Lecture 11 Inputdev

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  • Words: 1,988
  • Pages: 37
Interaction Devices: Input Devices Lecture 11 Date: 9th March


Overview of Lecture •General introduction to input/output devices •Input Devices •Text entry devices •Keyboards •Handwriting Recognition •Speech Recognition

•Positioning and pointing devices •Direct control devices •Indirect control devices •Devices for disabled

•Output Devices 2

Interaction Device Introduction An early input/output device: ASR33 teletype :


Interaction Device Introduction • Screen, or monitor, on which there are windows • Keyboard • Mouse/trackpad window 1

• Variations • desktop • laptop • PDA

window 2


The devices dictate the styles of interaction that the system supports If we use different devices, then the interface will support a different style of interaction


Interaction Device Introduction •Cannot separate interface function from I/O interaction devices. •Majority of current interfaces designed to operate with keyboard and mouse. •New interaction styles and devices are required to support inputs such as voice input, gesture recognition, 3-D pointing, haptic interaction, wearable computers. 5

Interaction Device Introduction •Devices should be easy and pleasant to use, fast to learn, with minimal effort and error. They generally involve physical actions of dragging, clicking, typing, speaking, writing, etc. •Different devices have different affordances, and differing capacity for accuracy and feedback. •Also need to consider issues such as fatigue and long term health effects. 6

Interaction Device Introduction Interaction Devices

Input Devices

Output Devices


Input Devices •

An input device is a device that, together with appropriate software, transforms information from the user into data that a computer application can process

Input devices can be categorised into • • • •

Text entry devices Positioning and pointing devices Devices that input pictures Devices that input Sound 8

Text-Entry Devices • •

Keyboards Other text-entry devices

Text-Entry Devices


Keyboards • Most common input method • Discrete entry device (I.e. involves sensing one of two or more positions) • Physical design of keys and key groupings should be considered • A key-press closes a connection, causing a character code to be sent to the computer • Connection is usually via a lead, but can be wireless

Text-Entry Devices


Keyboards Keyboards Types: •






Mobile Phone Keyboard Text-Entry Devices


QWERTY Keyboards 1

















7 U




9 I


0 O



L ,



•Named from topmost left letters •Most common keyboard •Based on typewriter key layout design – designed to

prevent jamming of the keys •Not optimal for typing – frequently used letters placed far apart thereby increasing finger travel distances •Cost of replacement perpetuates use Text-Entry Devices


Alphabetic Keyboards •Keys arranged in alphabetic order •not faster for trained typists •not faster for beginners either •No inherent advantage •Sometimes used in personal organisers

Text-Entry Devices


Chord Keyboards Only a few keys - four or 5 •Letters typed as combination of key-presses •Compact size - ideal for portable applications •One handed use •Short learning time •Fast •But fatigue after extended use •Sample use – transcript recording in court Text-Entry Devices


Dvorak Keyboards

•common letters under dominant fingers •biased towards right hand •common combinations of letters alternate between hands •10-15% improvement in speed and reduction in fatigue •But - large social base of QWERTY typists produce market pressures not to change Text-Entry Devices


Braille Keyboards • Keyboard especially adapted to blind or visually impaired users • Keys are embossed to enable identification of keys • Frequently used with “voice output” systems

Text-Entry Devices


Mobile Phone Keyboards • use numeric keys with multiple presses • • • •

2–abc6-mno 3-def 7-pqrs 4-ghi 8-tuv 5-jkl 9-wxyz

• hello = 4433555[pause]555666 • surprisingly fast! • T9 predictive entry • • • •

type as if single key for each letter use dictionary to ‘guess’ the right word hello = 43556 … but 26 -> menu ‘am’ or ‘an’

Text-Entry Devices


Other Text Entry Devices Handwriting recognition •

Handwritten text is input into the computer, using a special pen and typically, a small notebook sized computer with a screen that the user can write directly onto.

Attractive as a text entry method because handwriting is a common familiar activity

Handwriting recognition software translates handwritten characters into ASCII text that can be displayed instantly on screen as printed characters

Handheld organizers – Apple Newton (the first), Psion, Palm, PocketPC (from Microsoft)

Text-Entry Devices


Speech Recognition •Speech recognition technology replaces a computer keyboard with a microphone and software to change the spoken word into typed characters •Natural form of communication, easier to train new users than other input devices •Does not require hands or other limbs – operators can carry out other actions •Offers disabled people (particularly blind, motor impairment) the opportunities to use new technology •Limited by recognition error rate of speech recognition systems •Variety of accents and intonations increase error rate •External noise interfering Text-Entry Devices


Speech Recognition Primary components of a speech recognition system: 1. Speech capture device = Microphone and associated analog-to-digital converter that digitally encodes the speech waveform 2. Digital signal processing module – detects word boundaries and separates useful speech information other unimportant data 3. Specialised speech recognition software, incorporating reference speech patterns, and pattern matching algorithms

Text-Entry Devices


Speech Recognition Speech recognition systems can be categorised by number of users: •

Speaker-dependent system require each user to train a system to recognise their voice

Speaker-independent systems try to accommodate a large range of speaking characteristics and vocabulary

Text-Entry Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Pointing devices are applicable in six types of interaction tasks: 1. Select: •user chooses from a set of items. •used for traditional menu selection, identification of a file in a directory, or marking of a part in an automobile design.

