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World Time. REV-Fun

THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Part ONE. Chapter- 1Introduction. Less-1;Less-2;Less-3;Less-4.. 7-churches; chapter- 2Ephesus;Smyrna;Pergamos;Thyatira. chapter- 3- Sardis;Philadelphia Laodecea chapter- 4-Door;Rapture; Heaven. chapter- 5- Book;ONE;Lamb. chapter- 6-Sorrow; Sold. chapter- 7-Tribulation; Bloodwahed. chapter- 8- 7sealedbook; 7thseal 7seals. chapter- 9- Israel. chapter-10- Littlebook.. chapter-11- Twowitnesses. chapter-12 - Woman; Manchild. chapter-13- Eviltrinity. chapter-14- Mountzion; Harvest. chapter-15- WrathOfGod Vial. chapter-16chapter-17--Judgements. chapter-18--Judgements. chapter-19--Marriage; Armagedon. chapter-20-- Summary Of Tribulation. chapter-21--NewThings; New City. chapter-22-- Tree Of Life; Worship. Kingdom Of God. Human Kingdom. Kingdom Of Satan.Kingdom Of Jesus. Kingdom Of Lucifer. KingdomOfGentiles. HELL. Secondcoming. KingdomOfGentilles2.

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Nativity Of Jesus. KingdomofNations Eternal Kingdom Of GOD.

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PART TWO. Second Part of the Class is --->ETERNAL KINGDOM OF GOD.


He who testifieth these things says:"Surely I am coming back soon ".AMEN .Come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all.AMEN. (Rev.22:21-22) COPYRIGHT.Reproduction of it in whole or in part is prohibited.This is for your knowledge,to read and study ,not for any reproduction.But you may get a link up of this (for all people to read )on your Website like:-HTTP://WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/KONNAPPARA/INDEX.HTML

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RevelationSundayschool CLICK ON ANY LINK BELOW TO READ THAT CLASS. Chapter .1

Introduction Lession-3







Chapter.7. Chapter.8





Book Sorrow


Chapter.11. Chapter.12. Chapter.13. Chapter.14.




Abraham-Moses Bloodwashed Seventhseal

Israel Littlebook

Twowitnesses Woman


Eviltrinity Mountzion



David-Jesus Tribulation




Sevensealedbook Chapter.9.

Pergamos Laodicea


Chapter.5. Chapter.6.





Chapter.16. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Links (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:36:31 AM



Vial Chapter.17.







Chapter.21. Chapter.22.


Summary Of Tribulation Millenium New-Things


Tree of Life KingdomOfGod KingdomOfLucifer



KingdomHuman KingdomOfJesus



HELL KingdomOfGentiles

Kingdom Of Gentiles2


Second part ofChapter 22 is:-EternalKindom ****************************************************************************************** World Time





May God Richly Bless You All.

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.1. Home

Next class.

Introdution. "The Revelation of Jesus Christ ,which God gave unto Him,to shew unto His sevants ,things which must shortly come to pass;and He sent and signified it by His Angel ,unto His servant John." (Rev.1:1) This is the Introduction of this Book. God gave this Revelation to Jesus. Jesus sent and signified the Revelation.to His Angel. Angel took the Revelation to John. John wrote the Revelation and sent it down to the Seven Churches in Asia. The reason why this Revelation is sent is,that it is going to come to pass shortly.. Oneday when Jesus was in the Temple of Jerusalem and said ," See this building ,all this will be knocked down with not one stone standing on top of another."And his desciples asked him ,When will all these happen? Jesus answered and said,"But no one knows the date or the hour when the end will be ,not even God's angels,nor God's Son,,but only the Father knows."(Math .24:36)Then Jesus did not have the full revelation about the future while he was on the earth.Jesus asked the Father,,"And now Father,reveal my glory as I had in your presence , the glory we shared before the world began."(John.17:5)When Jesus went back to heaven ,He received His full glory back,and then He received the full revelaltion about the future .That is the Book of Revelation.Long ago, God spoke in different ways to our fathers through the prophets in visions and dreams ,even face to face,telling them little by little,about His plans.But now in these days,He has spoken to us through His Son,,to whom He has given everything and through whom He made the world and everything there in.(Hebr.1:1-2)Jesus received the Revelation about the future and gave it to John ,(by an angel,)and asked John to write it down and send it to the Seven Churches in Asia Minor. The word Revelation in Greek,is Appocaliptus ,which means:-"Veil or curtain removed".It was what happened when Jesus died on the Cross.The Veil in the Temple rented into two from the top to the bottom.(Math.27:51) This is the only book in the Bible that Jesus confirmed.(Rev.22:16)This book is prophecy,not history. (Rev.1:3;22:7,10,18,19)Nothing should be added or taken off of this book.(Deut13:1,Rev.22:18-19)Blessings are promised for the people who reads,hears,and those who keep the Words of this Book obayed.(Rev.1:3) Satan hates this book and the book of Genesis ,eveen though he hates the whole Bible. Education is very important ,before the Lord,because he wants us to read,write and obay the Word Of God and get blessed.When we reads it we will be blessed,and when we hears it we will be blessed,and finally when we obay the Word of God.we will be blessed abundantly .That is why Jesus told John to write it and send it to the Seven Churches in the Asia Minor.Jesus also told John not to write something that he did not want us to know. (Rev.10:4,)Anyone who disobays the Word of God there is punishment(Deut.28:34-3530:14-19)It is the will of God to teach the Word of God,so that others may learn ,obay and get blessed.(Deut.31:19)Israel,Gentile nation, and the Christians are topic of discusion in the book of Revelation.Daniel was asked to seal his book,john was asked not to seal this Book.(Dan.12:4,9;Rev.22:3)Everything that Adam lost in the Book of Genesis is regained in the Book of Revelations The lion of Judah and the Lamb of God are two major names Jasus was called in this Book. This Book of Revelation is the final revelation of all what is revealed in the last 65 Books of the Bible.If there is any quistion in anythig,this Book has the answer .For example in Genesis .3:15 we read about a Woman; who is the Mother of the Man Child.People has many belief who this Woman is.But in the Book of Revelation we clearly see this Woman is the Israel Nation.(Rev.Ch.12)For every quistion in other Books of the Bible , this final Book has answer.Jesus has an answer for all what you and I got to be answered.In other words,Jesus is the answer . http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Introduction (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:22 AM


In this Book,we get all what Adam&Eve lost in the Garden of Eden. Another important thing we should learn in this Book is that all what all other Kings and Prophets prophesied is fulfilled in Revelation and nothing is left unfulfilled after the end of this Revelation period. In the Book of Genesis ,we see the Eternity ends with the Creation and Time began .At the end of Revelation ,the Time ends and we re-joins the Eternity. Genesis ends with the Death of Joseph.Revelation ends with Heaven and Eternity on the New Earth. In Genesis God went away from man .In Revelation,God came back and His Throne is placed on the New Earth. Praise the Lord .God is with man on the Earth.This is all because Jesus died on the Cross . Let us study the Book of Revelation. Jesus Christ is coming back soon and very soon .Let us get ready.May God bless you all. Amen

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The Book Of Revelation RVL 1.



The Revelation of Jesus Christ. God the Father in Heaven gave this Revelation to Jesus His Son.The auther of the Book is Jesus .The Angel of God is like a mailman just brought it over to Johnand he just wrote it down like secretary This is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Names of Jesus in this book. This is a book of prophecy. 1.Jesus Christ.1:1. 1.John'sVision of Jesus. 2.Faithful witness.1:5. 2.Message to the 7 churches. 3.The First begotten of the dead.1:5. 3.Message to the 7 churches. 4.The Prince of the kings.1:5. 4.John sees the heaven. 5.The First and the Last.1:17 5.The throne of God&the Book with 7 seals. 6.Son of God.2:18. 6.Opening of the 7 Seels . 7.The Holy and the Tue.3:7. 7.144000 and the converts. 8One who has keys of David.3:7. 8.The Sounding of the Trumpets. 9.Amen.3:14. 9.A scene on the earth and some Plagues 10.The Lion of the tribe of Judah.5:5. 10.The 7 Thunders 11.The Roof of David.5:5. 11.The two Witnessesand the 7 Trumpets. 12.The Lamb.5:6. 12.The Sun-clothed Woman&the Man-Child. 13.The Faithful and True.11:11. 13.The 7 headed Beast,Anti-christ &the false-prophet. 14.The Word of God.19:13. 14.144000 goes to heaven&Armagedon. 15.The King of kings &the Lord of lords.19:16. 15.Introduction to Chapter.16.. 16.The Alpha and the Omega.22:13. 16.The last 7 Plagues. 17.The Root and the offspring of David22:16. 17.The great Whore&her destruction. Three kinds of Revelations. 18.The Harlot's death. 1.The Blind Revelation.Rom.11:7. 19.The return ofJesus& the Armagedon. 2.Partial revelation.1pet.1:10-11. 20.Satan bound in chains& White Trown Judgement 3.Full and final revelation.Rev.1:1. 21.New Heaven,New earth&New Jerusalem. 22.The New Jerusalem &Conclusions. May God bless you all.

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Book of Revelation.



Lession-2. Revelation Ch.1:4;John writes to the 7 churches in Asiaminor.New Testament Church is about 63 years old , when John writes this Book .(.AD.96)John went through the Imperial Persecution ,under Nero during AD-64-67.And now he persecuted again in AD 95 under Dometian .John was imprisioned and later he was put in boiling oil,but he did not die.Then he was banished away into the Island of Patmos.In Rv.1:9,we read that ,"I was in the isle called Patmos on the Lord's Day.John's desciple,Policarp,in one of his church history books said,that John was released from Patmos back to Ephesus after a few months and it was from there he wrote the Book in AD 96.Patmos is located about 15 miles away from the main land of Asia Minor in side the Medeteranian Sea;that is from Epesus to Patmos it is about 15 miles.In those days there was a road going all arround Asia;from Ephesus to go clock-wise all arround 7 churces and come back to Epesus. Every number in the Book of Revelation has its seperate meaning. 1-is the signature of devine entity.;like God is One. 2-is the signature of creation.(like light&darkness,male&female,good&bad) 3-is asignature of God .God's Trinity.;and there is satanic trinityalso(Rv.20:10)Israel does not believe in the trinity. 4-is the numerical signature of creation(like,North ,South,East and West) 6-is the numerical signatue of man;Man was created on the 6-th day ;number of Anti-christ is -666. 10-is the signature of worldly powers.(like the 10 horns of the animal in the book of Daniel(DN.7:7)and RV.13:1) 12-is the signature of God's people;12 Tribes of Israel,13 Desciples of Jesus,12 Gates named after the Tribes of Israel Nation.12 Foundations are named after the 12 Apostles of Jesus.The Tree ofLife bears 12 kinds of fruits in the 12 months of the year. 7-in the book is the(3+4) is the signature of totality. Seven blessed grpups in the book of Revelation;1:3;14:13;16:15;19:9;20:6;22:7,14; In the begining God created all in six days and on the 7-th day God rested.7-th day is Sabath Day.7-th year is SabathYear.7x1000 is Millenium.This Book is built arround a system of sevens. 7-Churches;7-letters to the 7-Churches;7-thunders;a red-dragon with 7-heads and 7-crowns;a loperd-like beast with 7-heads;a scarlet-like beast with 7-heads;7-mountains;7-kings;and at the end of the Book there are 7 New Things.7-is God's number of perfection.Bible begins with 7-things we lost and ends with 7-things we receive back that which we lost in the Book of Genesis. When Naaman dipped himself 7-times in the River Jordan,he got healed .Jerico city fell down when the 7- priests went arround the city 7-days and on the 7-th day when the 7- priests blew their 7-Trumpets 7 -times as was told to do. RV .1:5- tells us who Jesus is.. 1.Jesus is the Faithful Witness.(Jhn.12:1-8) 2.Jesus is the First Begotten of the dead.(1Cor.15:14,15,17,18;) 3.Jesus is the Prince of the kings of this earthj.(Dan.4:25) 4.Jesus the One who loved us. 5.Jesus washed our sins away by His blood.and saved us from all punishments.(Rom:8:1) 6.Jesus made us Kings and Priests. The Seven names of the Church of God. 1 .Kingdomof God.Rom.14:17. 2.Temple of God.1 Cor.3:16. 3.House of God.Hebr..3:16. 4.Wineyard.John.15:5. 5.Flock of God.Acts.20:28. 6.Body of Christ.Eph.1:23. 7.The Bride of Christ.2 Cor.11:2. RV.1:7."Behold He cometh with clouds and every eye shall see Him." This is when He comes as King of kings to rule Israelfor a thousand years.Jesus will come as thief in the night to take His future bride awy from this earth into heaven to get her ready for the Marriage of the Lamb.Then He will come down to this earth with His bride as King of kings.May God bless you. The END.

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The Book Of Revelation. Lession-3.


Next lession.

Vs-8-"I am Alpa&Omega,the begining and the ending,saith the Lord,which is,which was,which is to come ,the Almighty."Alpha&Omega are the first and the last alphabets of the Greek language.Jesus created the heaven and the earth."And thou Lord ,in the begining hast laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands."Hebrews.1:10."All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made."John.1:3.Alpa&Omega is not just the begining of creation but is the Creator of everything.Jesus was in glory with the Father God before the world was created.John.17:5.For example:-January 1st and December 31st are the first&last days of an year; just like that,Jesus is the begining and ending of the Eternity not the creation.Some people teach that Jesus is the Son of God who took His birth from God ;If Jesus was given birth by God the Father ,Jesus is a creation not creator. Jesus is ,"Alpha&Omega,the begining and the ending;the First &the Last. Vs-9-"I ,John,am your brother.First of all ,John tells the Christians that he is their brother.````John tells that he is an eye witness of the death and sufferings of Jesus Christ.John is not only an eye-witness but he also suffered with Jesus all through his earthly ministry,all the way to his death on the Cross.The prophets,like Isaiah and others prohesied the sufferings of Jesus (Isa.ch.53.)And John witnessed that he saw it all happened in the life of Jesus on the earth.Remember when Jesus was on the cross dieing,it was John whom Jesus called and gave his mother Mary's hand ,to take care of her.John also says that he is sent out to the isle of Patmos because he was a witness of Jesus and his ressurrection .John was banished away to the Island of Patmos because he was a witness for Jesus and Roman Government wanted him die a brutal death,out there on that uninhabited island alone without anybody's help . Vs-10."I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day." This Lord"s Day is not Sunday.So many Chistians think it is Sunday .Regardless what day it is,the point is that Lord's Day in this passage tells us another subject of interest. Sunday in the New Testament is always said as the first day of the week. Acts.20:7;1Cor.16:2;and many other passages like that always written as the first day of the week.But the Lord's Day said in this vs-10 in Revelation is another subject that we are going to look into.Let us go to:-Joel.1:15;2:1;3:14;Ezk.13:5;Mala.4:5;2 Pet.3:10;and Acts.2:20.The Lord's Day ,said in all these passages tells us about a cerain time period;which includes the second coming of Jesus, Tribulation period and the Thousand years reign of Jesus .In other words ,this period includes all actions in Revelation chapters-4-22.This is, in other words,the third and final part of the book of http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Lession-3 (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:26 AM


Revelation. God bless you all.

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Book Of Revelation.




This is our last class from chapter one.In our last class ,we saw that the Lord's Day meant to be period including the second coming of Jesus ,the Tribulation period and the Millenium .In other words ,it is a study of Rev: chapters 4-22.So far we were studying,from chapter one ,what John saw.The first chapter is what John saw or the revelation of Jesus or the revelation about Jesus.Rev.1:5-6 tell us a picture of Jesus as he is seen in heaven.In vs.5-6,we see Jesus as a Faithfull Witness;the First Begotten of the dead;The Prince of the kings of this earth;the One who loved us;the One who washed our sins by his blood;and the One who made us Kings and Priests.In vs.13-18,we see Jesus in the form of His second coming;or in these vs we see Jesus as a gloryfied One.After today's class,next week we will be going to study the Seven Churches in Asia Minor.After the classes of the Seven Churches,next we will be going into the period of the Lord's Day.Now in this vs.13-18 , it is apicture of Jesus as to how he will look like when he comes down in the Lord's Day . Let us read vs.13-18.There we see Jesus as he is in the glorified condition(1)Jesus is in the midst of Seven Candle sticks.In vs.20 ,we the Seven Candle sticks are the Seven Churches .And Jesus is in the Church. (2)Jesus has a golden Girdle on him;by which we see Jesus as a High Priest.This Girdle is a part of the Holy Dress of Aaron the high priest .(Ex.28:8)Daniel once saw this Son of Man with the Girdle..(Dan.10:5-6) (3)His hair and his head were white as snow. (4)His eyes are as a flame of fire.. (5)His feet are as fine brass as if it was burned in a furnace. (6)His voice is as the sound of many waters. (7) He has Seven Stars in His right hand.vs.20 tells us the Seven Stars are the Angels of the seven churches.These are Ministers of the church who serve the Lord in his churches. (8)His countinances are as the sun shines in its full strength. (9)He has the keys of the hell and death in his hands.Once when Jesus called Lazar and he came out after 4 days dead.He went down the Hell once and took all Old Testament Saints out of there to the Heavenly places. and He is going to call all the dead from out of their resting places to eternity some into the heavenly places and the rest down into the Hell of Fire.,because he has the key to the hell and death . (10)Jesus is dead and alive ever more. This is the picture of Jesus when he comes back the second time. God Bless You All.

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.2. 7churches



Seven Churches in Asia represent the Church History from the day of Pentacost to the rapture of the church at the second coming of Jesus.There were more churches in the area at this time but seven churches were selected as the seven is the the Lord wanted to picture seven dispensations of the church. There were more churches at this time unselected.;like Colosee,Hieropolis and Troas(Colo.1:2;4:13;Acts.20:6) This was about 96 AD John must been between 80-90 years old.Because Jesus got the key to hell &death.He was kept alive to fulfill the final Revelation of Jesus for the Seven Churhes. When Jesus came down to this earth,God Almighty had to take Him away to Egypt to keep the Baby Jesus from Roman Imperiel Persecution.Jesus was borne when Augustus was Roman Caesar.Teberius Caesar was ruling when Jesus was crucified.And Ponius Pilate was Governer of Judaea and he sentenced Jesus to be crucified.This Percecutions that started with Jesus will not end untill Jesus comes back the second time. Peter was crucified to death .James was killed by Herod the great.Philip was crucified to death.Mathew was beheaded to death by a sword.James the brother of Jesus was beaten to death with a beam. Mathew was beheaded to death in Jerusalem.Andrews was crucified to death in Eden.Mark was beheaded to death.Judas the brother of Jesus was Cucified to death.Luke was hung upon an Olive tree to death.Thomas was stabed to death in India.Stephen was stoned to death.John is the only on of Jesus' first group of Apostles left out here to witness the Alpa &Omega ,the Begining &the End. .John is the only one of first centuary christian ministers,(Apostles) who died a normal death in his good old days. I will be bringing some from the Church History and the World History of the last two thousand years , to show the story of the Seven Churches. We saw this book is a prophecy,and as prophecy the seven churches should have said about their history.This history of the church was hidden from the early church to our times because the good Lord wanted it to be so untill the end times. Even the Apostles believed the Lord would come back during their days;see what Paul says,"We shall not all die,but we shall all be changed in a moment ,in the twinkling of an eye,at the last trumpet call.For the trumpet will soundand the dead will be raised first and we shall be changed."(1Cor.15:51-52)First century Christians believed the Lord would come back in their times.So did all the Christians all through the generations untill now,because Jesus wanted it to be so to keep the church in tune with the heavenly call to meet the Lord any time.;Jesus therefor wanted to come back as a theif in the night..If He had told the first century church that He would come back at the end of 2000 years some time,church would be sleeping and wouldn't be ready and so many would be lost here and there (math .25:5)That was why the church history was a mystery for the church untill now .Before we go into the seven churches there is another subject I like to explain.When Jesus was teaching about the Kingdom of God,He told them seven parables about the Kingdom of God.in MATHEW 13;and we should study these seven parables and the seven churches in comparison to get a good study of the church history up to the rapture of the church.In the parable of the Sower we see the Son of Man sowed the Word of God.which is the begining of the New Testament church.(or the first of the seven churches). And in the seventh parable we see the Net is to be picked up from this world,because Jesus said ,"So shall it be at the end of the world." (Math.13:49)There we can see the parable of the Net is about the last church ,which is to raptured into the heavenly places.The Church was a mystery .Israel,the gentiles or the so called christians of all times did not know about the church .The church history was also a mystery .No body knew that the church of Ephusus was the first cetury church or the Laodecea would be the last church to be raptured away into the heavens. That is what we are going to study in the Seven churches .God bless you all.Amen.

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1.Introduction.To the angel of the church in Pergamos write.Rv.2:12. It was the capital city of Asia Minor these days when Constentine converted to Christianity-312 AD. Babelonian king-Attalas 111 escaped from Babelon and came out to Pergamos and made it his capitall city before he conquered and took over the Persian Empire.Two types of false doctrines came into church at this time;which are Babelonian Pagan faith and the Nicollaitian faiths.This was a city with so many temples and pagan worshipers including one with all Roman leaders and Caesars and governors and the like.During these days ,bishop of Rome declared himself as the first international Bishop or Pope .Constentine built so many new churches and converted all gentile worshiping churches into Christian churches.People began to worship all idols in these churches .All these idols are renamed with Christian names .Some of them are called by the name of Mary the mother of Jesus and some are called by Apostle's names.Sun's birth day was renamed into Christmas as Jesus' birthday on Dec.25th.In all ways ,Pergamos under Constentine ,became the seat of satan.This is the same thing Jesus said , the kingdom of God grew up into a huge tree and birds of the air came and lodged on the branches of the Mustard tree . It was at this time Mohammedinism came into power.Mohammed was born in Mecca in 570AD.In his youth, he visited Syria and there he came into contact with Jews and Christians.Mohammed learned the religions of the world from them.Mohammed always believed in One God theory and hated idol worshipers.In 610 he declared himself as a prophet of God and started preaching a new religion which later on became mohammedanism.He tought people to worship One God the Allah.Mohammed was a great enemy of Christinity.All over the world Christianity at this time was worshiping so many idols as holy Apostles and Mary the mother of Jesus and so forth.In his preaching ,Mohammed pictured Christianity as a pagan and idol worshiping religion,because it was how he saw the Chriistians in those days. 2.Jesus in Pergamos.Rv.2:12. Jesus with a sharp sword with two edges (the Word of God in His mouth.)Just because Pergamos was the seat of satan,Jesus out of His anger,said He has the the sharp sword with two edges.In Rv.19:21;we can see what Jesus can do with this sword. 3.Accusations.Rv.2:13. I know that thou dwellest where satan's seat is ;I know thou holdeth fast my name;;Iknow thu hast not denied my faith;even when Antipas was slain as a Martyr among you .and I know satan dwelleth among you. 4.Gospel Message.Rv.2:14-15. This Pergamos has evil association.(The doctrine of Balaam and Nicolaitanes)Jesus says,"I have a few things against thee.( the stumbling block of Balac and Balaam) Among Israel Nation while they were in the desert under Moses.(Numb.25:1-3.)Balac called Balaam to curse Israel but the Lord told Balaam not to say anything but what I gave you to say .Instead of cursing ,Balaam blessed Israel.Balac got mad and sent him away.Later on Balaam advised Balac to send Moabite women among Israel and Isrelite Men got in love with Moabite women and these women took these men to their temples to worship their idols( Baal-Peor).It was with an advise from Balaam; Balac did this stumbling block among Israel to worship Idols. And Jesus also tells the Pergamos church ,that there was people among them who goes and worship by the Nicolaitane faiths;which Jesus also hates.. 5.Advise.Rv.2:16. "Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth ." 6.Blessings to the overcomers.Rv.2:17. To him that overcometh I will give the hidden Manna.This Manna was given to the Israel nation to eat in the wilderness and some Manna was saved in the Ark of the Covenant (Hebr.9:4)for the future generations .We do not know where the Ark of the Covenants hidden at this time.We do know it is not any where on the face of the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Pergamos (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:31 AM


earth.When this Ark of the Covenant reappear on the face of the earth in the New Jerusalem,We all will be given the hidden Manna to eat . We will also get a new name written down on a white stone ;which no body but the on who receives it will know what it will be. The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed and grew up into a big tree and birds of the air came and lodged on the branches of the tree.See,first of all birds ate the good seeds from the way-side,then came and sowed the tares there which according to the Rev.2:9;it was the Jewish faith ,or the synnagog of satan(Tares). Now we see they built their nest on the branches of the tree Satan's nest is in Pergamos.That is what Jesus said the satan's seat is in the church of Pergamos.Ever since the begining of the Church ,it is about 500 or more years and the church is all poluted with Pagan worship,Jewish faiths and idol worships.Jesus very sadly says ,the satan's seat is in there. Anyhow the overcomers of the church will receive the Hidden Manna and a White Stone with Hidden name written down on it . God bless you all .

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Next class.

1.Introduction.RV.2:18.a "And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write."This is the fourth of the seven church periods .About 6001500 AD. This city of Thyatira was in those days world famous for the sweet savor of great labor;Magnificent Temple of Artimis or Diana the world famous godess of the pagan religions of the world.;which in these days Constntine renamed into Mary the mother of Jesus. 2.Picture of Jesus.RV.2:18 bIn Thyatira ,Jesus is pictured as one with His eyes like unto a flaming Fire. And His feet was seen as fine Brass.His eyes are burning like flame of fire because of the idol worship of the Christians in Thyatira.They are worsiping Diana ,Baal and so many other idols as renamed into Christian gods. His feet are burning like fine Brass because of His anger and fury against the idol worship inside Thyatira.God Almighty shows that He would crush and smite them in the winepress of His anger. 3.Accusations.Rv.2:19. I know your works,your love ,your patience,and I know your present work is better than the past.It was a good thing Thyatira is better than her early days when Ephesus was vorse than the first ;when she lost her" First Love." 4.Gospel Message.Rv.2:20-23. Jesus has a few things against Thyatira people. (a) The woman Jezebel is there against the will of God. (b)Thyatira was given time to repent but she did not repent. (c)Thyatira would be punished unless she repent out of her evil deeds.Any one in the church,when the Lord gives him time to repent and if he doesnot do it ,the lord will punish him so badly. (d) Their children are also going to be killed because of her deeds. (e)Finally Jesus wants all churches all over the world to know that He searches and destroys the thoughts and intensions of our hearts,and He will bless every one according to his ministry &deeds . (f) Jesus wants us to know the depths of satan and his deeds . (g)Jesus will not give any extra burden on his children more than we can tolerate. Now let me say about the Jezebel of Thyatira .In the Old Testament days ,Jezebel was the queen of Ahab the King of Israel.What she did in Israel against the will of God is recorded in 1Kings.16:"Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord;he took to wife Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal and went to worship Baal ;and reared up an ultar for Baal in Samaria; and Ahaab did provoke the God of Israel to anger more than all the kings of Israel.Jezebel his wife the queen of Israel;,Kept lots of prohets of Baal and Diana ,in the palace .More than that she killed all (who can be found)the prophets of the Temple of God in Israel .It was at this time Elijah the great prophet of the Lord escaped her and went away to the out of reach areas of the land .;where the Lord kept and fed him miraculously;.three and a half years during the time when he stoped rain upon the land of Israel. We know all about the O.T Jezebel and her deeds in the land of Israel.Just like her the New Testament Jezebel also took the children of God to worship Baal and Diana .Church History said that the Roman Catholic Church persecuted the protestant Christians and they killed about 347704 people as Martyrs .Roman Catholic Priests made people to worship Mary the mother of Jesus,they declared there was remision of sins at Confession before priests at the Lord's Supper .The Lord's Supper was converted to be an income producing ministry of the Priests .;as it was declared as a sacrifice, when some one dies so many sacrifices are to be done for the redemption of the soul and each sacrifice has to be paid as to the ability of that family.there by priests receives an income from the family of the dead ones; was an abomination of churches. The woman in Mathew 13;33;,"The Kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,which a woman took and hid in tree http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Thyatira (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:32 AM


measures of meal,till the whole was leavened."Jezebel in Rev.2:20 and the woman in math.13 :33 is the same one.;which has to be the Roman Catholic Church that spoiled the Thyatira church as well as the churches all over the world who seduced the Christians to commit fornications and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.. 5.Advise.Rv.2:24-25. First of all Jesus wants you to know the depths of satan. And He wants you know that He will not put any extra buden upon His children who live a holy life. 6.Blessings for the Overcomers.Rv.2:26-29. (A)A power to rule over the Nations of the world. Overcomers in the church will be given power to rule the gentile Nations with an iron rod.When Israel went after other gods,Lord let the Gentile nations like Asseria and Babelon to rule over them.Now when the Christians went after the other gods,Overcomers from that same church group will be given the power to ruleover them. (B)A Rod of Iron to rule over the ones that worshiped the Idols .Overcomers are given power to rule the nations with this Iron Rod without any mercy.We will and we can rule over the other nations just as well as or more than the Aseerians and Babeloneans ruled over Israel nation when we will have the Iron Rod . ;(C)A power to breake the nations like a potter's Vessel.One day the Lord called Jeremiah and said to go buy a potters earthen vessel and break it up infront of the people and tell them,"O,Israel,behold as the clay is in the potter's hands,so are ye in my hand,and I will break this people and this city,as the One breaketh the potter's vessel and it can not be whole again..".Saith the Lord of Israel.See the Lord with His eyes like a flaming fire and His feet as fine brass ;out of His fury and anger. (D)And I will give him the Morning Star.It shows the second coming of the Lord as a thief in the night.because the morning Star shows His secret coming and sun of Righteousness shows His coming at the millenium ..Our Lord is coming back as a thief in the night soon and very soon .Let us get ready.Amen.

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Next class. Philadelphia.

(1700-1900 AD.)


1.Introduction.RV.3: "And unto the church in Philadelphia write."The word Philadelphia means Brotherly Love. 2.Picture of Jesus.RV.3:7. Jesus is Holy,and Truth and He has the Key of David.;which means He has all the authority over Israel Nation See,ever since Israel went into Babelonean Captivity ,They did not have a king untill and unless they accept Jesus as Messiah. Yes Jesus got the Key of David and no one could reign over Israel Nation as a king ever since. Jesus has an open door in the Philadelphia church period.;all over the world Jesus has this door of the gospel opened up and no one could shut it ;or when shut it no one could open it either.Justfication and redemption through the blood of Jesus was opened all over the world by John Weslley and Whittfield and such great evangels and protastant churches were sprung up everywhere .William Carey went to India as a Missionary; then he went to Russia,Japan ,China Africa,and into the Islands of the sea and started Protastant churches.The William ,the Conqueror of Englad preaching and protesting against Roman Catholic Church;and he made the Church of England indpedent from Cathlicism.Thomas Cranmer became the first Arch-Bishop of the Church of England and he stripped all Catholiic Church practices from englaand.Puritants and Methodist churches came out from this movement.John Knox started the Scotch Refomation Church in Scotland .In less than 50 years time the Reformation Movement swept Europe and Asia and became greater church than the Roman Catholicism.Then the Reformation Movement had to undergo a great one hundred years of religious Civil War from papal persecutions.In the 17th century alone Papal Persecutions killed more Christians than the Pagan Roman Goverment did in the first century AD.USA was colonized by Anglicants,Puritants,Baptists,Quikers, and so many other Protastant denominational churches.It was at this time the Marthomite Church of India became a another church (1653 AD or Kollavarsham 828.)seperated from Jacobites church of India,by ordaining a Bishop by 12 Priests came out from Jacobite Church.Christians all over the world began to read Bible and opened up new doors for protastant churches. Robert Raikes started the first Sunday School Movement in England in 1780 AD.It was at this time even the Name Sunday School up into all churches in the world. Above all this Christians arround the world were filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in unknown Tongues Just like it was in the Day of Pentacost..And the Pentacostal Churches began to reappear all over the world. "Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Merchant Man ,seeking Goodly Pearls,who when he found one Pearl,went and sold all he had and bought it."(Math.13:45-46.)Yes the Philadelphia Church found that Goodly Pearl and bought it . 3.Accusations.RV.3:9. Some people in Philadelphia says they are Jews when they are not;Jesus says they are lieing,Jesus will bring them out from the Synnagog of satan into Philadelphia church and punish them 4.Gospel Message.RV.3:10. "I will keep thee from the hour of Temptations which will come upon all the worldto try them that dwell upon the earth.." Philadelphia Church here got a promise that they will not go through the Seven year Tribulations.; like the Lot was taken out of Sodom and Gomora before the Fire and Brimstones came down upon the city.; and like Noah and his family were taken out of this earth seven days before the Flood Waters came down. Jesus said it.(Luk.17:26-30; Rev.12:1-14;Dan.9:25-27.)To study this in detail please click on this link-Rapture. 5.Advise.RV.3:11. "Behold I come quickly,hold fast that which thou hast,that no man take thy Crown." 6.Blessings for the Overcomers..RV.3:12. "Him that overcometh I will make a Pillar in the Temple of my God.(Not a Pillar of Salt but a Pillar in the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Philadelphia (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:34 AM


Temple of God.)And he will not be moved from there.And I will write upon him the name of my God and the city of my God,which is the New Jerusalem;which cometh down out of the heavens from my God.;and I will write upon him my new name." God bless you all.

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Back Home.


