Liacs Winter 2003 Newsletter

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Long Island Association Of

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January / February 2003 Newsletter - Highlights BARBARA MATUSZAK INDUCTED INTO THE LIACS HALL OF FAME

Dateline: December 7, 2002



















At the Annual Chapter Holiday Dinner Dance, Barbara Matuszak was inducted DIRECTORS (EX-OFFICIO) PHIL MC CANN 631-957-4500 into the LIACS Hall of Fame. Barbara becomes the fifth individual given this honor. MIKE WITHERS 914-393-4208 This is an honor to those who have contributed greatly to the Chapter and this year is certainly noexception. The Board of Directors was elected by the membership. It is their In 1985, as Director of Central Service at Massapequa General Hospital, responsibility to answer questions and make recommendations concerning Barbara was elected Chapter Treasurer serving two terms. In 1987 she was our professional organizations. Do not hesitate to call. elected President Elect and became president in 1988. As President Elect, Barbara initiated the 1st Annual Golf Outing in 1987. This outing has become one of the COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS mainstays for funding for the Chapter's educational mission and remains today. Barbara was Golf Chairperson for several years, raising thousands of dollars over BY-LAWS DAN BIALT 718-334-2005 the years. KATHY FROEHLICH 516-572-6078 Barbara's leadership, enthusiasm, mentoring and organizational skills EDUCATION CHRISTA WALSH 631-351-2315 contributed greatly both as an active member and office during her eight (8) years DON GORDON 718-918-4381 with the Chapter before entering the field of home care. GOLF MELODY TRAVERSI 516-496-8822 PROGRAM

**** Barbara wrote the following letter of thanks: Dear Members: I would like to sincerely' thank everyone for inducting me into the LIACS Hall of Fame on Saturday evening. It was truly an honor and surprise that I will never forget. The evening was a delight. Never did I think that I would have the privilege of having my name associated with such special people as Retta Sengstock, Flo Mclnness, Kathi O'Shaughnessy and Phil McCann. If it weren't for people like them, I would not have had such a successful career. The many years I worked with the Chapter were rewarding ones. This is only the topping on the cake. I wish the Chapter continued success and hope you all experience the enjoyment and enrichment of belonging to such a dynamic group as I did! Sincerely, Barbara Matuszak









631-473-1320 X4156






631-473- 1320 X4156







Please call the chairperson of the committee for participation, Be active in your professional association --join a committee!


Tuesday, February l1th. 5:30 PM NSUH @ Syosset/Doctors Lounge NATIONAL GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS: AN UPDATE


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Long Island Association Of


PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE I hope everyone survived the Holiday Season .... Happy New Year to All!!! Our Annual Seminar and Vendor Exhibits in October was a "great" success! Thanks to all who helped make this possible and to the Vendor support we received. Dan Braco was awarded our "Vendor of the Year" plaque. Thank you Dan for all your support and help over the years LIACS has known you. We are starting up our third year facilitating a study program for Technician Certification. Please come and join us. Contact hours are given for members who want to use this as part of their educational LAICS SEMINAR AND VENDOR program to keep their certification current. This course is held on Saturday mornings so that it can fit into EXHIBITS A HUGE SUCCESS your schedules. We hope to see you there. Our 2003 membership application have been mailed out. Please look for yours so you can renew as There were a number of items that helped soon as possible. Please pass copies out to all your coworkers who would like to become members. Our organization supports and encourages all who are working in our field in healthcare. Have a safe and warm contribute to this year's LIACS Seminar and Vendor Exhibits: The Speakers: Brenda Sexton, IAHCSMM winter.., until next time! President and Knthi O'Shunghnessy, LIACS Hall of Famer provided excellent presentations on their Confine Van Note, President subjects and were two important reasons for a well-attended event. Add to that the 31 vendors who exhibited the latest technological products in our field and girls for our auction that raised $700 and it all EDITORIAL totals a huge SUCCESS! The auction was an idea that Don Gordon I would like to refer you to "Phil's Comer" (Phil MeCann)'s feature -- "The Whole Cheese and "borrowed" from the Virginia Association for Central Nothing but the Cheese" in this newsletter. Read the article and try substituting "Central Service Service (VACS)' Chapter during his visit there as profession" for the word "cheese." Our profession is ever changing and we also must change. We have to IAHCSMM Membership/Chapter Chairperson. keep up with our field's changing technology through continuing education and review. There are many The auctioneer was Phil McCann (Buxton Medical) opportunities for us to expand our education and keep up with the changes. who was great as the auctioneer and "entertainer." Here are a few of ways to achieve these goals: Phil had the crowd in stitches as they bid on the * IAHCSMM's Cornmunique various gifts donated by our vendors. You can view * IAHCSMM's "Discussion Forum" on the website the photos from the seminar on our website at * IAHCSMM's Annual and Fall Meetings * LIACS's Educational meetings, seminars, certification The Sales Representative of the Year was course and workshops presented to Dan Brueo from Mobile Instrument for his * Subscribe to "Healthcare Purchasing News" and contributions to the Chapter and the profession "Infection Control Today" throughout the years. * (Both of these subscriptions are usually offered free Once again, Chrism Walsh and her staff did a and all it takes is a phone call) great job with our Chapter's "main event" of the year. * Take some college courses at your local community college that would assist you in performing your job better (computer, science, communication courses, NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION FOR etc.). CENTRAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS * Read and review the textbooks offered by IAHCSMM

