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  • Words: 3,393
  • Pages: 36
Leadership (L): Meaning & Definition • • • • • •

An imp attribute for dev of org to be successful ( w/o L org is a mass of man, machine & materials) Personal qualities of an indl to organize efforts of followers, direct their activities to achieve org goal. L is to influence activities of an indl or, a gp towards goal achievements in a given situation. Therefore, L (fn of ) the leader + followers + situational variables L form a part of mgt with mgr as its ldr who is responsible for plg + organisation fn of an org A mgr may be a weak ldr or, vice-versa Thus, a mgr with L qualities is a true leader who can get the work done from the followers effectively

Definitions (quotes): • L may be defined as the ability to exert interpersonal influence by means of communication towards the achievement of a goal - Koontz & O’Donnell • L is the combination of qualities by the possession of which one is able to get something done by others, chiefly because through his influence they become willing to do so Ordway Tead • L can be defined as the process by which an executive imaginatively directs, guides and influence the work of others in choosing and attaining specific goals by mediating between the indl and the org in such a manner that both will obtain max satisfaction – H Theo

Leadership (Characteristics) • L is the process of influencing the behaviour, attitudes, activities & efforts of an indl or a gp to achieve common goals / Ckts of leadership are:  There must be a gp of followers  L is a personal quality of character & behaviour to exert internal personal influence  L is a reciprocal relationship between leader & led ( leader influences & is also influenced by followers)  L guides the indls & gp to achieve common goals of the org and unifies & motivate followers  L is related to a particular situation at a specific time & circumstances (style may differ from time to time)  L is a shared fn – ldr shares credits, blames, ideas, opinions & experiences with her followers

L Qualities - Traits of a Leader 1) Broadly the qualities are grouped in four categories: • Physical Qlties: Sound health, Vitality & Endurance • Psycal Qlties: personal magnetism, enthusiasm, cooperation, ability to inspire, forcefulness, tact • Intellectual traits: a high degree of intelligence, an open mind, capacity for open judgment, ability to reach, scientific approach • Qualities of Character: integrity, self-decipline, fair play, willingness to accept responsibility, physical & morale courage, humanism Integrity – means honesty, truth, honour, veracity, reliability, uprightness, ( Antonym is dishonesty)

Importance of L • Org is ineffective w/o effective L / success or failure depends on L / L is an art and there is no alternative • Directing Gp activities: L mainly concern with gp to get work done / to promote sincerity of purpose towards org goals/ uses personal conduct & behaviour to infuse confidence & induce to work hard ( ‘A leader shows the way by his example. He is not a pusher, he pulls rather than pushes’ - George R. Terry )

Better utilization of Manpower: 3P cannot work themselves, leader need to mobilize workforce to get higher perf / achieving best perf is key to success & possible only through effective L Source of Motivation: leader to utilise traits to motivate & apply L style most suited to the situation / L is motivation & in it’s absence org success doubtful

Contd/.. • Developing Good Human Relations: - promotes talents + self confidence + opportunity to demonstrate ability / thus good HR increase productivity of the org •

Promoting spirit of Co-ord: provided by dynamic L

Fulfilling Social Resp: Good mgt or L concerned with satisfied workforce / it provides high-std of living, higher prod to org, lower price, higher national product -- leading to more revenue to nation -- thus org fulfills resp to different sections of society, customers, workers, investors, govt, etc – only when guided by dynamic leadership

Theories of Leadership • Traits Approach (1930-50): certain traits (qualities) produces L behaviour inherent in a person / list of traits of a successful ldr are - good personality, tirelessness, ability to quick decision, courage, persuasion, intelligence, reliability, imagination, physically fit, intellectually sound etc.. • Earlier trait theories maintained L qualities are inherited but later theories concluded they can be acquired & developed by experience & training / it is now well established that leader is not only born but also made • Limitations: d) List of traits is not Exhaustive: no agreement (contd/.)