"Behold a Door was opened in Heaven"(Rev.4:1) John saw it .Man makes too many doors to enter in and out ;but God makes only one door.When God created the Garden of Eden,it had only one door.When Noah created the Arch,it had only one door.When Moses created the Tabernacle ,it had only one door.When Solomon created the Temple of God in Jerusalem it had only one door. When and where God creates an entrance to enter in and out, it is only one door.When Jesus came down to redeem us ,He said ,"I am the Door."(John.10:9.) There is only One God and there is only One Door to enter the Heaven.Because there is only one way to be saved and get to heaven.(Acts.4:12)No matter a Hindu,Muslim,Jew or any Religion or any church you belong ; Jesus is the only way to be saved from sin and get to heaven.Oneday Jesus said ,"Verily,verily I say unto thee , unless a man be borne again ,he can not see the Kingdom of God.(John.3:3)Jesus now shows John an open door . This is the Door to Heavenly Place .This chapter four shows John what he saw in heaven.John saw the 24 Elders in heaven (the church) In the fifth chapter Vs.8-9,the 24 Elders are worshiping God in Heaven.They sing a song ,telling they are washed by the Blood of the Lamb of God.and they are Kings and Priests ,worhiping God .In the Old Testament Temple , those who are washed by the Lamb of God and anointed by the oil are priests and they are the only ones could enter in the Holy place to worship the Lord.Only from the Holy Place,High Priest go into the Holy of Holies,once a year .This is the same door where Jesus went in with His own Blood,as our High Priest.One of these days Jesus is going to come back through the same door to take us in there.Now ,let me say ,only the Christians who kept all the Commandments and all Appostolic Doctrines, are the ones to be raptured away ,when the Trumpet of the Lord sounds.Just like the Door to the Holy of Holies is from the Holy place ,only holy ones are going to be taken away as Jesus comes back.Remember,this is not the first door,the Door of Salvation (John.10:9)or the second door(John.10:7) but the third door,the Door to the Holiest of Holies,(John.10:2)which is the Door to the Heavenly Place.Again,I say ,only those who worship God in Truth and in The Spirit can enter in there.Because Heaven is Holy and without holiness no one can enter in there.Any child of God,who refuses to accept the waterbaptism or the baptism in the Holy Spirit or disobay any other Apostolic Doctrine would not enter in there raptured when the Lord comes as a thief in the night.We are espoused to One Husband as a chaste Virgin .(2 Cor.11:2)Who is eligibe or worthy to be the Bride of the Lamb of God;the Holy Bridegroom ?Only the NT Saints who keeps and observes all the Seven Fundamental Doctrines;and live a holy life(Acts.2:38-42.)Any one who refuses to observe any one of these Doctrins is not worthy to be the Bride of Jesus .Remember the final Commandment of Jesus before He was taken away into the Heavenly Places;"All power is given unto me,in heaven and in earth.Go ye therefore and teach all Nations ,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Gost;teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,and lo I am with you alway,even unto the end of the world."(Math.28:18-20.)Jesus wants us observe all things He Commanded us.The Bridegroom of the Lamb of God has to observe and all things in the NT Doctrines.Only the holy New Testament Saints would be Raptured into heaven when Jesus comes as a thief in the night.At the end of the third chapter of Revelation these Saints would be caught up into the heavenly places and those are left out here would have to go through the Great Tribulation period.The 24 Elders we see in Rv.4:8-9 are these New Testament Saints .The rest of the Christians as they go through the Tribulation;if they die for Jesus without accepting the nuber of the Beast the number-666;they will be Ressurrected in the middle of the Tribulationperiod. If you want a proof ,let us go read Rv.7:9-17.Here we see they are gone hrough the Tribulation period and http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Door (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:35 AM


came into Heaven. Remember the parable of the Virgins with Oil &wthout Oil.(Math.25:1-13)Virgins with Oil went in with the Bridegroom and ones without Oil were left out. Jesus said,"If a man love me he will keep my commandments,and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him.He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings,and the word which ye hear is not mine but the Father's which sent me."(Jhn.14:23-24)God does not make His abode with diobedient children.Those diobedient children will not be raptured away into Heaven when Jesus comes as a thief in the night.If and when such people go through the Great Tribulation ,if they died not accepting the 666,the number of the Ant-christ,such will be ressurrected during the Tribulation Period and will be there in Heaven ,before the Marriage of the Lamb of God.;as the Virgin, (her companion that followed her ,See Psalms.45:14-16)shall be brought up in before the wedding place of the Lamb of God.John the Baptist said that he would be a friend of the Bridegroom.(John.3:29)Begin with Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob ,ending with John the Baptist ,all the OT Saints would be the friends of the Bridegroom . Old Testament Temple had three Doors ,(we all know)the New Testment Church also has three doors;which we see in John-10:9,7and 2.Just like the Old Testament Priests who obayed and kept all Commandments of God and washed their hands and feet daily (daily life)before they go to the Holy place to woship;the New Testament priests also got to obay all the Doctrines of the Bible as they are intented ,and wash their hands and feet daily and worhip the Lord in Truth and in Spirit .Because ,"Without Holiness no one can see God.". "And they sang a new song saying,"Thou art worthy to take the Book,and open the seals thereof, for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood ,out of every Kindred,and Tongue,and People,,and Nation."(RV.5:9) See the 24 Elders (the Church)worship God in the open Heaven.Let us ,therefore ,obay and keep all the commandments of the Word of God and live a holy Christian life.Jesus is coming back as a thief in the night. Let us get ready to meet Him. One of these days this Door is going to be opened up for you and me . "Watch therefor,for ye know ,neither the day nor the hour ,when the Son of Man cometh.".(Math.25:13) God bless you all .Amen.

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.4. HOME.


Rapture. "Behold ,a Door was opened in Heaven".(Revelation.4:1) Here we see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ for His Church.When went up to the Heaven,He said that He would come back.Jesus said,"And if I go and prepare a place for you,I will come again and receive you unto myself ;that where I am ,there ye may be also".(John.14:3)And in many other words,He promised that He would come back for His Church. In order to study the Church as to when she is to be taken away from this earth ,we should first go to the book of Daniel 9th chapter.(Daniel.9:24-27.)When Daniel was in the Babelonean Captivity ,oneday he was reading the Book of Jeremiah and found out the Captivity of Israel would be over in 70 years.(Jer.25:11.)Daniel was fasting and praying for restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem city and the Temple of God.He was given an answer that (Even after the return of Israel from Babelonean Captivity)it would take 70 weeks time to rebuild and restore Israel,that which Jeremiah called Jacob's Troubles(Jer.30:7.) Daniel's vision of Jacob's Troubles of 70 weeks was devided into three parts. By the way this "70 weeks" is a period of God's punishment on Israel for their sins as they went to worship other gods.When Israel was under Moses in the wilderness ,when they murmered against God (when they went out to see the land and the 12 of them came back in 40 days ;10 of them murmered aginst God ;only Joshua and Caleb believed they could go and take over the Promised Land as God promised ;the 40 days of murmering was punished in 40 years instead);this time God is going to punish Israel 490 years ;70x7=490 years .70 weeks got 490 days.and the 490 days was counted as 490 years instead .(as well as God punished them under Moses in the wildernesss.) Israel was taken captives into Babelon in 606 BC.Israel was in Babelon 70 years.They came back out of Babelon in the year 536 BC.(606-70=536) (!)To restore and rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem.(Dan.9:25.)was a one week .7x7=49 years.This one week begins when Israel came back from Babelonean Captivity,which was in 536 BC. (2)After 62 weeks the Messiah would be cut off.(9:26.)69x7=483.this 483 years was Lunar years.When convert that into Solar years it would be , 477 years .(483x360/365.25=477 years.)Nehemiah rebulded the Temple of Jerusalem in the year 445 BC.It was a 70 years after their return from Babelonean Captivity.From 445 BC a 477 years would take us down to 32 AD.(477-445 =32.)It was in the year 32 AD, Messiah was cut off which was when Jesus was 33 years old .If Jesus was 33 years old in 32 AD,He must been borne in 1 BC.According to the Jewish History Jesus was 30 years old when He took His water-baptism.(Luke.3:23.)In Luke.3:1,we read Jesus took His baptism in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar. Tiberius started reigning as Caesar in the year 14 AD.So 14+15=29.In AD 29,when Jesus took his baptism ;if he was 30 years old He must been borne in 1 BC.Again I take you to another occation When Jesus was in the Temple of Jerusalem the Jews asked him to do a mirracle to show he was Messiah.(Read it in John Chapter two) Jesus answered and said,"Destroy this Temple ,in three days I will raise it up again."Then the Jews asked him , "In 46 years this Temple was beeing built.Would you rear it down and re-build it up in three days? But Jesus did not say this about the Temple of Jerusalem,but himself he was talking this about..Any way let us look at this 46 years time period.Jerusalem Temple was beeng built in 46 years time ,Begining with BC 18 over to AD 28.When Jesus was in that Temple in AD 29 ,he was 30 years old .This also was a proof that Jesus was borne in BC 1.To study the Geneology Of Jesus from Adam to Jesus ,Please click on this link-Adam-Jesus In Daniel 9:26,Daniel was told the City and the Temple would be destroyed after the Messiah be cut off.;In AD 70 the city and the Temple were a destroyed .

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Then comes the bracket period of the Church of God.,before the 70 th week of Jacob's Troubles;because the church has nothing to do with this Jacob's Troubles period.,because Daniel was told this 70 weeks were for his people and upon the Holy City .(Dan.9:24.)By which I mean the New Testament Church will not go through the 7 years of Great Tibulation Period..Church is a bracket period in between the 69th and the 70th weeks of Jacob's Troubles. Jesus also teaches us that we would not go through the Tribulation Period.Luke.17:26-30.)If Noah and his family were taken away from this earth before the Flood waters came down,So shall it be as the days of the Son of Man . If Lot was taken away from Sodom and Gomora before the Fire and Brimstones came down upon the City ,so shall it be in the days of the Son Man .Jesus told us this .Another thing,the Marriage of the Lamb of God was to be taken place (ch.19.)during the Great Tribulation period.When would the Bride, the Church taken away into the heavens?It must be,no dobt, before the Great Tribulation. There is no dobt the second coming of Jesus as a thief in the night, would take place before the Great Tribulation Period .Let us get ready. May God bless you all.

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Heaven. Home


"After this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said,""Come up hither and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter."(Rev.4:1) See the fourth chapter begins with a statement,"After this."which indicates this chapter begins with a new subject . "I will shew thee things which must be hereafter."Jesus shows John the future things that is going to take place after the Church is raptured into Heaven..At this time the Church is caught up into the Heavenly Places.and the rest of the Book of Revelation is about the hereafter or the future . Jesus comes as a thief in the night.He will not tell us when He will come .This world will only know Jesus has come and gone only when the church is missing from this world .(Math.24:42-44) John saw:-A Door (<---click on the door on the left to see more from Heaven.) 1.The Throne of God........(2)The Rainbow.....(3)The 24 Elders.....(4)The Four Beasts...(5)The Seven Lamps And,...(6)The Sea Of Glass. Immediately ,John was in the Spirit of the Lord,and he saw a Throne in heaven and the ONE that sat on the throne.;is God The Father.He was looked upon like JASPER and SARDIN stone.All arround the throne of God was the Rainbow,which was like unto EMERALD .This glory of the Lord also was seen by Ezekiel the prophet. (EZ.1:28)John once said that,"God is light and in Him is no darkness".Please read EZ.1:26-27 and see how Ezekiel sees the glory of the Lord..Noah was given the rainbow as a token of God's promise that He would not destroy the earth with a Flood of waters any more..Last six thousand years He kept His promise and God would ever more destroy this earth with a Flood of waters but a Flood of Fire.Another truth about the Rainbow on the earth is that it is only a half circle and the Rainbow in heaven arround the Throne of God is a full circle.;which means anything what we see on earth is only half of what it is .and when we get to heaven ,we will see and know everything in full. John saw the Temple of God ,when he was taken into the open heaven.All arround the Throne of God .John also saw 24 Elders siting in 24 Thrones .Why the 24 Elders?This is the New Testament Church raptured up into the Heavenly Thrones.In the Temple of Jerusalem,there were 24 Priestly orders(1Cho.24:4)as to the order of their services.So was also the NT Church ,according to the order of this 24 Elders ,the priests were selected to serve in the Temple of God in heaven.These 24 Elders are seen in RV.,4:4;5:5;7:11;11:16;14:3; and 19:4.but after the "Marriage of the Lamb"(Rv.19:7)the 24 Elders are not seen in the book of Revelation at all.Instead the Bride is the name used not 24 Elders.Next we see the Four Beasts. These Four Beasts represents the Cherubims of God ;who are the keepers or watch over angels of the Throne of God.First in the Bible ,we see them at the Garden of Eden ,as keepers of the Tree of Life. .(Gen.3:24)Next, Prophet Ezekiel saw the Cherubims.(EZ.1:5)They had ,Man,Lion,Oxen and Eagle shaped heads on them. (EZ.1:10;RV.4:7-8;6:2-4;)When the heavenly king came down to redeem us ,He was a Man,Lion,Oxen and an Eagle (His ministry wise)at the same time .When the Children of Israel was in the Desert,on their way to the promised Land,,The Tabernacle was in the middle of them.and they all camped on all four sides of the Tabernacle. (Numb.10:11-28)Ruben camped on the south side(Simeon and Gad )on both sides of them, with Man sign Flag. Judah was camped on the East side(with Sebulun and Essachar)with Lion's sign on their Flag..Ephraim was on the West side(with Mannassah and Benjamin)with Oxen sign on their Flag. And Dan was asked to camp on the North side (with Asser and Naptaly)with the Eagle Flag.And inside the Tabernacle there was two Cherubims on top of the Mercy Seat ;where the presence of the Lord was always at the Holy of the Holies;which tells us it had something to do with the redemptive work of the Lord.The Four Gospels in the New Testament also tell us that Jesus has these Four types of ministry on the earth .The Gospel of Mathew telling us that Jesus is the King of the Jews.Mark's Gospel bigins with the Baptism under John the Baptist and only Ministeriel part of Jesus is said in this Gospel.And Mark tells us that Jesus is the servent of God.Luke begins his Gospel telling us that Jesus is the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Heaven (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:38 AM


son of Adam(Luke.3:38);and Luke tells us that Jesus is Man.Finally John is telling us that Jesus is God. (John.1:1-3)And there was Two Cherubims on the Veil or Curtain between the Holy place and the Most Holy Place.This Curtain was made up of Four types of threads;Red,Blue,White and Puple.Red is the color of the blood of Jesus which is the Man's sign..Blue is the color of the sky which is heaven's sign.White is the color of Putity as the sign of the Ministry of the Oxen.Purple is the sign of Jesus' Kingship and it is the sign the Lion of Judah. Another thing we can study that Lion(Wild animals)OX(Domestic animals),Eagle(Birds in the air) and men all over the earth gather arround the Tabernacle of the Lord and worship Him.because He redeemed us all by His shed Blood on the Cross of Calvary. Let us all worship Jesus who is our Redeemer.All these explains that the Four Beasts have something to do with the redeeming ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.Next,is 7 Lamps. This Seven Lamps are the type of the Holy Spirit.In the Old Testament Tabernacle ,there was a Lamp with seven branches.The seven shows the seven ministries of the Holy Spirit.;Isa.11:1-3, gives us the seven ministries of the Holy Spirit.Here we see the Holy Spirit in Heaven ,at this time ;which means the Church is also in Heaven . (John.14:16-18)Next is the Sea of Glass. In the Old Testament Tabernacle ,there was a wash Basin(Ex.40:30-32)This was used by priests to wash their hands and feet before they go in to the Holy place to worship .These priests are washed by the Blood of the Lamb and are anointed as priests to worship and serve the Lord in the Temple of God .Still they have to wash their hands and feet before they go into the Holy place.;which shows we children of God have to be washed daily to keep our body,soul and spirit to be cleanced to be eligible to worship the Lord.."Be ye Holy because I am Holy (1 Pet..1:16;Hebr.12:14) "The Four and twenty Elders fall down before Him that sat on the throne,and worship Him that liveth for ever and ever and cast their Crowns before the Throne -saying-"Thou art worthy,O Lord to receive glory and honor and power,for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and they were created."Let us worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Let us get ready to meet the Lord.No one can see the Lord without the Holiness.God bless you all.Amen.

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The Book Of Revelation.Chapter.5. Home


Book. "I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne , a Book,written within and on the back side , sealed with seven seals."(Rev.5:1) This is the Book of Redemption.This Book is the title of the Earth and everything in it.When Jesus was tempted satan asked Jesus."If you fall down and worhip me,I shall give you all these."Now the earth was seen in the costody of satan and he must have got it from Adam&Eve ,at the Garden of Eden when they sinned. The earth and its fulness is God's property.Lord God Almighty told the Nation of Israel through Moses,"The land shall not be sold for ever,for the land is mine:for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.If thy brother be waxen poor,and his brother came to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold. (Levi.25:23-24)"After that he is sold,,he may be redeemed again;one of his brethren may redeem him.Either his uncle or his uncle's son may redeem him or any that is nigh of kin unto him of his family ,may redeem himor if he be able,he may redeem himself."(Lev.25:48-49)That was the reason why Jesus had to come down in the family of Adam and Eve.to redeem the human beeings.As the Son of David ,Jesus could redeem the Kingfdom of Israel.As the Son of Abraham,He could redeem the promised Land.As the Son of Man ,He could redeem the whole human beeings. As the Son of God ,Jesus Can redeem everything created under the heaven. Paul said,"We are sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,which is the earnest of our inheritance,untill the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of His glory."(Eph.1:14.)The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the earnest given us (Earnest is money paid in advance to bind a contract untill the purchased is taken into costody)the New Testament Church ;untill the redemption of our purchased inheritance.Paul also tells us that all the creation on the earth is waiting for the return of the Children of God Back to earth with Jesus ;and that would be when all the earth and all the creatures on the earth would be redeemed from their curses ,they got because of the sin of Adam&Eve.The whole creatures on the earth are groaning and suffering and waiting for their redemption,at the return of Jesus.(Romans.8:19-23.)Untill then all things are subjeted the Vanity. (Rom8:20, Song of Songs.1:13.) Old Testament days ,when some one become poor and sold his property ,his kinsman redeems it.He calls ten elders of the city to the city gate as witnesses.One who redeems it declares that he redeems what his brother sold. See the story of Ruth( Ruth.Chapter 4:1-10.)Also read Jeremiah 32:6-12.These are two examples of the seven sealed book of redemption ,which was done on the Cross of Calvery by Jesus Christ.And the Title of the Purchased possession was handed over to God the Father ;it was what John saw in the hand of God. This Seven Sealed Book contains,(1) the redemption of Israel Nation,(2)the Redemption of the earth ,(3)the redemption of all the ceature on the earth ,(4)and the redemption of the human beeings. One of the Mighty angels in heaven told John,"The Lion of the Tribe of Judah was prevailed to open the Book. When John was loking for the Lion of Judah,he saw a Lamb stood as it was slain.And also John heard a voice telling him ,"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches,and wisdom and stregth and honor and glory and blessings.The Lamb of God who was slain ,who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah or the King of Kings of The Tribe of Judah will open the Seven Sealed Book.In the next few chapters of this Book of Revelation we will see Jesus opens the Seven Seals one by one and all satan's reactions to it ;when Anti-christ looses his World Kingdom and turned over to Jesus Christ .Rv.chs.6-19 explains the satan's war with Jesus as He opens the Seven Seals of this Book to declair the redemption of the whole world.This period is the 70th Week of Daniel's prophesy of the 70 Weeks of Israel.(Daniel.9:24-27;2 Thess..2:1-10.)

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The Seven Seals of the Book are the seven curses that God has placed on Adam&Eve ,when they sinned.These are the seven seals placed on the Book.We see them in Gen.3:16-18. 1.I will multiply thy sorrow....................................................(Sorrow.) 2.In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children...............................(Birth Pain.) 3.Thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.(Husband's rulership over his wife) 4.Cursed be the ground for thy sake.........................................(Curse on Earth.) 5.In sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.................(Famin &Starvation.) 6.Thornes and thistles shall it bring forth to thee........................(Thornes &Thistles.) 7.Dust thou art,and unto dust shalt thou returne.........................(DEATH.) These are the 7 Seals of the Book;that God has placed.Paul says ,"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is DEATH.(1 Cor.15:26.)which is the last enemy of Adam.(Gen.3:19) In Math.24:5-31;is what Jesus prophesied about the Great Tribulation Period.(Rv.chs.6-19.) A Lamb with Seven Hornes and Seven Eyes.The Seven Hornes of the Lamb of God shows Jesus' perfected Ministry of Salvation.(Math.1:68-69.)All the Curses of Adam and all its punishments of Adam ,in the Book of Genesis will be all removed in the Book of Revelation.That is what Jesus is going to do as He opens this Book with Seven Seals. Finally at the Redemption time , Every creature which is in heaven and on the earth,and under the earth,and such as ,are in the sea,and all are in them ; Heard I saying,"Blessings and honor and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb,for ever and ever."Rev.5:13.See how much happy all these creatures on the earth and in the sea are ;when Jesus opens this Seals one by one? Let us also rejoice and worship the Lord.When Jesus returnes,we will be redeemed in full ,including the redemtion of our body.Next ,we will see ,Jesus opens the Seven Sealed Book. God bless you all Amen.

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"Hear OH Israel,the Lord our God is ONE."(Deuteronomy.6:4)In this message,"ONE" like this means God the Creator and "one " like this means all other ones created in.God the ONE created and controles everything one by one.Everything in nature is seen one by one ;one man one tree.one bird so forth .ONE is OMNIPRESSENT.God is seen in three persons,God the Father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.When God is in three personality; God created everything in three forms,solid,liquid and gas.For example ,water(H2O) can be seen as solid (Ice) liquid(water)and gas(vapor)forms.On our computer language,one and zero are the only two , there is to make all alphabets. When we type A on a computer key board,a 13 ones and a zero goes on the brouser to translate it into A.If one doesn't have any value,Arithmatic did not have any value of any such as it is today.One was in the begining and all other numbers came out of one .Zero doesn't have any value unless it is added to one and any combination of one.One stands alone as holy because nothing is added or substracted from one.In other words if any thing is added or substracted ,one is no more one.The ONE is the unmoved mover of everything.and ONE himself beeing unmoved.ONE can activate and run all languages on the computer world.Once the ONE confounded many laguages in Babel.,and the ONE can do it even to day on our computers.Zero is powerless alone and satan can't do anything without God's permission;and he had to go for God's permission to tempt Job.Satan came to robe,sreal and kill;but our Lord came to seek and save which was lost.On our computer world ,one works by"Magnetic Impulse"When the Magnetic Impulse goes from South to North ,it is 1,and when it goes from North to South ,it is 0.Our Computer CPU puts it out all over the world into any language , as you direct your system. Another system of the Magnetic Impulse is to produce Electricity.Electricity is good but if you missuse it that power is dangerous .When negetive and positive lines touch ,it makes fire.On the other hand when you use it properly it gives us light and many other good things.Birds fly down and sit on electric lines safely but when we touch those lines we get killed ,because our body carries negetive impulse and the birds do not carry any Magnetic Energy..Another function of these Impulse is to work on guns;as a gun Safty Locking System.When we put this Lockiing System on a gun and the same chip on its owner's finger and this gun will not trigger to shoot untill the finger with that safty locking chip on its owner's finger touches that gun.Just like a flash light lights up when its negetive and positive impulse touch each other,that gun do not shoot unless the chip on the gun and the chip its owner's finger touch . God is love.God is consuming fire.The wages of sin is death.God doesn't send any to death and hell ,because He doesn't want any to go to hell.Hell is made for satan and his angels.When a man dies by electcity you don't blame electricity but you kill yourself by missusing it. Heaven is holy place,and no unclean person can get in there . Jesus said,"I am the Door"(John.10:9)"neither is there any other ,for there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved."God has placed only one way to be saved,which is Jesus.The Garden of Eden had only one door on the East .The Arch that Noah created had only one door.The Tabernacle that Moses made in the Desert had only one door.The temple of God that Solomon made in Jerusalem had only one door.When man makes something he makes more than one way to enter.But God makes only one door to enter into the heavenly place. Jesus is that door.When Adam and Eve sinned and lost ,Jesus came to die and redeem the human beeings out of our sins.If you are borne outside the Adamic race you don't need Jesus for your Salvation."There is no other name under heaven,given among men whereby we must be saved,"(Acts.4:12) "verily verily I say unto thee,unless a man be born again ,he can not see the Kingdom of God."(John.3:3) Because of the sin of Adam we got:(1)Nakedness.........................................(Genesis.3:10) (2)Fear.......................................................(Gen.3:10) (3)Curse on the Serpent................................(Gen.3:14) (4)Curse on Israel........................................(Gen.3:14) (5)enmity of Anti-christ against Jesus Christ...(Gen.3:15) http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/ONE (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:41 AM


(6)Woman's pain at child birth.......................(Gen.3:16) (7) Woman's desire towards her husband........(Gen.3:16) (8)Man'sreign over his wife.......................... (Gen.3:16) (9)Curse upon the earth..................................(Gen.3:17) ( 10)Man's hard labour for food(Starvation)......(Gen.3:17) (11)Thornes and thistles.................................(Gen.3:18) (12)Death.....................................................(Gen.3:19) (13)Garden of Eden lost.................................(Gen.3:22) Adam lost every blessings he was given ,when he sinned.At the end of times,Jesus came down from heaven and died on the Cross of Calvery and by His blood we are redeemed out of all sins.Jesus is not the Savior of Christians alone ,Hindus ,Muslims Christians or any other religion we belong,Jesus is the only way of our Salvation.Unless you are borne again,you can not see the Kingdom Of God.Jesus Christ is going to come back very very soon.Let us get ready to meet Him.May God bless you all.Amen.

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In Rv.5:6 ,we see the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Lamb of God that had been slain. Lion and Lamb are two allegorical names of Jesus.The Lion comes to rule and the Lamb comes to die a Sacrificial death to shed His blood for the sins of the world.In the book of Ruth ch.4:4,we see two Kinsmen who were eligible to purchase and redeem Naomi's property and redeem Ruth..The first Kinsman was willing to redeem what Naomi sold ,but unwilling to redeem Ruth.,the gentile woman.But Boaz was ready and willing to purchase and redeem Naomi's property as well as Ruth.From the Book of Ruth we know that Boaz was even fell in love with Ruth to marry her even before Boaz came out in the City gate to declair the rdemption. Jesus came down as the King of the Jews before he went to the Cross of Calvery as Lamb of God.Jesus was riding on an ass's colt ,and children sang Hosannah to the King.(Math.3:2).People shouted,"Fear not Sion, behold thy King cometh sitting on an ass's colt."(John.12:15)But Israel Nation rejected Him and killed Him on the Cross . Ruth was asking to redeem the Property of Naomi and to redeem her the gentile woman.See,when the Lion of the Tribe of Judah was rejected ,the Lamb of God took over the Redemption.The first Kinsman refused to redeem Ruth,Boaz purchased Naomi's property and redeemed Ruth as well.If the Jews accepted Jesus as their King when He was riding on the ass's colt through the streets of Jerusalem,He would be the King of Israel ,sitting on the Throne of David;the gentile world would not have been redeemed..When the Jews rejected Jesus ,He went on the Cross ,shed His blood and redeemed us from our sins. Let us sing,therefore,"Jesus has redeemed us to God,by His blood,out of every Kindred and Tongue,and People and Nations," When a person sells a property,with in so many days after the closing,the seller has to move out and the buyer has to take over the property into his custody.People who buya house and such knows this system.In our case here, when Jesus came to take over the Kingdom of this world,which He bought from satan on the Cross,Jesus paid the prize and still,anti-christ refused to give up the rulership of this world.To begin with ,satan did not have the ownership of the Kingdoms of Israel. See what Asaph says about Israel Nation."Thou hast brought a Vine out of Egypt,....and planted it "(Ps.80:8)Jesus also says about it in a Parable,"There was a certain householder which planted a vineyard,....... 'let it out to a husband man'(In Malayalam Bible it says Pattathinu Koduthu),which maens the vineyard is given to the householder for so much a year as Pattam or (income sharing;)and went into a far country."(Math.21:33.) Please read Math.21:33-39.The devil did not get a Property Title of the Kingdom of Israel but was given to them for a perid of time as Pattam.(in malayalam word which means given to them on an agreement for so much money an year as Pattam.And the ownership wasn't given to the devil at all. See what the devil did in Israel? This husbandman finally killed Jesus to took over the Vine yard. Satan refused to give up the Kingdom of this world as Jesus began to open the first Seal of the Book.He come out on a white horse with a bow in his hand.;geting ready for a war with Jesus .Do you know where and when the devil got the power to rule the Kingdom of Israel?Let me come to that point when it all handed over to the devil. When Israel Nation was under the rulership of the Judges all the nations arround Israel was afraid of them because the Lord Almighty was in controle leading the Juges to rule Israel.Then Israel asked for a king just like all other nations .Then the Lord said ;"They rejected me that I should not reign over them."(1 Sam.8:7)And Soul was the first king of Israel. And Israel went their own ways;even worshiped other gods.Fianally they were sent away into bodage to Babelon .Israel did not have a king ever since the Babelonian Captivity and they would not get king untill they accept Massiah as their King .Abraham was the father of the nation . Abraham was called out from a Gentile family and gentile Nation and God blessed him and made him a blessing for the world.His children were multiplied as the stars in the sky and the sands on the sea shore.;into a great Nation.They are called the Israel Nation.God selected them as His own Nation.All other Nations were Jealous of them because of their greatness and blessings they enjoy more than any other nation on the earth. Kingdom of Israel was a seperate land and a Kingdom owned and oprated by God Almighty;for Abraham and his http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Lamb (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:43 AM


children.Israel was selected by God to bring His Son into this world,to keep the Word of God written down for the world and to to keep them as a holy Nation as witness for the worship of ONE GOD among Gentile Nations of the world.But when they diobayed the Lord and went after other gods,God also let them go on their own ways and sent them away to gentile Nations as bodage.Finally ,when the Lord wanted to redeem them ,they did not see Jesus as their Massiah ,rejected and Crusified Him.And the Gentile world got their redemption thereby as a result . Now Jesus is going to redeem Israel Nation,and all the people who are saved by the Blood of Jesus .The Title of this redemption is in Jesus' hands and He is going to open this Book by opening the Seven Seals on the Book one by one. When we go into the sixth chapter of Revelation,we will study this in detail.Let us sing the song of the 24 Elders to close up this lession."Thou art worthy to take the Book and open the Seals thereof for thou wast slain ,and hast redeemed us to God,,by the Blood ,out of every Kindred,and Tongue,and People,and Nation." This is the story we see from sixth chapter to the 18 th chapter of Revelation. The Redemption of Israel,the redemption of the earth ,The Redemption of all the animals and other living beeings and finally the Redemption of Blood washed people to their original condition;the original condition of man as Adm&Eve were created ;;is what this Book has in it and Jesus is going to open each of the Seven Seals and perform the Redemption during the Great Tribulation period.I shall explain each type of redemption as it happens.Let us thank God for the full and perfect redemption He has planed for us which will take us to the etenity at the end.God bless you all.

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The Book Of Revelation.

Sorrow the First Seal. "And I saw ,when the Lamb of God opened one of the Seals ,and I heard as it were the noice of thunder,one of the Four Beasts saying,Come and see.And I saw and behold a white horse ,and he that sat on it had a Bow and a Crown was given unto him and he sat for conquering and to conquer ".(Rev.6:1-2) Jesus said ,"Take heed that no man deceive you.For many shall come in my name saying,I am Christ and deceive many."(Math.24:4-5) This man on the white horse is not Jesus but the Anti-christ.,because Jesus is the one who opens the seal..Untill the Battle of Armagedon ,Jesus does not appear on a white horse.This is the first of the Seven Seals.We study the First Seal today.You know the seven seals are placed on the Title of earth and its fullness ,when it was sold to the Devil in the Garden of Eden.In genesis Chapter 3:16-18 ,we see all these seven seals.In another words, the seven seals are the seven curses God placed on Adam&Eve and the earth and the fullness thereof."I will multiply thy sorrow " is the first of the seven seals.It was God Almighty who picked up His compass to make a circle arround the earth to make a globe,also placed all His creation under Vanity to make creation to suffer out of God's anger and Furry .Vanity is placed upon the creation to suffer.(ECCl.1:13;Rom.8:20) I am taking a few Vanities from Ecclsiastes.1:2-20.that King Solomon said :"Generations come and go but it makes no difference.Older generation goes into eternity to make room for new generation .Death is always a sorrow that the Lord placed on us .Death of our beloved ones we can not suffer .It is a Vanity Lord placed on us. " Sun rises and sets and hurries arround to rise again;Day&Night is anopther Vanity God declared upon His creation to suffer.Untill the time comes when there is no more night,and that is the day that we are looking forward to." The wind blows from South and North and getting no where"When(in USA)the Canadian wind comes from North and the Southern hot wind hits the Canadian wind,Tonardo is the result.See the Tornado brings us all destruction and damage ?We just have to rebuild after Tornado hits and go;that is also another Vanity the Almighty God gave us to suffer." Rivers run into the sea but the sea is never full,the water retuns again to the rivers and flows again to the sea"Rain and flooding is another Vanity as a result of the above Vanity.It is only partial and teritorial ,not worldwide after Noah's Flood." No matter how much we see ,we are never satisfied..No matter how much we hear,we are not content."These days the yong generation always want a pocket radio with ear-phone .Always want to see TV and such like but never get content.They want to see more and more and hear more and more but never get content.The evil generation likes to see sexy pictures nd hear dirty songs ,but never get satisfy.That is Vanity. This world is all a Vanity. Vanity,Vanity,Vanity of Vanities;This Vanity is given to us to suffer.No body can come out of this Vanity (sufferings)because it is the first seal ,that applied upon man ;from the first to the end of times ;to suffer on the earth.Vanity is placed upon man to suffer,like the Hurricane,Tornado ,Tyfoon, Valcano and such that some people call it "Mother Nature".Even while I am teaching this class,the Hurracane Issabel is pounding on North Carolina,South Carolina and Vergenia beaches so hard .And 23 people were killed by Hurricane Issabel at the Eastern US Coast.These are some of the Vanities or sufferings that is placed upon this world.First time it started hiting in the days of Noah.That was a world wide one except Noah and his family were killed.After that it was the promise of God that the world wide sufferings like this would not happen.And a Rainbow was placed on the sky as a token that God wouldn't send another worldwide one http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Sorrow (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:44 AM


anymore .Since the days of Noah it was partially here and there on the earth..This would go on and on untill the Battle of Armagedon. See what Jesus said ,"You will be sorrowfull but your sorrow will turn into joy.When a woman is in travail,she has sorrow because her hour has come.;but he is delivered of a child ,she no longer remebers the anguish ,for her joy that a child is born into the world.For you have sorrow now ,but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you.........................In that day you will ask me nothing."(John.16:20-24) According to prophet Isaiah, The Man of Sorrow (Jesus) was rejected and despised for our sins and He saw a seed and rejoiced.(Isa.53)Nobody can fight the Mother Nature but suffer what is out there coming.A lot of damage distruction.and even injury and death .We just have to suffer and rebuild after all such Natural anger.. During the days of Noah the first time this Vanity hit mankind worldwide.All men except Noah and his family died.God never send another worldwide Flood Of Waters;ever since that day .It is only partial ones here and there now. You and I can not get away from this Vanity .Jesus is opening the first of the seven seals which is this Sufferings or the Vanity .Jesus wants to put an end to all this sufferings .But the Anti-Christ is out there to fight against Jesus .You know who is going to win?Jesus never failed any war .He always won the war Against the Devil .He is here this time as conquering and to conquer.against the devil.First he will make a Treaty with Israel Nation for Seven years.(Dan.9:27;2 Thess.2:3-9)After three and a half years Devil will break his treaty with Israel Nation and Go in the Temple of Jerusalem and declare himself as God. He will stop all sacrifices in the Temple .Without this (666 )the Number of the Beast on their right hand or on the forehead no body can buy or sell anything in those days Those who refuse to receive his number on their right hand or fore-head will be killed . Jesus also said,"You will be sorrowfull but your sorrow will turn into joy.So you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice.and no one will take your joy from you.........In that day you will ask nothing of me."(John.16:20-24) In that days we will ask him nothing because we are in glory and we don't need anythig.We are no more sick and we don't have to ask him for healing.We are no more hungry or thisty ;and we do not have to pray,"Give us this day our daily bread."and we will not cry no more and we are always happy and we will be in heaven with Jesus We don't need anything Now we need a lot of things and a lot of heavenly blessings .But wthen we are in heaven,will ask him nothing .In heaven we just Praise and worship him for ever and ever.Now even though we walk through the Valley of Death we will fear no evil ,because our Good Sheperd is with us.But when the Lord gets back and take us in there ,we will be with Him for ever and ever.And we do not have to ask Him anything;but worship Him .Please don't forget when we study this ,from Revelation .chapter six,the N.T. Church is already in heaven at the end of chapter three;and Jesus has come down on the earth for the Nation of Israel ,for their redemption and re- take of all what Adam & Eve lost.That was another reason why Jesus said in that days we will ask him nothing.;(John.16:24)Mainly because we don't need anything in those days.We will just worship Him for ever and ever. Let us rejoice for the glorious day of redemption is at hand.Let us get ready for return of Jesus Christ . God bless you all .Amen. www.geocities.com/konnappara

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For Sale "Again the devil taketh Him up into an exceedigly high mountain and showeth Him all the Kingdoms of the World and the glory of them .And said unto Him ,all these things will I give thee ,if you will fall down and worship me .Then saith Jesus unto him ,get thee hence behind me.For it is written ,"Thou shall worship the Lord thy God and Him only shall thou serve."(Math.4:8-10) When someone wants to sell a house,just put up a sign,"House For Sale".At this time smart people re-paint and re-model the house and put some new furnitures in it and that way house will be sold fast.People use all kinds of trichs for sale.Smart ones get some add like ,"Buy one and get one free". It is not a new trick .Even while Jesus was on earth ,once he said in a sermon,""Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?"(Math.10:29)Another time Jesus said,"Are not five sparrows sold for a penny?"(Luke.12:6)That means when you buy four sparrows for two pennys the fifth one is free.That was a trick Jews had used in the first century AD.Buy one and get one free, is not a new system .It came out from the Bible.There is another new trick for sale that people got from the Bible.;which is to put up a "House For Sale" sign.The devil was the one started this system first.. Jesus came down from heaven to buy and redeem what Adam &Eve sold to satan .when Adam sinned.The devil took Jesus all the way to the top of an exeedingly high mountain and showed him all the world and the glory of it and said,,"I give you all these if you fall down and worship me..Jesus did not want to buy it this way but He wanted to pay full prize for it and buy. When satan put up the for sale sign ,Not a sigle person could buy the property as a whole and satan then sold each piece of it sold to any one that came up for a house.This was a big housing compex with so many houses . There was Banks in it .There was factories for people to work.There was car sale shops .Any way there was every thing and anything any one needed for life;right there in side this housing complex. some one buys a house there ,he can work in his factory and pay the monthly payment in his bank.The Land Lord keeps the Title of the property.All people work in his factory and go home.Buys food and all other nedded things from his shops. There was no end in life and there was no hope in life for their future and people ,finally realized they became devil's slaves .People began to cry for help from God Almighty and it was the time when Jesus came down to redeem the World and every thing in this world.Now the devil was asking Jesus to kneel down and worship him as prize for the world. Yes ,Jesus our Lord and Savior,instead ,went on the Cross and died and paid His life as Blood Sacrifisie to satisfy the devil.While Jesus was on the Cross,satan bruised His hands and feet while Jesus bruised satan's head. Jesus paid full prize for the property and purchased it.In the Book of Revelation we see Jesus purchased every thing that Adam lost in the Garden of Eden.Jesus then went back to the heavens and gave God the Father ,the Title of the Property;a Book written in and on the back side of it.In the fifth Chapter of Revelation,first vorse, John saw this Book in the right hand of God the Father ;a Book written wthin and on the back side and sealed with seven seals..This is the Title of the world and everything in it.Soon and very soon Jesus is coming down with this Book to take over the property from the devil.Then there will be a custedy battle between Jesus and the devil .That battle is what we are going to study next as seven Seals .Jesus is going to open these seven Seals one by one .There will be wars between Jesus Christ and the Anti-christ.In our next Class we will study about the Seven Seals. May God bless you all .Let us get ready for second coming of Jesus Christ. .Amen.

