Liberi V Taitz - Exhibit 27 Mommae Exhibits Part 2 - To Show Cause

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Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER

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Filed 08/27/2009

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EXHIBIT “NN” Affidavit of Plaintiff, Evelyn Adams


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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009 « Previous Post Hearing on my motion for default against Obama is set for 8:30 am, July 13, Central District Court, Santa Ana CA, Judge David O Carter »

Ties to Everett, need help with research You mentioned Everett, Wash. connection with Barack Obama’s mother’s family. Just wondering if you knew that connection went back for over a century… Plus a bit more about the Wolfleys: So with a POTUS with a Muslim father and German roots mother, why shouldn’t Israelis be worried? If you do post this info, please don’t mention my name or email. Cheers Response I am really concerned about several coincidences 1. a man who threatened to shoot me and burn my body for the world to see was tracked to a computer server in Everett WA. Another person that threatened me was traced to Chauhelis WA and yet another one to Canada (from what I understand not far from the border with WA state). A few days after the threat there was a clamp missing and a disconnected fumes emissions hose in my car and my husbands car died, suddenly a fuse was missing. 2. Obama does not talk about it, but his mother wasn’t in HI when he was a baby, she was enrolled in the U of Seattle WA from August 1961-till June 1962, which means that as a baby he lived in WA. 3. Lisa Liberi, assistant for Berg, who has a lengthy criminal record of grand theft, forgery of documents and forgery of official seal doesn’t talk about it, but according to records she was born in WA state. From what I recall Bellview WA. (her name at birth was Lisa Richardson. From what I recall father -Jack Richardson, mother Shirley Wadell)

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4. Obama, Liberi and Obama’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham- all have multiple social security numbers according to databases. 5. Liberi was convicted of forgery of documents and according to experts, there are multiple signs of forgery in Obama’s documents. 6. Stanley Ann Dunham also went by the name Shirley Ann Dunham. We found a Dunham organization, owned by Shirley Ann Dunham; one location was in Seattle another in Bellview WA. They dealt with insurances, lawyers, mortgages- you can get ss numbers from all of these records. 7. From what I recall, there was a discrepancy between Intellius records and Secretary of state records. According to the sec. of state a man owned that co. One of our volunteers pulled court records in Bellview for the Dunham organization. This man, Mr. Dunham (don’t remember first name) kept changing his middle initial in several court cases, which was suspicious by itself. 8. There was a very strange newspaper article in WA (I believe Seattle), from what I recall, when Obama supposedly was in Columbia. It stated that one, Roman Obama studied at the university of Patrice Lumumba in Moscow, Russia, and had some financial difficulties. 9. When grandma Dunham got sick, a reporter from WA (I believe Seattle) has writen an interview with Charles Payne, saying the grandma got a broken hip. She was dead of cancer a few days later. I was wondering, why did it come out in WA, and not HI or IL? 10. Based on all of the above, I have a nagging feeling, that there is somebody there in WA, some relative of Obama, somebody who we might think is no longer with us. This entry was posted on Monday, June 22nd, 2009 at 3:35 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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EXHIBIT “OO” Affidavit of Plaintiff, Evelyn Adams


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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009 « Unfortunately I have to spend more time on Berg’s latest motion, I have to provide a response Next Post »

I am back from PA. Very Important. I appreciate everybody calling and e-mailing and texting to make sure I am OK. I am OK….I had to go to PA to appear at the hearing in the garbage law suit filed by Philip Berg. My wireless connection didn’t work there, I couldn’t blog. I returned yesterday at 12:30 and and was doing a radio show in VA with Chuck Chrismayer. You can reach him at 800-754-1822 or 804-677-2783, he will have archives of the show. I had to work from 1-5:30 and later wanted to have dinner and spend some time with my family. In regards to Berg things are going well. Judge denied all of his motions for default judgment against me and clerical default was lifted, he gave me a pro hac vice to represent my foundation, denied all of Berg’s motions for injunction against me and, what is most important he ordered Berg to show cause, why his case should not be dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction. For those of you, who are not attorneys, it is a very good sign that the judge is very inclined to dismiss Berg’s case due to lack of jurisdiction. I would like to explain that if the case is filed out of state, the first thing that is being reviewed, is jurisdiction. It doesn’t mean that the case has any merit aside from jurisdiction, it means that this court cannot hear it. I believe Berg filed it in PA to simply cause me to waste time and money, going to Philly. At any rate, I am not concerned about this frivolous law suit, I am though concerned about something else. On the plane to Philly I read hundreds of pages of transcripts in criminal case hearings of Liberi. Keep in mind that recently I had threats “to shoot me and burn my body for the world to see”. Later a clamp was missing and fumes emissions hose was disconnected in my car, that lead to the fumes accumulating around the engine, which is extremely dangerous. As I read August 4, 2004 transcript, I found a testimony of detective Liebreich. He testified in regards to recording of phone calls Lisa Liberi made from jail to her husband

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Brent Liberi. She was telling him that she was upset with her sister Cheryl Richardson. Cheryl cooperated with the police and told them about 19 prior criminal investigations of Liberi. Liberi told Brent (see copies of the transcripts attached) that she will get her sister in jail and will spread the word that she is a rat. She was telling Brent “do you know what they do in prison to rats?” At that time DA James Secord asked the detective to explain. The detective stated that a contract will be issued on such person, a green light and such person will be attacked and/ or killed. He mentioned that 5 people were killed last year alone. I got concerned, if this woman could plan a hit, a contract on her own sister, it would not be inconceivable that she would plan a hit on an attorney and her family, if this attorney outed her. I kept reading and found out that indeed less then a year later her sister was dead. Official cause of death, from what I understand, is drug overdose. However, drug overdose can be self inflicted or inflicted by others. At this time I would like to know if there are any pathologists among the readers of this blog? Can someone go to the police department and probation department in Santa Fe NM and show them all this info. According to detective Teresa Standiford from Orange County economic crimes unit, my report and the whole file was transferred to Santa Fe, as Lisa Liberi lives there. I tried to find out the status, but it is very hard to reach anybody in the police department there. The phone number of detective Teresa Standford in CA 714-647-7486, 714-647-7038. Case # 09-068339. Liberi’s prosecuting DA in Ca is James Secord 909-387-8309 In Santa Fe I was given a number for detective Martin Lopez 505-955-5010, General number for the Santa Fe police is 505-955-5038. Investigations unit- 505-955-5038 The supervisor of her probation department is Joan Martinez 505-476-2359 Regional probation officer is Rose Bobchack 505-476-2363. After the hearing on Thursday I talked to Phil Berg and I have shown him the transcripts of Liberi’s prior hearings. I put him on notice in regards to her dangerous propensities and let him know that if he continues with this law suits and continues denying, what is clearly a public record, he endangers me and my whole family. If something happens and Liberi is involved, he will be held accountable as an accomplice.