• •

• •

No Common or Universal Traits: difficult to indicate what mix of traits is necessary to make an effective ldr No room for developing future ldr: theory stresses inborn qualities - but later research accepted that such inborn qualities can be developed No consideration for situational factor: Different roles require different traits:

Top Mgt Middle Mgt Low Mgt

Conceptual Human Technica l Knowledge & Skills required


contd/. [ Technical Skills: person’s K & proficiency Human : ability to interact effly & build team work Conceptual: deals with ideas and helps mgr to deal successfully with abstractions to set up models & devise plans ] • The appch ignores other variables of L: such as acts of leader, followers and their acts, situation and its effect on the leader • Traits of an indl cannot be known: - unless situation arises which decides presence or absence of the trait, otherwise traits remain unknown. • There are too many exceptions - people who do not have the major traits but are notably successful as leaders

Behavioural Approach or Theory (1950-60) • Trait theory failed to explain ldrship phenomenon • Strong L is the result of effective role behaviour - L is shown by a person’s acts more than by his traits • Four basis elements - ldrs , followers, goal & env determine lder’s behaviour • Ldr’s act in two ways - (a) functional (favourable) to L (b) dysfunctional (Unfavourable) : demotivating (e.g. inability to accept mge’s ideas, display of emotional immaturity, poor human relations & comns) 5) Weakness: (a) a particular behaviour at a time may be effective but may not be at other times / thus time factor becomes a vital element which is not considered (b) questionnaire study - create perceptual differences & variety of interpretations – cannot be applied to scientific tests

Contingency (or Situational) Theories (1970s ) Explains


Trait approach

Suggest some desirable No certainty that ckts that a ldr should one possessing have them is a ldr

Behavioural approach

Explained various practices or styles to discharge ldrship fn

Situational approach

Not traits or behaviour matters, but a particular situation in which a particular ‘t or b’ is effective or ineffective

No best style for universal application

Contingency (or Situational) Approach (CA) • CA is a most powerful orientation today in mgt • Emphasises multivariate nature of org to understand how org operate in varying conditions • Managerial action in org is situational as situational variables on which action is dependent– are not similar across org or, not same in org over a pd of time ( hence it emphasises analytical & diagnostic ability of mgr) • CA suggests that no org design is suitable for all situations, rather suitable design is determined keeping in view the requirements of env, tech, size & people – attempts to dev interactive relationship between them • Gives the analysis on how ldrship behaviour differs with situational variables. It explains why a mgr is a particular situ successful while not in other situation

Contingency Approach (CA): Limitations • • • • •

Overemphasis situational aspect - situation may affect decision in a particular situ but is not everything Completely overlooks the traits & behaviour - which play an imp role in emergence of a leader ( ‘the head & heart definitely plays a decision role in every situ’ ) Measure ldrship potentialities in a given situ – whether fit in another situ is not answered by this theory Org factors were considered helpful or constraints in exercising ldrship – thus difficult to measure his potential abilities as a good leader Theory does not emphasis the process by which good ldr can be made in the org - thus it puts a constraint over ldership development process

Contingency Approach to Management

The contingency approach to management is based on the idea that 3) there is no one best way to manage and 4) that to be effective, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling must be tailored to the particular circumstances faced by an organization. 7) Managers have always asked questions such as "What is the right thing to do? • Should we have mechanistic or an organic structure? • A functional or divisional structure?

• Wide or narrow spans of management? • Tall or flat organizational structures? Simple or complex control and coordination mechanisms? • Should we be centralized or decentralized? Should we use task or people oriented leadership styles? • What motivational approaches and incentive programs should we use?" • The contingency approach to management (also called the situational approach) assumes that there is no universal answer to such questions because “organizations, people, and situations vary and change over time”.

Leadership Styles • Success depends upon the type & style of L / Style describe how a ldr behaves with gp or how L is applied in practice • Following L styles are developed c) Motivational Styles d) Power Styles e) Orientation Styles or, Supervisory Styles • Motivational Styles:  Positive Approach: leader motivates people to work hard by offering rewards / the more the reward higher the efficiency / +ve L encourages industrial peace ( e.g. encashment of leave certainly reduces absenteeism in org as it increases workers’ real wage ) contd/..

 ii.

