Instructional Component
During silent reading, read to a partner
Mad libs/Reader’s theater/ Tongue Twister
During silent reading, read to a partner
Mad libs/Reader’s theater/ Tongue Twister
During silent reading, read to a partner
Word Study
Blind Sort
Draw a picture for new words (Words you do not understand)
Find words in dictionary and write down the page number
Write sentences using 3-5 words
Spelling test
Chapter book w/ discussion questions before, during and after
During silent reading, write a few sentences about the book
Chapter book w/ discussion questions before, during and after
During silent reading, write a few sentences about the book
Chapter book w/ discussion questions before, during and after
Project based connection to other subjects lasts the whole week 1. Graphic Organizer
2. First written draft
3. Final written draft and get checked
4. Create website and find pictures
5. Add sentences to website
Notes: -
Each word study group has a different start date and moves through the activities for each day. Ex. Group 3 starts new words on Wednesday as their day 1 and has to do a blind sort