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This entry was posted on Saturday, June 27th, 2009 at 3:52 pm and is filed under Events, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “I am back from PA. Very Important.” 1.

sillyhaha says: June 27, 2009 at 5:57 pm I am thrilled that all went well for you and the other defendants on Thur! Seems like the Judge feels that this case is a complete waste of time and unfair to all the defendants. It is a frivolous case. Interesting info on Lisa Liberi. Sounds like she may be looking at more legal problems as a result of going after you and Linda Starr. Serves her right…and I hope Berg gets sanctioned for this nonsense. Well done, Dr. Taitz!!!


sillyhaha says: June 27, 2009 at 6:22 pm Dr. Taitz, Please be careful. This Lisa Liberi woman is dangerous. Thank God she doesn’t live near you. Somewhere someone talked about escorting you to the courthouse on the 13th…he would be carrying a gun. This concerns me. He won’t be allowed in with the gun. And, I wouldn’t want anything to damage your reputation. I personally would leave all guns at home. Peaceful protesters can assist you to and from the building. After the von Brunn incident, I would hate to see further linking of guns/violence and the citizenship issue.


tainler says: June 27, 2009 at 8:20 pm I am VERY concerned for Orly and her family. Lisa liberi doesnt have to live close to Orly to attempt anything. If she has connections to “get rid of someone” then all she needs is a phone or computer. Is there a way to investigate her computer or tap her phone lines that would be legal? A very frightening situation.

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I am starting to wonder if Lisa L. has any deep ties with obama and his clan. I’m sure she does. Anyway, remember AirFrance flight 447 that just crashed in the ocean? I read there there were people of “status” that maybe were or could expose anything government wise and suspiciously enough the plane went down. Orly should not announce any travel plans, flight information and should not leave her car at the airport. Is there any way that police could be notified ahead of time and have the area checked out at the location of the hearing on the 13th…. looking for snipers, a “so-called” drunk driver that could run up on a sidewalk and kill anyone with their car and make it look like an accident? I personally feel every act of protection should be high priority for Orly and her family’s safety. They know she will be gone on this trip…will her house, family, personal property be safe? Is it possible to have a neighborhood watch while she is gone or have the police do frequent checks at her house while not there? I know Orly is smart but she probably is the most hated person by Obama and his corrupt thugs. I just want Orly and her family to be safe. The electrical wires to her house should be checked too as well as air conditioning units. Anything can be done to those things to make them malfunction and overheat. Not sure if this should be posted as long as Orly reads it. 4.

Granny Watching says: June 27, 2009 at 8:30 pm claims to have the document number on the BC from Fact check. LOL


live oak says: June 27, 2009 at 10:03 pm It’s really good to have you back Orly! I’m so sorry that you’ve had to spend time away from your family with this mess that Berg has caused you, and I hope the good people that did donate to Berg can get their money back. Mr. Berg should have to pay all your court costs and expenses as well. What he has done to you and to the profession is beyond despicable! Please be careful Orly. We all love you and have you in our prayers. Have a peaceful and relaxing weekend with your family. No worries. Monday is a big day. I pray that this will be over soon while America is still recognizable.

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EXHIBIT “PP” Affidavit of Plaintiff, Evelyn Adams


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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009 « Update on Swine Flu- I would advise not to get vaccinations Radio Shows »

Smoking gun From reader Mr. Fitzgerald sfitzgerald Submitted on 2009/07/03 at 8:49am (Sfitzgerald post Redacted due to length and has nothing to do with the within action)

Response from Orly:

Please, give them dossier #6 and #1. We have several smoking guns 1. multiple social security numbers 2. expert statements of forgery of the certification of live birth 3. forgery of selective service certificate 4. HI statutes allow one to get BC based on a statement of one relative only, can be late BC , can be an amended BC after he was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather, can be a late foreign born amended BC- there are a lot of possibilities, that would disqualify him, that is why, we need to see what exactly is there on file. 5. perjury Just these few are very significant- here you have 5 smoking guns. I got a phone call from Mr. Jeff Clark from SF. He volunteered to prepare a power point presentation with audio and video for me. I will be happy to meet with the law makers and present this info. They need to at least bring it to their judicial committees and get the signed subpoenas for production of the original documents or be analysed by the experts. If everything is genuine- they did their due diligence. If not- he needs to be removed in Quo Waranto and we need to go to the new election a couple of months from now. What they cannot do- is sit on their hands and do nothing, as they are aiding and abtting fraud and treason and committing misprision of felony and sooner or later they wiil be tried by the very angry citizens of this country for these crimes. PS. Please, continue with the campaign- zero donations for both parties until BO is

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vetted. Lastly- they don’t understand, that when radical socialists and communists come to power, democratic elections end. With sensus office being moved to the White House and and Acorn getting 2 billion dollars, you will not see a clean election in your life time again. It will be like Communist Soviet Union or China or Venesuela or North Korea. You will have one rulling party for decates. It is extremely dnagerous. I lived through it. It will take an uprising or action by the military , like in Honduras to remove such President or such party. I will ask all of you - keep calling all of your senators, congressmen, state oficials. I will come to your state and do the presentation for them. It is easier for me to go to DC. I put $11,000 in debt on my credit cards so far. IN DC I can meet with a number of officials at once, it is simply less costly for me. This entry was posted on Friday, July 3rd, 2009 at 9:43 am and is filed under HOT ITEMS!. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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EXHIBIT “QQ” Affidavit of Plaintiff, Evelyn Adams


