Lcm - Lcp Time 080707

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 3,878
  • Pages: 58
LCP Time A leader is best when people barely know he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worse when they despise him. But of a good leader who talks little when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: We did it ourselves. ~ Lao-Tzu


Heidi Shum LCP 2007 AIESEC Melbourne

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

How better to put yourself out there, and attempt to make yourself famous, Other than by talking about My LCP Experience… …During My LCP Time  You can do this too, if you become LCP ;)

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Elections, September 2006. After multiple rounds of cheap Champers, and Vodka and Orange on that day, I have sworn myself off vodka-related drinks since… Hint: Nominated LCPs, please do not wear good clothing on that day. I might decide to add some.. stuff into the water. ;) AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

SPMs Then come the elusive conference.. Where only we can attend.. Septembers’ President Meeting. (in Sydney)

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Best site ever. It was like a resort. I swear. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

BIG comfy bunk beds, sofas, and even a kitchen in each cabin. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

We worked hard…

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

We honestly played even harder!

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

And damn, did we have fun!

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

The start of beautiful friendships…. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

06-07 Victorian LCPs at our best 

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Selected my EB / MLT First taste of POWER. Aha. Making mind-boggling decisions of where to place who, who is best for what.. And just hoping, keeping fingers crossed that it’ll work, with a resolution that I’ll make it work. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Did my first Quarterly Review Never underestimate how much angst a small little excel spreadsheet can cause you...

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007


Strategy map, KPIs, CSFs, Gantt Charts.. You name it, we used it! AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

After 2 gruelling days in these 2 places with 9 spectacular brains, AIESEC Melbourne 2007 LC Plans were born.. Speaking of which, current EB, they + the new plans will be reviewed the end of this month. Ha ;) AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Our very own LC Scorecard and Gantt Chart!! AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

January National Conference 07 I wasn’t there, but emails and MSN chats were aplenty… A big thanks to Emma Z, Jing, Nirm and Tina 

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Recruitment, Induction, Selection Recruitment came and went.. But a WHOLE LOT MORE work was put into it than visible / known to most. Thanks to Tina, Sabrina and V for putting up with our endless meetings and debriefing and restructuring etc. Thanks to Jing, Kenny and Nirm for all the work behind the scenes.

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

State Conference After endless meetings (yet again!), intense late nights with Bri and Murad (where we discovered each others’ annoying habits), sleepless days (my record was lasting 39 hours without sleep and actually feeling alert throughout!).. We put State Conference together.. The sessions weren’t that great, things we overlooked, but it was a success and our efforts paid off. The rest of it, you know  AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Making history.. oooOh Yeah. Ps. The cup is stolen by the way. It’s not in the office. Whoever took it will show it soon enough. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Work Work Work! Between Vic State Conf and July Conf was just a blur.. Things happened. Good and bad. The bad.. Very ugly. But I guess it is the overcoming of this that made this so special. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Crisis • Everyone was getting burnt out after a briiilliant RIS. • We were losing members who had to commit their time to putting on a Sh*t-hot July National Conference. • We were not hitting our goals, or progressing on our plans. • We raised no TNs. Still. Disbandment seemed round the corner. • Members’ personal issues crept into their lives. • Exams were round the corner. • Fatigue was imprinted on my face, but I had to be the happy, calm, energetic one. • Newly recruited talents were not being engaged. • People went MIA. • Things were still in their baby stage… tottering along, tumbling, falling, walking unsteadily, never running.. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

This was a time when I felt most alone, when my spirit got broken, got repaired, got brought to great heights, only to plummet again. Honestly, I can give you a HUGE LONG list of what went wrong. But what is more important is what came after. Going into National Conference, my spirit was in a fragile state.. But that soon became history. Because of YOU.  AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

July National Conference 07 We made ourselves heard..

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

We showed our talent in many (disturbing) ways.. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

We worked hard..

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

We celebrated.. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

We ate. (I still have this at home!! grr) AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

But most of all, we made everything click.. The work, the people, the AIESEC lifestyle. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

And all that made my conference.. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Does anyone remember the Morning Plenery Dance that we prepared but never showcased? Boom Boom Boom Boom! Hehe.. Well I got a lot of sh*t from Sharan for making you guys “march” after a long conference day and before a party.

