Lenin Works List From Www.marx2mao.com

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  • Pages: 20

 ". . . the whole of political life is an endless chain consisting of an infinite number of links. The whole art of politics lies in finding and gripping as strong as we can the link that is least likely to be torn out of our hands, the one that is most important at the given moment, the one that guarantees the possessor of a link the possession of the whole chain." What Is To Be Done? (1902)

" . . . You must be able at each particular moment to find the particular link in the chain which you must grasp with all your might in order to hold the whole chain and to prepare firmly for the transition to the next link; the order of the links, their form, the manner in which they are linked together, the way they differ from each other in the historical chain of events, are not as simple and not as meaningless as those in an ordinary chain made by a smith." The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government (1918)

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Philosophical Notebooks (1895-1916).pdf - This is a single file containing the whole of Volume 38 of Lenin's Collected Works. (3.7mb) * * * * * * * * * --1893--

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New Economic Developments in Peasant Life (On V. Y. Postnikov's Peasant Farming in South Russia ) (201k) On the So-Called Market Question (129k) --1894--

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What the "Friends of the People" Are (607k) The Economic Content of Narodism (463k) --1895--

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Frederick Engels (38k) Explanation of the Law on Fines Imposed on Factory Workers (107k) Gymnasium Farms and Corrective Gymnasia (24k) To P. A. Axelrod [Beginning November, 1895] (11k) To the Working Men and Women of the Thornton Factory (16k) To P. A. Axelrod [Mid-November, 1895] (8k) Draft and Explanation of a Programme of the Social-Democratic Party (74k) --1896--

To the Tsarist Government (22k) --1897--

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A Characterisation of Economic Romanticism (376k) To P. A. Axelrod [August 16, 1897] (7k) The New Factory Law (118k)

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About a Certain Newspaper Article (23k) The Tasks of the Russian Social-Democrats (72k) The Handicraft Census of 1894-95 in Perm Gubernia and General Problems of "Handicraft" Industry (317k) Gems of Narodnik Project-Mongering (93k) The Heritage We Renounce (120k) --1898--

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On the Question of Our Factory Statistics (96k) Review -- A. Bogdanov. A Short Course of Economic Science (28k) To A. N. Potresov [September 2, 1898] (18k) A Note on the Question of the Market Theory (31k)

--1899-                 

The Development of Capitalism in Russia (1.9MB) To A. N. Potresov [January 26, 1899] (17k) Review -- Parvus. The World Market and the Agricultural Crisis (8k) Review -- R. Gvozdev. Kulak Usury, Its Social and Economic Significance (13k) Review -- A. A. Blau, ed., Commercial and Industrial Russia (10k) Once More on the Theory of Realization (62k) Review -- Karl Kautsky. Die Agrarfrage [The Agrarian Question ] (18k) Review -- Hobson. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism (10k) Capitalism in Agriculture (138k) To A. N. Potresov [April 27, 1899] (30k) A Protest by Russian Social-Democrats (51k) Review -- Karl Kautsky. Bernstein und das sozialdemokratische. Eine Antikritik [Bernstein and the Social-Democratic Programme. A Counter-Critique.] (32k) Articles for "Rabochaya Gazeta " [includes the text of "Our Programme"] (53k) A Draft Programme of Our Party (73k) A Retrograde Trend in Russian Social-Democracy (87k) Apropos of the Profession de foi (30k) Factory Courts (35k) On Strikes (29k) --1900--

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Uncritical Criticism (46k) Draft of a Declaration of the Editorial Board of Iskra and Zarya (38k) How the "Spark" Was Nearly Extinguished (49k) Declaration of the Editorial Board of Iskra (18k) Preface to the Pamphlet, May Days in Kharov (19k) The Urgent Tasks of Our Movement (18k) --1901--

Casual Notes (73k)

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The Drafting of 183 Students into the Army (19k) To G. V. Plekhanov [January 30] (16k) The Workers' Party and the Peasantry (25k) Where to Begin? (31k) Another Massacre (18k) The Persecutors of the Zemstvo and the Hannibals of Liberalism (151k) To G. V. Plekhanov [July 7] (12k) To P. A. Axelrod [July 9] (11k) To G. V. Plekhanov [July 13] (10k) To P. A. Axelrod [July 21] (29k) To P. A. Axelrod [July 23] (8k) To the Iskra Organisations in Russia [December 18] (10k) Serf-Owners at Work (16k) The Agrarian Question and the "Critics of Marx" (350k) (*)

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Review of Home Affairs (142k) A Talk with Defenders of Economism (25k) --1902--

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Concerning the State Budget (17k) Political Agitation and "The Class Point of View" (22k) Reply to "A Reader" (7k) What Is To Be Done? (P) (543k) Material for the Preparation of the Programme (174k) Signs of Bankruptcy (21k) From the Economic Life of Russia (39k) Report of the Iskra Editorial Board to the Meeting (Conference) of R.S.D.L.P. Committees (49k) The Agrarian Programme of Russian Social-Democracy (123k) On the Borba Group (4k) Revolutionary Adventurism (63k) The Draft of a New Law on Strikes (31k) A Letter to a Comrade on Our Organizational Tasks (51k) Political Struggle and Political Chicanery (26k) Concerning Demonstrations (5k) Vulgar Socialism and Narodism as Resurrected by the Socialist-Revolutionaries (22k) The Basic Thesis Against the Socialist-Revolutionaries (12k) On the Svoboda Group (5k) --1903--

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Mr. Struve Exposed by His Colleague (23k) To the Rural Poor (175k) Reply to Criticism of Our Draft Programme (43k) The National Question in Our Programme (28k) The Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (97k) Second Congress of the League of Russian Revolutionary Social-Democracy Abroad (48k) Letter to Iskra (15k) Why I Resigned from the Iskra Editorial Board. A Letter to the Editors of "Iskra" (22k) To the Editors of Iskra (6k)

