STUDY ON CONSUMER ATTITUDE TOWARDS LENOVO LAPTOP WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SHARAVATHI COMPUTERS, SHIVAMOGGA Contents Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction Review of literature Statement of the study Objective of the study Scope of the study Research Methodology Limitation of the study Chapter 2 INDUSTRY PROFILE Chapter 3 COMPANY PROFILE Introduction Values Heritage Innovation: A Core Value Vision History Products Profile Chapter 4 Data and Analysis and Interpretation Chapter 5 Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion
Annexure Questionnaire
Bibliography Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction Review of literature Statement of the study Objective of the study Scope of the study Methodology Limitation of the study
INTRODUCTION Now a day’s Laptops has become more popular in younger generation because adaptation of new technology. Most people using the laptops like students, Business man...Etc. They have to purchase of laptop because the laptops are very necessity for this people in their work. Comparing to PC laptops is convenient and comfortable for everyone. The study is focused on the analysis of Consumer Attitude towards Lenovo laptop taking Sharavathi computers as a case study in Shivamogga. Today, consumer is the king in the market, consumer is the only judge. The reputation of a product is entirely dependent upon his attitude towards the product. So his satisfaction should be ultimate motto of the producers and marketer. Consumer’s interest should be taken into consideration while taking marketing decision. It is through consumer satisfaction only the producers and marketer can improve their sales and profit. Therefore a business firm in order to come out successfully in the market environment into maintains a stable image has to develop new products and new services that meet that meet the dynamic requirement of the consumers. Consumer buying decision is depending upon their Attitude. Some time he/she take rational and emotional decisions. Some of the consumers are have the emotional feelings about the particular products. Consumers are concentrated on Quality, brand, features of the product in their buying decision. When the company wants more customers for business they will follow the best marketing strategy. I have selected this topic for my project report because to know the consumer opinion about Lenovo laptop in Shivamogga. This project report
required the Details about history, achievements and dynamic growth of the Lenovo Company. . The project on consumer attitude towards laptops in as effort to bring out the details regarding the marketing and consumer attitude towards laptops in Shivamogga town. Lenovo Company founded in 1984 by Michael Lenovo. No.1 PC provider in the U.S. and No.2 worldwide. Based in Round Rock, Texas. Employs more than 82,700 people worldwide. Grew during the 1980s and 1990s to become a brand. Direct Business Model is the foundation for Lenovo’s business. Lenovo maintains a consistent focus on offering the best value and customer experience. Lenovo is a trusted technology innovator with a diversified, comprehensive IT portfolio. Lenovo is a global company committed to its customers and employees. Consumer because these are many option to get computer to carry on their commercial or business transaction lets they may be personal computers, laptops, LCD etc., Each of this leads the consumers to a state of large confusion even they are really good updating technology computer magazines, catalogues etc., which provide them with technical tests and compression test which tell the consumers about computers or laptops, but do the list in informing the laptop reliability, service support and availability of part etc The project report offers detailed regarding the “Customer Attitude towards Lenovo laptops in Shivamogga City” A Case Study of Sharavathi computer in Shivamogga” Consumers are who have to take interest for themselves to buy a needful product for their commercial or personal actives. In this product
operational definition of concept is foundation of the subject for especially subject matter of laptop computer is essential for every field and every business. Nearly consumer will have intention to buy the so many computers but it is possible to take the computers from one place to another. Therefore they intend to get extraordinary computers i.e., laptop’s, which can be taken to any place. If this type of project will do could be understanding consumer attitude. Their attitudes will changes from man to man and time to time, the people have different attitudes. So how the people will behave while purchasing the laptop? What are the factors to make buying laptop? How the frequently the consumers go for purchasing? There are some of the questions covered under the consumer questionnaires survey. In order to gather, record, analyze and interpret the data systematically as got the psychology process of consumer attitude are not directly observable. But must be inferable from what people say are from their Attitude. So in order to know their attitudes towards laptop presently study is great ability affected.
It is a little hard to determine what was the first portable or laptop computer, the first portable computers did not look like the book-sized and folding laptops that we are familiar with today, however, they were both portable and lapable, and lead to the development of notebook style laptops. I have outlined several potential firsts below and how each qualifies, many of the off-site links provide good photos of the computers that will let you see the progression in design.
The First Laptop Designed in 1979 by a Briton, William Moggridge, for Grid Systems Corporation, the Grid Compass was one fifth the weight of any model equivalent in performance and was used by NASA on the space shuttle program in the early 1980's. A 340K byte bubble memory lap-top
electroluminescent graphics display screen. Review of literature Consumers develop their purchasing Attitude with an intention which is motivated by various factors, when it comes to non-durable goods the consumer usually purchases based on the loyalty towards the product, whereas, when compared to the durable goods, it becomes a process which involves various process like attitude, subjective norms and perceived Attitude controls. This article starts with the conceptual background of the purchasing Attitude of the consumers.
Lie and Zhao (2008) in their study of the first year of implementation of a one-to-one laptop program in a mid-western school, found significant improvement in technology scores but only marginal improvements in the overall grade point average. Holcomb (2009) suggests that “it is therefore critical for schools to understand that simply providing each student with a laptop is not enough.
Miller (2008) found that the laptops did not necessarily bring about change where practices were entrenched in the teachers’ belief systems.
Ray, S.(2009) The study highlights the adoptability of Wi-Fi connectivity as a necessity in Hospitality, Airlines, Schools, Colleges and various other places. It also notifies that laptop market is boosting due to price reduction and ultra-slicks laptops.
Punyatoya ,P. This article presents a brief literature review of the concept of brand personality and its relationship to consumer brand preference and purchase intention Rung chat Chompu-inwai1 and Toni L. Doolen This research focused on studying the impact of using laptops in a required undergraduate-level engineering course at Oregon State University (OSU) in Winter 2004 and Winter 2005. The individual usage of laptops with wireless capability both inside and outside classrooms in Winter 2005 was found to positively impact student learning outcomes and assist in the achievement of class learning objectives. No significant differences in attitudes were found in either year. Student attitudes towards laptops and the usage of laptops were unchanged by the introduction of laptops in both years. Mellon, C. Present a study on laptop usage rate inside and outside the classroom and the respective effect of laptop usage in improving student’s performance level and improving work quality.
Moses, P. et al (2008)The study focus on empowering the teachers with the latest technology through training and concluded that laptop usage in the study as an instructional tool is an effective media to enhance students learning.
Kay, R. H. and Lauricella, S. highlights the impact of unstructured vs. structured use of laptops for 177 university students and revealed that structured use of laptops resulted in significantly more time spent on note taking and academic activities and significantly less time spent on sending personal emails, instant messages and playing games during class.
Statement of the problem The study in general related to marketing practices of Lenovo Company in marketing its laptops. However to analyze the customer attitude towards Lenovo laptops a case study has been undertaken on Om computer, Shivamogga. The opinion of customers of Om computers have been collected and analyzed to evaluate marketing practices in relation to Lenovo laptops. The study therefore present profile of Lenovo Company and Om computers, Shivamogga. Therefore the research problem has been sated as “A study on consumer attitude towards Lenovo laptop with special reference of Om computer, Shivamogga. Objectives of the study To analyze the consumer attitude and expectations towards Lenovo laptop. To examine the factors influencing while purchasing the laptop.. To analyze the marketing strategy adopted by the dealer. To evaluate the competitive advantage of the Lenovo laptop in the context of overall industrial share 8
To analyze the future growth prospective of Lenovo laptop in Shimoga Scope of the study The scope of this study is restricted to the study of consumer attitude, Attitude like response towards the laptop of Lenovo Company. The area of the study has been restricted to Shivamogga City only. The survey has been conducted on the people of Shivamogga.