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

LCP Elections 2007/8. BoooyeEAh!! It’s gone by so fast. It’s been the most stressful but probably one of the best and most formative years of my life. And.. I’m almost outgoing! Amazing. More on this in a tick. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

More excitement over these 6 months.. It only gets better ;) So that’s the story up until now. There’s more work to be done, nothing’s going to be easy. I’ve already hit a few walls yet again, but climbing over them is the fun part. And the best part? Climbing them with all 42 of you. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Moreover, there are more LCPs out there feeling almost the same things RIGHT this instant..

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

To be a leader with global perspective, you need to be a part of the LCP community. LCPs presents in over 1100 University around the globe. 1100 people are sharing same challenge, pressure and difficulty but in different country and culture. You will be the only one in your LC that can share this network and experience with these 1100 leaders. Join us to be one of us NOW! Dominic LCP @HKU Hong Kong AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

AIESEC really changed my life and taught me many things. Fortunately, I am LCP and experience the leadership in Local committee now. There is a dream in my mind. The dream is TPLC like a family and we do our best to become the best LC in Taiwan. This dream and the support of LC members make me keep walking! ^ ^ Brenda LCP, @TPLC Taiwan AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

The best part of my LCP experience was during the START conference in Taiwan when I got a lot of sugar cube messages from the delegates (some of them are from my LC). It was very gratifying that, through their written messages, I got to know they appreciate what I have been doing for AIESEC and the LC. It also means that the LC people are with me, and together we can catapult the LC to a greater level of excellence. Alvin LCP @NTU Singapore

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Hello @ Melbourne, hi dear Heidi  Being LCP is an extraordinary experience. Leading the LC, coordinating every function, being LC representative towards the whole country is very stressful and responsible job, but on the other's an experience I wouldn't change for anything in this world. I used to stay up for the whole days and nights solving some problems and finding the best solutions so my LC can have better performance, it takes you so much energy and there are moments when you want to give up everything, but then you just remember that at the end, great results will dear members of @ Melbourne, respect and support your LCP because Together Everyone Achieves More. And Heidi, never, never, never give up. There is one quote that was leading me through my term, and I hope you'll find it useful, it says: „ To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.“ Guys, I wish you to have a lot of great results, and the most important, never forget to have fun  With Love, Maya LCP 06/07 LC Rijeka, Croatia

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Hey! Greetings from Costa Rica! Why being LCP has been one of the best experiences I have ever had? Being a leader in @ means you care about people, as LCP one of the main challenges is to motivate and create the environment for the membership to reach their goals either in AIESEC or in their life. It has help me out to motivate myself, to get to know me better and how I can impact on people's life and even better feel satisfied when one of your members have reached everything to the stars! LCP has the knowledge and skills now it is our opportunity and responsibility to create the impact! -Leadership Commitment Passion Juan Carlos Murillo LCP TEC AIESEC CAS Costa Rica & Panamá

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

A lot of people ask me what being LCP is like, and to be honest, I never have a ready answer for them. I guess it's one of the most evolving jobs in AIESEC; everyday involves something that's added to your job description. But I will say this: the job of the LCP is thank-less but gratifying. My motto in this job is: "In the end it's alright; if it's not alright, it's not the end". -Best Regards, Saaim Mazher Khan President AIESEC in Karachi Karachi, Pakistan.

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Hello, My name is Aika and I'm current LCP of AIESEC Almaty, Kazakhstan. Together with EB I've started my term in May 2007. The best thing I found out of being President for now is to see the overall development of the whole organization, when you put all the results by function together and see how your LC is performing! And you can see how inch by inch you are coming to realization of the main LC focuses you set up with AIESEC members during the year planning. Also, what I really love is that LCP is the one who has to be a real example of AIESEC person whom each member trust, that's why better never be wrong in your action steps! You can also implement a lot of innovative things for development of AIESEC culture. Hmmm, what's keeping me going to be great LCP? Definitely, only my members and their shiny eyes full of energy and aims to reach results for personal and organizational development! Also I do love a lot my EB – they are all energetic girls and we have already some jokes about that J Best regards, Aika AIESEC Almaty, Kazakhstan AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

