Language Skills For Engg

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 6
642-X B. E. 8th Semester Computer Science Examination LANGUAGE SKILLS FOR ENGG. Paper-HUM-452-C Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: Attempl all questions. 1. (a) State whether the following sentences are right or wrong. If wrong, correct thdm. after tracing the error:


Th~ fire was put out before any serious damage w:!': done by the firemen. (H)

Double tracks are found in the main entry to the mille, similar to the street car tracks in a city.


The reporter can usually pick up items . from con.rersalion with friends that will be of interest to


l\:aden; of his paper.



(iv) \



She almost "felt discouraged. The delay nearly drove her frantic. He is sure to not be ready. This :;tatement not only applies to the employee


butiL;o to the young man engaged in business for hi


mself. (vii)

He al ways has and always will take a personal

\ \

interest in community affairs. They are not allowed to go nowhere.


\ (viii) \



'(ix) I

',x) i I

I don't scarcely think so.

.. ~._-

After a hard fight the, heat was arrested by the

(x; i)

She carried an oilcloti satchel in his left hand


I x)

rhe tourists went to hospital. 13


(: .dii) My friends tell me thac I speak fluent.

them onto the floor.

We took the oranges out of the boxes, and threw

.' .


\.:':'-:<" ' ... : ,:

Driving home that niglL, therQad seemed endless.

I - ~;




One of the chair's legs was broken and the upholstery need'

He never visited us though.~e lived a stone's throw away frOnt my house.

He has become so very weak that even a two furlong's walk makes him breathless.

expbined, were called jeans and cost a fortune.

whether we are here bl: fore coming.

The machineries in a great majority of Our cotton mills is obsolete.

The iron mined at Kudremukh was meant to be shipped to Iran .

I prefer The Hindu, but my eldest Son reads Times of Jndia.

He Nas wearing shabby, faded toursers which~e





mcmbe [' for some time.

Wa:> the secretary of an union of which I was a

(ii) (iii)

An honest man is the noblest work work of god. He


(b) Fron; the l
Dr. Watson is our English teacher.



They usually call us ')y telephone and ask us

whistling to keep up hi s courage.

The boy watched tbe approaching officer,

; 'd)


far better than one which scatters the energies of the student.

A system which can acwmplish this certainly is

.riii) They promised to at Ol::;e bring us the report.

. "ii)

A student who does hi~; work sincerely at the end


of the course will ha'ie a broad and thorough education.

We only walked a mile.


which looked old enour h to have belonged to her grandfather.

Sheeps flock together.


police, who is a promiL":nt member of a political party.

The auditor makes enquiries of the financial condition of the firm.












Implicate: (a) to insult (b) doubt (c) involve (d) make clear.

restlessness (d: tranquillity.

Composure: (a) :;o;sumed attitude (b) liberty (c)


(b) small enclosur,: (c) accident (d) clever reply.

Coup : (a) suddL n overthrow of government

(c) given to quiet i eflection (d) affectionate.

Pensive: (a) habi'ually tardy (b) confident

(c) in high style (d) flighty. "'


Debonair: (a) ~
Me1ange: (a) mixture of medley (b) household (c) optical illusion (d) desert.

(c) liberal (d) great size.

Largesse: (a) eXLavagant (b) bribe

(c) spectacle (d) show of force.

Tour de force: (a) longjourney (b) feat of skill

Baton: (a) cargo C') cane (c) stick in conducting an orchestra (d) w!.ip.



(iv) .




one that is nearly the same in meaning :

are followed by four alternatives. Choose and write the

1 2 (a) Each of the following numbered words/idiomatic sent~ces



He is one of those individuals who listen to all

(xii) advice but keeps his own Counsel.

One is often cheated by his Own illusions.



......•.. _ •• ···'··· .. ~ ..•. }·"'''''~-n •.•. ,.,''',.,

Mitigate: (a) to heal (b) soften (c) pardon (d) send On mission.

(c) strong critic (d) rich food.

Oily tongue: (a) flattery (b) hungry person

(b) a secret agent (c) an unrecognisable enemy or danger, (d) not a reliable person .

A snake in the grass: (a) a very poisonous snake

friendly way.

(b) to dig a well (c) to annoy others (d) to act in a

To cut the crackle: (a) to stop talking and start

a dilemma (b) to be in a temper (c) to choose incorrectly (d) to live dangerously.

Between the devil and the deep sea: (a) to be in

Official and Officious Cite and Site


Vanity and HYPocrisy (ii)


the help of suitable sentences:


with a set of ultras around him: (a) unthinkable (b) impossible (c) unbecoming (d) undesirable (e) indecent.

~t is out of question for only to have a quiet meal

(b) Differentiate between the following pair of words with






cry with pain (d) show disappointment.

(xi) I '.aw him make a wry face: (a) abuse (b) feel sick (c)

(x )


. ~

. j


l 10. 9.

Jump on and Jump lipan.

Very and Vary

( 6 )'

•. ~

Physical Feature of, Ul area

Words inscribed on ,1 tomb

A person who is tallative

A number of ships

A poem of mouminr

That which catches tile fire quickly

A professional rider in a horse race

One who loves book::

Decision that can noi be taken back.






: vii)



( ;()










, l)

, 'ii)



, j)


(, iii)

(1) Supply antonyms for the Jollowing words:

Fear of crowds


(c) Supply one word substitl ,te for the following;








(iv) The title of the article is nothing Succeeds like :'>Ucce ss. (v) To cope up with ones mother in law is really a job isn't it. '2.5

(iii) There are three kinds of women : the beautiful, the intellectual, and the majority.

