Liberi V Taitz - Exhibit 42 - To Liberi Show Cause - Affidavit Of K Strebel

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Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER

Document 107-8

Filed 08/27/2009


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Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER

Document 107-8

Law Offices of: PHILIP J. BERG, ESQUIRE 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Identification No. 09867 (610) 825-3134

Filed 08/27/2009

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Attorney for: Plaintiffs


LISA LIBERI, et al, Plaintiffs, vs.

ORLY TAITZ, et al, Defendants.

: : : Assigned to Honorable Eduardo C. Robreno : : : Case No.: 09-cv-01898-ECR : : : : : :

AFFIDAVIT OF K. STREBEL I, K. Strebel am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein and if called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath. I declare as follows: 1.

I have been aware of the Illegal activities of Linda Sue Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr;

Edgar Hale, Caren Hale, Plains Radio, KPRN AM 1610 and Bar H Farms; Orly Taitz; Defend our Freedoms Foundations, Inc; Neil Sankey and Mr. Sankey’s businesses. All of their false, degrading and nasty accusations were targeted at Lisa Liberi, Philip J. Berg and the Law offices of Philip J. Berg located in Pennsylvania. These individuals illegal behaviors Affidavit of K. Strebel


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then moved on to Evelyn Adams; Lisa Ostella; Go Excel Global; and any other party who has any affiliation with Philip J. Berg, his law practice and/or his paralegal, Lisa Liberi. 2.

Ms. Taitz and Mr. Sankey purposely went after Lisa Liberi as Ms. Taitz had

threatened to take Philip J. Berg and his law firm “down” and to do so she was going to destroy Lisa Liberi and get rid of her.

After Mr. Berg and Lisa Liberi severed ties with

Linda Belcher, she joined forces with Ed Hale, Caren Hale, Orly Taitz and Neil Sankey to destroy Mr. Berg and his legal cases involving President Obama. 3.

On April 8th 2009 Orly Taitz created Dossier # 6 and published it on her website

located at and on April 17th. Ms. Taitz also sent this Dossier to over 26,000 news outlets including internationally on four different occasions and also sent it to an undisclosed amount of private individuals believed to be in excess of 10,000 by Orly Taitz own statements.

Dossier #6 is about Lisa Liberi, Paralegal and

Assistant to Philip J. Berg, Esq. and was created very maliciously. In this Dossier are several social security numbers with the last four numbers replaced with “x’s” except for Lisa Liberi’s. Ms. Taitz and Neil Sankey placed Lisa Liberi’s full social security and date of birth as well as a “supposed” criminal record of Ms. Liberi’s, again, all of which appears to be vindictive and malicious. In addition, Orly Taitz states in this Dossier that Lisa Liberi has a criminal record going back to the 1990’s. In reviewing this Dossier #6, I found that Neil Sankey copied an article from Mortgage Fraud Blog, an unverified article and altered the article by adding “She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90’s.”, Mortgage Fraud Blog article is attached as EXHIBIT “A”; Neil Sankey’s email which is contained in Orly Taitz’s Dossier #6 is attached as EXHIBIT “B”.

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Orly Taitz explanation on the internet and all her radio shows regarding the

publication of Lisa Liberi’s social security number and other unverified information was that Attorney’s should not employ “shady characters”; that President Obama’s Attorney’s could have the Attorney’s filing the actions brought up on charges of treason for having someone’s background that includes forgery; and the public has a right to know. Orly Taitz’s comments and statements are simply not the case. 5.

Orly Taitz has now employed a gentleman by the name of Charles Lincoln, III as

her legal assistant. Mr. Lincoln, last week, drafted Orly Taitz’s case in GA and even filed the case on Orly Taitz behalf. Mr. Lincoln is an attorney who was disbarred in three states. Mr. Lincoln was convicted by the Federal Government for using a false or another individual’s social security number to open a bank account and Mr. Lincoln also forged a Federal Court Clerk’s receipts and then paid off his clients six thousand dollars not to present the forged receipts and appear at a hearing. See EXHIBIT “C”. Orly Taitz did not feel it important to make the public aware of Charles Lincoln’s background. 6.

Orly Taitz posting of Lisa Liberi’s entire social security number was done

maliciously to harm Lisa Liberi and carry out her threats to destroy Lisa Liberi in order to take Philip J. Berg, Esq. and his law firm down. If this Court were to pull Orly Taitz Website at and do a simple search with Lisa Liberi’s last name, this Court will find there are numerous articles and postings written by Orly Taitz degrading, slandering, harassing, and further attempting to destroy Lisa Liberi, Lisa Ostella and Philip J. Berg, Esquire. See EXHIBIT “D”. 7.