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Obama Citizenship Debate Complete information on the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States. Response to Patriot By Linda Starr on May 20, 2009 12:31 AM | 1 Comment | No TrackBacks

NOTHING was obtained from anywhere other than the Internet and is easily found by anyone with Internet access. I would NEVER ASK to settle with Berg. I did nothing wrong, and I told the truth. After all my years of friendship and loyalty to him, he kicked me to the curb for a LIAR. Then adding injury to insult, I have been GROSSLY DEFAMED by the three of them, Phil, Lisa and Momma E.. You are asking me to speak sweetly to him? After all that they have done to me and my family and the pain they deliberately and maliciously inflicted upon me and upset my family so much? I will speak sweetly to Phil Berg when pigs grow feathers and fly. I never even want to hear his name again. HELL will freeze over before I settle or apologize for speaking the truth! The one bargaining chip they had with me was my fear of my family being put in jeopardy by my name getting out there. Phil knows a friend of mine DIED for doing what I do and another is still getting death threats after nearly 5 years of speaking the truth. Phil & Lisa exposed me and my family to these real dangers and NOTHING they say or do now can ever make it right again. They are going to lose because we have OVERWHELMING evidence that we are speaking the truth! Contrary to every assertion, the language in the suit states that every plaintiff is suing every defendant. PS: I did not publish your comments as they were too insulting by suggesting I should go begging to Phil Berg for his mercy and asking to settle. Like I said, that'll happen when pigs grow feathers and fly!


Linda's Blog

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Obama Citizenship Debate Complete information on the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States. May 28th! Happy Birthday... By Linda Starr on May 28, 2009 8:08 AM | 6 Comments | No TrackBacks

Today is Lisa Liberi's 44th birthday! We want to be sure she knows how we all feel about her. We want to be sure she knows we all send very special birthday wishes to her, especially those of us who Lisa personally banned (after repeatedly claiming she didn't know how to do anything techie) the moderators and supporters (basically anyone who learned the truth about her criminal past), people who Phil is now claiming I "stole". I want to ask a silly little question that has really perplexed me since this suit was served to someone else at my home. Is it even possible to "steal" people over the Internet? Since I was a volunteer, we didn't have any sort of signed contract, or even a verbal non-compete agreement. And Lisa and Momma E keep claiming I was never an "insider". The people who came to me and asked me to start my own Troll free forum weren't solicited. There are a total of six of us who started this forum. I was not the one who wrote the invitation that was sent out to others, many of whom had expressed disgust with the mismanagement and takeover of OC by the Trolls. (You know me, if I had written it, I'd have put my name on it. I did "tweak" it though. LOL) So again, how does Phil explain his accusation that I stole people? I just can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that he thinks he owns people. Wasn't slavery outlawed? FYI, as I stated previously, I have learned that Phil is just about out of money. And I also learned today that my informant is correct. It is my understanding from a person who spoke to Phil: Phil is currently soliciting funds under false pretenses, NOT to pursue the Obama eligibility question as he suggests, but actually to persecute us legally for speaking the truth about Lisa's lies and criminal background and Momma E's false assertions in sworn affidavits. I really don't want to embarass and humiliate an old lady of such advanced age, but this suit is forcing me to do it.) And my documentation will prove I am the one speaking the truth, NOT Lisa, or Momma E. Speaking the truth is an absolute affirmative defense to false allegations of slander, libel and defamation. [I really hate to expose the truth about you Momma E because until you started waging a smear campaign against me, I once liked you. And fyi, I am not mentally unstable as has been alleged by Lisa and Phil. I suffer from major depression, not delusions, or psychosis.]


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In The News , Linda's Blog, Open Comments

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6 Comments slimslowslider | May 28, 2009 11:08 AM | Reply

Happy birthday, Lisa. Major Spanky | May 28, 2009 12:05 PM | Reply

Yabba, dabba, dooooo! Happy Birthday to YOU! ahhh, group hug! Constitutionalist | May 28, 2009 12:50 PM | Reply

Happy Birthday to you, how old are you now? I hope you get the biggest Birthday Surprise of a lifetime this year! And I am with Major Spanky, time for a group hug! Constitutionalist | May 28, 2009 12:52 PM | Reply

Birthdays are always filled with surprises! Linda Starr replied to comment from Constitutionalist | May 28, 2009 2:44 PM | Reply

Yes, they are! I have it on good authority that there is a surprise Lisa may be getting, however, it might be delayed a few days. On second thought, it will be a surprise, but probaby not a happy one for any of the plaintiff's, though it will definitely be a huge shock to Phil. CaptainAstro | May 31, 2009 7:07 AM | Reply

I hope Lisa's birthday was great! I wonder what she got? Maybe she has a gift card for some new bracelets? Or maybe a new jumpsuit! Hopefully, she'll let us know soon!

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EXHIBIT “SS” Affidavit of Plaintiff, Evelyn Adams


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-------Original Message------From: Ed Hale Date: 6/12/2009 9:03:55 AM To: thoppe Subject: Adams destories evidence - letter to Judge

Ted: Please sent this letter to the judge for me. Ed

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Plains Radio Network 1401 Bowie Wellington, TX 79095

806-447-0270 June 12,2009 Honorable Eduardo C. Robereno United States District Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Liberi et al v Taitz et al Dear Sir; On January 2,2009, Plains Radio Network received a package from FedEx at 12 noon, central time the 1964 Obama v Obama Divorce Decree from a PI in Hawaii. Plains Radio Network paid $840.00 to this Plfor these documents. I scanned those documents, put a Plains Radio Network watermark on them, then placed them on the Plains Radio Network web site, These documents were on that website by 12:30 PM central time and were under a password protection. These documents were to be released at 8 PM central on Jan d on the Plains Radio Network's show, The Lions Den.


