Lesson Plan -mi

  • June 2020
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Philippine Normal University College of Education Department of Early Childhood Education Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics Level: Prep February 12, 2009 Members: #6: De Jesus, Joanna May D. #7: Emnace, Rubelyn P. #15: Malana, Davie Luh Marie M. #24: Sison, Amapola T. #26: Viado, Danesa C. I. Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.

Identify objects that are big and small. Compare things according to sizes as to big and small. Name the parent animal and their babies. Describe things according to size.

II. Subject Matter Science Concept: Parent animals and their babies have names. Math Concept: There are big objects and small objects. There are sizes like big and small. Language: Things can be described according to sizes. Skills: Observing, classifying, note taking, listening, identifying, describing Instructional Materials: pocket charts; pictures of cow, dog, cat, hen, duck, eagle, pig, kangaroo, calf, puppy, kitten, chick, duckling, eagle, piglet, jack; clays; domino (parent animal and baby animal); story book of David and Goliath; colored chalks Reference(s): Integrating Curricula with Multiple Intelligences (Teams, Themes and Threads) by Robin Fogarthy and Judy Stoehr III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity A. Meeting Time 1. Prayer Children, before we start our day, let’s thank God for

Pupil’s Activity

another beautiful day that He has given us. Let us bow our heads, close our eyes and let’s pray. Please repeat after me.

Children will bow their heads down, close Lord, we thank You for another their eyes and repeat after the teacher. beautiful day that You have given us. Thank You because You have brought us here safely. Lord, we thank You for another beautiful day that You have given us. Thank You because You have brought us here Lord, make this day a meaningful and safely. exciting one. amen.

In Jesus’ name we pray,

2. Checking of Attendance Now, let’s see if everybody’s present today!

Lord, make this day a meaningful and exciting one. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Yesterday is February 11, 2009 and today is February 12, 2009. Now, take a look at this chart. Your pictures are on the Wednesday column and today is Thursday. What should we do? Correct! Now, you can put your pictures on the Thursday column.

Okay, children, after putting your pictures on the right column, you may sit down. 3. Unfreezing Activity What is the weather outside?

We should put our pictures on the Thursday column.

Okay, let’s sing our song about Children will put their pictures on the the weather today. But first, Thursday column. let me sing first then you follow. What is the weather, weather today?(3x)

the Children will sit down on their respective places.

It’s a sunny day! It’s a sunny, sunny, sunny day. (3x) Now, let us all sing! What is the weather, weather today?(3x)

It’s a sunny day! the

It’s a sunny day! It’s a sunny, sunny, sunny day! (3x)

Very good! Now, you may sit down. 4.

Physical Check-up So, have you brushed your teeth before going to school? Did you take a bath changed your clothes?


What about your hair? Did you comb it nicely? Well, I think, you’re all ready today!

A. Big Group Activity

What is the weather, weather today?(3x) It’s a sunny day!


Do you know the song Old McDonald?

It’s a sunny, sunny, sunny day! (3x)

Great! Let’s sing it! Old McDonald had a farm, eeay-ee-ay-oh! And on his farm he had some 1ducks. Ee-ay-eeay-oh!

Children will sit down.

2Cows 3Hens 4Goats

Yes, we have brushed our teeth!

5Pigs 1Quack,

quack here and quack, quack there, here quack, there quack, everywhere quack Yes teacher! quack! 2Moo,

moo bok 4Mee, mee 5Oink, oink 3Bok,

Yes we did!

Old McDonald had a farm, eeay-ee-ay-oh! We all had a great time singing that song. Now, let’s have a hunting game. This is entitled “Looking for my baby, I’m Yes, we know the song teacher! here, I’m Here!” I will give each one of you a picture of either a baby animal or a parent animal. If you got a baby animal, look for its mother animal and say, “I’m here! I’m here!” If you got a parent animal, look for your baby and say “I’m looking for my baby.”

Old McDonald had a farm, eeay-ee-ay-oh! And on his farm he had some 1ducks. Ee-ay-eeay-oh! 2Cows 3Hens 4Goats

Do you have any questions?


Okay. I distribute to you now the pictures. Children, let’s start!


quack here and quack, quack there, here quack, there quack, everywhere quack quack! 2Moo,

(After all are finished hunting) Now, let’s see if you’re all right! I have a pocket chart here. You put your parent and baby animals here. Only two pairs at a time.

moo bok 4Mee, mee 5Oink, oink 3Bok,

Old McDonald had a farm, eeay-ee-ay-oh!