I am aware there was a hearing on June 25, 2009 and I have pulled this Court’s

Orders. Once Orly Taitz returned from Pennsylvania, which was two (2) days later, on June

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27, 2009, Orly Taitz posted on her website at the heading “I am back from Pa. Very Important” Orly Taitz states in this posting, in part:

“I got concerned, if this woman could plan a hit, a contract on her own sister, it would not be inconceivable that she would plan a hit on an attorney and her family, if this attorney outed her. I kept reading and found out that indeed less then a year later her sister was dead. Official cause of death, from what I understand, is drug overdose. However, drug overdose can be self inflicted or inflicted by others.” “At this time I would like to know if there are any pathologists among the readers of this blog? Can someone go to the police department and probation department in Santa Fe NM and show them all this info.” “According to detective Teresa Standiford from Orange County economic crimes unit, my report and the whole file was transferred to Santa Fe, as Lisa Liberi lives there. I tried to find out the status, but it is very hard to reach anybody in the police department there. The phone number of detective Teresa Standford in CA 714-647-7486, 714-647-7038. Case # 09-068339.” “Liberi’s prosecuting DA in Ca is James Secord 909-387-8309” “In Santa Fe I was given a number for detective Martin Lopez 505-955-5010, General number for the Santa Fe police is 505-955-5038. Investigations unit505-955-5038.” “The supervisor of her probation department is Joan Martinez 505-476-2359 Regional probation officer is Rose Bobchack 505-476-2363.” 8.

I fail to see where anything regarding Lisa Liberi’s sister or her death has

anything to do with Ms. Taitz or gives Ms. Taitz any reason to post this painful and private information of Ms. Liberi’s sister on her website at

Ms. Taitz

simply did this to hurt and harm Lisa Liberi and her family. This was cruel, malicious and extremely vindictive on the part of Orly Taitz. 9.

I have spoken with Lisa Liberi regarding her sister’s death. Ms. Liberi stated her

sister did pass away from an illegal drug over-dose. Ms. Liberi stated her sister’s name was Affidavit of K. Strebel


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not Cheryl that Orly Taitz had it wrong. Ms. Liberi stated her sister’s passing was four years ago on July 5, 2009, a week after Orly Taitz post. Ms. Liberi stated her family had kept her sister’s death private due to the fact it was a self inflicted drug over-dose. Ms. Liberi stated her family did not feel it anyone’s business. Ms. Liberi stated the postings by Ms. Taitz, which Ms. Liberi’s mother found on the internet, have truly upset Ms. Liberi and her elderly parents. Again, Orly Taitz posting regarding the death of Ms. Liberi’s sister was nothing more than vindictive, malicious, to cast Lisa Liberi in a false light and again to carry out her threat to destroy Lisa Liberi, which she has pretty much done. I am aware that Lisa Liberi has worked with Mr. Berg since early 2007. 10.

I would also like to bring to this Court’s attention, despite what occurred in Court

on June 25, 2009 in this matter. Ms. Taitz is still asking people to send out Dossier #6 which contains Lisa Liberi’s full social security number, date of birth and other personal information. Ms. Taitz most recent request for her followings or anyone who visits her website to send out Dossier #6 was on July 3, 2009 titled “Smoking gun” and can be found on Ms. Taitz website at

In addition, this

Dossier #6 is still located on Ms. Taitz website located at and is updated on her website every three (3) hours which also is sent out on an RSS feed. It is apparent with Ms. Taitz actions after the hearing with this Honorable Court that Ms. Taitz does not have any respect for your Honor, your Court and has absolutely no plans of following any Orders of this Court. 11.

A simple search of the Internet turns up several sites where you can find Dossier

#6 or references to it. My Search: Orly Taitz Dossier #6 on Google, see EXHIBIT “E”.

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I fail to see where anything but correct law has been sent to the courts. As

someone who is considering changing careers into the legal field as a Paralegal I have been reading these cases that Lisa Liberi has legally researched and drafted. Lisa is not an investigator, she does not fund raise, she does not have anything to do with donations and only researches the law and drafts accordingly, all of which is over-seen by Mr. Berg. 13.

Your Honor on June 25th, 2009 the Defendants there Attorneys and the Attorney

for the Plaintiffs’ Philip J. Berg met at your courtroom to discuss issues of this case. After the Court hearing, I made it a point to listen to the Plains Radio Internet Blog Show, hosted by Defendant’s Edgar and Caren Hale. Plains Radio network shows are also broadcasted over an AM Radio Station call sign KPRN. During the radio show, Defendants’ Linda Belcher, Ed Hale and Caryn Hale were discussing the court proceedings of the day. I have a recording of the show. Linda Starr stated “well, I’ll tell you something, prior to them filling suit on the 4th of May, I had never made any public statement against any of them. And you know they did me dirty.” I believe in the posting she did on the website in the middle of the night qualifies as a public statement degrading Lisa Liberi, Philip J. Berg, Esquire and his Law Firm, the Law Offices of Philip J. Berg. In addition, the multi emails Linda Belcher sent out degrading Lisa Liberi, Philip J. Berg, Esq. and his law practice also qualifies since the message was sent out of state and by way of Internet. 14.

