Lesson Plan Literacy

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,369
  • Pages: 9


Jenna Stewart


Literacy Education


Memoir Writing Lesson

Grade Level

Grade 6

Duration 2 Day Lesson Plan (55 minutes)

Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly language) GCO: 6. Students will be expected to respond personally to a range of texts SCO: Explain why a particular text matters to them and demonstrate an increasing ability to make connections among texts • Reflect on and give reasons for their interpretations of an increasing variety of texts SFL: I can describe what a memoir is and demonstrate a connection between examples. GCO: 7. Students will be expected to respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre. SCO: Make connections with the purpose of each text or genre. • Respond critically to texts by: applying a growing range of strategies to analyse and evaluate a text SFL: I can make personal and genre related connections to memoir writing. Introduction Day #1: Anticipatory Set: I will have set out a few items that stand out in my life such as: photos of my dog, paintings that I have done, sight-seeing photographs. I will also have my favorite books and movies. These are items that stand out within my memories and are interests of mine that helped develop specific moments in my life. These items have taught me concepts and strategies within my life. These items being in the class will help develop thoughts and ideas within students to set the lesson for the day. I will then explain why these items are present. APK: Word Web: I will ask students to use the chart paper on their tables and get them to do a word web of what comes to mind when I say “memoir”. If students need more clarification, I will provide additional prompts such as “memorable writing”.

C4U: I will ask the students to give me a thumbs up if they understand the instructions. Random Selection (Popsicle Sticks) ask a student to repeat/share instructions in their own words. Day #2: Anticipatory Set: I will have set out the memoirs from last class around the front table. I will also have a picture of the firefly’s book on the smartboard as students walk in. This will give them a sense of what the lesson will be about. APK: From there, I will ask students to use the chart paper and markers provided on tables to prepare to do a Word web. Instruction: As a group write down or draw any key ideas that come to mind when you hear the word “memoir writing.” If students need more clarification, I will allow them to write what comes to mind with the words “memorable writing”. • C4U: I will ask the students to give me a thumbs up if they understand the instructions. Random Selection (Popsicle Sticks) ask a student to repeat/share instructions in their own words.

Assessment Day #1: Formative: • APK: Word web: I will ask students to use the chart paper on their desks and get them to do a word web of what comes to mind when I say “memoir”. • C4U: Repetition - we will ask students to repeat instructions in their own words (drawing names by random selection). • Journal: Students will be asked to post information and use this journal to develop their ideas for memoir writing over a series of classes. • Quick Write: Student will be asked to write two short writes in the journals. These can be read to assess student knowledge. • C4U: Sharing/Discussion - students will be asked to share their thoughts and ideas during class discussion time. • Exit Ticket: I will hand out a sticky note to each student and they will write something they learned from today on it and put their name on it and add it to the whiteboard before leaving for their next class. This will be used as a source of formative assessment. It will allow me to see if they grasped the main idea of what a memoir is and how they can begin brainstorming. Day #2 Formative: • APK: KWL Chart: I will ask students to fill out a KWL chart (what they know about memoirs and what they want to know). • C4U: Repetition - we will ask students to repeat instructions in their own words (drawing names by random selection). • Journal: Students will be asked to post information and use this journal to develop their ideas for memoir writing over a series of classes.

Writing Activity: Student will be asked to write a time they had a take away moment. These can be read to assess student knowledge. • C4U: Sharing/Discussion - students will be asked to share their thoughts and ideas during class discussion time. • Exit Ticket: I will end the lesson by having students fill out the learned column within their KWL chart. Perhaps if they have more questions that may add them as well. Make sure students have the KWL chart in their journals so that I can revise them after class to make sure each student is comprehending the concept. Summative: • Will be completed at the end of the unit (Typed memoir). Develop the Instruction Lesson Layout Day #1: • Review agenda, GCO/SCOs, Introduction • Silent Reading (SSR) • APK (Word Web) • Instruction • Stations • Quick Write • Exit Ticket

1 minutes 15 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 7 minutes 2 minutes

Lesson Layout Day #2: • Review agenda, GCO/SCOs, Introduction • Silent Reading (SSR) • APK (KWL) • Instruction • Writing Activity • Class Discussion • Exit Ticket

1 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes

Day #1 As students arrive: • Stand outside the door, greeting the students as they come in. I will have number tents on the tables and as students arrive, I will hand them numbers that match the tents. This will randomize students so that they are not with the same peers they usually work with. • Tell them not to touch the sheets on the table, they are for an activity later. • After the second bell, make sure you use the attention getter before starting the lesson. Attention Getter: “Macaroni and Cheese, everybody freeze”

