Liberi V Taitz - Affidavit Of Ostella - To Show Cause

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  • Pages: 57
Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER

Document 107-2

Law Offices of: Philip J. Berg, Esquire 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Identification No. 09867 (610) 825-3134

Filed 08/27/2009

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Attorney for Plaintiffs


LISA LIBERI, et al, Plaintiffs, vs. ORLY TAITZ, et al, Defendants.

: : : : : : Case No.: 09-cv-01898-ECR : : : :

AFFIDAVIT OF PLAINTIFF LISA OSTELLA I, Lisa Ostella, am a Plaintiff in the within action. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein and if called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath. I declare as follows: 1.

All through my affidavit I refer to Linda as her screen name, Linda Starr

because that is who I knew her as, however, I have recently learned that Linda’s legal name is Linda Sue Belcher. 2.

Since Linda Starr joined with Orly Taitz, Neil Sankey, Edgar and Caren

Hale and their companies in or about January 2009, it was apparent the parties joined forces to bring Philip J. Berg and his Law Practice down. In order to complete their mission, they had to destroy Lisa Liberi in attempts to get rid of her and any other

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party who was associated with Philip J. Berg, including Evelyn Adams (Momma E), me and my Company. 3.

What makes me fearful of these Defendants, is the followers they have

behind them. I am not convinced that any of the Defendants’ would personally do anything; however, they would and have already incited the followers to take action. As better explained below, if you follow the sequence, these parties have made some serious threats which include but are not limited to:


Deeming all Plaintiffs herein “Obots” and part of President Obama’s clique;

Calling for the political “purging” which means to kill President Obama and his clique;

Placing all the Plaintiffs’ personal identifying information on the internet;

Encouraging their followers to contact personal affiliations of the Plaintiffs’; contacted state agencies; call police departments and other law enforcement agencies to harass the Plaintiffs and attempt to have them falsely placed in jail as well as out-casted from their personal affiliations.

Orly Taitz claims to have performed these actions as her duty as an officer

of the Court. However, her assistant Charles Lincoln III, has quite the criminal history and has been disbarred from three (3) States; Texas, Florida and California. 5.

Instead all of the Defendants’ illegal and tortuous behaviors have been to

carry out bringing Mr. Berg down by destroying his Paralegal, Lisa Liberi and anyone else associated with him. All of the Defendants’ have specifically targeted Philip J. Berg, Esquire and his Law Practice in Pennsylvania. 6.

If you look at Dossier #6, created and published by Orly Taitz, which was

sent out to hundreds of thousands of individuals including internationally, you will

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notice Neil Sankey’s emails. The information contained in those emails was not pulled by Mr. Sankey, but instead was sent to Neil Sankey by Sarah (last name redacted). I have since learned Sarah’s legal name is Sarah Redding Mabry. Sarah came over from Democratic Disaster whom she was a member of with Neil Sankey. Sarah’s email address, as I have it, is [email protected]. 7.

By using the power of the Internet, including blogs, online radio,

television shows YouTube as well as satellite and AM radio, Dr. Orly Taitz has literally thousands of followers who think she is waging a lonely battle to uphold the Constitution, in the face of a conspiracy to place a usurper in the White House. She has ignored the laws of the United States and established court procedures. 8.

Having been unable to achieve her goal by legal action, she has begun

encouraging her followers nationwide to organize themselves as wholly unlawful "Citizens Grand Juries", Armed Militias and threatening violence. 9.

She has accused federal officials of treason, the President and anyone she

deems a supporter of the President. She has told all her followers that myself, and other Plaintiffs in our civil action, that we are all paid undercover agents of the President's acting to thwart their actions, stolen their money and has called for our purging and an armed uprising. 10.

She has personally confronted two Supreme Court justices, when they

made public appearances. On both occasions, she improperly tried to engage them in improper ex parte discussion of her case before the Court. 11.

By openly advocating armed revolt against our government, inciting

violence against all Orly Taitz deems followers of our government, accusing virtually

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the entire federal government of treason, and using poisonous invective against President Obama and anyone she deems a supporter, she is making it significantly more likely that someone will attempt to assassinate the President of the United States or anyone she feels assists him. 12.

In or about November 2008 I began providing services to Orly Taitz.

From November 2008 through January 2009 I was the Assistant Webmaster for In December 2008, Orly Taitz expanded my services to include a new establishment called Defend our Freedoms Foundations. I was lead to believe from Orly Taitz that I was a part of this new foundation. I was surprised to find that my name was never on any of the registration paperwork pertaining to this new foundation. 13.






and in or about early December. I am the rightful owner of said domain names. See EXHIBIT “A”. 14.

As stated above, I was the assistant webmaster for Orly Taitz on her blog

located at I was very upset regarding the problems associated with this blog as I was inundated with complaints via email and phone calls stating they were having lots of problems posting on the blog and they were receiving browser “hi-jack” notices. I investigated the complaints and found the problems “posters” were experiencing were due to the third party software, JS Kit, that was installed on Orly Taitz’ blog with Orly’s full knowledge and authorization. To correct this problem and per Orly Taitz authorization I started migrating the posts

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from to my domain, which was located on my account on GoDaddy, which I paid for. See EXHIBIT “B”. 15.

In January, 2009 Orly Taitz asked me if I was familiar with Linda Starr. I

told Orly Taitz that I had never heard of her but since learned she was a volunteer for Attorney Philip Berg's website, During the January phone call, Orly Taitz stated that Linda Starr would be working with our team. But I never spoke to Linda Starr or heard of her again until she started posting on my site under false identities. 16.

In or about March 2009, someone changed the email address attached to

Orly Taitz’s PayPal account from [email protected] to [email protected]. This could have simply been a typographical error. Four separate individuals had access to the scripting associated with the sidebar on the blog site, including Orly Taitz. 17.

Also, in or about early March 2009, Orly began claiming her PayPal

account and website were being hacked. I explained to Ms. Taitz that her blog and PayPal account had not been hacked. 18.

Despite this, Ms. Taitz filed a false report with the Orange County

Sheriff’s Department located in California and the Federal Bureau of Investigations also located in Southern California. 19.

Due to the falsity of Ms. Taitz “hacking” claims, I could not and would

not back-up her story. I told Ms. Taitz if she did not retract the false report, she would have to find another web host and webmaster.

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Ms. Taitz refused to retract her falsified police report, so I told her to find

a new host. 21.

Shortly thereafter, Ms. Taitz began falsifying stories about me stating I

had “hacked” her PayPal account, websites and stole foundation monies, which is and was completely false. My email address and phone number does appear on Ms. Taitz PayPal account as I set up her PayPal Account for her. To date, Ms. Taitz has not removed my email address. However, my email address is not the email address funds are sent to. 22.

Next, Ms. Taitz began claiming Plaintiff Liberi and I, are the same person,

the entire time knowing this was a false statement. Ms. Taitz took it further and filed false police reports with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department in California and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) located in Los Angeles, California claiming Lisa Liberi and I are the same person and Lisa Liberi “hacked” her (Orly Taitz) website and PayPal account. Ms. Taitz reported that Lisa Liberi was stealing funds from her. 23.

Ms. Taitz went on radio appearances, sent emails and posted on her new

website/blog at that I was stealing her donations, I was redirecting her donations, I had stolen her domains and that I had locked her out of her website. Again, all of which Ms. Taitz knew was falsified. 24.