Research Methodology: RESEARCH DESIGN: Following Methodological steps are followed for conducting the research: 1) LITERATURE / INTERNET SURVEY: This study started with the literature survey via various journals, magazines that helped to comprehend the various facts of the Laptop Industry. Also, internet survey was conducted to understand the latest occurrences in the industry. 2) DESIGN OF QUESTIONNAIRE: The questionnaire for the present study was designed based on the objectives of the study. The questionnaire consisted of mainly closed-questions and only two open-ended questions. The entire questionnaire was standardized and formalized. Questionnaire for present study has been divided into three parts a) EXPLANATORY INFORMATION: It was provided by researcher to respondents to explain the purpose of the study. b) STUDENT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION: This part consisted questions with the sole purpose of gathering personal details of the students regarding their names, educational stream, gender and residential status. c) BASIC INFORMATION: The second section consisted of ten questions 9
,first question pertaining to 'top of the mind awareness/ recall of laptop brand', 'brand of laptop presently being used', ' brand of laptop they intend to purchase if they are not using one at present”, second question is related to the laptop usage in their study were measured on 5 point Likert Scale where 1 represented strongly disagree and 5 denoted strongly agree, third and fourth questions were asked to know about the students preference level towards laptop size and price range. Fifth question was asked to evaluate the purchase criteria. In the sixth question, eleven statements on different parameters of the brand were asked which consumer considers while deciding the brand of the laptop. Impacts of various factors were considered on a rating scale where 1 represented always and 5 denoted never.
3) DESIGN OF SAMPLE SURVEY: In this study, the target sample size was 100 respondents, in the age group of 19 years and more, and was students of different management and engineering colleges from Shimoga city. Random sampling method was adopted in this study where students were approached directly and requested to fill the questionnaire.
4) DATA COLLECTION METHOD: Primary data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire to conduct the study and arrive at conclusions based on the findings.
5) DATA TABULATION/VALIDATION: After the data collection the data was tabulated in a SPSS worksheet and then edited, coded and verified for validity. During the survey, 100 respondents were interviewed from the
target group, as mentioned earlier. Out of them, around 30 records were discarded due to inconsistencies and incompleteness.
6) DETERMINATION OF THE DATA ANALYSIS METHODS: In this study simple statistical technique has been used. Percentage of respondents has been calculated in respect of most of the data collected. The following steps are taken in the present study in order to analyze the data correctlyi)Editing, ii) Tabulating, and iii)Graphic Representation Further, Chi-square test for independence was conducted to unearth possible dependency between variables.
7) INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULT: Finally the results that emerged from the study was analyzed and interpreted and suitable conclusions were drawn from those results. The researcher has taken the basis of both secondary and primary data for undertaking research work. Primary data The primary data has been collected through the personal interview with the respondents. Sample size has been determined to be 50. Although the sample size is concerned to be small consequent to the time and cost constraints, the researcher has taken care to give proper representation to different demographic factory to make the sample representative. The data so collected has been analyzed and interpret using simple statistical tool like table, percentage, diagrams etc. The suggestions have been given on the basis of findings of the survey. Secondary Data The secondary data has been collected from the sources like internet, reports,
literature, text books etc. These information are use to analyze and present history of laptop Lenovo company.
Limitation of the study The research study has confined that certain limitation. Most important of limitations as follows. Project work and study is confined to Shivamogga town only. Lack of co-operation of consumers Only few members were surveyed. Large number of consumers is spread over wide area. Consumers were hesitated to give real information. There are many chances of consumers justifying his purchase whether it is wrong or right. This creates a bias in response. This study has carried out under time constant, due to this we have drawn our interface with whatever little response we get.
Chapter 2 INDUSTRY PROFILE Growth of the Industry Advantages
INDUSTRY PROFILE Growth of the Industry The evaluation of computer has passed through a number of stages before it reached the present it reached the present state of development. The developments of the first calculating device named abacus dates back to 3000 BC from the abacus to the micro computer, the counting system have undergone a tremendous change.
Abacus The Stone Age man pebbles for counting when man becomes more civilized, abacus came into use. Abacus seems to be the earliest calculating machine which was developed by Chinese in 3000 years ago. It consists of a rectangular wooden frame with horizontal rows which carry round beads. Counting is done by shifting the beads from one side to another. Each of two beads on the left hand side of the cross bar has a value of one. The top most line represents the units digit the second line the ten’s digit and so on. Numbers are entered in reverse starting from top to bottom. The growth of computer after the end of the Second World War was rapid, but this development took place in the five district phases known as computer generation. Different generations are classified by computer technology of basic computing elements.
First generation
Second generation
Fifth generation
Fourth generation
Third generation
First generation 1945-1949 The first generation computers were the voluminous computers this computer used electronic values like which are used in radius and in hybrid televisions. Here
resistors capacitors were used. ENIAC was the television here resistor and capacitors are 70000 and 10000 and it was consuming very heavy power first type of languages that ever used for computer consisted of 0’s and 1’s has mentioned earlier this was called as machine level language.
Second generation 1950-1956 The computer uses soon realized that the get more out of the machine, it was very necessary to make the communication with the computer use mnemonics. Mnemonics are nothing but easy to remember short cuts to certain complex instructions. This made of writing programmes slightly easier but the bulk of job of job remains same. First and Second languages are called as low level languages.
Third generation 1957-1966 The third computers were introduced in 1964. These had integrated transistors circuit(IC) Having higher speed, large storage capacities and lower price. These computers called mini computers. This computer used IC’s built on wafer this slices of extremely purified silicon crystals called chip. These are small size, low cost, large memory ultra fast computer. These are mainly used for education and conducting different affairs of local Government and small business.
Fourth generation 1967-1975 IC’s which have an entire computer circuitry on a single chip are called micro processor. The computers using this chip as Micro Processors, Intel Corporation of USA invents this Micro Processor chip 1971 and become more popular as the Fourth Generation Computer. Computers recognized only binary numbers. A number system made up of only two organize, i.e., binary numbers. It means a number system made only two numbers. That is 0’s and 1’s is called as “binary digits” in short ”bit”. Fifth generation 1980 The fifth generation is the story of super breed of computer. They are invented by the Japanese. These computers were containing bits of information and will be able
to think and make decision, and in certain instance better than human being. Artificial Intelligence is the emerging from the imagination to take its place in the real work. This generation in all set to bring the momentary qualitative changes in human life styles.
Ergonomics and health effects Wrists
Laptop cooler (silver) under laptop (white), preventing heating of lap and improving laptop airflow Because of their small and flat keyboard and trackpad pointing devices, prolonged use of laptops can cause repetitive strain injury. Usage of separate, external ergonomic keyboards and pointing devices is recommended to prevent injury when working for long periods of time; they can be connected to a laptop easily by USB or via a docking station. Some health standards require ergonomic keyboards at workplaces.
Neck, spinal The integrated screen often requires users to lean over for a better view, which can cause neck and/or spinal injuries. A larger and higher-quality external screen can be connected to almost any laptop to alleviate that and to provide additional
screen space for more productive work. Another solution is to use a computer stand. For anyone not buying a new screen, a simple method to reduce risk of spinal injury is to position the laptop's screen in a manner that an obtuse angle (more than 90 degrees open) is formed. It is then possible for the neck to remain straight during use of the device.
Possible effect on fertility A study by State University of New York researchers found that heat generated from laptops can increase the temperature of the lap of male users when balancing the computer on their lap, potentially putting sperm count at risk. The study, which included roughly two dozen men between the ages of 21 and 35, found that the sitting position required to balance a laptop can increase scrotum temperature by as much as 2.1 °C (3.78 °F). However, further research is needed to determine whether this directly affects malesterility. A 2010 study of 29 males published in Fertility and Sterility found that men who kept their laptops on their laps experienced scrotal hyperthermia (overheating) in which their scrotal temperatures increased by up to 2 °C. The resulting heat increase, which could not be offset by a laptop cushion, may increase male infertility. A common practical solution to this problem is to place the laptop on a table or desk, or to use a book or pillow between the body and the laptop Another solution is to obtain a cooling unit for the laptop. These are usually USB powered and consist of a hard thin plastic case housing one, two or three cooling fans – with the entire assembly designed to sit under the laptop in question – which results in the laptop remaining cool to the touch, and greatly reduces laptop heat buildup. Thighs
Heat generated from using a laptop on the lap can also cause skin discoloration on the thighs known as "toasted skin syndrome."
