Lesson Plan Framework Mathematics Secondary

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Sample Lesson Plan: Secondary British Columbia Math Curriculum Grade Level: Pre-Calculus 10

Date: April 2019

Big Idea(s): ● Constant rate of change is an essential attribute of linear relations and has meaning in different representations and contexts.

Curricular Competencies: ● Explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas using reason, technology, and other tools ● Think Creatively and with curiosity and wonder when exploring problems ● Visualize to explore and illustrate mathematical concepts and relationships ● Solve problems with persistence and a positive disposition ● Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms ● Reflect on mathematical thinking Content: ● Functions and Relations: connecting data, graphs, and situations ● Linear Functions: Slope and equations of lines

Constructivist Elements Accessing Student Prior Knowledge and Experiences: Build upon the prior knowledge of students. Teacher shows images of various types of graphs with axial information and asks the class: To share with a classmate what the graphs mean in regards to motion? The teacher then asks classmates to share from their pairs/groups of what they think it means. This allows students to collaborate on possibly interpretations of the graphs based off of prior experiences. Provocation: Used to help students develop their own meanings of concepts. Using Desmos Function Carnival, students will be incorporating technology to build their understanding of graphs and how they relate to moving images. This user friendly website is fantastic to building the bridge into the heavy concepts of graphing. Progress on this can be monitored by the teacher log in to ensure students are locked into the site. If students are stuck on the first function the educator will know and can help them out.

Metacognition: How will students reflect question and think about their own thinking? Students will record in a math journal about the activities done each day and what they took away from each. They will be prompted with the learning objectives and how and why they believe they were able to achieve them throughout the lesson. These will be done individually and then they will share with one partner to open their minds up to how others might learn.

Created by Kevin Low, Jen McAllister & Steve Scott.

Concepts: Plan for students to explore concepts in a variety of ways. ● Brainstorm interpretations of data on whiteboards ● Explore concepts through laptops using Desmos ● Individual data correlation into graphs and exploring function patterns ● Collaborate to solve problems on worksheets ● Math Journals to conclude and summarize learning Goals: How will you ensure that students understand what they are learning and why they are learning it? Students will have a graphic organizer detailing the learning objectives for the day. The students will explain in their math journals at the end of the day how they were able to achieve these and why they were successful. As the journals are part of the grade and teachers will be reading them throughout the term, teachers can be warned of missed targets by students.

Collaboration, Cooperation and Dialogue: Build in social aspects. ● Students will work together in the activation stage of the lesson with whiteboards ● Students will interpret data on Desmos and help each other as they get stuck and then translate this into the next phase with solving questions together on the worksheets ● Math journals will be shared with a partner at the end of the lesson to explore how each student summarized their learning as each does so uniquely

Materials: Can the lesson include a hands-on element? White boards, laptops, and worksheets

Synthesis: Provide opportunity for reflection, closure, sharing and discourse around where learners will be going next. The students will have ideas of where the learning goes next as the learning objectives in the graphic organizer show this information. The students will write about how they think they achieved each day’s learning objectives in their journals in order to reflect deeply. Furthermore students will have a period of time to discuss their learnings with another student in the time allotted and to jot down information from their partner if it was valuable.

Lesson Outline: Be as detailed or open-ended/flexible as you like. Opening: Graphic Organizers ● Students start the day by reviewing the learning objectives as they will have to use these in the synthesis phase of the lesson

Created by Kevin Low, Jen McAllister & Steve Scott.

Activation: Build on prior knowledge ● Teacher introduces different graphs and asks students in their pairs or groups to interpret the images. (ex. One graph might show a person speeding up over time) ● In groups students will be asked to share their ideas to the class to build the concept of graphs togethers Student Activities/Explorations: Presenting concept in a variety of ways ● After activation, students are ready to explore using the DESMOS function carnival on laptops. The teacher will demonstrate this first and will have the class login to the code so the teacher is able to monitor progress. ● Students are encouraged to collaborate to solve each problem in a game style approach to seeing the relations between graphs and motion. ● After Desmos, the teacher will introduce various graphs and their data to have students individually begin to identify patterns from relationships ● Students will then work together to try and match functions to their respective graphs in a problem worksheet Close: Synthesis ● To finish off the lesson students will write in their kept math journals and bring out their graphic organizers with the learning objectives. Students will describe how they believe they achieved the objectives through which means to encourage reflection. ● Finally students will share with each other about their thinking in regards to the days learning and jot down any unique ideas from their partners to keep in the journal.

Assessment Notes: ● Formative assessment will occur throughout as the teacher monitors the computer activities from a master account and can speak to each student at given times. As the experience is collaborative and ideas are shared throughout the teacher can give feedback instantly. ● Further formative feedback is given through the journals each day or week as it is read through.

Created by Kevin Low, Jen McAllister & Steve Scott.

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