Language Skills For Engg 2

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,270
  • Pages: 4
Fencing: Sword

Dam: River

(d) Happy; Rapturous

(b) Dew; Spark

1.'''' - -,,;J~.,;;.,:,,,~-,,,.

'. -- -'- __ .•. _

recently?" What v. 'Juld you answer? 5


long-tenn goals ? Have /ou established any new goaIls

employer asks you, "WIl.t are your short-term and

Suppose you appear for annterview. Your prospective

(d) Volume: Litre

(c) Lawyer: Court 8

(b) Author: Book

(a) Wine; Grapes

(c) Spice: Clove (d) Humanism; Hwnanist (viii) Professor: Universil y

(a) Rosary: Bead (b) Orchard; Fruit

(c) . Ann : Strong (vii) Furniture: Chair

(a) Far; Near

(c) Patient; Labor,.tory (d) Doctor: Surgery (vi) Lukewarm: Hot

Businessman; Godown

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(a) Peasant; Agric Ilture (b)

(c) Image; Mirror (v) Blacksmith: Anvil

(a) Gamble: MOIi~y (b)

(iv) Bridge: Cards

( 12 )

3 hours te: All Questions

Maximum Marks: 80

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J2-X-700-P-12-(Q-5) (04)

(ll) ·9

(ii) You can either take the red one or the blue one.

(6) (i) The new product offers ease of operation, economy and it is easily available.

(ii) My head is aching.

(i) He is stronger than me.

(ii) I was too much surprised at her visit. (5)

(4) (i) I had rarely finished my work when she joined.

(ii) My bag is with my friend.

(3)~i) I enjoyed during the holidays.

(ii) He ran lest he miss the bus.

(i) How is she going with her work '!

(ii) He rode on his bicycle and went home. (2)

(1) (i) Her room's window is open.

(A) Rewrite the following sentences correctly after tracing error/ errors if any:

are compulscry.

Ie allowed:

Paper-HUM -452-C


Examinati ,n

B. E. VHIth Semester C !lnputcr Science


(i) She not only i: quite rich but also quite stingy.


Many a soldiers foughtbravely in Kargil 13

(13) (i) I am looking for an English- knowing girl. (ii)


(ii) I won't be able to come if conveyance is not


(12) (i) The company clmprises of both Christians and

(ii) The govt. is cCltemplating to shelve the silent valley sch:me.

dog's death.

(11) (i) My friend was ~hocked by the news of his

(ii) I could have met the class if there were some students if; it.

left in the bowl.

(10) (i) You needn't worry as there is still little sugar

tried to quickly and economically issue reports.

(9) (i) I only have oncnore lesson to prepare. (ii) We

(ii) To obtain the U1l10st in comfort, the house should be air- clnditioned.

(8) (i) When one concntrates on a job, you find that time passes·apidly.

(ii) The book reflees a great deal of research and which is all coo rare.



He told us the story in a nutshell.

(6) (i) She is very different than her sister. (ii)

on the radio.

(ii) The news of his scandal was not broadcasted

sufferings ur the poor.

(5) (i) 4fhe powerful generally is not sensitive of the

foreman have discussed the issue at length.

(ii) Both the production manager as well as the

the original dllft.

(4) (i) The report does not even remotely resemble to

called down again.

(ii) Hardly had I reu(.hed the terrace than I was

book more better.

(3) (i) 1 did like the play, but I must confess, I liked the

awarded prizes.

(ii) fhe two first students on the merit list will be


Unless he does n ,[leave this house. I wi II ,iot say

(ii) She is worned ab,·ut his health and also me. (2) (i)

which he explain,~d , were called jeans.

(1) (i) He was wearing shabby, faded trouser

English; If the sentence has 10 error, write 'No error' :

that would not be appropriate in standard written

(B) From the following sentences, choose a word or phrase



(c) feel hi1pPy

(a) forget it (b) free oneself from SOmething (d) nonnalise

She is Vt: Y sad right now but she'lJ Soon snap Out '!it


(d) widower

(c) misoganst

(b) misanthrope

(c) equivalent

(a) equal

colourless (8) (i) Peer

(a) impertine,t (c)

(c) honest m. ans (ii) Rueful

(a) honest

(d) unequal

(b) certain


(d) permi

(b) hated

(d) successful

(b) worthy

(7) (i) To be fair aD; square pays in the long run

(c) philantll1 )pist (d) hater

(a) lover

(ii) One who hi! es mankind

(b) bigot

(a) polyaD( ist

(6) (i) A man wh, hates marriage

(a) remain unaffected (b) do without the helpofotlh rs (c) Survive in isolation (d. remain non-aligned

(ii) In tOOay's ·,vorId no individual or nation can plough a It nely furrow

(5) (i)




(d) mention.

(c) repair

(.s ubstitute it with one word)

of any suffix

Change 'abstain'into a noun with the help

(Substitute it with one word)

One who is (.ut to destroy the government.


(Choose the correct alternative)

his employees in difficult times.


(Fill in the blank)

Ornithology is the study of ..........

eii) One who champions the cause of female

Who is kleptomaniac?

(ii) A good manager always stands behind! by

(7) (i)

(6) (i)

(ii) Differentiate 'superficial' and • superfluous' .

A faux pas is a ......... (Give the meaning)

(ii) What is orthography?


{ii) Differentiav 'Gage' and 'Gauge'



::i) Differentiate (ilfOW up' and 'throw in one's


One who is aI: expert in judging art, music

A inare's nest , .......... (give the meaning)

e,} (\

Run-of-the ruin is .......... (give the meaning)



(5) (i)





Do as J;irected :

(b) ignite

(a) blowout

incident may touch off a quarrel

(ii) When passions ::fe inflamed a very trivial








(d) kindly

(c) valem




(c) agitateu

(a) showy


(d) quiet

(c) angry

(ii) Candid

(2) (i) Craven


2 [See 9th page

(ii) Pernicious

(1) (i) Impeccable

SUpply antonyms to the following words:

(b) floating



(a) excited


(d) Complicated

(b) impure

(d) random

(c) pertiIlt:; It

(ii) Serene

(b) impertinent

(a) discon lected

(i) Desultory

(b) ambivalent

(a) vaCUi_ IS

uncOmpnionable(d) (ii) Flamboyant

(3) (i)

(d) reduced

(c) bloar ed

(ii) MalevokI

(b) diminished




guarantees for goodwill and co-operation among nations, P.T.O. On the contrary, a frank

common aims would seem to be very undependable as

the destruction or near destruction of mankind. Thus,

preventing them from doing things which might Ie ld to

as freedom as understood by each. But that is n,>t

disarmament, democracy, technological progress, as wf'll

common aims in world affairs, such as peace,

that even th-.: United States and Russia are puuuing

that body-politic breathing. After all, it cannot be denied

volume of artificial pulitical oxygen is needed to keep

world politics, aims ,"hich are so rarefied thilt a large

profc:ssed principle-~!.e pursuit of common aims in

cOllllnonwealth, of ,",llich much is made, than its

emotional basis for the so-called multi-racial

The awareness of equal corruption will be a better

at the end:

(A) Read the following p~:~age and answer the questions

(5) Res the kin.d of man VI) picks his friends to pieces

(4) Lead me not into tempL,tion i can find the way myself

(3) hey cut it out


(2) when irish eyes are smiling sure they'll steal your heart

(1) calculus like many subji.~cts requires much study

(1) (i) Receded

(a) adV;1 ced

Punctuate the following:


Pick out the word t' Jposite or nearly so in meaning ofi. the given Words:



( :3 )

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