Legislative Calendar Weekending 102309

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Mondaay, Octobeer 19, 20099 Time:

10:00 0 AM

Comm mittee:

Lab bor and Agriiculture


Earlle B. Ottley Legislative L H Hall, St. Thom mas

Agend da The Com mmittee on La abor and Aggriculture willl receive testtimony on Biill No. 28-01442 Bill No. 28-0142 2 - An n Act amendiing 3 V.I.C., Section 530 (a) as it relattes to wrongffully dischargged Governm ment employeees Invited Testifiers: T Mr. Kenn neth Hermon n Jr. Director Division of o Personnel

Mr. Vaaldemar Hill Jr., Ph.D. Chief Negotiator N Office of o Collective Bargaining

Mr. Aubrrey Lee Chairmann Public Em mployees Relaations Board

Ms. Zaandra E. Peteersen Executivve Director Public Employees E R Relations Boarrd

ble Angel Daw wson Honorab Commissioner Departmeent of Financee

Ms. Debra D Gottlieeb Directoor Office of Managem ment and Budgget

Mr. Luis “Tito” Morales President L 8249 United Stteelworkers, Local

Mondaay, Octobeer 19, 20099 Time:

6:0 00 PM


Lab bor and Agriiculture (Tow wn Hall Meeeting)


Cha arlotte Amalie High Schoool Auditoriu um (St. Thom mas)


Agenda The topic of discussion is “The Effects of the GERS Reform Legislation on the Government of the Virgin Islands Labor Force”

The Town Hall Meeting is in response to the volume of calls Fielded by my office as it relates to Act No. 6794, “The Retirement System Reform Act of 2005” Invited to Participate: Mr. Austin Nibbs, CPA GERS Administrator and key members of his Senior Staff including: The Benefits Administrator Legal Counsel Director of Loans _____________________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Time:

10:00 AM

Committee: Financial Services, Infrastructure and Consumer Affairs Location:

Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall, St. Thomas

Agenda The Committee on Financial Services, Infrastructure & Consumer Affairs will receive testimony “regarding the repairs, renovations and improvements using public funds at the private residence of Governor John P. DeJongh Jr.” and all related documents to such. Invited Testifiers: Honorable Lunn Millin-Maduro Commissioner Department Property & Procurement

Honorable Darryl A. Smalls Commissioner Department of Public Works

Honorable Julito Francis Executive Director Public Finance Authority

Mr. Louis Penn Chief of Staff Governor John P. DeJongh Jr.

Mr. Henry Thomas Chief of Security Office of the Governor

Adam Christian, Esq., Legal Counsel Office of the Governor


Honorable Vincent Frazer, Esq., Attorney General Virgin Islands Department of Justice

Mr. Elliot Davis Solicitor General

Adam G. Christian Esq., Legal Counsel Office of the Governor

Honorable James Webber Former Senator

Mr. Neil Carty Better Roads Asphalt Corp

Honorable Liston Davis Former Senator

Honorable Ronald Russell Former Senator

Honorable Juan Figueroa-Serville Former Senator

Mr. William Koenig President WMK Mechanical Group

Mr. Kevin Cogan President Alert 1 International

The Committee on Financial Services, Infrastructure and Consumer Affairs will also receive testimony on the following bill: Bill No. 28-0137 – An Act amending title 31 Virgin Islands Code 23, Section 236a to prohibit the requirement of surety on bids that are $150,000 or less and for other purposes

Honorable Lynn Millin-Maduro Commissioner Department of Property & Procurement

Mr. Hugo Hodge Executive Director Virgin Islands Water & Power Authority

Mr. Ken Hobson Executive Director Virgin Islands Port Authority

Ms. May Adams Cornwall Executive Director Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority

Dr. David Hall President University of the Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands Minority Contractors

Mr. Denswell Hodge Vice President Apex Construction

Mr. Pedrito George Neon Construction

Mr. Julian King JUB King & Associates Inc.

Mr. Eric Castro Grade-All Heavy Equipment

Mr. Carlos Zenon President Zenon Construction

Mr. Luis Martinez President Airs-R-Us

Mr. Claudio Jimenez President Claudio Enterprises

Mr. Addison Christian President Addison Construction


ED Plumbing

Mr. Errol Cromwell President Brothers Construction

Mr. Mervyn George President JNO’s Construction

Mr. Cleave Wilson President Wilson Construction

Mr. Paris Terrlll President Paris Construction

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Time:

10:00 AM

Committee: Health Location:

Frits E. Lawaetz Conference Room, St. Croix

Agenda The Committee on Health has scheduled a meet to hear the Status update on the Frederiksted Health Care, Inc. /Ingeborg Nesbitt Clinic and the Herbert Grigg Home for the Aged inclusive of:

1. Frederiksted Health Care, Inc., clinic services at the Herbert Grigg Provisional site 2. Future expansion of the Herbert Grigg Home for the Aged 3. Update on site repair, mold remediation and the re-opening of the Ingeborg Nesbitt Clinic 4. Bill No. 28-0096, An act to rename the Herbert Grigg Home for the Aged to the Herbert Grigg Skilled Nursing Care Facility Invited Testifiers: Masserae Sprauve Webster Executive Director Frederiksted Health Center, Inc.