I received a request from Mark McGrew, at about 1PM central, to view the documents. McGrew was a reporter for the Pravda Newspaper. I gave McGrew the password to those documents. McGrew then gave the password to Evelyn Adams, who went to the Plains Radio web site and removed those document from Plains Radio web site. Mrs. Adams then forwarded those documents to Lisa Liberi who removed the watermark. Liberi returned the documents without the watermark to Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Adams then sent these documents to her moderator of her web site, Country First The documents were then placed upon her website at the following url address php ?f=9&t= 1666. These documents were posted on Fri, Jan 2, 200911t 2:37pm. The documents located at the above web page were the same as those on the Plains Radio network site. The court seals, which were embedded into the paper, put on by a human, were at the exact same location on all 8pages posted at that site as they were also posted on the Plains Radio Site. I was able to download Mrs. Adam documents using a program called MWSNAP, which I captured the screen. I then used a program called Photoscape to isolate each seal on both sets of documents and blow them up. The seals matched to the exact same

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place. The side by side comparison can be seen here http://www.plainsradio.comlprn2.html. Also the original document that was obtained by Plains Radio Network can be seen here http://www.plainsradio.comlobamal.html I posted these links on the Plain Radio Network forum this past Monday, along with the above mentioned software programs. Mrs. Adams on her radio show on Wednesday night talked about these documents, claiming that she knew nothing about them. But sound clips from her show on Jan 2, 2009, Jan 7, 2009, May 8, 2009 and June 10, 2009. In the early shows tells how she instructed her moderator to post these documents. She knew where these documents came from. I contacted Bravenet, who hosts her web site, and advised them to make sure that those pages were protected, as they were critical evidence in the court case. Oh June 11, 2009, Mrs. Adams removed the page with the original documents on it. Mrs. Adams has, in my opinion, broken several laws by removing that page, destroying evidence and is also guilty of obstruction of justice. Your Honor, I ask that you get the FBI to investigate this. The evidence that Mrs. Adams has destroyed will prove beyond any doubt that Plains Radio was not guilty of the charges she leveled in her lawsuit. It would also prove that she perjured herself to the courts in her affuJavit. Signed this the

Ii!' day

of June, 2009

Ed Hale, President, Plains Radio Network CC: via email Phil Berg Evelyn Adams Lisa Liberi Lisa Ostrellio Ted Hoppe Dr Orly Taitz Linda Belcher Neil Shankey James Sunquest Caren Hale Bravenet, Graham White

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EXHIBIT “TT” Affidavit of Plaintiff, Evelyn Adams


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Friday, July 24, 2009

State Bar Home

Home > Attorney Search > Attorney Profile

Effective Date 1/11/2004

Case Number 01-C-04695

Description Decision [PDF]

California Bar Journal Discipline Summaries Summaries from the California Bar Journal are based on discipline orders but are not the official records. Not all discipline actions have associated CBJ summaries. Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request. January 11, 2004 CHARLES EDWARD LINCOLN [#171793], 44, of Cedar Park, Texas was disbarred Jan. 11, 2004, and was ordered to comply with rule 955. In 2000, Lincoln was convicted in Texas on a federal charge of falsely representing his Social Security number, a felony. As a result, he gave up his license to practice in the state. Originally charged with five felonies, the case resulted from Lincoln applying for a checking account using a false Social Security number. In a second matter, he was disbarred from U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas after a federal judge requested an investigation of Lincoln because two of his clients had a falsified receipt. The receipt purported to be from the federal court clerk and represented funds the clients had given Lincoln. The clients believed Lincoln was depositing their money in an escrow account related to their case. Two days before a hearing by the federal court’s admissions committee, Lincoln went to his clients’ home, instructed them not to tell the judge that he gave them the receipt, which he asked them not to produce, and he gave the clients a cashier’s check for $6,000. He did not appear at the hearing. In a previous lawsuit, the same judge determined that Lincoln was involved in discovery abuse and filed duplicative motions. The judge issued sanctions and dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice. The State Bar Court determined that Lincoln’s misconduct in Texas amounted to violations of California law as well.

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March 19, 2002 CHARLES EDWARD LINCOLN [#171793], 42, of Cedar Park, Texas was placed on interim suspension March 19, 2002, following a conviction for false representation of a Social Security number. He was ordered to comply with rule 955.

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USM: Interpreter: DATE:

Sondra Scotch S Nash, A Lujan

ERO: Velma Gano USPO Sara Villarreal USPT:

February 1, 2008 OPEN: CR. C-


1:42 08-1

ADJOURN: DEFT. }{ }{ }{

2:23 1





Case Called. Mr. Derkunt requests to appear pro hac vice. GRANTED. Govt proffers testimony. Govt offers exhibit 1. ADMITTED. Court for Failure to Appear.

Deft sworn.

Court finds deft in Contempt of

Defendant is given TIM E SERVED, $0 fine. Court finds deft is

a citizen of the state of Texas. Court defers sanctions to State Court.

Hearing concluded.

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Oh, For Goodness Sake Right-Left Follies In The Age of Barack Obama 12 Jul

When wingnuttery converges, things can go a little screwy Dr. Orly Taitz’s nutty case, Cook v. Good, the one where a Marine Reserve Officer is seeking a Temporary Restraining Order challenging the legitimacy of his Commander-inChief, just got a whole lot nuttier. I can’t tell where this originated. It appears to be a press release. It’s posted at a couple of right wing sites, including Tree of Liberty, concerning the new lawsuit discussed yesterday. This jumped out at me: Dr. Orly Taitz, ably assisted by Dr. Charles Lincoln who drafted the pleading, filed the lawsuit today on behalf of Major Cook in the U.S. District Court at Columbus, Georgia. In the complaint, Cook claims the Uniform Code of Military Justice implicitly requires him to question the lawfulness of orders, particularly when he has good reason to believe the President holds the Presidency in violation of the Constitution. Does Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. know what she’s getting into here?

