Leaderscafe 090909 Purpose

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,024
  • Pages: 68

To join the million leaders mandate or to attend an inspiring LeadLab session log in to www.leadcap.org

With you in a jiffy ! Bievenidos Willkommen bienvenue creoso yokoso Bievenidos Willkommen bienvenue creoso yokoso Bievenidos Willkommen WELC!ME creoso yokoso Bievenidos Willkommen bienvenue creoso yokoso Bievenidos Willkommen bienvenue creoso yokoso


Slide 1

Speaker Profile www.LeadCap.org

Kwai Yu "



Founder of Leaders Cafe Foundation (LCF). LCF aim to raise leadership aspirations to 20 million people by 2020. keynote speaker and leadership consultant focus on Knowing.Doing.Winning



"leadership is common sense; what is not common is in it's execution". MBA at Henley School of Management.


Slide 2

Session Agenda www.LeadCap.org


Speaker Introduction


LeadCap Summary


Discussion Content


Q&A session


Slide 3

Discussion Content www.LeadCap.org


Why we don’t think more about our purpose


What is a purpose?


Personal Mastery


The power of a (small) purpose and making true decisions


What’s your purpose?


Slide 4

Learning Points www.LeadCap.org

Incmnoskndspcls scoyIntentionknz dwuricoiwsncops kfeelingokcnsilw ionclsokwnclsowi orncothoughtskl spamvnoopwcliw yactionssloaowus






Process of choosing

With acknowledgement to Ian Berry for: Intentions, Feelings, Thoughts, Actions


Slide 5

Choosing www.LeadCap.org

““Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can

find the freedom that

comes from being in charge of yourself.” Robert F. Bennett


Slide 6

Death by Powerpoint? www.LeadCap.org

Why are my ‘speaker’s notes’ so large?


Slide 7

Different Learning Styles www.LeadCap.org


HEAR and I forget


SEE and I remember

DO and I understand


Slide 8

Internet Problems www.LeadCap.org


Slide 9

Let Me Know Your Feeling www.LeadCap.org


Slide 10

Building a Nation of Leaders www.LeadCap.org


LeadCap is nurtured by thinkers from the Ivy League with a vision to build the first leadership democracy in the world; to build India as a nation of leaders. “Is there an Indian equivalent of the American Dream? LeadCap is striving to identify it:” Forbes


Slide 11

LeadCap Beliefs www.LeadCap.org

# Teaching how to fish is better than providing fish: Helping individuals discover their true potential would help them more in the longer term than any other aid. This way they would help themselves, as well as the society. # Leadership is a decision, not a position: Individuals who emerged as some of the greatest leaders had nothing extraordinary about them. Anyone could be a leader irrespective or birth or living conditions, if willing to decide. # Leaders breed more leaders: More individuals would embrace the leadership mantle, if they are made aware that leadership is a decision. Hence, true leaders are those who nurture more leaders, not followers.


Slide 12

Why Should Anyone Be Led By You? www.LeadCap.org

“Unless you are clear about your purpose

and your values and are doing something that you really care about, it

is difficult

to act as a leader. You are unlikely to possess the will and the resilience that are needed to carry you through the inevitable

uncertainties and setbacks.” http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=1764277

Goffee & Jones

Slide 13

Motivation - The Simple Truth www.LeadCap.org

People will do something to the best of their ability ….. …… because they want to.


Slide 14

People With Purpose www.LeadCap.org

Show C om m itm en t

b o j r i e h t Lo ve

d r a o b n o s r e h t o B ri n g

Push pass barriers Stay Engaged

Discretionary Effort


Slide 15

Your Ideal Self www.LeadCap.org


Slide 16

Knowing.Doing.Winning www.LeadCap.org


Courage Doing Knowing



Slide 17

How? www.LeadCap.org




rp os

Gr e Ho ow pe Y Pa ou ss rse io lf n

Hu Ot m h e rs ilit y

Co Re ur sil ag ien e ce


Slide 18

Taking Risks With Our Future www.LeadCap.org

Why do so many drug pushers live with their mothers?


Slide 19

Taking Risks With Our Future www.LeadCap.org

Drug gang organisation hierarchy is not much different than MacDonalds

Freakonomics (Stephen Levitt)


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Taking Risks With Our Future www.LeadCap.org

1 in 4 chance of being killed http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=1764277

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Taking Risks With Our Future www.LeadCap.org

1 in 1200 chance for a Tree Logger


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Leadership Thought www.LeadCap.org

Are you taking risks to find and to follow your purpose? http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=1764277

Slide 23

The Future Is Scary www.LeadCap.org

Difficult, Chaotic Hard-wired to avoid suffering Self-esteem


Slide 24

In Our Defence ? www.LeadCap.org

Image from: www.nataliedee.com


Slide 25

In Our Defence ? www.LeadCap.org

Not in our Control Learned helplessness Short Term Narrow focus


Slide 26

The Toughest Question www.LeadCap.org

A question that really affected your career, your values, your beliefs, your role or the way you saw life ?


Slide 27

The Toughest Question www.LeadCap.org

Why do you want a child?


Slide 28

Keeping The Dream Alive www.LeadCap.org


Slide 29

Why do you want a child? www.LeadCap.org

They burn your MONEY!


Slide 30

Why do you want a child? www.LeadCap.org

They burn your TIME!


Slide 31

Why do you want a child? www.LeadCap.org

They burn your CAR!


Slide 32

Why do you want a child? www.LeadCap.org

They burn your HOUSE if let them!


