Liacs Spring 2003 Newsletter

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Long Island Association Of

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March / April 2003 Newsletter - Highlights 2002/2003 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

TECHNICIAN UPDATE DRAWS 80 ATTENDEES! Our first full day "Technician Update" attracted 80 attendees on Saturday, March 15th. The subject was Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities and sponsored by SPS Medical. Ray Averill, the Director of Education for SPS Medical, gave our Chapter a wonderful opportunity to learn about Cleaning and Decontamination, Preparation and Sterilization and the Management of Sterilization -- the most important functions of a Central Service Department. Ray covered topics such as: · Basics of cleaning; · Proper handling of surgical instruments in decontamination; · Sorting, inspecting and assembling instruments properly; · Basics of Steam, EO and STERRAD sterilization processes; · Wraps and Packaging; · Loading the sterilizer; · Chemical and biological indicators and the sterilization quality assurance process; · Recall process; · Event-related sterility. Our Association thanks Ray and SPS Medical for sponsoring this educational event and the printing of the brochures. It was a great day for learning in Long Island!
























The Board of Directors was elected by the membership. It is their responsibility to answer questions and make recommendations concerning our professional organizations. Do not hesitate to call. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS BY-LAWS EDUCATION GOLF PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP



















631-473-1320 X4156



NOMINATIONS Don Gordon is the winner of the MVP Contest for 2002/2003. EVELYN BAEZ 631-473- 1320 X4156 AND ELECTION The award is given for the Chapter member who accumulated the most points through the SOCIAL AND LARRY GUITTARD 516-496-6508 participation in Chapter activities. These activities include attendance at educational SPECIAL PROJECTS meetings, social events, participation on the Board of Directors and as Committee W EBSITE DON GORDON 718-918-4381 Chairpersons and committee members. The first prize award is $700 and Don will be able to use this to attend any of the 1AHCSMM meetings, chapter seminars and other educational Please call the chairperson of the committee for participation, Be active in programs within the next year. Melody Traversi won the 2nd place award and Evelyn Baez your professional association --join a committee! was 3rd.

A total of $2625 was given to the Chapter's MVPs. The final standings were as follows: 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: 4th Place: 5th Place: 6th Place (tie):

Don Gordon Melody Traversi Evelyn Baez Christa Walsh Dan Bialt Julie Jefferson

$700 $600 $400 $300 $200 $125

START EARNING POINTS FOR THE 2003/2004 MVP CONTEST Starting with the Technician Seminar on Thursday, April 21st the Milleridge Carriage House. Chapter Participation = Points / $$ for education!

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Long Island Association Of

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6th Place (tie): Julie Jefferson $125 Charles Parseghian $125 7th Place: Kathy Froehlich $ 75 8th Place (tie): Georgiana Dickson $ 50 Susan Nobs $ 50 Congratulations to all our winners!

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE On Monday, February 10, 2003, Brenda Sexton, President of IAHCSMM passed away.


Our website has received national acclaim from Central Service professionals throughout the country OUR TRIBUTE TO BRENDA who have visited our Chapter's website. On our website you can find out everything that is taking place Brenda holds a special place in our Chapter's heart. She presented at our Annual Seminar in our Association. Our Webmaster -- Tony Basile in October and she reached out to everyone in attendance with her magnificent personality and genuine friendship. Brenda even participated in our "auction" and brought home one of the gifts being auctioned! We keeps the website current in order to keep you are honored that she wrote about her visit to Long Island in her last "President's Message." Brenda was able to capture the informed on upcoming educational, social events, hearts of everyone she touched. Her life inspired emulation and exemplified kindness. Brenda was a very special person. It educational links and employment opportunities. Now there are was an honor to call her "friend." We will truly miss "our" Brenda. two new features: This is my last "President's Message" since my term serving LIACS is up in April. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our members for their constant support to myself and to our chapter. We were very "The Personals" that you can list saddened to learn of Brenda Sexton's passing. important "events" in your life (promotions, honors, A great void is left in IAHCSMM and in our Chapter that is a part of IAHCSMM. Our organizations are propelled by "great" people. Our own "favorite son", Don Gordon is running on IAHCSMM's ballot for births, weddings or the position of President Elect. It is our Chapter's honor to have a man of such outstanding caliber run for this prestigious any "good news" that you would like to have published). position. I know we are behind Don 100%. Don't forget to vote when your IAHCSMM ballot is received! I know Brenda would be so very proud of him. They shared a very special bond together, working for the advancement "CHAT" Room: Periodically we will of our profession. have a "chat" with a "guest expert" on a So as my time comes to an end, I know our Chapter is in good hands. Larry Guittard will particular Central Service subject. We take the reins in April. have had "chats" on state licensure and Thank you all for your friendship! This is a Great Chapter! Great things are coming in the case carts. If you have a suggestion for a "chat" or a year ahead and you all will be part of it! "personal" to submit, call Don Gordon at (718) 918-4381. Conrrine Van Note, LIACS President

EDITORIAL LIACS, IAHCSMM, the Central Service Profession and I lose a dear friend. On Monday, February 10, IAHCSMM's President -- Brenda Sexton passed away at Houston N.W. Medical Center of post-operative complications. Many of our members met Brenda at our Annual Seminar in October. We were captured by this great lady's friendly personality and demeanor. She made one feel as though she had known you for her entire life. One of Brenda's best friends (Betty Strickland) told me that the trip to Long Island to