On March 14, 2009 Orly Taitz wrote and posted on her blog site located

on my server: “[I have been] criss crossing this country talking to Justices of the Supreme court, Representatives, Senators, FBI agents, Attorney Generals, US attorneys, telling all of them, what is wrong with you? Did some evil magician put a spell on the men in this country and they stopped being

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men? Why are you afraid to speak up, to stand up for you constitution? Why are you afraid to tell this arrogant jerk from Africa and Indonesia - You need to go home, you cannot be a president and commander in chief because you are not a Natural born Citizen. To be a Natural born Citizen you have to have both parents as citizens. Your father was never a US citizen and you don't qualify and you also spit us in the face by refusing to unseal your vital records. There is no proof that you are even a citizen. For all we know, you need to go back to Kenya and wait for your green card, and that after we try you for all the crimes perpetrated upon American citizens.” 1


On April 4, 2009 Orly Taitz attended a "Machine Gun Shoot" in

Kentucky, where she actively recruited followers for her various actions. According to her own accounting, she signed up at least 20 new "plaintiffs for my legal actions," presented "a case for fraud" against President Obama in a public appearance with the man who convened the Georgia "Citizens Grand Jury," and collected "at least 300 signed indictments". However, she is not licensed to practice law in the State of Kentucky. 26.

She has repeatedly instructed her followers to write, call, and otherwise

harass the U.S. Supreme Court, federal courts, U.S. Attorneys, North Brunswick Police Department, FBI, Sante Fe, New Mexico Probation Office and other governmental officials, demanding that they investigate the President, his followers or cliques, arrest, and imprison them. 27.

On April 19, 2009 Orly Taitz and had published on her website the



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“Every day I get such receipts, showing that my former web master Lisa Ostella (posts under name Calpernia) has redirected donations to herself, to her e-mail address. Currently, as this was uncovered, she created new web sites Defend our freedoms .org, .net and continues the scheme by making those sites similar to my old ones and using the foundation name to steal more donations. She created a visa donation site with her e-mail account Go Excell Global, underneath she posted a paypal button showing my foundation Defend Our Freedoms (without my consent) and my e-mail address (without my consent) to look as if she is still connected to me and my foundation, even though all ties with her were severed a couple of weeks ago, when I found out about this scheme and I closed the Pay Pal account completely. Any person, whose donations were stolen by Lisa Ostella aka Lisa Current aka Calpernia is asked to report this to his local police or sheriff's department. As I found out, she appears to be connected to Lisa Liberi, who is still working for attorney Phillip Berg. Please see my dossier #6, Lisa Liberi aka Lisa Richardson aka Lisa Courvelle has a long criminal record, that includes grand theft, forgery of documents, forgery of seal, falsification of police reports and credit statements, where financial institutions were defrauded out of thousands of dollars. She claims to be a different Lisa Liberi, living in PA, however she lives in NM and her probation officers are Joanne Martinez 505-8278627 and Dawn Helling (not sure about spelling) 505-476-2359.” 2


Beginning in or about April 22, 2009, Linda Starr began posing numerous

degrading post on my website directed at me. The IP address Linda Starr was, which is a spoofed IP address from around San Antonio, Texas. Once this lawsuit was filed, I obtained Linda Starr’s IP addresses from Interesting to find she had approximately ten (10) IP addresses for her, most of which had been “spoofed”. Linda Starr’s original and accurate IP addresses when tracked come from the San Antonio, Texas area also. In addition, the following posts are definitely Linda’s writing style. In addition, I ran Linda Starr’s real IP address through my blog site and found that Linda Starr was posting under just about every


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name found on my blog. She had been posting since February 2009 and posted extremely foul, disgusting, degrading stuff regarding everyone, including President Obama whom she called a “nigger”. For these reasons, I am informed, believe and thereon allege the following posts were made by Linda Starr posted the following posts on my website,

Username: CIA 04/22/2009 01:14 AM - I personally been talking to Lisa liberi's "parol officer" and FBI AND they DID INDEED SAY THEY ARE INVESTIGATING LISA NOW and people been calling and reporting the funds missing and paypal accounts she stole yes the bitch is a fucking thief .......I HAVE BEEN CALLING LISA AND SHE HAS NEVER RETURNED ANY OF MY CALLS SO IF YOU BELIEVE LISA OSTELLA WHO IS A CON ARTIST AND HAS A LAUNDRY LIST OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY GOING ON.........WE CAN PROVE IT WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?? ALL BULLSHIT AND WORDS YOU PULLED OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ASSHOLE......TAKE THE SHIT OUT AND MAYBE YOU WILL SEE CLEARLY...THE TRUTH!!!! Username: Scorpio 04/22/2009 01:21 AM - Message for Lisa**** you tried putting a trogan in my computer becuase I caught you lying!!! well it will backfire watch and seeeeeee...........why?? becuase the my computer has your ip address?? you are stupid!!! Username: CIA 04/23/2009 01:02 AM - HEY! ALFRANKENWHORE GET OFF THE CRACK DUDE! YOU ARE REALLY FUCK UP!! Username: MARIA 05/03/2009 04:14 PM - Come on people! Do you really believe a con artist like Lisa Ostella?? She is nuts and for all of you to post this is lunatic! No one belives any of you because we did a poll and most people beleive Orly Taitz verses Ostella who is really unstable. She is bi polar FYI I KNOW HER FAMILY look and see how she ran this website. I no longer believe any of you have any brains.........go on and feed yourselves a bundle of lies. TRUTH IS: Incredibly sad for all of you 'wow" look at the adults acting like a band of idiots so "funny!! Username: FBI4DUDE

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05/04/2009 12:20 AM - WELL SOUNDS LIKE YOU REALLY NEED MORE HOMEWORK. YOU ARE VERY WRONG LISA KNOWS FULL WELL WHAT SHE IS .........KNOW HER FAMILY VERY WELL AND YOU WILL BE SHOCKED TO KNOW SHE IS NOT WHO SHE SAYS SHE IS FYI..........MORE INFORMATION COMING YOUR WAY. Username: JIM 05/04/2009 12:31 AM - ARE YOU SURE ?? Lisa is a big fraud and liar I have the proof and know her family ........we have a poll that says lisa is not who she says she is!!Peope side with Orly Taitz fyi!! Username: FBI 05/04/2009 12:36 AM - YOU KNOW VERY WELL WHO I AM LISA!!! DON'T PRETEND.......EVERYONE HERE GETS IT!! YOU WILL BE SHOCKED TO KNOW .......DARE ME HUH?? LET'S GO! THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT!! YOU ON YOUR MEDS LISA!!!!


As Linda Starr stated in her April 22, 2009 post above, she did call my cell

phone and leave messages. But she represented herself as a legal assistant on behalf of David Carlton Hughes Law Offices out of Dallas, TX under the pretense of following up on an investigation of theft of funds from Orly Taitz's foundation. Linda Starr also called and left messages that in Texas people carried guns and I should never step foot in Texas. I never returned any of the phone calls. 30.

Through-out April and May 2009, Defendant Orly Taitz began posting on

her website at documents which she wrote and prepared labeling myself and all the other Plaintiffs’ in this Action as “Obots”, President Obama supporters and inferring we were his clique. Taitz wrote and distributed Dossier #6 with Plaintiff Liberi’s full social security number and personal identifying information.