(ii) May he live long.

(i) Ram, our captain, is not playing today.

(b) St:tte whether following sentences are correct PU:lctuation-wise, if not, correct them:

of pnragraphs or solving of numerical problems. 2.5

qli,'stiollS on the relationship of words understanding

tec;!c:d by different kinds of tests _ for example

in:crpretation. These types of reasoning ability can be

to discover principles from available data or

apply rules and principles. In others it is necessary al (1

In wme jobs it is necessary to understand interpret aJ ,d

(a) Insert commas where necessary in the following passage: :

Punclu:lle the fOllowing, as directed:

The w hole point of technical advance is that it enables man to manipulate his environment _ to live in the sort of conditions he wants to live in. So you ask, "What will man's

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:




( 8)


write? No, I think, in the way we do today.

vitamins, roughage and what-haye-you Cl; irely synthetically.

produc(; !l our food _ the proteins, CD 'JohY~ates, fats,

Give the passage an appropriateti~e.

(iv) Explain the use of term environment in the passage. (v)

(iii) Make ;, flow chart of the argument contained in the passage.

analyt.: or narrative? Why?

(ii) How v ,'uld you describe the passage - descriptive,

the producion of our organic food is I oming increasingly

mecll'I;lised. One obvioJ,Js step h. lains, and, that is to

4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15 (i) What j; i he tone of the passage - ironic or prophetic? Give n;hons.


ever, will make his own environments.

want now that will decide what we get in the future. hfan, as

'Iipossible in forty years, if we really want it. For it is wiut we

frightening? I have envisaged nothing that will be technically

Do yo;! find this sort of prospect worrying, even

dictated text.

will take dictation, and will then automi/it.:ally print out the


today we are within sight of the possibility r:.J machine that

instructions. Put these ideas together and you will sc that even

and already a simple computer exists which will obey vubal

tc tackle the problem of recognition of ordinary written text:;

like ahild's 'printing set. For already computers are beginning

become 'Jbsokte and will be relegated to the status of a toy,

but t,e time will come when the manual typewriter will

Even today, handwriting is dying out. Typing will last longer,

other. Shall

And hO'··i shall we communicate? We shall talk to each


due to the early;tages of decay of one sort C'; another. Already

fact that many of lie flavours which we prize ", 'st highly are

,ltainers; increasingly free {rom all taint of decay _ [getting the

fzen, packaged and pre-packag,d and in impressive plastic

£qod iSa1ready becoming it creasingly hygienic, quick

And shall we be any more :,.~nsible? No, certainly not. " !e recorded history of several thousand years shows that (C,;: the logical absurdities of in;m have always been with \' : what we have not outgrow iJ in 4,000 years shall not \. ~grow in another forty.

necessity of growing old.

because I doubt wheL ier we shall have overcome :

the illnesses and 11_' rts of the old age will still with us,

hereditary abnomw; Hies to our children: but I ;peet that

tam sure we shall know enough to be able to avoid ssing on

dStered.theviIlls and the problems of cancer in the young: d

·10 not think so. Healthier, yes. I imagine we shall have

And will man be so very different in forty years' time?

eryday surroundings be like ili forty years' time?" Other jmals will get the environment they deserve: man will t the one he Wants.

"~~"":i..~';".<,""", •• ,.'"~,,.., __ ,.


. ,







(a) Thief (b) L lW (c) Discipline (d) Crime

Conscience: Wrong: : Police: ?

(a) Image (b) 'i'ranspiration (c) Reflection (d) Illusion

Genuine: Authc l1tie : : Mirage: ?


(a) Earthquake (b) Storm (c) Flood (d)

Breeze : CycIon:~ : : Drizzle: ?

(a) Clock tower (b) Bullet (c) Diameter (d) Chronometlf

Bow: Rifle: : Hourglass.: ?

(a) Manuscript (b) Prints (c) Literature (d) Books

Errata: ? :: FL1WS: Jewels.

Deck: sailor' (d) Cottage : beggars

Creche: Infants (a) School: pupi; (b) Bedlam : lunatic (c)

has the same reiations'lip as the original one: 5

pairs of words. Select and write the lettered pair that

relationship between 'hem, followed by four lettered,

(b) Given below are pairs of two words that have a certain




(a) In the following set, 0 i analogies one word is missmg,! ., Select it from the options av&ilable, 5





-----~"., •... ".-~~:",:.,,-t;;~, ••• ,., __ ._';'


Bush : forest (d) Grass: tree

(a) Hare : animal (b) Ant : elephant (c)

Hillock: Mountain

Fight: war (d) Hit : suffer (e) Legible: eligible

(a) Affection: indifference (b) Pride: prejudice (c)


Image: mirror (d) Fencing : sword Love:

(a) Dam : river (b) Gamble: money (c)


Vixen : cute (d) Ant : industrious Bridge:

(a) Cat : playful (b) Horse: runner (c)

Fox : Cunning

through advertisements?

company 5

company? (ii) How would you enhance the image of the

(i) W hat' value additions would you bring to the

What would be your answers to the following questions:

post of Gene-ral Manager in a leading Soft drink company.

11. Assum~ that you are appearing for an interview for the

(v )


(iii )


( 11 )




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