Learn Teach Better

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Prof. Dr. Madhavan PhD., 0 98860 67232 [email protected] Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009



Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

SELF AFFIRMATIONS 1. I know that I am a Good, Valuable & Worthy Person 2. I am fully capable of Achieving my goals that I set for myself. 3. I trust in my abilities & judgment and I take full responsibility for its consequences and Rewards. 4. Everyday I am growing, to become a Better and Faster Learner. And by using my ingenuity and techniques, I will be a successful Learner.

So be it ! Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009



5 min.


Wonder Brain

60 min.


Learning Modalities

50 min.


Learning Methods/Techniques

50 min.


Question & Answers and Participants Feed back

15 min.

3 Hrs. = 180 min. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009


Business / Life is becoming highly complex and changing.


It demands new ideas / strategies for survival and growth.


Learning is the only way out

- Let’s say “Learning is for Ever”. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009


30% Fortune 500 Companies vanish in 15 years. 90% New Companies vanish in 3 years. Reason : Failure to learn Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009


If the Rate of change “Out side” of you is greater than the rate of change “In side” of you, then the doom is certain. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009


5 People each with IQ > 120, together have IQ < 60. Reason : Failure to Co-operative team learning

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009


- Learning is mainly an Activity of Brain. - Learning capabilities are enhanced, when used with other senses. - Learning is to understand, link, recall and re-pattern the information perceived . (Multiple Perception = Multiple Learning ) . Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN  The most complex machine in the universe.  The sleeping giant within.  The most unutilised human organ.  The most enchanted loom that weaves wonderful textures.

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN Understanding the working of the Brain is fundamental to appreciate our ability to learn & to enhance our capabilities. • 3 kinds of Brain • 2 sides of Brain • 8 kinds of Intelligence's • 4 types of Brain waves • 5 kinds of Memory

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN 3 kinds of Brain 1.

Reptilian Brain (Brain stem)


Mammalian Brain (Central part)


Thinking Brain (Outer part)

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN Reptilian Brain This is the Brain stem for lower life forms like Lizards & Crocodiles.

It is responsible for primitive instinct (territory).

Takes care of basic functions like Breathing, Heart rate, Fight / Flight responses.

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN Mammalian Brain This is the Central part of the Brain called Limbic system. The main constituents are Hypothalamus & Amygdale. It maintenance a stable body environment. It controls hormons, thirst, hunger, sex, metabolism, immune functions, long term memory It is also the Emotional controller. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN Thinking Brain This is called Neocortex, which is the seat of intelligence - seeing, hearing, creating, thinking, talking.

Major Brain activity of - Learn - React - Adapt

Excellent Brain Network, the corpus callosum. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN 2 sides of the Brain Left side is Logical & linear. Right side Creative & Global. When some one speaks, the left watches content of words and the right watches the Emotion with which it is spoken. It is natural when words are combined with pictures, colours, music & emotion then it is learnt faster.

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH TOTALITY 8 Types of Intelligence


Read & Write Scientific

Botanist & Biologist

Self analysing Introvert


Socialising Extrovert Madhavan. P

Singer Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN 4 Types of Waves Brain generators tiny electrical impulses as thought travels. EEG measures 4 kinds of weaves Beta

: Conscious

14 - 40 cps.

Awake, Attentive, Alert

Alpha : Relaxed

8 - 13 cps.

Day dream, Relax, Meditate, Agna


: Early sleep


Twilight zone, Flashes of inspiration, Thuriya


: Deep sleep

0.5 - 3 cps.

Madhavan. P


Active sub-conscious, Thuriyatheeth Oct. 2009

WONDER BRAIN 5 Kinds of Memories (cont..) W-I-R- E-S

: Connectivity for the Brain

Working Memory : Short term remember beginning of sentence till it is completed. It allows several functions simultaneously. Reduces after 40 years of age. Implicit Memory : Cycling, Car driving, Swimming. You will never forget. Muscle Memory, Remote Memory : Wide verity of topics. Winners in quiz contest. Loss with respect to age. Episodic Memory : Specific personal experiences. Food, games, movies. Where you parked your car. Usually well remembered. Semantic Memory : Memory for words & symbols. Corporate trade marks, religious symbols. Distinguish cat from dog. General knowledge of working world. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH MODALITIES - Learning is the Key to progress & Survival for the future. - Learning is how one Perceive Organise


Process Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH MODALITIES Learning modalities :

Visual Learning through seeing

Auditory Learning through hearing

Kinesthetic Learning through moving, doing & touching

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH MODALITIES Learning modalities : Visual Follow the illustrations ? Read the directions ?