My LCP term was intense; challenging, inspiring, overwhelming, gutting, glorious, draining, energising all at once. Precisely because of this intensity I am so grateful for the opportunity I was granted in taking up that role. How many graduates who work for the Big Four etc... have: led and managed 30 volunteers, voted and negotiated within a National Plenary stretching across five states, participated in Skolling West African Style, sent teammates off to Poland, the Phillipines, Colombia and Beijing and made friends with interns from Romania, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Mexico, Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey....the list of unmatchable experiences could go on for miles. This was my day job for a year and damned if I would have it any other way :) Love, Lucy LCP 2006 @Sydney, Australia

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

My passion to reach heights, to develop myself and others and my amazing member base, these keeps me going as an LCP.“ Nafees @LC Dhaka West, AIUB Bangladesh

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

I always knew that there had to be a reason why everyone I met in AIESEC – PAIs, AI Directors and MC members always said that the best year they had in AIESEC was the year they were LCP. It is definitely not overrated – I think the best element about the LCP experience is that you can directly impact your LC’s directions, results, culture and membership for years to come – this was something that was personally and professionally very important for me. I learned more about life, AIESEC and working in a hectic, high pressured and yet, very fun, environment in one year than I possibly would have in any other role in or outside of AIESEC Being LCP is also one of the most challenging positions you can have in AIESEC. I felt that it could be quite lonely, where you feel quite like a superhero and want to achieve everything, and feel frustrated when results don’t come in despite putting in hours of work, and juggling school, family and your social life. There are no personal achievements – your achievements are the LC’s achievements, and it is often hard trying to figure out what contribution you have made.

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

It does not have to be lonely though – I discovered an absolutely amazing LCP network of LCPs from all over the world who I could chat with at 3 in the morning about anything and everything, and some of them are my closest friends today. And now when I read news of my home LC realizing TNs that were raised & matched in my year as LCP, or using structures and resources I created, it makes me appreciate the impact you can make in one year. Very simply put … and this might seem like a cliché: Being LCP means you have the choice to either sink or swim – and if you can swim the year through calm and stormy weather – you’ve got it made. Best of luck =) Saba Imtiaz, LCP, Karachi – Pakistan AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

The greatest thing about being an LCP is when you start to notice how the people around you develop. In my opinion, the role of an LCP, or a leader in general, is to create an environment where motivated people can do great things. It's a huge boost of motivation to me, when I see how the people around me are getting better and better in what they do, because at the end of the day, it was me who gave them the opportunity to do so and that is what keeps me going. Marcel LCP 2007 @Zurich, Switzerland

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

To me, the challenges that have come my way as an LCP is the biggest manifestation of the single most intense and once in a life time opportunity that any young person; anywhere in the world, can come across at such a young age! The steep learning associated with this experience is perhaps the best part, be it the day to day profitable management of an organization, the opportunity to inspire and be inspired, or the sheer irreversible impact that I get to be a part of in the process of changing lives and experiencing people around me excel and learn whilst running the LC. The biggest motivation and the key aspects that keep me going and continually inspired is the will to perform, excel and challenge everything that currently is, and to better it to a level that everything isn't at. The wondrous opportunities to build networks, create further opportunities, and realizing my own self and personal vision and contribution, have been the biggest source of energy to continue to contribute and learn! Regards, Siddharth Suhas LCP 2007 AIESEC Hyderabad, India

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

My term as LCP was short but sweet. 6 months of starting something from scratch was simply an eye-opening experience. With very limited resources, and people; we started AIESEC in Bahrain with literally 12 active people. Now, after 6 months, we're way over 60 active members; which by itself is an accomplishment. Completed two succssful Nation-wide projects; and raising 5 TNs. For 12 people who didn't know anything about AIESEC and to accomplish all this. . . its simply AMAZING. The best thing i loved about my term was the dedicated team of people that i worked with. I never in my life depended on someone with critical things, and never had the chance to strategically plan a whole 6-month period. Now after my term is over, i just sit back and look at what we have built from NOTHING. Thinking that exactly 1 year ago, no-one knew anything about what AIESEC, its vision, or even its impact is. Just to be short, AIESEC has changed my life 180 degrees. I now have bigger ambitions, clearer goals, and a better understanding of how i want my future to look like. Mohamed Ali (turbz) LCP Jan 07 – July 07 AIESEC Bahrain