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The Toughest Answer www.LeadCap.org

100 years from now, it doesn’t matter


Slide 34

The Toughest Answer www.LeadCap.org

How much money I had in the bank


Slide 35

The Toughest Answer www.LeadCap.org

Or what kind of cars I drove


Slide 36

The Toughest Answer www.LeadCap.org

Or how big a house I lived in … … but


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The Toughest Answer www.LeadCap.org

That I was important in the life of a child.


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Reality www.LeadCap.org


Slide 39

Personal Mastery www.LeadCap.org

Idea contributed to The Fifth Discipline by Robert Fritz and Peter Senge


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Why Did They Take High Risks? www.LeadCap.org


Slide 41

Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org


Or enter ‘status anxiety’ into YouTube search


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Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org

poor when we want something that we can’t afford, no matter how much money we have. We feel

rich when we have what we wanted, no matter how little money we have

We feel


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Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org

What is self-esteem?

I thought you said I had to improve myself IN STEAM!?


Slide 44

Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org

What we expect


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Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org


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Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org

What we’ve got


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Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org


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Status Anxiety www.LeadCap.org



What we’ve got What we expect



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Rich Man, Poor Man ! www.LeadCap.org

£88,000 income 2 holidays abroad £390,000 house

£148,000 income More than one house Kids at private school http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=1764277

Slide 50

Got a Child, Now What? www.LeadCap.org

Idea contributed to The Fifth Discipline by Robert Fritz and Peter Senge


Slide 51

The Dream Is Still Alive www.LeadCap.org

That I was important in the life of a child.


Slide 52

From Small Acorns www.LeadCap.org "

Important in the life my children


Gave up well paid I.T. career


Enter new career in Leadership Development


Decided to offer free help to those facing redundancy


Decided to help raise leadership aspirations for 20 million


Formed Leaders Café Foundation as vehicle to reach 20 million


Collaborating with LeadCap


Collaborating with Differencemakers (www.differencemakers.com.au)


LCF Learning Portfolio to be launched (Webcast blended learning)


Director of Operations for Asian Sound Radio


Slide 53

So, What Is Purpose? www.LeadCap.org

"Purposefulness arises only through the realization of an idea. In a realistic sense, an idea can become effective only in man. Therefore human life can only have the purpose and the ordering of destiny that man gives it. To the question: what is man's task in life? there can be for monism but one answer: the task he sets himself. My mission in the world is not predetermined, but is at every moment the one I choose for myself. I do not set out upon my journey through life with fixed marching orders.” Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolf Steiner


Slide 54

Butterfly Effect www.LeadCap.org


BuTTerfLY EffecT

Change one thing

. Change everything


Slide 55

Human Needs www.LeadCap.org

Growth Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Esteem Love Shelter Food


Slide 56

Maslow - Upside Down www.LeadCap.org

Food Shelter Love Esteem

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Growth http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=1764277

Slide 57

Leadership Thought www.LeadCap.org

1,000,000 10 10 10

10 10 10

10 x 10 x 10 x 10 xEsteem 10 x 10

Leading What ? http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=1764277

Slide 58

Marblehead Letter www.LeadCap.org

1) The social (and economic) divide: the ever-widening gap between those participating in the increasingly interdependent global economy and those not, both between and within different countries. The so-called “digital divide” is one dimension of this.

How long can 15% of the people get 85% of the goodies?


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Marblehead Letter www.LeadCap.org

2) The system seeing itself: What sorts of capabilities, technologies, and infrastructures need to be developed to help people better see how local actions impact extended, interdependent systems that are invisible locally, as well as the overall performance of the enterprise? How do we balance autonomy with health of the whole?

How can we stop going faster while dimming the headlights?


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Marblehead Letter www.LeadCap.org

3) Redefining growth: economic growth based on ever increasing material use and discard is inconsistent with a finite world, and finite capacity to dissipate waste. Yet, our business and financial models depend on growth: if a company fails to grow in revenues and profits, it is out of the game and others who embrace growth will take its place. This dilemma may require rethinking how growth can be brought into harmony with the natural environment. Is there a way to reconceive “growth” in a different sense? Is it possible to base healthy economies on continuing increase in value created rather than on continuing increase in material throughput? What are the implications of such a shift, for business, financial markets, customers, and investors?


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Marblehead Letter www.LeadCap.org

4) Variety and inclusiveness: developing inclusion as a core competence in increasingly multi-cultural and diverse organizations. Issues of diversity have been mostly seen as problems to be solved rather than strategic opportunities. Genuinely embracing inclusiveness is challenging. How can we develop the capacity to confront difficult issues that most corporations have not yet been willing to talk about?

Who is ‘the we’? How do we move from ‘i’llness to ‘we’llness?


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Marblehead Letter www.LeadCap.org

5) Attracting talented people and realizing their potential: developing commitment in a world of “free agents” and “volunteer” talent. Increasingly, talented and educated people have many options in their employment choices. Moreover, as mergers, acquisitions, strategic alliances and diverse forms of partnership continually reconfigure businesses, this makes people’s organizational affiliations also more ambiguous. Against this backdrop of flux and uncertainty rest unchanging personal desires for friendship and identity with meaningful work.

What will attract people to commit and be loyal?


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Marblehead Letter www.LeadCap.org

6) The role of the corporation: extending the traditional role of the corporation to be more commensurate with its impact. (Is there also the need to create a shared understanding of the reality of the role of the corporation now?). How do global corporations act responsibly in situations where economic power effectively supersedes political power? How can global corporations better understand what determines their “license to operate” and their “license to grow?” How can they use their visibility to be a more positive force in a complex world?


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Marblehead Letter www.LeadCap.org



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Making A Difference www.LeadCap.org


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Making A Difference www.LeadCap.org

I have a Dream


You Body Of Work Is Never Done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbel5MhtDq4


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Thank You www.LeadCap.org



Slide 68

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