2. Position: •user chooses a point in a one-, two-, three-, or higher-dimensional space •used to create a drawing, to place a new window, or to drag a block of text in a figure.

3. Orient: •user chooses a direction in a two-, three-, or higher-dimensional space. •direction may simply rotate a symbol on the screen, indicate a direction of motion for a space ship, or control the operation of a robot arm.

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices 4. Path: •user rapidly performs a series of position and orient operations. •may be realized as a curving line in a drawing program, the instructions for a cloth cutting machine, or the route on a map.

5. Quantify: •user specifies a numeric value. •usually a one-dimensional selection of integer or real values to set parameters, such as the page number in a document, the velocity of a ship, or the amplitude of a sound.

•6. Text: •user enters, moves, and edits text in a two-dimensional space. The •pointing device indicates the location of an insertion, deletion, or change. •more elaborate tasks, such as centering; margin setting; font sizes; highlighting, such as boldface or underscore; and page layout.

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices •

Pointing devices are generally fast and easy to use, but require hand-eye coordination.

Can be divided into: • • •

direct control devices indirect control devices devices for disabled

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices General Devices Indirect pointing device • • • •

Mouse Trackball Joystick Touchpad

Direct control pointing device • •

Touch-Sensitive screens Light Pen

Devices for the Disabled • Eyegaze device • Eye Typer • Head movement tracker

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Indirect Pointing Devices – Mouse • • • •

Requires physical space for movement Provides relative motion Can be difficult for novice users (indirect mapping) Two characteristics: planar movement, and buttons

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Indirect Pointing Devices – Trackball • • • •

Weighted ball is rotated inside a static housing Compact -> Good for limited space situations – e.g. laptops Difficult for long movements Requires separate buttons for select

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Indirect Pointing Devices – Joystick • • • • • •

Usually used for tasks incorporating direction and speed rather than location Compact - requires very little space Compact, must be stable Absolute (movement) and isometric (direction and velocity) Inexpensive and robust Often found in computer games

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Indirect Pointing Devices – Touchpad • • •

Typically used in portable computers to replace mouse + requires minimal space (typically 2-3 inches in size - can be difficult and inaccurate to use

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Direct Control Pointing Devices – Touch Sensitive Screens • • • • • • •

allows direct control touches on the screen using a finger lift-off strategy enables users to point at a single pixel the users touch the surface then see a cursor that they can drag around on the display when the users are satisfied with the position, they lift their fingers off the display to activate can produce varied displays to suit the task are fabricated integrally with display surfaces Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Direct Control Pointing Devices – Light Pens • • •

enabled users to point to a spot on a screen and to perform a select, position, or other task it allows direct control by pointing to a spot on the display incorporates a button for the user to press when the cursor is resting on the desired spot on the screen Disadvantages: • • •

users' hands obscured part of the screen, users had to remove their hands from the keyboard, users had to pick up the lightpen

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Devices for Disabled – EyeGaze Device • An eyegaze unit is worn on a headband on the users head - screen cursor is driven by users eye movements • + good for disabled users with motor impairments or any environment where user is limited in movement + Fast + accurate - Expensive - Good for selection, but not for continuous movement of cursor

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Devices for Disabled – Eye Typer Device • Developed for users with severe motor impairment • The user “types” by scanning the keyboard and fixing momentarily on each character that is wanted • The characters are displayed on a panel in qwerty keyboard layout. Each character has a light embedded in it. The display has a camera that can detect which character the user is looking at. Positioning & Pointing Devices


Positioning & Pointing Devices Devices for Disabled – Head Movement Tracker • Developed for users with severe motor impairment • The user wears a lightweight headset. The “keyboard” is a display on the screen. The system detects slight movements of the user’s head to move cursor. To operate a key, user moves cursor to the key and blows on a blow switch

Positioning & Pointing Devices


Other Device Types •

Picture Entry devices • • •

Scanners Video cameras MPEG camera

Sound entry devices •


Positioning & Pointing Devices


Summary of Lecture •Input Devices •Text entry devices •Keyboards – QWERTY, Alphabetic, Chord, Dvorak, Braille •Handwriting Recognition •Speech Recognition

•Positioning and pointing devices •Direct control devices •Mouse •Trackball •Joystick •Touchpad

•Indirect control devices •Touch-Sensitive screens •Light Pen

•Devices for disabled - Eyegaze device, Eye Typer, Head movement tracker



Terms of Reference • Shneiderman, B. & Plaisant, C. (2005) Designing the User Interface • Preece, J. et al. (2002) Interaction Design • Benyon, D. et al (2005) Designing Interactive Systems • Helander, M. et al (1997) Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction • Norman, D. (1990) The Design of Everyday Things References


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