Lesson Development: “Good morning Grade 6! Can everyone take out their books we are going to start today with 15 minutes of silent reading (SSR). After 15 minutes of reading is finished, I will start with the attention getter to gain attention. • “Macaroni and Cheese, everybody freeze” • Today we’re going to have some fun with learning what a memoir is and by the end of this unit you will be able to write your own! First, we will go over the agenda for today, SCO written in Student Friendly Language. Anticipatory Set: I will have set out a few items that stand out in my life such as: photos of my dog, paintings that I have done, sight-seeing photographs. I will also have my favorite books and movies. These are items that stand out within my memories and are interests of mine that helped develop specific moments in my life. These items have taught me concepts and strategies within my life. These items being in the class will help develop thoughts and ideas within students to set the lesson for the day. I will then explain why these items are present. APK: From there, I will ask students to use the chart paper and markers provided on tables to prepare to do a Word web. Instruction: As a group write down or draw any key ideas that come to mind when you hear the word “memoir writing.” If students need more clarification, I will allow them to write what comes to mind with the words “memorable writing”. • C4U: I will ask the students to give me a thumbs up if they understand the instructions. Random Selection (Popsicle Sticks) ask a student to repeat/share instructions in their own words. After two minutes (timer on smart board) use attention getter “Macaroni and Cheese, Everybody Freeze” to get students attention, ask a student from each group to share one thing they wrote or drew on their chart paper. Once all tables have shared, ask students to put caps back on markers, placing them back in the tin cup, and placing the chart paper back in the center of the table. “Now that we have discussed what you already know about memoir writing, I am going to teach you a little more about memoirs and then we will go through a few examples”. Instruction: I will move to the front of the class and address the PowerPoint, so each student has a visual connection of the words while I lecture aloud. • Students will post the informational text in their memoir journal. This will be start of a unit on memoir text forms. They will be filling out their journals each day which they will draft in and then use to type their final submission. Information Lectured on: Memoirs require…. • Purpose: to capture a defining personal memory • Orientation- begins with a purposeful lead, identifies the personal event and may give the reason for selecting the topic • Key Events- has key events in logical order (e.g. single day, flashback) with relevant details including the subject’s feelings revealed through actions or quotations

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Conclusion- communicates the larger meaning or reason for writing. Special Features: Literary language (powerful nouns and verbs, figurative language) linking words and phrases (e.g. later that afternoon, as I walked out...) past tense (see- saw, go-went, swim-swam) CFU: Can (______ Random Selection) tell me something that you just learned? CFU: Ask student to turn to the person on their right and have them repeat the answer. o Use Attention Getter “Macaroni and Cheese, Everybody Freeze,” to get students attention. After I go over what a memoir is, I will instruct students to work within their stations. I will give students the handout to look over because they will be analyzing examples of memoirs today. o o

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Stations: Students will be already seated at their stations (4 groups). Each station will be reading a different memoir (enough copies for each student). Students will have a hand out to assess the memoir and they can participate in a discussion about the book to come to the conclusion. I will circulate groups and listen to group conferences. Checklist- attached below • Kids by Ralph Fletcher • Statue by Ralph Fletcher • First Pen by Ralph Fletcher • The Follower by Jack Gantos •

Before beginning I will explain instructions for the handout/checklist. I will also remind the students that this is going to be similar to the rubric I will be marking their final memoir pieces on in the future. o CFU: Can (______ Random Selection) repeat the instructions in your own words? o Thumbs up if everyone understands.

Students will read the memoir and discuss the handout/checklist as they read or finish reading. Student will record their handout in their journals (safe keeping) Once all groups are finished, I will ask one student from each table to share their memoir piece (summarize), they will also explain their checklist with evidence to back up their answers. We will go through these as a class, yet each group should have a copy of the handout in their journals (safe keeping).

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“Now that you have had a chance to read an example of what a memoir is. We are going to do a quick write to get your minds thinking of specific moments in your memories” “Remember the rules of our quick writes: write until the timer buzzes and remain silent (no talking)”.

Quick Write: Journal Entry: I will display a few writing prompts on the board for students to choose from. Students will finish the sentences in their journals. After students have answered the sentences then they will then pick their favorite sentence and expand on it. Tell me about that experience/ that small moment for 4 minutes. If students finish before time is finished, they can move on to a second one. I will start the timer on the PowerPoint. • Start with: I appreciate ___________ because ____________. • The best thing I ever did was________. • I remember trying to learn _________. • Once, I almost ______________. • I really wish I hadn’t__________. • My childhood tasted like: ________________. •

C4U: I will ask to see if anyone would like to share their journal entries. If not, I will share mine that I was writing while the students were writing.