Auditory Have someone talk you through it ?

Kinesthetic Start putting it together yourself ?

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH MODALITIES Learning modalities : Visual Do you doodle when you talk on the phone ? Do you speak quickly ? Would you rather see a map than hear directions ?

Auditory Do you talk to yourself ? Do you prefer a lecture or seminar to reading a book ? Do you like talking more than writing ?

Kinesthetic Do you think better when you are moving & walking around ? Do you gesture a lot while speaking ? Do you find it hard to sit still ?

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH MODALITIES Learning modalities : Visual Common process word in a conversation : "The way I see it is .... " Vocal speed is quick.

Auditory Common process work in a conversation : "I hear what you're saying." Vocal speed is medium.

Kinesthetic Common process word in a conversation : "I feel like you ...." Vocal speed is slower. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH MODALITIES Learning modalities : Visual " That looks good to me ! "

Auditory " That sounds good to me ! "

Kinesthetic " That feels good to me ! " Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH TOTALITY You learn better, when you know you can't fail. Learning is an exploratory excitement. Learning is not schooling, because schooling becomes imposition & no excitement. Child is a good & fast learner. Become a child like, supporting playful environment.

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009


Atm osp h



ion vat


Friendly ti Mo

Low Threat

Self Esteem

Core Idea

Learn Modalities Visual Audio Madhavan. P

Ki ne

sth eti c

Oct. 2009

Sig ht

ch ee Sp

Use all Senses


Learning for Leadership

te s Ta

Th ou gh t


Im ag

nt me ve Mo

Madhavan. P

Balance & Well being


th m ar

ina tiv e


To uc h

Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Use of Colours YELLOW Middle Stimulate Expensive character Intellectual Strength Movement, Light Creative, Active

BLUE Cold, Passive, Concentration, Truth, Consolidation, Passionless, Serious

Madhavan. P



Social, Participation Outgoing, Stimulating, Active, Radiant, Power Knowledge

Highly activating, Passion, Arousal, Highly Invigorating, Conscious, Desire, Dynamic Powerful, Tension



Equilibrium, Sympathy, Balancing out, Passive, Neutral, Constant, Soothing Reassuring.

Beginning, Clarity, Empty, Simplicity, Some thing new

Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Learning Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. Madhavan. P

Learning ambiance Relaxed state. Use of Boroque music Rhythm breathing. Rapport between Teacher & Student. Teach to Learn better. Developing learning habit by practice. Develop interest by Positive Affirmations. Know, Brain not designed to understand words but for pictures, colours, shapes, symbols, sounds, feeling & narrative stories. Brain Tree - Learn Tree It must be relaxing, fun and creative. Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership % 100

Different types of Senses

Learning Ability 90%

80 70% 60


40 20 0

Madhavan. P

30% 20%



Hear See

Hear See Touch

Hear See Touch Mind Link Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps What & Why ? 1.

A learning tool.


Aligned to Brain Architecture & Function


Radiant Thinker


One big whole picture.


Least space


Central focus, logic structure & integrative


Generate Brain hunger / thoughts / ideas.


Relates your own perception graphically.

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps What & Why ? (Cont..) 9.

Effective & efficient for review.


Enhances memory.


Bulk learning


Develop artistic skills (Right Brain)


Relaxation/Stress reduction/Self explorations.


Pleasure / Joy of creation


Generating a role model for future Mind Maps.


Learn to appreciate & understand other artists.

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps How ? 1. See examples 2. Branch out as much as possible from a central thing. 3. Picturise / graphics using colour, short words, 3D symbols etc.,

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps Creativity

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps Brain Storming

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps Presentation

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps Learning Skills

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps Over-view of Learning (Mind) Maps

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Memory Memory is integral with learning. Because Learning is -

Madhavan. P

Acquire Retain Recall Relate Research Generate

} } } } } }

Processing of Data, Information, Experience, Knowledge, Ideas, Concepts etc.,

Oct. 2009

Learning Mind Maps Memory Retention % w.r.t. Time 120 100 100 80 60

50 40


30 20

20 0

Madhavan. P


After 1 Hr.

