Lesson Plan 7 2 Lesson 3

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 6
Trainee Teacher James Steel Lesson Time 0905 (P1) Pupils with SEN None

School CPHS Room ICT2

Date 22/11/2007 Number of Pupils Topic Using a search engine to find what you are looking for Resources/Equipment Website: www.bbc.co.uk Website: google MS Word

Subject ICT

Prior Knowledge • Pupils have completed two lessons on quality of information and framing questions for use in a questionnaire. • Completed unit 7.1 included using google to search for images on the internet Desired learning outcomes related to the National Curriculum Programme of Study; Attainment Targets; National Strategy Key Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Study/Social/Personal Skills Learning Objective How this will be assessed • Know how to find and present factual information using an internet search engine Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson: • Document: How to search for a particular • Most should be able to find precise weather forecast and evidence of pieces of information using search forecast itself engines and the specific websites and display it in an appropriate • Document: Weather forecast for Captain manner. Jack in Port Stanley • Some (less able) should be able to use a search engine to find general information on a particular topic. • Others (more able) should be able to use logical operators in an advanced search. Differentiation Strategies Who? Type of Differentiation? (outcome, resource, task, response) More response able

Less able




Encouragement and suggestion of more challenging information shown on work

To promote more thought on quality of information and presentation To show the weather forecast results allowing them to get on with the publication required.

Provide direct link to the Port Stanley weather forecast http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?world=0304

I currently do not know this group well enough to target specific pupils due to re-setting after half-term (I have only seen them twice before). I will continue observation and note taking throughout the lesson to give me a better idea as the term progresses. See contemporaneous notes on orange paper. I am still using the Year 7 class to work out what is acceptable in the confines of ICT2 rather than what is ‘usually done’. From my point of view, I would like to know how the class will react when asked to participate in the lesson from different places around the room. I have already tried everyone out at the front (transitions are long) and half at front then the rest at the PC (OK, but can I do better? (lessons at Ripley St. Thomas are all at PC))


Teacher Activities (identify opportunities for assessment

Pupil Activities

5 min

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• • 2 mins 5 mins

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2 mins

5 mins

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10 mins

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20 mins

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Should not need to use

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Ask pupils to create a list of sources of information. Some likely ones are: Book, magazine, internet, CD, television, electronic display, street sign, traffic lights, clock, calendar, thermometer. Ask pupils to put name on document and save it. Use white board if appropriate. Register Teacher led discussion: using the Internet to search for information Explain terms search engine and keywords. Note on board examples of each Explain a search engine is a large database –show number of times a keyword is found for ‘pirates of the carribean’ Show Google advanced search Suggest finding information in a well structured site: www.bbc.co.uk Show pupils how to navigate through the site to find what you are looking for Pupil activity Pupils to use www.bbc.co.uk/weather to find out the weather here Look at search criteria o Dent Street o Colne o Area o Postcode Pupil activity Teacher to provide link to Port Stanley weather forecast for less able. Extension task Use search criteria to find resources for a warning

• •

Enter classroom Log on and open MS Word Create a list of different methods of finding information Save document

Pupils to explain how they use the internet to search

Pupils to use word document to explain how they found out the weather forecast for the school’s location Include a summary of the weather

Pupils to create a weather forecast sheet to give to Captain Jack showing him what conditions he is likely to see in Port Stanley Pupils are to create a warning sign for the people of Port Stanley

Reference to NC, PoS, ATs, LoA

sign 8 mins

• • 2 mins

telling them to look out for pirates.