Day #2 As students arrive: • Stand outside the door, greeting the students as they come in. I will have number tents on the tables and as students arrive, I will hand them numbers that match the tents. This will randomize students so that they are not with the same peers they usually work with. • After the second bell, make sure you use the attention getter before starting the lesson. Attention Getter: “Macaroni and Cheese, everybody freeze” Lesson Development: “Good morning Grade 6! Can everyone take out their books we are going to start today with 15 minutes of silent reading (SSR). After 15 minutes of reading is finished, I will start with the attention getter to gain attention. Using the attention getter “Macaroni and Cheese, everybody freeze”. “Today we’re going to continue our conversation on memoirs!” First, we will go over the agenda for today, SCO written in Student Friendly Language. Anticipatory Set: I will have set out the memoirs from last class around the front table. I will also have a picture of the firefly’s book on the smartboard as students walk in. This will give them a sense of what the lesson will be about. APK: From there, I will hand out a blank KWL chart for students to put in their journals. This will be something students can use throughout this unit. Students should work on this independently. I will explain to the students that they will fill in the ‘know’ column with knowledge of memoir writing. The next column ‘want to know’ will be filled with questions that they would like to know. I will provide 5 minutes for this.

C4U: I will ask the students to give me a thumbs up if they understand the instructions. Random Selection (Popsicle Sticks) ask a student to repeat/share instructions in their own words.

After 5 minutes (timer on smart board) use attention getter “Macaroni and Cheese, Everybody Freeze” to get students attention. I will ask students to raise their hands if they would like to share either something they know or something they want to know. “Now that we have discussed what you already know about memoir writing, I am going to teach you a little more about memoirs and then we will go through a few examples”. Instruction: I will remind students of the main features of a memoir before reading aloud an example. I will have an anchor chart laid out similar to the one below.

I will read an example to the class Fireflies by Julie Brinckloe (book. I will give students the checklist handout once again to look over because they will be analyzing their own examples of memoirs. Once I read this to the class, I will discuss the memoir text form with the checklist. I will then repeat this with another memoir Shortcut by Donald Crews. I will repeat the same discussion to ensure students comprehend the idea of a memoir. This will give them a variety of examples before they start brainstorming ideas. • I will prompt information about memoirs such as how the memoir is a form that can be for children, adults and every age between. Also, that it introduces the element of ‘take away’ in memoir writing. This is the key idea with a memoir, it is not just retelling a random memory. “A memoir is a personal defining moment, some instance in your life where you learned something or taken something away from the experience.” • I will also ask students “What do you think motivated the author to share his or her life story?”

Writing Activity: After reading have students respond in their journals by writing about a time when they have had a ‘take away moment’. This could come from their writing prompts or a big moment in their lives. I will allow students to feely write for 15 minutes. Remind the students to use descriptive words to make their writing even better. o CFU: Can (______ Random Selection) repeat the instructions in your own words? o Thumbs up if everyone understands. After the timer goes, I will use the attention getter to gain students attention. We will discuss a few concepts as a class before finishing with an exit ticket. Class Discussion: (responses by hand raising – or 1 response per group) • I will ask if any students would like to share their moments aloud. • Do you think the authors of memoirs we have read are trying to provoke a specific response from the reader, such as sympathy? • Is there a specific response that your writing provokes? Closure Day #1: Exit Ticket: I will end the lesson by handing out the sticky notes for each student to fill in to check for understanding. Students are required to write something they learned from today’s lesson on it and put their name on it as well. This will be used as a source of formative assessment. It will allow me to see if they grasped the main idea of what a memoir is and how they can begin brainstorming. Once students have completed their exit ticket, we ask them to put it to the whiteboard before they line up and leave for their next class. • If there is time left (a few seconds away from bell dismissal), have students clean up their stations and sit quietly at their desk to wait for the bell. Day #2: Exit Ticket: I will end the lesson by having students fill out the learned column within their KWL chart. Perhaps if they have more questions that may add them as well. Make sure students have the KWL chart in their journals so that I can revise them after class to make sure each student is comprehending the concept. • If there is time left (a few seconds away from bell dismissal), have students clean up their stations and sit quietly at their desk to wait for the bell.

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations Before Class: ● Supplies need to be set out prior to the start of class on the corresponding tables. ● Write the GCO and SCO on the right-hand board in student friendly language.

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Write the agenda on the main board at the front, as the students will want to know what we will be doing today. Make sure the PowerPoint is on and ready before students arrive. Make sure today’s date is on the board, in the top, right-hand corner, because the students will ask. Make sure students journals are out in their bin (names on them). KWL charts are printed Materials are at the front of the room.

Materials and Technologies: • Hook: (photos of my dog, paintings that I have done, sight-seeing photographs. I will also have my favorite books and movies.). ● Instructional Aid: PowerPoint ● APK: (Chart paper, markers) ● Exit Ticket: (Sticky note, pencils). ● PowerPoint: With link to timer for activities and closure dance. ● Journal Books: Students were required to bring them the 1st day of school (saved until now). ● Handout (assessing memoirs). ● Memoir samples (printed) ● APK/Exit Ticket: (KWL chart- printed) ● Instruction (Chart paper, markers, fireflies’ book). ● PowerPoint (timers, instructional methods). Special Considerations: There are no special considerations in this classroom. Safety: The only safety concerns for this lesson plan would be: paper cuts and the use of scissors.

Reflection To be completed post lesson.

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