 --1904-                 

To the Iskra Editorial Board (6k) Preface to the Pamphlet A Letter to a Comrade on Our Organisational Tasks (6k) Postscript to the Pamphlet A Letter to a Comrade on Our Organisational Tasks (22k) To the Party Membership (11k) Session of the Council of the R.S.D.L.P. [January 15-17] (108k) To the Party (13k) Circumstances of Resignation from the Iskra Editorial Board (17k) One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (The Crisis in Our Party ) (605k) Letter to the Members of the Central Committee (13k) Statement By Three Members of the Central Committee (8k) To the Party (6k) Session of the Council of the R.S.D.L.P. (May 31 and June 5) (25k) What Are We Working For (To the Party) (25k) To the Party (22k) One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. Reply by N. Lenin to Rosa Luxemburg (35k) The Zemstvo Campaign and "Iskra's" Plan (56k) A Letter to the Comrades (20k) Statement and Documents on the Break of the Central Institutions With the Party (30k) --1905--

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Good Demonstrations of Proletarians and Poor Arguments of Certain Intellectuals (20k) Time to Call a Halt (17k) The Fall of Port Arthur (24k) Working-Class and Bourgeois Democracy (36k) From Narodism to Marxism. Article One (20k) The St. Petersburg Strike (13k) The Beginning of the Revolution in Russia (10k) Revolutionary Days (47k) A Brief Outline of the Split in the R.S.D.L.P. (25k) A Militant Agreement for the Uprising (25k) Plan of a Lecture on the Commune (13k) The Proletariat and the Peasantry (16k) On the History of the Party Programme (5k) On Our Agrarian Program (18k) European Capital and the Autocracy (21k) Social-Democracy and the Provisional Revolutionary Government (47k) The Revolutionary-Democratic Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Peasantry (25k) The Agrarian Program of the Liberals (22k) Marx on the American "General Redistribution" (20k) The Constitutional Market-Place (14k) The Third Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (147k) Political Sophisms (22k) Report on the Third Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (14k) How the Congress Was Constituted (7k) The Third Congress (22k) On the Provisional Revolutionary Government (53k) Revolutionary Struggle and Liberal Brokerage (24k) To the Jewish Workers (11k)

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A New Revolutionary Workers' Association (31k) The Democratic Tasks of the Revolutionary Proletariat (21k) The First Steps of Bourgeois Betrayal (20k) "Revolutionaries" in Kid Gloves (15k) The Struggle of the Proletariat and the Servility of the Bourgeoisie (19k) A Third Step Back (29k) Three Constitutions or Three Systems Government (10k) The Revolutionary Army and the Revolutionary Government (24k) The Russian Tsar Seeks the Protection of the Turkish Sultan Against His People (14k) The Bourgeoisie Bargains with the Autocracy, the Autocracy Bargains with the Bourgeoisie (9k) Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution (P) (347k) The Boycott of the Bulygin Duma, and Insurrection (23k) "Oneness of the Tsar and the People, and of the People and the Tsar" (26k) The Black Hundreds and the Organisation of an Uprising (19k) In the Wake of the Monarchist Bourgeoisie, or in the Van of the Revolutionary Proletariat and Peasantry? (34k) A Most Lucid Exposition of a Most Confused Plan (11k) Social-Democracy's Attitude Towards the Peasant Movement (29k) What Our Liberal Bourgeois Want, and What They Fear (16k) The Theory of Spontaneous Generation (18k) Friends Meet (26k) Argue About Tactics, But Give Clear Slogans! (8k) Playing at Parliamentarianism (42k) The Liberal Unions and Social-Democracy (6k) The Zemstvo Congress (20k) Socialism and the Peasantry (26k) A Replete Bourgeoisie and a Craving Bourgeoisie (20k) The Landlords on the Boycott of the Duma (11k) Days of Bloodshed in Moscow (19k) To the Combat Committee of the St. Petersburg Committee (9k) The Political Strike and the Street Fighting in Moscow (24k) The Latest in Iskra Tactics, or Mock Elections as a New Incentive to an Uprising (49k) The Lessons of the Moscow Events (27k) "The Struggle of the Proletariat" (6k) The All-Russia Political Strike (11k) The First Results of the Political Alignment (24k) The Hysterics of the Defeated (8k) Petty-Bourgeois and Proletarian Socialism (24k) To the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. [September 7 (New Style), 1905] (9k) Our Tasks and the Soviet of Workers' Deputies (36k) The Reorganisation of the Party (32k) The Proletariat and the Peasantry (13k) Party Organisation and Party Literature (15k) Socialism and Anarchism (11k) The Socialist Party and Non-Party Revolutionism (25k) Socialism and Religion (15k) --1906--

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The Workers' Party and Its Tasks in the Present Situation (13k) Should We Boycott the State Duma? (10k) The State Duma and Social-Democratic Tactics (30k) The Present Situation in Russia and the Tactics of the Workers' Party (24k)