A clogged heat sink on a laptop after 2.5 years of use Equipment wears Because of their portability, laptops are subject to more wear and physical damage than desktops. Components such as screen hinges, latches, power jacks and power cords deteriorate gradually from ordinary use. A liquid spill onto the keyboard, a rather minor mishap with a desktop system, can damage the internals of a laptop and result in a costly repair. One study found that a laptop is three times more likely to break during the first year of use than a desktop. In order to help maintain a laptop, it is recommended to clean a laptop every three months for dirt, debris, dust, and food particles. Most cleaning kits consist of a lint-free or Microfiber cloth for the LCD screen and keyboard, compressed air for getting dust out of the fan, and cleaning solution. It is also important to never use harsh chemicals such as bleach as they can cause damage to your laptop. Parts replacement Original external components are expensive, and usually proprietary and noninterchangeable; other parts are inexpensive—a power jack can cost a few dollars—but their replacement may require extensive disassembly and
reassembly of the laptop by a technician. Other inexpensive but fragile parts often cannot be purchased separate from larger more expensive components. The repair costs of a failed motherboard or LCD panel often exceed the value of a used laptop. Heating and cooling Laptops rely on extremely compact cooling systems involving a fan and heat sink that can fail from blockage caused by accumulated airborne dust and debris. Most laptops do not have any type of removable dust collection filter over the air intake for these cooling systems, resulting in a system that gradually causes it to conduct more heat and noise as the years pass. In some cases the laptop starts to overheat even at idle load levels. This dust is usually stuck inside, where the fan and heat sink meet, where casual cleaning and vacuuming cannot remove it. Compressed air can dislodge the dust and debris but may not always remove it; after the device is turned on, the loose debris builds back up the cooling system by the fans. A complete dis-assembly is usually required to clean the laptop. Many laptops are difficult to disassemble by the normal user and contain components that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Battery life Battery life is limited because the capacity drops with time, eventually requiring replacement after as little as a year. A new battery typically stores enough energy to run the laptop for three to five hours, depending on usage, configuration, and 19
power management settings. Yet, as it ages, the battery's energy storage will dissipate progressively until it lasts only a few minutes. The battery is often easily replaceable and a higher capacity model may be obtained for longer life. Some laptops (specifically ultrabooks) do not have the usual removable battery and have to be brought to the service center of its manufacturer to have its battery replaced. Replacement batteries can also be expensive.
Advantages Portability is usually the first feature mentioned in any comparison of laptops versus desktop PCs. Physical portability allows that a laptop can be used in many places— not only at home and at the office, but also during commuting and flights, in coffee shops, in lecture halls and libraries, at clients' location or at a meeting room, etc. The portability feature offers several distinct advantages:
Productivity: Using a laptop in places where a desktop PC can not be used, and at times that would otherwise be wasted. For example, an office worker managing their e-mails during an hour-long commute by train, or a student doing his/her homework at the university coffee shop during a break between lectures.
Immediacy: Carrying a laptop means having instant access to various information, personal and work files. Immediacy allows better collaboration between coworkers or students, as a laptop can be flipped open to present a problem or a solution anytime, anywhere.
Up-to-date information: If a person has more than one desktop PC, a problem of synchronization arises: changes made on one computer are
not automatically propagated to the others. There are ways to resolve this problem, including physical transfer of updated files (using a USB flash memory stick or CDRs) or using synchronization software over the Internet. However, using a single laptop at both locations avoids the problem entirely, as the files exist in a single location and are always up-to-date.
Connectivity: A proliferation of Wi-Fi wireless networks and cellular broadband data services (HSDPA, EVDO and others) combined with a near-ubiquitous support by laptops means that a laptop can have easy Internet and local network connectivity while remaining mobile. Wi-Fi networks and laptop programs are especially widespread at university campuses.
Other advantages of laptops:
Size: Laptops are smaller than desktop PCs. This is beneficial when space is at a premium, for example in small apartments and student dorms. When not in use, a laptop can be closed and put away.
Low power consumption: Laptops are several times more powerefficient than desktops. A typical laptop uses 20–120 W, compared to 100–800 W for desktops. This could be particularly beneficial for businesses (which run hundreds of personal computers, multiplying the potential savings) and homes where there is a computer running 24/7 (such as a home media server, print server, etc.)
Quiet: Laptops are often quieter than desktops, due both to the components (quieter, slower 2.5-inch hard drives) and to less heat production leading to use of fewer and slower cooling fans.
Battery: a charged laptop can continue to be used in case of a power outage and is not affected by short power interruptions and blackouts. A desktop PC needs a UPS to handle short interruptions, blackouts and spikes; achieving on-battery time of more than 20–30 minutes for a desktop PC requires a large and expensive UPS.
All-in-One: designed to be portable, laptops have everything integrated into the chassis. For desktops (excluding all-in-ones) this is divided into the desktop, keyboard, mouse, display, and optional peripherals such as speakers.
Chapter 3 COMPANY PROFILE Introduction Values Heritage Innovation: A Core Value Mission and Vision History Products Profile
Introduction While the Lenovo brand came into existence only in 2004, the company has a much longer history. In 1984, Legend Holdings was formed with 200,000 RMB (US$25,000) in a guard house in China. The company was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1988 and would grow to be the largest PC company in China. Legend Holdings changed its name to Lenovo in 2004 and, in 2005, acquired the former Personal Computer Division of IBM, the company that invented the PC industry in 1981.
Today, Lenovo is a US$34 billion personal technology company and the world's largest PC vendor. We have more than 33,000 employees in more than 60 countries serving customers in more than 160 countries. A global Fortune 500 company, we have headquarters in Beijing, China and Morrisville, North Carolina, U.S.; major research centers in Yokohama, Japan; Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shenzhen, China; and Morrisville; and we have manufacturing around the world from Greensboro, North Carolina and Monterrey, Mexico to India, China and Brazil.
Lenovo has been the fastest growing major PC company for more than 4 years, but we're much more than a PC company. We create a full range of personal technology, including smartphones, tablets and smart TVs. We're the fourth largest smartphone company in the world, and are expanding
rapidly to new markets. And we're already #3 in the world in what IDC calls "Smart Connected Devices," which combines PCs, smartphones and tablets.
It's all part of what we call the "PC+" world, where people use PCs as well as a range of smart devices that are, at their heart, PCs. In this PC+ era, a singular focus on outpacing the competition in terms of market share, profit, ranking, etc. is not enough. To be a truly innovative company, we will create new categories of products that enhance the customer experience and differentiate us from the competition. Finding the right balance between these two forces is what we strive to do on a daily basis.
Lenovo's end-to-end business model for vertical integration leverages owned manufacturing capabilities for greater control over both product development and supply chain operations. This model is unique among major PC makers and is a significant source of competitive advantage, helping us to bring more innovation to market, more efficiently, and aggressively attack the PC+ opportunity.
And as Lenovo expands globally, we are establishing even deeper roots in each major market, investing not only in sales and distribution, but also in local domestic manufacturing, R&D and other high-value functions. This global reach with local excellence is enabling us to build a new kind of company - a "global-local" company - and positions us to more deeply implement our protect and attack strategy and build the foundation for long-term success.
Lenovo has consistently outgrown the worldwide PC market in unit shipments and gained market share across all geographies, products and customer segments, making it the fastest growing major PC company in the world for three years running.
We are the number one PC company in China, Japan, Russia and Germany.
We are the number one PC company in the world for large business and the public sector.
We have been the fastest growing major PC brand for the past 3 years.
We make the best known PC notebook in the world. It's a ThinkPad—and in 20 years, more than 90 million of them have been sold.
In two years, we built a smartphone business from scratch and reached #4 in the world. We are now rapidly expanding to new markets.