Remember, you can "link" onto IAHCSMM's website directly from our home page. IAHCSMM has an informative "Discussion Forum" in which you can ask for assistance or information on all topics relating to Central Service. There is also a link to the "European Discussion Forum" to find out what is happening on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Your computer is an important learning tool and enables you to communicate professionally with your colleagues around the world

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Long Island Association Of

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One of Brenda's best friends (Betty Strickland) told me that the trip to Long Island to meet our members was one of the highlights of her Presidency. Ironically, she loved us as we loved her! Corrine Van Note and I had the opportunity to serve on IAHCSMM's Executive Board with Brenda. That is when we were able to appreciate what a wonderful lady, leader and friend she was. I will always remember Brenda, this great lady who I always referred to as "Madam President" in my E-mails, as will everyone who had the opportunity to know her -- she had that special effect on people. Monday, February 10, 2003 was a sad day for our profession and for me.

professionally with your colleagues around the world -- use it!

"LIACS Linking Partners" is another part of our website. Companies that help support the costs of our website are directly linked to our website (just click on) for important information concerning their products and educational material. We thank our "Linking Partners" for their support. Our "Linking Partners" are: Corrine leaves and Larry takes over as LIACS President. ADVANCED STERILIZATION PRODUCTS (ASP) The Technician Seminar marks the "changing of the guard" for LIACS. Corrine Van Note APPLIED LOGIC (ABACUS) leaves the Presidency once again demonstrating her leadership abilities in making LIACS one of the best Central Service BUSSE HOSPITAL DISPOSABLES chapters in the nation. We are fortunate to have people who are committed to our profession in our region. LIACS will not SPS MEDICAL miss a step with this changeover as Larry Guittard starts his term as President for the third time. Congratulations to both of VANGUARD MEDICAL CONCEPTS you for your many contributions to our profession. KIMBERLY-CLARK CASE MEDICAL, INC. Don Gordon, CRCST, FEL, Editor STATE OF THE ART MEDICAL PRODUCTS (SOTA) STERIS CORPORATION MOBILE INSTRUMENT SERVICE & REPAIR KEM MEDICAL CYGNUS "THE PERSONALS" CUSTOM ULTRASONICS UNIVERSAL HOSPITAL SYSTEMS On a sad note, Hortense Powell's husband passed away last month. The Chapter sends HONEYWELL-OXYFUME our condolences and prayers to Hortense and her family. HEALTHMARK ·


POSITIONS AVAILABLE South Nassau Communities Hospital, Oceanside, NY Looking for Certified Central Supply Technicians preferably male with experience in traction, sterilizatior STERRAD and EO, decontamination, floor trays, issuing medical/surgical supplies and male prep. Contact: Hortense Powell, South Nassau Communities Hospital Phone: 516-632-4505 · E-mail: [email protected] Jacobi Medical Center, Bronx, NY Assistant Manager Position - Tour III (4:00 pm - 12 Midnight). Must have the following qualifications: CRCST with supervisory experience; excellent knowledge of Surgical Trays and instruments; knowledge of Orthopedic Trays an instruments a plus.


Technician Seminar/Dinner - 4:00 PM Milleridge Carriage House Christa Walsh: 631-351-2315

APRIL 27-30:

IAHCSMM Annual Meeting Chateau on the Lake, Branson, Missouri

MAY 13:

Educational Meeting "LIACS/CYGNUS Video Trainer Content Sharing Program" Speakers: Shaun Sweeny and James Roche NSUH @ Syosset/Call Larry Guittard for directions. New York State Association

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and instruments; knowledge of Orthopedic Trays an instruments a plus. Contact: Don Gordon, Jacobi Medical Center Phone: 718-918-4381 · E-mail: [email protected]


JUNE 13-14:

New York State Association for Central Service Professionals First Annual Seminar and Vendor Exhibits Holiday Inn Select Hotel, Niagara Falls, NY Call Larry Guittard for information.

All these events earn points towards the new MVP Contest

PHIL'S CORNER The Chapter's Technician Seminar will take place at the Milleridge You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. Carriage House in Jericho, on Monday, April 21st. (Keep in mind If you were to write down all the possible ways to motivate people to do better that we had originally announced in the last minutes that the Technician Seminar would be on work, friendly praise would have to come near the head of your list. April 3rd, but that has been changed to the new date). Most of us will never do great things, but we can do small things in a great way. If you have your sight, you are blessed. If you have insight, you are a thousand Our Topics will be: times blessed. Occasional failure is the price of improvement. "Climbing the Ladder to Success Through Certification" presented Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. by Anne Cofiell. Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents? "Sterilization Process Monitoring" presented by Gale Havrilla There's a surefire way to double your money; fold it in half and put in your sponsored by 3M. pocket. Friendship is like a bank account. You can't continue to draw on it without During the dinner break, we will be presenting our "Technician of making deposits. the Year Award" sponsored by Kimberly-Clark and honoring our A road map will tell us everything we want to know except how to fold it up outgoing Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons and again. introducing the new Board of Directors. Larry Guittard takes over Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up. the Chapter's helm as President and Representative to the IAHCSMM Board of Directors. When asked what he thought about when he struck out, Babe Ruth said, "I think about hitting home runs" Fill out the application below and return it with your check. You do not want to miss out on this educational and dinner event! CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION FORM

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