Honorable Daryl Smalls, PE Commissioner Department of Public Works

Lena Schulterbrandt Chairperson Board of Directors Frederiksted Health Care Inc.

Honorable Christopher Finch Commissioner Department of Human Services

Ms. Vera Falu Director Herbert Grigg Home of the Aged

Dr. Raymond Cintron President Virgin Islands Medical Society

Honorable Lynn Millin-Maduro Esq. Commissioner Department of Property and Procurement

Ms. Denyce E. Singleton Director AARP of the Virgin Islands


Ms. Daisy Rodriquez Medical Social Services Representative Juan F. Luis Hospital

Dr. Robert F. Centeno Acting Medical Juan F. Luis Hospital

____________________________________________________________ Thursday, October 22, 2009 Time:

10:00 AM


Rules and Judiciary


Frits E. Lawaetz Conference Room, St. Croix

Agenda The Committee on Rules and Judiciary has scheduled a committee meeting to consider the following bills: Bill No. 28-0041 – An Act amending 19 VIC requiring electronic prescribing by all Virgin Islands’ physicians consistent with the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 Bill No. 28-0042 – An Act appropriating $70,865.03 to the Department of Public Works for the flood mitigation projects in Estate Hannah’s Rest on the island of St. Croix Bill No. 28-0073 – An Act appropriating $107,500 to Our Town Frederiksted for operating expenses Bill No. 28-0082 – An Act amending Title 5 VIC Chapter 305, to expand the status of Peace Officers within the territory Bill No. 28-0083 – An act appropriating $150,000 to the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital to purchase a mammogram machine Bill No. 28-0085 – An Act amending 19 VIC chapter 20 to establish the Virgin Islands Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act Bill No. 28-0092 – An Act amending 28 VIC adding chapter 8 to enact the Virgin Islands Real Property Electronic Recording Act Bill No. 28-0098 – An Act amending 33 VIC chapter 111 to establish the Territorial Active Military Service Revolving Fund


Bill No. 28-0099 – An Act amending 32 VIC chapter 13 section 244(b) to allow members of the Lottery Commission whose term has expired to serve until a successor has been appointed and confirmed Bill No. 28-0102 – An Act appropriating $3,000,000 from the Internal Revenue Matching Fund to the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital in fiscal year ending September 30, 2010 to renovate and upgrade its emergency room Bill No. 28-0105 – An Act to establish an amnesty from interest on penalties for delinquent gross receipt taxes through October 1, 2009 Bill No. 28-0106 – An Act amending 9 VIC to adopt the S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act in the Virgin Islands Bill No. 28-0141 – An Act amending Title 20 VIC, Chapter 43, to establish a prohibition against text-based communication while driving a motor vehicle in the Virgin Islands Bill No. 28-0151 – An Act amending 5 VIC by adding chapter 314 establishing rules and procedure to expunge the records of arrest or the records of arrest and conviction of individuals charged with criminal offenses _____________________________________________________________________________

Friday, October 23, 2009 Committee: NO COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULED ____________________________________________________________________________

Monday, October 26, 2009 Time:

6:00 PM

Committee: Appropriations and Budget Location:

Legislative Conference Room, St. John


______________________________________________________________ Tuesday, October 27, 2009 Time:

10:00 AM


Special Session


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall, St. Thomas


Agenda Pursuant to the provisions of Section 7 (a) of the Revised Organic Act of 1954 as amended

The Twenty-Eight Legislature will convene in Special Session called by Governor John P. de Jongh, Jr. at the Legislatives Hall on St. Thomas

Proposed legislation: To ratify Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Cruzan VIRIL, Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bean Global Spirits and Wine, Inc. Invited Testifiers: Governor’s Administration Representatives of Cruzan, Bean Global Fortune Brands, Inc. _________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Time:

10:00 AM


Legislative Session


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall, St. Thomas

Agenda TO BE ANOUNCED __________________________________________________________________

Thursday, October 29, 2009 Time:

10:00 AM




Legislative Conference Room, St. John



Thursday, October 29, 2009 Time:

6:00 PM


Committee of the Whole


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall, St. Thomas

Agenda The Twenty-Eighth Legislature will convene a Committee of the Whole hearing on the following item: The Status of Waterfront, Safety and Beautification Plan for St. Thomas (W.S.B.P.; formerly Plan 8) and Charlotte Amalie revitalization Plan (includes Market Square, Main Street and Vendors Plaza)

Invited Testifiers: Honorable Darryl A. Smalls Commissioner Department of Public Works

Mr. Thomas Brunt III President St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Sebastiano Paiewonsky-Cassinelli A.H. Riise Stores

Mr. Wystan D. Benjamin, P.E. Territorial Highway Program Manager Department of Public Works

Mr. Danny Camacho Area Engineer Federal Highway Administration

Ms. Nicole Turner-Wilkinson Chief Engineer Department of Public Works

Mr. Dale Gregory Director of Engineering Virgin Islands Port Authority

Mr. James Bernier Director Capital Improvement Engineering Program Department of Public Works

Mr. Kenn Hobson Executive Director Virgin Islands Port Authority

Mr. Cassan Pancham Chairman of the Board Virgin Islands Port Authority



Friday, October 30, 2009 Time: Committee: Location:

10:00 AM Public Safety, Homeland Security and Justice Frits E. Lawaetz Conference Room, St. Croix



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