We have launched a family of convertible PCs that combine the best features of both notebook PCs and tablets, leading a new category of personal technology.
Lenovo's business is built on product innovation, a highly efficient global supply chain and strong strategic execution. The company develops, manufactures and markets reliable, high-quality, secure and easy-to-use technology products and services for customers who want technology that does more— because people have a lot more to do. Our product lines include legendary Think-branded PCs and Idea-branded PCs, as well as
servers, workstations and a family of mobile internet devices, including tablets and smart phones.
Values At Lenovo we view our culture as a critical asset as important as an effective business model. We call our culture the Lenovo Way, and at its most basic, that culture is reflected in the statement: We do what we say and own what we do. Our values serve as the foundation of our company and define who we are and how we work. Principal among them are:
Serving Customers
Trust and Integrity
Teamwork Across Cultures
Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit
Heritage Lenovo came about as the result of the merger of two of the most storied companies in technology and business: Legend Holdings in China and IBM's Personal Computing Division in the United States. The merger was heralded as a watershed event in global business with the potential for integrating two disparate cultures, languages, processes and markets.
As a result, Lenovo embodies unique market possibilities in combining the best of East and West— joining North American and China-based technology players in the creation of a unified global personal technology leader with growing market positions in developed and emerging markets
alike. Lenovo has developed a core competence in managing acquisitions that it has applied to subsequent mergers and joint ventures. In 2011, Lenovo formed a joint venture with NEC, creating the number 1 PC company in Japan. Later that year, Lenovo acquired Medion in Europe, and is now number 1 in Germany. In 2012, Lenovo formed a joint venture with EMC with regard to servers and enterprise solutions and acquired Stoneware, a cloud-focused software company. In 2013, Lenovo acquired CCE, a leading consumer electronics company in Brazil. What all of these actions have in common is that they have effectively supplemented organic growth and produced new synergies that enhance our overall business.
Everyone at Lenovo takes great pride in our ability to attract top talent from diverse backgrounds, representing a broad collection of nationalities and languages. We view our differences and diversity as a source of strength in building a collaborative culture with one unified language and vision: to build the world's most exceptionally engineered personal technology products and services.
Innovation: A Core Value Lenovo owns the greatest track record for innovation in the PC industry and remains committed to innovation in its products and technology. We will continue to leverage the spirit of innovation and history of technological breakthroughs into new product categories and drive future growth. Innovation is how Lenovo achieves competitive differentiation and drives new market opportunities, such as mobile Internet, digital home and
cloud computing. Lenovo products consistently win awards and receive rave reviews. They deliver the high quality, reliability and durability to meet our customers' demand. The ultimate goal of Lenovo's R&D team is to improve the overall customer experience while driving down the cost of ownership. Lenovo operates 46 world-class labs, including research centers in Yokohama, Japan; Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shenzhen, China; and Morrisville, North Carolina, U.S. Lenovo's innovation strategy is based on a two-tiered approach to solving real-world customer problems:
Focus the majority of development on ideas that can be brought to market within 24 months.
Invest longer term in research targeting "game changing" big plays.
The company is rich in talent, employing more than 3,200 engineers, researchers and scientists. Lenovo's R&D teams have introduced many industry firsts supported by a track record of innovation— including more than 6,500 globally recognized patents and more than 100 major design awards. Acquisitions, collaboration with industry associations, and investments in research and development even in down cycles enable us to stay ahead of market trends and deliver a comprehensive portfolio of products. Lenovo's global scale and emphasis on innovation also give us a degree of visibility regarding the health and well-being of the communities and markets we serve. Through this we are better able to innovate and deliver relevant solutions that address a number of key sustainability measures addressed in this report from climate and energy to environmentally-
conscious products, education and employee voluntarism.
Vision At Lenovo, our vision is that Lenovo will create personal devices more people are inspired to own, a culture more people aspire to join and an enduring, trusted business that is well respected around the world. This vision guides us in pursuit of our mission to become one of the world's great personal technology companies. We will accomplish this through:
Personal Computers: Lead in PCs and be respected for our product innovation and quality.
Convergence: Lead the industry with an ecosystem of devices, services, applications and content for people to seamlessly connect to people and web content.
Culture: Become recognized as one of the best, most trusted and most well-respected companies to work for and do business with.
2004 IBM PCD introduces the ThinkCentre ultra small desktop PC, no larger than a box of corn flakes. IBM PCD introduces the first notebook with an integrated fingerprint reader. IBM PCD ships its 100-millionth PC (counting both desktop and notebook computers). Lenovo becomes an Olympic worldwide partner. It is the first Chinese company to become a computer technology equipment partner of the IOC. Lenovo decides to develop the rural market by launching the "Yuanmeng" PC series designed for township home users. Lenovo and IBM announce an agreement by which Lenovo will acquire IBM’s Personal Computing Division, its global PC (desktop and notebook computer) business. The acquisition forms a top-tier (third-largest) global PC leader.
2005 Lenovo completes the acquisition of IBM's Personal Computing Division, making it a new international IT competitor and the third-largest personal computer company in the world. Lenovo announces the closing of a US$350 million strategic investment by three leading private equity firms: Texas Pacific Group, General Atlantic LLC and Newbridge Capital LLC.
Lenovo establishes a new Innovation Center in Research Triangle Park, N.C., to enable customers, business partners, solution providers and independent software vendors to collaborate on new personal computing solutions. Lenovo introduces the industry's thinnest, lightest and most secure Tablet PC, the ThinkPad X41 Tablet. Lenovo introduces the first widescreen ThinkPad with embedded wireless WAN, the ThinkPad Z60, available for the first time with a titanium cover. Lenovo becomes the world's largest provider of biometric-enabled PCs by selling its one-millionth PC with an integrated fingerprint reader. William J. Amelio is appointed as CEO and President of Lenovo.
2006 Lenovo introduces the first dual-core ThinkPad notebook PCs, improving productivity and extending battery life for up to 11 hours. Lenovo technology flawlessly supports the 2006 Olympic Winter Games in Torino, Italy, supplying 5,000 desktop PCs, 350 servers and 1,000 notebook computers. Lenovo also hosts seven Internet i.lounges for use by Olympic athletes and visitors. The first Lenovo-branded products outside of China debut worldwide.
2007 The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games selects a Lenovo-designed Olympic Torch as the winning design from among 300 entries. Named the “Cloud of Promise,” the Lenovo-designed torch will travel the world at the front of the global Olympic Torch Relay. Lenovo delivers a supercomputer for a Formula One racing team that will provide eight teraflops of computing power.
Lenovo introduces first EPEAT Gold Monitor with new visuals portfolio.
2008 Lenovo enters the worldwide consumer PC market with new Idea brand. Lenovo’s
by BusinessWeek magazine. Lenovo becomes the first PC manufacturer to announce a client virtualization platform. Lenovo provides a smooth, error-free performance at the Beijing Olympic Games. The Lenovo solution – which included more than 30,000 pieces of equipment and nearly 600 Lenovo engineers – powered the largest sporting event in history.
2009 Lenovo leads PC industry in using recycled material. Lenovo becomes senior sponsor of Computing Equipment and System Operation Service for the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Lenovo debuts Enhanced Experience for Windows 7, delivering significantly better performance for the new operating system. Lenovo sells its 1 millionth Idea Product.