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Revelation.Chapter.7. Tribulation.

"Hurt not the earth neither the Sun nor the trees till we sealed the sevents of our God in their foreheads."Rv.7:3. Here in Revelation chapter Seven there are two items to study. (1)144000 Selected Saints out of Israel Nation from the Tribulation(Rv.7:1-8) (2)A Bloodwashed Group from the Tribulation..(Rv.7:9-17) We were studying about the Seven Seals ,and in chapter six we studyed six of the seven seals.And now we come to study the Seventh Chapter of Revelation.Before the Seventh Seal,this is a Gap by which Jesus tells us that He does not destroy the Righteous with the wicked at the Tribulation Period.In Rv.chapter 13:,we see that Anti-christ is giving the number of the Beast,666 and without which none can buy or sell anything .In Rv Ch.14 we see that the 144000 selected ones in the Mount Zion ;standing with the Lamb of God.. After the Sixth Seal ,the Sventh one would be so terrible and that no one could suffer.At this time ,people would like to die but they wouldn't find death..And the Lord wants to save His righteous people ,before the Anti-christ takes his mighty hand upon the world.In the days of that wicked king,Ahab,The Almighty God saved a 7000 righteous people ,before the hand of God came upon the wicked people with His punishment.,even when Elijah thought ,he was the only one saved out there .(1King.19:18) When the Lord came down to destroy Sodom&Gomorah,He saved Lot&his family out of that city."Shall not the Judge of all the Earth deal Justly?Would He slay the Good and Bad or would He treat the righteous and the wicked alike?"(Gensis.18:25)The Ten Tribes of Israel,when they were taken into Asseria in 721 BC,they never came back to their home land ,but went out all over the world .God Almighty knows where each and every one is and He wants to seal them on their foreheads and bring them all back to their homeland before the Millenium. This group of people,Which is the 144 000 selected ones from Israel Nation and another group of Christians selected out of the earth ;that the Lord does not want to destroy the righteous people with the wicked. First,Let us think about Israel Nation.144000 is made up of 12000 selected saints from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel .If you read the Book of Ezra ,first and second Chapters,we can see ,only the two Tribes that went into Babelon captivity; came back to their homeland.The 10 Tribes ,the Northern Kingdom that went into Asseria did not come back,instead ,they went out all over the world . No body knows where they are ,but the Lord knows where they are,and He is going to seal them on their foreheads and bring them all back .When we study about the War of Armagedon we can see in detail how all the Israel Nation would be collected out of the world back to their Homeland. I would like to show you an interesting study on the Israel Nation.We all know, the 12 chidren of Jacob are the 12 Tribes , Ruben,Semeon,Levi,Judah,Issachar,Zebulun,Joseph,Benjamin,Gad,Asher,Dan,and Naptali.Even though Ruben was the firstborne,but he lost his yeldership and his double portion, when he went up to his father's bed(Gen.49:3-4)According to the costem of Israel,the first son in every family receives double portion of his father's wealth and blessings.Kingship and Priesthood were the two blessings that Ruben should receive .Joseph got two tribes , the double portion.Judah received the Kingship and Levi received the Priesthood .When Moses built the Tabernacle in the wilderness; Bejamin,Manassah,Ephraim,Gad,Semeon,Ruben,Judah,Issachar,Sebulun, Dan,Asher and Naptali were the 12 Tribes that lived all arround the Tabernacle.Levi and Simeon received no lot when Joshua devided the land ..Levi received some cities arround the Tabernacle and Simon received some land from Judah's grace and mercy.(Judge.1:3) Simon and Levi were taken off of their blessings.(Gn.49:5-7) Priesthood and Kingship were the double Portion ,the blessings that Ruben lost.Levi got the Priesthood and Judah received the Kingship.See,Ephraim and Mannssah the two children of Joseph who got two Tribehood. Levi lost his Tribehood;;instead he recieved the Priesthood .Here in the 7th chapter of Revelation we see ;Dan and Ephraim are not seen there instead,Joseph and Levi are taken back among the 144000 ;during the Tribulation period . http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Tribulation (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:47 AM


Please read Rv.7:4-8 and see that Dan and Ephraim are removed from the list ;instead we see Joseph and Levi are added in there Why God removed Dan and Ephraim ?.The Ten Tribed Northern Nation built two Bulls(idols) one in Dan and the other in Bethel within the land of Ephraim and worshiped them.The Ten Tribed Northern Kingdom did not want to go down South to Jerusalem to worship and they built their own Temples with Idol Worsips.(1Kings.1228-32;Exod .32:33;Hosea.4:17 says-"Ephraim is joined to idols ,let him alone."The Lord Almighty had already told Israel,"If a man woman or a Tribe go and serve other gods,God will seperate him from Israel Nation.It is clearly said that God would blot out his name from under the heaven.(Deut.29:17-26)That was why Dan and Ephraim is not among the 144000.If they go through the Tribulation and come out as victoreous they would be in the Millenium period ,there among the 12 Tribes group.We can see Dan and Ephraim in the there during the Millenium;Dan,Asher,Naphali,Manasseh,Ephraim,RubenJudah,Benjamin, Simeon,Issachar,Zebulun and Gad will be seen at the Temple .(Ezek.48:2-8;24-28)When they sinned against God,they were blotted out and by the grace of God,when they came through the Tribulation,suffered and punished;they were received again.What is theire's is always theire's because God is mercyfull and He loves the sinners and wash them by Blood of the Lamb of God; while He punishes the sins."And I looked and ,Lo,a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion and with Him the 144000,having His Father's Name written in their foeheads."(Rev.14:1)This seal was placed on them in Rv .Ch.six,because Jesus knew the Anti-christ would get his name and number on people there in Rv.ch 13;and when God's name is already on them Anti-christ cann't do anything to put his name on any of them. This message of the 144000 is an example given us to understand ,what the Lord would do in the End Times. The Lord would not destroy the Righteous with the Wicked. The Righteous People would be sealed and removed from the earth befor the Judgement of God. Two Tribes,Dan and Ephraim are to be removed from the 14400 list and left out to suffer from the Great Tibulation Period.And at the end of the Tribulation period Dan and Ephraim would be there in the Millenium, when Jesus would be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in David's Throne in Jerusalem. Next ,we are going to study about the Blood Washed group of people in Rv 7:9-17. God bless you all.

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"I beheld and,Lo,a geat multitude which no man could number of all Nations,from all Tribes,and peoples and Tongues,standing before the Throne and before the Lamb;clothed in white Robes with Palms in their hands". (Rev.7:9)" They are they who have come out of the Great Tribulation'.(Rv.7:14) At this time there is no Gospel of Grace Preaching on the earth because the Holy Spirit is gone to Heaven with the Church.Still there will be the Gospel of the Kingdom , preaching among the Israel Nation.By the way this 7th chapter is a Gap between sixth and eighth chapters, because it is the middle of the seven years of Tribulation. A great Multitude of People we see here is our todays Class .First of all ,let me say this is the second half of the Tribulation period.In our last week's Class we studied about the 144 000.At the end of that Class we saw that the Lord wouldn't destroy the Righteous People with the Wicked ;and the Righteous would be sealed and removed before the Judgement would fall upon the wicked.That was the reason why the Lord sealed off the 144 000.Also we saw that Dan and Ephraim were removed from the 12 Tribes and were sent through the Tribulation Period to be suffered and punished for worshiping Idols.Also we saw Ruben got his punishment.Simeon and Levi received their punishment for their sins.As a moral,let us study that study on the 144 000 was given us for our knowledge that the Lord would not tolerate sin and it will be punished but the righteous people will be sealed and saved from the Judgement of the wicked world.Even though Ruben,Simeon and Levi were punished for their sins ,they were later on blessed by the Lord when time went by. Same is the situation of the New Testament People .We are saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God.We are told to obay all ,I mean all the Commandments of God .When Jesus was departing from this world ,He told his desciples to "Go and teach all Nations.........Teaching them to obseve all things whatsoever I have commanded you'."(Math.28:19-20) Jesus wants us observe all the Appostolic Doctrines and live a holy life to get to heaven.Without the holyness no one can see God.Earlier in our Classes we saw that the New Testament Church is going to be raptured up into the heaven at the end of Rev.Ch.3.We don't see the Church on the earth after the end of Chapter three..In Chapter 4, John saw the Church and the Holy Spirit up in Heaven above.Just like Noah and his family was removed from the earth before the Flood;,just like Lot and his family was removed before Sodom&Gomora was destroyed.; NT.Church would be removed from the earth before the Great Tibulation. Then ,who are this Bloodwashed Multitude?In Rv.7:14,we can see ,"These are which came out of the Great Tribulation and have washed their Robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb." Who are these people ?They are washed by the Blood of the Lamb of God ,and came out of the Great Tribulation .Now we can see in and arround us a lot of Christians who do not want to obay and observe all the Commandments of God.People who are washed by the Blood of lamb,in other words ,borne-again and their names are written in the Book of Life.But some of the Borne-again Christians don't want to take water-baptism. They said their Parrents gave them Infant-Baptism(MAMODEESSA)They repent upon their sins and get saved but they don't want to receive Water-Baptism as it was asked by the Lord that we all got to obay and observe.If anybody dis-obay any Teachings of the Word Of God it is a di-obedience before the Lord.I don't want to go any more into that;we all got to obay and observe all the Teachings of the Word of God and Live a holy life to get to heaven.Those who dis-obay the word of God will not go raptured in when the Lord comes as a thief in the night.for His Church.Yes their names are written in the Book of Life,but they had to go through the Great Tribulation and suffer for their diobedience;just like the Dan and Ephraim Tribes were left out to suffer and to be punished in and through the Tribulation period.Some Christians these days even believe that baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in Un-known Tongue is an evil act .They might be Borne-again Christians but don't believe in the Teachings of the Appostles' Doctrine .We Christians would have to believe and observe all the Appostolic Doctrines .This is what Jesus is teaching us in this chapter ,first an example of the 144 000 sealed http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Bloodwashed (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:49 AM


and selected Israel .and then a Great Multitude of Blood -washed Christians going in and through the Great Tribulation Period and get saved after getting their part of the Sufferiongs and Punishments.Some Christian Churches these days are praying to Vergin Mary and having some Photos and idols in their Churches and worship them and calling them holy .Remember the story about the Dan&Ephraim Tribes who made Idols of Bulls ,placing them ,one in Dan and one in Bethel. You should know that was why they are removed from the 12 Tribes list at the 144 000.Anyone or any Church,even in the NT days will have the same after effect.They will be removed from the NT church,and they got to go through the Great Tribulation period to be suffered and punished. New Testament Church has sevn Fundamental Doctrines and so many other Appostolic Doctrines. (1)Repentance.(2)Water-Baptism.(3)Baptism in the Holy Spirit.(4)Seperation from this Crooked World. (5)Hear Appostolic Doctrines.(6)Taking the Lord's Supper and Fellowship with all Saints.(7)Worship the Lord . (Acts.2:38-42)These are the seven Fundamental Doctrines that Peter gave us on the Day of Pentacost. We are to obay and observe all the Appostolic Doctrines;and if any one refuse to do so, may result in the same refusal from the Church.We the 24 Elders are Kings and Priests .(Rv.5:10).Without an anointing from the Holy Spirit none of us can be King or Priest.And without this anointing no body can get to heaven when the Lord comes as a thief in the night.Those who do not obay and observe all the Commandments of God and lead a hloy life can not get to Heaven when Jesus comes as a thief in the night. In the light of this ,we can study what Jesus was telling us in the second half of the 7th Chapter of Revelation. These people from all Nations,Tongues and all peoples and all Tribes in the world;and are washed by the Blood of the Lamb of God.Their names are written in the Book of Life but they have to go through the Tribulation.If any and all who do not receive the number of the Beast the 666;they will be ressurrected in the middle of the Tribulation period. Finally ,let me give you the Moral of the 7th Chapter of Revelation. (1)God seals the Righteous People and save them from the Wicked world ,even before the Tribulation begins. (2)God removes the Righteous and let the Wicked ones to be suffered and punished during the Tribulation Period.For example God removes Dan and Ephraim from the 12 Tribes list and 144 000. (3)God redeems Dan and Ephraim and a Mutitude of Bloodwashed Christians when they have suffered and got punished and came out without accepting the number of the beast,666. (4) No matter Israelites or Christians ,God expect us to obay and observe all the commandments of God . (5) Wages of sin is Death; sin will be punished ;and God loves sinners to get saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God. Next week we will study Revelation Chapter Eight.Seventh Seal. May God bless you all .

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.5.





"And I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside ,sealed with Seven Seals."(RV.5:1) (Click on the Seven Seals link on the top line to see all the 7 Seals list.) If you go through RV. 5th chapter we see that Jesus is comming down to open the Book.In our last lession we studied that Jesus opens the Book and when the First Seal was opened a White Horse appears on the earth.While Jesus was here on the earth ,He told us a lot about the Book and all about it in Parables;which is Mathew.Chapter 24.And therefore we got to study Math.ch.24 and Rv. ch.6.in comparison. First Seal---------Rv.ch.6:1-2--------(White Horse)------------Math.ch.24:5. We already studied about the First Seal in our last Sunday school Class.Now we go to the Second Seal. Second Seal------Rv.6:3-4------------(Red Horse) -------------Math.24:6. "And when He had opened the Second Seal,I heard he Second Beast say,"Come and see."And there went out another Horse that was Red and Power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace away from the earthand they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword."(Rev.6:3-4)As we all know,red is the color of blood,which shows war.Jesus when he was here said,"In those days Nations shall rise against Nations and Kingdom against Kingdom."All you hear these days is wars and rumors of wars.Paul says about this times,"The day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night ,for when they shall say peace and safety ,then sudden destruction comes upon them as travail upon a woman with a child ,and they shall not escape."(1 Thess.5:2-3)And there will not be any peace upon the earth untill Jesus comes back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Third Seal--------Rv 6:5-6------------(Black Horse)------------Math.24:7-8. "And when He had opened the Third Seal,I heard the Third Beast say,Come and see.And beheld and lo, a Black Horse,and he that sat on him had a pair of Balance in his hand.And I heard a voice in the midst of the Four Beasts say,A Measure of Wheat for a Penny and three Measure of Barley for a Penny and thou shalt not hurt the Oil and the Wine".(Rev.6:5-6)Because of the Natural Desasters on the earth Farmers can't produce much food and famine is the result.The man on the Black Horse got a Balance and the goverments had to controle food by rationing . People are asked to use less oil and wine so that they will have enough of them untill the next crop comes out from the Farm.See,the prize on the Wheat and Barley -(a measure of Wheat for a Penny and three measure of Barley for a Penny)-is Fixed by govrment as rationing.There will be famine all over the world so badly because of the War between Nations.It was the same thing that Jesus said in Math.24:7;"Nations shall rise against Nations,,and Kingdom against Kingdom,and there shall be Famins,and prestilenceses and Earthquakes in divers places.And all these are the begining of Sorrows." Fourth Seal--------Rv.6:7-8-----------(Pale Horse)---------------Math.24:9. And when He had opened the Fourth Seal I heard the voice of the Fourth Beast say,Come and see.And I looked and behold a Pale Horse ,and him that sat on him was -DEATH and HELL- followed him And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,to kill with sword ,and with hunger and with Death and with the Beasts of the earth."(Rev.6:7-8)The rider of the Fourth Horse is Death.Jesus also said ,"Then shall they deliver you to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all Nations for my name sake ".(Math.24:9)Israel Nation will be hated by all Nations arroud them,and there will be a war between Israel and all neighboring Nations. There will be Famine and all kinds of sufferings in Israel.Jesus says," This is only the begining of sorrows".More of them are coming one after another.At the Cross of Jesus ,Jewish people said ,"Let his blood be upon us and our children".(Math.27:25)It is now coming down upon Israel Nation.

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Fifth Seal---------Rv.6:9--------------(Martyrs' Death)----------Math .24:10-11.. "When He had opened the Fifth Seal,I saw under the Alter the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the Testimony which they held.And they cried with a loud voice ,saying ,How long O,Lord Holy and True,doest thou not judge and avenge your blood on them that dwell on the earth?White Robes were given unto everyone of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season untill their fellowservents also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled."(Rev.6:9-11)The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all Nations and then shall the end come.The Gospel of the Kingdom is:- that Jesus will be the King of Kings on the throne of David for a thousand years.John the Baptist preached this Gospel once. Israel rejected Him then.Our gospel is the Gospel of the Grace of God. (Acts.20:24)The Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached once more and at that time Israel will accept Him as their Messaih ;and He will then sit on the throne of David for a thousand years.But at this time of Tribulation ,so many Israelites will be killed as Martyers ,when they refuse to accept the number of the Beast the 666. Sixth Seal---------Rv.6:12-------------(Earthquake)-------------Math.24:7. "When He opened the Sixth Seal, there was an Earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair,and the Moon became as blood,and the Stars of heaven fell into the earth ."(Rev.6:12-19)When Israel left Egypt under Moses there was darkness .for three days.(Exod.10:22-23)When Jesus died on the Cross,there was darkness .(Math.27:45)In New England ,there was darkness on May-1750.Natural disasters like this happened on the earth time and time again.Bible Scholars say these Natural Disasters are a Birth Pain of the earth ,to give birth to a New Heaven and New Earth.Jesus himself said,"Immediatly after the Tribulations of these days shall the Sun be darkened and the Moon shall not give her light and the Stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heaven shall be shakened ."(Math. 24:29)We can see same thing happens in the Revelation 6:14 -17. Peter said,"But the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat ,the earth also and the works that there in shall be burned up ."(2 Pet.3:10-13)At this time people with great agony cry and said unto the mountains and rocks , fallon us and hide us from the fall of Him that siteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb ,for the Great day of His wrath has come ,who shall be able to stand?"(Rev.6:16-17)Then People will seekfor DEATH and they will not find it.Seven years of Tribulation is so horible that no man can stand or suffer.In the Gospel of Mathew 24:1 -3,we saw Jesus was asked 3 Quistions. (1)What shall these things Be ? (2) What shall be the sign of thy coming? (3)What is the sign of the End of the World? There in the same chapter jesus answered these thee quistions in parables and in the Book of Revelation chapter six Jesus gave us all these in clear and in plain language;which I had been explaining.Now we are at the end of the Sixth Seal.And the Seventh Seal only begins in Chapter 8.And there is a chapter in between as a gap;which I shall teach in our next study. Seventh Seal------Rv.8:1---------------(Seven Trumpets)-------Mat.24:9-29. We will study the Seventh Seal (which is a bracket period between the sixth and seventh seal))after we study the 7th chapter of Revelation next week.Finally,let me say that we the N.T.Saints will be in heaven while the Great Tribulation is going on here on the earth.Just like Noah and his family was in the Ark Safe while the Flood killed all other people in the world;the Bride of the Lamb of God is up in heaven and Israel Nation and the Gentile World will be going through this Great Tribulation Period..And at the end of this Great Tribulation Jesus and His Bride ,the N.T Church will be coming back down upon this earth.Let us get ready now.God bless you all .Amen.

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Next Class

"And when He opened the Seventh Seal there followed a silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.And I saw seven Angels stand before God ,and there were given unto them Seven Trumpets."(Rev.8:1-2) This Class is on Rev.Ch.8.Seventh Seal.In Ch.6. we studied about the first six Seals.And the 7th chapter is on the 144 000 and the Blood Washed Multitude.And this ch.7 is an informational one at the Mid-point of the 7 year Tribulation.The second half of the Tribulation is what we are going to study today. Here we see Jesus opens the Seventh Seal and Seven Angels came down with Seven Trumpets.When the First Seal was opened, there was a half an hour of silence in heaven.All the angels in heaven stoped worshipng God for 30 minutes Heaven went silent for 30 minutes.,All Musical Instruments in heaven went silent .In other words the heaven as a whole went silent for half an hour because the horribleness of the Tribuleation .It was that awesome as the wrath of God was pouring down upon the earth;when witnessing the awesomeness ,the heaven went silent.The Earth without the blessings of God is a Woe,Woe,and a Woe. The First Trumpet.(Rev.8:7) When the First Angel sounded his Trumpet there followed a Hail and Fire mingled with Blood.And they were poured down upon the earth and a third part of all trees and all the green grass on the earth was all burned up. Prophet Joel said about it,"I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth,blood and fire and pillers of smoke.The Sun shall be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood before the great and terrible days days of the Lord comes."(Joel.2:30-31)This is the day the vengeance of our God which part Jesus even didn't want to read when He was in the Sinnagog of Nazareth,Jesus read the first part about the acceptable year of the the Lord."(Go to Luke.4:16-21 and Isa.61:1-2)Jesus didn't want to read about the Vengeance of God ;because it was about the Great Tribulation.The First Trumpet is a punishment upon Israel with" Fire &Blood." Once it happened in Egypt under Moses.At that time in Egypt,all the trees were burned up but now,on earth only one third of the trees would be burned up.Under Mosic Covenent,people were a conditional blessing,which was ,"If you obay ,you will be blessed,and if not you will be punished."But now Israel is under Abrahamic Covenent (un -conditional Blessings )and as a result Israel the Children of Abraham would be blessed and protected for ever and ever no matter what. The Second Trumpet.(Rev.8:8-9) "And the Second Angel sounded and as it were a great mountain burning with fire,was cast into the Sea and the third part of Sea became Blood and the third part of the creatures which were in the Sea and had life died, and the third part of the ships were distroyed."(Rev.8:8-9)This could be a mountain falling into the Medeterraneen Sea (Some Bible Scollers say)because it is the only Sea nearby that carrys ships .As the way John sees it ,could be a Valcano A third part of the Sea becomes Blood.It happened in Egypt (Exod.7:19-21) The water in Egypt (all over the Country;)becomes blood but a third part of the water in Israel becomes blood . See the grace of God upon (Israel)His own Nation? The Third Trumpet.(Rev.8:10-11) A Star fell down in the land of Israel from the sky and the name of that star was ,"Warmwood.Ever since the days of Moses,Israel Nation was a rebellious Nation,and the wrath of God was kindled against them.See what the Lord says about it ,"Because they have forsaken any law which I have set before them,and have not obayed my voice,neither walked there in them but walked after the immaginations of their own heart and after Baal in which their fathers tought them.Therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts,the God of Israel.Behold I will weed them ,even this people with ,Wormwood,and give them water of Gall to drink".(Jer.9:13-15)Over and above the Word of God here,I do not go any further study on this subject.This is the picture of the Third Trumpet. The Fourth Trumpet.(Rev.8:12) "And the fourth angel sounded,and the third part of the Sun was smitten and the third part of the Moon and the third part of Stars ,so the third part of them was darkened and the day noon and the day not showed not for a http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Seventhseal (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:52 AM


third part of it and the night likewise."(Rev.8:12)In the history never recorded the weather went wild like this ,8 hours of darkness a day ,the controling the earth and it's atmosphere ,by Almighty God The Almighty One used these Plagues and such like ones to show the world who is in controle here .Finally it is all for the deliverance of Israel Nation from Anti-christ.Another Angel flies through Heaven and shouts ,"WOES."Finally there comes a special message ,"And I behold and I heard an Angel flying through the midst of Heaven saying with a loud voice,"WOE,WOE,WOE" ;to the inhabitants of the earth by reason of the other voice of the Trumpets of the three Angels which are yet to sound."(Rev.8:13) This special message is sounded as a warning that the next three Trumpets and their activities are more horrible than the former ones. At this point the 8th chapter is ending.Next we go to the 9th chapter . The Fifth Trumpet.(Rev.9:1-12) "And Fifth Angel sounded and I saw a Star fell from Heaven unto the earth ,and to him was given the Key to the "Bottomless Pit."(Rev.9:1)This is not just a star but this is Jesus ,because according to Rev.1:18,Jesus is the One who has the Key to the "Death and Hell."Here in Rev.9:2,we see He opened up the "Bottomless Pit".In the Old Testament Books we see the word Star is used in many places to show the Lord,(just to show you one of them "The Morning Star.",Job38:7)and we can see the same Angel coming down again to lock up the "Old Serpent"the Satan for a thousand years.(Rev.20:1-3)When He opned the Bottomless Pit there was smoke out of a huge furnace like ;came out and by the smoke there was darkness on the earth ,when the Sun was also covered with the smoke out of the Bottomless Pit.Some unusual kind of Locust came out of the Bottomless Pit and these creatures had man's head,woman's hair,Lion's teeth,and the Tail of a Snake.More over they had Golden Crowns and Brastplates of Iron.When they fly they sounded like the sound of chariots with many horses running to battle.They have orders to torment only human beeings for five months.They were told not to destroy any tree or grass ; unlike the Egyptian Torment(Exod.10:3-20)They are allowed to toment only men who do not have the Seal of God on their forehead.In other words they can not torment the 144 000 Selected Israelites . The First WOE is over ,and there comes two more WOES. These Locusts have a king and his name in Hebrew is ,"ABADON "in Greek Language it is ,"APOLLYON". But normaly locusts have no king.(see--Prov.30:27) The Sixth Trumpet.(Rev.9:13-21) Here we see the second of the three WOES.which is run by satanic horse-men."When the sixth angel sounded I heard a voice from the four horns of the Golden Alter ,which is before God."(Rev.9:13)Saying, to the Sixth Angel which had the trumpet ,"Loose the Four Angels which are bound in the Great River Euphrates".This Satanic Army was 200 000 in number.Notice the heads of these horses are lion's and their tails are Serpent's, which shows they are satanic in nature.These army is from Euphrates Valley;(river bed)or Irac having war with Israel Nation.These 200 000 Army are under the leadership of Four Angels ,who are waiting for their correct time (hour,day,month and year )for them to come against Israel.As a result of this war a one third of the population would be destroyed .And again it says ,the rest of the people did not repent upon their sin. Even today there is a lot of people like that. This is the end of Ch.9 and we go to chapter 10 in our next class. God bless you all .

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Sevenseals. 1-st Seal...Anti-christ.(On a White Horse) RV.6:1-2.Math.24:4-5. 2-nd Seal.Wars.(On a Red Horse) RV.6:3-4.Math24:6-7. 3-rd Seal.Famine....(On a Black Horse) RV.6:5-6;Math.24:7. 4-th Seal.Contageous Deseases&Death.(On a Pale Horse) RV.6:7-8;Math.24:7-8; 5-th Seal.Martiers' Death. RV.6:9-11;Math.24:9-13. 6-th Seal.Earth Quake.(Abomination of Desolution) RV.6:12-17;Math.24:15;Dan.9:27. 7-th Seal.Silence in Heaven.(Half an Hour) RV.8th Chapter. This is a list of the Seven Seals .God bless you all.

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Israel is the chosen Nation of God ,called and selected, in order to witness the oneness of God ;to keep the Word of God written down and to bring Messiah into this world for the Redemtion of the world.Covenants of Adam, Noah and Abraham were unconditional but the Mosic Covenant was conditional.;(Which means ,if you obay you will be blessed,if not you will be punished.)First of the Ten Commandment was ,Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven immage.Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them ,for I am the Lord God ,am a jealous God."(Exodus.20:5-6)When Israel Nation was in the desert under Moses,;on the way to the Promised Land,God was among them.When Solomon built the Temple of Jerusalem,God was there in the Temple;the glory of God was there with them.But when they rejected God and worshiped idols,God also rejected them.Kingdom of Israel has come to an end and Israel was given away captives into Gentile Kingdoms of the world..This was the begining of the "Times of the Gentiles."And this "Times of the Gentiles "will last untill Israel accept Messaiah as their King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The seventy weeks of Israel. When Daniel was in Babelon he came to know from the Book of Jeremiah (25:11-12) that Israel would be in Babelon a Seventy years and he was fasting and praying for the sins of Israel and he was pleading for the restoration of Israel ,from Babelon back to their homeland.Gabriel the angel of God then came down and told him about this account of the Seventy Weeks .Gabriel told Daniel,"The Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy people and upon the Holy City to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for the iniquity and to bring the everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy".The Hebrew word for weeks in the book Daniel is "SHABUA",which means seven.And Daniel was told that it would take a seventy Shabuas or a(70X7=490)years for the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. (Dan.9:25)"Know therefore and understand,from the going forth of the Commandment to rebuild and to restore Jerusalem;to the Messiah their prince shall be seven weeks;and in threescore and two(62+7) weeks the streets shall be built again ,and the wall ,even in the trouble times;(which is a 69x7=483 years.)after which the Messiah will be cut off."Yes the Israel Nation crucified and killed Jesus.And in AD.70 the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus the Roman Emperor.And Israel Nation was scattered all over the world.The prophecy of Daniel's 69 weeks was fullfiled.At this point when Jesus came ,died for the Nations of the world and went back to the heavenly places .And the City of Jerusalem is destroyed ,and Israel was scattered all over the world ,the 69 weeks time or 483 years are fulfilled .There is a one week time left to be fulfilled;which is the seven years time of the Great Tribulation period of Israel.The New Testament Church has nothing to do with this Tribulation period. Which means the New Testament is a bracket period between the 69 weeks and the 70th week of the Book of Daniel.Remember what Gabriel told Daniel,"The Seventy Weeks are determined for thy people and upon thy Holy City".(Dan.9:24)Before this Tribulation period ,the trumpet of the Lord will sound and the Church will be taken away out of this world.Again I say ,the Church will not go through the Tribulation period at all.Paul says,"There come a falling away first and man of sin be revealed,the son of perdition,who composeth and exalteth above all, that is called God or that is worshiped ,so that he is God,siteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is god ."(2Thess.2:3-4)He will then show himself as God and he will demand all peoples' worship.(Math.24:15-16)Anti-christ will would also manifest himself before Israel Nation to give them a seven years of peace treaty and he will break his treaty with Israel in half that time .(Jer.30:7,Zech13:8-9)This will then end up into the Battle of Armagedon.The Great Tribulation is described in Chapters,5-19of the Book of Revelation..The second half of the Tribulation will be the greatest and hardest sufferings of Irael.(Rev.13:5) Without the Mark of the Best( 666) on their right hand or on their forehead ,no body can buy or sell anything in those days.Those who refuse to take the Mark of the Beast on their body,will be killed..See what Jesus said about this Tribulation:-"For then shall shall be the Great Tribulation such as was not since the begining of the world to this time,nor ever shall be ."(Math.24:21)During this time the main target of satan will be the Israel Nation and he http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Israel (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:55 AM


will pour out his rath upon them as heavy as he can.(Deut.4:30-31;Ezech.37:14;Zeck.12:9-10,13:9)But the Gentile Nations will not suffer much from satan because they will obay and go by his rules and what ever he tells them do.Russia will be a leading power to help the anti-christ and United States will the leading power to help Israel .All Arab Nations with the help of the Eastern Nations including Russia,China and India ,will be at war with Israel in the War of Armagedon.This War of Armagedon will be discussed in some later classes .The Sevetieth Week of the Book of Daniel chapter nine ,is going to take place in and during the Great Tribulation Period. Jesus is going to come back as a thief in the night to take away his Church before all these troubles and tribulations.Let us get ready for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.Yes He is coming back very soon.God bless you all.Amen

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.10.




