Learning Atomic Sciences From The Quran

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  • Pages: 79
The Miracle of Knowledge of The Quran and The Teachings of Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon Him Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi Website: www.quran-miracle.com

Learning Atomic Sciences from The Quran

Some Topics Found in The Lecture       

The Structure of Creation The Basic Building Unit of Matter Understanding the Design and Function of the Atom The First Element in Creation How Elements are formed ? Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fission

The Structure of Creation

In the name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

The translation of verse (82: 8) in The Quran is: In whatever form Allah (God) Almighty willed He assembled you in The Quran (82: 8)

Allah (God) Almighty states that His creation is created in a process of assembly

Thus creation is made up of discrete basic units

Then Allah (God) Almighty assembled these units to produce the structure of matter in creation

The Basic Building Unit of The Structure of Matter in Creation

In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

Whatever you may be doing, and whatever portion you may be reciting from the Qur‘an, and whatever deed you may be doing, Allah (God) is a Witness thereof, when you are doing it. And nothing is hidden from your Lord the weight of an atom on the earth or in the heaven. Not what is less than that or what is greater than that but is in a Clear The Quran (10: Record 61)

Allah (God) Almighty linked the weight of the atom to it and not other .properties like its shape, size, etc

So it can be concluded that the weight of the atom is the most important property which determines all the characteristic of the element

Understanding the Design and Function of the Atom

The Structure of The Atom

In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

Who has created the seven heavens one above another, you can see no fault in the creations of the Most Beneficent. Then look again: "Can you see any rifts?" The Noble Qur’an (67: 3)

Spherical Shape of Atomic Heavens

‫سماوات‬ ‫السبعسماوات‬ ‫السبع‬ 7

‫النواة‬ ‫النواة‬


Nucleus Nucleus


6 4


Seven Seven heavens heavens (layers) (layers)


‫الكريم‬ ‫القرآنالكريم‬ ‫فيالقرآن‬ ‫وردفي‬ ‫كماورد‬ ‫الذرةكما‬ ‫تركيبالذرة‬ ‫تركيب‬ The Thecomposition compositionof ofthe theatom atomas asdescribed describedin inthe theNoble NobleQur’an Qur’an

‫سماوات‬ ‫السبعسماوات‬ ‫السبع‬ 7

The‫النواة‬ central ‫النواة‬ object Nucleus Nucleus (Earth)




Seven Seven heavens heavens (layers) (layers)

3 1


‫الكريم‬ ‫القرآنالكريم‬ ‫فيالقرآن‬ ‫وردفي‬ ‫كماورد‬ ‫الذرةكما‬ ‫تركيبالذرة‬ ‫تركيب‬

The design of the universe as derived from the Noble Qur’an The Thecomposition compositionof ofthe theatom atomas asdescribed describedin inthe theNoble NobleQur’an Qur’an

The Atom The Basic Structural Unit of Matter Is composed of Heavens and a Nucleus

Shape of The Heavens of The Atom

In The Name of Allah (God) Almighty, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

The Quran (39(: 5

5. Allah (God) Almighty has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night (In a spherical fashion). And He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.

A spherical pattern implies

The night goes into the day in a spherical fashion

That the heavens of the atom have a spherical shape

Spherical shape of the heavens of the atom

Energy of the Atom

Energy of the nucleus of the atom

The nucleus of the atom has a similar design and function of that of the earth

In The Name of Allah (God) Almighty, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

7. And the Heaven containing weaved ropes The Quran (51: 7)

The seven heavens contain weaved ropes of energy The function of ropes is to produce pulling acting between the objects they are connected to Objects within the heavens of the earth experience pulling action towards the earth due to energy weaved ropes

The Phenomenon of Gravity

‫الحبك‬ ‫الحبك‬

The Electron

Pulling action towards the nucleus of the atom due to gravity weaved ropes

The nucleus of the atom (energy source of gravity weaved ropes)

((‫نسيج‬ ‫شكل نسيج‬ ‫علىشكل‬ ‫حبالعلى‬ ‫))حبال‬

Energy weaved ropes within the heavens of the atom

The energy within the heavens of the atom

Energy in the Heavens of the Atom Gravitational Energy

Magnetic field of the earth


Magnetic field produced by the nucleus of the atom


Energy of the atom 1.

Gravitational Energy (Attractive) 2. Magnetic Energy (Repulsive)

The First Element in Creation

In the name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

11. Then Allah (God) Almighty rose over towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said: "We come, willingly." The Quran (41: 8)

Allah (God) Almighty states that before the creation of the earth, the heavens and earth were smoke

Thus it can be concluded that the element from which the heavens and earth were composed of was Hydrogen

It can be further concluded that the most common element in the heavens and earth should be Hydrogen

Scientific Discovery 

Hydrogen is the tenth most common element on Earth. (© 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation)

Hydrogen accounts for about 73 percent of the observed mass of the universe and is the most common element in the universe. (© 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation)

How Elements are formed? The Answer is completely derived from The Noble Qur’an

In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

8. In whatever form Allah (God) Almighty willed, He assembled you together The Quran (82: 8)

Allah (God) Almighty states that His creation is made in a process of assembly

Thus it can be concluded that all elements are created in a process of assembly

Which leads to the conclusion that the atoms for all the elements are created from the assembly (adding up) of the atoms of the first and most basic element (i.e. Hydrogen)

The Elements are composed of Atoms And the Atoms are composed of Nuclei and Heavens

How Elements’ Nuclei are formed ?