Taitz also posted an article she wrote labeled “We need Political

Penicillin” which was calling for volunteers to form a civilian army, a militia and calling for guns, ammo, money to purchase more guns, ammo and communications to fight against “Oppressive Government”. See EXHIBIT “C”.

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Defendant Taitz then wrote a document which she titled “Follow up on

Lisa Liberi, Paralegal to Phil Berg. In this post stating “Just like the country needs to be purged of Obama and his clique, that are in power by virtue of forgery, fraud and consealment of vital records, the patriots of this country need to purge their ranks. “3. See EXHIBIT “D”. 32.

On May 19, 2009 Orly Taitz wrote and posted on her website the

following:: “As you know my previous site, Defend Our Freedoms was taken over by the web master Lisa Ostella. For over a month now Lisa Ostella had no affiliation with Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, however she has been sending e-mails from Defend Our Freedoms and collecting donations. If you are a donor and received such solicitations or have given a donation believing that it went to Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, you were defrauded, since such donations from at least April 11 or possibly earlier date went to the pocket of Lisa Ostella and benefited the household of Lisa and Frnak (Mario) Ostella. If you received such solicitation or have given a donation please contact North Brunswick New Jersey Police 732-5453200 and file a criminal comlaint.” 4


Orly Taitz continued calls to her followers to “purge” Obama's clique has

already resulted in a bomb threat on a probation agency in New Mexico related all of Ms. Taitz calls to her followers to call the New Mexico Probation Department “ to report one of the Plaintiffs, who is “supposedly” on probation in attempts to have her arrested based on false charges.. 34.

After Orly Taitz's May 19, 2009 post for her followers to contact the

North Brunswick Police Department in regards to me, one of her followers, James



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Sundquist, inferred threats to me and my family by sending out mails with my personal information to the police, FBI, New Jersey Consumer Affairs and groups I'm associated with accusing me of theft of Orly Taitz's foundation with invitations to contact him for more crimes he claims to have on me. Due to the information James Sundquist had from Orly Taitz, he informed the NJ State Authorities, as well as groups I worked with, that I had a criminal background. This is the type of information that was in James Sundquist possession: 35.

After my personal information was published on the internet and sent out

through the mail as well as radio broadcasts, I got a call from a mutually associated person of Orly Taitz and me giving me a warning. 36.

One of the volunteers who, helped Orly Taitz out for a short time while

we were putting together the Military Filing for Orly Taitz, learned that one of Orly Taitz’s Plaintiff’s was not fully aware of what Orly Taitz made him sign. As a result, Orly Taitz threw this volunteer under the “bus” Orly Taitz then told the rest of us volunteers that the volunteer worked for Phil Berg and she was sent in to steal Phil Berg’s Plaintiffs and we were ordered to no longer speak with her (the volunteer). I have withheld this volunteer’s name due to the retaliation Ms. Taitz has proven to be capable of and due to the threats made by Defendant, Edgar Hale and Linda Starr. I will be happy to supply this volunteer’s information directly to the Court to ensure this volunteer remains safe and not harassed. 37.

Maryann McKiernan was another volunteer. Mary Ann flew in from

Illinois to Washington DC in February 2009 to serve the subpoenas to the government agencies on behalf of Orly Taitz. Mary Ann is still working and

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supporting Orly and has since sent me a few emails promising to help Orly shut me down/stop. These threatening emails came from [email protected] . 38.

I received a call from one of Orly Taitz’s ex-volunteers late on May 6,

2009. Apparently Orly had listened to the interview on Patriots Heart Network, Chalice, and was extremely mad, seeing plaid.

This volunteer was extremely

concerned. The volunteer strongly encouraged me to take my kids out of school and move now. Even told me to stay aware of where my dogs were at all times. If they went silent, to call the police fast. And to make arrangements with my husband to call and check on me often and if I didn't answer the phone, to call the police fast. She said professionals were going to be used to get my kids. As stated above, I have omitted this individual’s name due to her safety. I will be happy to furnish the volunteer’s name, number, etc. to this Court to ensure her safety based on Orly Taitz past retaliatory actions and the threats made by Defendant’s, Edgar Hale and Linda Starr. 39.

I immediately contacted my local police department, North Brunswick

Police Department and filed a criminal report, Report No.9024817.

The Officer,

who took the report, put the incident type/Offense as Terrorist Threats/Threat to kill (2C:12-3B). This report was assigned to a Detective. 40.

The threats are increasing daily. Since I've met with the Detective,

requests have been submitted to Orly Taitz's, Defend Our Freedoms Foundations, Inc. PayPal account for a payment totaling $25,000.00. Three requests came through from the same individual, one for $9,000; and two for $8,000 for a total of $25,000. This struck me odd since Orly Taitz had posted all over the internet her PayPal

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account had been closed. This large money request from this individual, Ruben Neito came through the first time on Memorial day, May 25, 2009 and the second request came through on the same date the article was run in the Pennsylvania paper calling for the assassination of President Obama, which was May 29, 2009. As explained above, I set up this PayPal account for Ms. Taitz; she has never removed my email from this account. Therefore, anytime money is donated; a request for payment is sent; or a transfer of funds occurs, I receive an email. Again, I do not have access to the bank accounts or the funds located within PayPal. I have no idea what the money requests were for. 41.

During this same time, Orly Taitz began accusing me of sending out

emails to collect money from her foundation. This was completely untrue. I have never sent out an email soliciting or collection donations. 42.

Due to this civil action, I've lent assistance in preparation for this case.

I've volunteered to help transcribe various radio broadcasts that show the defendants, in their own words, stating the above to be true. These transcripts as well as the radio broadcasts will be provided to the court for review. 43.

To date, I have transcribed an April 14, 2009 broadcast that contained

Orly Taitz stating that she was acting as an officer of the court in reporting me to the FBI, Agent Nathan Lee, out of Orange County California. Orly Taitz also stated in the same interview that she had private investigator, Neil Sankey, also a defendant in this case, contact FBI Agent Nathan Lee as well as the San Bernardino Police Department and the District Attorney in regards to the investigation she had initiated on Lisa Liberi of Phil Berg’s Law Firm.

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I transcribed the May 13, 2009 interview of Defendant Linda Starr on a 2

hour broadcast aired on Plains Radio Network, owned and operated by Defendant’s Caren and Ed Hale, stating that she indeed volunteered for Philip Berg's law offices out of Pennsylvania and maintained his web forum. 45.

On May 28, 2009, Neil Sankey went onto a radio show, Plains Radio with

Defendant Edgar Hale.

During this radio show, not only did they have very

disparaging remarks about Lisa Liberi and make a statement that Lisa Liberi had just taken out a loan, Defendant’s Neil Sankey stated I had sent him emails stating Lisa Liberi went by the name Lisa Richards with a police record for Identity Theft. This was NOT true. 46.

Three days later, May 31, 2009, I received several emails regarding a new

post on Orly Taitz website, one of which was from another webmaster “Charlie”. Orly Taitz posted on her website5 emails to Neil Sankey supposedly from me, however these are forged and altered emails see EXHIBIT “E”. I did not write or send these emails to Neil Sankey or anyone else, nor did I give anyone permission to use my email address and/or permission to alter any of my emails. See EXHIBIT “F”, which are my actual emails in a printout alongside the forged and altered emails posted by Orly Taitz. 47.

The above emails are altered and forged emails as broken down in

EXHIBIT “5”. I did not authorize any party to alter, fabricate, draft or send out emails using my emails, email address, name and/or Company name.


