Lawful Rebellion - Affidavit 1

  • Uploaded by: Neil Kerslake
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 753
  • Pages: 1
Affidavit of Neil Kerslake In Pursuit of Justice and Right, And in Full Exercise Of My Undoubted and Lawful Duty to My Sovereign Lady, Elizabeth the Queen I, Neil Kerslake, now resident at XXXXXXXXXXXX, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, CF62 XXX, MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS – IT BEING APPARENT TO ME and to a multitude of others that divers Evil Persons have falsely and unlawfully induced Our Sovereign Lady to believe that they alone are the true representatives of the People placed in Her Majesty’s Care by Almighty God AND IT BEING APPARENT TO ME and to a multitude of others that these same Evil Persons have unlawfully and falsely induced Our Sovereign Lady to give an unlawful effect to legislation that has violated and continues to violate the Common Law: Which legislation further serves to undermine; deny and destroy the Absolute Supremacy of Her Majesty’s Imperial Crown, all to the prejudice of Her Majesty’s People, and in absolute contravention of the Right of the People to live in accordance with their own Laws and Customs (as evidenced by the terms of the Oath that was undertaken by Our Sovereign Lady before Almighty God at the time of Her Coronation) – AND IT BEING FURTHER APPARENT TO ME and to a multitude of others that the entirely Lawful Authority of Our Sovereign Lady the Queen to Uphold & Defend Her People is now so reduced and/or destroyed by the many processes of Treason that have been and are now being employed against Her Majesty’s Authority from within the ranks of those Evil Persons who have been and are now entrusted with authority to manage the affairs of Her Majesty’s Parliament and Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – That my Security and Safety under the Rule of those Laws that are my Inalienable Birthright are now threatened to my personal detriment and danger and to the detriment and danger of my Family; my People and my Country in their entirety – AND IT BEING FINALLY APPARENT TO ME that I can achieve no redress to those many grievances that I now have and which result entirely from the Unlawful Conduct of those Evil Persons who now surround the Person and Throne of my Lawful Sovereign, except by means of the Lawful Process that – I NOW PLACE ON THE RECORD of All Persons who now claim to assert a Lawful Authority over me in the name of Elizabeth the Queen that unless there is correction to the many processes of misgovernment and abuse that have been and are now being imposed on me; with such process of correction being commenced; undertaken; evidenced and given a first and lasting effect within a period of 40 (forty) days from this present date – SUCH PROCESS OF CORRECTION being fully evidenced by Her Majesty’s dismissal of the Assembly of Traitors that is now falsely describing itself as the Representation of the People within the House of Commons AND WITH SUCH DISMISSAL providing the entirety of the People themselves with full opportunity to speak and to act on their own behalf in the Election of Representatives that are truly loyal to the purposes of Her Majesty’s Throne and People THEN I WILL WITHDRAW and withhold all Allegiance and Obedience to the Person and Crown of Our Sovereign Lady, Elizabeth the Queen, and those who falsely claim to speak and/or to act in Her Name, and by such action, I will remove myself entirely from the authority of those Evil Persons who now seek to abuse and misuse me in the name of Elizabeth, the Queen and in absolute violation of the Common Law of the People to which I belong – AND I GIVE NOTICE that I will return to my Full Allegiance to the Person; Estate and Imperial Crown of Elizabeth the Queen only when Her Majesty the Queen is released from the bondage that now prevents her from the free exercise of Her Lawful Authority and Duty to Uphold the Common Law that is my Birthright and to ensure for all time to come that the government of my Country is conducted in full accordance with the Laws and Customs of my People. May God in His Mercy, Defend the Right & May God Save the Queen from those who now hold her in an Unlawful Captivity. Signed__________________________Neil Kerslake. Before me, An Officer of the Court, or Solicitor ________________________________________

Sworn at:_________________________________ ________________________________________

Print Name____________________Date_________ (Signed & Sealed)

________________________________________ ________________________________________

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