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* Read and review the textbooks offered by IAHCSMM (CS Technician, Supervision Principles and Materiel Management). If you need any assistance in taking advantage of the many opportunities out there, call (718) 918-4381 or e-mail ([email protected]) and I would be pleased to provide information. CENTRAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS (NYSACSP) FIRST SEMINAR SCHEDULED

NYSACSP's President (and LIACS President Elect) Larry Guittard, returned from Niagara Falls where the state's Board of Directors met to finalize plans for the first seminar and vendor exhibits to be Don Gordon, CRCST, FEL., Editor held in Niagara Falls, New York. The dates are June 13 and 14, 2003 at the Holiday Inn Select. The cost for rooms at the hotel will be $99 pins tax/night. This is an extraordinary venture as the states' five chapters (both IAHCSMM and ASHCSP) have LIACS' VENDORS HELP MAKE combined forces to "Raise the Bar" in the state. THE HOLIDAY DINNER/DANCE A Joyous EVENT Presidents from both national associations have accepted invitations at this history-making event. Many nationally known speakers will be speaking Our LIACS' Vendors again helped keep the costs down as our Chapter enjoyed welcoming in the and the "Keynote Speaker" will be Tony Monaco -Holiday Season with a "grand ole' time" at the Woodlands in Oyster Bay. Contributions for the "Open Bar" New Jersey's "Guru of State Licensure". If you have never viewed one of the "Seven and DJ kept the cost per person down to a minimum as we celebrated the holiday season with food, drink, Wonders of the World" -- Niagara Falls, the dancing and good cheer. We would like to thank the following companies for their contributions to this opportunity awaits you this June. Stay tuned for spectacular Holiday Event in which we also upcoming information. inducted our fifth Hall of Famer - Barbara Matuszak: Dan Braco - Mobile Instrument UPCOMING EVENTS PHil McCann and Carl Newman - Buxtan Medical MARK YOUR CALENDAR Brian Kelly - George Tiemann Instruments, Inc. Gerry Greensher -- RC Service and Sales Russ Young February 1: Start of the LIACS Shann Sweeney and James Roche -- CYGNUS Medical Technician Certification Chris and Tess Kofroth -- SPS Medical Course NSUH at Thanks also to our Social Chairperson-- Larry Guittard for his fine efforts in making this our "Social Syosset/Doctor's Lounge Event of the Year!" February 11: Educational Meeting at 5:30 PM NSUH at Syosset/Doctor's Lounge "National Guidelines and "THE PERSONALS" Standards: An Update' Speaker Julie Jefferson/ · Barbara Matosak inducted into the "LIACS Hall of Fame" IAHCSMM Liaison -APIC · Tracy Diaz, who completed the LIACS certification preparatory course last summer, passed her IAHCSMM Technician Certification. CONGRATULATIONS TRACY! March 15: "Full Day" · Hortense Powell recently returned from her European Vacation and said, Decontamination/ "It was terrific!" Sterilization Seminar · Dan Braco was given the award of "Sales Representative of the Year" at the Sponsored by SPS Medical Annual Seminar and Vendor Exhibits in October. NSUH @ Syosset · Corrine Van Note went down to Virginia to see her son -- Scott, who was commissioned as an ensign in the United States Navy and will be assigned to