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There was a C ourt hearing on this matter before Your Honor on June 25,

2009. Pursuant to your Court Orders, you gave some strong instructions to Orly Taitz pertaining to Lisa Liberi’s social security number, date of birth and other personal identifying information and the posting of Ms. Liberi’s personal information, the Court stated if Orly Taitz were to continue posting Lisa Liberi’s social security number, date of birth and other personal identifying information, it would weight heavy in favor of the Plaintiffs’.

There were other discussions as to how the

Defendants’ were to conduct themselves.

In your Order you make reference

“Defendants’ are to conduct themselves as discussed in Court”. 49.

After Court and during a June 25, 2009 broadcast aired on Plains Radio

Network, which I also transcribed, there were blatant threats made to anyone that provides an affidavit to this court concerning this case.

For instance, Linda Starr

stated “anyone who does an affidavit will have to put their name”; “we will know who they are”; Ed Hale then immediately states “we will know their names”; “we will know their addresses”; “we will know who they are”; “and let me tell you something, we will go after them with a vengeance”; “and prove them a liar also”. As a result, witnesses have been reluctant to come forward, sign an affidavit to the information they have personal knowledge and/or appear as a witness. 50.

On June 27, 2009, Orly Taitz did worse than post Lisa Liberi’s social

security number, date of birth and other private personal information, Orly put a huge post on the front page of her website 6 inferring Lisa Liberi murdered her sister, who apparently died of an accidental self inflicted drug over-dose. Orly Taitz asked for a


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Pathologist, she posted the Santa Fe Police Department numbers, the name of a detective with his number, numbers and names to the Santa Fe Probation Department were posted and Orly was asking for people in Santa Fe to go into the police department and give them this information about Lisa Liberi and asked her followers to contact the police department and the probation department. See EXHIBIT “G”. 51.

On July 3, 2009, in response to one of her followers emails, Orly Taitz

posted for people to send out Dossier #6 and #1. Dossier #6 is what contains Lisa Liberi’s full social security number, date of birth, and other personal identifying information. 52.

In addition, not only has the link to the Dossier #6 remained on the

blogsite, it has been reissued for new publishing. Blog is an acronym for Web Log. Blogs are published in database format. This allows data to be found in meta search engines. Feeds from the database are available through mobile access as well as internet access. Anytime the database is run or the server is refreshed, the data is republished. Orly also has all her documents from her blog site set up on RSS feeds, which sends the documents out to emails and web sites. . Background and Timeline of Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. and Lisa Ostella and the alleged “Hacking Issue 53.

During the 2008 Presidential election, I was an official surrogate and NJ

Director for Congressman Duncan Hunter's Presidential Campaign.

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A California Party that had endorsed Congressman Hunter's Primary

campaign, the American Independent Party, introduced me (virtually) to their attorney, Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. 55.

Dr. Taitz was filing suit against the California Secretary of State for

irregularities during the election and she needed volunteers for web work, administrative and research.

I became assistant webmaster for her site, 56.

This is a Google hosted blog account. Many people had trouble with this

site. But the troubles really started for all after Orly had her head webmaster, Bob Stevens (not his real name. I don't know his real name) install a 3rd party program called JS-Kit. 3rd party meaning, it was a feature available through Google; but it was not a product of Google. This application installed on top of the blogspot site. Java scripting is great, when used correctly. But it can be a Trojan horse for nefarious functions. I saw a large amount of nefarious functions. 57.

I protested to Orly about installing the JS-Kit. But she had Bob Stevens

install it on December 24th. I was seeing many breaches in my security features on my computer. My computer was not functioning with the site at all. Many people were emailing me complaining of several issues and couldn't interact with the site either. 58.

Once I got this error message, while on her blogsite, red flags went off

and I started investigating.

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See, the ‘put' command is the same as a file transfer protocol. I was on

her blogsite, and the screen is telling me something is downloading files onto my computer and they were coming from somewhere. 60.

The blogcast was set up under Orly's google email. Bob Stevens had set

that up. When he sent the password to Orly, he had cc:ed me. I only had this for backup. But I dug it out of my file folder and used it. 61.

Right in her email box was the JS Kit control panel access. I printed it

and took a picture:

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Then, I clicked on the control panel URL for the JS-Kit. I took screen

captures of that:

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That put command swings both ways and accesses computers under

JavaScript. See, once that java script is allowed by a user, and they naively will allow it thinking they trusted the blogsite, they are actually giving access to who ever this third party was operating the JThompson server. That command was putting something on my computer, which meant it could find me when ever I logged online. Once given permission, it could also take anything from my computer and transfer it to that server. I would never know it if I had allowed the function. 64.

I have since learned that the java wrapper of JS-Kit was scripted by This company belongs to Yosef Taitz, Dr. Orly Taitz's husband.

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Their affiliate company has many governmental accounts with this scripting running. That means those governmental computers are accessible by unauthorized 3rd parties.

About the Domains 65.

On December 12th, Orly and Bob Stevens started telling people that

Obama thugs had her business/dental site,, shut down. They had wanted this to go right up on the blog. I stopped it by looking up the domain and finding her prior host data. In short, what Orly had done was switched her own domain off the website. She told me she had thought she was signing up for a web traffic program. She told me she was going to give me access to get her domain back and I would be her new webmaster (hired) for her dental sites. I never got that access. The sites are back up too. I don't know who that webmaster is. 66.

On December 18th, she (Orly Taitz) told me she was applying for a

foundation. We were going to start some new political movement. She was applying for a factious name account in California and I would register the domains. I did this. I immediately started building She also had me start the process of opening a PayPal account. I started this process through the because, despite the fact she said she knew nothing about PayPal, PayPal didn't accept my initial try with her yahoo email. PayPal does not allow anyone to have an email in more than one account.

At this point, we were still on the Turns out, Dr. Taitz owned a personal PayPal Account under her yahoo email, [email protected], account ID#2809459. The Defend Our Freedoms Foundation PayPal ID# was 1974816 and the current PayPal Donate

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account listed at is PayPal ID#6604787. That is three PayPal accounts for someone that claims to have never owned a PayPal account. 67.

Dr. Taitz came over to my domains, DefendOurFreedoms after people

started experiencing browser hijacks while on her drorly.blogspot site. 68. April 2, 2009, Orly reports to the FBI, Supreme Court and various officials that her









sabotaged. open letter to the Supreme court-request for cooperation with the FBI investigation 69.

The sites, and were never

hacked. The sites are on 2 accounts. is hosted at my server. It is a stand alone server on rack rental at HE.Net. I have full access to this server and no other accounts are on this server but my own. All I have to do to verify this is access my IP logs and see where other IPs have entered. No other IPs but my own have entered the IP level files. 70.

As for DefendOurFreedoms.US, that was hosted at GoDaddy under my

reseller account. That domain did not point to a website. It pointed to a blog. Specifically, it pointed to QuickBlogcast. This is very important to understand. A blog is not a website. The domain points to a database label. If that blog was hacked, someone would have had to break into GoDaddy's database files and know what customer number the database files was under. This would have compromised a number of other accounts with more damage other than a change in the email address. GoDaddy would have had to issue a notification to all customers.

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When Orly refused to clear up this report, I told her she had to move her

sites. 72.