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The Russian Revolution and the Tasks of the Proletariat (37k) A Tactical Platform for the Unity Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (45k) Revision of the Agrarian Program of the Workers' Party (86k) The Victory of the Cadets and the Tasks of the Workers' Party (218k) The Unity Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (83k) Report on the Unity Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (176k) The Congress Summed Up (11k) The Workers' Group in the State Duma (14k) The Land Question in the Duma (10k) Talk and Rumours About the Dissolution of the State Duma (7k) Kautsky on the State Duma (11k) Cadets, Trudoviks and the Workers' Party (14k) How Comrade Plekhanov Argues About Social-Democratic Tactics (59k) The Dissolution of the Duma and the Tasks of the Proletariat (60k) The Boycott (27k) The Political Crisis and the Bankruptcy of Opportunist Tactics (52k) Lessons of the Moscow Uprising (28k) Vacillating Tactics (14k) Socialist-Revolutionary Mensheviks (35k) A New Coup d'État in Preparation (20k) Guerrilla Warfare (31k) An Attempt at a Classification of the Political Parties of Russia (19k) The Russian Radical Is Wise After the Event (13k) Social-Democrats and Electoral Agreements (61k) Blocs with the Cadets (35k) Whom to Elect to the State Duma (24k) The Crisis of Menshevism (72k) The Government's Falsification of the Duma and the Tasks of the Social-Democrats (21k) Preface to the Russian Translation of W. Liebknecht's Pamphlet: No Compromises, No Electoral Agreements (19k) Preface to the Russian Translation of K. Kautsky's Pamphlet: The Driving Forces and Prospects of the Russian Revolution (18k)

The Attitude of the Bourgeois Parties and of the Workers' Party to the Duma Elections (15k) --1907--

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Plekhanov and Vasilyev (20k) The Workers' Party Election Campaign in St. Petersburg (15k) The Social-Democrats and the Duma Election (66k) "When You Hear the Judgement of a Fool. . . ." -- Notes of a Social-Democratic Publicist (52k) The St. Petersburg Elections and the Hypocrisy of the Thirty-One Mensheviks (32k) How to Vote in the St. Petersburg Elections (31k) The St. Petersburg Elections and the Crisis of Opportunism (13k) The Elections in the Worker Curia in St. Petersburg (23k) The Struggle Between S.D.'s and S.R.'s in the Elections in the Worker Curia in St. Petersburg (17k) Preface to the Russian Translation of Karl Marx's Letters to Dr. Kugelmann (31k) Tactics of the R.S.D.L.P. in the Election Campaign (21k) The Elections to the Duma and the Tactics of the Russian Social-Democrats (34k) Preface to the Russian Translation of Letters by Johannes Becker, Joseph Dietzen, Frederick Engels, Karl Marx, and Others to Friedrich Sorge and Others (72k) Apropos of the Minutes of the November Military and Combat Conference of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (35k)

The Fifth Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (117k)

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The Attitude Towards Bourgeois Parties (53k) Against Boycott. Notes of a Social-Democratic Publicist (115k) In Memory of Count Heyden (26k) The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart [a] (21k) The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart [b] (34k) Preface to the Collection Twelve Years (66k) Preface to the Pamphlet by Voinov (A. V. Lunacharsky) on the Attitude of the Party Towards the Trade Unions But Who Are the Judges? (23k) The Agrarian Question and the "Critics of Marx" [cont. from 1901] (139k) The Agrarian Programme of Social-Democracy in the First Russian Revolution, 1905-07 (605k) --1908--

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Political Notes (19k) Statement of the Editors of Proletary (4k) To A. M. Gorky [February 7, 1908] (14k) To A. M. Gorky [February 13, 1908] (10k) A Letter to A. M. Gorky [February 25, 1908] (18k) The New Agrarian Policy (14k) Lessons of the Commune (13k) A Police-Patriotic Demonstration Made to Order (17k) To A. M. Gorky [March 24, 1908] (10k) To A. M. Gorky [April 16, 1908] (7k) To A. M. Gorky [April 19, 1908] (6k) On the Straight Road (23k) On the "Nature" of the Russian Revolution (20k) Marxism and Revisionism (26k) The Assessment of the Russian Revolution (48k) The Agrarian Question in Russia Towards the Close of the Nineteenth Century (236k) Some Features of the Present Collapse (34k) The Agrarian Programme of Social-Democracy in the Russian Revolution (72k) Inflammable Material in World Politics (21k) From the Editorial Board (6k) Leo Tolstoy as the Mirror of the Russian Revolution (17k) Meeting of the International Socialist Bureau (45k) P. Maslov in Hysterics (31k) Remarks on the "Reply" by P. Maslov (25k) The Assessment of the Present Situation (35k) How Plekhanov and Co. Defend Revisionism (14k) Two Letters (49k) The Agrarian Debates in the Third Duma (42k) The Fifth (All-Russian) Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. (24k) Materialism and Empirio-Criticism (P) (795k) --1909--

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How the Socialist-Revolutionaries Sum Up the Revolution and How the Revolution Has Summed Them Up (40k) On the Road (24k) On the Article "Question of the Day" (12k) The Aim of the Proletarian Struggle in Our Revolution (61k) A Caricature of Bolshevism (31k) The Attitude of the Workers' Party to Religion (33k)


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Classes and Parties in Their Attitude to Religion and the Church (27k) Conference of the Extended Editorial Board of Proletary (77k) Liquidation of Liquidationism (24k) A Letter to the Organisers of the Party School on Capri (6k) A Letter to Students at the Capri Party School (19k) The Liquidators Exposed (31k) The Election in St. Petersburg (25k) The Faction of Supporters of Otzovism and God-Building (97k) Once More on Partyism and Non-Partyism (3k) A Word to the Bolsheviks of St. Petersburg (33k) To Pupils of the Capri School (8k) A Shameful Fiasco (7k) Some Sources of the Present Ideological Discord (25k) Methods of Liquidators and Party Tasks of the Bolsheviks (22k) Concerning Vekhi (29k)

--1910-   

Golos (Voice ) of the Liquidators Against the Party (29k) They Are Nervous About the Army (25k) Notes of a Publicist (169k) Draft Resolution on Co-operative Societies from the Russian Social-Democratic Delegation at the Copenhagen Congress (7k)