This is a study of the tenth chapter of Revelation."And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven , clothed with clouds and a Rainbow was upon his head and his face was as it were the Sun and his feet as pillers of fire."(RV.10:1.)First of all,a rainbow was upon his head.When the Lord appeared to Ezekiel ,ch.1:28,it says,his "Appearance was as it of the Rainbow that is in the cloud in the day of rain."His feet were as it were the Sun. When Jesus was here on the Transfiguration Mountain,,"As He was transfered before them and His face did shine as the Sun and His reiment was white as the light."(Math.17:2)And His feet was as pillers of fire.In Rv.1:15 we see the sign of the feet of Jesus;"And His feet is as unto fine brass as if they were burned in a furnace and His voice as the sound of many waters." And we see this angel was standing ;His right foot was upon the Sea and His Left foot was upon the Earth.Let us go to Math.5:34-35;there we see ,"I say unto you ,Sear not at all , neither by Heaven ,for it is God's Throne.Nor by the Earth,for it is His Footstool."From reading all these signs of Jesus ,we should come to a conclusion that the Angel with the Little Book is Jesus Christ .(Vs.1-5 .)In the Tenth chapter ,we see an angel with a Little Book in his hand.This angel could be the Son of God ,Jesus Christ.In the Bible Jesus was pictured as an angel in many places.For example ,let us go to Genesis Chapters 18-19;there three angels came to Abraham( just before the destruction of Sodom&Gomora) and one of them was the Lord Jehovah. He had in His hand a Little Book.John heard a voice from heaven saying ,"Go take the Little Book which is open in the hand of the Angel ,which standeth upon the Sea and upon the Earth."(RV.10:8)John was told to eat it up. John ate the Little Bookand it was sweet as honey in his mouth and it was bitter in his belly.This is the Book of Prophecy..Ezekil also had the same experience.Ezekiel was given a Role (could be prophecy written on skin roled up )and he was asked to eat it and when he ate it ,it was sweet as honey.God told him,"Son of man ,go get thee unto the House of Israel and speak my Word unto them."(EZK.3:1-4)In the light of this experience that Ezekiel had,and what John had was the same experience.The Little Book John was given to eat was also a Book of Prophecy.Remember the Lord asked Daniel to seal off the Book of Prophecy because it was for the Last Days. And Daniel was also told that in the Last Days many should run to and fro and would increase their knowledge. This Little Book John was given to eat could be the Book that Daniel sealed off for the Last Days.Again the Angel (in the days of Daniel)in Daniel ch.12 was also tellng him about the Great Tribulation Period.(Dan.12:412)Here John is also prophecying about the Tribulation Period itself. Daniel was asked to seal off the prophecy on the Great Tribulation and John was asked to eat the Little Book and prophecy to the world about the Great Tribulation days.In other words, the Book daniel sealed off could be the same Book that John ate and prophecied to the world. Vs.6-7.The Judgment of God to be fulfilled to the very end ,by which it says it will come to its culmination. Vs.8-10 ;John was instructed to eat the Little book. Vs,11;"And He said unto me ,'Thou must prophesy again before many peoples ,and Nations and Tongues and Kings."John prophesy what is in the Little Book to the Nations of the World.See the exprience of Ezekiel and as well as John,all Ministers who prophesy or minister the Word of God would have the same experience.It would be sweet as honey in the mouth and Bitter in the Belly ."Word of God is sweeter than honey and honeycomb more desirable than Gold ,yea than much fine Gold."But the Christian experience is not sweet or a bed of roses but it is so bitter than any bitter things in the world.Ask Job , who was perfect and upright and godfearing man . Even the Lord witnessed him so.But see how bitter his life was .Yes ,one who witness and worship the Lord ,will always have bitter taste in life..See all prophets of Israel up to John the Baptist;they all had this bitter taste.Daniel was throne into a lion's den.Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego were throne intio a Firey Furnace.See how much http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Littlebook (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:56 AM


each and every prophet in the Old Testament days suffered for the sake of the Lord. John the Baptist was beheaded to death.All Apostels except John were killed by some one by torture.Jesus Christ the Creator of this world was crucefied to death.Yes the Christianity is always a cup of soup withbitter taste in life .When you eat and drink,it will be sweeter than honey in your mouth,but later it will be better testing in your belly.See what this world gave our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.It would be sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly.This is our experience as well .Jesus told us to take up the Cross and follow Him.Are you ready to serve the Lord? This is also an example of what the so-called-christians to suffer in the Great Tribulation Period. Remember a parable Jesus told us about the Ten Vergins;Five Vergins without Oil and Five Vergins with Oil ,who came to meet the Bridegroom.;for the Wedding of the Lamb of God.Those 5 Vergins who were with Oil entered in for the Wedding of the Lamb of God.I dont want any one who read this go left out from the Wedding of the Lamb of God like those Five without Oil. Jesus came down the first time as 'The Seed Of The Woman ' (Gen.3:15)on time as He said He would .And He would come back also as 'Thief in the Night ',for His Bride the New Testament Church.The Second Coming of Jesus is Soon And Very Soon. Let us serve the Lord with all our hearts and all our minds,in Spirit and in truth.Our Lord is comming back as a thief in the night.Let us get ready to meet Him.May God bless you all with this study.Amen.

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.11. The Two Witnesses


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"And I will give Power unto My Two Witnesses and they shall prophecy a thousand and two hundred and three score days,clothed in sack cloth."(RV.11:3) This Chapter 11 begins with a statement about the Temple of God and John was asked to measure the Temple. But he was told,not to measure the outside of the Temple which was left out for the Gentiles.Read RV.11:1-2. This could be the future Temple that Israel is going to build in Jerusalem.The old Temple was destroyed in AD.70.Durinng the Tribulation there will be a Temple in which Anti-christ is going to set up his image.(2 Thess.2:3-4;Dan.9:27)But this will not be the Millenial Temple .(Ezek.41:41)Their Tribulation Temple will be destroyed by a fire and earth-quake.Here John is asked to measure the Temple but not to measure the Courtyard, of the Temple because it was given to the Gentiles.Untill the end of the Period of the Gentiles,(Great Tribulation Period)the City of Jerusalem has to be under the controle of the Gentile Nation.But the Two Witnesses will be there in the City of Jerusalem for 1260 days or 3-1/2 years.which is the second half of the 7 years of the Tribulation.They are authorized to preach the Gospel in Israel for 1260 days. Some people may ask,"Who are these two Witnesses and what are their names?Jesus did not tell John what their names would be.If they are un-named in the Book of Revelation,I can not say any names for them.Some people say they are Moses and Elijah;and some others say they are Enoch and Elijah ,because they say that Moses once died and ressurrected and he should not come and die again.Enoch did not die and he has to come and die and ressurrect .I have no openion on that matter at all.And I do not name them.But Jesus said one thing about htem,,"These have power to shut heaven,that rain not in the days of their prophecy and they have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues,as often as they will."(RV.11:6)Elijah was the one that shut the heaven and stoped rain .Moses was the one that turn the waters into blood and smite the earth with all kinds of plagues.And that could be the reason why some people say that they could be Moses and Elijah.Again I say I do not name them when Jesus did not say any name here in this Chapter. In the Book of Malachi we see one Prophecy ,about the Great Tribulation Period,"Ye shall tread down the wicked ,for they shall be ashes under the sole of your feet,in the day that I do this saith the Lord of Hosts. Remember ye the Law of Moses,my servent,which I command unto him,in Horeb,for all Israelwith the statutes and Judgements .Behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord."(Malchi.4:4-5)This is also a hint for some people to say they could be Moses and Elijah.No matter who they are,Jesus called them ,"My Two Witnesses". At the end of this 1260 days of prophecy,these Two Witnesses and the Anti-christ would have a test of fire ,and at the end the Two Witnesses would be killed by Anti-christ .(RV.11:7)Their bodys will not be burried .For 3 1/2 days all Nations of the world will see their bodys on the streets of Jerusalem the Great City. And after three days and a half the Spirit of Life from God would enter into them and they will come back alive and great fear fell upon them who saw them .People in the City of Jerusalem heard a voice from heaven saying unto the Two Witnesses,"COME UP HITHER" and they assended up into the heavens in a cloud.People saw them going . Let me say this at this time.When I was in india,learning in a Bible School,I sudied about these Two Witnesses that their bodies would be on the streets of Jerusalem and would not be burried for three and a half days and all Nations of the world would see their body .Then I did not know how people all over the world would see these bodys .When I was in another Bible College in the USA.they gave me the information on how it works.But now you and I know. By the help of the world wide net work of Telivision stations all people all over the world could see their body ;lying down on the streets of Jerusalem. And there was a great earth-quake ;one tenth of the City of Jerusalem fell down,and seven thousand people died http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Twowitnesses (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:58 AM


by the Earth-Quake. The second Voe is past and behold the Third Voe is coming so quickly. The Seventh Angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying,The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever. Let me read the last vorse of this chapter as my conclusion of this study ."And there was opened the Temple of God that is in heaven :AND THERE WAS SEEN IN HIS Temple the Ark of His Covenant ;and there followed lightnings and voices and thunders and an earth -quake and great Hail."(RV.11:19) While the Great Tribulation is going on here on earth ,,see the Saints of the Lord is worshiping God up in heaven.Notice the words of the Children of God up in heaven,"We give thee thanks O Lord Almighty,which art, and wast and art to come because thou hast taken to thee, thy great power and hast reigned. And the Nations were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged ,and that thou schould give reward unto thy servants,the prophets and to the saints,and them that fear thy name,small and great,and schould destroy them which destroy the earth". This is the wrath of God upon Satan and his people on the earth."The wages of sin is death." Let us rejoice and worship the Lord God Almighty.God bless you all.

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.12. Home

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Wooman. We study on Chapter 12.In this chapter there are 5 Persons who take part in controling the Tribulation Period. 1.The first person in chapter 12 is a woman

Woman The word Woman is in ten vorses out of 17 of this Chapter.(RV.12:1,2.4,5,6,13,14,15,16 and 17.) "And a great sign was seen in heaven :a Woman arrayed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet ,and upon her head a Crown of 12 Stars".(RV.12:1)We see a Woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and a Crown of 12 Stars upon her head.Who is this woman?Some people think she is Vergin Mary the mother of Jesus.Because in the RV.12:5 ,it says "she brought forth a Child who is to rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron and the Child was caught up into God and unto His Throne and the Woman fled into the Wilderness".But Mary took the Child and fled to Egypt for safety of the Child ,but the Woman in this chapter , fled to the Wilderness after the Child was caught up to God and unto His Throne.So this woman is not Mary. This Woman is the Israel Nation.Let us read Genesis 37:9;there Joseph said,"Behold I dreamed another drem, behold the Sun and the Moon and the 11 Stars obseance to me."Here we see the Sun and the Moon and 11 of the 12 Stars;and Joseph is the 12th Star.In Rv.12:1,we see Israel as the Mother of Jesus clothed with the Sun and the Moon and 12 Stars under her feet.Paul said;"Who are Israelites,to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the Covenants and the giving of the Law and the srvices of God and the promises and of whom as concernig the flesh ,Christ came who is over all ,God bless for ever.Amen".(Rom.9:4-5)Prophet Isaiah says ,"Unto us a Child is born,unto us a Son is given".(Isa.9:6)Israel went through a lot of sufferings and trials which is called the "Birth Pain of the Woman"

2.The Great Red Dragon.


"And there was seen another sign in heaven :and behold a Great Red Dragon having seven heads and ten horns,and upon his heads are seven diadems."(RV.12:3)He was called the Red Dragon because he is the murderer from the very begining (John.4:44)This Red Dragon was cast out into the world who is going to deceive the whole world.It is clear this Dragon is the Old Serpent that tempted Adam&Eve.(RV.12:9) In fourth vorse we see the Dragon stood before the Woman,who was ready to be delivered ;to devour the Child as soon as it was born .His first plan was to stop the birth of Jesus or block the Messianic generation line and stop the Birth Of Jesus.It is an interesting story to see satan's plan of stoping the Birth of Jesus.As soon as he saw that Abel was blessed by God and Cain was not blessed,satan compeled Cain to kill Abel.But God gave them another son Seth,who became the Messianic line.Later on population on earth grew large and the people neglected God and went on to their own ways .The Sons of God married the Daughters of men and this mixed marriage was against the will of God and He decided to destroy the whole world by a flood of waters.And that was what the devil wanted too .But Noah got the Grace of God .God asked Noah to build an Ark and get in to be saved from the Flood .Satan's plan failed again.After the Flood,God wanted the whole earth to be re-populated by Noah's Family.But Satan again made people to rebell against God.He compelled People to build a huge building (Babel)which would reach the heavens to live there instead of going all over the earth .God came down and mixed their language up ;people therefore went out all over the earth.When God called Abraham and blessed him to be a huge nation like the stars in the sky and the sands in the seahttp://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Woman (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:39:59 AM


shore,satan knew he would be the leader of the Messianic line .And satan closed Sarah's woumb and she became barren .Then satan thought he defeated God's plan.Abraham prayed and at the 90 th year of Sarah , God opened her woumb and she gave birth to their first born son ,Isaac.When Isaac grew old and married , satan made her barren.God opened Rebecka's womb and Isaac prayedfor a child and she gave birth to twin brothers.When they grew old satan compeled Esau to kill his brother Jacob because he would be the Messianic line .But God interveaned in and sent Jacob away from his brother for a few years into Laban his uncle.When Moses was born satan compeled the King of Egypt to kill him by killing all baby -boys of Israeltes in Egypt.But the Lord saved Moses by His plan.We can see this interesting story of Israel Nation all the way down to John the Baptist.The Great Dragon was after the Woman with the Child.Some Theologeans call this the Birth Pain of the Woman.When the Dragon knew that he could not stop the birth of the Child,his next step was to kill the Child before He goes to the Cross and redeem the World.Satan now plans to devour the Baby Jesus as soon as He was born.It was the plan of the Dragon to kill all male children in Israel ,two years and younger;in order that he could kill Baby Jesus .God saved the Child in Egypt untill the death of Herod the Great.When Jesus was 30 years old ,oneday the Devil took Him to the pinacle of the Temple of Jerusalem,and asked Him to jump down but He did not .Several times satan compeled Jewish people to push Him down from the mountain top and kill Him but Jesus escaped by walking out of their sight by His mighty power.Oneday when Jesus was in the Sea of Galilee ,in a boat,satan made a mighty wind there to kill Jesus in the Sea.But Jesus ordered the wind to stop and He took victory over the Devil.Finally Jesus went over to the Cross of Calvary and died for the sins of the World.And Jesus went up into the Heavens.In RV.12:5;we see "And her Child was caught up unto God and to His throne." Here comes the New Testament Church. But ,Israel Nation the Mother of the Child fled to the wilderness where God has prepared a place for her;to keep her for 1260 days .(RV.12:6)This is the second half of the Tribulation Period.Satan knows he will be chained in the Hell for a thousand years,and the time is at hand for it.That is why satan is doing all the best he can to destroy Israel Nation from the face of the earth.(Dan.9:27;2 Thess.2:3-8)and Israel had to flee from their country to the Southern Wilderness. The Red Dragon has seven heads and ten horns.(RV.12:3) The Beast in RV.13:1 also has seven heads and ten horns.Again a Scarlet Woman in RV.17:3 also has seven heads and ten horns.This shows all these three has something in common;which is the Satanic perfection and back up support of the Seven World Kingdoms and Ten European Kingdoms.There will be a four major actions during this Tribulation period.First,a major part of Israel Nation will be fled to the Southern Wilderness to escape from a satanic war.(RV.12:6)secondly, during the second half of the Tribulation,Jerusalem ,the Holy City will be under Satanic Rule.(RV.11:2) Thirdly,The Two Witnesses of the Lord will be preaching the Eternal Gospel (the Gospel of the Kingdom) in Jerusalem (RV.11:3)Finally ,Anti-christ will be ruling the Gentile World in and arround the Holy Land. (RV.13:5)These are the three major actions in Jerusalem and all arround the Holy Land.;during the second half of the Tribulation Period. Jesus said,"For then shall be the Tribulation such as was not since the begining of this world to this time,nor ever shall be.And except those days shall be shortened ,there should be no flesh be saved ,but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."(Math.24:21-22)Daniel says about these days,"And at this time shall Michael stand up,the Great Prince which standeth for the children of thy People and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was,since there was a Nation ,even to that same time and at that, thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the Book."(Dan.12:1)God bless you all..

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Man Child



"And she brought forth a Man Child who was to rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron and her Child was caught up unto God and His Throne".(RV.12:5)

3.The Man Child. The Woman who was clothed with the Sun and the Moon and a Crown of 12 Stars under Her feet ,gave birth to a Man Child who was to rule all Nations with a rod of iron .This Man Child is Jesus.The second Psalm explains it ."I have set my King upon my Holy Hill of Zion.Thou shall break them with a Rod of Iron. Thou shalt dash them in peices like a Potter's Vessel."(PS.2:6-9)The fulfilment of this prophecy (PS.2:6-9)can be seen in Rv.19:11-16)There we read that Jesus smites all Nations and rule them with a Rod of Iron.Some Bible students are confused with it,where in Rv.12:where it says,"The Child was caught up to God and His Throne and the Woman fled into the wilderness.Woman did not go into the wilderness soon after the Man Chid was caught up into God and His Throne.The Woman fled into the Wilderness only during the Tribulation Period.New Testament Church is there in between all these ,which is a 2000 year period .And the New Testament Church is now waiting for Jesus to come back and take us, the Church into the Heavenly places.Then during the Tribulation Period,the Woman would be fled into the Southern Wilderness.Here again we see that Vergin Mary is not the Woman but it is the Israel Nation;because Mary went into Egypt with Jesus and this Woman in the Book of Revelation, went into the wilderness after ,(yes more than 2000 years after) the Man Child was take up into God's Throne. The rulership of Jesus Christ would be a Theocracy not a Democracy.He will rule the Gentiles with a Rod of Iron. It does not mean He will rule with force but it only means that the Will of God will be done during His reign. Godly Love,Joy and Peace,is the theme of the Milleniel Kingdom."Long Live the King Jesus Christ." Now you and I know who this Man Child is.He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.He is the One who created the Heaven and the Earth in the begining.He is the One that formed the Man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils,the breath of Life made man into a living soul.He was the One who took a compass and made a circle on the face of the earth.He is the Creator ,now here on the earth to redeem the Israel Nation from antichrist. Rememberthe Israel Nation cried out ,"Cricify Him,Crucify Him,His blood be upon us and our children."(Math.27:25)Still Jesus on the Cross prayed to God the Father,"Father,forgive them for they know not what they do."(LK.23:34)Israel crucified Jesus because they did not know He was the Massaiah.Paul was telling us about this,"The blindness in part is happened to Israel ,untill the fullness of the Gentiles be come in."(Rom.11:25)

4.Michael. "And there was a war in heaven,Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon".(RV.12:7) Here we see a war between Michael and the Dragon in the heavenly places.Satan was allowed to go up to the Throne of God to get permission to test Job with his temptations.His origin is somewhat a hidden secret in the Bible.He was an anointed Cherub or an Archangel of God. He was placed in the Mountain of God .When he sinned against God ,he was cast out from the presence of God.Oneday he said,"I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God and I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation ,in the Sides of the North..I will assend above the hights of the clouds:I will be like the Most High."(Isa.14:12-14;Ezek.28:11-19)That was when Michael had to fight with him to throw him out of Heaven.That must be the war we see in here,because we see no other war between them untill the Tribulation Period. In 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6 vorse we see a group of angels in the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Manchild (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:01 AM


Hell ,chained up for ever.They are not the Luciffer and his angels because Luciffer and his angels are still free to go anywhere .More over he is a king and he has a kingdom and an army .(Math.12:24-30;Eph .2:2;6:12)Michael is one of the Archangels in Heaven..Gabriel is also another Archangel in Heaven.Luciffer was one of them but because of his sin ,God pushed him out of the Heaven.

5.The Remnant of Israel. A majority of Israelites will flee out into the Southern Wilderness for 3-1/2 years.Prophet Isaiah says,"Come my peoplle enter thou into thy chambers,and shut thy doorabout thee ,hide thyself as it were for a little while untill the indignation be overpast."In that days the Lord with His sore and greet and strong sword shall punish the Liviathanthe piercing Srpent ,even Liviathan that Crooked Serpent and he shall slay the Dragon that is in the Sea. (Isa.27:1)Jesus said in those days ,"Let them which are in Jdea flee into the Mountains.(Math.24:16-22)But a Remnant shall stay behind ,aand they are the ones going to go through the sufferings of Great Tribulation.The dragon went after the Woman first.And she fled to the Wilderness for their safety.Now the Dragon is after the Remnant of Israel which is leftbehind in the Land.See the 17th vorse of this chapter."The Dragon was wroth with the Woman and went to make war with the Remnant of her seed,which keep the Commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ."These people in Israel must have heard about Jesus Christ from the Two Witnesses.Any way these people would not worship the antichrist at all .That is why the Dragon is at war with them.Paul said ,"Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea,a Remnant shall be saved."(Rom.9:27)Next class will be from Rv.ch.13,The EVILTRINITY.Satan.Antichrist and the False Prophet. May God bless you all.

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Book Of Revelation .Chapter.13. Home Next Class Eviltrinity. Today we study about the Evil Trinity from the RV.13th Chapter.Just like God has Trinity,Satan also has Trinity.Just God the Father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit of the Godly Trinity;Satan's Trinity is also can be seen in the Book of Revelation Ch.20:10."And the Devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone ;where the Beast and the False Prophet are and shall be tormented ,day and night ,for ever and ever."Here we see the Satan,the Antichrist and the False Prophet are in the Lake of Fire tormented for ever and ever.So it is clear that Satan also has trinity.Today we are going to study about the Evil Trinity.Last week in our study on the 12th chapter we saw little bit about a Dragon who went after the Woman and the Man Child.He is the first person in the Evil Trinity.In chapter 17 we will study more about him.

1.The Red Dragon or Satan.RV.12:3. "And there appeared another wonder in Heaven;and behold a Great Red Dragon having seven heads,and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads."(RV.12:3)Since we went through all about the Red Dragon in our last Class God Almighty has revealed to Prophet Issaiah and Ezekiel ,all about the Devi. "How art thou fallen from heaven,OH,Lucifer ,son of the morning?How art thou cut down to the ground ,which did weaken the Nations.For thou hast said in thine heart ,I will ascend into the heaven,I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God ,I will sit also upon the congregation in the sides of the North.I will ascend myself above the hights of the clouds ;I will be like the Most High;Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell ,to the sides of the Pit.."(Isa.14:12-15) "Thus saith the Lord God,Thou seatest upon the Sun,full of wisdom,and perfect in beauty,Thou hast been in the Eden of God.Every prcious Stone was thy covering;the Sardius,Topaz,and the Diamond ,the Beryl,the Onyx and the Jasper ,the Sapphire,the Emerald,and the Carbuncle and the Gold,the workmanship of thy Tabrets and of thy Pipes was prpared inthee in the day that thou hast created .Thou art the anointed Cerub that covereth and I have set thee so;Thou wast upon the Holy Mountain of God .Thou hast walked up and down in the middle of the stones of Fire.Thou wast perfect till iniquity was found in thee .By the multitude of Merchendise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou hast sinned .Therefore I will cast thee as prfane out of the Mountains of God and destroy thee ,OH, Covering Cerub,from the midst of the Stones of Fire.Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty thou has currepted thy wisdom ,by reason of thy brightness.I will cast thee to the ground.I will lay thee before the Kings and they will behold thee.All they that know thee among the people shall be a terror and never shall be any more."(Ezek.28:12-19) This is the life history of the Devil the Old Serpent.Ever since he rebelled against God and was throne out from the Presence of God,he is up in the high places in the sky.He has a kongdom and he has power to rule over the Nations of this world.Paul says abot him,"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities , against powers ,aganst the rulers of the darkness of this world ,against spiritual wickedness in the High Places."(Eph.6:12)

2.A Leopard Beast.Rv.13:1-10. "And I stood on the sand of the Sea and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea,having seven heads and ten horns and upon the horns ten crowns and upon the heads the name of blaspemy."(RV.13:1)The Sea where the Beast comes out from is--This Beast and the Red Dragon have something in common.they both have seven heads,ten horns and Ten Crowns ;which shows they both are related in their ministry.In this ch.13:2 ,we read that the Dragon gave the Beast ,his power and his seat and great authority.This Beast is the second person in the Evil Trinity , called the Anti-christ.This seven heads according to RV.17:10,are seven Kingdoms of the World that tormented Israel Nation .They are Egypt,Assyria,Babylon,Med-Persia,Greece,Rome and the New Rome..Ten Nation World Kingdoms of Europe are The Ten Horns of the Dragon .; (According to Daniel ch.2:42-44;7:7)Daniel

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says the Ten Toes of the Image represents Ten future World Kingdoms of the future;which will be destroyed by Jesus the Rock that smote the Image upon his feet and the Rock that hit the Image became a great Moutain and filled the whole earth.;which is the Melleniel Kingdom of Jesus. When we go into RV.Ch.17,we will study about the Seven Heads and Ten Horns in detail."The Beast that thou sawest was,and is not,and he shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit and go into perdition,and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,whose names were not written in the Book of Life ,from the foundation of the world , when they behold the Beast that was,and is not,and yet is.".(RV.17:8)Here the Beast is pictured as a person who once was on the earth and who is not on the earth now and who will be coming back to earth again. Now ,let us go to another interesting study on the Antichrist.When Jesus was here on the earth ,He said,that Judas was a devil."Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a DevilHe said this about Judas Iscariot ,the son of Simon for he was that should betray him ,beeing one of the twelve."(John.6:69-70)It is an interesting thing that Paul called him ,"the Son of Perdition"(2 Thess.2:3)Jesus also called him the same name in John.17:2."While I was with them in the world ,I kept them in thy name,those that you gave me I kept,and none of them is lost,but that Son of Perdition that the Scripture might be fullfilled." Jesus by all these words called Judas the Antichrist. In the whole Bible no other man ever was called a Devil or Son of Perdition or any such evil names.In the Book of Acts,on the Day of Pentacost,Peter was tellingother Desciples of Jesus that they should choose another desciple to replace the one that was lost which was Judas.There Peter says about Judas that "Judas by trangression fell that he might go to his own place."(Acts.2:25)See here Peter says that Judas went to his own place.About no other man it was written in the Bible that He went to his own place,but judas only.From this we can study that Antichrist was here on the earth as Judas Iscariot ,when Jesus was here on the earth.And Judas went to his own place when Jesus went up into heaven .And b he is not here now.And he is going to come back out of the bottomless Pit.(RV.17:8) Another thing about the Beast,in RV.13:1,we see the Beast rises up out of the Sea.That means he will go all over the world and bring a great group of people to fight the War of Armagadon.According to Rv.17:15, "the waters that John sawest are the peoples,and multitudeand Nations and Tongues." That means the Antichrist will come out of this world.And He will bring agreat Multitude of peole for the War of Armagedon.

3.Another Beast.RV.13:11-18. "And behold another Beast coming out of the Earth ;and he had Two Horns ,like a Lamb,and he spake as a Dragon."(RV.13:11)When the first beast of the antichrist came out of the Sea,this Beast came out of the earth. This beast is like a Lamb but speaks like a Dragon,which shows his color of the Devil.Jesus while He was here He said ,"There shall arise false christs and false prophets in the last days."(Math.24:24) Here this False Prophet pretends to be like the Holy Spirit.Just like the Holy Spirit leads the Church into all spiritual Blessings of God and seals the Children of God ,for the day of redemption ;False Prophet seals the worldly people for the eternal damnation by his number 666.Holy Spirit helps us to worship Jesus Christ.False Prophet encourages people to worship Anti-christ.He will bring fire down from heaven to show signs and mirracles.In the days of Elijah,he challenges Baal's prophets to bring fire down from heaven upon their sacrificebut they could not do it and they were killed by elijah.In the Tribulation days the False prophets will challenge the Two Witnesses to bring fire from heaven and they would not do it and the Two Witnesses will be killed as a result.This is the type of fight Israel and the Devil will have during the Days of Tribulation and Israel will be always defeated and killed all over the Nation.Because the Dragon gave him power and his seat and gret power over the Kindred,Tongues and Nations for forty and two months.The False Prophet will ask people to build an image of the Beast and life will come down upon the Image of the Beast;and this Imaga will speak like a man .This False Prophet will be wounded to die but will come back alive again ;and he will say that he was dead and alive again ;.to make people believe he is Massaiah;he will do signs,wonders and mirracles. Let us get ready for the return of Jesus Christ.God bless you all.

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.14. Home


Mountzion. 'Then I saw a Lamb standing on Mount Zion in Jerusalem and with Him were 144 000 who had His name and His Father's Name written on their foreheads."(RV.14:1) The Lamb on the Mount Zion.RV.14:1-5. It is very clear that the Lamb is Jesus and Mount Zion is the Heaven.144 000 are the group of people we see in RV.7:3-8.Which are 12 000 from each 12 Tribes of Israel.They are at the Mount Zion Hill in Heaven."But we came right up to the Mount Zion ,the city of the Living God,Heavenly Jerusalem and to the gathering of countless happy angels."(Hebr.12:22)Here in Ch.14,we the 144 000 has the name of God the Father and the name of Jesus marked on their foreheads.But back in Ch.7.it was not told what the Mark on their forehead was.And now in RV.Ch.14 we can see what their Mark on their forehead is and what their song is.They are also singing a Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb with Harps in their hands.Also in RV.14:2,we see that their Song was sounded like roaring of the great waterfall and the roaring of a mighty thunder. Next in this Chapter we see some six Angels of God doing their devine job. The First Angel.Rev.14:6-7."And I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven ,having the everlasting Gospel to preach."This is the only time an angel was allowed to preach the Gospel of God.Remember in Acts.10:3-6;Cornelius was asked to call upon Simon Peter to come and preach the Gospel to him.in the New Testament days not any angel but we have to preach the Gospel.But this is the Everlasting Gospel,angel is preaching to the Israel Nation.;and it is not a Gospel of Salvation.but the Gospel of Judgement.RV.14:7 is the message of this Everlasting Gospel..Which says,"The hour of His Judgement is come,worship Him that made heavenand earth and the Sea and the fountains of waters." There are three types of Gospel in the Bible. First,is the Gospel of Grace."This is the Gospel of the Grace of God "(Acts.20:24)Love of God is the foundation of this Gospel."For God so loved the world."(John,3:16)This Gospel of Grace is the power of God unto Salvation to everyone that believeth ,to the Jew first ,also unto the Greek.This is the Gospel of Salvation for the whole world. Secondly,the Gospel of the Kingdom."This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world,for a witness unto all Nations and then shall the end come."(Math.24:14)This is also a Gospel of Jesus,which says that the Son of David is going to reign over the Kingdom of Jacob.(Luke .1:32-33)John the Baptist preached it first.Jesus and His desciples preached it next.Israel rejected Jesus when He came down riding on top of an Ass. Jesus also rejected them for a while.Jesus told them,"I say unto you,Ye shall not see me henceforth,till ye shall say,"Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord."Then Jesus left Israel and went after the Gentile Nations of the world.Here comes the Gospel of the Grace .OR the New Testament Church..And now ,during this Tribulation period,the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached to the same Israel Nation. The Two Witnesses will be preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Israel will accept Jesus as their Massaiah.Jesus will come back as their King ;and Jesus will be the King of Kings on the City of David for a thousand years.This is the Gospel of the Kingdom. Thirdly there is another type of gospel.Paul is telling us about this gospel."But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we preached unto you ;let him be cursed ;as we said before,so say I now again,if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received,let be accursed."(Gala.4:8-9) The Second Angel.RV.14:8. "And there followed another angel,saying,Babelon is fallen,is fallen,,that Great City,because she made all Nations http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Mountzion (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:04 AM


drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." This angel is declaring the fall of Babelon the Great City.This is only a part of the Evil ministry at the Tribulation period.The Fall of Babelon is fully explained in Chapter 18.As we see the beauty of Babelon in ch.18 it not seen in the Babelonean area at the present day.So we can assume the city of Babelon will be rebuild to its full beauty in the future ,before the Tribulation period. The Third Angel.RV.14:9-11. "And the Third Angel followed them saying with a loud voice,"If any man worship the Beast and its Image and receive its Mark in his forehead or in his hands." Those who worship the Antichrist and /or receive the Mark of the Beast on his hand or forehead ,shall be punished for the eternal death in the Lake of Fire ,in hell for ever and ever .Here we can study that the Hell is eternal just like the Heaven is eternal.And it is also clear that the eternal death and the Lake of Fire or the Hell is the punishment for the people who receive the name of Antichrist on their hand or forehead. Heaven said,"The wages of sin is death." Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord.RV.14:12-13. "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,write,"Blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord ,from henceforth:yea,saith the Spirit,that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." It is a glorious truth about the children of God who die for Jesus.Antichrist will kill those who do not worship him or receive the Mark of the Beast.Let me ask you this quistion.Is it better to live with Antichrist a 3 and a 1/2 years with fame and fortune and go to hell for ever -(OR) -Die for Jesus and receive eternal Salvation and go to Heaven with Jesus Christ for ever and ever ?Jesus says ,"Be thou faithfull unto Death and I will give thee a Crown of Life.". Let us get ready to meet the Lord Jesus Christ.May God bless you all.

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The Harvest of the Wine.RV.14:14-20. "And another Angel came out of the Temple crying with a loud voice to Him that sat on the cloud ,"Thrust in thy sickle and reap ,for the time is come for thee to reap ,for the Harvest of the earth is ripe."(Rv.14:15) (This is second part of the study from Rv.Ch.14.) One who come to harvest is Jesus himself.In 14:14 ,we see the Son of Man riding on a White Cloud,with a sharp sickle in his hand,coming down to harvest the grapes ,when it is fully ripe for harvest. First time He came down as a Sower and we read it in Mathew 13th chapter ..And now He is here for harvest after a two thousand years.This harvest is realy the judgment of God upon the Nations of the World.Ramember , when He was sowing the Seed,He said ,"The Angels of God would gather the Tares and put them away into the Furnace of Fire. "The field is the world,and good seed are the Children of the Kingdom,but the Tares are the Children of the wicked one.The enemy that sowed them is the Devil.The Harvest is the end of this world.;and the reapers are the Angels of God.As the Tares are gathered and burned in the fire,so shall it be in the end of the world.And the Son of Man shall send forth His Angels and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offended and them which do inquity.;and cast them in the Furnace of Fire;and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth .And the righteous shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father.Who hath ears ,let him hear."(Math .13:38-43) This is the War of Armagedon.When the Grapes are fully ripe,Jesus will come down for the Harvest.The Winepress represents the wrath of God(RV.19:15)Let us go and see another side of this Harvest."I have trodden the Winepress alone and of the people there was none with me.For I will tread them in mine anger and trample them in my fury.;and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments and I will stain all my raiment.For the day of vengeance in my heart;and the year of my redeemed is come.."(Isa.63:3-4) All the Gentile Nations who come along with the Antichrist ,for the War of Armagedon is the Wine. When Moses dedicated the Tabernacle of the Lord ,a great cloud came down upon the Tabernacle.This cloud is the symbal of the Grace of God.But upon the War of Armagedon ,fire and smoke came down,which represents the anger and Judgement of God. When we go to the 19th chapter,we can see in detail who conduct this War of Armagedon.Soon after the Wedding of the Lamb of God, Jesus and His Bride are coming down to this earth . "And He was clothed with a Vesture dipped in blood and His name is called 'THE WORD OF GOD'.And the armies which were in Heaven followed Him upon White Horses;clothed in fine linen,White and Clean.And out of His mouth goes a sharp Sword and with it, He should smite the Nations.And He shall rule them with a Rod of Iron and He treadeth the Winepress of the fearceness and the wrath of the Almighty God.And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh ,a name written,KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. When we study the 19th chapter we will study this subject more . Next week we will study the 15th chapter. May the Lord Almighty bless you all .

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Book Of Revelation. Chapter.15.