Negative Leadership Appch: leader induces followers to work hard and threatens them to penalize if work is not up to the mark / emphasis is placed on penalties for shortcomings / stronger the penalty, more –ve it is ( e.g. mgr imposes salary cut for absence, is a –ve appch to improve absenteeism ) iii. -ve ldrs may get acceptable performance but at high human cost (impose of penalties like loss of job, reprimand before others / leave w/o pay) / -ve ldr display authority with false belief to frighten everyone into productivity / they are bosses than ldrs iv. Followers work only to protect themselves and try to shirk their responsibility to others Which one of the Two ?

2. Power Styles (Autocratic or, Authoritarian) How a leader uses power to establish a type of style Autocratic or, Authoritarian L: • in this power or, auth & decision making are centralized in the ldr, who create work situation & env and subordinates in turn do whatever told- nothing less or nothing more • Ldr enjoy full auth & assume full resp / always powerloving & never like to be devoid of them / subordinates or, followers not aware of org goals – they are insecure & afraid of ldr’s auth / Ldrship is -ve • Ldr uses power in best interest of gp & distributes rewards to motivate them - Benovolent authcrat  Achieve productuvity & full satisfaction of followers (e.g. trachers, parents, govt bureaucrats )

Advantage of Autocratic L

• •

Provides strong motivation & reward for leader Quick decision making as single person decides

Less competent mgrs can be used as not involved in decision making Decision making, plg or organizing need no initiative

Disadvantages of Autocratic L • People dislikes when extreme and –ve motivation style • Subordinates work half-heartedly as frustration, low morale & conflict develop – as they work as told to do • Mgrs are poor motivators

(b) Participative or Democratic L  Just opposite to autocratic L Advantages:  Workers are consulted or, participate in DM process , hence feel satisfied  Workers aware of what is happening in org & take interest in producing more and more  Subordinate gets full opportunity to utilize capabilities Disadvantages:  Power not centralized in ldr / he can use it only in consultation with subordinates  DM & implementation delayed as compared to autocratic  As auth distributed less competent ex cannot be used

Free – rein L 1) Ldr enjoy no power / L is employee-centered & gp of employee is free to estb its own goals and work out its own problems 2) Members of the gp train themselves & provide own motivation 3) Ldr keeps contact with outsiders to bring info & resources for the gp for fulfilling the job 4) It ignores ldr’s contribution in the same way the autocratic ldr ignores the gp 5) It fails to provide to the gp the benefits of ldr inspired motivation / sometimes it create chaos

3. Orientation Styles or, Supervisory Style (A) Employee Oriented L (B) Production or Task Oriented L Employee Oriented L • Concerned about human needs of employees & pay highest attention to attitudes, interests & necessities • Try to get increased productivity by improving working condns & env and solving problems Production or Task Oriented L • Concerned mainly with prod and employees are not of much concern • Believe in attaining results by plg better methods, keeping people busy, using them to produce / do not consider human aspect of workers Which one is better? : are both related and independent ?

Fiedler’s Contingency Model of Leadership  Different L styles had considered employees & structures (i.e. job or org seem to be effective under different conditions)  The theory specifies that effectiveness of gp is contingent upon the motivational system of a ldr, degree of control & influence in a particular situation Situation for effective ldrship Highly favourable Highly Unfavourable

ldr-member relations

task structure ldr position power




Not good



Ldr-member relations: Determined by the manner in which ldr is accepted or, rejected by the gp / for gp friction orders generally flouted / for good relations orders carried out • task structure: highly stru job task dilutes ldr’s potential influence /for unstru influence is possible • ldr position power: power provided to the posn / i.e. to hire & fire, status symbol, promotions & pay rises, rewards / business org & social org • Fiedler’s theory suggest that  Mgr must examine the situation in terms of people , task & org  Must adapt their style to suit the situation  If not, possible then change job elements to suit style

Determinants of Ldrship: effectiveness of ldr determined by • The quality of subordinates / followers: ldr build strong team consisting of people who are independent & selfmotivated / lack of initiative on the part subordinates & overdependence on their ldr indicates ldr is ineffective • The Nature of the Situation:  Different indls are effective in different situations  Situational theory proposes that indl having background & K relevant to a situ will come fwd to lead the gp (e.g. defective product ; people in an island)