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The Vperyod Faction (22k) The Question of Co-operative Societies at the International Socialist Congress in Copenhagen (27k) How Certain Social-Democrats Inform the International About the State of Affairs in the R.S.D.L.P. (11k) Announcement on the Publication of Rabochaya Gazeta (20k) The Lessons of the Revolution (18k) Two Worlds (23k) L. N. Tolstoy (15k) L. N. Tolstoy and the Modern Labour Movement (11k) An Open Letter to All Pro-Party Social-Democrats (32k) Differences in the European Labour Movement (18k) Tolstoy and the Proletarian Struggle (5k) The Historical Meaning of the Inner-Party Stuggle in Russia (56k) Strike Statistics in Russia (90k) The Capitalist System and Modern Agriculture (64k) The State of Affairs in the Party (48k) Certain Features of the Historical Development of Marxism (17k) --1911--

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Judas Trotsky's Blush of Shame (6k) The Career of a Russian Terrorist (19k) Lev Tolstoi and His Epoch (15k) Marxism and Nasha Zarya (24k) Those Who Would Liquidate Us (64k) The Cadets on "Two Camps" and "Sensible Compromise" (16k) The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Downfall of Serfdom (14k) Paul Singer (12k)

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Comments (29k) To the Russian Collegium of the C.C. (12k) Apropos of an Anniversary (25k) The "Peasant Reform" and Proletarian-Peasant Revolution (29k) Wreckers of the Party in the Role of "Wreckers of Legends" (16k) The Cadets and the Octobrists (14k) In Memmory of the Commune (15k) The Social Structure of State Power, the Prospects and Liquidationism (60k) Stolypin and the Revolution (27k) The New Faction of Conciliators, or the Virtuous (59k) The Election Campaign and the Election Platform (25k) Two Centres (8k) Hyndman on Marx (21k) A Liberal Labour Party Manifesto (35k) The Social-Democratic Group in the Second Duma (18k) The Slogans and Organisation of Social-Democratic Work Inside and Outside the Duma (30k) The Climax of the Party Crisis (34k) From the Camp of the Stolypin "Labour" Party (15k) Trotsky's Diplomacy and a Certain Party Platform (17k) The Results of the Arbitration of the "Trustees" (9k) The Campaign for the Elections to the Fourth Duma (54k) Old and New (13k) Meeting of the Bolshevik Groups Abroad (13k) Fundamental Problems of the Election Campaign (75k) First Exposure of Cadet Negotiations with the Cabinet (24k) Three Questions (36k) The Famine and the Reactionary Duma (11k) --1912--

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The Sixth (Prague) All-Russian Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. (93k) An Organ of a Liberal Labour Policy (13k) Against Unity -- With the Liquidators (18k) Political Parties in the Five Years of the Third Duma (18k) Report to the International Socialist Bureau on the All-Russia Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. (10k) The Election Platform of the R.S.D.L.P. (21k) To the Editorial Board of Zvezda (5k) Put Your Cards on the Table (17k) Deputy T. O. Belousov's Withdrawal from the Social-Democratic Group in the Duma (17k) Famine (6k) The Peasantry and the Elections to the Fourth Duma (8k) The Anonymous Writer in Vorwärts and the State of Affairs in the R.S.D.L.P. (35k) A Letter to Huysmans, Secretary of the International Socialist Bureau (12k) The Bloc of the Cadets with the Progressits and Its Significance (14k) A Poor Defence of a Liberal Labour Policy (18k) The Second Ballot in Russia and the Tasks of the Working Class (17k) Liberalism and Democracy (28k) The Fourth Duma Election Campaign and the Tasks of the Revolutionary Social-Democrats (26k) The Liquidators Against the Party (17k) In Memory of Herzen (30k) Landownership in European Russian (12k) The Trudoviks and the Worker Democrats (26k)

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Political Parties in Russia (46k) A Questionnaire on the Organisation of Big Capital (52k) The Essence of "The Agrarian Problem in Russia" (18k) Some Conclusions to Be Drawn From the Pre-Election Mobilisation (19k) Economic and Political Strikes (27k) The Problem of Resettlement (36k) The Revolutionary Upswing (31k) The Nature and Significance of Our Polemics Against the Liberals (19k) Capitalism and "Parliament" (9k) The Elections and the Opposition (13k) The Significance of the St. Petersburg Elections (17k) A Comparison of the Stolypin and the Narodnik Agrarian Programmes (19k) The Situation in the R.S.D.L.P. and the Immediate Tasks of the Party (27k) Democracy and Narodism in China (17k) The Results of Six Months' Work (44k) The Present Situation in the R.S.D.L.P. (56k) Original Postscript to the Pamphlet The Present Situation in the R.S.D.L.P. (11k) On the Eve of the Elections to the Fourth Duma (19k) Questions of Principle (6k) The Last Valve (16k) A Little Explanation (6k) To the Secretariat of the International Socialist Bureau (6k) The Cadets and the Agrarian Question (28k) A Talk on "Cadet-Eating" (21k) The Illegal Party and Legal Work (28k) The Social Significance of the Serbo-Bulgarian Victories (8k) The "Vexed Questions" of Our Party The "Liquidationist" and "National" Questions (26k) The Workers and Pravda (8k) Debates in Britain on Liberal Labour Policy (17k) The Platform of the Reformists and the Platform of the Revolutionary Social-Democrats (24k) Concerning Certain Speeches by Workers' Deputies (20k) Concerning the Workers' Deputies to the Duma and Their Declaration (12k) --1913--

Notification and Resolutions of the Cracow Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. and Party Functionaries (49k)

