Affidavit We R.P Tiwari and Dr (Mrs) Reeta Tiwari Residents of HIG, C-304,Jhulelal Appartments ,Pitampura,Delhi-110034 do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That we the above named deponents do hereby declare to sponsor our son Ritesh Tiwari for his Undergraduate Study in USA for the academic course of Engineering starting from Fall 2009 for a period of four years. We shall bear the entire financial expenses in U.S.A for the required duration of the course. 2. We further declare that we have sufficient funds to financially sponsor him for the requisite period. Deponents …………………&…………………….. (R.P Tiwari) (Dr Mrs Reeta Tiwari) Verification: Verified at New Delhi on this …………….. day of…………….March 2009……….. that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and that no material has been concealed there from. Deponents ……………… &………………….. (R.P Tiwari) (Dr Mrs Reeta Tiwari)