8 Hr.

24 Hr.

20 Days Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Memory Principles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Madhavan. P

Believe & trust you have a good memory. Establish a motive to remember. Get genuinely interested. Use all senses & imagination (full attention). Relate & associate - similarity, contrast, continuity. Complimentary - Rhymes, Music, Chorus, Mnemonics, Symbols, Mind maps etc., Visualize Repeat regularly Learn meaningfully (usage) Von Restorff effect Keep fit memory by exercising. Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership The Von Restorff Effect Look at the following words quickly once, write-out as many words as you can remember.

Dog man tiger the book went Tendulkar

Madhavan. P

Work And good of the start late

And paper Rajiv Gandhi light of skill White

Own strain cat house rain tree

Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership NEGATIVE STATEMENTS I can’t concentrate I can’t cope up Everyone seems to be doing more work than I am I might fail. I am going to fail, what if I fail. How will I face others ? I am in mess with my studies. I don’t know how to catch up.

I have never been able to do very well.

Madhavan. P

POSITIVE STATEMENTS My concentration has really improved even if it lapses I know how to recover. I can do it Other people are irrelevant. It is the Quality of my learning that matters. I intent to pass. I am doing a lot. I am doing my best. I can get my way through because I plan, I revise, I decide priorities & work efficiently. The past is irrelevant now I am working well. I am using new techniques. I see a new beginning.

Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Listening Skills (Lectures) 1. Prepare Mind

2. During Lecture 3. After Lecture

Madhavan. P


Determine what you want to learn Have a good opinion about lecturer Get an over-view/idea of the topic. Have a small jotting book. Pay full attention (observe, feel & experience the drama). Jot-down key points by abbreviations & doubts for clarification (Mind Map) Re-captulate notes & experience. Draw up a Mind Map. Reflect the meaning (usage & values) Review with other books & friends. Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Reading Skills I


I saw


Madhavan. P



I saw Rama








1 Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Study Skills

S Q 3 R T Survey Question Read Review Recite Test Madhavan. P

} } } -

Glance to get an over-view/idea Raise curiosity Full interest & attention Teaching/verifying Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH TOTALITY 10 Learning Methods : 1. Lecture


Information is organised, concentrated and save time. But, passive participants and total dependency on Trainer.

2. Structured : Discussions

Participants interaction and ideas generation. But, domination by a few

3. Panel : Discussions

Provides variety and stimulate interest. But, reduces participants responsibility and time loss.

4. Reading

Large quantity, Review time, Tedious and Boring.

Madhavan. P


Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH TOTALITY 10 Learning Methods : 5. Case Study


Participants discuss application.

6. Role Play : 7. Skill application :

Re-enactment of actual situation On the job situation

8. Simulation


Program for experience.

9. Games


For active and competitive participation.

10. Personal Action : Planning

Madhavan. P

Application on job & facilitates Documentation. But, can’t help with un-willing trainees and lacks follow-up. Oct. 2009


Motivate yourself. Learning must have great impact & benefit. (What is in it for me ?) Acquire facts / information (What are the basic data ?)


Dig the meaning out (Can I use it in my daily life ?)


Have a Happy / Relaxed atmosphere


(I know that I learn better when I am relaxed) Active / Alert participant (I become part of the subject)


Visualize them (like a Movie with sound, colour etc) (I see the learning points like a Movie with characters etc)


Air what you know (teach others) (I tell others the interesting Movie of learning)


Net work (reflect) what you learnt (I see relationship of the learning points with other subjects & establish a link)

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Brain Boosters

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Madhavan. P

Oxygenate Brain (Breathing techniques) Nutrients - Vitamins/minerals/protein Fat/alcohol/smoking Positive mental attitude Happy mind set Avoid energy wasters - anger, worry, stress Add energy conservers - relaxation, meditation Take adequate water. Break 10 min. for every 90-120 min. of work. Do body mind exercise. Observe silence. Diets Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Brain Boosters (Cont..)




Sing, dance, laugh, tell stories.


Self-esteem, will power, assertive


Clear goals


Better human relations.


Time Management.


Stress Management etc.,

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

Learning for Leadership Learning Methods Trends Programmed learning Sleep learning Accelerated learning (super learning) NLP learning Metaphorical learning etc., Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

LEARN/TEACH TOTALITY Learn Positive... Think Positive...

Become Positive...

Change your thoughts, and change your world. Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009


Thanking you & Good Day !

Madhavan. P

Oct. 2009

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