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The Split Among the Polish Social-Democrats (16k) On Bolshevism (12k) Results of the Elections (80k) Experience Teaches (7k) Russians and Negroes (5k) What Goes on Among the Narodniks and What Goes on in the Countryside (18k) An Increasing Discrepancy (51k) The Historical Destiny of the Doctrine of Karl Marx (11k) A "Scientific" System of Sweating (7k) The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism (17k) The Balkan War and Bourgeois Chauvinism (6k) Helplessness and Confusion (12k) Liberal and Marxist Conceptions of the Class Struggle (17k) Factory Owners On Workers' Strikes (24k) Frank Speeches by a Liberal (7k)

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The Question of Ministry of Education Policy (29k) Controversial Issues. An Open Party and the Marxists (6k) The Question of the (General) Agrarian Policy of the Present Government (46k) The Peasantry and the Working Class (8k) Child Labour in Peasant Farming (12k) The Results of Strikes in 1912 as Compared with Those of the Past (8k) May Day Action by the Revolutionary Proletariat (28k) Notes of a Publicist (16k) Apropos of One Untruth (5k) The Working Class and Neomalthusianism (10k) Theses on the National Question (27k) Bourgeois Gentlemen on "Family" Farming (14k) The Land Question and the Rural Poor (10k) Resolutions of the Summer, 1913, Joint Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. Central Committee and Party Officials (46k) There's a Trudovik for You! (16k) The Marx-Engels Correspondence (22k) Exposure of the British Opportunists (7k) August Bebel (18k) Metalworkers' Strikes in 1912 (48k) The Russian Bourgeoisie and Russian Reformism (9k) The Role of Social Estates and Classes in the Liberation Movement (11k) Class War in Dublin (13k) New Land "Reform" Measures (9k) The Struggle for Marxism (14k) A Week After the Dublin Massacre (7k) Questions of Principle in Politics (12k) Harry Quelch (9k) Marxism and Reformism (11k) How Vera Zasulich Demolishes Liquidationism (61k) Resolutions of the Summer, 1913, Joint Conference of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. and Party Officials (45k) Declaration (10k) The Duma "Seven" (7k) Material on the Conflict Within the Social-Democratic Duma Group (53k) "Cultural-National" Autonomy (11k) A Good Resolution and a Bad Speech (10k) The National Program of the R.S.D.L.P. (21k) To Maxim Gorky [November 13 or 14, 1913] (13k) To Maxim Gorky [end of November 1913] (11k) Strikes in Russia (26k) Critical Remarks on the National Question (114k) Once More About the International Socialist Bureau and the Liquidators (22k) National-Liberalism and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination (11k) Narodism and Liquidationism, as Disintegrating Elements in the Working-Class Movement (19k) Comment on Kautsky's Letter (12k) --1914--

    

To Camille Huysmans (24k) The Liberals' Corruption of the Workers (10k) Letter to the Editor (7k) The Liquidators' Leader on the Liquidators' Terms of "Unity" (12k) A Contribution to the History of the National Programme in Austria and in Russia (14k)

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A Highborn Liberal Landlord on the "New Zemstvo Russia" (13k) Narodism and the Class of Wage-Workers (11k) More About "Nationalism" (8k) The Peasantry and Hired Labour (10k) Mr. Struve on the Need to "Reform the Government" (11k) The Narodniks on N. K. Mikhailovsky (15k) Concerning A. Bogdanov (15k) Political Disputes Among the Liberals (11k) The "Labouring" Peasantry and the Trade in Land (12k) What Is Worrying the Liberals (8k) Narodniks and Liquidators in the Trade Union Movement (A Valuable Admission) (15k) Pious Wishes (7k) A Liberal Professor on Equality (9k) The British Liberals and Ireland (12k) The Taylor System -- Man's Enslavement by the Machine (7k) A "Responsible Opposition" and the Participation of the Constitutional-Democrats in the March 1 Conference (9k) The Break-up of the "August" Bloc (17k) Capitalism and the Press (10k) The Lettish Workers and the Split in the Social-Democratic Group in the Duma (17k) The "August" Fiction Exposed (10k) Socialism Demolished Again (56k) Forms of the Working-Class Movement (17k) Organised Marxists on Intervention by the International Bureau (17k) The Liquidators and the Lettish Working-Class Movement (9k) Serf Economy in the Rural Areas (8k) From the History of the Workers' Press in Russia (39k) What Should Not Be Copied From the German Labour Movement (15k) Review -- N. A. Rubakin, Among Books (12k) Liquidationism Defined (8k) Concluding Remarks to the Symposium Marxism and Liquidationism (32k) More About the Political Crisis (9k) The Ideological Struggle in the Working-Class Movement (17k) To S. G. Shahumyan [May 19, 1914] (8k) Bill on the Equality of Nations and the Safeguarding of the Rights of National Minorities (9k) The Left Narodniks (10k) Unity (10k) Disruption of Unity Under Cover of Outcries for Unity (61k) Adventurism (13k) The Liquidators and the Decisions of the Lettish Marxists (9k) The Working Class and Its Press (32k) Left-Wing Narodism and Marxism (9k) The Agrarian Question in Russia (7k) The Political Significance of Vituperation (On the Question of Unity) (9k) Objective Data on the Strength of the Various Trends in the Working-Class Movement (32k) How Strong Is the Left-Narodnik Trend Among the Workers (16k) Right of Nations to Self-Determination (167k) The Bourgeois Intelligentsia's Methods of Struggle Against the Workers (90k) The Vperyodists and the Vperyod Group (24k) Report of the C.C. of the R.S.D.L.P. to the Brussels Conference and Instructions to the C.C. Delegation (113k) How the Workers Responded to the Formation of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Group in the Duma (27k) The Tasks of Revolutionary Social-Democracy in the European War (18k) The European War and International Socialism (22k)