2010 Lenovo achieves its highest ever worldwide market share and becomes the world’s fastest growing major PC manufacturer. Lenovo introduces LePhone, its first smartphone Lenovo sells its 60 millionth ThinkPad
2011 Lenovo forms Mobile Internet Digital Home (MIDH) business unit
to attack growing opportunity in consumer devices such as smartphones, tablets and smart TV Lenovo forms a joint venture with NEC, creating the largest PC company in Japan. Lenovo acquires Medion, a PC and consumer electronics company based in Germany, substantially increasing presence in consumer market in Western Europe. Forbes names Lenovo one of the world’s “100 Most Reputable Companies”
2012 Lenovo forms a joint venture with EMC to selling servers in China and develop storage solutions Lenovo acquires Stoneware, a software firm focused on cloud computing Lenovo announces it will acquire CCE, a leading consumer electronics company in Brazil Lenovo sells its 75 millionth ThinkPad
5th Gen Intel® Core i5 5200 U Processor, ✔Hard Bundled ✔Carry Case ✔1 Year Onsite Warranty Rs. 59,090/SPECIFICATIONS PROCESSOR
Intel® Core™ i5 5200 U Processor
Windows 8.1
SSHD 500G 7MM 5400RPM(8G)
3 Cell 45WH Up to 6 hours
Integrated Graphics
4 in 1 Card Reader, USB:2 USB 3.0, 1 DC-in with USB 2.0, Speakers: 2x 1.5W, Audio Port:: 1/8” Stereo, Audio Port:: Headphone and Microphone combo jack
LENOVO Z51-70 WINDOWS 10 LAPTOP 80K600VWIN Intel® Core™I5-5200U Processor, 8G(1*8GBDDRIIIL1600) RAM, 1TB 9.5MM 5400RPM, 15.6" FHD TN GL(SLIM), 3D Camera, Windows 10, Weight 2.3 Kg.
Intel® Core i5-5200U
Windows 10
1TB 9.5MM 5400RPM
4 cell 41 WH
9.0MM Super Multi (Tray In)
3D Camera
2 USB 3.0, 1 USB 2.0, VGA, HDMI, 4-in-1 card reader, RJ45, audio combo jack
LENOVO® YOGA 3 14 5TH GENERATION LAPTOP 80JH00A2IN 5th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 5500 U Processor, 8G(1*8GBDDRIIIL1600) RAM, 256G SATA SSD HDD, Screen Size14” FHD IPS MULTI -TOUCH, Windows 8.1 Operating system, weight 1.6 Kg.
Intel® Core™ i7-5500U
8 GB
Windows 8.1
720P HD Camera
2 USB 3.0, 1 DC-in with USB 2.00, HDMI, 4-in-1 card reader, Speakers: 1/8” , Stereo, Audio Port: 2x 1.5W, Audio Port: Headphone and Microphone combo jack
LENOVO G50-80 LAPTOP 80L0006HIN Intel® Core™ i3 4030U, 4G(1*4GBDDRIIIL1600), 1TB 9.5MM 5400RPM, 15.6 HD TN GL(FLAT), ATI EXO PRO R5 M330 DDR3L 2G, DOS, 2.5kg Weight
Intel® Core™ I3-4030U
4GB (1*4GBDDR3L1600)
1TB 9.5MM 5400RPM
Upto 4 hours 4 cell Battery
9.0MM Super Multi (Tray In)
720P HD camera
2 USB 3.0, USB 2.0, HDMI-out, 2-in-1 card reader (SD/MMC), headphone/mic combo, VGA
LENOVO B40-80 INTEL PENTIUM LAPTOP 80F6007VIH • Intel Pentium Dual Core 3825U • 4 GB DDR III Memory (Dual Slot - expandable up to 16 GB) • 500 GB SATA HDD • 14.0" HD LED Backlit DIsplay with HD Camera • Free-DOS • Weight : 2.1 KG • Integrated Intel_3160AC+BT40
Intel Pentium Dual Core 3825U
4 GB DDR III Memory (Dual Slot - expandable up to 16 GB)
Free Dos
4 Cell Battery
14.0" HD LED Backlit Display with HD Camera
DVD Super Multi
HD Camera
1 X USB 2.0 , 2 X USB 3.0 Ports, RJ 45 Port , Card Reader, Integrated Intel_3160AC+BT40, HDMI Port, VGA Port ,GB LAN, Touch Pad, Stereo Speakers
• Highly adaptable, with 4 usage modes • Blazing fast, feature-packed processor • Hi-fidelity superior sound with enhanced audio • Ultra thin, light, & portable • Vibrant, responsive, multitouch display • Smooth, backlit keyboard
Processor: 6th Generation Intel Core i5-6200U Processor (2.30GHz 1600MHz 3MB) Operating system: Windows 10 Home 64 Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 520 Memory: 8.0GB PC3L-12800 DDR3L 1600 MHz Display: 14.0" FHD LED Glossy Multitouch (1920x1080) Hard Drive: 128GB SSD Battery: 4 Cell 45 Watt Hour Li-Polymer Network Card: Lenovo AC Wireless Bluetooth: Bluetooth Version 4.0 Warranty: One year Operating System Language: EN:English RAM: SODIMM
Sharavathi Computer commenced its operation in. It is a centre of excellence for providing Acer products and authorized service provider of Acer for Shivamogga,. Sharavathi Computer is established and Managing by Mr. Avinash. Sharavathi Computer is committed provide professional services to individual and corporate bodies in IT fields, Thus enabling them to keep pace with the latest technology advancement and challenging to provide better hardware and software services for its customer. We should like to take the opportunity to introduce our selves as IT Dealer in Shivamogga. We are dealing with Computer and its spares in the name Sharavathi Computer. We have been in the field from past 8 years and we have lot of milestones in our service. We have been the dealer for HP, Compaq, IBM, Lenovo, and from past 4 yaears we have been Authorized Dealer for ACER with the showroom branding done by the Acer. We are the authorized service provider for ACER Desktops, Servers, Projectors and Computers. We have been the best seller for HP and Compaq or one quarter in 2005 for Shivamogga refion.
FIRM MILESTONES First to introduce higher and networking concepts. First to implement and check the Wi- Hi connectivity in corporate sectors First bring the showroom concepts for computers 44
First to bring Acer in to shimogga market.
Consumer Decision Making Processes Traditionally, consumer researchers have approached decision making process from a rational perspective. This dominant school of thought views consumers as being cognitive (i.e., problem-solving) and, to some but a lesser degree, emotional.i Such a view is reflected in the stage model of a typical buying process (often called the consumer information processing model) depicted in.
Problem Recognition
Information Search
Evaluation and Selection of Alternatives
Decision Implementation
Post-purchase Evaluation
Figure The Consumer Information Processing Model In this model, the consumer passes through five stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation and selection of alternatives, decision implementation, and post-purchase evaluation.
CONSUMER ATTITUDE Introduction Consumer Attitude is also called buyer Attitude and has got much oriented marketing management. The study about consumer Attitude is attempts understand his wants while desired as we as his Attitude while purchasing. According to Webster “ Buyer Attitude is all psychological, social and physical Attitude of potential customer as they become aware of evaluate, purchase, consume and tell other people about product and service.” In the words of Walter and Paw” Consumer Attitude is the whereby individuals decide what, when, where how and from whom to purchase goods and services”.
Importance of Consumer Attitude The modern marketing management tries to solve the basic problems of consumers in the area of consumption. To survive in the market, a firm has to be constantly innovating and understand the latest consumer needs and tastes. It will be extremely useful in exploiting marketing opportunities and in meeting the challenges that the Indian market offers. It is important for the marketers to understand the buyer Attitude due to the following reasons. The study of consumer Attitude for any product is of vital importance to marketers in shaping the fortunes of their organisations.