Wrath Of God. "And I saw another sign in Heaven,great and marvellous,seven angels having the seven last Plagues ,for in them is filled up the Wrath of God ."(RV.15:1) Today we study the 15th chapter .We study about the second half of the Tribulation period. God is love .(we all believe it .)God is cosuming fire.The Wrath of God shall be kindled suddenly,upon the disobedient people.When go back to the early history of Israel,when they were in the wilderness under Moses, Israel rebelled aginst Moses and the Lord.And the Lord sent 'Firey Serpents among them and so many of them were killed by the Serpents.Israel repented and came to Moses and asked him to pray the Lord to call the Serpents off from biting them.But the Lord did not call the Serpents back;instead God told Moses to make a serpent of Brass and put it up on a stick for people to see .If any one bitten by serpent may look upon the Serpent of Brass and those who look upon it shall be saved from death. God did not call the Serpent back; instead He gave Israel a way of Salvation from the Serpent.It was a type of Jesus' death on the Cross.Jesus said,"as Moses raised the Brassen Serpent in the wilderness,so shall the Son Man shall be lifted up".Again our Lession is ,the Lord did not call back the Old Serpent from harming People.Eversince Adam&Eve ;this Old Serpent is in the world.He was always after Israel Nation ,the Mother of the God-Child.In the wilderness he made Israel to make a Bull and worship.History of Isael shows that they always went after other gods and worhiped them;and rebelled against God .The Northern Kingdom of Israel was sent away to Asseria and the Southern Kingdom was sent away to Babelon,Just because they worshiped other gods rather than worhiping the God Almighty .All through the History of Israel, we can see;Israel always rebelled against God and worhiped other gods.Even the Lord knew the god of this world blinded their eyes from seeing the Lord their God but went after the other gods. "The Devil hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts,they should not see with their eyes,not to understand with their hearts ,and be converted and I should heal them."(John.12:40)Paul said,"The blindness in part is happened to Israel ,untill the fullness od the Gentiles be come in."(Rom.11:25)Remember Jesus prayed while He was on the Cross,"Father,forgive them for they know not what they do." Now we know that Israel Crucified and killed Jesus as they did not know He was the Massaiah whom they were looking for.Even today Israel Nation do not believe in Jesus.We know from our last few Lessions that two types of people will be there going through the Great Tribulation.First is the Israel Nation and the second is Christians who did not obay and observe all the commandments of the Lord.The Wrath of God will be upon these both groups of people because they all diobayed the Lord and went after the Devil,the god of this world.. Israel Nation had to undergo the Great Tribultion for seven years..This is what we are going to study in this chapter .The Wrath of God is upon them in a mighty way under Ati-christ.In the first vorse we read,seven Angels are given, seven last Plagues, to be poured out upon the Land of Israel.These seven Vials were filled with the Wrath of God .Israel will know this number 666 is Satanic and when they refuse to accept it they will be killed and only the ones who accept the number on their hands or forehead can live. In RV.15:5 we read,,the Temple of God in Heaven will be opened up;and the Sea of Glass in heaven is mixed up with fire.But back in RV.4:6,we can see the Sea of Glass was like unto Crystal clear.Now we see the fire in the Sea of Glass because of the Wrath of God with His anger and fury.Those who went through the Tribulation and won the war with Anti-christ,yes those who did not accapt the number of the Beast , were found in heaven worshiping and singing 'the song the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb'. Those who sing the song of Moses, are Israel Nation and those who sing the song of the Lamb, are Christians. That mans Israel Nation as well as the (Dis-obedient ) New Testament Christians who went through the Tribulation came out into the Heavenly places to worship the Lord at this time. Let me clear up one thing ,Not all Christians that wait upon the Lord will be raptered at the Return of Jesus as a thief in the night.Only the Ones that be pure and holly in their life with obaying and observing all the Commandments of the Lord will be

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raptured when Jesus comes as a thief in the night.Don't forget what Jesus said when He was at the Mount of Olives;"Go ye therefore and teach all Nations .........................Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you.Lo I am with you even unto the end of the world.Amen."(Math.28:16-20) We are to believe and obseve all things in the Word of the Lord. Paul said ,"the Wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience."(Colos.3:6) This is what we Christians should learn from this chapter.Even if our names are written in the Book of Life, untill and unless we obay and observe all commandments that are in the Word of the Lord ,we are disobedient children of God.We all punish our children when they do something wrong.That is Just because we love them to get out of the bad things and be good.The Wrath of God is upon the disobedient Children of God ,even though their names are in the Book of Life ,they will not be taken when Jesus comes as a thief in the night..And they that are left out here on the earth ,are to go through the Wrath of God.That is what Paul says,The Wrath of God comes on the children of the disobedience. "But if the Gospel is hid ,it is hid to them that are lost.The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not ,lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ ,who is the image of God ,should shine unto them ".(2 Cor.4:3-4)Where there is no Vision ,People perish.(Prov.27:25)Sinners ,some of them Ishold say,do not want to accept Jesus and get saved ,because their eyes are blinded by the Devil. In the 4 th chapter ,we see the Bride of the lamb of God or the 24 Elders,will be taken up into the Heavenly places ,when Jesus comes as a thief in the night;and chapters 4-19 is about the Great Tribulation period.. "What shall a man profited ,if he shall gain the whole world and loose his own soul ? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?(Math.16:25)If people do not accept or obay the Word of the Lord ,even though they hear it from all types of Medea ,such as Radio,Television and all other means of preachings ,but do not obay because the god of this world ,the Devil blinded their eyes from seeing the Gospel and obay.Regardless the Jews,Christians or Gentiles,Jesus is the only way for Salvation from sin.If any one diobay the Gospel of Jesus Christ,he will be punished by sending him to the sufferings from the Wrath of God; through the Great Tribulation. Who can stand the Wrath , the Anger and Fury of God?After the New Testament Church is taken away,As a result of the Wrath of God,"The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night,in which the heavens shall pass away with a loud noise and the elements will melt with Fervent Heat ;the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."(2 peter.3:10)Who can stand the Wrath of God ?At the end of the Great Tribulationthe whole earth and its fulness will be burned up with this fire. We the Christians got to obay and observe the 7 fundamental doctrines and all other Appostolic Doctrines which are given us in the Bible.The 7 Fundamental Doctrines of the Church are given at the time when the New Testament Church was first established on the day of Pentacost.;Peter gave us these 7 doctrines in the 2nd chapter of Acts.(1)Repentance.(2)Water Baptism.(3)Baptism in the Holy Spirit.(4)Seperation from the worldly people at Fellowship.(5)Apostles'Doctrines.(6)Lord's Supper.(7)Worship and Prayer.(Acts.2:38-42) The First Century Church preached them, belived them, and observed them.Untill Jesus returns all people all over the world has to believe and observe them .We all have to preach this Gospel and believe and observe them ..Any and all who diobay these Apostles' Doctrines would have to under go the Wrath of God in the Tribulation .. Jesus is the Door."Neither There is Salvation in any other name but Jesus Christ of Nazareth;for there is none other name under heaven ,given among men,where by we must be saved."(Acts.4:12)Let us believe in Jesus and observe all His Commandments whereby we must be saved.If any one who do not believe and observe His commandments will be left out from His Church. Let us get ready for the Lord .He is coming back soon and very soon. May God bless you all.

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.16. Go Home


Vials. The First Vial .(Sore on people's Body)Rev.16:1-2. "And I heard a great voice out of the Temple saying to the Seven Angels ,"Go your ways ,and pour out the Vials of the Wrath Of God upon the earth." First Vial is poured out upon the Earth.This Seven Angels has the Seven Last Plagues which are said in the 15 th chapter 1st vorse.Each of these Seven Vials contains a Plague each.Judgement of God started on people who followed Anti-christ.The First Pague comes down as Sore as a repetetion of the sixth pague upon Egyptians sent by Moses.(Exod.9:8-12)This sore upon Egyptians made them to repent before Moses for a while atleast but it did not get the people in Israel to repent ,rather they hardened their hearts against God.We should learn that no suffering of any kind but the Spirit of the Lord that make people repent. The Second Vial.(Blood on the Sea.)Rev.16:3). "And the Second Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sea,and it became as the blood of a dead man,and every living soul died in the sea." When the Second Trumpet was blown ,fire fell into the sea and the third part of the sea became blood and the third part of the creatures in the sea died and the third part of the ships were destroyed (RV.8:8-9) but this time ,every creatures in the sea died.;without any grace from God. The Third Vial.(Blood in Rivers)Rev.16:4-7. "The Third Angel poured out his Vial upon the Rivers and the fountains of waters ;and they became blood." This is a repetition of the first plague in Egypt.When all the waters in all rivers becomes blood, people will be thirsty and they can not drink blood at all to quench their thirst.How great is the judgement of God upon the Bloody Nations of the world. The Fourth Vial.(Fire from the Sun)Rev.16:8-9. "When the Fourth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sun and power was given to him to scorch men with fire." When the Fourth Trumpet was blown ,one fourth of the Sun,one fourth of the Moon and one fourth of the the Stars became dark.People are suffering as they burned to death in the dark."For behold the Day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud ,Ya,and all that do wickedly shall be stuble and the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the Lord of Hosts,that it shall leave them with neither root or branch.But unto you that fear my name shal ' the Sun of Righteousness' arise with healings on His wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as Calves of tha Stall."(Mala.4:1)Blessed are the people who don't stay on the earth in those days to see and suffer the Wrath of God. The Fifth Vial.(Darkness upon the Devil and his Kingdom)Rev.16:10-11. "The Fifth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Seat of the Beast and his Kingdom was full of Darkness." This is a repitition of the Nineth Egyptian Plague .Jesus said,"In those days shall be Great Tribulation such as, not from the begining of the creation ,which God created unto this time ,neither shall be.Except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved ;but for the elect sake those days shall be shortened. "(Math.24:21-22) This Darkness will takeover the whole Kingdom of the Beast. The Sixth Vial.(River Euphrates Runs Dry)Rev.16:12. "The Sixth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Great River Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared ." When the Lord parted the Red Sea for Israel under Moses,and it went back as soon as Israelites came ashore from the Red Sea and it was gone back before the Egyptians came after Israel .But now the River Euphrates and the

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Red Sea are going to be parted to stay open as two big Highways for Israel to cross over into the Land of Israel. All Israelites from all over the world will come into the Land of Israel.They will come in from the North and the South through these two High ways and byways;to help the Kingdom of Israel in the War of Armagedon.Under Moses ,The Lord asked Moses to stretch out his hand against the Red Sea to go back so that Egyptians should not enter in and destroy Israel Nation.But now here in the War of Armagedon,the Lord allowed the enemy nations to come in after them to the War.Here we see ,"three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon, out of the mouth of the Beast,and out of the mouth of the False Prophet."and these three Unclean Spirits will go out all over the world to prepare a great army for the War of Armagedon. The Seventh Vial.(Hail and Earthquake)Rev.16:17-21) " And the Seventh Angel poured out his Vial into the Air,and there came a great voice out of the Temple of Heaven ,from the Throne saying,"IT IS FINISHED." When the Seventh Seal was broken,when the Seventh Trumpet was blown,and when the Seventh Vial was poured out ,all these time there was same action,a great thunder,a great lightning,and a great Earthquake were happening. But at the Seventh Vial it was the final action of all as the Wrath of God was poured out in full scale.And a great Voice from the Temple of God in Heaven,"It is finished.". At the Cross Jesus said the same words,"It is finished."At the end of this Seventh Vial ,this Great Tribulation is going end. Arab Nations will capture one half of the City of Jerusalem.(Zach.14:2)A hail stone will come down on the Kingdom of Israel and the nations all arround them.Hail was the seventh plague on Egypt.In the War of Armagedon ,Lord is using the same weppon against the enemies of Israel,the Hail Stones.The Seventh Vial will last untill Jesus comes down on the Mount of Olive.That was where Jesus went up from and that would be where He would come down .14 th chapter of Zechariah tells us all about the return of Jesus on the Mount of Olive.This Mountain will split apart into two and the Land of Israel will have new geographical shape.Dead Sea will run down all the way down intio the Red Sea .There will be no more mountains and valleys ,and the whole land will be one flat level ground.Anti-christ and his army will capture half of Jerusalem.Israel Nation will then cry for Jesus and He will land on the Mount of Olive.And Jesus will consume the Nations that fight the War with Israel . But Anti-christ will not be killed but will be captured alive in chains and Jesus will send him into the Lake of Fire in the Hell.(Rev.19:20)At this point the seven years of Tribulation is over. At the end of the seventh Vial the Wrath of God will be over as He said,"It is finished."In the next chapter, we will study the Seven Judgements that Jesus declares on the War of Armagedon. Next study will be on the Seven Judgements.God bless you all .

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Book Of Revelation.Chapter.17.



Judgements. At the end of the Great Tribulation the God Almighty declares Seven Judgements upon the parties that took part in the War of Armagedon.In order to stop the Satanic Kingdom and open up His Millenial Kingdom on earth , Jesus had to come down and judge these seven parties and put them away in order to bring peace on earth. "And there came One of the Seven Angels which had the Seven Vials ,and talked with me ,saying unto me ,"Come hither I will shew unto thee the Judgement of the Great Wore that sitteth upon many waters."(Rev.17:1) God sends his Judgements upon a Woman;the Bride of Anti-christ-who is the second person of the Evil Trinity. . Anti-christ,just like Jesus Christ has prepared himslf a Bride. Like the New Testament Church is the Bride of Jesus Christ;Anti-christ prepared for himself a Bride which is ,"the Woman that sitteth upon many Waters."And upon her forehead was a name written,"MYSTERY, BABELON THE GREAT,THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."(Rev.17:5)Her name is a Mystery because no body knows it until Jesus reveals it to John in the Book of Revelation.And even today it is a Mystery to all people all over the world. Just like NT church is a Mystery,the Bride of this Anti-christ is also a Mystery.Jesus Christ has a Church as his Bride and Anti-christ also has a Church as his Bride.See,that He is immitating Jesus to show himself to the world and tells them that He is Massaiah ? You could ask,why this Woman is called by the name of a city.Anti-christ called his Bride by the name of a city(Babelon Rev.17:5)because Jesus called his Bride by the name of a city,the New Jerusalem.(Rev.21:9-10) Anti-christ wants Israel believe him as Jesus Christ and he will do and say anything just like Jesus did ,inorder to make them believe .When Jesus comes back and takes His Church away from this world ,the other Church that left out will be the Bride of the Anti-christ. "And I saw a Woman sit upon a scarlet colored Beast ,full of names and blaspemy,having Seven Heads and Ten Hornes ."(Rev.17:3)There is no doubt ,this Mystery Woman is riding on top of (the Beast) Anti-christ,who has 7 Heads and 10 Hornes.These 7 Heads represents the 7 hills upon which the City is built.(Rev.17:9)"The 7 Heads are 7 Mountains on which the Woman sitteth." This is the City of Rome.Capitoline,Palatine,Aventine,Coelinum,,Esquilinum,Viminalum,,and Quiravalem--are the 7 Hills upon which Rome is built.Now we know who this Mystery Woman is.Next we see the 7 heads of the Woman represents 7 World Kingdoms .(Rev.17:10) Egypt,Assyriah,Babelon,Med-Persia,Greece,Rome and the Ten Nation European Common Market Kingdoms ; are the 7 World Kingdoms .Read this Verse;"And there are seven kings ,5 are fallen,and one is,and the other is not yet come ,and when he cometh,he must continue a short space."(Rev.17:10) (When John was told about this Revelation,the first five of them are fallen,and the 6th which was Rome was there ,and the 7- th Kingdom had to come;and when this Kingdom comes it had to be here for a while ,untill; (according to the Book of Daniel chapter two;) the two feet of the image becomes Ten Toes Kingdoms.And then A Stone from the Mountain will hit the Toes .The Kingdoms of the world will be like the chaff of the summer threshing floors and the winds will carry them away.The Rock of Ages that smote the Image will become a Great Mountain and fill the whole earth.This will be the Great Kingdom of Jesus Christ,the King of Kings to rule the whole earth a Thousand Years.) Let us go back and see a little bit about the Babelonean Kingdom the Church of Rome.Even though the Pagan religion of Rome was gone at the end of the Roman Empire,Constentine who converted from Roman Religion into Christianity,took with him a lot of Pagan systems into Christianity.Even after the Roman Empire was destroyed , the Satan's Seat was in the City of Pergamos ,in Asia-Minor.(Rev.2:13) In the Year 133 AD.the High Priest Attalus of Pergamos transfered his Pagan Religious Powers over to the Pope of Vatican.Then the Roman Pope became the sole authority of the Babelonean Pagan religion. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Judgements (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:10 AM


AD 378 was the year when the Pope of Rome declared himself as the International Bishop or Pope. All the Roman Catholic Festivals are Babelonean pagan Festivals ,Converted into Christianity. EASTER is not a Christian Festival,but it is converted from Babelonean,"The Godess of the Sky"(the Eastar of Babelonea). The Sign of the Cross,T- is the first letter of the Babelonean godess -THAMMOOS.which the Roman Empire took as a symbel of Punishment and Sentence to Crucify criminals on them. The System of --Vistal Virgins--is converted into Roman Catholic Churh and the Bishops of the Church are told not to Marry and has to stay as Vistal Virgins for life.That is why Roman Catholic Priests are told to be unmarried . Christmas is not a Christian Festival,but it is Babelonean. December 25 - is the Birth Day of the Sun GodessSATURNALIA-- Constentine converted and re-named it as Christmas.Several hundred years before the birth of Jesus ,the Babeloneans celibrated this December 25-th as a Roman Holy Day. These are some of the Mysteries of Babelonean Mystery Woman or the Roman Catholic Church. At the end of this Judgement ,the Woman will be killed by the Beast,upon which she is riding. "And the Ten Hornes which thou sawest upon the the Beast,these shall hate the Wore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with Fire ".(Rev.17:16) This will be the Final Judgement of the Woman the Bride of Anti-christ. The Second Judgement.Rev.18. "And after these things,I saw another Angel came down from Heaven,having great power and the earth was lighted with his glory". The Judgement of the City of Rome is the subject in this chapter.Notice the statement here,"After these things"; which means ,after the Judgement of the Woman.The City of Rome will be destroyed by a fire.But before this fire comes down ,there will be a warning message to the people ". "I heard another voice from Heaven saying,-Come out of her -my people that you may not be part-takers of her sins and that you receive not her Plagues".(Rev.18:4)If ther are any Saints in the City ,they will be spared and send them away to safety.Just like ,Lot and his Family were taken away to their safety,before Sodom&Gomorah destroyed by Fire from Heaven.There will be some good Christians in the Roman Catholic Church and they will be taken away into the Heavens above before the destuction of the City .This is the Judgement of God upon the Apostate Christiandom of this world.At the end there will be a War between the Common Market Countries of Europe and the Roman Catholic Church of Vatican,and the City of Rome will be defeated and destroyed by fire . May God bless you all .

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Revelation.Chapter.19. Go Home


Marriage Of The Lamb. "Let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to Him,for the Marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready".(Rev.19:7) This chapter begins with a statement,"after these thigs".Which means this is a new subject ,not a continuation . The new subject in the 19-th chapter is the Marriage of the Lamb of God.Read what Paul says,"I have esposed you to one husband,that I may present you as a chaste Verginto Christ".(2 Cor.11:2)Untill this Wedding takes place ,the New Testament Church should be a Vergin and she should not be wedded to any other gods. Chapter 19 begins with a Hallelluja Chorus.(The word Hallelluja is seen in the Bible 28 times.24 times in the Old Testament and 4 times in the New Testament and the 4 times in the NT are in Rev 19-th chapter .)Here the 24 Elders are singing this Hallelluja Chorus about the Judgement of Anti-christ and his bride .This Woman is called a Wore(Adulterous Woman)because she was known as a Christian Church and at the same time she was worshiping other gods as well.That is why paul says the Bride of the Lamb should be a VERGIN. Jesus was very much interested in talking about His Wedding and His Bride;such as the Parable of the Ten Vergins . When John was in Heaven ,he came across a declaration,"Behold the Marriage of the Lamb is come and His Bride had made herself ready".It was the hope of his Church as well as Jesus himself.We had been engaged to Jesus for this Wedding ,ever since the Day of Pentacost.And now the time has come after along waiting of more than a Two Thousand Years.This will be a happy occation even for God the Father in Heaven.. And He will be so happy that His only Son is going to get Marry ;for which He had been looking forward all these years. When and where ,this Wedding will take place.This takes place in the third Heaven ,before God the Father and His Throne.This takes place Just before the end of the Great Tribulation .The War of Armagedon is going on in Jerusalem .God knows ,when this War is in its worst condition,that the City of Jerusalem will be in the enemy hands,Israel will cry for the mercy of God and ask for Massaiah to come down and help them.At this point,One half of Jerusalem will be captured by Anti-crist.Israel will cry for Jesus to come as their King .Now,God the Father crowns His Son as King of Kings,just before the Wedding of the Lamb.(Read-Rev.19:6-7)Heaven knows that His Son Jesus had to have His earthly Bride to go with Him when He goes down to Jerusalem for the Redemption of Israel Nation. Who is the Groom?We know it is jesus.Jesus himself said ,He would be the Groom."The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a cerain King which made a Marriage for His Son".(Math.22:2)Again ,John the Baptist said,"He that has a Bride is a Bridegroom,but the friend of the Bridegroom which standeth and heareth Him , rejoiceth greatly because of the Bridegroom's voice ;therefore this joy of mine is fullfilled".(John.3:29) Here John the Baptist says that he is the fiend of the Bridegroom and Jesus is the Bridegroom. Who is the Bride?It is very clear that we the NT Church is the Bride.It is only after this Wedding ,she will be called Bride or wife or any such name.Untill this time she is called Vergin.Paul says ,"Husbands ,love your wives even as Jesus Christ loved His Church and gave Himself for it ,that He might sactify and cleace it with the washing of water by the Word that He might present it to Himself a glorious Church ,not having a spot or wrinkle or any such thing but it should be holy and without blemish".Eph.5:25-27) Paul and all other Apostles of Jesus teach us about a Glorieus Church who will be the Bride of Jesus Christ. Oneday Jesus ,the King of Kings left His Father's house and came down to this earth found a beautifull Woman and loved her.His Earthly Family did not like it and they put Him out of their house .Before He went back to His Father's House in Heaven ,He promised that He would come back and Marry her.And He sent her another Comforter to safe keep her untill His return.Now the Comforte has preseted her before the Bride ;which they all had been waiting for a long long time. Who are the Bride's Maids?They are the men and woemn who were with her all through her life as friends. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Marriage (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:12 AM


They were also called as Christians but they were worshiping other gods aswell while they were Christians. According to old Jewish costums,there would be some life long friends of a bride to come along on her wedding day.In Psalms 45,we read about it like this, "The Bride,the Princess, waits within her chamber,robed in beautifull clothing ,woven with gold,lovely she is, lead beside her Maids of Honour to the King."(PS.45:13) In jesus' Parable , the Marriage of the King's Son,we read,"When the King came in to see the Guests,He saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment."(Math.22:11) "Blessed are they ,which are called unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb".Verse.9. The Groom or the Bride are not to be invited into a wedding but they are there without any invitation.Those who are called are either Bride's relatives or Groom's relatives.Remember that John the Baptist said that he was Bridegroom's friend.Abraham,Isaac,Jacob and all such Old Testament Saints upto John the Baptist; would be Groom's friends and relatives.Those who came out of the Trbulation without accepting the Number of the Beast ,666,and died for the name of Jesus during the Tribulation ,will be the friends and relatives of the Bride. They are the Maids that walked with the Bride all her life and raptured during the Great Tribulation.(Rev.7:1415) After the Wedding ,there will be a great reception and a Marriage Supper in Heaven.Remember ,At the Last Supper,Jesus said,"But I say unto you,that I will not drink from henceforth out of the fruite of the Vine , untill that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom."(Math.26:29)In this Marriage Supper,the Bridegroom's family and friends,started with Adam down to John the Baptist,and the Bride's Family and friends,, and all the angels of God in Heaven will be there .And the Bride and the Groom,will be coming down to the Bride's homeland for their Honeymoon days.Israel,at this point will be crying for the Massaiah to come down and redeem them from the Anti-christ and the War of Armagedon. I like to tell you a story about Israel Nation.Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers.His brothers came down to buy food and Joseph knew they were his brothers,but they did not know who he was.They bought grain and went back home .A second time they did the same thing.But on the third time ,Joseph told them that he was their brother ,Joseph.You know the story ..This is a story of the Israel Nation.Under Moses and Joshua they came in the Promised Land.Second time Jesus came down to seek and save them.But they did not know He was Jesus.. The third time when Jesus comes down with His Bride they will know Him as their Massaiah, whom they Crucified and killed .Then they will accept Jesus as their King of Kings.Jesus will be their King on the Throne of David and we will be the Queen of Jerusalem with Jesus the King. When did the Bride come into the Heavenly Home ,for the Wedding? Like I said before let me say this once again that Church was under "Another Comforter"on the earth ever since Jesus left her and went Back Home from the Mount of Olive.Another Comforter came down on the Day of Pentacost. Abraham oneday sent the Governer of his house;over to Haran to bring a Bride for his son ,Issac. Some preachers call him - Eliezer (Genesis 15:2.)He went out to the land of Nahor who was the brother of Abraham.(Read the story in Genesis Chapter 24.)And Eliezer met Nahor's daughter Rebekah and brought her to Abraham's son Issaac for his wife.Issac was outside his house in the field meditating the Lord.He saw Camels coming from faraway.Soon Rebekah came down closer and she asked Eliezer who that man was far away meditating .And Eliezer said that was his Master Issac.Soon she landed down from her Camel and covered herself with a Vail.Issac took her to his house and she became his wife.Jesus comes out into the sky with the Trumpet of the Lord and the " Comforter" ;Holy Spirit will take the Church up in the sky to meet the Lord in the air,and they all go up into the Throne of God the Father .Then the Great Tribulation will be going on.While the Great Tribulation was going on here on the earth, (a seven year period),the Comforter will be getting the Bride ready for the Wedding of the Lamb of God.And now Jesus Christ accepts this New Testament Church as His Bride.OH!What a wonderfull day that would be when we all see Jesus as our Master and Lord before the Heavenly Father. God bless you all .

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War of Armagedon.Chapter.19. Home

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The War Of Armageddon.Rev.19:11-19. "And I saw Heaven opened ,and behold a White Horse ,and He that sat upon him was called Faithfull and True, and righteousness He doth judge and make War."(Rev.19:11) Here we see one person on a White Horse ,and His name is called the Word of God.In ch.6,we see a man on a White Horse ,and he is Anti-christ.But here in ch.19 this Man on the White Horse ,as He is called the Word of God,it is very clear He is Jesus Christ.And the Armies of Heaven followed Him on White Horses.and His cloths are dipped in Blood.By the way this Blood is not His own Blood that was shed for us on Calvary. It is the Blood of His enemies that falls upon Him, when He break them with His Rod of iron to dash them into pieces like a Potter's Vessel.(Ps.2:9)Prophet Isaiah says,"I have troden the Vinepress alone, and of the people there was none with me,for I will tread them in my Anger and trample them in my Fury and their Blood shall be sprinkled on my garments and I will stain all my raiment."(Isa.63:3)So this is the Blood of His enemies on His cloths.Jesus had to do it to redeem Israel from Anti-christ. When this war will be going on ,all Israelites from all over the world will be coming down to the Israel to help win the War .You know the Nothern Kingdom of Israel went over to Assyria as captives.After a few years Babelon conqured Assyria and took over the Kingdom.In the mean time ,all Israelites who were in there went out and went all over the world.They did not come back to their Home -land.Then the Southern Kingdom of Israel was taken captives to Babelon but after 70 years they returned to the Land of Israel.The Northern kingdom,the 10 and a half tribess of Israel lived all over the world.After Israel got their own Country back ,some Israelites came over to Israel but there are Israelites all over the world more than Israelites in the Country of Israel.Now those Israelites who lied all over the world will be returning to the Land of Israel,to help win the War "I will hiss for them among the people and they shall remember me in far countries and they shall live with their children and turn again.I will bring them again out of Egypt and gather them out of Assyriah and I will bring them into the Land of Gilead and Labanon and places shall not be found enough for them to live."(Zech.10:8-10; Isa.11:11)When the 6-th Angel poured out his Vial upon the Great River Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up ,that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared.(Rev.16:12)Army of Russia ,China,India and such like Eastern Countries may come into Israel through athe dry land at the River Euprates .38-th and 39-th chapters of Ezekiel clearly says that all these Northern Kingdoms will come down to Israel to fight the War of Armageddon.All Northern Kingdoms will be under Russiah and the Southern Kingdoms will be under Egypt coming down for this War. During this War of Armageddon,Anti-christ and all his enemies will be on one side and Jesus Christ and His Army including His Bride the Church will be on the other side of the Battle Field in the City of Jerusalem. The Prophecy of Zeckariah chapter 14 will be fullfiled .(Please read this chapter 14 in full from the Bible) "And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives,which is before Jerusalem on the East,and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the East and towards the West and there shall be great Valley and half of the Montain shall remove towards the North and half of it towards the South.And ye shall shall flee towards the Valley of the Mountains,for the Valley of the Mountains shall reach unto AZZAL ,yea,ye shall flee like ,as ye fled from before the Earthquake in the days of UZZIAH the King of Judah ,and the Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee."(Zech.14:4-5)This prophecy will be fullfilled when Jesus and His Bride come down in the Land of Israel to help fight the War of Armageddon. The War of Armageddon begins at the middle of the Tribulation period .Prophet Daniel said,"And he shall confirm the Covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the Sacrifice and the Oblation to ceaseand for the overspreading of the abomination ,he shall make it desolate ,even untill the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Armagedon (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:13 AM


consumation and that detirmined shall be poured upon the desolate."(Dan.9:27)This maens the Arab Nations will make Treaty with Israel for seven years and at the middle of the 7 year period,(which is the second half of the Tribulation)Anti-christ will appear in the Temple of Jerusalem and stop all sacrifices .Then ,within the 3 and a half years (the first half of the Tribulation )Israel will build the Temple of Jerusalem.This is the time when Jesus and all His Saints come down from heaven.;to join the War against Anti-christ When Jesus is on one side of the War ,you know who is going to win? The War With The Lamb. The final public action of the War is explained in Rev.19:14-21.Who is the Lamb that fights against the Beast? He is the wounded Lamb.(Rev.5:6)He is the worshipped Lamb.(Rev.4:10;5:8-14)He is the worthy Lamb. (Rev.5:12)(For His enemies,)He will be the wrathfull Lamb.(Rev.6:16-17)He is the wedded Lamb.(Rev.19:7)He is the winning Lamb.Yes He ,the Lamb of God won the War of Armageddon. The Third Judgement.Rev.19:20.Judgement of the Eviltrinity. "And the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought mirracles before him ,with which he deceived them that had received the Mark of the Beast and them that worshiped his image .These both were cast alive into a Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone."Satan,Anti-christ and the False Prophet are picked up in chains and locked up in the Lake of Fire for the Thousand Years . The Fourth Judgement.Rev.19:21.Judgement of the wicked people that was with the Beast in the War of Armageddon wluld be all killed by the Sword that comes out of the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ. "And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse,which Sword proceeded out of His mouth and all the Fowls were filled with their flesh."(Rev.19:21) Jesus says,"For wheresoever the carcase is ,there will the eagles be gathered together.Immedietly after the Tribulation of these days ,shall the Sun be darkened,and the Moon shall not give her light,and the Stars shall fall from the heaven and the powers of the Heavens be shaken."(Math.24:28-29)All the Army that came to war with the Lamb will be killed . His cloths will be dipped in blood.(Rv.19:13)which will be the blood of his enemies."I have troden the Vine press alone and of the people,there was none with me ,for I willtread them in my anger and trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled on my garment ,and I will stain all my raiment."(Isa.63:3) Thus the War of Armageddon ends. God bless you all. ( Next week we will study the 20-th Chapter )

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3.The New Jerusalem.Rev.21:9-23. "And He carried me away in the Spirit to a great and High Mountain ,and showed me that Great City,The Holy Jerusalem,desending out of Heaven from God."Rev.21:10. When the New Heaven and Neaw Earth appear ,there is a New City also appear from Heaven above.;coming down for the Bride of the Lamb of God.When the New Jerusalem desended from God ,down to the New Earth,an Angel told John,"Come hither,I shall show you the Bride -"The Lamb's Wife." Remember ,it is the people in the City makes it what it is.It was about this City that Jesus said ,"I go to prepare a Place for you."(John.14:3)Now let us go see that City,and see what Jesus says about the New Jerusalem.In vs.9, He says the City belongs to the Bride of the Lamb of God.It has the glory of God shins like the Cristal clear Jasper stone.City has high walls and it contains 12 gates ;each gate is kept watching by an Angel of God.And each gate is called by the name of one of the 12 Tribes of Israel.There are 4 gates each on ,East ,West,North and South sides of the City.City Wall has 12 foundations and each of them is called by the name of one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus.The Angel who was talking to John was given a Golden Measuring Rod and when he measures ,he says the City is four square ;and each side is 12,000 Furlongs or 1500 Miles .So it is 1,500 Miles long,1,500 miles wide,and 1,500 miles high.City Wall measures 144 Cubits or 240 Feet high. The City walls are made up of all kinds of precious stones.And the Gates of the City are made up of 12 kinds of Jewels;;1st-Jasper,2nd-Sapphire,3rd-Chalcedony,4rth-Emerald,5th-Sardony,6th-Sardius,7th-Chrysolyte,8thBeryl, 9th-Topaz,10th-Chrysoprasus,11th-Jancinth.,12th-Amethyst. This City is high like the hight of a 24 story building.The total area of the City will be 2,250,000 square miles. We can now realize its dimentions are comparable to the size United States of America.From the Canadian border the North ,comes down to Mexican Border in the South,from Atlantic Ocean at the East to the Pacafic Ocean in the West ..But we believe the City will be coming down to some where near the Land of Israel.Because Jesus will be the King of Kings in the City of David which is Jerusalem.New Jerusalem the City abode of the Bride of the King will be some where close by the City of Jerusalem.It may be the Eastern area of Israel,which exstents Jordan ,Irac Iran and all those Arab Countries .Realy the Feet of Jesus will be touching down on the Mount of olive,and a great valley will come up out of there.(Zech.14:4-11)We believe the Garden of Eden will come up out of that spot.By the way Garden of Eden is in belley of this earth resting ever since the Flood of Noah.(Ezek.31:15-17)And this Garden of Eden will come up and we will eat there of ,in those Days.(Rev.2:7) There is no need for a Sun or Moon there,and Jesus will be the Light of this City.(Vs.24)After the Fire Baptism, the New Earth will placed somewhere in the Solar System -which is other than the present location ,so that there will be light all over the Earth all the time ;so that there will be no night on the New Earth anywhere. Only Righteous People live there and no wicked ones or sinners live there .They are all judged at the White Throne and sent down to the Lake of Fire in Hell. The City will be built with pure Gold and we will walk on the Streets of Gold in that City for ever and ever. 4.The New Nation.Rev.21:24. "And the Nations of them which are saved ,shall walk in the light of it and the King of Kings of the Earth do bring glory and honor into it."Rev.21:24. The New Testament Church will be the group that live in the City of Jerusalem.The next question is,"Who is the New Nation that live and re-populate the earth?"Who are the people that re-populated the earth after the flood of Noah?The group that lived in the Ark during the Flood of waters, who will come down from the Ark and repopulated the earth.OK. In the New Earth those people who were in Heaven( during this Flood of Fire on the earth )will come down and the Lord will tell them to,"Go and multiply the earth for ever and ever."Other than the New Testament Church ,the next group who were in Heaven escaped from this Flood of Fire will be the 144 000 or the Israelites.Yes the Israel Nation will go and multiply and replenish the New Earth . http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/New-City (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:15 AM


By the way ,Israel Nation ,the Children of Abraham ,has a promise from God that the Children of Abraham will enjoy this land for a thousand Generations;which is a 30,000 years.Prophet Isaiah prophecied abou this Nation of Israel,"For as the New Heaven and New Earth which I will make ,shall remain before me ,saith the Lord,so shall your Seed (Israelites) and your name remain ".(Isa.66:22) Israel ,therefore is an Eternal Nation and they will inherit the New Earth for ever and ever.If Adam &Eve had not sinned ,how gloreious Adam's future generation would have been,so would be the New Generation of Israel on the face of this New Earth for ever and ever."He hath remembered His Covenant for ever ,the Word which He commanded to a Thousand Generations."(PS.105:5-8) 4.The New Creation.Rev.22:1. "And He showed me a pure River of Water of Life ,clear as crystal,proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb." Rev.22:1. Today-the water in our rivers and lakes are not clear or pure.They are dirty and muddy with all kinds of chemicals and pollutants.Mainly because these waters come out of the hills and mountains of mud and chemical pollutants,and they are cancer causing substances.The water in the New River we are talking about is coming out of the Throne of God.and the Lamb.This River is called the River of Life.This water contains Life additives and whosoever drinks it will live for ever in good health.Iron willnot rust in this water ,because it is the Water of Life.and it is no water of destruction. Gold in the New Earth will be pure and Crystal clear (with no color),like transparrent glass.Jesus says, "The City was pure gold unto clear glass."(Rev.21:18)The trees that grow near this River Of Life will be blessed by the Lord,and leaves of the Tree will be good for the Healing of the Nations.And these Trees will bear New kinds of fruits every month of the year. Thank God ,we will enjoy the New Earth with all its glory and blessings .Yes we will repossess what Adam lost because of his sin.And the Children of God will live a Heavenly life on this New Earth ,yes in the Garden of Eden,for ever and ever.Hallellujah.Let us get ready for this glorieous life .May God bless you all. (Next Class will be on The Tree of Life.)