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

Heidi’s LCP wonders…

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

I look back and it’s a wonder how much i can fit in a day. I feel like such a machine. It’s a wonder what a fine balance I can strike between living my life and breathing AIESEC. It’s a wonder how I can study just the day before for my exam and actually pass! (Or more of just luck.) It’s a wonder how my non-AIESEC friends are still my friends. It’s a wonder how 42 individuals could make a conference experience so different for me. How I could go in fretting big time, but actually just cruising through it in the end. It’s a wonder how I can receive AIESEC emails from my MLT at 4:39am, and one stellar If I missed out anything that I am supposed to fill up do let me know. Don't hesitate to call me and wake me up in the morning. I wanna make sure I do things right."... It’s a wonder how screwed up my bodyclock can be, but I can still be a normal person. It’s a wonder how meetings can fill up my life! It’s a wonder how anxious I can get before and in each EBM even though I’ve already been in tens and hundreds. It’s a wonder how peoples’ reactions and vibes each EBM affects me. It’s a wonder listening to the EB’s updates and realising I’ve been pessimistic and how much work they’ve actually done, and what a good position we are in. AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

It’s a wonder how much progress we have made, how different our LC feels to when I joined in 2005. It’s a wonder walking into the office finding people doing AIESEC work, or find out on Google Talk that they are doing it overnight, when AIESEC is a non-for-profit organisation. It’s a wonder how impressed the nation is with our LC when all along I silently expected the worst. It’s a wonder how many .net updates there are suddenly when .net has been dead to us for years! It’s a wonder how Murad comes up to me, and ask.. How do you get people to use .net so much so fast? My answer.. A certain Isaac from the IS team. It’s a wonder how I can be chatting with so many LCPs all around the globe in one night. And it’s a wonder how they are so willing to help, and send me in a little note within 2 days when I’ve never once met them. It’s a wonder how many altruistic members we have. It’s a wonder how many quality members we have. It’s a wonder how AIESEC can bring us all together.

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

It’s a wonder how realistic our goals seem and that everyone is working towards us getting there. It’s a wonder how much impact I can have on someone else’s life. (Though I still silently doubt this.) It’s a wonder having people come up to you telling you that you are their inspiration. I mean.. Really? It’s a wonder how much and how little “power” I have.. It’s scary. It’s a wonder how much people can grow in 6 months, and how much input I could have in that.. All in all, it’s a wonder how fulfilling my life has been, and how much stronger I have become because of an LCP term.

Lovin’ Melbourne, Heids.

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

"A wish for leaders "I sincerely wish you will have the experience of thinking up a new idea, planning it, organising it, and following it to completion, then having it be magnificently successful. I also hope you go through the same process and have something fail terribly. I wish you could know how it feels to run with all your heart and lose horribly. I wish you could achieve some great good for mankind and have nobody know about it except you. I wish that you could find something so worthwhile that you deem it worthy of devoting your life. I hope you become frustrated and dissatisfied enough to begin to push back the very barriers of your own personality limitations. I hope you make a stupid mistake and get caught red handed and are big enough to say those magical words "I was wrong". I hope you give so much of yourself that some days you wonder if it's worth it all. I wish for you a magnificent obsession that will give you reason for living and purpose and direction and plan and life. I wish for you the worst kind of criticism for everything you do because that makes you fight to achieve beyond what you normally would. I wish for you the experience of leadership!"

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

This little thing called AIESEC… Coupled with the fire, the capability of youth in these countries.. POSITIVE IMPACT ON THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN… IS POSSIBLE. Question is.. What part do you want to play in this?..

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

AIESEC Melbourne

AIESEC Melbourne Local Committee Meetings 2007

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