Joernalistiek Journalism
Carla van Niekerk 26 Maart / March 2009
Wat is nuus? What is news?
Nuuskriteria criteria ’n
Johannesburgse sakeman is twee maande gelede in sy oprit geskiet terwyl sy vrou en kinders moes toekyk
/ News A
Johannesburg businessman was shot in his driveway two months ago while his wife and children had to watch
Tydigheid Timeliness Lesers
wil weet wat nóú gebeur – nie ’n week terug nie Dieselfde geld vir toekomstige gebeure – hoe nader dit aan die publikasiedatum plaasvind, hoe meer nuuswaarde het dit Nuwe angles of onthullings kan ’n ou storie weer tydig maak
/ Readers
wants to know what happens now The same applies to future events – an event is more newsworthy the closer it happens to the publication date New angles or disclosures can make an old story timely again
Nuuskriteria criteria Die
Hollywood-akteur Matt Damon gaan die rol van Francois Pienaar, Springbokkaptein van die Wêreldbeker-span in 1995, vertolk in The human factor
/ News The
Hollywood actor Matt Damon will play the part of the 1995 World Champion Springbok captain, Francois Pienaar, in The human factor
Prominensie Prominence Gebeure
waaroor berig Events which are word moet prominent covered must be genoeg wees om prominent enough to lesers se belangstelling grip readers’ attention te wek Politicians, actors, Politici, filmsterre, singers or any sangers of enige prominent person prominente persoon ensures news maak stories ook is worthiness nuuswaardig
Nuuskriteria criteria ’n
/ News
Puk-student is vroeg A student of the gisteroggend dood toe Pukcampus died early sy teen ’n aankomende yesterday morning vragmotor gebots het when she crashed into an approaching truck
Proksimiteit Proximity ’n
Gebeurtenis is meer An event is more nuuswaardig wanneer newsworthy when it dit naby aan jou happens close to you gebeur An event which Indien ’n plaaslike happens far away, persoon egter by ’n geographically gebeurtenis betrokke speaking, is also is wat geografies newsworthy if a local gesproke ver van jou af person is involved plaasvind, is dit ook nuuswaardig
Nuuskriteria: criteria: Gevolg Gebeure
of uitsprake wat lesers direk beïnvloed het meer nuuswaarde M.a.w. : Verander dit status quo of kan dit in die toekoms? Raak dit jou sak? Sal dit jou gesondheid of welstand beïnvloed? Hoe groter die impak op lesers, hoe meer nuuswaardig
News Events
or statements are more newsworthy if it influences readers directly I.e. : Does it change the status quo? Will it cost you money? Will it influence your health or wellbeing? The greater the impact on the readers, the more newsworthy it is
Nuuskriteria: criteria: Omvang Die
skaal waarop die gebeure plaasvind beïnvloed die nuuswaarde
News Magnitude The
scale of the events influences the newsworthiness
Nuuskriteria: News criteria: Buitengewoon Eienaardige
of vreemde gebeure is nuuswaardig omdat dit juis nie die normale is nie
or strange events are newsworthy for the reason that they are not normal
Nuuskriteria: News criteria: Menslike belang Mense
hou daarvan om People like reading oor mense te lees – about people – they hulle raak emosioneel get emotionally betrokke by berigte involved in these hieroor stories Human interest stories Human interest stories ontlok ook humor, also elicit humor, simpatie, woede, ens. sympathy, rage, etc. Uiteindelik wil jy hê Ultimately, you want publiek moet stories people to read the lees articles
Iets is dus nuus wanneer dit: Pas gebeur het Prominent is of prominente persone betrokke is Naby aan jou gebeur het Belangrike gevolge inhou Omvangryk is Buitengewoon is ’n Menslike dimensie
Something is news when it: Just happened Is prominent or involve prominent people Happened close to you Has important consequences Is of a big magnitude Is odd or unusual Has a human interest aspect
Nuusseleksie / News selection Nuus
nie altyd nuuswaardig Nuus word uitgekies deur hekwagtersfunksie Ook beïnvloed deur: beskikbare ruimte, beskikbaarheid van nuus, ander publikasies, geldelike kwessies Is nuus dit wat daagliks gepubliseer of uitgesaai word?
not always newsworthy News selected through gatekeeper function Also influenced by: space available news available other publications financial issues Is news that what is published or broadcasted daily?
Identifiseer nuuskriteria Pas gebeur Dit is belangrike gebeure – raak duisende mense Gebeur naby aan lesers Hou gevolge in vir lesers se veiligheid, BRT, ekomoniese implikasies, Wêreldbekersokkertoernooi Omvangryk – 4 000 bestuurders, groot dele in en om stad geraak Buitengewoon – mense
Just happened Important events – affects thousands of people Happened close to home Consequences for readers’ safety, BRT, economic implications, World Cup Magnitude – 4 000 drivers involved, large parts in and around city involved Unusual – people with