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Chapter.22.New Tree Of Life. Home


"In the midst of the streets of it ,on either side of the River was there the Tree of Life ,which bear 12 manner of fruits and yeilds her fruits every month and the Leaves of the Tree are for the Healing of the Nations ."(Rev.22:2) The Streets of this New Earth will be shaded by the Tree of Life.They are not just some shade trees,but they are Trees which bear twelve types of fruits and they will be 12 different manner of fruits so that people can eat each kind of fruit each month of the year. "To him that overcometh I will give to eat of the Tree of Life ,which is in the midst of the Paradise of God ."(Rev.2:7).Remember what the Lord said when Adam sinned,?"Behold the man is like one of us to know good and evil,and now lest he put forth his hand and take also the Tree of Life ,and eat and live for ever".(Gen.3:22)Then Adam&Eve were unworthy to eat of the Tree of Life ;but in the New Earth ,Children of God are washed by the Blood of the Lamb and are worthy to eat it. There will be a quistion comes up,"Where is the Garden of Eden today?Prophet Ezekiel says,the Garden of Eden is rested underneath the earth in Hell.(Ezek.31:15-16)When the Earth opened up at Flood of Noah,it went down underneath the Earth.Onday when the Feet of Jesus touches on the Mount Of Olive,and it will split up into two. And the Gerden of Eden will come up out of there .(Zech.14:4) Jesus and His People will come down in there. "Blessed are they that do His Commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life,and may enter in through the Gates into the City."(Rev.22:14)Those who do or obay His Commandments are the ones who has the right to enter in the New Jerusalem.Remember when Israel worshiped other gods,they were punished. Because the Lord doesn't like His people worship other gods.Same is true in our days too.We the Christians , when we go worship other gods ,it will not be tolerated by the Lord.It is adultery,when a man or a woman goes after another one for sexual life ,when real Life partner is alive."Whoever devorces his wife and marries another , commits adultery against her;And if she devoce her husband and marries another,she commits adultery."(Mark.10:11-12;Math.5:31-32;Luk.16:18;Rom.7:2-3;1 Cor.7:10-11) That means ,if a man or a woman remarries,when life partner is alive ,he or she commits adultery.One who commits adultery will not inherit the Kingdom of God. "Don't you know that those, doing such things have no share in the Kingdom?Don't fool yourselves.Those who live immoral lives,who are Idol Worshippers,Adulterers,or Homosexuals ,will have no share in the Kingdom. Neither will the Thieves or Greedy People,Drunkards,Slanderers or Robers."(1 Cor.6:10) Those who do not observe all the Commadments of God ,always disobay God's Commandments .Before Jesus went up into Heaven,He told his Desiples"Go ye therefore and teach all Nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father,and of the Son,and of the Holy Gost.Teaching them to obsrve all things ,whatsoever I have commanded you and lo,I am with you alway,even unto the end of the world.Amen".(Math.28:19-20).Jesus wants us to obseve all things that He has commanded us.Let us obay all His comandments and live a holy life; . Only such holy people will go to the Kingdom of God. The Leaves of the Tree of Life, will be for the Healing of the Nations.There will be no sicknesses or deseases on the earth in those days.Glory,Glory,Hallellujah,We are looking forward to that day,on the face of this earth. 7.The New Throne of God.Rev.22:3-4. Behold everything is new .The New Jerusalem is on the face of this New Earth.A New Nation lives on the New Earth.There is a New Tree on this New Earth.More over,this New Earth has a New Air-Mass or Sky to wrap arround it to keep it clean and holy.And all Birds and animals on the New Earth are New Creations. And

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finally the Throne of God is going to be on the New Earth.Jesus will sit on this Throne.Without the Throne of God ,the New Earth could be an empty place.and that is why He places His Throne here on the Earth.The first Throne of God in Heaven will always be there ,and this New Throne on the New Earth is another one going to be placed here on the New Earth.Thank God ,I am so glad everything is done for us to be here in Heaven on Earth. When I think about all these. My feet are flotting up and down from the earth to jump up and down to sing and dance for the Lamb of God and His redemption .OH!How gloreious that will be to live in heaven on earth for ever and ever.I don't have words to explain the Heavenin its real glory.We only will enjoy and may God bless all of you and me to enjoy this .You know ,God created the Hell for Satan and his angels;and it is not for any man or woman.Let us leave the Hell for Satan and his angels and go to Heaven . And there will be no more curse,and the Lamb of God is going to be seated on this Throne.;And His servents shall serve Him.They shall see His face and His name shall be written on their fore-heads.We are washed by the Blood of the Lamb and we will be at the Throne of God to enjoy Heaven on earth.Let us thank God for the Redemption.What we all are looking and waiting for is the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ rules as King on the Throne of David in the Old Jerusalem and His Bride at the same time lives in the New Jerusalem New Jerusalem is the only city in the world,ever called by a group of people as well as a place .We all know the NT Church is the Bride of of the Lamb that lives in this City.This is the city which has foundations and whose builder and maker is God..It is what Jesus one day told us,"I am going to prepare a place for you." Jesus destroyed Satan's Kingdom of Darkness,during the Great Tribulation.Jesus wins the victory over Sin, Death and Satan during this Tribulation period.And then He says ,"Behold everything is New".and this Kingdom has no end.The occupants of New Jerusalem and the Dwellers of the New Earth are Participants of the Glory of God.We will see God face to face just like we see each other. "The Lord Bless Thee And Keep Thee;The Lord Make His Face Shine Upon Thee And Be Gracious Unto Thee;The Lord Lift His Contenance Upon Thee And Give Thee Peace. And They shall Put His Name Upon The Children Of Israel And I Will Bless Them." Jesus Christ is coming back very soon.May God richly bless you all.Amen.

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Worship God.



"And the Angel also said ,"Worship God."(Rev.22:9) From the begining of Book of Revelation,all the way to the end ,an Angel was showing John all this from God's Revelation .Remember the first vorse ," The Revelation of Jesus Christ,which God gave unto His sevants , things which must shortly come to pass and He sent and signified it by His Angel,unto his servant John."(Rv.1:1)This Revelation is to come to pass shortly ,'before and after "the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Now ,when we come to the 22-nd Chapter,( at the end),when it was all over,John went down on his feet to worship the Angel.But the Angel said that," he was only a fellow servant of you and of thy fellow servants and of thy brethren the prophets and of them which keep the sayings of this Book:Worship God." Jesus Christ told the Woman at the Well of Samariah ,"The True Worshipers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.God is Spirit:and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth".(John.4:23-24)Even all the Angels of God should worship God.(Hebr.1:6) We shouldn't worship any other but the Creator of Heaven and Earth.We also know there is a Satan who likes to take over the Worship of God (away from God for himself..)Time and time again the Devil tried to take our worship away from God Almighty.And the Devil placed so many other-gods before us ,like; ASTHORETH, BAAL, BAAL-PEOR, CHEMOSH, DAGON, DIANA, MOLECH, and so many others like them.And the Devil also presented us so many Creations ,like a Golden-Bull.Apostle Paul says,"People ignorantly worship Other Gods."(Acts.17:23) Even the Devils on the earth fear the Lord Jesus Christ.(Mark.4:6-7)See the Devil worhiped God. This is what Bible says about Idols:-"The Idols are Silver and Gold the work of man's hands.They have mouths but they speak not:eyes have they but they see not;They have ears but they hear not ;Noses have they but they smell not;They have hands but they handle not;Feet have they but they walk not;neither speak they through their throat;They that make them are like unto them;so is every one that trusteth in them."(PS.115:4-8) Even here in the Book of Revelation,Jesus tells us ,"Worship Him that liveth for ever."(Rev.4:10)"Worship Him that made Heaven."(Rev.14:7)But the Devil wants us worship creation rather than the Creator.He wants us worship Cows and such like.Even man is not God;then how can a cow be God? It is the plan of God that all His creation should worship God and Him alone.God declared that all the Angels in Heaven should worship Him..(Hebr.1:6)Angels in Heaven who got six wings ,Cover their feet with two of them,cover their face with two of them and fly with the other two and worship God by saying "Holy ,Holy Holy....".(Isa.6:2) Lucifer and his group were created and placed in the Garden of Eden to worship God.But the proud heart in Lucifer made him to take-over the Throne of God(Ezek.28:13-16;Isa.14:12-15) and he said for himself ,"I will ascend into the Heaven and I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God .I will sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation ,in the sides of the North.I will ascend above the Hights of the clouds;and I will be like the Most High.""Yet ,thou shalt be brought down to Hell,to the sides of the Pit."(Isa.14:12-15).God Almighty took Lussifer out of the Garden of Eden and placed him in the sky ,who Paul called ,"the spiritual wickedness of in the High Places."(Eph.6:12)Millions and millions of years later,God re-created the earth like we saw in Genesis Chapter one. Next ,Adam was created and placed in the Garden of Eden,to worship God.Soon this Lucifer came down and made Adam and Eve to sin.In t he sinfull condition Adam could not worship God.God Almighty gave him apromise that the Seed of the Woman would come down and die as a Blood Sacrifice and redeem man from his sins.And the Lord showed Adam the Worship of God by a Blood sacrifice ;the Lamb of God ,the Massaiah to come down and die for the sins of man.Ever since that day Adam and his children all through the generations , worshiped God by sacrificing a Lmb.When the world began to go after Idol worship, all over the earth,God called Abraham and sent him to the Land of Canaan(Israel )to keep him and his children as a clean and Holy http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Worship (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:19 AM


Nation,for the Lord Jesus to come down as the Seed of the Woman.When the Children of Israel became a huge nation in the Land of Egypt,God raised up a Moses to redeem them from Egypt,back to the Land of Israel.While they were in the Wilderness in between Egypt and Israel,they were asked to build a Tabernacle to Worship God in the Willderness.When the Tabernacle was dedicated,Fire from Heaven came down there in the Tabernacle to consume and accept their Blood Sacrifice.Here ,God asked Moses not to bring any more Strange Fire into the Tabernacle of God.When Nadab and Abihu,two children of the High Priest(Aaron)brought in some Strange Fire into the Tabernacle of God, the anger of God kindled and they both were killed .Remember Abraham ,when he went up to the Mount Moriah,to offer his son Issaac ,he took wood and fire with him up to the mountaintop. Here we are to learn a great lession.When the Fire of God came down from Heaven,we are not to bring any more Strange Fire before the Lord.When the Holy Spirit came down upon the Church,on the Day of Pentacost, we are not to bring in any more Strange Fire in before the Church.Holy Spirit is with us for ever and ever untill the New Tetament Church is to be taken away from this world.Do not bring in any more Strange Fire before the church.We are to be anointed by the Holy Spirit and not by any other Strange Oil of any kind.See the Churches here and there anointing Priests by some sort of Oil.These are Strange Oil before the Lord.This is only some examples I just showed you from O. T. Worship.Old Testament Worship was only Shadows of the real and final picture of the New Testament Church. We have to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.Jesus says.(John4:23-24)There in the Tabernacle of the Lord in the Desert and in the Temple of God in Jerusalem,only priests are allowed to do Sacrifice and Worship God for the Nation.Only the Anointed Priests are to Offer Sacrifices for the People.We the New Testament Church also do what Jesus told us do.Worship God in the Spirit and in Truth.Only the ones Which are filled with the Holy Spirit are to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and do His ministry in our Churches.In Churches now a days some Shepherds of the Sheep or Ministers ,do not even believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in the "Unknown Tongues" as it is in Acts Chapter Two.This is not Biblical to bring other types of church believes and activities added into the Christian Churches..but only some "Strange Fires." The Ten Commandments begins with this ,"I am the Lord thy God,which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage Thou shalt not have no other gods before me.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above or any likeness of anything that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.Thou shall not bow down thyself to them nor serve them;for I am the Lord thy God."(Exo0d.20:1-5) It is a promise of Jesus Christ himself,"Where two or three are gathered together in my name ,there I am in the midst of them.". It is also His promise for His True worshippers " Lo ! I am with you even unto the end of the world."(Math.28:20) Jesus Christ is coming back soon and very soon for His Church.Let us get ready .God bless you all.

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Kingdom Of God. The Kingdom Of God is a great study we are going to have ,which will cover all the Books of the Bible;from Genesis to Revelation;Which is called the Revelation of the Kingdom of God. "There shall be nothing in that city which is evil,for the Throne Of God and the Lamb will be there and His servents will worship Him."(Rev.22:3) Today we study about the Kingdom of God.When Jesus came down here on the earth,He started teaching about the Kingdom of God."Our Father which art in Heaven,Hallowed be Thy Name,Thy Kingdom come;Thy will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven."(Math.6:9-10) When the Kingdom of God is finaly established here on earth ,the Will of God will be re-established here on earth as it is in Heaven.Praise the Lord. "But unto the Son ,He saith,Thy Throne O GOD ,is for ever and ever ;a Sceptre of Righteousness is the Sceptre of Thy Kingdom."(Heb.1:8) "The LORD reigneth,,He clothed with Majesty.......Thy Throne is established of old:Thou art from everlasting."(PS.93:1-2) :"He is the living God and an everlasting King."(Jer.10:10) "Before the Mountains are brought forth,or ever thou hadst formed the earth;Thou art GOD."(PS.90:2) "Thine O LORD is the Greatness and the Power and the Glory and the Victory and the Majesty;for all that is in the Heaven and in the earth is thine.Thine is the Kingdom O LORD,and thou art exalted as Head of all."(1 Chro.29:11) Here we can see the everlasting and universal rule of the Eternal King. Jehovah God is the Everlasting King.And the Kingdom of God rules and controles everything ."The LORD hath prepared His Throne in Heaven and His Kingdom ruleth all."(PS.103:19) God is Soverein and His rulership is above and beyond our Natural or Human Law.The Sun and the Moon and the Stars obay whatever the LORD tells them do.Fire,Hail,Snow,Vapour,and the stormy winds fullfills the Word Of God.The Mountains ,The Hills,Fruitfull Trees and all Cedars the Beasts,and the Cattle,the Creeping things, Flying Fouls ,Kings of the earth,and all people,Princes and all Judges of the earth,both young men and Maidens and all men, and children all obay and worship the LORD.(PS.148:7-12) "Who would not fear thee O LORD,of the Nations,the Living God and the Everlasting King.(Jer.10:7,10) what we see in Revelation Chapter 22.is how we return back to the Soverein power and rulership of The Kingdom Of God.Back in the Eternity,when God created the Heaven&the Earth,everything was under the soverein power and rulership of God.Which means God rules the Universe .There was no evil of any kind in the universe in those days.God Almighty ruled everything there in Heaven and here on the earth.Everything on the earth was really heavenly and glorious in the begining. God would not suffer any Challenge against Him from any one ( Creation.)The Soverein God not only rules the Universe,but He also demonstrates His Power and Authority over His Creation.God the Creator does not Suffer any Challenge against Him from His Creations.God does not forgive any Challenge against Him but He punishes them that Challenges against Him.God will suffer and forgive ,if a man Challenges another man .(God forgives when he confesses before God ;and if a Nation Challenges another Nation LORD forgives.)If any one challenges the God Almighty,He never ever suffer that kind of a Challenge from anyone. Creation always rebelled against the Creator;and the history prooves that they always got punished then and there. Genesis.1:1;In the begining God created the Heaven and the Earth.When God created the Heaven and the Earth.;It was a creation of everything on the Earth including The Lucifer in the Garden of Eden.It is the begining of the Time from Eternity.When Jesus Christ created the Earth and its fullness,it was like an air-baloon in the hand of Jesus with its fulness.It was all controled by the soverign God .There was Birds in the Air,there was Animals on the Earth,and there was all the living creatures in the Sea.

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Genesis.1:2 is not a continuation of Vorse One.;but the Earth became Waste and Void when Lucifer was removed from the Face of the earth.Lucifer could be placed in the Moon or some other planet.All the Birds were flown away into a planet like the Moon or some other plnet.All that left on the Earth were the Creatures in the Ocean. They were comforted by ,when the Spirit of the Lord upon the face of the Waters.And the Darkness upon the face of the Deep for Millions and Millions or years. Genesis !:3 is a re-creation of the Earth from its Waste and Void condition.The six days of creation in Chapter One is only a re-formation of what was once done "In The Begining" which we see in the GN.!:1. Lucifer was the first resident of the Earth.But things started to change,when Lucifer started a rebellion against God.This is what Ezekiel said about Lucifer:- "You were in Eden the Garden of God.Your clothings were bejeweled with every precious stone:-Ruby,Topaz,Diamond, Chrysolite,Onyx,Jasper,Sapphire,Carbunkle, and Emerold.-All in beautiful settings of finest Gold.They were given you on the day you were created.I appointed you to be the appointed Guardien Cherub .You had access to the Holy Mountain of God.You walked among the stones of fire.You were perfect in all you did from the day were created ,untill that time when wrong was found in you.Your great wealth filled you with internal termoil and you sinned.Therfore I cast you out of the Mountain Of God ,like a common sinner.I destroyed you...............You are destroyed for ever."(EZK.28:13-16)Lucifer was King over the whole Earth.. Lucifer was placed in the Garden of Eden and He was so mighty and soverein that he started challenging the Almighty God and His Throne.Oneday Lucifer said,"I will assend into Heaven and I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God,.I will also sit upon the Mount of the Congregation ,in the Sides of the North.I will assend above the clouds and I will be like the Most High."(Isa.14:12-15)Lucifer lost his royal status and Dominion,when he rebelled against the Throne of God. It was the first rebellion against the Eternal Kingdom of God.When Lucifer challenged God and His Throne,he was removed from the Garden of Eden.The Kingship and Rulership of Lucifer was ended there.And he was removed from the Garden Of Eden when he Rebelled against God and His Throne. Lucifer was removed from the Garden and The Earth was left without form and Void for Millions and Millions of years."And the Earth was without 'Form and Void'(GN.1:2)Then God re-created the earth in six days ,as we read in the 1st Chapter of Genesis.Then Adam&Eve were created and placed in the Garden of Eden to have Domenion over the earth."God said ,"Let us make Man in our image and likeness and let them have Domenion over the earth................and over all the earth.So God created Man in His own image ;in the image of God He created him, Male & Female He created them.And God blessed them and God said unto them,be fruitful and mutiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea,and over the birds of the air,and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.""(GN.1:26-28) "For thus saith the Lord God who created the Heavens;He is God;who formed the Earth and made it ,He established it and He did not make it a CHAOS,He formed it to be inhabited."(Isa.45:18)Prophet Isaiah that God did not create the Earth as a CHAOS but to be inhabited.But Lucifer made God's creation into a CHAOS. But Lucifer came down and took over the Domenion of the earth ,by cheating Adam. The Kingdom Of God was taken away from Lucifer ;after the Earth beeing left out there without form and Void.(GN.1:2)Then God recreated the Earth or re-fomed the Earth in six days.(GN.1:3-31)God recreated everything on earth in six days.And Adam&Eve were also created and God placed them in the Garden of Eden.This is the restoration and reconstruction of the earth into the present stage and Adam and Eve were given the Dominion of the Earth. (Genesis.1:28) The study of the Kingdom Of God is a great study of the whole Bible ,from Genesis to the Revelation. (The Kingdom Of God Class will be continued in the next Class) Kingdom Of God is near .Let us get ready.to meet Jesus Christ. May God bless you all. Next Class

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Kingdom Of Satan. This is our third study on The Kingdom Of God.We know That the Heaven and the Earth is created and ruled by the God Almighty.Satan also wanted a Kingdom of his own. Jesus Christ said oneday that satan has a Kingdom as well as God Almighty has a Kingdom."Every Kingdom devided against himself is brought against desolation and every city or house devided against itself shall not stand."(Math.12:25)When Jesus healed a blind and dumb man who was possesed with deamons;Jesus healed him. When the Pharissees saw this they said that Jesus was casting out deamons with the help of Beelzebub,the prince of the devils.Then Jesus said that the Kingdom of Beelzebub is devided against itself it can not stand. Anyway ,let us see the real history of the Kingdom of Satan. Angelology. To begin with,Lucifer was the one of the Ark-Angels of God ,like Gabriel and Mickael who became the satan, later in history.Lucifer was first in Heaven before God.When God created the Heaven and the earth ,inthe begining,(GN.1:1)Lucifer was placed in the Garden of Eden .Ezekiel said that Lucifer was princely appointed as King over the earth."Thou art the Anoited Cherub that covereth and I have set thee so."(EZk.28:14) "How art thou fallen from Heaven;O Lucifer Son Of The Morning?For thou hast said in thine heart,I will ascend into Heaven,I will exalt my Throne above the Stars Of God.I will sit also upon the Mount Of The Congregation, in the sides of the North.I will ascend above the Heights Of the Clouds;And I will be like the Most High." (Isa.14:12-15)Because of the pride in heart ,Lucifer was removed from his place in the Garden of Eden and from the earth.;And he was placed somewhere up in the heavens,in one of the planets in the Space. Thus Lucifer became a sinner before the Lord and he was removed from the Garden Of Eden.;and Earth became Vaste and Void (GN.1:2)This is the study of the Angelology;which shows ,The Origin,Rebellion,Fall,and the final condition of Doom .After he was removed from the Garden of Eden,we can see the six days of creation . (GN.1:3-31)Adam and Eve were created and placed in the Garden of Eden.God told Adam that he can eat every fruite in the Gerden ,but he was told not to eat of the Tree of Good and Evil and the day he eat thereof he would die.Suddenly ,Lucifer came in there in the form of a Serpent and told Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree that God told them not to eat .Further more Satan told them that they would not die ,rather they would be like God .Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the Good and Evil and disobayed God.And they Transgressed and became sinners.In our last Class we saw that Adam because of his Transgression,lost his rulership over the earth.As soon as Adam lost the rulership of earth,satan who once was the ruler , took over the Rulership and the Kingdom of this world . Let us go to what Jesus Christ himself says about this Satanic Kingdom "Now War arose in Heaven ,Michael and his angels fighting against the Dragon:and the Dragon and his angels fought.But they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in Heaven.Now the great Dragon was thrown down ,that ancient Serpent,who is called the Devil and Satan,and the deceiver of the whole world ,he was thrown down to the earth,and his angels were thrown down with him .And I heard a loud voicein Heavensaying ,"Now the Salvation and the Power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, have come."(RV.12:7-10)Once he was one of the Arc-angels of God.Next he came to Adam as the Ancient Serpent.Jesus says he was called the Ancient Serpent,Dragon,Devil and Satan.Finally Jesus says he is the deceiver of the whole world..When people began to multiply on the earth ,he began to deceive them by by ruling them with evil laws and regulations like Idol Worship The First Recorded World Kingdom could be seen in the Book of Genesis Chapter 11.Nomrod was one of the three sons of Noah who came out of the Ark.He was the builder of the First World Empire,the Babel or Babelon.about which we could read in detail in the Book of Daniel..Nimrod and his children ,when they multiplied into a great city,started a rebellion against God.And they said one to another ,"Let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto Heaven and let us make us a name ,lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."(GN.11:4)God Almighty told them ,(when

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they came out of Noah's Ack,)"Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the whole earth."(GN.9:1)But God saw this political unity was against the Will Of God and came down and scattered them from there to the ends of the earth by giving them so many languages so that they could not know each other's talk and they had to stop building The Tower Of Babel .And they all scattered away into all parts of the earth.Children of Ham went South to Africa,and the children Shem went East to the Asian Countries;and the children of Japheth went North to European Countries.. Whereever they went,most of the people were controlled by the Old Serpent ,the Devil into Idol Worshippers. This is a common theme or a measurement ,that whosoever went after the Word of God and lived a holy life were the People of the Kingdom of God.And those who disobayed the Word of the Lord went after Idol worship and became the children of the Kingdom of Satan.It is a long story about the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan on the face of the earth from the days of Adam upto the End of this World.(We shall study about it in our future lessions.) Let us see what Jesus Christ said about it in Revelation chapter 11."And there were great voices in Heaven;the Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever."(RV.11:15) Next,we can see a General View of the Kingdom of Satan.,as Jesus has pictured this Kingdom of Satan,to its final stage of existance.In the middle of the Seven Year Tribulation Period,Heaven has ordered the Arc-Angel Michael ,to remove the Old Serpent the Dragon from Heaven above, down to the Earth.Michael and his angels and Lucifer and his angels had to under go a great war to get rid of Lucifer from the Heaven .As soon as the Devil came down on the earth he began a war with Jesus to take full controle of the Kingdom of this world .This is what we could see in the Great Tribulation Period. Even the Devil himself knew that he has a time to be punished and tormented to hid final days of doom.in Hell. He was told about it on the day he transgressed against the Lord..When Lucifer said ,"I will ascend above the Hights of the Clouds,and I will be like the Most Hogh.Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell ,to the sides of the Pit."(Isaiah.14:14-15)Lucifer was already told this on the spot ,when he transgressed against God.See what Jesus says about the Devil and his angels,"Depart from me,you cursed into the Everlasting Fire,prepared for the Devil and his angels."(Math.25:41) Oneday Jesus was in Gallilee Land of GADARENES.and Cast out a Deamon from a Man and then the Demon asked Jesus ,Not to send away to the Deep Hell.and He sent them Deamons into some Pigs.(Luke..8:26-33)The Devil always know ,that he will one day go to the Eternal Damnation and Doom in Hell.. Remember,on another ocation the Deamons asked Jesus not to torment them before it is time.When Jesus Christ came down to this earth to die on the Cross,even Satan knew it wasn't the time the Satan got to be tormented into the Lake Of Fier for ever and ever.That was why Deamons oneday asked Jesus not to torment them before it was time.So far we were thinking about the Origin,his rebellion against God,and his Fall of Lucifer.In our next Class , we will studyabout Lucifer'punishment and his Everlasting Doom. (Now we should understand that the Kingdom of Satan is always against the Kingdom of God.)When this war is over the Kingdom of Satan will have defeated and Jesus Christ will Take over the rulership of this world.(In our next Classwe will study about the Final sentence of the Devil .Then the Kingdom of God will be here on Earth as it is in Heaven.We will study this in our next Class. Kingdom Of God is at Hand.Let us get ready.May God Bless You All. Next Class.

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Kingdom Of Jesus. "And I ,John,saw the Holy City ,The New Jerusalem,coming down fromGod,out of Heaven,prepared for a Bride adorned for her Husband."(Rv.21:2) God Almighty has a plan and purpose to establish His Kingdom on the earth.He did pour out His love,The Amazing Grace ,The Holy Spirit and The redeeming Blood Of Jesus Christ.Again let me say,ever since the creation of the earth ,God has His plan to set up the Kingdom Of God on the earth,as it is in Heaven.God is GOOD and His mercy endureth for ever.Taste and see The Lord is GOOD. When the earth became Waste and Void,soon after the sinning of Lucifer,God Almighty had to re-create the earth ,to make the earth pure and worthy for His Son ,The King Of Kings,to set up His Kingdom here on the earth.The Re-creation of the earth as it is said in GENESIS..1:3,on down to the Creation of Adam and Eve,on down the line ,it took Him several thousands of years to Un-wrap from the Darkness and Chaos,,to clean up and sanctify the earth worthy enough for His Son to sit on His Throne in the New Jerusalem ,;Yes to set up the Throne of David in the City of Jerusalem . When we study the Bible ,we could see,there was no King in Israel,after the Babelonean Captivity and return Back to their Promised Land.And they will have no King untill Jesus Christ comes back as King Of Kings. See what Asaph said ,"Thou hast brought a Vine out of Egypt :Thou hast cast down the Heathenand planted it. Thou prparest room before it and did cause it to take deep root and it filled the land.The hills were covered with shadow of it and boughs thereof were like the goodly Seedars .She sent out her boughs unto the Sea and her branches to the river.Why hast thou broken down her hedges,so that all that which pass by the way to pluck her? The Boar out of the woods doth waste it ,and wild beasts of the field doth devour it.Return,we beseech thee ,O God of Hosts .look down from Heaven and behold and visit this Vine."(PS.80:8-14) Jesus Oneday said a Parable to explain this Prophecy of Asaph."There was a citrtain Householder which planted a Vineyard and hedged it round about and digged a winepress in it;and built a tower and let it out to a husband men and went into a far country.And when the time of the fruit drew near,He sent His sevants to the husbndmen that they might receive the fruit of it..And the hubandsmen took his servants and beat one and killed another and stoned another.Again He sent other servants more than the first and they did unto them likewise.But last of all He sent unto them His Son,saying they will reverence Him.But the Husbandmen saw the Son,they said among themselves,"This is the Heir ,Come let us kill Him,and let us seize on His inheritance.And they caught Him and cast Him out of the Vineyard and slew Him.When the Lord,therfore,of the Vineyard cometh , what will He do unto the husbandmen?And they say unto Him He will miserably destroy those wicked men.and let out His Vineyard unto other husbandmenwhich shall render Him the fruits in their seasons."(Math.21:33-41) And when the Chief Priests and Pharisees had heard His Parables,they perceived that He spake of them.But when they sought to lay hands on Him ,they feared the multitude ,because they took Him for a Prophet."(Math.21:45-46) Anyway,Jesus Christ told Israel Nation that they rejected and killed His Prophets .some of them Israel stoned to death so forth and so forth.Finally they even killed the Son of God.When Israel rejected Jesus,from accepting Him King of Israel ,when came down riding on a Donkey.If they accpted Him that day Jesus had to sit down on the Throne of David and be their King ,in the City of Jerusalem.Before they Killed him,He told them One thing;"Oh ,Jerusalem,Jerusalem,thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee ,How often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gatherded her chicken under her wings and ye would not.Bold your house is left unto you desolate.For I say unto you Ye shall not see me hence forth ,till you shall say "Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord".(Math.24:37-39) Israel Nation always had a hope that Massiah would re-establish their Kingdom.When Jesus was in Jerusalem , oneday,his desciples asked Him,"Lord,Wilt thou at this time ,restore again the Kingdom of Israel?(Acts.1:6) http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/KingdomOfJesus (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:23 AM


They were asking Him about the National and Political restoration of the Hebrew Monarchy. Here in Rev.21:2,Jesus is telling us about a Holy City coming down from Heaven.;prepared and adorned for the Bride of the Lamb Of God.The Inhabitants of the New Jerusalem will be Bride of the Lamb and her friends and the 144000 ;a 12 000 each from each 12 Tribes of Israel Nation.In other words they are the New Testament Chuch and the Israel Nation.are the two sets of people who will be with Jesus in the New Jerusalem. Jesus ,before his crucifixion,oneday said,"I go prepare a place for you and if I go prepare a place for you,I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am ,you may be also."(John.14:2-3) Jesus Christ was telling us about the New Jerusalem ,the City Of God Coning down from Heaven .Before we go to the New Jerusalem in Chapter 21 ,we see a One Thosand Year of Jesus as King of Israel in Throne of David In The Old Jerusalem City.This is what we call the Millennium.Millennium is a Lattin Word;Mille means One Thousand and Annum or Annus means One Year.So the word Millennium means One Thousand Years.The Millennium in the 20th chapter and the New Jerusalem in the 21st chapter are all in the same gloreious condotion and one after the next ,where Jesus Christ will be the King of Kings .During the Millennium Satan will be in the Hell under chains and after The Thousand years Satan will be loosed for a while.Soon Satan will be in Hell under Chains for ever and ever.What I am explaining is that there will be no Satan when Jesus rules in the City of Jerusalem.and it will be a gloreious time.See what Prophet Isaiah says about this gloreious Kingdom. "He(Jesus)shall not judge by what His eyes see,or decide by what His ears hear,but with righteousness He shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meekof the earth.And shall smite the earth with the Rod Of His Mouth;and with the bredth of His lips ,He shall slay the wicked .Righteousness shall be the Girdleof His waist; and Faithfulness is the Girdle Of His Loins.Wolf shall dwell with the lamband the leopard shall lie down with the kids and the calf and the lionand the fatling together and a little child shall lead them.The Cow and the Bear shall feed their young ;shall lie down together and the lion ;shall eat staw like the Ox.The suckling child shall play over the hole of an asp and weaned child shall put his hand on the Adler's den They shall not hurt or destroy in all My Holy Mountain..And the earth shall be full of the Knowledge Of The Lord,as the waters Cover the Sea."(Isa.11:3-9) This is a great picture of the Kingdom Of Jesus. "I heard a great voice from Heaven saying:-Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men.and He will dwel withthem and and they shall be His people and God shall be with them and be their God.And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyesand there shall be no more death neither sorrow ;nor crying ,neither shall there be any more pain,fore the former things are passed away.And He that sat upon the Throne said,Behold I make all things New ;And He said unto me Write :- For these words are TRUE AND FAITHFULL."(RV.21:3-5) Jesus Christ is coming back very very soon.Let us get ready to meet Him.May God richly bless you all.Amen. Next Class .

