Lab 3

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 2
;============================================ ============================== ; ** LAB - 3 ** Set colortext mode ;============================================ ============================== TITLE COLORTEXTMODE .model small .stack 100h .data MAX EQU 12 ACT EQU 10 NAMEPAR LABEL BYTE MAXLEN DB MAX ACTLEN DB ACT CHARINPUT DB MAX dup('$') COLORS DB 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 09, 10, 11 ROW DB 00 COLUMN DB 00 .code BEGIN PROC FAR mov ax, @data mov ds, ax mov es, ax call DISCLEAR call SETCOLORMODE mov dx, 0000 ; cursor-iig hamgiin deed, zuun zahiin(ehnii) call SETCURSOR ; tsegt bairluulna call INPUT call DISCLEAR mov dh, 12 ; cursor-iig mov dl, 40 ; delgetsiin gold call SETCURSOR ; bairluulna call PRINT ;========================== ; ** Press Keys ** ;========================== start: mov ah, 00 ; neg temdegtiig garaas unshuulah huselt (BIOS-iin 16h tasaldal) int 16h cmp ah, 16h ; 16h-n "U" tovchluuriin scan code je up cmp ah, 20h ; 20h-n "D" tovchluuriin scan code je down cmp ah, 26h ; 26h-n "L" tovchluuriin scan code je left cmp ah, 13h ; 13h-n "R" tovchluuriin scan code je right cmp ah, 01h ; 01h-n "Esc" tovchluuriin scan code je ENDING1 jmp start

up: cmp dh, 00 je start mov ROW, dh mov COLUMN, dl call DISCLEAR mov dh, ROW mov dl, COLUMN dec dh call SETCURSOR call PRINT jmp start down: cmp dh, 24 je start mov ROW, dh mov COLUMN, dl call DISCLEAR mov dh, ROW mov dl, COLUMN inc dh call SETCURSOR call PRINT jmp start start1: cmp dl, 00 je start ENDING1: cmp ah, 01h je ENDING right: cmp dl, 70 je start mov ROW, dh mov COLUMN, dl call DISCLEAR mov dh, ROW mov dl, COLUMN inc dl call SETCURSOR call PRINT jmp start left: cmp dl, 00 je start1 mov ROW, dh mov COLUMN, dl call DISCLEAR mov dh, ROW mov dl, COLUMN dec dl call SETCURSOR call PRINT jmp start

;========================== ; ** EXIT ** ;========================== ENDING: mov ah, 4ch int 21h BEGIN ENDP ;======================================= ; ** 80x25 set colortext mode ** ;======================================= SETCOLORMODE PROC NEAR mov ah, 00 ; gorim togtoono mov al, 03 ; 16 ungutei, 80*25 hemjeetei text gorim int 10h RET SETCOLORMODE ENDP ;======================================= ; ** clear screen ** ;======================================= DISCLEAR PROC NEAR mov ax, 0600h ; delgets hoosolno mov bh, 07 ; Engiin (har) atribut mov cx, 0000h ; delgetsiin hamgiin ehnii tseg mov dx, 184Fh ; delgetsiin hamgiin suulchiin tseg int 10h RET DISCLEAR ENDP ;======================================= ; ** set cursor position ** ;======================================= SETCURSOR PROC NEAR mov ah, 02 ; cursor bairluulah huselt mov bh, 00 ; delgetsiin dugaar int 10h ; BIOS-iin 10h tasaldal (interrupt) RET SETCURSOR ENDP ;======================================= ; ** Gets string from keyboard ** ;======================================= INPUT PROC NEAR mov ah, 0Ah ; orolt huseh lea dx, NAMEPAR int 21h RET INPUT ENDP ;========================================== =========== ; ** print by other colors on display center ** ;========================================== =========== PRINT PROC NEAR lea si, CHARINPUT

mov COLUMN, dl repeat: mov ah, 09 ; delgetsend hevleh huselt mov al, [si] cmp al, 0Dh ; "Enter" tovchluuriin scan code je ENDPRINT inc si mov bh, 00 ; 0-dugaar huudasiig songono mov bl, COLORS ; ungunii atributiig bl-d olgono mov cx, 01 ; 1 udaa int 10h inc dl ; daraagiin temdegtiig hevlehed beldej baganiin dugaariig 1-eer call SETCURSOR ; nemegduulne inc COLORS ; daraagiin ungiig songono jmp repeat ENDPRINT: mov COLORS, 01 mov dl, COLUMN call SETCURSOR RET PRINT ENDP END BEGIN

Дүгнэлт Би энэхүү лабороторын ажилаар

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