Now, we have here different parent animals namely: Cow Dog Cat Hen Duck Eagle Pig Kangaroo What are the names of the parent animals again? Now, a cow has a baby called calf, what’s the name of the baby of the cow? (The teacher will ask the same question using the same procedure until all the baby animals are named.) Now, we have cow-calf, dogpuppy, cat-kitten, duckduckling, eagle-eaglet, pigWe don’t have any questions. piglet, and kangaroo-jack. Now, let’s talk about the sizes of animals parents and their

babies. Do they have the same size? Correct! It’s because parent animals are BIG and the baby animals are SMALL (Writing the words big and small on the board). You say big (pointing on the BIG word)!

Children who got a baby animal will say, “I’m here! “I’m here! And find their partners. Children who got a parent animal will say “I’m looking for my baby!” and find their partners.

Children will now take their seats.

You say small (pointing on the SMALL word)! Okay, get something from your Children will put their united parent and bag that is small. baby animals in the pocket chart. Say, “This is small.” Now, get something from your bag that is big! Say, “This is big.” Now, draw the size BIG in the air! Draw the size SMALL in the air! Very good! I think you’re ready for another activity. B. Small Group Activity (Children will be grouped into two.) Group 1 will do a clay work. What will you do with the clay? You must do a clay work that will portray a big object and small Cow, dog, cat, pig, kangaroo, hen, duck object. Is that clear? and eagle. Group 2 will play domino. You must connect the parent animal to the baby animal until all the

pictures are matched up. Is that clear? You may start. (After the activity) Now, you’re finished. each group’s work.

Teacher, it’s a calf! Let’s see

For group 1, they made big and small objects out of clay! Well done! For group 2, they finished the domino by connecting the baby animal to the parent animal! Nicely done! C. Snack Time I think my students are hungry. Are you hungry children?

No, they don’t have the same size.

Okay, before we eat, let’s pray first. Lord, thank you for giving us the food today. Whether it is small or big, still you blessed us with food. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. Now, what do you have for our snack today? I think everybody’s enjoying their bite. Big! Can you show me how to have a small bite? Now show me a big bite! Okay, children, finish eating. Small! (After eating their snacks) Clear your tables because we’re going to have another activity. D. Storytelling Time Okay, let’s all sit down and sit Children will get a thing from their bag

closer to me.

that is small.

What are the things that you are “This is small.” afraid of? I know a boy named David who conquered his fear! Sounds interesting. What did the boy do Children will get a thing from their bag that is big. so that he will not be afraid? Let’s find out with this story. But before everything else, what “This is big.” should you do while the teacher is telling a story?

Very good!

Children will draw big and small sizes in the air.

Once, there was a man named Goliath and he was really tall! He wore big clothes and big sandals. He was the champion of the Philistines. Goliath challenged the King of Israel, King Saul, in a battle. Goliath tolk King Saul that if he will be defeated, the Philistines will serve Israel. So, King Saul sent his armies to defeat Goliath but they were too afraid. They feared his height, his big clothes, his big sandals and big sword. Now a boy named David came to King Saul and told him that they must not be afraid for the Lord is Yes, teacher. with them. David is a boy who has small sandals, wore small clothes and has a small sling. Now, King Saul asked David if he can defeat Goliath. David prayed first and accepted the king’s request. King Saul asked David to wear the Yes, teacher. armor shields for his protection

but they were too big for him. David refused to wear the armor shield and told King Saul that he Children will work on their tasks. will defeat Goliath only by using his sling. King Saul said to David that the Lord is with him. David went out and faced Goliath. Goliath only laughed at him but David, picked a stone and put it in his sling shot. Then he targeted Goliath’s head and blag! Goliath was defeated. David was overjoyed and King Saul rewarded David. The Children will clap their hands for group 1. Philistines served Israel. What did David do to conquer his fear? Why were the Israelites became so afraid of Goliath? Children will clap their hands for group 2.

What defeated Goliath? Wow, you really listened very well to the story. Yes, teacher! We are all hungry! Now, after listening to the story, we are going to play a game! E. Indoor/Outdoor Activity (Children will be divided into two groups) This game is entitled “Whisper to me the Name of the Animal”. The first person in each line will run to Amen! the teacher and ask what should he whisper to his group mates then after that, he will whisper the animal (parent or baby) to the person next to him. The second person will whisper it again to the

next person until it comes to the last person. The last person will shout first the animal then he must come to the teacher with a Children will show the teacher a small chick movement. There will be bite. five rounds. The first group who will finish first wins. Children will show the teacher a big bite. (Game proper) Animals to be used: cow, kangaroo, kitten, eaglet, dog (After the game) Let’s clap our hands for group --for winning! Children will clear and clean their tables. Let’s also clap our hands for group --- for their active participation!

Teacher, we are afraid of _____, ______ and ______.

We should listen very well. We should not talk to our classmates. We should sit properly. We should not make unnecessary actions and noises.

He prayed first to the Lord.

It’s because he was a tall man who wore big clothes and has a big sword.

David’s slingshot defeated Goliath.

(Children will do their tasks)

Children will clap their hands for group ---.

Children will clap their hands for group ---.

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