So yes, indeed, between December 9, 2007 and February 2, 2008, I was privileged to see the inside of seven prisons (from the comparatively happy position of an illegal arrestee, not even falsely charged with any genuine crime, nor correctly but sincerely charged with any fake crime. I knew my time in the custody of the Marshals was finite, no matter how long it seemed. For the benefit of any who might doubt where we’re headed in this Country, I just want to share what I have learned: (1) we are no longer free in this Country; (2) the Federal Prisons are the template for a future well-ordered society based on Maoist Chinese principles upgraded to technological perfection; (3) the State and Private Prisons are the product of an earlier, technologically imperfected version or cruder adaptation of Mao’s cultural revolution; (4) there are few if any genuine “criminals” in prison (at least not in the Federal system)—in my 54 days behind bars, during which I met or had conversational contact probably with over 500 fellow-inmates, I met at most one or two

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people of whom I was even mildly apprehensive, never mind afraid—and I met no genuine criminals, no threats to society, no “bad guys” at all, and (5) the values that are taught in prison are entirely communistic “All Good Flows from the State to the People at the State’s sole, arbitrary and capricious whim” and “Private Property and Private Identity are Forbidden, now and forever.” Now that I think about it, they may be well-suited, except Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. hasn’t been disbarred yet, while Lincoln has managed it in, at least, two, make that three, states: CHARLES EDWARD LINCOLN [#171793], 44, of Cedar Park, Texas was disbarred Jan. 11, 2004, and was ordered to comply with rule 955. In 2000, Lincoln was convicted in Texas on a federal charge of falsely representing his Social Security number, a felony. As a result, he gave up his license to practice in the state. Originally charged with five felonies, the case resulted from Lincoln applying for a checking account using a false Social Security number. In a second matter, he was disbarred from U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas after a federal judge requested an investigation of Lincoln because two of his clients had a falsified receipt. The receipt purported to be from the federal court clerk and represented funds the clients had given Lincoln. The clients believed Lincoln was depositing their money in an escrow account related to their case. Two days before a hearing by the federal court’s admissions committee, Lincoln went to his clients’ home, instructed them not to tell the judge that he gave them the receipt, which he asked them not to produce, and he gave the clients a cashier’s check for $6,000. He did not appear at the hearing. In a previous lawsuit, the same judge determined that Lincoln was involved in discovery abuse and filed duplicative motions. The judge issued sanctions and dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice. The State Bar Court determined that Lincoln’s misconduct in Texas amounted to violations of California law as well. Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., of course, is a California lawyer, and surely she checked Dr. Charles Edward Lincoln III’s standing with the California Bar Association. I mean, she couldn’t possibly be that casual with her clients’ interests. Could she? Well, now, it seems Taitz and Lincoln may know each other fairly well. He wrote from Cambridge MA, where his son is taking summer classes at Harvard: Last week I was in Philadelphia for the first (and quite possibly, I would hope, the last) hearing in Berg v. Taitz, which I would rate as one of the stupidest lawsuits I’ve ever

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seen in my life—two unique Political radicals originally dedicated to the same worthy cause of deposing de facto President Barack Obama fighting each other inside the system they would be more likely to reform if they worked together….I was pleased and honored to be on the side of the clear winner in the case, Dr. Orly Taitz…. I take note, now and then, of Dr. Orly Taitz’s harassment of judges and court clerks, adding now her upcoming Georgia appearance, but she is small potatoes compared to Lincoln, who managed to get in trouble even in his own child custody case: “[The Court:] Okay. If I see another letter like this (indicating) and I find out that you get something like this done and it starts getting circulated in the mail, you will woefully regret the first day you ever saw me. Do you understand that?” 2/19/03, at 35: 19-23. “The Court: Okay. I’m not going to put up with this garbage for five more minutes because what you’re doing with this kind of letter and this kind of stuff…is, as far as I’m concerned, child abuse and I’m not going to put up with it. Is there any misunderstanding or lack of appreciation as to how seriously you think I take this, Mr. Lincoln? A: I think you take it very serious, your honor. The Court: Okay. Don’t push me again on it. I was perfectly prepared to put you in jail today for just this kind of conduct. I was perfectly prepared to cut off your visitation today. I wouldn’t push me another time. You understand that?..” 2/19/03, at 35:25-36:13 Well, if Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.’s new assistant disbarred lawyer shows up with her at the Cook v. Good Temporary Restraining Order hearing at a US District Court in Georgia on July 16, it should be quite a show. Now that it’s clear Lincoln wrote the brief, we can see where this is all going: (33) Plaintiff points out that there was another time in United States history when officers of the military were forced to make a choice whether to follow the central government or their consciences. That time in United States history was in 1861 when some of the finest officers of the United States Army felt that they and their constitution had been betrayed by the central government, and that is how Mexican War heroes Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, among so many others, became the leaders of the Confederate States of America. (An earlier screwy case Lincoln assisted on was one of Federal Reserve conspiracy theorist and tax protester Jacques Jaikaran’s, who was involved with the antigovernment separatist group Republic of Texas. Jaikaran was trying to buy for the group, which advocates secession from the United States, a building in Houston with machine-gun turrets and a bomb shelter. Members, at one point, were plotting to assassinate President Bill Clinton and other government officials, using a poison dart shot from a cigarette lighter.)

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But this is pure Orly:: The evidence contained in Exhibit B shows that Barack Hussein Obama might have used as many as 149 addresses and 39 social security numbers prior to assuming the office of President. The social security number most commonly used by Barack Hussein Obama, is one issued in the state of Connecticut, the state where Barack Hussein Obama never resided and it shows him to be 119 years old. This coupled with the fact that Mr. Obama’s grandmother, Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court Probate Department and had access to the social security numbers of the deceased, constitutes circumstantial evidence casting serious doubt on the legitimacy of Mr. Obama and his claims of being born on US territory.

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07-10-2009, 08:47 PM ColdWater Land Owner

Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: O'Brien, Florida Where its HOT Posts: 909

Major Stefan Cook Sues re: Obama Qualifications Subject: [Lawmen: 2972] Major Stefan Cook Sues Obama - Seeks TRO against unlawful orders

Major Stefan Cook Sues re: Obama Qualifications - Seeks TRO against unlawful orders

Columbus, Georgia, 10 July 2009 - Another lawsuit has surfaced, implicating Barack Obama. This time Army Major Stefan Cook seeks a Temporary Restraining Order against unlawful orders by Obama, a non-natural-born-citizen and non-citizen of the United States who never fulfilled constitutional requirements to become President of the USA. Major Cook also seeks a declaratory judgment that Obama has no authority to serve as President without first proving natural born citizen status.