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The War and Russian Social-Democracy (27k) The Position and Tasks of the Socialist International (25k) Karl Marx (A Brief Biographical Sketch with an Exposition of Marxism) (P) (127k) A German Voice on the War (7k) On the National Pride of the Great Russians (16k) --1915--

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What Next? (31k) The Kind of 'Unity' Larin Proclaimed at the Swedish Congress (13k) Under a False Flag (57k) The Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. Groups Abroad (23k) What Has Been Revealed by the Trial of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Duma Group (20k) The Collapse of the Second International (150k) British Pacifism and the British Dislike of Theory (17k) Socialism and War (P) (131k) On the Slogan of a United States of Europe (12k) The Draft Resolution Proposed by the Left Wing at Zimmerwald (9k) The Voice of an Honest French Socialist (23k) Imperialism and Socialism in Italy (25k) The First Step (17k) Several Theses. Proposed by the Editors (13k) The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination (21k) On the Two Lines of the Revolution (17k) At the Uttermost Limit (7k) On the Question of Dialectics (16k) Letter to the Secretary of the Socialist Propaganda League (16k) Social-Chauvinist Policy Behind a Cover of Internationalist Phrases (27k) Opportunism, and the Collapse of the Second International (45k) New Data on the Laws Governing the Development of Capitalism in Agriculture. Part One. Capitalism and Agriculture in the United States of America (270k) Opportunism and the Collapse of the Second International (49k) --1916--

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Speech Delivered at an International Meeting in Berne (12k) The Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination (Thesis) (44k) Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism (P) (317k) (*) The Junius Pamphlet (42k) The Discussion of Self-Determination Summed Up (111k) The Nascent Trend of Imperialist Economism (45k) Reply to P. Kievsky (Y. Pyatakov) (19k) A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism (141k) The Military Programme of the Proletarian Revolution (43k) The "Disarmament" Slogan (30k) Imperialism and the Split in Socialism (45k) Speech at the Congress of the Social-Democratic Party of Switzerland, November 4, 1916 (15k) A Separate Peace (23k) Tasks of the Left Zimmerwaldists in the Swiss Social-Democratic Party (39k) Theses on the Attitude of the Swiss Social-Democratic Party Towards the War (11k) Principles Involved in the War Issue (25k) On the Defence of the Fatherland Issue (5k)

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The Youth International (16k) --1917--

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Bourgeois Pacifism and Socialist Pacifism (P) (54k) An Open Letter to Boris Souvarine (35k) Theses for an Appeal to the International Socialist Committee and All Socialist Parties (34k) An Open Letter to Charles Naine (26k) To the Workers Who Support the Struggle Against the War and Against the Socialists Who Have Sided with Their Governments (20k) Lecture on the 1905 Revolution (47k) Twelve Brief Theses on H. Greulich's Defence of Fatherland Defence (18k) A Turn in World Politics (30k) Sociology and Statistics (21k) Draft Thesis (15k) Imaginary or Real Marsh? (13k) Proposed Amendments to the Resolution on the War Issue (7k) The Story of One Short Period in the Life of One Socialist Party (15k) Letters from Afar (139k) The Tasks of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party in the Russian Revolution (20k) Tricks of the Republican Chauvinists (13k) Farewell Letter to Swiss Workers (28k) The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution [Lenin's "April Theses"] (24k) Blancism (12k) The Dual Power (10k) Letters On Tactics (39k) The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution (119k) The Petrograd City Conference of the R.S.D.L.P.(B .) (65k) Appeal to the Soldiers of All the Belligerent Countries (9k) The Seventh (April) All-Russia Conference of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) (217k) War and Revolution (62k) On the "Unauthorised Seizure" of Land (14k) Materials Relating to the Revision of the Party Programme (55k) First All-Russia Congress of Peasant Deputies (60k) A Question of Principle (10k) First All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies (87k) The Foreign Policy of the Russian Revolution (8k) Three Crises (15k) The Political Situation (10k) On Slogans (22k) Constitutional Illusions (41k) An Answer (31k) Lessons of the Revolution (47k) From a Publicist's Diary. Peasants and Workers (24k) From a Publicist's Diary (31k) Concerning the Party Program (6k) On Zimmerwald (5k) Draft Resolution on the Present Political Situation (19k) The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It (113k) One of the Fundamental Questions of the Revolution (21k) The State and Revolution (P) (292k) The Bolsheviks Must Assume Power (17k)

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Marxism and Insurrection (26k) The Russian Revolution and Civil War (52k) Heroes of Fraud and the Mistakes of the Bolsheviks (27k) From a Publicist's Diary. The Mistakes of Our Party (22k) The Tasks of the Revolution (28k) The Crisis Has Matured (32k) Can the Bolsheviks Retain State Power? (130k) Revision of the Party Programme (82k) Advice of an Onlooker (9k) Letter to the Bolshevik Comrades Attending the Congress of Soviets of the Northern Region (9k) Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 10 (23), 1917 (11k) Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 16 (29), 1917 (13k) Letter to Comrades (56k) Letter to Bolshevik Party Members (13k) The Tasks of Our Party in the International (15k) Letter to the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) (15k) Meeting of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies (52k) Second All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies (52k) Draft Regulations on Workers' Control (8k) Conference of Regimental Delegates of the Petrograd Garrison (21k) Wireless Message of the Council of People's Commissars October 30 (November 12), 1917 (5k) Speeches at a Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P., November 1 (14), 1917 (12k) Resolution of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. on the Opposition within the Central Committee, November 2 (15), 1917 (5k) Ultimatum from the Majority of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. to the Minority (8k) Draft Resolution on Freedom of the Press (7k) Meeting of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee (24k) From the Central Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) (5k) From the Central Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks). To All Party Members and to All the Working Classes of Russia (14k) Fear of the Collapse of the Old and the Fight for the New (12k) How to Organise Competition? (28k) --1918--