She asked for me to give her 30 days to find a new host. In the meantime,

many from the inner circle tried to convince us to work things out. Then she gave an interview to World Net Daily on April 4th telling more of the hacking and sabotage. 7


I emailed Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily with my side of the story. He did

not respond or follow up. 74.

Orly still refused to correct the story and came up with odd reasons why

her story was solid. She claimed I told her, her stats were rolled back. I never said this. She said that Obama was connected to Google. She said her sites wouldn't come up. I explained Network Latency was not hacking. 75.

I then insisted she had to move. She found a person by the name of Jesse

Smith who was to be her new web host. She authorized me to transfer the domains to him. 76.

Jesse Smith first contacted me on April 9th. I told him to initiate the

transfer. He started the initiation on April 10th through Network Solutions. I accepted the transfer request and the transfer process started. 77.

This is not a website. It is a blog. The domain points to a database label.

Normally, when a domain is transferred from a website, the domain just switches from the one site to the new site smoothly. It will leave the old site still showing; but with the virtual host name. In order to move a blog site, which is a database, the


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account would delete when the transfer activates. So I moved the account onto DefendOurFreedoms.Net, then unlocked the domain and authorized the transfer. Orly had a temper tantrum. She insisted I took her site down to be defiant (I'm being kind). 78.

Orly went on the Evil Conservative Blogcast on April 12th and told the

audience that I had threatened her and altered the focus of her story onto the PayPal account. 8 79.

Once this occurred, I immediately canceled the transfer. For now, I was in

a position where I needed to defend myself. Not only did I pay for the sites, own the domain names, the sites were my only soap box. 80.

I locked Orly out of administrative website access. I changed the PayPal

Script in the donations button to reflect my own account. I put notifications on all my webpages that the sites were no longer were no longer where Orly Taitz’s Foundation blogs were located. I started to post my side of the story. See “Understanding the Internet 101”. 9 81.

After this went up, Orly Taitz sent me a ‘Cease and Desist' Letter. Well,

she tried to anyway, which I posted on my blog: “Ceize and Desist 04.13.09. Ms. Ostella, This is a Ceize and Desist Letter, advising you to stop immediately operation of sites and shut down; DefendOurFreedoms.US; DefendOurFreedoms.Org, and DefendOurFreedoms.Com and any other relating sites that you have been operating after I requested transfer. You have used those sites



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for defamatory purpose of me and my foundation and you have used my likeness and my material without my permission. If you do not shut down above sites immediately, further actions will be taken. Sincerely, Dr. Orly Taitz Esq 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo Ca 92691” 82.

Now, I started seeing more stories about the hacking focusing on the

PayPal rather then the original report that just mentioned the PayPal. Orly was literally telling people that her PayPal account was hacked. It couldn't have been. The servers that hold people's private data are not connected directly to the internet. There are servers in between. So the server one logs into is not the same server that houses the information. If someone was able to break into that system, PayPal would have had to notify all customers of a breach and shut all processes down to investigate. Orly literally had people thinking that her email address was changed from within the PayPal account. Yet, Orly never launched an investigation with PayPal in reference to this. She made blatant statements saying money was stolen out of her account. 83.

Orly attempted this maneuver on March 9, 2009 even placed the following

post on her blog, so I knew what Orly was referring to and what she was attempting to do. Orly wanted me to post the following on my blog, which I refused to do. Orly Taitz had claimed President Obama and his “thugs” had tampered and hacked into her website and Paypal account diverting funds. However, when she told me about this, I immediately investigated her website and learned that Orly Taitz herself had switched her dental website off. When I confronted her with this, she gave me a story that she

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was adding some type of “traffic” analyzer.10 As you can see, Orly Taitz is not new at fabricating false “hacking”, “tampering”, “diversion of funds”, “theft of PayPal monies”; and “hacking into her PayPal Accounts”. “Breaking and entering into my Paypal account There is no limit or extend to which Obama's thugs will go to hurt people. As you know, I have a DefendOurFreedoms foundation, that helps me to pay for legal actions, for traveling to different states and presenting the case to Attorney Generals, US attorneys FBI and legislators, presenting all the information to them, so that Criminal proceedings and Judicial hearings can be conducted on the issue of Obama's illegitimacy for presidency and related illegal activity. Without donations I cannot do that. Somebody has intermittently broken and entered into my pay-pal account and changed the e-mail address.. My address for pay-pal is [email protected] They changed it to [email protected] at another occasion e-mails were sent to people telling them to give donations to [email protected] They were making up accounts in order to divert donations from my foundation. Due to the problems with PayPal, I would ask you to send donations by mail to Dr. Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo CA 92691” 84.

Due to the above post, I immediately added a post “Understanding the

Internet 102 – PayPalGate” 11 85.

The change was in the email address on the blog site. Originally, the

PayPal donate code on the blog site was in an encrypted script that PayPal makes available for copying and pasting into blogs and websites. But GoDaddy made some updates in the design in February 2009. The updates didn't function with the PayPal script encryption. See the Email received from GoDaddy:



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Subject: Script Issue With Quick Blogcast From: "Andrew" Date: Tue, April 21, 20096:40 am To: [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------On February 11, 2009, Lisa, was advised that the paypal button links do not work on the sidebar within the Quick Blogcast. AndrewS. TeamSapphire CustomerCareCenter 86.

I changed the script from an encrypted function to manual html. This is

what left the email address exposed. But since I established why I disagree with the notion the blog was hacked; that means one of us changed that email address. 87.

The people that had access to that sidebar in the blog were: me, Fred

Smart, Fran and Orly Taitz. I told Orly who had access and she immediately told me to ban Fran without speaking to anyone of us about what happened. This could have been an accident for all we knew. But ban her I did and she didn't bring any of this up again until the report sent twice to the U.S. Supreme Court, which was also posted by Orly Taitz: 12 and 13 OPEN LETTER TO THE SUPREME COURT-REQUEST COOPERATION WITH THE FBI INVESTIGATION


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo CA 92691 04.02.09. Chief Justice Roberts,

12 13

open letter to the Supreme court-request for cooperation with the FBI investigation

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Supreme Court of the United States; Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; William K. Sutton Chief clerk of the Supreme Court; Officer Christine Giaccio, officer in charge Supreme Court of United States; Gilbert Shaw, Secret service agent Supreme Court of the United States Open letter, request for cooperation in FBI investigation Dear ladies and gentlemen, This is to inform you that I have filed a complaint with the FBI relating to a number of crimes, including cyber crimes that I and my clients have encountered while pursuing legal actions of illegitimacy for presidency of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. On the matter of cyber crimes, the case was referred to the cyber crimes unit at the Santa Ana, Orange County FBI, at 901 Civic center Dr. W., Santa Ana CA. The officer in charge of my case is FBI Agent Nathan Reed, 714-245-5328, 310-710-3459. One of the Cyber Crimes reported, was erasing from the exterior docket of the Supreme Court all mention of my case Lightfoot v Bowen questioning legitimacy of Obama for presidency. Particularly egregious was the fact that the case was erased on January 21, when the Supreme Court first opened after inauguration of Obama and it was reentered back on the docket only on January 22, towards the end of the day, right before the conference on the morning January, the 23rd. According to FBI Agent Nathan Reed, even though, the docket is related to my case, technically the Supreme Court was the victim of hacking and he needs cooperation from the Supreme court, as a victim organization to investigate the mater of the case being erased from it's exterior docket. I request from the Supreme Court a letter of such cooperation with my complaint. This is particularly important in light of the fact that there is a common denominator in a number of cyber crimes committed, such as: 1. there was a hacking into my foundation pay-pal account, where my e-mail address was changed with a scope of impeding receipt of donations 2. sabotage of my previous web site/blog, where the blog would crush upon comment entry, flushing virus messages, and diversion of traffic to porn sites 3. constant sabotage and hacking into my new site/blog 4. creation of an impostor site for officer Scott Easterling, with the scope of assassinating the character of the active military officer in Iraq, who happens to be a lead plaintiff in Obama ineligibility legal action 5. erasing of my wikipedia page and source having a banner on his page, showing hanging of Saddam Hussein 6. fabricating a decision of a Virginia judge, claiming proper vetting of Obama's birth certificate and posting this fraudulent decision on the Internet on November 3rd, one day before the National election with the scope of committing massive fraud of American voters. All of these cyber crimes, together with all the other crimes that are handled separately, have one common denominator- concerted effort to put Obama in the White House and keep him there by virtue of fraud and concealment of all of his records. I hope that the Supreme Court will show proper cooperation in investigation of such crimes by the FBI and other agencies and I request a letter of cooperation to that extend. Refusal to provide such letter of cooperation will amount to obstruction of Justice and aiding and abetting all of the above crimes.

