legal Work Obama litigation I am doing pro-bono, as it is important for the country as a whole. There are other areas, where I can help. One of them is stopping foreclosures. If you are in foreclosure or about to go into foreclosure, call me 949-683-5411 or e-mail [email protected] This entry was posted on Monday, July 20th, 2009 at 12:02 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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EXHIBIT “G” Affidavit of K. Strebel

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« Previous Post updated list CA and AR »

Do you know anyone who needs legal help in the area of civil rights, constitutional law, business litigation, medical and dental liability and real estate and bankruptcy? Typically I don’t engage in advertisement, however I am doing pro-bono all of this work in exposing Obama, as ineligible for presidency. Aside from me spending time 24/7, I’ve incurred a lot of expenses: airfare, lodging, filing fees, mailing, notary. For example, as I am submitting 40 copies to the Supreme Court and 11 copies to other parties- special 60lb paper- 2500 coies all together, notary, mail- it’s over $1300 in fees only. I know that the economy is tough and it is hard for people to give donations, though even small donations from a number of people would help. I work with other attorneys and, if you know parties in need of legal help in the area of civil rights, constitutional law, business, medical-dental liability, construction defects and real estate and forclosures- please let me know. Additional cases can help offset the fees and expenses of Obama litigation. As you know, I am also a licensed dentist in Rancho Santa Margarita and Mission Viejo, CA. There are two associate dentists working with me and doing beautiful dental work. I would appreciate any referrals or help with advertising. You can call me at 949-683-5411. Let me know if you are interested in advertising on this blog. Orly This entry was posted on Sunday, June 21st, 2009 at 8:10 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Affidavit of K. Strebel

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