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Declaration of Rights of the Working and Exploited People (12k) People from Another World (8k) On the History of the Question of the Unfortunate Peace [Often cited as the "Theses on the Question of the Immediate Conclusion of a Separate and Annexationist Peace"] (25k) Third All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers' Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies (74k) Instructions to the Red Guard H.Q. (4k) Meeting of Presidium of the Petrograd Soviet with Delegates from Food Supply Organizations (11k) The Revolutionary Phrase (36k) Strange and Monstrous (23k) A Serious Lesson and a Serious Responsibility (19k) Extraordinary Seventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) (217k) The Chief Task of Our Day (15k) Speech in the Moscow Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies, [March 12, 1918] (14k) Extraordinary Fourth All-Russia Congress of Soviets (87k) Comment on the Behaviour of the "Left Communists" (4k) Concerning the Decree on Revolutionary Tribunals (6k) Preface to the Collected Articles Against the Stream (7k)

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Theses on Banking Policy (8k) Speech in the Moscow Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies, [April 23, 1918] (15k) The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government (115k) Session of the All-Russia C.E.C. (96k) Six Theses on the Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government (12k) "Left-Wing" Childishness and the Petty-Bourgeois Mentality (81k) Report on Foreign Policy Delivered at a Joint Meeting of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee and the Moscow Soviet (49k) Joint Session of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Moscow Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies and the Trade Unions (69k) Prophectic Words (17k) Letter to American Workers (41k) Resolution Adopted at a Joint Session of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee, the Moscow Soviet, Factory Committees and Trade Unions (7k) Extraordinary Sixth All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants' Cossacks' and Red Army Deputies (81k) Speech at the Unveiling of a Memorial to Marx and Engels (5k) Speech at a Meeting of Delegates from the Poor Peasants' Committees of the Central Gubernias (21k) Valuable Admissions of Pitirim Sorokin (26k) Speech Delivered to a Meeting of Delegates from the Moscow Central Workers' Co-operative (18k) Moscow Party Workers' Meeting (66k) The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky (P) (286k) Speech to the First All-Russia Congress of Land Departments, Poor Peasants' Committees and Communes (P) (29k) Speech at the First All-Russia Congress on Education (13k) Speech at Presnya District Workers' Conference (36k) "Democracy" and Dictatorship (16k) --1919--

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Report at the Second All-Russia Trade Union Congress (45k) Letter to the Workers of Europe and America (27k) Closure of the Menshevik Newspaper Undermining the Country's Defence (7k) First Congress of the Communist International (65k) Founding of the Communist International (17k) Session of the First Congress of Farm Laborers of Petrograd Gubernia (23k) The Achievements and Difficulties of the Soviet Government (80k) Speech in Memory of Y. M. Sverdlov at a Special Session of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee (16k) Draft Programme of the R.C.P.(B..) (93k) Eighth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) (213k) Wireless Message of Greeting to the Government of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, March 22, 1919 (5k) Record of Wireless Message to Béla Kun, March 23, 1919 (4k) Reply to an Open Letter by a Bourgeois Specialist (16k) On the Candidacy of M. I. Kalinin for the Post of Chairman of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee (11k) Speeches on Gramophone Records (27k) Telephone Message to the All-Russia Extraordinary Commission, April 1, 1919 (5k) Extraordinary Plenary Meeting of the Moscow Soviet of Workers' and Red Army Deputies, April 3, 1919 (52k) The Third International and Its Place in History (24k) First All-Russian Congress on Adult Education (106k) Foreword to the Published Speech "On Deceiving the People with Slogans About Liberty and Equality" (14k) Greetings to the Hungarian Workers (14k) The Heroes of the Berne International (68k) A Great Beginning (26k) All Out for the Fight Against Denikin! (68k)

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The State (P) (48k) The Tasks of the Third International (54k) The Food and War Situation (32k) Speech at the First All-Russian Congress of Workers in Education and Socialist Culture (22k) In the Servants' Quarters (20k) Speech at a Non-Party Conference of Workers and Men of the Red Army, August 6, 1919 (13k) To Comrades Serrati and Lazzari (4k) Letter to the Workers and Peasants Apropos the Victory over Kolchak (22k) Letter to Sylvia Pankhurst (21k) Freedom to Trade in Grain (11k) How the Bourgeoisie Utilises Renegades (45k) To the American Workers (5k) Economics and Politics in the Era of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (30k) Speech Delivered at the First All-Russia Conference on Party Work in the Countryside (24k) Address to the Second All-Russia Congress of Communist Organisations of the Peoples of the East (34k) Draft Resolution of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) on Soviet Rule in the Ukraine (13k) Eighth All-Russia Conference of the R.C.P.(B.) (77k) Speech Delivered at the First Congress of Agricultural Communes and Agricultural Artels (31k) Seventh All-Russia Congress of Soviets (127k) The Constituent Assembly Elections and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (70k) Letter to the Workers and Peasants of the Ukraine Apropos of the Victories over Denikin [This item contains remarks on the national question.] (127k)