Instruct pupils to upload work to the K:\ICT\WORK\Year 7\7a~It1 folder Create a folder with their own name as the title This will take time as it will be the first time many of them have done this • •

Log off Tidy work area

LESSON EVALUATION To what extent were the learning outcomes achieved? How do you know? This is the first time I have used the differentiation section on front of lesson plan. Much more thought is having to go into design of lesson. As I don’t know the group very well, and my initial thoughts after the first lesson were that they were quite talkative, I need to work them out as a group and observe their behaviour, interaction and ‘work’. Tony asked me for my own personal view of the lesson in which I said that I had adapted the lesson as I had worked through the plan due to the feeling that the main task was not substantial enough for this particular set. I also said that I was happy with the behaviour and with the objective being met. He had some useful feedback on elements which I had not really considered. He said that I needed to work harder on making eye contact with the entire group, especially when I was asking for their attention and for them to stop what they were doing. This is a challenge for me in the room and I will have to spend some time working out of there is a better place to stand. This brings into question the whole room layout and how it is currently used. He also stated that there were opportunities for peer assessment which could be brought in. I think I have avoided this due to my fear of the behaviour problems in the upper school (and yr 9) lessons. I can try this with the yr7 class to see how it goes and get a bit more comfortable with it. He asked about the second task in the lesson in which the pupils were designing a warning sign using information they had searched for on the internet. I explained that I had added it in so that I had a piece of work aimed at a different target audience. He suggested that the time would have been better used (8 mins) if I had showed the results of the first task (the weather forecast) to the rest of the class. In hindsight, this would have worked really well and rounded the module off very well. One of my fears here is the flaky nature of the vision software (the network was awful today as well, with very slow response and frequent crashes on many PCs). If I can address these issues, then I will definitely have a go at this. One of my strategies today was in the Q&A session where I told the pupils that I would ask those who didn’t put their hand up. This did work to a certain extent, but had the disadvantage that I did waste a bit of time on pupils who did not know the answer. I was aiming to get everybody engaged in the conversation. I need to consider different methods of questioning and look to use the individual whiteboards. Consider aspects such as resources, activities, pace, timing, assessment: a) Why were particular features of the lesson the most successful? The class are reasonably eager, although there are a couple of issues with chatting that I need to look at. My pace and energy passed to the pupils and they responded well to a lesson packed with challenges. The comments by Andrew Spencer in lecture (21/11/07) about offering up a challenge at the beginning of the lesson really paid off. b) Why were particular features of the lesson the least successful? Timing. Could have done with shortening the main by 1 minute to give me time to offer the group praise. Targets for the teacher: Achieved: Strong overall lesson with differentiation (pleased with that) New:. Use individual whiteboards for questioning. Try peer assessment. Consider showcasing work on the main screen

LESSON EVALUATION The central question to all teaching must be: "How much learning has taken place?" In your self-evaluation of each lesson provide the answer to the above question by referring to the following aspects as relevant: 1. How many of the learning outcomes stated for this lesson have been achieved by all, most or only a few pupils? 2. How do you know that the objectives were achieved? (a) through regular monitoring of pupils' activities and involvement during the lesson: - moving around the classroom checking pupils' written and oral work (role plays) - question-answer (pupil-teacher interaction) (b) through assessment (formal, informal, continuous, summative), including peer assessment as and when appropriate: - end of unit tests, exams - homework - games, interactive communicative activities - project work (display, presentation, survey) - key skills (ICT, numeracy, literacy) (c) through pupils' feedback 3. In what areas was learning supposed to take place? (a) NC attainment targets (b)National Strategy Key skills For ICT explain your rationale for using or not using a particular medium and evaluate your course of action 4. In what way and to what extent did the following aspects of your planning and teaching facilitate or hinder learning taking place? (a) Time management and content of lesson (Did you do everything you intended to do? Too much? Too little?) (b) Appropriateness of material in terms of quality and level of difficulty. - Were the activities and resources stimulating and motivating? - Were the strategies used effective in engaging the pupils' interest and maintaining discipline? (c) Class management and discipline (d) Progression (too fast, took things for granted) (e) Differentiation (by task, by support, by expectation/outcome, by resources) Planning The Reflective Cycle

Target setting

Teaching Evaluation

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