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Sincerely, Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ cc Senator Leahy, Senate Judiciary Committee cc Senator Specter Ranking Member Senate Judiciary Committee cc Senator Reid -senate Majority leader cc Senator Kyl -Senate Minority leader cc Nanci Pelosi, Speaker of the House cc Eric Holder, department of Justice cc Elena Kagan, Solicitor General cc Captain Crawford, Legal Counsel for the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

04.02.09. Chief Justice Roberts, Supreme Court of the United States; Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; William K. Sutton Chief clerk of the Supreme Court; Officer Christine Giaccio, officer in charge Supreme Court of United States; Gilbert Shaw, Secret service agent Supreme Court of the United States Open letter, request for cooperation in FBI investigation Dear ladies and gentlemen, This is to inform you that I have filed a complaint with the FBI relating to a number of crimes, including cyber crimes that I and my clients have encountered while pursuing legal actions of illegitimacy for presidency of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. On the matter of cyber crimes, the case was referred to the cyber crimes unit at the Santa Ana, Orange County FBI, at 901 Civic center Dr. W., Santa Ana CA. The officer in charge of my case is FBI Agent Nathan Reed, 714-245-5328, 310-710-3459. One of the Cyber Crimes reported, was erasing from the exterior docket of the Supreme Court all mention of my case Lightfoot v Bowen questioning legitimacy of Obama for presidency. Particularly egregious was the fact that the case was erased on January 21, when the Supreme Court first opened after inauguration of Obama and it was reentered back on the docket only on January 22, towards the end of the day, right before the conference on the morning January, the 23rd. According to FBI Agent Nathan Reed, even though, the docket is related to my case, technically the Supreme Court was the victim of hacking and he needs cooperation from the Supreme court, as a victim organization to investigate the mater of the case being erased from it's exterior docket. I Z:\Liberi, et al v. Taitz, et al – Affidavit of Lisa Ostella 07 2009


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request from the Supreme Court a letter of such cooperation with my complaint. This is particularly important in light of the fact that there is a common denominator in a number of cyber crimes committed, such as: 1. there was a hacking into my foundation pay-pal account, where my email address was changed with a scope of impeding receipt of donations 2. sabotage of my previous web site/blog, where the blog would crush upon comment entry, flushing virus messages, and diversion of traffic to porn sites 3. constant sabotage and hacking into my new site/blog 4. creation of an impostor site for officer Scott Easterling, with the scope of assassinating the character of the active military officer in Iraq, who happens to be a lead plaintiff in Obama ineligibility legal action 5. erasing of my wikipedia page and source having a banner on his page, showing hanging of Saddam Hussein 6. fabricating a decision of a Virginia judge, claiming proper vetting of Obama's birth certificate and posting this fraudulent decision on the Internet on November 3rd, one day before the National election with the scope of committing massive fraud of American voters. All of these cyber crimes, together with all the other crimes that are handled separately, have one common denominator- concerted effort to put Obama in the White House and keep him there by virtue of fraud and concealment of all of his records. I hope that the Supreme Court will show proper cooperation in investigation of such crimes by the FBI and other agencies and I request a letter of cooperation to that extend. Refusal to provide such letter of cooperation will amount to obstruction of Justice and aiding and abetting all of the above crimes. Sincerely, Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ cc Senator Leahy, Senate Judiciary Committee cc Senator Specter Ranking Member Senate Judiciary Committee cc Senator Reid -senate Majority leader cc Senator Kyl -Senate Minority leader cc Nanci Pelosi, Speaker of the House cc Eric Holder, department of Justice cc Elena Kagan, Solicitor General cc Captain Crawford, Legal Counsel for the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff


I as her webmaster, would have to back that report. I wouldn’t. So her

report changed naming me being that hacker and thief as well as a conspiracy with Lisa Liberi with the offices of Phil Berg. This report was ordered by the judge of this

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case not to be further published by Orly Taitz in its current form due to the personal identifying information contained within. 89.

It is my understanding on June 25, 2009 Your Honor gave strong words

that Orly Taitz was not to continue publishing Lisa Liberi’s social security number, date of birth and other personal identifying information, which is contained in Orly Taitz Dossier #6. 90.

Despite this, Orly Taitz Dossier #6 has continued to be published by Orly

Taitz. Orly Taitz has continued re-publishing Dossier #6; sending Dossier #6 out on RSS Feeds; Orly Taitz has posted new posts to her followers asking that they send out Dossier #6 and #1, etc. Orly Taitz has not removed Lisa Liberi’s social security number, date of birth or any of her personal information and has maintained this Dossier #6 on her (Orly Taitz ) website. 14


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Page 2 of 18, Inc. Receipt#: 143797734 DATE: 12/18/2008 9:01:30 AM

Customer #: 3928963 Billing Information LisaOstella 622 Remsen Avenue North Brunswick, NJ08902 US Daytime Phone: 7328462875 Evening Phone: 7324210201 Email: [email protected] Paid: PayPal ($157.10)



Unit Today's ICANN Price Price fee Qty


12102-1 .ORG Domain Name Registration - 2 Years

Extra Disc.

Total Price

$29.98 $29.98





$21.38 $19.98





$25.98 $25.98







.COM Domain Name Registration - 2 Years


12002-1 .NET Domain Name Registration - 2 Years


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$79.98 $39.98





$39.98 $39.98





Subtotal: Shipping & Handling: Tax:

$157.10 $.00 $.00

Total (US Dollars):



11602-1 .US Domain Name Registration - 2 Years


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Page 5 of 18, Inc. Receipt#: 145829734 DATE: 1/1/2009 10:36:30 AM

Customer #: 3928963 Billing Information LisaOstella 622 Remsen Avenue North Brunswick, NJ08902 US Daytime Phone: 7328462875 Evening Phone: 7324210201 Email: [email protected] Paid: PayPal ($53.87)



6820-1 Quick Blogcast Economy - 1 year

Unit Price

Today's Price


Extra Disc.