Further in the Plains Radio show, Ed Hale stated, “Yeah and I’m gonna tell you

something. when these affidavits come in that they claim that they have. These people’s names are gonna be known. Their addresses are gonna be known. And you know something, we are gonna know who they are. And you know what, we will go after them

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with a vengeance…” Linda Belcher agreed with Mr. Hale’s threats and elaborated on Mr. Hale’s threats to the potential witnesses for the Plaintiffs’ in this case 15.

Your Honor, these amounts to no more than a clear violation of State and Federal

Laws pertaining to threatening witnesses; is interfering with witnesses and witness tampering. Threatening witnesses and witness intimidation is a criminal offense. 16.

Based on Ms. Taitz inferences towards Lisa Liberi, which are dangerous to say

the least, as one of Ms. Taitz followers may attempt to harm Ms. Liberi or Mr. Berg. Ms. Liberi’s identity has already been stolen by one individual as a result of Ms. Taitz illegally publishing her social security number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, where Ms. Liberi was born. Orly Taitz refuses to stop her harassment and illegal techniques to further destroy Ms. Liberi and the threats made by Ed Hale and Linda Belcher a/k/a Linda Starr are very serious and are and have placed witnesses I know of for the Plaintiffs’ in this case in fear to provide affidavits or testify. When is enough, enough? 17.

For these reasons and the fact that Orly posts information on her site of a personal

nature and untruths asking for people to contact them, Ed Hale and Linda Belcher making threats openly on Mr. Hale’s Radio Show, Plains Radio, I have redacted Email Addresses, personal information such as Physical Address, Phone number, etc. I have signed this document within legal rights before a notary public Duly Sworn to Witness my Signature. I have provided Plaintiffs’ Council with my contact information and a complete un-redacted copy of my Affidavit.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008 New Mexico Woman Sentenced in Identity Theft and Real Estate Fraud

Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department personnel arrested Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony charges while she was out on bail.

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> From: [email protected] > To: [email protected]; [email protected] > Subject: FW: >>>>>>>>>>Urgent IMPORTANT INFO SAME SUBJECT<<<<< > Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:57:13 -0700 > > > > PLEASE NOTE THE LAST LINE! > > Thursday, April 10, 2008 > > > New Mexico Woman Sentenced in Identity Theft and Real Estate Fraud > > > Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in > connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged > documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, > Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term > of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 > years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony > counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. > > From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification > of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and > counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of > dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. > > In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department personnel arrested > Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from > the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit > arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony > charges while she was out on bail. > > She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90’s.

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CHARLES EDWARD LINCOLN [#171793], 44, of Cedar Park, Texas was disbarred Jan. 11, 2004, and was ordered to comply with rule 955. In 2000, Lincoln was convicted in Texas on a federal charge of falsely representing his Social Security number, a felony. As a result, he gave up his license to practice in the state. Originally charged with five felonies, the case resulted from Lincoln applying for a checking account using a false Social Security number. In a second matter, he was disbarred from U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas after a federal judge requested an investigation of Lincoln because two of his clients had a falsified receipt. The receipt purported to be from the federal court clerk and represented funds the clients had given Lincoln. The clients believed Lincoln was depositing their money in an escrow account related to their case. Two days before a hearing by the federal court’s admissions committee, Lincoln went to his clients’ home, instructed them not to tell the judge that he gave them the receipt, which he asked them not to produce, and he gave the clients a cashier’s check for $6,000. He did not appear at the hearing. In a previous lawsuit, the same judge determined that Lincoln was involved in discovery abuse and filed duplicative motions. The judge issued sanctions and dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice. The State Bar Court determined that Lincoln’s misconduct in Texas amounted to violations of California law as well.