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Kingdom Of Lucifer Praise the Lord.Today we study about the Final Judgement Of Lucifer.Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel are the only two said about this Punushment of Lucifer.(Isaiah.14:12-15;Ezekiel.28:13-19) "How you are fallen from Heaven,O Day Star ,Son Of Dawn?How you are cut down to the ground,you who laid the Nations low?You said in your heart,I will ascend to the Heaven ,above the Stars Of God.I will set my thrown on High.I will sit on the Mount of Assembly in the Far North.I will ascend above the Hights Of The Clouds.I will make myself like The Most High.Yet thou shalt be brought down to HELL,to The Sides Of The Pit."(Isaiah.14:12-15) Praise the Lord.This is our Fourth Class on the Kingdom of God.In our last Class we studied about the Origin, Rebellion,and Fall Of Lucifer.Today we are going to study about the Final punishment ,Condemnation and the Everlasting Doom Of Lucifer.Lucifer is an Angel in the begining.And the Angels are eternal beeings and Can not be destroyed by death.On the day when Adam sinned he died .But Lucifer did no die,but was removed from the Kingship of the Earth and taken away from the earth to another Planet.While he was placed in the Space took over the rulership of the earth from Adam by force and cunning ways. Jesus Christ calls him by four different names,(1)Dragon(2)Old Serpent(3)Devil(4)Satan.These four names of tthe Devil explains ,four kinds of Charectors of the Satanic beeing.The name Dragon symbelized him as the prime manipulator of the world's godless political power.The name Old Serpent shows us, a picture of his trail or pathway from Adam and Eve down to our days.The name Devil shows him as the lier and the father of all lies. (John.8:44)Yes ,he is the Adversary or the Emblem of all evils. The Spirit Of The Lord through Isaiah said :"Yet thou shalt be brought down to the HELL to the Sides Of The Pit."Lucifer himself knew that he got a final Punishment and eternal Doom down in HELL. Just like God has Trinity ,Satan also acts with three personalities;Satan,Anti-christ and the False-Prophet."And the Devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake Of Fireand Brimstone ,where the Beast and the FalseProphetare ,and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."(RV.20:10) The Doom Of the Satanic Trinity.For more detailed study on the Trinity Of Satan,please click on this link:-Eviltrinity "And I saw the Beast and the Kings of the earth and their Armies gathered together ,to make War against Him that sat on the White- horse and against His Army."(RV.19:19) He that is on the White-Horse ,is Jesus Christ.And the Army that accompany the King is the Spiritual Saints or the NT.Church ,the Church of the First -Borne ,the Bride Of The Lamb.(RV.19:7-8) Anti-Christ and the False-Prophets are to be cast alive, into the Lake Of Fire, that burning with Brim-stone. (RV.19:20,Isaiah.30:33)It is what Jesus said that ,"The Everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his angels."(Math.25:41)The Gehenna or Hell that which is prepared for the eternal damnation of the Wicked Dead ,would be the place where Devil and the False-Prophet and the Anti-christ would be going in for ever and ever. Binding of Lucifer for a Thousand Years."And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven,having the Key of the bottomles Pit and a great chain in His hand..And laid hold of the Dragon ,that Old Serpent which is the Devil and Satan and bound him a Thousand Years."(RV.20:1-2). People always ask ,"Why God doesn't destroy devil ,instead of throwing him in the Lake Of Fire for a while and bring him back out of there after the Millennium.?"It is a good quistion to be asked out of anger against the Devil.On the side of God ,there are so many answers to this quistion.God's Attributes are ,Love ,Mercy,Longsuffering,Justice ,Truth,Righteousness and so many others like this.If a man was ruling the Kingdom Of God on earth ,he would destroy the Devil for ever.But Jesus Christ beeing the King Of Kings ,He can not destroy Satan; because He has to do His Justice with Grace and Mercy.Further more Lucifer beeing an Angel Just like any

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other Angels of God in Heaven,he is an eternal beeing and he can't be destroyed. Lucifer got loosed from Hell ."And when the 1000 years are expired ,Satan shall be loosed out of his prison."(RV.20:7) After the Thousand Years, Jesus let the Devil loose on the earth.for a little season.This is when the War Of Armegedon take place.( I shall explain the War of Armagedon later in another study)At the end of Armagedon ,Fire came down from God out of Heaven and devoured them.all but the Devil who deceived them to go to war with Jesus.The Devil who deceived the World Nations for this war will be cast into the Lake Of Fire alive ,in chans.(Rv.20:8-10) When Lucifer said ,"I will ascend myself above the Throne of God ,And I will put my Throne above the Throne of God",he must have his final Judgement accordingly.This is -The Eternal Doom Of Lucifer. The White -Throne Judgement.If you read Rv.20:11-13,you can see the actions that will take place at the White Throne Judgement.All the Unsaved people who lived on the earth from the days of Adam down to this Day of the White Throne Judgement,will be all come down to the White Throne,and get their Judgement .Those who do not have their names in the Book Of Life ,will be cast into the Lake Of Fire . The End Of Death and Hades."The Death and the Hell (Hades)are also cast into the Lake Of Fire.After this day there will be no more death on the earth,because The Last Enemy(1 Cori.15:26) of man the death will be cast into the Lake Of Fire.To begin with,there are two seperate places in Hell as it is said by Jesus Christ in the Gospels.;which are (1)Abraham's Bosom is where the Old Testament Saints are. And (2)Hades . (Hades is Greek Word for Hell) Jesus oneday said a story about the Hades.,which is called ,"The Rich Man and Lazarus.This is a real story not a Parable.In the story ,The Rich Man and Lazarus died and the Rich Man went down to the Hades and Lazarus went into Abraham's Bosom.Rich Man in there suffered and tormented and loked up and saw Lazarus in the Bosom of Abraham.Rich Man Called out ,Abraham Father ,have mercy on me and send Lazarus down here that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue;I am tormented in this flame .Then Abraham said ;Between us and you ,there is a great Gulf fixed ."Here we can see the Two seperate places in there.For detailed story ,please read Luke 16:19-31.Also read Eph.4:9-10.;where Jesus went down the hell and took all Old Testament Saints to Heavenly places; when Jesus died , Ressurrected and Ascended to the Heavenly places. Now ,only the Un-saved People are left out in the Hades. Hades is the Place where ;"They that have done evil are kept for the Ressurrection Of Damnation,"(John.5:29) for and untill The Day Of The White Throne Judgement.After the White Throne Judgement ,Hades is no more needed;and is Cast into the Lake of Fire "And The Lord God shall give unto Him The Throne Of His Father David.And He shall reign over the House Of Jacob for ever.;and His Kingdom ,there shall be no end."(Luke.1:32-33) When The Kingdom Of God comes here on the earth, The Will Of God will be also here On The Earth. For Ever And Ever..Amen.Let us get ready for The Kingdom Of God.. Next Class

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Kingdoms of Gentiles. "The Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever."(RV.11:15) At the end of our last Class ,I stated that the Kingdom on the earth got two main branches,first ,The Kingdoms of this World Nations and secondly The Kingdom of Israel with all her friends and allies.This time we are going to study about The Kingdoms of the World Nations .First of all ,let me say that The Lord wants ;or it is the plan of God that the Kingdoms of this World ,I mean all Nations of the world ,to go in one accord under one soverign rule under Devine leadership ,but under the Human Hands.But the Lucifer came in between Man and God ,and began to take over the controle on the Kingdoms of this earth .Remember what The Lord told Noah (when he came out of the Ark)"Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the earth".Instead ,Lucifer made the Children of Noah to build a Tower that reaches the Heavens and to stay in one place, instead of populating the the whole earth.Nimrod ,the leader of then world ,began a rebellion against God ,as was compelled by Lucifer.And God Scattered them all over the world ,by confusing their language .And They were scattered and populated all over the earth.The three main races originated out of these three sons of Noah.Ham went South to Africa and his children became Negro Race.Shem migrated to Asia and his children became The Mangaloed Race.And Japheth went North and his children are The Cocasian Race in Europe. "Thus saith The Lord Of Hosts,The God Of Israel,I have made the Earth ,The Man and the beasts that are upon the ground ;by my Great Power and out of the Stretched Arm and given it to whom it seemed meet unto me."(Jer.27:4) Now let us go to the Book Of Daniel to see a typical study of a Kingdom to see how God handles the Kingdoms of the world.This is a typical lession that God Almighty shows it through the Book Of Daniel. When the Children Of Israel dis-obayed the Lord,they were given away to the Gentile Nations of the world to punish them. First,the Northern Kingdom(The 10 Tribes) ,when they worshiped Idols,God gave them away to Asserians.Then The Southern Kingdom(The 2 Tribes )were sent out to Babelon. Babeloneans invaded Asseria and took over the land of Asseria,and the Ten Tribed Northen Israelites were all scattered all over the world ,they did not return to their home-land.The Two Tribed Southern Kingdom when they were exiled in Babelon,Nebuchadenezzar the King of Babelon mis -treated them.Finally Nebuchdenezzar made an Idol of himself and placed it in the plane of Dura,and made all his people to bow down and worship his image.When he made himself as god for people to worship him,God Almighty was angry .Oneday King nebuchadenezzar said in his palace,"Is it not the Great Babelon that I have built for the house of the King ,by my might of my power for the honour of my majesty?"(DN.4:30)While this word was in the King's mouth,there fell a voice from Heaven,"OH,King Nebuchadenazzar ,to thee it is spoken.Thy Kingdom is departed from you.."The King was removed from his throne and he was sent out into the forest like a beast.He ate grass like an Oxen.Seven years he lived in the woods like a beast.And when he repented his sins ,before the Lord God Almighty,he was replaced back in his throne.And his Excellent Majesty was added back to him. "To the intent that the living may know that The Most High ruleth in the Kingdoms of Man and giveth it to whomsoever He Will and setteth up over it The Beset Of Man ."(Dan.4:17) "The Kingdom Of God is Everlasting;It is not Meat Or Drink but Righteousness,Peace,and Joy . "(Rom.14:17) Paul said. A King who rules a Kingdom on this earth,has to consider Righteousness ,Peace and Joy of his people of his Kingdom.;over and above the Food And Water for them. One who does not bring the Righteousness ,Peace and Joy ,to the world ,will be removed and replaced by someone else who is worthy to rule the Kingdom.One who rules ,if he doesnot go by the will of God ,will be removed. "And He changes the Times,and the seasons.He removeth Kings and setteth up Kings."(Dan.2:21) "The Most High ruleth in the Kingdom Of Men and giveth it to whomsoever He Will."(Dan.4:25) Whoever is on the Throne ,ruling the people ,should be doing his ministry ,according to the Will Of God ;or he http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/KingdomOfGentiles (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:27 AM


will be removed from his office ,and Re-placed by.some one who is more worthy for the post and will be anointed and ordained on the Throne.For example,when Soul dis-obayed God and sinned ,he was removed from the Throne and David was anointed for that post. The Righteousness and Justice for his People .One can kill someone and gets away with little or no punoshment by getting a Cirtificate from a Psycologist stating that such and such is Mentally sick.But a real Justice such as Jesus Christ ,doesnot get any one go without due and just sentence for any crime and sin .Jesus sees and knows everything we do and say .Jesus is not asking for any Eye-witness ,because He sees and knows everything . When the Wages Of Sin is Death ,nobody can get by without a propper punishment for every wrong things we do and say..Sooner or later every sinner will be punished by The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords. The Peace and Joy of the World is also in the hands of a King who rules the earth.And he has to suply Food And Water as well for his subjects . Jesus Christ is the only one King who can supply all our needs .When Jesus Christ becomes our king of Kings in Jerusalem ,we will not go hungry or thirsty and He will be our Righteousness,Peace and Joy. When God re-instituted and re-newed a new 'Charter of Dominion' -(with man)-(by Man) and -(for Man ), that is a soverign rule through human hands ;who is responsible to God.This is called an Institution Of Human Goverment.Here the whole power is ordained and anointed by the Devine power of God.If such rulers misuse or abuse the power that is instituted upon them,they will be accountable before God .When this earth is populated every where by a large group of people,they need their Righteousness ,Justice ,Peace and Joy .More over they need( Food,Water and Air )for their Physical Needs.These are the Providence Of God for man to enjoy .It is the Will Of God that His People all over the the whole earth to enjoy these Providences Of God .If some body who rules them can not provide them,God will remove them from his office and replace him with some one else who is able to rule the land better.God would stop Rain when people rebell against Him.And He once even sent Rain from above and from under the earth ;to get a Flood over the whole earth , and He wants people obay the Word of God and worship Him and Him alone .Let us Obay the Lord and worship Him . (In our next Class we will continue the same subject,The Kingdom Of The Gentiles to the end when Jesus ENDS all Gentile Kingdoms and He will sit on the Throne Of David as King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords in Jerusalem; for ever and ever . "The Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever.". Untill Jesus Christ comes back as The King Of Kings on The Throne Of David,We will not get The Righteousness,Peace and Joy.Let us pray,"Our Father which art in Heaven,Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven.Give us this day our Daily Bread ........Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever .Amen." Jesus is coming back Very Very soon.Let us get ready .May God Richly Bless You.Amen. Next Class

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"And whsoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire".(Rev.20:15) Jesus teaches more about Hell than Heaven."And I say unto you ,that whosoever is angry with his his brotherwithout a cause shall be in danger of Judgements;and whosoever shall say unto his brother 'Raca'(idiot) shall be in danger of beeing brought before Court;but whosoever shall say "Thou fool "shall be in danger of the Hell Fire.".(Math.5:22) Heaven&Hell are real Places just the Earth is a real place. God&Satan,Good&Bad,Love&Hate,Day&Night, Heaven&Hell,Light&Darkness and all such,there are two entities that no one can deny. I am going to give you a testimony of a man in the U.S.A.;who died and went to Hell and came back alive after a few minutes.This is a real story ,published all over USA, through Television and News Papers. "Don't go to Hell ".Cried Dick Spiller."I have seen and felt the flames " Spiller said to his family,as he was laid on a Hospital strecher ."Hell is a reality .I know ,because I was there .I have been given a second chance.But most people who go there will no get this chance to come back.. On August 26,1988,Spiller ,a Civil Engineer in Zirich,Switzerland ,laid lifeless on a Hospital Strecher ,victim of a severe automobile crash.For nearly 20 minutes ,doctors struggled to revive his life with no success.The doctor,heart specialist Robert Suter,confirmed that Spiller had been clinically dead for at least 18 minutes on the operating table.But even more startling than his miraculous recovery ,was Spiller's shocking description of an after-life experience in which he claimed ,he saw the Fires of Hell. "When my heart first stoped ,I felt a sence of relief,but it didn't last long,said Spiller,:The ground beneath me began to quake and crack,and black smoke bellowed up.It is hard to put into words,but there seemed to be evil and fear all arround me .I wanted to run away but there was no where to go.Then a terrible evil face began to form in the smoke .I could hear laughter and screams of women and men beneath me.When the face was fully formed,two fiery eyes open wide and glared.I knew that I came face to face with the Devil himself..The next thing I knew I was enveloped in smoke .The ground opened wider and I fell into a crack..Going deeper and deeeper into the earth;Ifelt like I was beeing watched .I screemed for help untill terror overcome me .Suddenly,I came into a great room of fire.There was marks of agony in the flames.I knew instictively that these were the faces of the damned .I was sobbing in pain and fear,when a sweet voice wispered :"Go back and always remember this." Next moment I opened my eyes and saw the doctor who had restarted my heart." "I saw and felt the flames of Hell" said Spiller."For some reason I was given a second chance. Spiller's true testimony ,which was reported in a major U.S.News Papers. It is remarkably accurate to the Bible's description of Hell.It may surprise many people to learn that in the New Testament ,Jesus actually teachs more about Hell than Heaven. Who will go to Hell ?Instictively we may think of the sinister kind of people ....murderers,drug pushers, child molesters,etc.However,the Bible says any one found not written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire".(Rev.20:15)This tells us that Hell will not only contain such evil people,but all those whose names are not found written in the Book of Life. Jesus says ,"If your eye-even as it is your best eye-causes you to lust,gouge it out and through it away. Better for part of you to be destroyed than all of you to be cast into Hell.But your hand-even your right hand causes you to sin,,cut it off and through it away;better than find yourselves in Hell".(Math.5:29-30) The Law of Moses says,"If anyone wants to rid of his wife ,he can devorse her ,merely by giving her a letter of dismissal .But I say ,that a man who devorses his wife ,except for fornication,causes her to commit adultery if she marries again.And he who marries her also commits adultery".(Math.5:31-32) When a man and a woman marries each other ,they are husband and wife ,they are bound together for life. None of them can get marry again untill one of them dies;or the death only does them apart.In the Words of Jesus we see it ( in Math .5:31-32);we see if any one gets marry while the other life partner lives,he or she commits adultery. Jesus again says in Revelation.22:15;"Outside the City are those who strayed away from God,and the

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Sorcerers,and the Immoral Persons,,Fornicators,and Murderers,and Idolators,and every one who loves and practices falsehood"." Here we see the 'Immoral persons '(in Malayalam Bible it is 'Adulteres').That means these immoral people who get marry ,while their devorsed life-partner still lives,are doing adultery ,before the Lord.In Rev.22:15,Jesus says such are out of the Kingdom of God in Heaven.For such are loosing their Salvation by going after another one while fore-ordained one still lives.Christains who go after other gods to worship,-Idol worshipers-while Lord Jesus is the Redeemer ,will not be the Bride of the Lamb of God.Because they went after other gods to worship them,while their Lord Jesus is alive.Same is a men or a women ; goes after another while , life-partner is alive.Such will not inherit the Kingdom of God.(Rev.22:15)Here in Rev.22:15 we can see 7 kinds of people ;(1) those who strayed away from God,(2)the Sorcerers,(3)Immoral People,(4)The Fornicators,(5)Murders,(6)Idilators, (7)Those who loves and practices Falsehood. Jesus says all these kind of people will not inherit the Kingdom of God . Without Holiness no one can see God;Bible says.Let us get ourseves pure and Holy to get to Heaven.Jesus is coming back soon and very soon.May God bless you all. Next we will go to the 21-st chapter.

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"Behold I come quickly ;Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the Prophecy of this Book".(Rev.22:7) The Revelation of Jesus ends with this much,and bigins with vorse 7,is the Concluding Messages of the Book and vorses 7-21 are the conclusion Messages.That is why Jesus has to say about His Second Coming at this point.And He is warnig us His Second Coming is very quick and He wants us to keep all His commandments and get ready for His return.In the New Testament,His Second Coming is said 318 times again and again. Second Coming of Jesus has two fold missions.First fo the Church and secondly for Israel Nation. It is our 'Blessed Hope' that Jesus comes in the clouds in the sky as a thief in the Night for the Church. Second Coming Of Jesus Is Anounced.(1)By Himself.John.14:1-3.(2)By Angels.Acts.1:11.(3)By His Apostles.Acts.3:19-21. Jesus does not come un-anounced.It is told all through the Ages. Paul tells us , "For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout,with the voice of the ArchAngel and with the Trump of God,and the Dead in Christ shall rise first,then we which are alive and remain , shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.Comfort one another with these words."(1 Tess.4:16-18)Again Paul tells us,"Behold I show you another mystery,we shall not all sleep,but we shall be changed in a moment,in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump, for the Trumpet shall sound,and the dead shall be raised incorreptable (the Dead in Christ),must put on incorreption and this mortal (the living in Christ)must put on immortality."(1 Cor.15:15-33) And then Jesus and His Church will come down to this earth in Glory;along with the accompanyment of His Holy Angels.(Math.24:30) The Ministry of Jesus has three fold Offices;which are:- Prophet,Priest and King.Jesus himself explains it by asking John to write this ,"I am Alpha,and Omega,the begining and the ending,said the Lord,"Which was ,"(Prophet) and "Which is" (Priest),and "Which is to come (King),the Almighty.(Rev.1:8) Prophet :-Moses says,"Lord thy God will rise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee,of thy brothren, like unto me,unto Him ye shall harken."(Deut.18:15)All the great and small prophets of Israel foretold about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.As a Prophet, Jesus himself said about His- Rejection,Death,Ressurrection,Assension, and His Second Coming,back to this earth. The Book of Revelation itself is His Final Prophecy.Jesus foretold that He would build His Church.and also said that He would send another Comforter for His Church untill his return. Priesthood of Jesus:-The first Prophecy about His coming down to this earth itself is that He is coming as a Priest.Gen.3:15 says that He will come as the Son of a Woman (The Lamb of God )to Wash our sins . When we talk about Jesus' Second Coming,He tells us that He has come down here first for the sins of the world.as a Sacrificial Lamb.Begins with Adam&Eve, all people were looking forward to the Coming of Messaiah .All the Old Testament Prophets fore-told us about His Coming down .Begins with ,Gen.3:15 ,we can see all Prophets fore-told it. To be born in Bethlehem..............(Micah.5:2.........................Luke.2:4-7.) Fld to Egypt................................(Hosea.11:1.......................MT.2:1-11) Sold for 30 piecees of Silver...........(Zech.11:12......................Math.26:15.) Betrayed by a friend.......................(PS.41:9...........................John.13:18.) Forsaken by His Desciples..............(Zech.13:7........................Math.26:31) Accused by false witnesses............(PS.35:11.........................Mark.14:56) Silent before His accusers..............(Isa.53:7..........................Math.27:12) Scourged.....................................(Isa.50:6....................... ..Math.27:26,30) Peerced His hands and feet............(PS.22:16.........................John.19:17-18,20) Parted from His garments..... ........(PS.22:18.........................Math.27:35) http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Secondcoming (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:30 AM


Given Gall &Viniger......................(PS.69:21.........................John.19:29-30) No bone broken ..........................(PS.34:20.........................John.19:31-37) Crucified with malfactors..............(Isa.53:12.........................Math.27:38) Burried in a rich man's Tomb..........(Isa.53:9..........................Math.27:57-60) Assended to the right hand of God...(PS.68:18........................Eph.4:8-10) These are Old Testament 'humiliation and suffering' and the New Testament record of their fulfilment.What ever was foretold about Jesus was all fulfiled in ful and the prophecies about His glory as King of Israel over the earth is to be fulfiled at His Second Coming.And when Jesus comes, He will be the King of Kings on the New Earth ,for ever&ever.But OT Prophets did not forsee the Glory of Jesus Christ, in between the Cross&the Crown."Searching What or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them signify ,when it testified beforehand ,the sufferings of Christ,and the Glory that should follow;unto whom it was revealed ,that not unto themselves but unto us they minister the things."(1 Peter.1:10-11)But we see the Glory of God in between the Coss and the Crown.Let us enjoy this Glory of the Lord which He has prepared for us . Jesus is a Priest after the order of Malchezedek,as it is said in,PS.110:4;"The Lord hath sworn and will not repent,thou art a Priest for ever ,after the order of Mulchezedek".(GN.14:18;Hebr.7:23-25)Aaronic Priesthood was discontinued because of the Death of the priests and Jesus took over Mulchezedekian Priesthood which is for ever & ever.And thus Jesus can do intercession for us for ever&ever . The Kingship Of Jesus Christ:- Jesus is the King of the world and to this means He is borne into this world. God Almighty sends His Angel Gabriel and tells Mary the Mother of Jesus;"Fear not Mary,.....Behold thou shall conceive in thy womb and bring forth a Son and shall call His name ,JESUS;and the Lord God shall give unto Him the Throne of His Father David."(Luk.1:30-32) The Second Coming of Jesus is one of the important Messages that Jesus himself has to say.Even when Jesus was on the earth,He revealed this Second Coming ,crystal clear and a conclusive passage ,"I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also."(John.14:3) "There shall be two in a bed....Two shall be grinding in a Mill.....Two shall be in a field .... One shall be taken and the other left."(Luk.17:34-36) Remember the Parable Jesus says about the 10 Vergins.(Math.25:1-13)The 10 Vergins were looking forward to meet Jesus but when Jesus came 5 of them were accepted and the other 5 were left out and the"DOOR IS CLOSED".Finelly Jesus says:-"Watch therefore,for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh." Reason for His Coming.(1)To Reward Saints.Math.16:27 (2)To execute Judgement.Jude.14-15. (3)To be the King of Israel.Rev.20:4. And finaly Jesus is coming to bless the Earth and everything in it and to Bless the World. Warning;-(1)To the Wicked Rev.1:7 (2)To non-confessors:-Mrk.8:33-38(3)Tothe Dis-obedient:-2 Thess.1:7-8. Manner of His Coming.(1)In Clouds:MT.24:30(2)As a Lightning.MT24:27(3)In flaming :Fire2 Thess.1:7-8. (4)With Holy Angels.MT.25:31.(5)Un-Expectedly.MT.24:44.(6)with a shout.1 Thess.4:16.(7)As a thief in the night.2 Pet.3:10.(8)In Glory:MT.25:31.(9)Suddenly:Mrk.13:35-36. "Blessed and Holy is he that hath part in the first ressurrection,on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with Him a thousand years."(Rev.20:5-6) And He says it again in all four Gospels and His Apostles also very clearly say that Jesus Christ will Come back.At the very end of this Concluding Messages Jesus says,"Shurely I come quickly.Amen. Let us answer Jesus by saying,"Even so come Lord Jesus."(Rev.22:20) "The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ Be With You All."

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Kingdom Of Gentiles2. This Class is a continuation of the last class ->: Kingdom Of Gentiles. The Gentile Nations ,when they were scattered all over the earth ,from the Tower of Babel,they grew into a large population under each family .Each family head began to controled ruled the area .Then the bigger family invaded smaller ones took them under controle and became a big kingdom. First of all ,let us think about Egypt.We know Ham's family went South to Africa and became the Negro Race .Egypt is the leading state and they invented the first language system to read and write;.Joseph the son of Jacob was taken to Egypt,and Jacob and his whole family came into Egypt,as a result ..Soon the Children of Israel(Jacob's children)became a huge Nation in Egypt .And under Moses Lord Almighty set them free from Egytian Bondage.It was the Will Of God , for Jacob and his family go into Egypt.First of all Moses was brought up in the Palace of the King of Egypt .A Queen of Egypt found Moses from the Nile River..A child of Queen of Egypt ,he received high education to read and write and all egyptian Art and high qualities of education .In those days no other country in the world has this kind of educational system with alphabets .Some other country had language system with signs as alphabets but no Alhabetical system like Egypt had.God was getting Moses ready for writting the first Five Books of the Bible.In those days no other country in the world had this kind of Know how to read and write. Egypt was the first country in the world who invented the first alphabetical system to read and write.And The Children Of Israel got this high educational system from Egypt,through Moses ,as he was in the Palace of the King Of Egypt.God selected the Chidren Of Israel as a Holy Nation to keep the Word Of God written down.for the world.And God wanted Israel Nation to be kept Holy to bring His Son Jesus Christ be born in there.Finally , God wanted the Worship of One God Theory to be witnessed in the Gentile Nations of the world. God selected Egypt where Israel Nation in Exile and punished and bring them back out into their promised Land.Egypt is the first of the seven world Nations under which,Israel Nation went in Exile. "This call is for a mind with wisdom.The seven heads are seven mountainson which the Woman is seated. They are also seven Kings,five of them have fallen,One is,the other has not yet come.;and when he comes he must remain a little while.As for the Beast that was and that is not ,and even he is ,the eighth,but it belongs to the seven and it goes to perdition.And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings ,who have not received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour,together with the Beast.They will make war on the Lemb and the Lamb will conquer them ,for He is the Lord of Lords and King Of Kings ;and those with Him are called - chosen and Faithfull."(RV.17:9-15) The Seven heads of the Beast are seven Mountains upon which the City Of Rome is beeing built.(RV.17:9)The seven Mountains upon which The New Rome or The Vatican is built ,are:(1)CAPITOLINE(2)PALATINE(3)AVENTINE(4)COELINUM(5)ESQUILINUM(6)VIMINALINUM and(7) QUIRAVALEM. And they are also Seven Kings (RV.17:10)These are Seven World Empires that is given below.Prophet Daniel once had a dream ( A great Revelation) about these Kingdoms .Daniel did not get any revelation about Egyptian or Asserean Empires;but Daniel saw;only the kingdom where Daniel was taken as Bond Slave.. (two dreams about the other four Empires starting with Babelon.)In chapter Two and chapter Seven of the Book of Daniel; said all about it in detail.Daniel says the Roman Empire will part into two kingdoms as the two legs of the Idol he saw ,and the two legs then will have ten Toes,which will be the future Ten Europen Kingdoms ,out of which The Eighth Kingdom will take place and from there The Anti-Christ will appear .Paul had a revelation about the end of this once."As for the work of this man ,rebellion and Hell will do when he comes,it is already going on , But he will not come untill the One who is holding him back,steps out of the way;Then this wicked one will appear ,whom the Lord Jesus will burn up with the Breath of His mouth ,and destroy by His presence,when He returns.This man of sin will come as satan's tool,full of satanic power ,and will trick every one with strange demonstrations and will do great mirracles." .(2 Thess.2:6-11) The Ten Horns(RV.17:12;Dan.7:7) are seven European Kingdoms Now without further say ,you all can picture ,who this Beast and the Woman (that rides on top of the Beast )are. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/KingdomOfGentiles2 (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:31 AM


.Jesus calls this Woman 'A Great Whore'.And "A MYSTERY , BABELON THE GREAT,THE MOTHER OF ALL HARLOTS,AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."(RV.17:5) .Jesus says the Beast was in the Past,and it is not here today,and it shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit ,in the future and it will go into Perdition.It is a very interesting allegorical study.First ,let us see who this Beast is and who the Woman is in the 17th chapter of Revelation.. (For a detailed study of this ,please click on this Link-->Chapter17,which will give you a study on Chapter .17. Here we are going to think about 7 World Empires that dominated Israel Nation .These Seven Empires took Israel under their controle;(In Bondage) to mistreat them.( it was done by the domination of satan,)God Almighty allowed them to be mistreated because Israel neglected God and worshiped other gods.In other words they started worshiping Creations over against the Creator.Remember,it was their first of the Ten Commandments."Thou shalt have no other gods before me."Whenever Israel rejected God and went after Idol Worship,,they were sent out or given away to other world powers as exile,to punish Israel . These are the Seven World Empires ,where Israel was sent away as exiles. (1)Egyptian Empire-BC-1600-1200 BC. (2)Asserian Empire-BC.900-607 BC. (3)Babelonian Epire-BC.606-536 BC. (4)Med-Persian Empire.BC 536-330 BC. (5)Greek Empire-BC 331-146 BC. (6) Roman Empire -BC 146-AD 476. (7) New Rome with Vatican.as its capital;which is called 'The Popal Kingdom Of Rome.'is the seventh World Empire.Vatican took over the world controle as soon as the Roman Empire was destroyed. And in AD 500 ,then Bishop of Vatican declared himself as the First Pope of the Roman Catholc World(The word Pope means Papa or Father .) the Harlot Woman is the Apostate Christendom .. (Each of these Seven Empires was in power as supreme power to dominate the whole world untill the next Empire came and took over the domination (Empireship)and every kingdom is left as a small state under the domination of the next Empire.That means ,we can see all these 7 Countries in existance today,as small country in the world ; but none of them is dominating any other country;each country in the world today is independent and self ruled .In other words ,there is no empire in the world today.) Today Israel is attacked by all neighboring countries ;mainly by Palasteneans ,who are a set of Arob Nation , who wants an independent country in the middle of Israel 'S Promised Land. The animal we see is the Anti-christ and the Woman that rides on the animal is the bride of the Anti-christ.Just like Jesus has a Bride with Him when He comes down to fight the War Of Armegedon against the Anti-christ , (The Anti-christ too will have a bride .) Here is a quistion ,who is the bride of Anti-christ?The answer is :-Whoever is not included in as The Bride of the Lamb Of God; Whoever is not raptured away at The Trumpet of the Lord sounds ;will be the Bride of the Antichrist.Those who were left out and went after the Anti-christ,by taking the Number 666,will be the Bride of the Anti-christ. "Blessed are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb". Our next class will be on The Kingdom Of Israel.And after we study about The Kingdom Of Israel ;we will come back to The War Of Armagedon;which will be a war that will end all wars of this world.This war will be mainly between Jesus Christ and Anti-Christ .Then Israel Nation and all their allies will be with Jesus and all the Gentile Nations will be with Anti -Christ.Then ,after the War Of Armagedon ,Jesus will bring the Kingdom Of God on the Earth .And this will be the glorious and everlasting Kingdom Of God ;where The Will Of God will be done here on the Earth as it is in Heaven for ever and ever. Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back very very soon .Let us get ready.Amen.May God Richly bless you all.. Next Class.

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The Nativity Of Jesus Christ . "I,Jesus ,have sent my Angel to you with his Testimony for the Church;I am the Root and the Offspring of David,The Bright and The Morning Star."(Rev.22:16.) To day,during the Christmas season in December,we are going to study about the Nativity of Jesus Christ;from the last chapter of the Book of Revelation.John says that Jesus is the Root and Offspring of David.Jesus had to come down into the earth as a man ,borne in the Family of David ,to become the King of Israel ,for a Thousand Years.Without a birth into the Family of David,Jesus could not be the Son of David to go to the Throne of David.(2 Thimo.2:8) The Nativity of Jesus is misscalculated in two ways;first the year of Nativity -is misscalculates.And secondly -the dateof the Nativity is also miss-calculated . So many historians misscalculated the date of the Nativity back to 4.BC.And the exact date is BC.1.which all the hisorians agreed upon during the 20-th centuary. Our current System of numbering Years ,(for example A.D.2004)was developed in the sixth centuary by a Monk named : DIONYSIUS EXIGUUS.He http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (1 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM


calculated the birth of Christ . He computed the New Year , begining January of the year following Christ's birth as recorded by Luke,as the Year A.D.1,of the New Calender"The Year Of GodChrist"(ANNO=Year.and DOMINI=GOD-CHRIST)A miss-caculation occured by a Jewish historian,FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS,,and he stated that the birth of Jesus occured in 4.BC.,because he thoght that Herod the King of Israel died at 4.BC.His reason for assaigning ,for the death of Herod was that the Jewish Historian ,JOSEPHUS recorded that there was an ECLIPSE of the Moon .And Astronomers recored that there was an Eclipse in Jerusalem on March 13-th 4. BC.And therefore Scollars came to a conclution that Herod died and Jesus was born in 4.BC.But there was more Lunar Eclipses in Israel ,in March 23rd,5.BC; September 15th, 5.BC;March12th,4.BC;and one in January 1st,1.BC.(Bible Encyclopedia and Scriptural Dictionary, page 423,by Samuel Fallows.) In the light of these facts,your auther belives the birth of Jesus was as late as 1.BC;at ,which was one of the important feasts of Jewish people ,on which all http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (2 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM


Jewish males were required to go to the Temple in Jerusalem to worship .This was the cause,a huge pilgrimage in Jerusalem and the places all arround the city. And there was in Bethlehem on the night of Jesus's Nativity.And this year the Census also was the reason that contributed the overcrowding in Bethlehem in 1BC. Secondly,the traditional date set for Christmas , is certainly an error.Only in AD.320 . Before 320 AD.,the early Christians did not celebrate Christmas at all ,at least there is no record of such ,during the first and second century AD.The Christmas celebration started with Constentine in 320 AD.the Third Centuary Church adopted December-25th as Christmas day,,(the official declaration and celeberation was by Constantine,the first Roman Emperor who converted to Christianity in AD.320.His reason to pick this date was to place the Pagan festival (SATURNALIA,the festival to the SUN) into Christianity. But LUKE says ,"Sheherds abiding in the field ,keeping watch over the flock at night."(LUKE.2:8),indicates that it could not have been in late December,,because the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (3 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM


cold weather in that Dec25th was no good for Sheeps to be out in the field at night. Berore 320 AD.;the first centuary Jewish Christians believed that the Birth of Jesus was on the Feast of the Tabernacle day.Jewish Bible indicates that the Feast of the Tabenacle occurs in our Septembe r -October Months. <So another subject we should consider is the Feast of the Tabernacle is every year on 15-th day of 7-th Month.> The Bible gives us a hint also that Jesus's Nativity was on the 15-th day of TISHRI.The Fest of the Tabernacle was on the 15-th day of the 7-th month of every year. I am going to bring two,three passages from New Testament to show what is said about the birth of Jesus in the Bible. In John .1:14;it says:-"The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us."In the first English Translation Bible it can be read as:-"The Word was made flesh and TABERNACLED among us".And all Jewish Christian History Books records that the Nativity of Jesus was on the Feast of the Tabernacle. Some Bible Scholars discovered that the Nativity of Jesus occured in or near B. C.1.rather than the old calculation of B.C.4.This was http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (4 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM


after they studied the historical statements of the Great Histirian who was also known as the gospel writter .Luke's Chronological statement is this:"Now in the year of the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar ;Pontius Pillate beeing Governer of Judaea and Herod tartrarch of Galilee and his brother Philip tetrarch of IIturaea..............the Word Of God came to John the son of Sacharias in the Wilderness.........And He (John the Babptist)came into all the Country about Jordan preaching the Babptism Of Repentance ,for the Remission Of Sins. (Luke.3:13) When Caesar Agustus promoted him, (who was then a great General in Germany) and Tiberius''s Coronation to the throne of Rome was on Agust 19th A. D.14 ;after the death of Caesar Agustus..Then the 15th year of his reign was 29. A.D.<14+15=29> Now Jesus went down to Jordan for his baptism ,when he was about 30 years of age,(Luke 3;23;) which was A.D.29..Our conclution ,therefore, is that http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (5 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM


Jesus's public teaching commenced in the fall of A. D.29. There is another confirmation theory to be seen in John's Gospel;John says a very interesting calculation on this .Apostle John records that Jesus went to the Temple of Jerusalem for His last Passover ;Which was six months after his baptism. Jesus said that He would be killed and He would rise again on the third day.There in the Temple Jesus said ,"Destroy this Temple and in three days I will rise it up." The Jews miss-understood Jesus and said,"Fortysix years was this Temple beeing built,wilt thou rear it up in three days?"Even though Jesus spoke of the ,Jewish people cleared up one truth that the beeing built in 46 years.The Historical Record showed us that Herod the Great began restoration of the Temple in 18 B.C.And from BC.18 to AD.29 ,(18 +28=46)and at the end of 28 AD.;it was exactly 46 years. And now ,therefore,we can see the Birth of Jesus was in the year BC.1;which was a year before AD.1. It was over a period of three and one half years after Jesus' Babptism and Public http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (6 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM


Ministry,This world (the Jewish People under the leadership of the Romans) took Him to the Cross;and crisified Him in the year of the Lord-32 33. Remember ,the Roman Emperor Constentine first started the Chistmas celebration in320 AD. By now it is cleared for you in this Class that the year of Nativity is calculated and corrected in the New Testament churches ;which is BC 1.And I hope the church will soon find out the date December 25th is a mistake.After all celebrating Christmas is just a another holyday for the nations of the world and big companies to make money .It is true all people all over the world celebrate Christmas,but we the -Bone again Christians -is not much interested in it at all ,because there is no blessing attached to it by any means.We the Borne-again Christians,like you and me , whow can we say to our children stories like "Santacluse coming from North Pole with raindear and comes in through our Chimny into the living room to deliver gifts for our children?Isn't this all full of so many lies and make our children believe them and in turn,when they get older understads their parrents are http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (7 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM


teaching them all these lies, but they inturn teach their children the same lies when they get childrenWe the borne again Christians believe in the birth of Jesus and the death of Jesus and in the second coming of Jesus for the real Borne again Christians .We will see Him (Jesus )when He comes back. The worldly people who celebrate the Birth of Jesus , in one way, doing a great ministry for us ,by preaching the Birth of Jesus to the world.At this point while they preach for us the Gospel of Jesus ,let us get ready for His second coming .Yes Jesus is coming back soon and very soon.Yes the worldly people preach by celebrating Christmas and we the Borne again Chistians without celebrating enjoy the blessings of it; by their effort and money.Let us watch and enjoy what they do.May be after the return of Jesus and the Real Church is taken away,this worldly people still will be celebrating Christmas here on the earth while the Real church will be up in heaven with Jesus.May God Bless you all. All my Sundayschool Classes ,of The Book Of Revelation can be read from this Website:WWW.GEOCITIES. COM/KONNAPPARA/ http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Nativity (8 of 9)1/1/2006 10:40:51 AM



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World Time. REV-Fun

THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Part ONE. Chapter- 1Introduction. Less-1;Less-2;Less-3;Less-4.. 7-churches; chapter- 2Ephesus;Smyrna;Pergamos;Thyatira. chapter- 3- Sardis;Philadelphia Laodecea chapter- 4-Door;Rapture; Heaven. chapter- 5- Book;ONE;Lamb. chapter- 6-Sorrow; Sold. chapter- 7-Tribulation; Bloodwahed. chapter- 8- 7sealedbook; 7thseal 7seals. chapter- 9- Israel. chapter-10- Littlebook.. chapter-11- Twowitnesses. chapter-12 - Woman; Manchild. chapter-13- Eviltrinity. chapter-14- Mountzion; Harvest. chapter-15- WrathOfGod Vial. chapter-16chapter-17--Judgements. chapter-18--Judgements. chapter-19--Marriage; Armagedon. chapter-20-- Summary Of Tribulation. chapter-21--NewThings; New City. chapter-22-- Tree Of Life; Worship. Kingdom Of God. Human Kingdom. Kingdom Of Satan.Kingdom Of Jesus. Kingdom Of Lucifer. KingdomOfGentiles. HELL. Secondcoming. KingdomOfGentilles2.