Managerial Grid: by Blake & Mouton Five types of L on concern for production (task) & concern for people (relationship) are located in Managerial Grid 1-9 (Country Club)

Concern for people



9-9 (Team)

5-5 (Middle Road)

1-1 (Impoverished) Concern for Production

9-1 (Task) High

Advantages: Classifies L style on a scientific basis Provide an useful tool for identifying a prevalent style Tool for OD through training programmes Disadvantages:  Says very little how the two variables predict work perf which depend on many other variables apart from the two  e.g. the (1-1) L style may be associated with high gp perf , if the job is highly professional & gp members are competent and achievement oriented - the low profile L style is the appropriate one in such a case

Virtual Organization : Virtual teams are teams that primarily interact electronically.

• virtual” team made up of people who communicate electronically. Its members may hardly ever see each other in person. In fact, they may never meet at all, except in cyberspace • how well are these teams really working and what can be done to make them more effective? What are some of the benefits of the virtual team? What are the pitfalls? Do unsupervised employees take advantage of the situation? What leadership skills are needed to make the virtual team work well? • Characteristics of Virtual Teams  Virtual teams get the job done : Most teams attain its goals  People can be trusted : a potential problem (“Your manager doesn’t see you. Out of sight, out of mind”), However not an actual problem.

 Few virtual teams are 100 percent virtual : important in teams with interdependent members / Once met, more compassion and understanding grow for fellow team members.  Virtual teams take on the same basic structure as “real” teams : same dynamics as in “real” teams / early stages characterized by certain amount of randomness, chaos, and ad hoc decision-making. As the team matures, processes are put into place and the team becomes more efficient. Leading Virtual Teams 5) Virtual team leaders operate within a different framework 6) Some good management practices changed, or even eliminated, because the team was physically separated.

• Individual recognition - infrequent and when it occurred, it may be via e-mail or a telephone call / or, voice conference call to make praise public and to ensure that everyone heard it at once. • Celebrations of team accomplishments : geography and expense make this impossible. So far, no technique for successful virtual partying. • Dealing With Communications Problems  lack of project visibility - Team members knew on individual basis, but not sure where their pieces fit into the whole puzzle  problems in actually getting hold of people  Tips on alleviating communication problems

Include face-to-face time if at all possible : Have an initial meeting / Meet face-to-face periodically / These meetings will help establish ties and relationships among team members / especially important in creating an effective working environment where the team members are interdependent.  Give team members a sense of how the overall project is going : Project management schedule / updated project schedule / primary idea here to improve the quality and type of communications with all team members  Establish a code of conduct to avoid delays : acknowledging a request for information within 24 or 48 hours Don’t let team members vanish : scheduled out-of-town absences such as vacations or business travel be maintained

 Develop trust : “If we are to enjoy the efficiencies and other benefits of the virtual organization, we will have to rediscover how to run organizations based more on trust than on control. Virtuality requires trust to make it work: Technology on its own is not enough.” - Charles Handy, an author and management consultant  Issue of trust is at the center of successful virtual team management  “Leadership on [virtual] teams will likely be determined by who’s most expert on the matter at hand—not by corporate hierarchy.” --Raymond Smith, CEO of Atlantic Bell

Some key findings for leadership in virtual teams: • Virtual teams work. • People can be trusted in a virtual environment. • Virtual teams can be used in a variety of situations such as product development, telecommuting, company startups, and conference planning. • Few teams are 100% virtual. • Reward & recognize people for their accomplishments. Keeping everyone informed. 8) Encourage everyone to keep everyone else informed. Make progress towards goals visible • Formative stages, conflict resolution, team building, and rich interactive communication is best done in a face-to-face mode.

Honesty in Leaders is most valued: TOI poll

On a 5-point scale how imp are these qualities for a leader • Honesty 4.71 • Efficiency 4.51 • Ability to inspire 4.50 • Education 4.49 • Ability to judge people 4.46 • • •

Can carry people along 4.41 Courage of conviction 4.40 Willingness to learn




• • •

Fairness Charisma Ability to delegate

4.24 3.92 3.50

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