It is significant for regulating consumption of goods and thereby maintaining economic stability. It is useful in developing ways for the more efficient utilisation of resources of marketing. It also helps in solving marketing management problems in more effective manner. Today consumers give more importance on environment friendly products. They are concerned about health, hygiene and fitness. They prefer natural products. Hence detailed study on upcoming groups of consumers is essential for any firm. The growth of consumer protection movement has created an urgent need to understand how consumers make their consumption and buying decision. Consumers’ tastes and preferences are ever changing. Study of consumer Attitude gives information regarding colour, design, size etc. which consumers want. In short, consumer Attitude helps in formulating of production policy. For effective market segmentation and target marketing, it is essential to have an understanding of consumers and their Attitude. Factors affecting Marketing Marketing is analysis planning and controlling the firm activities with a view of satisfying the needs wants of the chosen customer can be attracted by the following four ways namely. 1. Product 2. Price 3. Promotion
4. Physical distribution These four are called 4 PS of marketing are the marketing mix strategy. 1. Product It is first ‘p’ of the marketing. It consist of bundle of utilities and expected to customer. A product must be satisfactory to the consumer because it is to be who is the ultimate user. In case of the product concept not only the physical attributes are accountable but also other attributes like presale & service are considered some of which may be as following. The physical product itself Brand name Package Colour, size shape etc. Price Service offered Safety Corporate image as well as the brand image. 2. Price Price is a very important factor. Price means the exchange value of an article in terms of money without it we cannot buy or sale anything. Price of a product consist of the physical product plus the bundle of expectations the product should be worth the price only then will be the consumer is satisfied. Thus in case of bajaj auto ltd., they have fixed responsible price for their vehicle & thus their great demand in the market. 3. Promotion It is activity concerned with the market communication. Promotion 48
involves advertising personal selling , dealers & sales promotion. Advertising means nothing but a form of non-personal presentation & promotion ideas. Good services by an identified sponsor. It is a form of publicity. Sales promotion plans are required to attracted the attention of the consumer & create demand for the product.
Consumer Attitude theory: 1. Psychological factors: The buying Attitude is influenced by internal or psychological factors such as motivation perception, learning briefs and attitudes and personally of buyers. They are called psychological factors of consumer Attitude a).Motivation: It is underline fore of any human activity. It is psychological technique of inspiring human being to act in a particular way. In the field of marketing motivation acts as a driving force that impels an individual to take action to satisfy his needs. b) Perception: A motivation person is ready to act now but how the person act is influenced by his 5 senses viz, sight, hearing smell, touch and taste. But each person perceives, organizes and interpreter their censoring information in his own way. This is called perception. c) Learning: Learning describes changes in an individual’s Attitude arising from experience. Learning theorists say that most human Attitude is learned. Learning occurs through the interplay of drivers, stimuli, cues, response 49
and reinforcement. d) Beliefs and attitude: A person through acting and learning develops their beliefs and attitudes which influences their buying Attitude. Belief refers to a descriptive thought which a person has both something. These beliefs based on knowledge, opinion or faith. These believe embrace products and services brand images and marketing are interested in such beliefs. An attitude explains consistent evaluation dealing and tendencies towards an objects or ideas. It is a predisposition of a person to react in a certain manner towards an object. 1. It can’t be seen directly. 2. They are not the results of learning. 3. They are not temporary 4. It indicates the relationship between persons and objects. e) Personality and self concept: Personalities of an individual refer to his personal traits and qualities that determine his Attitude. Personality is making up of such personal traits like dominance adventurousness, self conscious etc, which indicates how people behave. The self concept also called self image indicates how as person self image indicates how a person sees himself and how he believes other to see him at a particular time.i8. 2. Social Culture factors: The human Attitude attitude and believes are influenced and shaped by socio culture like family, reference groups, social class, culture, occupation
and life style. a. Family: The member of a family can strongly influence the buying Attitude. The tastes like dislikes and lifestyle are routed in the family buying Attitude. The family influences on buying Attitude are in 2 ways 1. The family influence on individual attitudes and evaluate criteria. 2. Its influence and purchase decision making. b. Reference group: Person buying Attitude is influenced by many smack group. These groups have social, economic, professional or religious relationship. They serve as director in director point of comparison in the formation if a person Attitude. These group primary groups such as family, friend, neighbors, and co workers having regular interaction secondary association are trade union. c. Socio : class and caste: Social class is a permanent and homogeneous division in a society where individual or families sharing similar values life styles, interest and Attitude can be categorized. Caste is another group which also determines the buying Attitude of a consumer. Caste is a group of people with a membership is determined by birth. d. Culture: Culture is a way of life and overall social heritage. It is a distinctive form of environmental adaption a whole society of people. It consists of a unique set of learned believes, values, attitudes, habits, dress, tradition, philosophy
shared by the people from generation to generation. Our culture institutions like temples, schools, languages provide guidelines to the marketers. e) Occupations: The occupation of a person influences his buying Attitude. The life styles and buying decisions defer accordingly to the income level of the occupation. f) Life Style: It refer to person way of living as expressed in his or her activities interest and opinion, 3. Economical Factors: The consumer Attitude is largely influenced by the economic factor like personal income, family income, income expectation, saving liquid assets and consumer credit. a) Personal Income: The economist made attempts to established relationship between income and spending habits. This income represents potential purchasing power that a buyer has. The change income has direct relation on buying habits. b) Family Income: The size of family and its income affect the spending and saving patterns. Generally large families spent more and more visa versa. c) Income expectation: The expected income received in future has a direct relationship with buying Attitude. The expectation of higher or lower income has a direct affect on spending plans. d) Savings: A savings in the amount of savings leads to a change in the expenditure of 52
an individual. If the decides to save more, he will spend lesson comfort and luxuries. e). Liquid assets: It is an asset which can be easily converted into cash quickly without less. If an individual has more liquid assets he goes for buying comforts. f) Consumer credit: Facilities of consumer credit system like hire purchase, installments, credit cards etc, play a important role in purchase decision. Normally the durable goods are purchased under credit. 4. Environment factors: The factors included under it are political, legal, technical, and ethical consideration. a) Political: The system of Government influence both consumer and market Attitude. If the government if rigid and more conservative the buying pattern of the consumer may be less frequent. On the other hand if there is a stable and modern approach, buyers will buy frequently b) Local: The legal formalities and policies of the government like location policy, important export, excise policy etc, are more rigid market will play to a less external and of the policies are liberal and having free economy buyers are more free to buy. c) Technical An advancement of science and technology changes the standard of living and income level of buying are good enough, they go for durable and comfort goods.
d) Ethical consideration: The business polices of commercial undertaking also influence the buying Attitude. 3.6 Consumer Attitude on Bajaj Discover 125 CC It is important to know that the marketing manager has to identify the person involved in the buying decision and the role of played by different individual under buying decision.
The 7 P's of the Marketing Mix
Marketing strategy a) Advertising policy The advertising policy is to be adopted by the supreme auto dealer’s pvt. Ltd., as follows Demonstration of the vehicle in rural areas through mobile service van by the cable t v advertisement Through hording boards Advertisement through media like news paper etc. b) Counter Sales
Counter sales is nothing but sales department sales their product their customer when the customer came to his show room. The receptionist or sales executives attend the customer & give complete information about the product which product do they want and also they try to motive the customer to buy their product. c) Direct Marketing It is also a kind of marketing here sales executives of the firm meets the customer face to face and give full information about the product and also collect their opinion towards the product. d) Tele- Marketing It is also a kind of marketing here some employees in the firm call to many people and give detailed information about product in sometimes the company gives marketing responsibility of their product to BPO e) Mela’s This is a outside marketing it is conducted by the firm or company. The main objective of these kind of marketing is to do publicity about our product & firm. The firm can arrange exchange and loan mela that provides an opportunity to exchange their old bike and also provides loan for purchasing new bike. F) Invitation Letters This letter send to many customer or people who are located near to show room. This letter contains detailed information about their new offers and their new products.
4. Distribution It is flow of goods the producer or the manufacturers to the ultimate consumer. Distillation channels represent a chain of middle man participating in the transferring of goods. Some of the channel s are : Manufacturers whole sellers retailers consumers Manufacturers sales man dealers consumers Manufacturers retailers consumers Manufacturers consumers
Introduction The data collected has to be properly tabulated for the purpose of analysis and interpretation. The data collected using the primary sources such as customer survey has been analyzed in this chapter followed by its analysis and interpretation in the following paragraphs.
Table No1: Table showing the Number of respondents categorized on basis of Age Age
No. of respondents
18- 22
30 and above
Graph No1:
Graph showing the Number of respondents categorized on basis of Age
10% 16%
18- 22 46%
22-26 26-30 30 and above
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: From the above table we can say that majority of the respondents belong to age group 18-22 years are 46% , 22-26 years are 28%, 26-30 years are 16%, 30 & above years are 10%.
