Lexicography New

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DEFINITIONS The second element in outward classification of Revealed Knowledge studies is Lexicography or I’lm Al-Lughah. According to Ibn Khaldun, “This science concerned with explaining the conventional meaning of the language”. He notified that a word may have different meanings or contexts. Lexicography is the theory and practice of writing and editing dictionary. Meanwhile, a dictionary means a book that gives the words of language in alphabetical order and explains their meaning or translates them into another language.

HISTORY The history of Arabic’s lexicography: Linguistics views were on the earliest of lexicographic works in the Arab world. These were books that explained the vocabulary of specific subjects such as plants, animals etc. Arabic dictionaries were compiled in response to practical needs. The 1st need is to protect the language of the revelation from the influence of the nation that became part of the Islamic state. The 2nd need is to provide a learning and reference tool about the Arabic language for Muslims. On the 8th century, Al Khalil bin Ahmad was the earliest scholar who compiled a general Arabic dictionary entitled Kitab Al ‘Ain. It listed words according to their sounds and the arrangement of glossaries did not follow the alphabetical order.

After that, the other dictionaries were emerged on 10 th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 18th, and 20th century. An example of produced Arabic dictionaries is by Al Khawarizmi, the Persian scholar had compiled Mafatih al ‘Ulum. It contained technical words of astronomy, geometry, medicine, philosophy, history, law and poetry.

In English historical, the first dictionary was produced in Latin and French glossaries. Besides, the early dictionaries emerged on the 17th century, the Beginning of Modern Dictionaries Practice were on the 18th, 19th and 20th century. The most famous dictionary entitled Oxford English Dictionary was on 1928. After that, in 1980s, the lexicographers attempt to describe English in order to give the reader a perspective of past achievement and a clearer understanding. The historical overviews of dictionary making were happened in Great Britain and The United Stated.

LEXICOGRAPHER The lexicographer who the person who edits the dictionaries will explain the different meaning depending on the context or conjunction or words linked to it. They also can be called as dictionary writers. The tasks of lexicographers are to enrich and sort out the tangle of confusion that makes a language such a challenge for all of us. They also should update the glossaries by collecting and recording new examples. For an example in Arabic vocabulary is the word ‘dharaba’ as a verb means to beat. It also means to contact and give. These meanings are depended on certain functional words and words linked to them. Otherwise, an example in English vocabulary is goal as a verb either noun. Goal means the points scored when the ball goes into the goal. In addition, it also means the purpose of a person’s ambition or aim.

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF LEXICOGRAPHIC DEFINITIONS A word should be mentioned as the same part-of speech. A word in part-of-speech term could be in the group of noun, verb, adjective, preposition, pronoun or others. In addition, the more alternative as definition is for what is defines, the easier it is for the reader to use. The uses of various meanings are useful for speaker, writers and who are interested in expressing themselves. Some definition must include illustrative phrases. The meaning of the words that have been defined by lexicographers should be accepted by readers.

TYPES OF LEXICOGRAPHIC DEFINITIONS Lexicographic definitions are of three basic types: synonym definitions, referential definitions and prescribed definitions. 1. Synonym definitions: may be divided into six major groups which are equivalent,

historical synonyms, synonym belonging to different varieties of languages, dialect, synonym belonging to different styles and foreign-language equivalent. 2. Referential definitions: states the general class and lists those relevant features that differentiate the given information. 3. Formulaic definitions: means words can be defined by the use of a formula such as “of or

relating to”. These formulaic definitions are particularly useful when the lexicographers want to show the relation of derived word to its sentences source.

THE ADVANTAGES OF DICTIONARY The dictionary will provide people more information and widely different meaning. The kinds of information will be found in a dictionary are main headword, sample sentences, part of speech, alternative spellings, pronunciation guide and idioms. Certainly, dictionary will help people finding the meaning of words more quickly and also makes it easy to compare different word usages on provided vocabularies. A dictionary is a book listing the words of a language with translations into another language and also provided linguistic items in a particular category or subject with specialized information about them. Furthermore, the definition will explain in simple and straightforward is the various meanings of the vocabulary are provided in dictionaries. It can help people use the words correctly and being able to communicate more effectively. Dictionaries can be used to check spellings, to learn new word that you encounter. The students themselves should discover and explore the dictionaries in order to obtain the new knowledge in their studies. Definitely, they will travel in the world of information while will expand their vocabularies.


Islam enjoins human beings to gain knowledge and indeed the Quran mentions the word of knowledge (Al I’lm) sometimes relates with Allah And also relates with human beings. This can be proven in Surah Al-Mulk, verse 26 means: “Say, as the knowledge of the time, it is with Allah alone, I am sent only to warn plainly in public.” People who study the words in dictionaries, looking for the meanings may be exposed to many kinds of interpretation that may distinguish the real meaning. Thus, people should aware and cautious in the concept of meaning as Allah has promised in Surah At-Tariq, verse 26 means: “Behold this is the Word that distinguishes (good and evil)”. These verses have shown the vital aspect in using words beneficially in order to reach higher status in intellectualism and become a knowledgeable person.


Lexicography is all about editing and writing a dictionary. In reality, what does a dictionary do for you? Through a dictionary the students can enlarge and enrich their vocabulary and able to apply in their writing skill. It can avoid their writing skills look boring and dull. Consequently, their writing skill will be more creative so it may impress the lecturers and other students. As well for students who succeed observing the correct meaning will develop their language well because the human languages are unique and worthy of studies. Certainly, language is a symbol of system that combined the rules of grammar for the purpose of interaction. Islam views the languages as the medium to propagate. Human beings should use soft and proper languages in all way such as writing and speaking in order to propagate good deeds and forbid evil. Our role model, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to speak in proper and soft manner. Interaction becomes the very crucial activity in our daily life. Definitely, the other purpose of lexicography is to invites the students to connect academic in languages studies as a field of study. Language also is a medium to emphasize the important of knowledge. For examples Arabic, English, French, Mandarin and other languages cover the issues of particular literature and linguistics. People will explore their own questions about languages and understand more fully the languages that they see and hear. Thereby, they will become more active and participants in the construction of language knowledge.

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