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Dr. Orly Taitz, ably assisted by Dr. Charles Lincoln who drafted the pleading, filed the lawsuit today on behalf of Major Cook in the U.S. District Court at Columbus, Georgia. In the complaint, Cook claims the Uniform Code of Military Justice implicitly requires him to question the lawfulness of orders, particularly when he has good reason to believe the President holds the Presidency in violation of the Constitution.

The Army wants to deploy Major Cook to Afghanistan. Major Cook does not want to go. He believes the deployment will put his life and limb at risk, under orders originating at an imposter President. He does not have a courage problem. He has a problem serving under a President who could well function as a foreign agent with evil intentions to destroy the nation while disguised as a noble American. The lawsuit (attached) says it best: "Plaintiff files this suit to clarify how he can both obey all lawful orders and avoid dereliction of his duties so as to escape court-martial under the UCMJ if he does NOT question the legality of the orders he has received. Plaintiff seeks to avoid not only court-martial in this country, but also treatment as a war-criminal or terrorist, not eligible even for protection under the Geneva convention, if he were found to be a merely mercenary soldier in a private army of slaves, “owned” or controlled by an unconstitutional and therefore illegal commander, if he does not ask the question: “is this order legal?” " Plaintiff presents the key question in this case as one of first impression, never before decided in the history of the United States: Is an officer entitled to refuse orders on grounds of conscientious objection to the legitimate constitutional authority of the current de facto Commander-in-Chief? In the alternative, is an officer entitled to a judicial stay of the enforcement of facially valid military orders where that officer can show evidence that the chain-of-command from the commander-in-chief is tainted by illegal activity? In the alternative, does the issuance of orders based on a constitutionally infirm chain-of-command under Article II create or render military service as a mere “involuntary servitude” in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment which may be judicially enjoined?"

The complaint provides substantial evidence to show that Major Cook has good reason to doubt Obama's qualification to succeed to the

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Presidency. "The evidence contained in Exhibit B shows that Barack Hussein Obama might have used as many as 149 addresses and 39 social security numbers prior to assuming the office of President. The social security number most commonly used by Barack Hussein Obama, is one issued in the state of Connecticut, the state where Barack Hussein Obama never resided and it shows him to be 119 years old. This coupled with the fact that Mr. Obama’s grandmother, Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court Probate Department and had access to the social security numbers of the deceased, constitutes circumstantial evidence casting serious doubt on the legitimacy of Mr. Obama and his claims of being born on US territory. Exhibit C, the expert affidavit of renowned forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines, states that the certification of live birth posted by Mr. Obama as verification of his legitimacy, cannot be verified as genuine, and should be presumed fraudulent."

The complaint also stated that Major Cook feels entitled to indisputable proof of Obama's qualifications because without it : "... the army becomes merely a corps of chattel slaves under the illegitimate control of a private citizen, in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment..."

As for proof, the Major doesn't ask much, just a demonstration of compliance with U.S. law extant in 1961. "Barack Hussein Obama, in order to prove his constitutional eligibility to serve as President, basically needs only produce a single unique historical document for the Plaintiff’s inspection and authentication: namely, the “long-form” birth certificate which will confirm whether Barack Hussein Obama was in fact born to parents who were both citizens of the United States in Honolulu, Hawaii, in or about 1961."

On the other hand, the complaint referred to a mounting mountain of "evidence of fraud" by Obama in both his senate and president campaigns, and in numerous other affairs. Readers of this article have good reason to wonder whether and to what

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extent Barack Obama, lacking provable U.S. Citizen status, acts as an undercover operative for some foreign power, perhaps one of Islamic or Communist nature. Major Cook had the good sense to omit that serious issue from his pleading, but he still faces certain career problems from his decision to sue on this critical issue. ### Bob Hurt -

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-------Original Message------From: Redacted due to threats of retaliation Date: 7/14/2009 3:33:10 PM To: [email protected]; Subject: Charles Lincoln III Here is even more and better evidence. 12 July – Orly watchers have noticed that the quality of her grammar and spelling (though not the quality of her legal arguments), seem to have gone up. Well, it looks like we know the reason why. Dr. Orly seems to have a new best buddy. Or should I say "fellow traveler". Namely one Dr. Charles Lincoln, who seems to be helping with Cook v Good AND Keyes v Obama. From his bio: " I am a native Texan, fifth generation of my family in Texas. I have a law degree from the University of Chicago Law School but before that I had a Ph.D. from Harvard in Anthropology wherein I elaborated a theory of the Constitution as “natural law” based on the comparative study of ancient civilizations and cultural evolution (comparing Mexican and Indo-European Civilizations). " His name is on the last page of the "Motion for Entry of Final Judgement by Default" Dr. Orly filed in the Keyes v Obama case on 12 July (pdfcoke link here) He seems to be a colourful fellow. And one wonders why with his legal education, he didn't file lawsuits himself, instead helping out an attorney with an on-line law school degree. This might be due to the minor little fact that he's been disbarred in Florida:

And in Texas, he gave up his license rather than be disbarred:

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"On Aug. 22, the Supreme Court of Texas accepted the resignation, in lieu of discipline, of Charles Edward Lincoln [#00791116], 40, of New Orleans, La. The court found that on March 17, 2000, Lincoln entered into a plea agreement in Cause No. A-99-CR-275-WS, The United States of America v. Charles Edward Lincoln, wherein he pleaded guilty to falsely representing his social security number (42 USC §408(a)(7)(B)). As a condition of the plea agreement, Lincoln agreed to resign from the practice of law in Texas in lieu of disciplinary proceedings by the State Bar of Texas."