Table no 2: Table showing classification of respondents according to their occupation
Occupation Business man Professionals Student other Total
No. of Respondents 12 10 25 3 50
Percentage 24% 20% 50% 6% 100%
Graph No2: Graph showing classification of respondents according to their occupation
Occupation 60%
% of the respondents
50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Business man
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: From the above table we can say that majority of the respondents belong to Students Group i.e. 50%, followed by 24% are others. 20% are Professionals. And 6% are others. So it can be inferred that Lenovo is preferred by all walks of people and can be concluded that is popular among masses. 61
Table No: 3 Table showing the No. of respondents categorized on basis of income Income ( Rs) 50000-100000 100000-150000 150000-200000 above 200000 Total
No. of respondents 9 10 18 13 50
Percentage 18 20 36 26 100
Graph No: 3 Graph showing the No. of respondents categorized on basis of income
Income (Rs) 40
% of the respondents
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 50000-100000
above 200000
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is clear that maximum percentage of the respondents are from the income group of Rs.150000 to 200000 followed by 26% respondents of income group of above200000, followed by 20% accounts for income group 10000-150000& above, then by the respondents of income group 50000-10000 accounts for 15%.
Table No.4 The table showing that Factors considered by the respondents before purchasing laptops. Factors Price
Strong Agreed Not Highly Disagreed Total Agreed Agreed disagreed 1 2 13 16 18 50
Brand name
Performance of laptop Design and outlook Technology
Configuration 1
Graph No 4 The Graph showing that Factors considered by the respondents before
No. of respondents
purchasing laptops.
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: Out of five factors respondents are giving highest factors rank to purchasing laptops to configuration. Followed by performance brands, technology, Designs and outlook of the 63
least for price. Price is not important other functions are most important.
Table No 5: Table showing classification of respondents according to their Purpose of laptop Purpose of laptop
No.of Respondents
Personal use
Business use
Graph No 5: Graph showing classification of respondents according to their
Personal use Business use Educational
purpose of laptop.
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that purpose for using the laptop r out of 50 respondents 24% have purchased for business purpose, 20% of the responds are have for personal use, 50% of have purchased for educational purpose and remaining 6% of others purpose. More using in students like presentation, project reports. 65
Table No .6 Table showing classification of respondents according to their purchase periods Periods
No. of Respondents
<6 moths 6 months to 1 year 1year to 3 year 3year to 5 year Total
5 14 24 7 50
10 28 48 14 100
Graph No .6 Graph showing classification of respondents according to their purchase period.
No. of Respondents <6 moths
6 months to 1 year 14%
1year to 3 year
3year to 5 year
10% 28%
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The above table indicates that 48% of the respondents were using laptop, since last 3 years, 28% of them have purchased the laptop in the last 6 months and 14% of them have purchased the laptops in the period less than 6 months to 1 year. It shows that the Lenovo is being used in shimoga last 3 years.
Table No. 7 Table showing classification of respondents according to their attitude of laptop. Particulars
Very good good bad Total No of % No of % No of % No of % responds responds responds responds 28 56 15 30 7 14 50 100 25 50 22 44 3 6 50 100
Brand image Feature configuration Style 15 Audio/video 34 quality Convenience 17 of service Graph No. 7
30 30 68 12
60 5 24 4
10 50 8 50
100 100
34 30
60 3
The graph shows classification of respondents according to their Laptop attitude 100
Very good
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The respondents shows that 56%, 30% and 14% of respondents react about brand image like very good, good and bad respectively.50%, 44% and 6% of respondents react about feature configuration like very good, good and bad respectively.30%, 60% and 10% of respondents react about style like very good, good and bad respectively.68%, 24% and 8% of respondents react about Audio/video quality like very good, good and bad respectively.34%, 60% and 6% of respondents react about Convenience of service like very good, good and bad respectively.
Table No. 8 Table showing classification of respondents according to Influenced to purchase Lenovo laptop. Particulars Elders Friends Advertisement Display Retailer Total Graph No .8
No of respondents 6 20 16 5 3 50
Percentage 12 40 32 10 6 100
Graph shows classification of respondents according to their Influenced to purchase Lenovo laptop
No of respondents in % Advertisement 32% Other 16% Friends 40%
Elders 12%
Display 10%
Retailer 6%
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The most respondents of influence to purchase laptop from the friends at 40%. And 32%from the advertisement.12% from elders.10% from display. 6% from the retailer.
Table No .9 Table showing classification of respondents according to their buying motives Criteria’s Price Quality Number of function/features Company image After sales service Total
No. of Respondents 2 22 5
Percentage 4 44 10
9 12 50
18 24 100
Graph No.9 Graph shows classification of respondents according to their buying motivation.
No. of Respondents in % 4%
Quality 44% 18% 10%
Number of function/features Company image
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The above table indicates that 40% of the responds buying the laptops because of its quality, 24% of the responds buying the laptops because of after sale service, 18% of the responds buying the laptops based on company image, 10% of the responds buying the laptops because of no. of function and dealer suggestion and finally 4% of the responds buying the laptop because of price their convenient.
Table No. 10 Table showing classification of respondents according to their Opinion about Lenovo laptop SL.NO Particular
of Percentage
Respondents 1
Very good
Graph No. 10 The graph shows classification of respondents according to their opinion about Lenovo laptop.
Opinion about dell laptop 46 30 18 6 Excellent
Very good
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: From the above table shows that out of 50 respondents, 46% of respondent have the excellent, 30% of customers said the service is very good, 18% of respondent have said it is good and remaining 5% is bad. so company has to make enquiry why the customer are not satisfied.
Table No. 11 Table showing classification of respondents according to their Advertisement about Lenovo laptop Media’s News paper Magazines Television other Total
No. of Respondents 10 26 8 6 50
Percentage 20 52 16 12 100
Graph No.11 Graph shows classification of respondents according to their seen Advertisement about Lenovo laptop
Advertisement about dell laptop News paper
16% 52%
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The above table reveals that information about the role played by various media’s communicating the information about Lenovo laptop. From the table it finds that about 52% of the respondents have got information 16% of the responds through the television, 20% of the responds through the newspaper.
Table No .12 Table showing classification of respondents according to their Relationship of the price and quality of Lenovo laptop Relationship
No. of Respondents
High price- high quality
High price- low quality
Low price- high quality
Graph No .12 Graph showing classification of respondent’s response according to Relationship of the price and quality of Lenovo laptop
Price and Quality High price-High quality
High price-Low quality
Low price-High quality
64 8
High price-High High price-Low quality Low price-High quality quality
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: The above table indicates that 64% of the responds opined that the Lenovo laptop is high price-high quality, 24% of the respondents opined that the Lenovo laptop is reasonable, 8% of the respondents opined that the Lenovo laptop is high price=low quality and finally 4% of the respondents opined that the Lenovo laptop is low price=high quality. 72
Table No.13 Table showing classification of respondents according to Satisfaction with the Lenovo laptop Particular
No. Of Respondents
Graph No.13 Graph shows classification of respondents according to their Satisfaction with the Lenovo laptop
Satisfaction with the dell laptop 8% 92%
Yes No
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: Above table indicates that few of the consumers (i.e.30%) want to modification and 70% of the consumers do not want any modification with respect to Lenovo laptop.
