Learning The Webquest Way

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 762
  • Pages: 14
Learning the Webquest Way

Objectives 

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Define what a webquest is and explain its components Understand reasons for using a webquest Identify areas of my curriculum that lend themselves to using a webquest Conduct searches and find already-created webquests that fit my curriculum Determine how to adapt already-created webquests for my use Explore the possibilities of creating my own webquest

What is a Webquest? 

Developed by Bernie Dodge of University of San Diego Inquiry-based lesson model Information comes from and activities are based around the Internet


What makes a quality Webquest? Webquest is more than:  A document containing hyperlinks and questions to answer  Fact gathering  Or just a series of activities

Interesting, real-life task is at the core Involves higher-level thinking: problemsolving, synthesis, analysis, evaluation, creativity Internet is the primary resource for information Should tie to curriculum standards

Components of a Webquest 

Introduction Provide overview or describe scenario Hook the “audience” Communicate the Essential and Guiding questions

Task Describe the desired end product or result

Process Steps needed to accomplish the task Embed links to online information sources and helps such as organizers, guides, checklists, etc.

Components (cont.) 

Evaluation Describe how the process and product will be evaluated Group and/or individual grades ? Rubrics are commonly used

Conclusion Summarize what should be accomplished Rhetorical questions or additional links for extension or enrichment

Credits Any books, websites, images, sounds, etc. used to prepare the webquest

Teacher Page 

Introduction Origin of the lesson and what it is about

Learners Grade level, content areas, prior knowledge/skills needed

Curriculum Standards Objectives, outcomes, and types of thinking skills

Process Cut and paste Process Description for students Add details for implementing the lesson 

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Grouping, time needed, variations, related lessons

Resources Needed Conclusion/Summary Credits

Why and when to use a Webquest? Why? Motivational  Learning tied to real-world tasks  Authentic audience  Resources are timely and from multiple perspectives  Encourage higher level thinking and cooperative learning

When? Does it tie to curriculum standards?  Does it replace a lesson you're not satisfied with?  Do the objectives lend themselves to open-ended questioning?  Is the Internet an appropriate source?  Is higher order thinking involved?

Examples 

Civil Rights (HS)

Insurance Agents Weather Watchers (MS)

Water Cycle (Elem)

Survival (Elem)

Meterology (Primary)

Your Task Search the SDSU Database Use the Google search, if needed Find 2-3 Webquests that relate to your curriculum Evaluate the lessons' usefulness—what modifications would you need to make?

Finding and Adapting Existing Webquests   

Start with a topic or standard Conduct a search Evaluate and determine ​? Use as is Minor changes Need to modify

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See the full document: Adapting and Enhancing Existing Webquests This method requires some knowledge of web design, but there are other ways . . .

Other Ways to Deliver Your Webquest 

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If you are not “up to” creating your webquest as a webpage, you can copy and paste the content into Word, Powerpoint, or a wiki or blog To give students access Post document on school's Common Folder Post on a wiki, blog, or School Notes site URL of existing webquest (if not changing) Use a template or online tool If you “piggyback,” remember to get permission and/or credit the source.

Tips for Tweaking 

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Try to start with a WQ with at least 3/5: Up to date links Good layout and presentation Engaging task using higher level thinking Aligns with our curriculum Readability is a good match for your students

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Make list of edits or enhancements needed to meet your/your students needs Verify/update links Use Evaluation Rubric Review Design Patterns Get a Peer Review Student Test Drive

Tools, Templates, and Guides 

Online Tools (do not require website design or upload): Quest Garden ($20 for 2 yrs.) Filamentality (free) zWebQuest (free)

Templates: Original Template(can use in web design software or cut and paste into Word) Framed Templates (for web design)

Webquest Guides: Design Process Process Checklist (to use when designing/adapting) Process Guides (for students)

More Webquest Resources

WebQuest Home The Webquest Place Concept to Classroom Webquest Workshop Google Advanced Search Four NETS for Better Searching Rubrics for Student Assessments Five Rules for Writing a Great Webquest

Exploring, Using, Adapting, and Creating Webquests

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