And California disbarred him as well: "CHARLES EDWARD LINCOLN [#171793], 44, of Cedar Park, Texas was disbarred Jan. 11, 2004, and was ordered to comply with rule 955. In 2000, Lincoln was convicted in Texas on a federal charge of falsely representing his Social Security number, a felony. As a result, he gave up his license to practice in the state. Originally charged with five felonies, the case resulted from Lincoln applying for a checking account using a false Social Security number. In a second matter, he was disbarred from U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas after a federal judge requested an investigation of Lincoln because two of his clients had a falsified receipt. The receipt purported to be from the federal court clerk and represented funds the clients had given Lincoln. The clients believed Lincoln was depositing their money in an escrow account related to their case. Two days before a hearing by the federal court’s admissions committee, Lincoln went to his clients’ home, instructed them not to tell the judge that he gave them the receipt, which he asked them not to produce, and he gave the clients a cashier’s check for $6,000. He did not appear at the hearing. In a previous lawsuit, the same judge determined that Lincoln was involved in discovery abuse and filed duplicative motions. The judge issued sanctions and dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice. The State Bar Court determined that Lincoln’s misconduct in Texas amounted to violations of California law as well."

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Also this one: "Charles Edward Lincoln - #171793 Current Status: Disbarred" And it seems he's a convicted felon with prison time. "So yes, indeed, between December 9, 2007 and February 2, 2008, I was privileged to see the inside of seven prisons " Oh, and his bio ends with the seal of the Confederate States of America and their motto, "Deo Vindice". What IS it with the birthers and Neo-Confederates anyway?? His website is full of the scams that the Tax Cheat movement and the Sovereign Citizen movement are known for too. And it seems like he's firmly in the Orly camp in the birther civil war... "Ironically enough, in the middle of this necessary but most unworthy fight, I did see a rare good judge in action: the Honorable Eduardo C. Robreno of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I was pleased and honored to be on the side of the clear winner in the case, Dr. Orly Taitz, who did not win an outright dismissal of the case on the first go-round but instead was awarded a triple orderto-show cause entered against former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg. I have literally never seen an attorney sanctioned with not one but three orders to show cause in a single case. It is a much heavier burden on the losing party than “mere dismissal” ever would or could have been. Dr. Taitz is a wonderful woman of great conviction and boundless energy, but it was very sad to imagine what she and Berg could have accomplished in these times of crisis if they worked together instead of competing with each other." It's a win-win for both of them - she's got the graduate of a real law school "helping" her, and Lincoln has an attorney still admitted to practice who can front for him. Though I suspect the California Bar Association might object to a convicted felon and disbarred lawyer helping her.

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Though isn't it VERY STRANGE INDEED that one of Dr. Orly's complaints about Berg is that his law clerk is supposedly a convicted felon, and yet the law clerk helping her is not only a convicted felon but also a disbarred attorney??? Hypocrite much??

An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps!

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EXHIBIT “UU” Affidavit of Plaintiff, Evelyn Adams


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Dossier #6 Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo CA 92691 ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-586-2082 [email protected] 04.08.09.

Attorney General Eric Holder; Solicitor General Elena Kagan; Director of FBI Robert Mueller; FBI Cyber Crime division, Orange County CA, Officer Nathan Le Director of Secret Service Mark Sullivan; Chief of Security of the Supreme Court, Officer Christine Giaccio; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts; Legal Counsel to the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen, Captain Crawford Via Certified mail, return receipt, restricted delivery addressee only Dossier #6 in the form of open letter posted on the internet and forwarded to 26,000 outlets of US and international media

Dossier #6 Further evidence of forgery; more questioned raised in regards to illegal campaign contributions; efforts to undermine fundraising of dissidents, criminal element used; more cyber crimes, defamation of character, identity theft; false leaders of the dissident constitutional movement.

Please see in attachment affidavit of licensed private investigator Jorge Baro and forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines. Both are stating that Certification of Live Birth posted by Obama on internet cannot be viewed as genuine and original birth certificate from the vault in Hawaii needs to be produced to verify his place of birth and citizenship.

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Further you can see a statement by Suzie Murzinski in regards to fundraising by Obama in Senegal, using Western Union. Fundraising abroad for the presidential election is illegal and this statement is consistent with prior reports of Obama illegally getting campaign contributions from abroad, mostly from Arabic Muslim countries.

Further you can see receipts showing diversion of campaign contributions. I have received e-mails from donors, stating that they had problems with pay-pal. I described these problems in dossier #5, specifically that the e-mail address in my blog for pay-pal was changed, which prevented me from raising funds. My web master Lisa Ostella stated that such a report gives her, as a web master. bad name and demanded that I take the hacking report back. She stated that she was convinced that the changing of the e-mail address was done by a volunteer moderator Fran, she stated that she locked Fran from the blog and that should solve the problem. I felt that the matter needs to be investigated by the FBI and I felt that they should draw their own conclusions. Ms. Ostella stated that if I do not take back my complaint to FBI, she will no longer host my foundation on her server. When I found a new web master to host my foundation, Ms. Ostella instead of transferring the access codes and the domain, has locked me and another volunteer moderator out of the blog, posted a bizarre defamatory statement, that I supposedly authorized hacking into my own account and further defamatory comments about me were placed under different names and aliases. Moreover, there were comments posted supposedly under my name, even though I was locked out of the account and couldn’t respond. I got reports that some defamatory comments were made under alias usually used by Lisa Liberi, assistant for Attorney Phillip Berg, who filed similar legal actions. I started receiving statements and copies of pay –pal receipts, showing instead of my email address, an e-mail address of Lisa Ostella. Originally, I thought that maybe her address showed on the receipt, since she was a web master on the account, however, when I checked the names and dates on the receipts against the names on the roster, that I downloaded earlier, I could see that those were not received by the foundation, those donations were missing. A couple of weeks ago I have received a phone call, providing information that Lisa Liberi, a paralegal, assisting Mr. Berg, has an extensive criminal record. I decided to verify that. According to Mr. Neil Sankey, licensed private investigator with 20 years of experience in Scotland Yard and over 12 years of experience in US, those statements were correct. Lisa Liberi aka Lisa Richardson aka Lisa Courville and other aliases had an extensive criminal record going back to 1990s, that included Grand Theft, forgery, forgery of seals “From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to banks and credit unions.” (see attachment). Please see the report attached and reports relating to criminal conviction in San Bernardino California. Interesting fact is that Lisa Liberi was convicted recently, in March of 2008, she was supposed to serve 8 years in jail. Miraculously this 8 year jail term was reduced to probation and an order to repay the victims. When I added up all the restitutions in the conviction, it added up to 21,000 per