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION: 1) After sale service: every consumer thinking in their mind buying the product whether the dealer give service for product or nor, so as survey indicates that 68% of the respondents are opined that service is good, 24% of the respondents opened that service is very good and 8% of the respondents opined that service is bad. 2) Design and outlook: consumer attitudes highly depends up soon product design and outlook, if product is looking very attractive all the consumer go through that product and buy it. As persue survey indicates 28% of the respondents are opined that design and outlook is good, 68% of the respondents are opined that it is very good and 4% of the respondents are opined that bad. 3) Performance: this type of the opinion indicates that 32% of the respondents are opined that performance of the Lenovo laptop is good, 60% of the respondents or opinioned that bad. 4) Number of function: consumer seeks that in the product what are the function are available to us for using this Lenovo laptop. As per survey indicates that 72% of the respondents are opined that the no. of functions are good, 16% of the respondents are opined that very good and 12% of the respondents are opined that bad. 5) Distribution performance: this is one of the important factors to understand the consumer opinion regarding the distributors. How they perform with the consumers and how they give details about the laptop. Survey indicates that 76% of the respondents are opined that
distributors performance is good, 16% of the respondents are opined that very good and 8% of the respondents
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Quality product and service Whole world focus Brand name Customer service Direct sell Latest technology E-commerce capabilities Expert supply chain management
Opportunities Network-internet, intranet and extranet Low cost and growing advanced technology Growth in business, education and government markets
Weaknesses High dependency on components suppliers High attrition rates among visitors No proprietary technology Slow in introducing fancy feature Lack of innovation Unable to switch supply dues to the lack of large suppliers in the world Threats Competition Currency fluctuation in countries outsides the us Tariff trade barriers Political instability
Chapter 5 Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion FINDINGS
At the end of project report, so many findings are to be found these are helpful to the company to improve their efficiency. 46 of the respondents are youth under the age of 18-26. Most using of the laptop. 50 of the students are using the Lenovo laptops, for the purpose of presentation and project. Before purchasing the laptop most of the respondents give high priority to the configuration of laptop. 40 of the respondents are buying the Lenovo laptop are influenced by friends. These surveys found that majority of the respondents are satisfied with the Lenovo laptop. The majority of the respondents buying the laptop based on Quality and company image. Majority of the respondents felt that Lenovo laptop is of high price and high quality. As per the survey found that majority of respondents go through the media of advertisements such as magazines and television. This is very important role in communication with the information about Lenovo laptop.
This survey found that design and outlook of the laptop product play an important role in buying and taking decision of the customer. Other majority respondent’s opinion that the Lenovo laptop is providing battery back-up only for 2 to 3 days. Majority of the respondents are opinioned that the performance of the Lenovo laptop is excellent.
SUGGESTIONS Consumer gave interest on the Lenovo laptops and the entire consumer satisfied with the laptop product. Most of the respondents have expressed good opinion towards the Lenovo laptop. This company should provide first accessing laptop’s to the consumer. Few more consumers not satisfied with Lenovo laptop because of the high price and low battery backup. That’s why the Lenovo Company has to improve in the area of providing more configurations. The company should give more advertisement in all the Medias whichever is possible to motivate the consumers. The Lenovo Company has to add more number of functions in the laptop. It would be better to the company reduce laser point, because now all the people working with laptop in more number of hours per day. It’s better to improve new innovating designs and outlook for the laptop. It’s better to cover all the marketing strategies to enhance their product of laptop to all over the world.
Reasonable price is to be maintained to reach the expected market share through compromise. The company should regularly conduct market researches to study the actual and potential buyers, their volume of purchases and their motives and Attitude. The company should adopt various consumer sales promotional methods, such as, price-off (i.e. discounts), premium offers (i.e. gifts), consumer contests etc. So that the consumer should always stick on the same brand that is he should not be let to divert his attention towards substitute product.
CONCLUSION The entire study shows that Laptop usage is very much popular in between the students whether their residential status is urban and rural. It’s the present day demand to run hand with the latest technology. This technology not only simplify students task but it also seem to morale boost up of the students. Students found themselves connected with the entire world with the help of Laptops and by mean of this they can contribute a lot for the nation.
From this survey we have discovered that existing branded laptop are good but there are many companies which are not providing particular facilities to retain their customer. Branded laptop’s markets are very big and it is in its growing stage. Peoples are enjoying its and some of them use it just as status symbol only. Where as some of them are really needs it for their work. It was really very interesting work to talking with different people daily of different level and different categories. Due to this survey we are able to be more aware for this corporate world, we learn to maintain patinas while talking with the people, even come to know about their work
QUESTIONNAIRE Dear sir/Madam, I am Nagaraja .J, student of Sahyadri Arts and Commerce College, Shivamogga pursuing final year MBA. I am conducting a survey on the “Study on consumer attitude towards Lenovo Laptop with special reference to Sharavathi, Shivamogga”. I kindly request you to cooperate by giving valuable information. The information provided by you will keep confidential and used for academic purpose only.
I kindly request you to spend your valuable time for filling below Questions. Thanking you
PERSONAL DATA 1. Name :_____________________________________ 2. Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 3. Age: 18-22
Above 30
4. Sex: Male
Female [ ] 5. Educational qualification Below Matriculate
Pre University
Post Graduate
6. Occupation: Businessmen
Student Govt. Employee
Others please specify _________________________________
7. Income group (per year): 50000-100000
100001-150000 150001-200000
Above- 200000
SPECIFIC DATA: 8. Do you have any laptop? a) Yes ( )
b) No ( )
If “yes” name of the company? Lenovo
Other please specify _____________________________________
9. Are you heard about Sharavathi Computer? a) Yes ( )
b) No ( )
10.Before purchasing laptops what are the factors you have considered, Please give your rating from 1 to 5(one being lowest and 5 being highest). Attribute
Strong Agreed Not Highly Disagreed Agreed Agreed disagreed
Price Brand name Performance of laptop Design and outlook
Technology Configuration
11.What is the purpose of using the laptop? a) For personal use
( )
b) Business purpose
c) Educational purpose ( ) d) Others Please specify___________________________
12.How long you are using your present laptop? <
6months to 1 year 1 year to 3 3 year to 5
13.Rank your current laptop on the following attitudes Rank on the scale of 1 to 5 ranks. 1if you find your laptop very bad on the attitude and 5 if your laptop very good on the attitude and so on 1
Brand image Features configuration Style Audio/vedio quality price Convenience of service
14.You are influenced to purchase Lenovo laptop from? a) Elders
b) Peer group
c) Advertisement ( )
d) Impulses
e) Display
f) Shop Keeper
15.What is the opinion about the Lenovo Laptop? a
Very good
16.What made you to purchase that specific company? a. Price ( )
b. Quality ( )
c. Number of function/features ( )
d. Company image ( )
e. After sale service ( )
f. Reparability ( )
g. Durability ( )
17.Are you satisfied with Lenovo laptop? a) Yes ( )
b) No ( )
If no state the reason: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Suggest suitable measure to rectify them: ____________________________
18.Which media come across the advertisement of Lenovo? a) News paper
b) Magazines
c) Television
d) Others
19.What is your opinion about the price and quality of Lenovo laptop? a) High price- High quality
b) High price-low quality
c) Low price- High quality
d) Reasonable
20.What is your opinion about the Lenovo laptop? Excellent Good
Very good Bad
After sale service Design & outlook Performance Number of function Distributor performance
21.How many days the battery of Lenovo lost long? <1 hour
1-2 hour
2-3 hours
3 &above
22.Do you need any modification in Lenovo laptop? a) Yes ( )
b) No ( )
If yes, in which technical specification______________________ 23.If any Suggestion to the company?____________________________________________ 24. your suggestion to the dealer? ____________________________________ Date:
References: [1] Kotler, P. (2003), Marketing Management.11th Ed. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. [2] Kothari, C.R.(1985)Research Methodology.2nd Ed. Delhi: New International(P)Ltd. PP.1-10. [3] Shah, A. and Dalal, A.(2009), The Global Laptop Industry :Industry Overview and Analysis. [4] MalhotraNareshK(2000),Marketing Research,(4th Edition),Pearson Education. [5] Punyatoya, P.How Brand Personality affects Products with different Involvement Levels. Indore, Indian Institute of Management. PP 2. [6] Aaker, J., Fournier, S., &Brasel, S. A. (2004). Why good brands do bad. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(1), PP1-16. fie-conference. org/fie 2006/papers/1700.pdf