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commissioned as an ensign in the United States Navy and will be assigned to the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. · Melody Traversi's daughter -- Jennifer was married on September 13, 2002 to Kevin Stark. · Don Gordon's daughter -- Nicole was married on June 29, 2002 to John Cuneo, III. Any. "personal events? in your life (vacations, births, promotions, honors, etc.)? Call in any "personals" to Don Gordon at 718-918-4381 and we will publish them in the next Lighthouse. TIME To RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP FOR 2003 The New Year means it it's time to renew your LIACS Membership: · $20 for Active Members · $25 for Associate (Vendor) Members Reap the benefits of being a member: · Receive the Quarterly Newsletter -- The Lighthouse providing information on upcoming educational meetings, social events, website "CHATS", seminars and workshops and available positions in the field. · Member discounts for Seminars and Workshops. · Certification Preparatory Course · MVP Contest -- $2500 for national, state and local educational seminars and workshops · An opportunity to take part in your professional organization and network with others in the Central Service field. Fill out the application below and continue or start your membership in LIACS today! CLICK HERE FOR PRINTER FRIENDLY FORM


The third annual LIACS Certification Preparatory Class is will be starting February 1st at North Shore University Hospital at Syosset. Instructors/Facilitators for the course include Dan Bialt, Larry Guittard, Don Gordon, Julie Jefferson, Corrine Van Note and Christa Walsh. You must be a LIACS member to sign up for the course, that will be given every other Saturday until August. The cost is $100 and if you pass the final exam, you will receive $9S from LIACS after you sign up to take the IAHCSMM Certification

MVP CONTEST: 3rd. QUARTER STANDINGS 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place

Don Gordon Melody Traversi Evelyn Baez Dan Bialt Christa Walsh

6th Place (Tie)

Charles Parseghian

8th Place

Julie Jefferson Kathy Froehlich

9th Place

10th Place

Georgiana Dickson Fran Cody

103 Points 66 Points 56 Points 53 Points 50 Points 40 Points 40 Points 38 Points 30 Points

23 Points

Participate in professional activities and earn points! Upcoming Point Opportunities February LIACS Educational Meeting March Decontamination/Sterilization Workshop (Sponsored by SPS Medical) April Technician Seminar

10 Points 10 Points 10 Points

PHIL'S CORNER The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese (... or is the Handwriting on the Wall) We all should read the book called Who Moved My Cheese, by Spencer Johnson, MD. It's no wonder why corporations give this small, easy read book to all new employees. The story allows us to take a look at ourselves and classify how we handle change in our jobs, relationships and everyday lives. There are four main characters that find themselves in a maze looking for cheese. Two of the characters, Sniff and Scurry (mice), have small brains but great instincts. The other two characters are Hem and Haw. They are little people whose brains are filled with emotions, beliefs and misconceptions much like us. Each embarks on the same journey, but their attitude and

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from LIACS after you sign up to take the IAHCSMM Certification Exam. The Box Course (Textbook, Workbook and Anatomy Text) is an additional $75. The deadline is January l5th -- Registration will be limited to the first twenty (20) to send in their application and check. CLICK HERE FOR PRINTER FRIENDLY FORM misconceptions much like us. Each embarks on the same journey, but their attitude and perceptions of the truth take them down very different paths. The story begins with our four characters at Cheese Station. Sniff and Scurry are diligent workers who venture out into the maze every day to explore new passages in search of new cheese, or as we might say, a better way of life. Hem and Haw, however, have settled themselves in for an extended stay, stuffing their bellies with cheese, lounging, and talking about the foolishness of Sniff and Scurry's adventures into the maze. Unfortunately, Hem and Haw have failed to notice that their environment was changing. One day, they all found that all the cheese was gone. Following their instincts, Sniff and Scurry raced off into the maze in search of new cheese. Hem and Haw were taken by complete surprise -- for they failed to notice the small changes that were taking place. The thought of going back into the maze was frightening. The maze was full of hard work and unknowns. While reading this book, it is hard not to ask "How well am I prepared for changes in my life, and which character do I emulate the most" Sniff tends to sniff out change early; Scurry scurries into action; Hem denies and resist change as he fears it will lead to something worse; Haw learns to adapt in time when he sees change leads to something better. Throughout the journey, Haw wrote on the walls of the maze all the things he had learned, Perhaps his lessons were: Change Happens: They keep moving the cheese. Anticipate Change: Get ready for the cheese to move. Monitor Change: Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old. Adapt to Change Quickly: The quicker you !et go of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese. Change: Move with the cheese. Enjoy Change: Savor the adventure and enjoy the rewards and the taste of new cheese. Be Ready to Change Quickly and Enjoy It Again and Again: Keep moving the cheese.

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