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month. Where is this money coming from? Who is paying it? And paying to do what? I have sent an e-mail to Philip Berg, alerting him to this matter, however I did not hear from him back. After I raised my concerns to other parties and they confronted Liberi, she tried to claim that it is not her, but another Liberi, that she lives in PA and the one convicted lives in NM, however several sources confirmed that she indeed lives in NM, they confirmed her date of birth and appearance as matching the ones on file with the San Bernardino, CA district attorney. I tried to analyze the instances when Liberi was the most vicious in her attacks towards me and found two distinct areas: a. Obama’s Natural Born status and definition of it b. my efforts to conduct investigation of illegal, criminal activity and my efforts to have FBI and attorney generals of different states involved. In regards to the Natural Born status, she claimed that she has written pleadings for Phil Berg and that the citizenship of Obama’s father is of no importance. This was repeated time and again when she appeared together with Phil Berg at different radio programs. In reality definition of Natural Born citizen is, that it is one, who is born in the country, with both parents citizens of the country, one that does not have allegiance to any other sovereignty at birth. It appears that it was an effort to sway the public and redirect attention from the most obvious, the fact that Obama’s father was not a citizen of the US and therefore he does not qualify, no matter where he was born. Did someone help Liberi avoid 8 year jail term here in CA in exchange for her efforts to cloud the issue? Second issue dealt with criminal activities surrounding Obama and his supporters. I have been the only one investigating those issues. Why? Another interesting fact. Plains radio had a legal action against a blog radio talk show host Evelyn Adams aka momma E. Momma E is represented in this action by attorney Philip Berg. When Lisa Ostella locked me out of my own foundation, due to the fact that she has registered the domain before I had an opportunity to do so; she created several diversionary blogs and posted links to Momma E and a few other parties that are rumored to be plants, meaning false leaders of the movement. I am not a historian and not a theologist, however this whole situation reminds me of a story of Shabtai Zvi. A few centuries ago there was a false leader in Europe, his name was Shabtai Zvi. He claimed to be a Masaya and thousands followed him until he was summoned by a sultan, who has given Zvi two choices: First- if you are really a Masaya, you will be executed, but you will be resurrected as a Masaya. Second – if you are not a Masaya and want to live, you have to convert to Islam. Within about five minutes Shabtai Zvi put on a Muslim garb and converted and that was the end of the false Masaya, false leader and false movement.

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Similarly here, a leader is judged by his willingness to go all the way, regardless of hardships and risks or financial problems. You can’t talk only about the birth certificate and not see an elephant in the room, which is Obama’d British citizenship at birth, based on his father’s citizenship. You can’t talk about his birth certificate only and not demand immediate investigation of his numerous reported social security numbers, reported forgery of the Selective Service Certificate, perjury on the Illinois Bar application, all the evidence of campaign contributions fraud, charitable foundations fraud, tax fraud and numerous reports of his supporters being engaged in cyber crimes, intimidation, harassment, identity theft and all the other related crimes Due to the above I renew my demand upon all the law enforcement agencies listed in this dossier to conduct immediate criminal investigator, I demand on behalf of my clients Quo Warranto proceedings to resolve those issues once and for all.


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

NOTE: Exhibit “A”, Sarah Ramsey was omitted as well as the Court print-out documents due to the size of this Exhibit. The original will be supplied at Court. In addition Lisa Liberi’s full social security number has been replaced with all xxx’s.

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> From: [email protected] > To: [email protected]; [email protected] > Subject: FW: >>>>>>>>>>Urgent IMPORTANT INFO SAME SUBJECT<<<<< > Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:57:13 -0700 > > > > PLEASE NOTE THE LAST LINE! > > Thursday, April 10, 2008 > > > New Mexico Woman Sentenced in Identity Theft and Real Estate Fraud > > > Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in > connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged > documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, > Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term > of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 > years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony > counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. > > From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification > of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and > counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of > dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. > > In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department personnel arrested > Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from > the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Real Estate Fraud Unit > arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony > charges while she was out on bail. > > She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90's.

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From: Neil SANKEY <[email protected]> Subject: FW: LISA LIBERI etc To: [email protected] Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 7:04 PM Here is the Liberi stuff you requested. This is also what I sent to Bob Unruh

From: Neil SANKEY [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:01 AM To: Bob Unruh Subject: LISA LIBERI etc

Bob here are some bare facts about Berg’s assistant. See below and attachments I don’t know how much of the story you have already, but is essentially about WHO she really is and the questions that unfortunately brings up about Berg. Call, if you need to, at your convenience. Neil Sankey Investigator & Consultant. THE SANKEY FIRM Simi Valley, California 93063 [email protected] 805 520 3151 818 212 7615 cell

(Addendum) LISA RENEE LIBERI. Bn 5/28/1965. 462-45-xxxx, XXX-XX-XXXX (full social security number was redacted by Ms. Adams) (& others) According to the Police she was born COURVILLE and married a Richardson (Possible Alan Douglas Richardson, currently residing in Las Vegas .) IF it was the other way around, then the Courville is Bill Marshall Courville 11/10/61 of Houston , Tx. 457-71-x I have several SS#'s for her and a LOT of AKA's. Her real SS# is probably 462-45-xxxx. Most prominent otherwise are 563-60-xxxx, 57217-x, 622-19-x She went BK in 2002 Her brother is probably Lawrence E Morris

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of Fontana and Rancho Cuc , CA . He was born 1/16/64 Her Husband, Brent J, a Parolee, I have not researched that. Is probably Brent J McCormack 563-77, also uses 331-02-x

There is also a Jerry HELLER and Douglas Cramer look interesting, but where do you stop?. From: Neil SANKEY <[email protected]> Subject: Bergs Paypal To: [email protected] Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 7:15 PM It comes as no surprise to learn that the link to a Visa donation to Berg, (as opposed to Paypal) has been removed Neil This report came from volunteer Sarah redacted

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