Total Price

$53.87 $53.87




Subtotal: Shipping & Handling: Tax:

$53.87 $.00 $.00

Total (US Dollars):



Length: 1 Period(s)

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« I got an indictment of Obama in the Lion’s den, Chicago Illinois Phone number for the US attorney Jeffrey Taylor. I called and left a message. I am asking everybody to call. »

We Need Political Penicillin What was one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th Century? I believe it was the discovery of Penicillin by sir Alexander Fleming. What is penicillin? It is actually an yest, that is not harmful to humans, but fights the bacteria, that kills humans. Recent discoveries show that the Flu epidemic of the beginning of the 20th century, was actually the epidemic of the Strep and Pneumacoccus bacteria, that superimposed on the flu, and that would be cured today by Penicillin. Now, drawing analysis to politics. Writing blogs is not enough, we need to go to the next faze of fighting Obama’s forming brown shirts army and Obama’s Hitler young, against Napolitano’s thugs, that can put us in those FEMA labor camps, and we need as many partners in this struggle, as we possibly can get. We have our constitutional rights to form citizens militia and recent congressional decisions have given us the right to form a civilian army. We have the right to bear arms. Legally we are fine, but what we need is funding: to buy arms, ammo, uniforms, communications. It costs money to build a civilian army. Who can be the partners of the patriots of this country and who can help with funding? Anybody who is fed up with some 125 uber billionaires taking over the world and keeping it under their control. People, that want their place under the sun, their piece of the pie, can actually be our partners. Does anyone have a list of these 125 families that run the Bielderberg group, trilateral and cfr? I don’t have the full list and I might be mistaken on some names. We need to produce political penicillin, that would help us withstand this malaise. Orly This entry was posted on Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 at 2:39 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« KY secretary of state Million Patriots march »

Follow up on Lisa Liberi, paralegal to Phil Berg In regards to Lisa Liberi, assistant to Phil Berg. As I stated, she has an extensive criminal record of forgery, forgery of seal, grand theft and so on. Lisa Liberi was stating that it is not her, that it is another Lisa Liber, and that she lives in PA and not NM, however this is not true. She lives in NM, her home phone number and address is in NM and this can be verified with the probation officer Joanne Martinez fax 505-476-2368, phone 505-8278627. I corresponded with John Hemenway ESQ, who filed Hollister v Soetoro case in DC for Phil Berg and he stated that Lisa Liberi, who works for Berg lives in NM. When his son was buying a truck in NM, she told him, that she lives there and can assist. One of former volunteers for Phil Berg has written a statement and went with me to FBI in San Antonio and reported that Lisa Liberi, who works for Berg lives in Santa Fe, NM and she sent Christmas presents to Lisa to NM. Today many employees and volunteers work from home and correspond via e-mails and phone calls. This volunteer stated that Lisa Liberi corresponds via e-mails and phone. A person will not make a report with FBI and risk going to jail unless she provides a truthful statement. She also recorded this statement on video. I had three confirmations from 3 independent sources of the findings of licensed investigator Mr. Sankey Before I posted dossier #6. After all the revelations the name of Lisa Liberi in Mr. Berg’s site was changed to Agent88. I believe, that when non-profit organizations are involved and donations are collected, one should not employ people that are questionable and particularly people that have a lengthy criminal record that includes forgery, forgery of seals and grand theft. I have closed the pay pal account, when I saw that Lisa Ostella has redirected the the Defend Our Freedoms blog and redirected the pay pal. Now there is no pay-pal for this foundation and there will not be any more questions. I will be setting a direct visa/credit card donation button , where donations will go directly to the foundation, so there will Z:\Liberi, et al v. Taitz, et al – Affidavit of Lisa Ostella 07 2009


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not be a problem of someone redirecting donations by changing the e-mail address on the pay pal button. Yet another important matter. So far none of Obama eligibility matters have gone to trial and we all are working hard to change it. But let’s say one such case goes to trial. We don’t want to be impeached by Obama’s attorneys saying that we knowingly employed shady characters, who might’ve supplied us with incorrect information. Just like the country needs to be purged of Obama and his clique, that are in power by virtue of forgery, fraud and consealment of vital records, the patriots of this country need to purge their ranks. This entry was posted on Saturday, April 18th, 2009 at 2:29 pm and is filed under Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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EXHIBIT “E” Z:\Liberi, et al v. Taitz, et al – Affidavit of Lisa Ostella 07 2009


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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

« From reader Bob S. Did anyone see Hank Paulson coming out of his house lately? Re Keyes v Obama »

I am trying to stay away from Liberi-Berg issue, but i got more questions and here is more info. I was asked by a number of people to explain why the name of Lisa Ostella is on the dossier #4. When I was in Washington DC, I did not have an access to the Internet, as I was visiting the Director of the Selective Service William Chatfield and offices of several senators and was on the phone with the assistant and legal counsel for Admiral Malin. A lot of people asked me for an update and I called Lisa Ostella, the web master ,and asked her to post it on the Internet. As you can see, the fact that she signed DefendOurfFeedomsFoundations, and she put her name as an assistant to me, clearly shows that she knew it is my foundation, under my name and she could sign as an assistant only as long as she was helping me. The moment I transferred to another webmaster, she had and has no right to advertise on behalf of the DefendOurFreedoms foundation, solicit donations and pocket the money. You can also see (in the attachment) that she was the one that contacted the private investigator Mr. Sankey, and provided him the information that Lisa Liberi , assistant to Phil Berg, has a criminal record. Based on her report Mr. Sankey has investigated and confirmed this information, that indeed Lisa Liberi has this lengthy record of forgery of documents and forgery of an official seal and grand theft. Lisa Ostella changed her tune only after this whole issue with pay-pal came out. At first she and the rest of the plaintiffs came out with an outrageous lie that my husband was spying on people. Now they dismissed their law suit against my husband- and everybody knows that it was a manufactured charge. As you can see, she was well aware about Liberi’s criminal record, as was Berg and Liberi herself. Their legal action is nothing but perjury and an attempted obstruction of justice. I have written in the pleadings that the only address that Liberi provided, was Berg’s office address and the reason is that she indeed resides in NM and is the Lisa Liberi with the criminal record. I received an e-mail recently that in the last couple of

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days Lisa Liberi has gotten a PA drivers license. If she got one in the last couple of days, that doesn’t change the fact that she resided in NM and that all of them committed perjury. If anything, getting a PA drivers license now is yet another attempt to obstruct justice. As I have said before, I don’t get intimidated by either Obama or by Berg. One cannot file a fraudulent and malicious legal action against me and expect to shut me up and make me stop reporting on illegal and criminal activity. All that these people are doing, is adding counts of fraud, perjury and obstruction of justice. The only thing Berg can do, is come clean, disassociate himself from Lisa Liberi, who has a record of forgery and he needs to hire a forensic document examiner to check all the records handled by Lisa Liberi. We cannot win in court with forged records. This information was already on the blogs before I got it and it will be on the blogs, his continuing denial of clear evidence has no merit and undermines everybody in the resistance movement, everybody who wants to get to the truth. The only way to win, is by clean evidence, unsealing the vital records and letting the Supreme Court decide the issue of the Natural Born Citizen. > From: [email protected] > To: [email protected] > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) > Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:02:00 -0700 > > Indeed it would. If you would pass this on to Dr.O, I will go out to San Bdo > this week and have a look at the 2002 file, dontcha think? >N > > —–Original Message—– > From: Lisa Ostella [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 4:49 PM > To: Neil Sanky > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) > > Hmm, if the forged documents actually came out of Phil Berg’s office, well, > filing lawsuits would be an excellent cover, huh? > > Factcheck is in Pennsylvania. > > As is Phil Berg. > > > Lisa Ostella > Defend Our Freedoms Foundation > > Peace through Strength > >

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> > > > > > > > > From: [email protected] > > To: [email protected] > > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) > > Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 16:35:46 -0700 >> > > Yes but a SEAL !!, and HOW MANY aliases? >> > > —–Original Message—– > > From: Lisa Ostella [mailto:[email protected]] > > Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 3:46 PM > > To: Neil Sanky > > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) >> > > Insight, such as, Lisa Liberi (Phil Berg’s assistant) really being Lisa > > Richards, with a police record for ID theft? >> > > Mighty convenient talent to have when there are multiple identities flying > > around. >> > > I’ve not researched that insight yet. I didn’t have a warm and fuzzy > > interaction with (redacted name of volunteer )So I don’t know if this is planted info droppings > > or not. >> >> > > Lisa Ostella > > Defend Our Freedoms Foundation > > > > Peace through Strength > > >> This entry was posted on Sunday, May 31st, 2009 at 2:19 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire is proudly powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).