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

Search Results « Older Entries Saturday, June 27th, 2009

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I am back from PA. Very Important. Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Posted in Events, Uncategorized | 5 Comments »

Unfortunately I have to spend more time on Berg’s latest motion, I have to provide a response Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 29 Comments »

Ties to Everett, need help with research Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 16 Comments »

Cover article in the most liberal Orange County Weekly (6 pages on the Internet) (6 pages posted ) Friday, June 19th, 2009

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From Ron Polarik PHD Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments » Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 9 Comments » Monday, June 15th, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 12 Comments »

I am trying to stay away from Liberi-Berg issue, but i got more questions and here is more info. Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments »

Berg Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Tags: birth certificate, crimes Lisa Ostella, eligibility, Lisa Liberi, natural born citizen Posted in Supporting Documentation, Uncategorized | 6 Comments »

Overview Friday, May 22nd, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 23 Comments »

Voter verification Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

From Linda Starr Monday, May 18th, 2009

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Please write to your congressmen and senators Saturday, May 16th, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

I need to get more answers Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Posted in HOT ITEMS!, Help Needed | 4 Comments »

Comment from Lynda Starr about a 10 million dollar lawsuit filed against her by Phil Berg, Lisa Liberi and others Monday, May 11th, 2009

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Update on Obama investigation and Liberi investigation Monday, May 11th, 2009

Posted in Uncategorized | 10 Comments »

Information update on both Liberi and Obama Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Tags: Berg litigation, birth certificate, eligibility, natural born citizen, obama, orly, taitz Posted in Dossiers, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Uncategorized | 8 Comments »

I need two articles and update on Lisa Liberi Friday, May 8th, 2009

Posted in Dossiers | 11 Comments »

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Check public records for yourselves, see that I am providing truthful information Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009

Search Results Newer Entries »

More attacks on me. More indepth research is done in spite of attacks Friday, May 1st, 2009

Posted in Health & Safety, Help Needed | 26 Comments »

Update on Lisa Ostella and Lisa Liberi Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Tags: Add new tag, Berg litigation, birth certificate, crimes Lisa Ostella, Lisa Liberi, obama Posted in HOT ITEMS!, LINKS, Legal Actions, Letters from Readers and Patriots, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Supporting Documentation | 2 Comments »

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Every day I get such evidence of missing or misdirected funds Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Posted in Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities | 1 Comment »

Follow up on Lisa Liberi, paralegal to Phil Berg Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Posted in Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities | No Comments »

Dossier #6 Friday, April 17th, 2009

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Filed 08/27/2009

dossier #6


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Web Show options... Results 1 - 10 of about 58,400,000 for dossier #6. (0.34 seconds)

Search Results Dossier #6 « Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Dossier #6 Further evidence of forgery; more questioned raised in regards to illegal campaign contributions; efforts to undermine fundraising of dissidents, ... - Cached - Similar

Orly's explosive Dossier (or Cat Fight) #6 | Obama Conspiracy Theories Earlier today, crusading lawyer, Dr. Orly Taiz, DDS, ESQ, provided Obama Conspiracy Theories her latest bombshell, Dossier #6. This blog expresses its. - Cached - Similar

Dr. Orly Taitz, Dossier 6, Attorney General Eric Holder, So ... This page provides information about 'Dr. Orly Taitz, Dossier 6, ... Dossier #6 Further evidence of forgery; more questioned raised in regards to illegal ... Cached - Similar

Dr. Orly Taitz, Dossier 6, Attorney General Eric Holder, Solicitor ... - Jul 3 Dr. Orly Taitz, Dossier 6, Attorney General Eric Holder, Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Director of FBI Robert Mueller, Jorge Baro, Sandra Ramsey Lines, ... - Cached - Similar

Dossier #6 | Outta Ink Dr. Orly Taitz published Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo CA 92691 ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-586-2082 [email protected] ... - Cached - Similar

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Repubx | Dossie#6 Dossier #6 Orly Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz ste 211 ... Dossier #6 Further evidence of forgery; more questioned raised in regards to illegal campaign ... - Cached - Similar

Orange County News - Meet Orly Taitz, Queen Bee of People Obsessed ... Then she sent out “Dossier #6” (Taitz has a habit of sending out “dossiers” of Obama-related miscellanea to government officials) to, supposedly, ... - Cached - Similar

orly taitz « Citizens Against Pro-Obama Media Bias A list of which Orly Taitz dropped off in Idaho for Chief Justice Roberts to ..... She put out a new dossier #6, which goes into details about her personal ... - Cached - Similar

Orly Taitz Announces New Blog ( Previous website was hacked ) Apr 21, 2009 ... Dr. Orly Taitz, the fierce blond attorney behind Obama eligibility lawsuits, .... I, also, sent an e-mail with dossier #6 to Mr. Phil Berg, ... - Cached - Similar

Investigating Obama: Taitz, Berg... Maybe the Courts Can Deal with ... The difference between Berg and Taitz is that Berg is slyer,and has his .... If you read dossier #6, you can see that the total restitution is $21000 per ... - Cached - Similar

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EXHIBIT “E” – Page 2 Affidavit of K. Strebel


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