7 Step Lesson Plan

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 773
  • Pages: 3
Teacher: Mr. Morrar Grade: 8th Subject: Physical Education Unit: Volleyball, Day 1 Step 1: Learning Objectives and State Standards: Students will perform an underhand volleyball serve using the proper stance and technique. State Standard: 1.4 (page 31); apply locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills to team physical activities. Step 2 Materials and Resources: Students will need a volleyball, and a volleyball court (use of a gym that is set up) Step 3: Anticipatory Set 1. Introduction to volleyball, and its history (114 years old-calculate year started1895, and started in the USA, and now an Olympic sport) 2. Re-state objective: performing an underhand volleyball serve into the opposite court (which is the very first serve in a volleyball game). 3. I will then ask probing or thought provoking questions about their volleyball knowledge and have them share a story if they can. (Note: throw ball to each student answering the question, when they have the ball, they can speak) 4. Conduct a KWL chart (focus only on the K and W). 5. Talk to them about transferring of prior skills, knowledge and apply it to the game of volleyball. For example: if they played basketball, bowling, or thrown underhand, they know about speed, and a bit about technique, which is needed for volleyball. (Also mention, opposites, as in opposite arm/leg, while walking) 6. Finally, I will perform an underhand volleyball serve, and then have a student demonstrate it as well. The following are vocabulary words associated with today’s lesson.

UNDERHAND SERVE – a serve in which the ball is struck with the closed fist- heel of the hand in an "underhand pitching" motion. ROTATION - The clockwise movement of players around the court and through the serving position following a side out. CENTER LINE - The boundary that runs directly under the net and divides the court into two equal halves.

Step 4: Input 1. Youtube clip or short movie will be shown that demonstrates proper volleyball skills and good performance. Explain to students what they need to do in order to execute a proper volleyball skill. Students will be able to comfortably serve an underhand serve at the end of the period with their peers, in groups of twelve (6 on each court, for a total of 12) 2. I will talk about my expectations for the period, and model an underhand volleyball serve with proper technique. I will also demonstrate in front of class with a student to show how a successful serve should be done. I will ask students to repeat what my expectations are for the period by having them demonstrate with each other an underhand serve, which also checks for understanding. One group of students should be practicing the underhand serve with the other group of students by serving over the net when instructed to do so (next step). 3. I will also tap into students’ cultural knowledge about volleyball if any, which creates a richer learning environment. Step 5: Guided practice or coaching 1. In this part I will put students in small groups of twelve, with a ball in a court (six on each court for a total of 12 students) and who have mixed language/physical abilities, and have them perform an underhand serve as demonstrated by me and a student, with each other over the net, so they can better understand it. 2. I will walk around to check, and demonstrate if needed, how to perform the underhand serve again, and ask students if they understand the objective and how they feel about it. Step 6: Independent practice or assignment: 1. Students should continue to perform underhand serves with each other, and change groups, so they can get a better feel for working with other diverse students, as I walk around and support them as needed. 2. Students can make it a point to add, hitting the ball over the net with their underhand serves. Step 7: Assessment/Checking for understanding/Closure: 1. I will go over strengths, weaknesses, observations that I made, and briefly redemonstrate the objective, ask if anyone has any questions. I will measure performance via teacher observation/peer observation. I will go to each group and give an assessment, or have students evaluate themselves or have their partners evaluate them.

ELD standards (for CLAD class ED 102) 1. Ask and answer questions by using phrases or simple sentences (comprehensionbeginning) 2. Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar topics by asking and answering questions and soliciting information (comprehensionintermediate) 3. Negotiate and initiate social conversations by questioning, restating, and soliciting information, and paraphrasing the communication of others (comprehensionadvanced) From CDE; strategies and applications pages 2-3

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