Lesson13-1&2 (what Did You Do Yesterday)

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Lesson Plan Date: Thursday November 13, 2008 Period: 3 (10:40-11:20) Class: 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-5 Teachers: Matthew (Native Teacher – NT) Ms. Hwang (Korean Teacher – KT) Unit: What did you do yesterday? (Unit 13-1 & 2) Objectives: Materials:

Students will learn and use phrases related to the past sentence and should be able to express what they did in a previous occasion Computer, CD-Rom, picture cards

Introduction and Review (3-4 minutes) Do a short introduction and review to prepare the class with the previous day materials and teachers. This introduction will go as follows:  NT & KT: “Good morning students” Students (Ss) “Good morning Matthew Teacher…”  KT: “How are you today?”  Ss “I’m fine, thank you”  NT: “How’s the weather today?”  Ss “It’s ________________”  NT: “Ok, very good!” Next, the KT will do a short review with what was studied in the previous class KT What did we study last time? Ss This is a bedroom KT Good we studied ‘This is a bedroom’ SS ‘This is a bedroom’ The teacher can then begin to use that phrase “This is a ____________”, “What’s that?” “Where’s the _____________” and “This way please” for 2-3 minutes for review. New Words and Sentence (10 minutes) The students will be given handouts. The KT will explain the new dialogue and words written on the handout. The NT will go over the pronunciation of the words. After the new words and expressions have been explained, the class will go over quickly Look and Listen

We will do the look and listen and ask some question about it Bill Hi, Jinho. What are you doing? Jinho I’m looking at this. I went to the Science Museum yesterday Bill Science Museum? What did you see there? Jinho A future house, robots, a new TV, a new telephone…..What did you do yesterday? Bill I went to Riverside Park. Jinho Did you have fun there? Bill Yes, very much. I played basketball with my cousin. I ate kimbab, and… Jinho That sounds fun. Bill I met my favourite TV star there. Jinho Really? Who? Bill Look at this……Oops NT Who is in the dialog? SS Bill and Jinho NT Where are they? SS They are at school NT What does Bill say at first? SS What are you doing? NT Good. Now what is Jinho doing? SS He is looking at a book NT Good, next what did Bill ask? SS Science Museum? What did you see there? NT Good, now what did Jinho do there? SS He went to a future house, and saw a new TV, a new telephone. NT Now, what did Jinho ask Bill? SS What did you do yesterday? We can go over these questions and then go over the dialog one more time, focusing on the question, “What did you do yesterday?” Look and Speak (10 minutes) Tell students to turn to page 106, have them look at the picture so they have an idea of what the dialog is about. The teacher can ask some very simple questions about the picture like “Who is he?, “Where are they?”, “Are they watching movies?”, “Are they eating dinner?”. You can then begin to play the dialog

DIALOG A Ann What did you do yesterday? Peter I played computer games. Ann Did you enjoy it? Peter Yes, very much. The teacher will ask some questions about the dialog  NT Who is in this dialog?  SS Ann and Peter  NT Good. What are they doing right now?  SS They are studying  NT That’s right. What does Ann say to Peter?  SS ‘What did you do yesterday?’  NT Good. What does Peter answer?  SS ‘I played computer games’ After those questions, it’s time to go through the dialog one more time. After the second time, the teacher can ask the same questions to the students and to see if they fully understand the dialog. When the first dialog is complete, we can try dialog B The teacher will tell the students to focus on dialog B and will begin to listen to the second dialog. DIALOG B Joon What did you do on Sunday? Bill I went to the park Joon What did you do there? Bill I played badminton with my family Joon Sounds like fun The teacher can ask some questions about the dialog  NT Who is in this dialog?  SS Joon and Bill  NT Good. What are they doing?  SS They are talking  NT That’s right. What does Joon ask Bill?  SS ‘What did you do on Sunday?’  NT That’s right. What does Bill say?  SS ‘I went to the park’  NT Good. What did Bill do at the park?

 SS He played badminton with his family  NT Did Bill have fun?  SS Yes, it was fun. After those questions, it’s time to go through the dialog one more time. After the second time, the teacher can ask the same questions to the students and to see if they fully understand the dialog. Listen and Repeat (5-10 minutes) The teachers introduce the listen and repeat to the class and tell the student’s first to listen to dialog 1) Ann What did you do yesterday? Peter I played computer games. 2) Joon What did you do on Sunday? Bill I went to the park Then with the teacher’s help, the students practice the listen and repeat together as a class. Then the teacher splits the class (boys & girls, row-by-row) and then practice the listen and repeat. Then the teacher chooses two volunteers to practice the listen and repeat. The teacher can do this part 2 or 3 times with the students. After the first listen and repeat is completed, the teachers can do this with the second listen and repeat exercise. Let’s Sing (5 minutes) The teacher introduces the sing to the children and they listen carefully to the song and rhythm for the first time. After the first time, the students can start singing together as a class and do the song together as a class. Then, you can split the class up (boys & girls, row-by-row) and sing different section of the song. After that, you can replace some of the foods in the song to a different places (went to the park, grandparent’s house) [Optional – If there is enough time – Powerpoint (10 minutes) The powerpoint will review the sentences that we have studied in the chapter and have the students go over some of the important phrases and new words Wrap-Up

Time to finish the class  NT “Ok, children we are finished English Class today.”  KT “Did you have fun today?”  Ss “Yes!!!!”  KT “Ok, goodbye students, say goodbye to Matthew Teacher”  Ss “Goodbye, goodbye Matthew Teacher  NT “Goodbye, see you next time.”

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