Lesson Plan 7 2 Lesson 1

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 5
Trainee Teacher James Steel Lesson Time P1 Pupils with SEN

School CPHS Room ICT2

Date 1/11/2007 Number of Pupils 18 Differentiation

Subject ICT Prior Knowledge This is a newly set group. All have completed unit 7.1

Topic Information Resources/Equipment • Worksheets for o The Characters (to go with online presentation) o Purposes of Information (Extension Activity) Desired learning outcomes related to the National Curriculum Programme of Study; Attainment Targets; National Strategy Key Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Study/Social/Personal Skills Learning outcome How this will be assessed Pupils/students should be able to … • All: Create a Word document listing different types of information they have received today • Most: Answer questions using an online resource • Some: be able to match descriptions of tasks to the purpose of the information required • Some: Identify the importance of accurate and relevant information Learning Objective • Be able to work out why it is important that information is accurate and relevant • Be able to identify different ways in which we communicate information

Work submitted at end of lesson and marked by teacher

Question and answer session in plenary



Time 5 mins

Teacher Activities (identify opportunities for assessment • •

2 mins 10 mins

• • •

Welcome/settle and register Slide on projector showing instructions for start of lesson

Take register Tell pupils they deal with information throughout the day Ask pupils what sorts of information did they come across from when they got out of bed until they got to school

• •

o o o o o o

Pupil Activities

Remove coats/bags Log on to own PC

Pupils to create a word document listing all the types of information they came across after getting up

What the time was What the weather was like What they were having for breakfast What the news on TV/Newspaper was How much traffic there was on the road Were their friends on the bus/at school

Types of information they come across in the classroom Books Internet Notices on boards Warnings – e.g. fire exit, fire extinguisher o Verbal information from teachers Signals such as bells at the start/end of lesson o o o o

28 mins

• •

Highlight the fact that some of the information may not be written (images, sounds, smells) Tell pupils that the unit we will be covering is based on Pirates of the Carriben(sp) Distribute worksheet to each pupil Worksheets to be put into pupils’ files Long extension task (do

Pupils to use the online resource (load using Vision) to answer the questions on the sheet. Pupils can work in pairs to discuss answers to questions Extension task:

Reference to NC, PoS, ATs, LoA

not know abilities of new set) 5 mins

10 mins

• • • • •

Instruct pupils to save and log off Chairs to front of room Plenary Thinking back to beginning of lesson Why is it important for information to be accurate? Why is it important for information to be relevant?

Matching tasks to the purpose of information. •

Pupils to answer questions

LESSON EVALUATION To what extent were the learning outcomes achieved? How do you know? The learning outcomes were achieved by most of the pupils in the lesson. This was evident through the work that was produced and printed for their files and the questioning at the end of the lesson. The questions on the sheet that required the online presentation were answered by all and every pupil then moved onto the extension task. Consider aspects such as resources, activities, pace, timing, assessment: a) Why were particular features of the lesson the most successful? The lesson seemed to be enjoyed by all the pupils who were obviously engaged – even to the extent that they were not distracted by visitors to the classroom. The work was interesting at the topic was something that find fun. The notes section at the beginning of the lesson was still using ICT, so all the pupils were hands-on very quickly. b) Why were particular features of the lesson the least successful? There was not quite enough work, as every pupil managed to get onto the extension task. Now I know how much work the group can do (this was the first lesson I had with this top set) I can plan to include slightly more in the lesson. Targets for the teacher: Achieved: Kept the lesson objectives on display for the whole lesson. Showed a difference between the lesson outcomes and the lesson objectives New: Have more work available. Although this lesson went well, I need to be aware when teaching a top set who are interested that they are likely to get through the work much more quickly

LESSON EVALUATION The central question to all teaching must be: "How much learning has taken place?" In your self-evaluation of each lesson provide the answer to the above question by referring to the following aspects as relevant: 1. How many of the learning outcomes stated for this lesson have been achieved by all, most or only a few pupils? 2. How do you know that the objectives were achieved? (a) through regular monitoring of pupils' activities and involvement during the lesson: - moving around the classroom checking pupils' written and oral work (role plays) - question-answer (pupil-teacher interaction) (b) through assessment (formal, informal, continuous, summative), including peer assessment as and when appropriate: - end of unit tests, exams - homework - games, interactive communicative activities - project work (display, presentation, survey) - key skills (ICT, numeracy, literacy) (c) through pupils' feedback 3. In what areas was learning supposed to take place? (a) NC attainment targets (b)National Strategy Key skills For ICT explain your rationale for using or not using a particular medium and evaluate your course of action 4. In what way and to what extent did the following aspects of your planning and teaching facilitate or hinder learning taking place? (a) Time management and content of lesson (Did you do everything you intended to do? Too much? Too little?) (b) Appropriateness of material in terms of quality and level of difficulty. - Were the activities and resources stimulating and motivating? - Were the strategies used effective in engaging the pupils' interest and maintaining discipline? (c) Class management and discipline (d) Progression (too fast, took things for granted) (e) Differentiation (by task, by support, by expectation/outcome, by resources) Planning The Reflective Cycle

Target setting

Teaching Evaluation

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