--1920-                        

Ninth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) (129k) Speech Delivered at the Third All-Russia Trade Union Congress (37k) From the Destruction of the Old Social System to the Creation of the New (10k) "Left-Wing" Communism, An Infantile Disorder (P) (266k) From the First Subbotnik on the Moscow-Kazan Railway to the All-Russia May Day Subbotnik (10k) Speech at an Enlarged Conference of Workers and Red Army Men in Rogozhsko-Simonovsky District of Moscow (10k) To the Indian Revolutionary Association (5k) Letter to the British Workers (14k) Preliminary Draft Theses on the National and the Colonial Questions. For the Second Congress of the Communist International (25k) Preliminary Draft Theses on the Agrarian Question. For the Second Congress of the Communist International (34k) Speech Delivered at the Second All-Russia Conference of Organizers Responsible for Rural Work (38k) Telephone Message to the Presidium of the All-Russia Food Conference (6k) Aid for the Wounded of the Red Army! (3k) Theses on the Fundamental Tasks of the Second Communist International (52k) The Terms of Admission into the Communist International (27k) The Second Congress of the Communist International (125k) Letter to the German and the French Workers (9k) The Tasks of the Youth Leagues (45k) On Proletarian Culture (9k) Concluding Remarks at a Conference of Chairmen of Uyezd, Volost, and Village Executive Committees of Moscow Gubernia (14k) A Contribution to the History of the Question of the Dictatorship (68k) Draft Resolution on "The Tasks of the Trade Unions, and the Methods of Their Accomplishment" (6k) Our Foreign and Domestic Position and the Tasks of the Party (55k) Speech Delivered at the Meeting of Activists of the Moscow Organisation of the R.C.P.(B.) (59k) The Eighth All-Russia Congress of Soviets (186k)

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Letter to the Workers of Red Presnya District of Moscow (7k) The Trade Unions, The Present Situation and Trotsky's Mistakes (77k) --1921--

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The Party Crisis (42k) The Second All-Russia Congress of Miners (45k) Concerning the Conditions Ensuring the Research Work of Academician I. P. Pavlov and His Associates (5k) Once Again on the Trade Unions, The Current Situation and the Mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin (101k) Rough Draft of Theses Concerning the Peasants (5k) Letter on Oil Concessions (8k) To G. M. Krzhizhanovsky (9k) Integrated Economic Plan (27k) Tenth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) (280k) To A. A. Joffe (9k) Speech Delivered at the All-Russian Congress of Transport Workers (35k) To the Trade Union Committee and All Workers of the First State Motor Works (6k) Report on the Tax in Kind, Delivered at a Meeting of Secretaries and Responsible Representatives of the R.C.P.(B.) Cells of Moscow and Moscow Gubernia (43k) Report on Concessions at a Meeting of the Communist Group of the All-Russia Central Council of Trade Unions (38k) Plan of the Pamphlet The Tax in Kind (39k) The Tax in Kind (103k) To Comrade Krzhizhanovsky, the Presidium of the State Planning Commission (10k) Instructions of the Council of Labour and Defense to Local Soviet Bodies (64k) Tenth All-Russian Conference of the R.C.P.(B.) (93k) Proposals On a Check-Up and Purge of the R.C.P.(B.) Membership (5k) Third Congress of the Communist International (128k) A Letter to the German Communists (35k) New Times and Old Mistakes in a New Guise (40k) Purging the Party (11k) Tasks of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection and How They Are to Be Understood and Fulfilled (20k) Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution (25k) The New Economic Policy and the Tasks of the Political Education Departments (52k) Seventh Moscow Gubernia Conference of the Russian Communist Party (65k) The Importance of Gold Now and After the Complete Victory of Socialism (23k) Ninth All-Russia Congress of Soviets (99k) Letter to Members of the Politbureau of the R.C.P.(B.) C.C. (7k) Draft Theses on the Role and Functions of the Trade Unions Under the New Economic Policy (41k) The Role and Functions of the Trade Unions Under the New Economic Policy (36k) --1922--

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Notes of a Publicist. On Ascending a High Mountain . . . (26k) On the Significance of Militant Materialism (30k) To Comrade Molotov for the Members of the Politcal Bureau Re Comrade Preobrazhensky's Theses (16k) Letter to V. M. Molotov for the Plenary Meeting of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) with the Plan of the Political Report for the Eleventh Party Congress (9k) Conditions for Admitting New Members to the Party (11k) Eleventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) (172k) Note to J. V. Stalin With a Draft Decision for the Politbureau of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) on the Question of the Foreign Trade Monopoly (8k) Letter to J. V. Stalin and M. I. Frumkin and the Assignment Sectretary (7k)

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On the Establishment of the U.S.S.R. (20k) A Fly in the Ointment (4k) Memo to the Political Bureau on Combatting Dominant Nation Chauvinism (3k) Telegram to K. M. Tsintsadze and S. I. Kavtaradze (8k) Interview Given to Michael Farman, Observer and Manchester Guardian Correspondent (20k) Interview with Arthur Ransome, Manchester Guardian Correspondent (29k) Fourth Congress of the Communist International (44k) To the Clarté Group (6k) Speech at a Plenary Session of the Moscow Soviet (23k) Re the Monopoly of Foreign Trade (15k) Letter to J. V. Stalin for Members of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) Re the Foreign Trade Monopoly (13k) Letter to J. V. Stalin for Members of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) [re foreign trade monopoly] (8k) Letter to the Congress [Lenin's so-called "Testament "] and Granting Legislative Functions to the State Planning Commission (29k) The Question of Nationalities or "Autonomisation" (21k)

--1923-        

Pages from a Diary (14k) On Co-operation (21k) Materials to the Article "How We Should Reorganize the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection" (21k) Our Revolution (14k) How We Should Reorganize the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection (16k) Better Fewer, But Better (39k) To L. D. Trotsky (11k) To Comrade Stalin (6k) To P. G. Mdivavi, F. Y. Makharadze and Others (10k) --------

Journal of Lenin's Duty Secretaries, November 21, 1922-March 6, 1923 (130k)

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