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EXHIBIT “F” Z:\Liberi, et al v. Taitz, et al – Affidavit of Lisa Ostella 07 2009


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FORGED AND ALTERNED EMAIL placed on Orly Taitz’s website at BY Orly Taitz NUMBER 1:






> If you would pass this on to Dr.O, I will go out to San Bdo > this >N


> From: [email protected] > To: [email protected] > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) > Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:02:00 -0700

NUMBER 1: > From: [email protected] > To: [email protected] > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) > Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:02:00 -0700 > > Indeed it would. If you would pass this on to Dr.O, I will go out to San Bdo > this week and have a look at the 2002 file, dontcha think? > >N > NUMBER 2: > —–Original Message—– > From: Lisa Ostella [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 4:49 PM > To: Neil Sanky > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) > > Hmm, if the forged documents actually came out of Phil Berg’s office, well, > filing lawsuits would be an excellent cover, huh? > > or not. > Factcheck is in Pennsylvania. > > As is Phil Berg. > > > Lisa Ostella > Defend Our Freedoms Foundation > > Peace through Strength > >


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> > From: [email protected] >> To: [email protected] > > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) > > Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 16:35:46 -0700 >> > > Yes but a SEAL !!, and HOW MANY aliases? >>


> > -----Original Message----> > From: Lisa Ostella [mailto:[email protected]] > > Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 3:46 PM > > To: Neil Sanky > > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) >> > > I've not researched that insight yet. I didn't have a warm and fuzzy > > interaction with Sarah. So I don't know if this is planted info droppings > > or not. >> >> > > Lisa Ostella > > Defend Our Freedoms Foundation > > Defend Our Freedoms Foundation > >


Actual Email – No Alterations on this document


> > > > Peace through Strength > >

> > —–Original Message—– > > From: Lisa Ostella [mailto:[email protected]] > > Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 3:46 PM > > To: Neil Sanky > > Subject: RE: HELLO ??? (again) >> > > Insight, such as, Lisa Liberi (Phil Berg’s assistant) really being Lisa > > Richards, with a police record for ID theft? >> > > Mighty convenient talent to have when there are multiple identities flying > > around. >> > > I’ve not researched that insight yet. I didn’t have a warm and fuzzy > > interaction with (redacted name of volunteer )So I don’t know if this is planted info droppings > >or not. >> > > Lisa Ostella

> > Peace through Strength > > >> This entry was posted on Sunday, May 31st, 2009 at 2:19 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire is proudly powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).


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Note on Number 4: The smiley in the forged email bears the exact same smiley face used by Orly Taitz on her website at



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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009 « Unfortunately I have to spend more time on Berg’s latest motion, I have to provide a response Next Post »

I am back from PA. Very Important. I appreciate everybody calling and e-mailing and texting to make sure I am OK. I am OK….I had to go to PA to appear at the hearing in the garbage law suit filed by Philip Berg. My wireless connection didn’t work there, I couldn’t blog. I returned yesterday at 12:30 and and was doing a radio show in VA with Chuck Chrismayer. You can reach him at 800-754-1822 or 804-677-2783, he will have archives of the show. I had to work from 1-5:30 and later wanted to have dinner and spend some time with my family. In regards to Berg things are going well. Judge denied all of his motions for default judgment against me and clerical default was lifted, he gave me a pro hac vice to represent my foundation, denied all of Berg’s motions for injunction against me and, what is most important he ordered Berg to show cause, why his case should not be dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction. For those of you, who are not attorneys, it is a very good sign that the judge is very inclined to dismiss Berg’s case due to lack of jurisdiction. I would like to explain that if the case is filed out of state, the first thing that is being reviewed, is jurisdiction. It doesn’t mean that the case has any merit aside from jurisdiction, it means that this court cannot hear it. I believe Berg filed it in PA to simply cause me to waste time and money, going to Philly. At any rate, I am not concerned about this frivolous law suit, I am though concerned about something else. On the plane to Philly I read hundreds of pages of transcripts in criminal case hearings of Liberi. Keep in mind that recently I had threats “to shoot me and burn my body for the world to see”. Later a clamp was missing and fumes emissions hose was disconnected in my car, that lead to the fumes accumulating around the engine, which is extremely dangerous. As I read August 4, 2004 transcript, I found a testimony of detective Liebreich. He testified in regards to recording of phone calls Lisa Liberi made from jail to her husband

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Brent Liberi. She was telling him that she was upset with her sister Cheryl Richardson. Cheryl cooperated with the police and told them about 19 prior criminal investigations of Liberi. Liberi told Brent (see copies of the transcripts attached) that she will get her sister in jail and will spread the word that she is a rat. She was telling Brent “do you know what they do in prison to rats?” At that time DA James Secord asked the detective to explain. The detective stated that a contract will be issued on such person, a green light and such person will be attacked and/ or killed. He mentioned that 5 people were killed last year alone. I got concerned, if this woman could plan a hit, a contract on her own sister, it would not be inconceivable that she would plan a hit on an attorney and her family, if this attorney outed her. I kept reading and found out that indeed less then a year later her sister was dead. Official cause of death, from what I understand, is drug overdose. However, drug overdose can be self inflicted or inflicted by others. At this time I would like to know if there are any pathologists among the readers of this blog? Can someone go to the police department and probation department in Santa Fe NM and show them all this info. According to detective Teresa Standiford from Orange County economic crimes unit, my report and the whole file was transferred to Santa Fe, as Lisa Liberi lives there. I tried to find out the status, but it is very hard to reach anybody in the police department there. The phone number of detective Teresa Standford in CA 714-647-7486, 714-647-7038. Case # 09-068339. Liberi’s prosecuting DA in Ca is James Secord 909-387-8309 In Santa Fe I was given a number for detective Martin Lopez 505-955-5010, General number for the Santa Fe police is 505-955-5038. Investigations unit- 505-955-5038 The supervisor of her probation department is Joan Martinez 505-476-2359 Regional probation officer is Rose Bobchack 505-476-2363. After the hearing on Thursday I talked to Phil Berg and I have shown him the transcripts of Liberi’s prior hearings. I put him on notice in regards to her dangerous propensities and let him know that if he continues with this law suits and continues denying, what is clearly a public record, he endangers me and my whole family. If something happens and Liberi is involved, he will be held accountable as an accomplice.

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