Law Of Karma

  • June 2020
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LAW OF KARMA Karma is a Sanskrit word which means action or deeds. Any mental or physical action is called karma. Every action produces its result, which is known as karma. Thus karma includes both the action and result which is governed by the law of causation. So under the law of karma there is nothing as chance or as an accident. The so called chance or accidents are in reality the product of same definite cause of which we may not be aware of. That which appears as a chance or accident to a non-astrological mind is natural & inevitable to astrologers.

BASIC PRINCIPLES 1) Man’s propensity to do karma 2) Re-incarnation or cycle of berth and death 3) Fruits of karma have to be enjoyed or suffered 1) MAN’S PROPENSITY TO DO KARMA a) Kayak-bodily action b) Vachak-action by speech c) Mansik-mental A man can’t remain without any action.eating; breathing & sleeping are obligatory actions. However, in modern world, man works with some motive, there is self interest involved. Man wants money fame, power, position or comforts. A work is good or bad according to the motives underlying it & the means adopted. If the motive is good then works become good. If it is bad the work becomes bad. Good work results well to doer & bad one does otherwise. 2) RE-INCARNATION a) According to Hinduism every human being has got a soul. It has no physical existence. Though no biologist has seen it or can ever see it, still there is separate entity which our sages have recognized it & called it as ATMA. The soul is external which means that when a person dies it leaves the human body and enters into other new body according to the karma of pervious berth. This does not mean that it carries luggage of karma. It takes with it all past sanskars (impressions) or results of its own karma. b) CYCLE OF BERTH /DEATH Hinduism also believes in cycle of berth. Man takes berth in this world a number of times to reap the consequences of his past karmas. When a man dies his body decays but the soul inside the body does not die. It leaves the decaying body & enters a fresh one. It goes on taking rebirth till it is merged with the supreme soul and the cycle then stops.

Narender vasudeva

c) FRUITS OF KARMA HAVE TO BE ENJOYED /SUFFERED “The results of all works done by a man runs after him, just as a calf finds out its mother in a flock of cattle.”---MAHABHARATA “SHANTI PARVA”.” The result of all works done by a man must be experienced by him unless he experiences the result it remains till that date whether it is in same life in successive life. If a person gets an important position in society or becomes rich suddenly or becomes bankrupt or some misshape may happen to him. It is said this is due to his karmas. In day to day life we see many people who put in some amount of effort but only a few of them came out successfully. The Hindus believe that karma & rebirth is interrelated. If a man does reap the consequences of his worth in a single life time he must do so in subsequent lives. SOW A THOUGHT, REAP AN ACT SOW AN ACT, REAP A HABIT SOW A HABIT REAP A CHARACTER SOW A CHARACTER REAP A DESTINY.

CLASSIFICATION OF KARMA 1) SANCHIT 2) PRABHDHA 3) AAGAMI 1) Sanchit karmas are those karmas that had already been performed & we are now waiting to enjoy their fruits. Since these karmas have already been done there is nothing one can do about them now. Sanchit karmas are the one which link us with the fate. 2) Prarabdha karmas are those that we are motivated 7 inclined to perform the free will position. It is here that a man is given a chance to guide his own destiny. It is prarabhadha karma that makes a man capable of deciding & making his own future. But this free will has to be exercised with in per-ordained parameters. The case is similar to that of a cow tie\ed to peg by tether. Briefly a native arrives in this world with the sum balanced of his karma. This places him in the society, gives him a home and an ornament where his past sanchit karma. Get linked to his present prarabhdha karma, he has to firstly reap his sanchit karma that is link with the past & secondly exhaust his karma allocated for the present & thirdly think about his future & do actions so that balance for the future is good. a) DRIDH KARMA b) ADRIDH KARMA c) DRIDH-ADRIDH KARMA

Narender vasudeva

A) DRIDH KARMA:-Are those whose results cannot be altered i.e. if one has committed in exclusive mistakes and crimes in previous life like cheating, murder, thefts etc, such persons cannot ward off the malefic result in the present life. They have to accept the punishment & patiently endure the penalty. B) ADRIDH KARMA: - are those whose results can be made bearable by timely action. The crimes committed may be negligible; it might have ended in one evil thought . C) DRIDH-ADRIDH KARMA; - This means excusable mistakes (out of ignorance) committed in the previous birth and can be changed by the prayer or propiation of concerned planets.

ASTROLOGY & KARMA 1) ASTROLOGY & KARMA ARE CO-RELATED:- just like karma theory, astrology also believes in theory of rebirth, continuity of soul & effects of good or bad karma on the individual. The good or bad effects are reflected in the horoscope. The horoscope indicates the past, present & future in respect of the person concerned .the present is the result of past karma and future is also influenced by both present & past. 2) Astrology explains what karma one has done in his previous birth & when. These effects are seen in accordance with the major period and sub period of the planets instrumental in giving effect to the previous birth. The Vth house in the horoscope shows the links with the past. It is slao the house where the balance of karma that we carrying ,the balance of karma that we are carrying from the past indicated. It is the house of previous jnama. TheIXth house which is Vth from the Vth house indicates what karmas we would be inclined to perform in the present life. 3) Astrology is fore telling of events on the bases of horoscope. This is also known as fate. We may call it the LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT. This principle regulates all the activities of a person. In case of physical science the cause and effects can be proved in the laboratory. But in astrology the cause and effects principle operate at a higher plane than a near physical unit. It shows that whereas for any action the reaction is inevitable. The timings of reaction as well as the result of the action are held by the supreme divine will. 4) KARMAS SYMBOLISED BY THE PLANETS AND RASHIES & HOUSES: - In a horoscope 1, 5, 9 houses are or DHARMA, 2,6,10, are of ARTH (finance), 3,7,11 are KAAMA (desire) and 4,8,12 are MOKSHA (salvation) houses. If majority of planets are in arth & kaama houses the native is inclined & motivated or inclined towards that direction. He has desire and money and if the favorable dasa of planets matches the right time then he can enjoy the benefits in full. This way various combinations are possible and why we see people having different outlook.

Narender vasudeva

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