Literacy Lesson

  • May 2020
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TEACHER Subject/Class/Course Topic Grade Level

Laurel Corbett Literacy – Reading Detective Reading Grade 4


2 class periods – 30 minute periods

Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly language) GCO: Students will be expected to respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre. SCO: students will respond critically to texts by asking questions and formulating understandings. SFL: I can use ‘clues’ in the reading to ‘solve’ the questions.

Introduction (5 minutes) Hook: Teacher can be dressed up in a trench coat, hat, sunglasses with a magnified glass. This will peak students interest on what the lesson will be about. Intro discussion: Writing student responses on the board have them answer questions about Detectives. What are detectives? What jobs to they do? What are some things they need to find in order to solve a mystery? *Some answers should include – evidence or clues, investigating, undercover cops, fighting crime, solving mysteries * Tell students that they will all turn into detectives during this class as they read together. Explain to them that in this reading lesson they will learn to identify and recognize important details in order to solve the questions being asked.

Assessment Students will be assessed throughout the class as they work separately and together with partners on their group participation. They will also be assessed based on the discoveries in the text and how they are able to explain the answers. Using the exit ticket at the end of the lesson I will be able to see if each of them were able to get the main point of the lesson. Students work pages will be graded and returned.

Develop the Instruction Directed Instruction (10 minutes): 1. Have a couple of students help you pass out the first handout which is called “Chocolate: A Short and Sweet History” to each student in the class. 2. Once everyone has a copy instruct the students to get out their “detective tools” show them a hint by holding up coloured pens and highlighters. Explain that they will use them to help identify different clues and information in the text. 3. Call on 4 students to help the class by one at a time reading each of the questions provided on the side. Explain that each question needs “solving” and the reading will help do just that. 4. Have your students take turns reading the article out loud. When you get to a vocabulary word or ones they may not understand have them use the surrounding text or “Evidence” to help them figure out its meaning. 5. When you have come to the end of the article request one student who thinks they might have the answer to the first question to give their answer. It is important that when they give their answer to then request for their evidence and how they found the answer. Guided Practice (10 minutes): 1. Instruct your students to now at their tables answer the second question. 2. Once they have had a minute have a volunteer state their answer. Continue to ask for volunteers until the correct answer is said.

3. 4. 5.

Once they have found the write answer tell students to get their detective tools ready and highlight or mark where in the text they might have found that answer. Have volunteers give where they think the supporting evidences are. Have students explain why the evidence gives away the answer to the question. Make sure they know that it is important to find these details as they are where the correct answers come from. The evidences give hints and clues to the answers they need.

Independent work (25 minutes): (Note - Students may only get a couple minutes into their independent work but reassure them that they will have the beginning of the next reading lesson to complete the task. It is important that they take their time to find all the clues they need and answer their questions in full sentences) 1. Students will be given more time to complete the last two questions on the page that were not done as a class. 2. When students have found the answers ask them to write down along with their answers what evidences they found in the text that supports their answers. 3. Once both of those items are completed students can retrieve from the front desk the “John Muir Detective Reading Worksheet” 4. Students will use the next bit of class to complete the questions on the work page until the teacher signals to finish up and gather back together as a class. Exit ticket (5 minutes): Write on the board – How and why did john Muir create the Sierra Club? Give each student an index card and have them use it to write their answer down. Once they have it on the card have them do a pair-share with their partner.

Closure (5 minutes) Class Discussion Question: Why do you think it is important to be detectives while you are reading? Group Discussion: Have students who are paired off into partners join up with 2-3 other groups to have discussion about what they learned from the reading and detective work. Have them give one of their biggest takeaways and one of the things that was the hardest for them. Once groups have shared get them to share again as the whole class.

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations White Board Markers Various coloured Highlighters Index Cards Paper Handouts (below): Article about the history of Chocolate - Article about John Muir - Detective Reading Questions & Graphic Organizer - Optional (These are added more for fun): Magnified Glass Detective glasses/ ”disguises” (Mustaches from the dollar store) Teacher – Trench Coat and hat to play the role of detective

Reflection Were my students successful in meeting the outcomes and objectives? How do I know? Did my instructional decisions meet the needs of all students? What could I do to improve the lesson?

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