In The Beginning of Creation 

The Noble Qur’an 

The opening chapter (The mother of other chapters) 

The opening chapter contains seven verses

The opening chapter

An Atom containing one object in its heaven 

Hydrogen (H) (The mother atom) 

A mother from which new products emerge The hydrogen atom contains seven heavens

Atom 1 = Hydrogen Atom

Hydrogen as The Mother Atom Since the Hydrogen atom is the mother atom This implies that new elements are generated from it Thus all other atoms (elements) are generated from the hydrogen atom (i.e. from the assembly of hydrogen atoms)

Formation of the Helium Nucleus Assembly of Two Hydrogen Atoms

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Helium Nucleus (He)

Formation of the Lithium Nucleus Assembly of Three Hydrogen Atoms

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H) The Lithium Nucleus (Li)

Formation of the Beryllium Nucleus Assembly of Four Hydrogen Atoms

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Beryllium Nucleus (Be)

Formation of the Boron Nucleus Assembly of Five Hydrogen Atoms

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Boron Nucleus (Be) The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

Formation of the Carbon Nucleus Assembly of Six Hydrogen Atoms

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Hydrogen Nucleus (H)

The Carbon Nucleus (C)

How Elements’ Heavens are formed ? The heavens are the spaces where the electrons are to be found

Hydrogen as The Mother Atom Since the Hydrogen atom is the mother atom This implies that new elements are generated from it Thus the heavens of all other atoms (elements) are the assembly of the heavens of a collection of hydrogen atoms

The Heaven of the Hydrogen Atom

In the name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

40. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit. The Quran (36: 40)

The Formation of The Heaven of The Helium (He) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Helium (He) Atom

The Formation of The Heaven of The Lithium (Li) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Lithium (Li) Atom

The Formation of The Heaven of The Beryllium (Be) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Beryllium (Be) Atom

The Formation of The Heaven of The Boron (B) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Boron (B) Atom

The Formation of The Heaven of The Carbon (C) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

The Heaven of The Carbon (C) Atom The Heaven of The Hydrogen (H) Atom

Understanding Nuclear Fusion from The Quran?

What is Nuclear Fusion ? In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

8. In whatever form Allah (God) Almighty willed, He assembled you together Allah (God) Almighty states that His creation is made in a process of assembly

Thus heavier atoms (elements) are formed by the fusion of lighter ones

What are the requirements needed in the atoms for fusion to occur ? Reducing the magnetic repulsion between the nuclei of the atoms involved in the fusion process

Heating of the atom, thereby giving higher energy for the orbiting electron and finally the electron leaves the atom due to higher and higher centrifugal force

Which is done by

Thus the atoms become in a plasma state (i.e. atoms stripped from their electrons). Which results in the atoms loosing so much of their magnetic field due to the loss of their electrons

What are the requirements needed in the atoms for fusion to occur ? Reduction of the magnetic field of the atoms when they are in a plasma state results in the following The gravitational forces between the nuclei become much higher than magnetic repulsive forces and thus the nuclei get closer to each other (as one nuclei) and their heavens are linked together

The process of fusion

What are the requirements needed in the atoms for fusion to occur ? To achieve the state where electrons are released from the atom

Very large energy weaved ropes (thermal energy) should be given to the atoms involved in the process

Hydrogen (H) Nucleus

Fusion of two Hydrogen nuclei to form Helium 2 Hydrogen (H) Nuclei = Helium (He)

Energy (Thermal energy weaved ropes)

Hydrogen (H) Nucleus

Heaven of a Hydrogen (H) atom

Heaven of a Helium (He) atom

Heaven of a Hydrogen (H) atom

Fusion of the heavens of two Hydrogen atoms to form the heaven of a Helium atom

Understanding Nuclear Fission from The Noble Qur’an?

In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

11. There is no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out from falsehood. Whom disobeys Satan and believes in Allah (God) Almighty He has held on to the strong knot where there is no tearing thereof and Allah (God) Almighty is all hearing all knowing. The Quran (2: 251)

Allah (God) Almighty teaches us that bonds whether it is spiritual or materialistic are made up of:

Weaved knots

In atomic sciences these weaved knots are formed when the heavens of two atoms are linked together

In the name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

30. Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one weaved tapestry, then Allah (God) Almighty parted them? And Allah (God) Almighty has made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? The Quran (21: 30)

Allah (God) Almighty teaches us that bonds are separated

The similitude is given to tearing of weaved knots

In atomic sciences, atomic bonds are broken by the tearing of gravitational weaved ropes which form the atomic bond The process of nuclear fission

Fission of a Helium nucleus to result in two Hydrogen nuclei

Hydrogen (H) Nucleus

2 Hydrogen (H) Nuclei = Helium (He)

Energy (Thermal energy weaved ropes)

Hydrogen (H) Nucleus

Heaven of a Hydrogen (H) atom

Heaven of a Helium (He) atom

Fission of the heavens of a Helium atom to form two Hydrogen atoms

Heaven of a Hydrogen (H) atom

Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi For detailed information please visit my Website at:


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