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PART TWO. Second Part of the Class is --->ETERNAL KINGDOM OF GOD.


He who testifieth these things says:"Surely I am coming back soon ".AMEN .Come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all.AMEN. (Rev.22:21-22) COPYRIGHT.Reproduction of it in whole or in part is prohibited.This is for your knowledge,to read and study ,not for any reproduction.But you may get a link up of this (for all people to read )on your Website like:-HTTP://WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/KONNAPPARA/INDEX.HTML

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Kingdom Of Nations "And The Kingdom Of This World has become the Kingdom Of Our Lord and His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever."(RV.11:15) Praise the Lord. This is our sixth Lession on the Kingdom .(1)Kingdom Of God(2)Kingdom Of Satan(3) Kingdom Human(4)Kingdom Of Jesus(5)Kingdom Of Lucifer. And todays Lession is Kigdom Of Nations.It is the Eternal plan of God to Reign and dominate the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on the earth.;and the Will of God is to be done here on the earth as well as it is in Heaven above.This was the reason why God placed Lucifer and his angel group in the Garden of Eden ,the first time the earth was created.For a while the Kingdom on earth was running according to the Will of God;and Lucifer and his group worshiped God on the earth and the Glory of the Lord filled the earth.Lucifer and his angels could go in and out of Heaven any time they want to;,just like any other angels in Heaven.This began to change when Lucifer began a rebellion against God..Lucifer wanted to place his Throne above the Throne Of God .Like I said before,any rebellion against God would not be tolerated .And Lucifer was removed from his place from the Garden Of Eden and his rulership was taken away from him.And The Earth was left 'without Form and Void 'for an un-limited period of time.The Spirit Of the Lord moved upon the face of the earth .As we see in Genesis 1:3-31;God Recreated the the earth and placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to replace lucifer."God blessed them and God said to them(Adam&Eve)"Be Fruitfull ,Multiply,Fill the Earth and Subdue it and bear Ruler over it."(Gen.1:28)See ,God wanted Adam And Eve , Be Fruitfull,Multiply,Fill The Earth,and Rule over the earth.It didn't last too long,and Lucifer came down there and made Adam &Eve to sin against God.Lucifer once again took over the Kingdom on earth and he started to dominate the people on earth according to his will. When the people challenged God ,as was domminated by lucifer;they were all destroyed by a Flood Of Waters. But Noah and his family were save By The Grace Of God.This was the evidence that the Devil took over the controle on the earth over agaist the Will Of God.A few generations passed ,when we come to the days of Noah,When People began to challenge the Almighty God;by saying,"God,go away God.What can you do against us ?Depart from us ."It was what the people said against God ,when the foundations of this people were overflown by a Flood of Waters.(Job.22:12-17)Job was the only one who said this secret of their sin (about the people of the days of Noah). It is a big quistion,How did Job know about Sin of the people ,before the Flood Waters Of Noah's Days? Up here in Job.22,Eliphaz was talking to Job .Eliphaz was the son of Esau,the twin brother of Jacob. (Gen.36:15)Job was the Great-grand-son of Esau.(Esau--Reuvel--Zerah--Job)Some Bible Historians said that Job lived a long Time ;about 195 years old when he was suffered by Satan,and he lived another 195 years more after he was restored back to his health and healing at the end of his sufferings.;as a result he lived about 390 years.He could have seen Shem ,who lived 600 years.(GN.11:10-11)And Job and Eliphaz might have seen Shem and received the News about the Flood of Noah's days. When Jacob and his family went down to Egypt,to meet Joseph;Esau and his family were up in the hill country in the Eastern side of Jordan River (part of the land now called Jordan)When the Children of Israel; Jacob's 5th generation;came back to their Promised Land ,,Job could have been on the Eastern side of Jordan River ,living as king in that area of the land.(Gen.36:31-33)Moses could have met him there and heard the story of Job and accepted the Book Of Job from Job and Moses might have given it to the Children of Israel to place it by the Ark of the Covenant;inside The Tabernacle of God;along with his five Books..Before Moses wrote the Book Of Genesis ,(Some Theologians believe )Job could have his Book written down;and Moses received it from Job and placed in by the Ark Of God .Anyhow,all people believe that the Book Of Job is the first book written among the 66 Books of the Bible. That is why Job and Eliphaz knew about the Flodd of Noah and the sin of the people of that day.(Job.22:12-17) Kingdom Of Nations is branched out into two Kingdom Groups;which are Kingdom of Israel with all her

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Allies and Friendly Nations and Kingdom of Gentile Nations with all their Allies and Other Friendly Nations.These two groups of nations always fight each other for their freedom and existence We can see this war all over the world even today.United States of America and so many other nations always supported Israel.Arab nations all arround Israel and so many other nations always were aginst Israel and fight for existence.Now a days Palastine is fighting against Israel for their Kingdom and existence .So many world Nations are with Israel and so many are against Israel in this war for the Palastine .This war against Israel did not start today;it started ever since the begining of the Kingdom Of Israel.And this war will not end untill Jesus Christ come back as King Of Kings and sit on the Throne of David ,in the City Of Jerusalem. We can study this Two kinds of kingdoms in our future Classes.May god richly bless you all..

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Eternal Kingdom Of God. In RV 22 we mainly study about the Eternal Kingdom Of God."But the Throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it."(RV.22:3)"In the Begining God created the Heaven and the Earth."(Gen.1:1)Time began when God started His creation..At Genesis Chapter One started Time,and at Revelation Chapter 22 ends Time and takes us back to Eternity. ETERNITY.(Genesis Ch.1).................TIME..........(Revelation RV.Ch.22)...ETERNITY. These are some of the Kingdom Topics we studied so far out of Rev.Chapter 22. KingdomOfGod. KingdomHuman. KingdomOfSatan. KingdomOfJesus. KingdomOfLucifer. KingdomOfGentiles. KingdomOfGentiles2. KingdomOfNations. Eternal purpose of Jesus to come down to earth is to establish the Kingdom Of God on the earth.Kingdom Of God is eternal.Please read these passages from the Bible;Psalms10:16;90:1-2;93:1-2;103:19;135:6-7;148:8; Jer.10:10;1 Chron.29:11; God Almighty created and He alone is in controle over His creation.He did not let it go as it pleased over against the Will of God,and he who went against Him is always punished .Here on the Earth ,God always let some one rule under His will and dominion. Here we will see some Kings on earth that the Lord has established and see how God controled them untill the Kingdom Of God comes to its final Eternal Kingdom."Kingdom of God is not Food and Water ,but Righteousness ,Peace and Happiness in the Spirit ."Kings who do not bring Righteousness,,Peace and happiness for His people, will be removed and replaced by someone else.First of all God is the King over the Heaven and Earth. Next ,each class we study, will be a "LINK",(underlined). Then Lucifer was given the Kingdom. Lucifer was the first King on earth appointed by the Lord. Adam was King over the whole earth ;as well as the Kingdom Of Lucifer was a world-wide Kingdom..Adam's Kingdom was also destroyed by the Lord just because Adam&Eve dis-obayed God. Noah was given the Dominion;when Adam's Kingdom was destroyed by the Flood. The Rainbow and City Kingdoms of the world. is the outcome of the Power of Darkness sent by the Lucifer . Sorrow is another detailed study of the Rainbow and its effects on the KIngdom of God. City-Kingdoms are controled by the The Kingdom Of Darkness or the Devil . Abraham was called to be Head of the Kingdom.;when the Kingdom of Darkness took over the world. Chidren Of Israel was moved over into Egyptian Bondage-Egyptian Empire was from 1600 -1200 BC. Joseph is the man who went over into Egypt ,before The Children Of Israel as a whole was gone into Egyptean Bondage. Moses was the Ruler over the Kingdom Of Israel when Egyptian Kingdom began to destroy the Kingdom Of Israel. Morals.We can study a lots of Morals from the life History of Moses. Joshua was the Ruler Of The Chidren Of Israel after the death of Moses. The Judges were given the rulership of His Kingdom.;when the Evil Kingdoms all arround began to destroy Israel Kingdom. Israel asked for a King.and Soul was the first King. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/EternalKingdom (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:40:56 AM


Then DAVID was their 2nd King. SOLOMON was the KING OF ISRAELnext. Then the Israel Kingdom was devided . REHOBOAM was King over the Southern Kingdom Jerusalem was their Capital. JEROBOAM was King over the Northern-Kingdom;Sameria was the capital of the North.. Northern Kingdom,(Israel)is taken away into Assyrian Captivity At the fall of the Assyrean Empire,Babelon took over the Asserean Kingdom also under the Babelonean Empire. Israel(Northern Kingdom) was there in Assyrea ,when Babelon took over and all Ten Tribed Israel in Assyrea went scattered all over the world;and they didn't go back to their Home Land. At this point Babelon came down and took the Southern Kingdom (Two Tribe Nation )from Jerusalem to Babelonean Captivity. Assyrian Empire was in power from 900 Bc to 607 BC. Rapture Of The SHEKINAH.And the Times of the Gentiles began. And the Kingdom was transfered over to the Gentile Nations . Egyptian Empire.1600-1200 B.C. Assyrean Empire.1200 -606 B.C. Babelonean Empire-606-536 B.C. Med-Persia Empire-536-330 B.C. Greek Empire-331 B.C. Romean Empire-146BC-To 476 AD. "Jerusalem shall be trodden down untill "The Times Of The Gentiles" be fullfilled."(Luke.21:24) OLD TESTAMENT Times-------- Kingdom.of Israel began. 400-Years Kingdom was under Persian rule;in between Old and New Testamet times. Kingdomm of Israel was under Roman Rule ;when Jesus came to be born. Offering and Rejection of the Kingship Of Jesus Christ.. AT the NEW TESTAMENT AGE the Kingdom of God is the N.T.Church. Rapture of the Church. WAR IN HEAVEN. SEVEN YEARS OF TRIBULATION. The Return of the King Jesus;to reign on earth for ever and ever. Battle of Armagedon. Judgment of the Nations. Millenial Kingdom of Christ. Consumation of Earth by FIRE. White Throne Judgment.And The Lake Of Fire. The Eternal Kingdom Of God on Earth for ever and ever. Jesus is King on Earth Eternally. May God blessyou all.Amen. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/index.html

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Ephesus is a port city ,which is the central point between Rome and Jerusalemat the Mediteranean Sea.Church at Ephesus is started by Paul.The word came from an old Greek word ,"Ephamy"which means ,"Let go.";because they left their first love.Jesus also told them to repent and come back to their first love;or their candle stick will be removed from its place. The letters to all 7 churches ,we got six types of study patterns. 1.Introduction.Rev.2:1."Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write...................". Rev.2:1. 2.Jesus in the church.Jesus is out there walking in the midst of seven candle sticks. which means Jesus is always with His church.Behold I am with you always ,even unto the end of the world. 3.Accusations.Rev.2:2-3. I know thy works.I know thy labour,Patience,and I know you do not tolerate evil,I know you tested the false Apostles and found them liers. 4.Gospel Messages.Rev.2:4."I have some what against thee,because thou hast left your First Love." 5.Advise."Repent and do thy first works or else I will remove thy candlestick out of its place except thou repent."Rev.2:5. Remember the Parable of the Sower,Jesus said about the Kingdom of God (Church)? Jesus said 7 Parables in Mathew .13.And here in the Book of Revelation Jesus said 7 messages to 7 churches.These 7 Parables and 7 Church Messages has to compared to study,like the first Parable and the first church message got to be compared .In the first Parable ,Jesus says about the Sower goes oput to Sow the Seed.And first Church Message ,Jesus says about origin of His Church at the day of Pentacost. When Jesus sowed His Seed,some fell on the wayside.Math.13:4. The wicked one catcheth away that which was sown in the hearts,see the wicked on already started his work in the church.He takes away the Word of God out of people's heart.Math.13:5,20;Jesus and His Desciples went through the Roman Persecusions. Jesus was crusified and killed by Roman Goverment.All Apostles except John were killed by them one way or other .Lot of Christians left their Christianity and Jesus and went away saving themselves from death."Some seeds fell among the thorns. Math."13:7. "He that heareth the Word ,the care of this world and deceitfilness of riches choke the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/ephesus (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:12 AM


Word and became un fruitful."Math.13:22. This was the story of the Ephesus Christians.They were ery rich beeing business peopls at the port city of Ephesus.When the Roman Pesceutions came ,they rejected Jesus and wnt back to their businessand riches. "Some fell into good ground and brought forth ,some a hundred fold ,some sixty fold, and some thirty fold."Math 13:8. "He that received seeds into good ground,is he that heareth the Word and understandeth it which also beareth fruits,some a hundred fold,some sixty fold ,and some thirty."Math.13:23. On the Day of Pentacost,a 3000 were added to the curch and the on the next day a 5000 and so forth ,a hundred fold fruits were added to the Church. Nicolaitanes in the city of Ephesus were a group of people who started mingling the Jewish faith and Jewish Priesthood into the Church.To begin with the Nicillas in the Book of Acts:6:6.became the first one started preaching this doctrin of Nicolaitanes in the Jerusalem church and all over the christians all over the area.That was how the Jewish priesthood came in the New Testament church.These were the "False Apostles " Paul was telling us about.(Acts.15:1-2;2Cor.11:4;Gala.1:6-8.) 6.Blessings.Rev.2:7."To him that overcometh ,I will give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God ." We know that Adam lost this Fruit of the Tree of Life because of his sin.And when the Flodd came down upon the earth in Noah 's days ;when the earth parted into two,the Garden of Eden went down underneath the earth (Ezk.31:15-18) When the Lord returns on the Mount of Olives ,in the last days,when the earth splits into two and the Garden of Eden will come up out there.(Zeck.14:4-11;Rev.22:1-2) "I know thy works."Rev2:2. By the time John gets this message of Revelation,the Word is preached all over the world.And all Apostles except this John were all killed by Romans Government.Jesus , before He left,gave them(His Apostles) a message to preach the gospel unto the utmost part of the earth,and they did it with in less than a 100 years time.Even though some Seeds fell on the wayside,some fell on stoney places,some fell among the thornes;thank God,some Seeds fell in the good ground and bear fruits a hundred fold."I know thy labour and thy patience."To him that overcometh ,I will give to eat off the Tree of Life." "Behold I am with you always ,even unto the end of the world." God blewss you all.

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(1500-1700 AD.) 1.Introduction.RV.3:1. "Unto the angel of the church of Sardis write." At the ,the upper most reaches of the Roman Catholicism,,Martin Luther came up with his new plan to reform Christianity.Roman Catholics had the Bible closed up by closing education system of the land.All the schools are closed ,there by no one can read or write .and the Bible was closed from the public.The Jesuits group of Catholicism came out with another idea to have Papal ruling of the church suppreme and absolute and they declred the Pope of Vatican as Vicar of Christianity.Finally Roman Catholicism became the most powerfull . Now Martin Luther,the greatest man of the days,since Jesus and His Apostles.;while he was reading the Bible , he was reading the book of Romans.He saw the verse ,"The just shall live by faith."Luther started preaching that salvation has to be gained by trusting in God through Jesus Christ and not by rituals,sacrifice or penance .Martin Luther posted 95 thesis on the Whittenburg Roman Catholic Temple walls.It was on October 31 st ,1517 AD.In the year 1520 ,Pope excommunicated Martin Luther from Cathlicicism.A sixty days after he received the Bull of excommunication ,he burned it up in public,on December 10 th 1520.Martin Luther started preaching the "Justfication by Faith ",through the blood of Jesus .John Calvin and such like so many other able ministers joined him and the Lutheren Church was established .; and this church became so popular and became well populated like the Raman Catholicism.And it was at this time so many other Protastant denominations also took shape all ove the world.The Protastsant people started new schools for educating their children to read the Bible. When Jesus was here on the earth ,He prophecied ,"Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a teasure hid in a field,the which when a man hath found,he hideth and for joy thereof he goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field ."(Mat.13:44.)It was Martin Luther by whom this prophecy of Jesus was fulfilled.. 2. Picture of Jesus.RV.3:1 Jesus has seven Spirits of God and seven Stars in His hands.Jesus works in Sardis with help of the Holy Spirit (Isa.11:2)and the ministers of the church(Rv.1:20) . 3.Accussations.Rv.3:1. "Thou hast a name that thou livest and are dead."A a whole the Sardis church is with people who are dead who are not born again and some really lives by the born again experience; in the same local church circle. "I know thy works."By which Jesus tells the church that He knows all condition in the Sardis church circle. Jesus is blaming them these things.(1) You have a name that you are alive but you are dead..(2)I have not found thy woks perfect before God. 4.Gospel Message.Rv.3:2. Be watchful and strengthen yourself as you are almost going to die. 5.Advise..Rv.3:3-5. "If thou shalt not watch ,I will come on you as thief ,and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee."You have a few in Sardis who have not defiled their garments and they will walk with me in white garmants for they are worhty.When Martin Luther preached the Justification by Faith,,people who are washed by the blood of Jesus are going to be clothed in white garments as they are worthy for it. 6.Blessings for the overcomers.Rv.3:6. (1)In Sardis christians are promised a white Garment for the overcomers.Their garment is washed by the blood of Jesus .Just like Isaiah ,we can say ,"He hath clothed me with the garment of salvation"(Is.61:10) (2)Their name shall not be blotted away from the Book of Life. Oneday when the Children of Israel was in the wilderness sinned against God ,Moses went in before the Lord and prayed ,"If thou will forgive their sins and if not blot me I pray thee ,out of the Book which thou hast written."Then God told Moses,"Whoever hath sinned against me,him will I blott out of the http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/sardis (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:13 AM


Book ."(EXodus.32:33) (3)"I will confess his name before my Father."See what Jesus said to his desciples,"Whosoever confess me before men ,him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.But whosoever shall deny me before men,him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."(Math.10:32-33) Thank God we the overcomers will be given a white garment and our names will not be blotted out the Book of Life .And we also got a promise that our names will be written down and interdused before God.;because we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior. God is good to all of us great and small.And Jesus is coming back as a thief in the night and no one knows what hour He is coming back.Let us get ready.Amen.

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"And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write."RV.3:14. Math.13:47-50;Jesus sent us as "Fishers of men. "Now the Net is ready to be picked up out of this world.. 2.Jesus in this Church.RV.3:14. "Amen";What ever Jesus said was Yea is Yea and Nea is Nea..when Jesus was on the earth ,He always said . Amen ,Amen I say unto you;which meant,"I am the Amen is telling you ."The Amen is faithfull ,the true witness and the begining of the creation of God .John very well knew what Jesus was telling him about the begining of creation.When John wrote the Gospel of John ,he began the Book with this statement;"In the begining was the Word.The Word was God.The same was in the begining with God./All things were made by Him and without Him was not anythig made that was made." 3.Accussations.RV.3:15-16. "Thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot.I will spew thee out of my mouth."It was the lukewarm condition of the church when John Wesley went out of the Anglican Church;and William Booth went out of the Methodist Church.They were looking for better fellowship and worship in churhes rather than the lukewarm condition.Good christians can not stay in a lukewarm church and they always will be looking for revival in church.Today in thiese lukewarm church they are building bigger and bigger church buil;dings,Cthidrals and Semmenaries .Yes the 20th century churches are wedded by this world just like church was wedded by this world in the days of Constetine. 4.Gospel Message.RV.3:17.The prime look of the church today is worldliness rather than spiritualism.Yes the church today is lukewarm and that is why Jesus says that He will spew them out of His mouth.. Laodicean church is wreched,misserable,poor,blind,and naked.20th century churches are physically rich ;but spiritually very poor.Jesus is asking us to buy Gold that tried in the heavenly fire.;to be rich.We are naked and Jesus is asking us to buy that White Robe which is washed by the blood of Jesus ;to be clothed so that the shame of our nakedness do not appear.As we are spiritually blind,Jesus is asking us to buy and anoint our eyes with that eyesalve from Jesus so that we may see.Apostle James said a prophecy about this last day church;(James.5:23)"Your riches are currupted and your garments are moth-eaten.Your gold and silver are canked and rust of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh as it were fire.You have heaped together for the last days." 5.Advise.RV.3:19-20. "As many as I love and chasten ,be zealous and repent.And I stand at the door and knock."Jesus is not calling people to repent and be borne again.(like some preachers are using this verse for calling people for repentence.) This is a call of Jesus to the church to open the door and come up into the heavenly places when the Trumpet of the Lord sounds.The poor,blind or naked christians can not at this time open their doors and go to heaven.Only the ones accepted the Heavenly Gold to be siritually rich;only the ones accepted the White Robe that is washed in the blood of Jesus ;only the ones accepted the eye-salve from Him to to see Jesus can see Himm when He comes back as a thief in the night.When the Trumpet of the Lord sounds such will be caught up into air to meet the Lord in heaven.We already studied that the Rapture will take plece before the Great Tribulation. 6.Blessings to the Overcomers.Rv.3:21. "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne ,even as I overcome and sit down with my Father in His throne ."What more do we need to see that we are going to sit down with Jesus and His Father God ? Read Mark.16:19."So then after the Lord had spoken unto them,He was received up into heaven and sat down on the right hand of God." Catching away into heavenly throne is the greatest blessing of the Laodicean Church. The First Resurrection........RV.20:4-6. The Second Resurrection....RV.20:11-15. Prophet Daniel said these two in one passage.Dan.12:2. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Laodicea (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:15 AM


Jesus said ,we all got a resurrection.(See:-John.9:28-29.)At this time ,I like to give a list of all resurrections in the Bible . 1.Son of a Widow. ............1 king.17:17-22. 2.Son of the Sunemite.........2 King.4:32-35. 3.An unnamed man ............2 King.13:20-21. 4.Jarius' Daughter................Math.9:23-25. 5.Only Son of a Widow.........Luke.7:11-15. 6.Lzarus of Bathany.............John.11:43-44. 7.Many Saints......................Math.27:52-53. 8Tabitha..............................Acts.9:36-40. Thank God the church will be caught away just in the blink of an eye,before all the hell-fire is breaking loose at the Great Tribulation.As God Almighty took Noah and Lot out of this world before the judgement and torment came down upon the worldly people so also the Lord God will take His blood washed church out of this world before the Great Tribulation.Yes there is no more condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. "For the Lord himself decend from heaven with a shout ,with the voice of the archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first and then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the air and so shall we ever with the Lord." Also read John .14:2-3;It is Jesus' promise. Jesus Christ is coming back very soon let us get ready.May God bless you all .Amen.

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(1)Introduction. "Unto the angel of the church of smyrna write. (2)Picture of Jesus. Jesus the First &the Last,which was dead&alive.To console the suffering church,Jesus tells them that He was dead &alive. (3) Accusation. Jesus does not condemn this church. (4)Gospel Message. I know that:-your works.;your tribulations.3;your poverty ;you are rich .;some among you who are blaspemy ,telling they are Jews but are not Jews but is a synnagog of satan.Infant Baptism and anoiting with holy-oil at the baptism, Prayer to Mary the mother of Jesus,A curtain between Priests and other members of the church especially at the Lord's Supper time,and so many Jewish and Pagan believes are brought in the church.Jesus called this a Synnagog of satan. (5)Advise. "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer and devil shall cast some of you in prison and you shall have tribulation for ten days (6)Blessings to the overcomers. "I will give thee a Crown of Life."The Crown of Life is a reward to the winners who endureth temptations.(James.1:12) And I shall give you victory over the second death. Let us go compare smyrna with the Parable of the Tares.(Mathew.13:24-30)Man sowed good seed in the field.Enemy came down and sowed tares among the wheet.See in the the Parable of the Sower,the fowles came and devoured some from the way side.Now in this Parable ,the enemy came and sowed tares among the seed.First he removed some seeds and then he sowed tares among the wheet.See the same thing the devil did in the Garden of Eden.The Lord told Adm&Eve ,"Of the tree of the knoledge of good&evil,You shall not eat,of it,in the day thou eatest there of thou shalt surely die."Ther devil went out there to Adam&Eve and said ,"You shall not die,God knows ,that in the day you eat thereof your eyes shall be opened,and you shall be as gods knowing good&evil."See here the devil took the Word of God out of man and replaced it with tares . We are not allowed to add or take off any thing out of the Word of God.(Rv.22:18-19)If aman shall add to these things ,God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life.We shall not add or deminish anything .(Prov.30:19) Same thing he is doing in the church;replacing good Apostles with false ones and replacing the Word with Jewish believes , Priesthood and such like .After the death of Jesus Aaronite priest hood is no more valuable in the church of God. Jesus is in the heavenly places our high priest .Any time we can go to the Throne of Grace without any other priest but Jesus .The Nicolaitane doctrine is brought in to the church by Nicolas of Antioch who was of jewish faith. See Acts.15:1;"And certain men came down from Judaea ,tought the brethren and said,except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses ,ye can not be saved."Jesus and his Apostles were teaching to get saved by repentance not by http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/smyrna (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:16 AM


circumcision.Jewish doctrine came in the church to replace the borne-again experiience into circucision . See the good Weet is replaced with tares? By the time Constentine came into power in the Roman Empire, Cristianity became the world religion.So many thosands were added to church ,either dead or alive . On October 27th 312 AD. on the eve of his "Great Battle of Melivien Bridge"; Constentine had a dream ,and in his dream,he saw a Cross and just above the Cross he saw these words,"In this sign conquer."He did go to war with a sign of the Cross ,and he won the war that day.When the war was over Constentine converted to Christianity.He declared Christianity as his state religion.He printed and gave Bibles away free all over the Roman Empire.Sunday was declared state holyday .Christian church buildings were built all over the countryChristians came out from under ground.They thought they conqured the Roman s by their prayers;but the Romans converted the Christianity into a state religion rather than a spiritual church as intended by the Lord.From Dometien down to Constentine all Emporers persecuted Christianity.Two to seven million graves were found undergound the City of Rome and they were later called " Catacombs of Rome." Polycarp was a student of John,while he was Bishop of Smyrna,he was arrested and brought before the throne;he was asked to curse Jesus or he was told he would be killed.Polycarp said ,"Eighty and six years I have served Jesus and Jesus has done me nothing but good.How can I curse Jesus;My Lord and Savior? "Finally ,Polycarp was burned to death in a firey furnace.John Chrysostem ,"the Golden Mouthed Orator"the greatest preacher of Smyrna , was displeased by the Roman Emporer and he was sent out into exile and died some where in exile.Ignatius,Iranaeous and many more great preachers of the Smyrna were all sent away in exile to uninhabited islands in the Medeteranean Sea.And the Smyrna church suffered a lot for Jesus .Because of the tribulations they went through,all the great ministers like these suffered for Jesus and received their "Crown of Life." In these last days we too, when we suffer and be faithful unto death,and Jesus will give us the same Crown of Life.Amen

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ADAM-JESUS. From Adam to Jesus was 4000 years.Let us study that from our Bible.Genesis chapters 5 and 11 tell us that. Genesis chapter.5. From Solomon to Babelonean Captivity. Adam.........130. Reheboam...........17. Seth...........105. Abijah...................3. Enosh..........90. Asa.....................41. Kenan..........70. Jehosaphat...........25. Mahalalel......65. Jeboram................8. Jared.........162. Ahaziah.................1. Enoch.........65. Athaliah................6. Methusaleh.187. Joash..................40. Lamech......182. Amaziah...............29. Noah/Flood.600. Uzziah..................52. Total...........1656. Ammon...................2. Genesis.chapter.11. Josiah....................31. Shem............2. Jehoahas...................3months Arpachshad..35. Jehoiakim..............11. Sheleh..........30. Jehojiakim...................3Months Eber.............34 Zedekiah.................11. Peleg............30 Total...................417. years. Reu..............32 From Solomon to the Babelonean Captivity was 417-years Serug...........30 Nahor...........29 Terah..........130 Abraham.......75 #Total.........427.. From Abraham to Moses was 430 years.Paul says,"Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offsprings.........the Law which came 430 years afterwards ,does not annul a covenant previosly ratified by God,so as to make the promises void .For ,if the inheritence is by law,it is no longer by promise ,but God gave it to Abraham by promise ." (Gala.3:15-18)By this Paul says from Abraham to Moses is 430 years.To go through Genealogy of Moses from Abraham is very hard .You can see a study of this to prove that Abraham's entrance into Canaan and the returne of Israelites from Egypt to Canaan under Moses afte the Passover ,was 430 -years. Please cllick on this Link ->(Genealogy)-for a detailed study. From Moses to Solomon is 500 years."In the 480 th year ,after Israel came out of Egypt,in the 4 th year of Solomon's reign over Israel,in the month of Ziv ,which is the second month,,he began to build the House of the Lord."(1Kings.6:1.)"At the end of 20 years in which Solomon had built the House of the Lord and his house ."(2 Chroncles8:1.)After building the Temple of God,Solomon lived another 20 more years. From Solomon's building of the Temple to the Babelonean Captivity was 417 years .(See the king's list above.) Children of Israel was in Babelon. a 70 years. From the time Israel came out of Babelon to the birth of Jesus was 500.years. According to the New Testament study ,the birth of Jesus was in -1-BC.When Jesus took his water baptism ,he was 30 years old.(Luke.3:23.)It was the 15-th year of Tiberius Caesar.(Luke.3:1.)In the Roman History we see that Tiberius became Caesar in 14 AD.and the 15 th year of his reign was (14+15 =29)Then Jesus was borne in 1 BC.(Let us look another place.)After the wedding of Canaa,Jesus went into the Temple of Jerusalem,(readhttp://www.geocities.com/konnappara/Adam-Jesus (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:17 AM


John ch.2:13-21.)"Jesus said,"Destroy this Templ and in three days I shall raise it up again."Jews told him ,46 years this Temple is beeing built,wilt thou rear it down and build it up again in three days?"Jesus was telling them his body beeing the Temple of God .But let us look at the Temple of Jerusalem,According to the history , the Temple was built in 46 years.Herod the King built this Temple,started building in 18 AD,and finished it in 28 AD..It was exactly 46 years (18+28=46)when Jesus was there in the Temple.in 29 AD;it was exactly 46 years .This was also a proof that Jesus was borne in the year 1-BC. This is a study to show from Adam to the birth of Jesus was 4000 years.See it below:Adam to Noah ...............1656 years From Noah to Abraham ...427 years. From Abraham to Moses ..430 years. From Moses to Solomon...500 years. From Solomon to Babelon. 417 years. Israel in Babelon ................70 years. After Babelon to Jesus .......500 years. From Adam to Jesus ........4000 years. Home Next The END.

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Adam-David Adam. Seth. Enos. Cainan. Mahazaleel. Jared. Enoch. Methuselah. Lamech. Noah. Shem. Arphaxad. Salah. Eber. Peleg. Reu. Serug. Nahor. Tereh. Abraham . Isaac. Jacob. Judah. Pharez.. Hezron. Aram. Aminadab. Nahashon. Salmon. Boaz.. Obed. Jesse. Solomon----------------DIVID-----------------Nathan.

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David To Jesus This is the Genealogy Of Jesus .Mary's Genealogy can be read from AdamJoseph's family is branching out from David.;all the way down to Jesus Christ.His Mother was in the family Nathn and Joseph was in the family of Solomon ,as you see here..Joseph's Genenalogycan be seen in Math.1:1-17.And Mary's Genealogy can be seen in Luk.3:23-38. Solomon---------------David------------------------------Nathan. Rehoboam Mathatha. Abijam Menan. Asa Melea. Jehoshaphat Eliakim. Jehoram. Jonan. Ahaziah Joseph.. Joash Juda. Amazia Semeon. Azariah Joseph. Jotham Levi. Ahaz Matthat. Hezekia Jorim Manasseh Eliezer. Amon Jose. Josiah Err. Jehoiakin Elmodam. Jehiiachin Cosam. Salathiel Addi. Zerubbabel Melchi.. Abiud Neri. Salathiel. * Zerubbabel Eliakim Rhesa. Azor Joanna.. * Juda. Sadoc Joseph * Semei. * Maath. * Nagge. * Elsi. * Naum. * Amos. * Mattathias.. * Joserph. Achim Janna. * Melchi.. Eluid Levi. Matthan Matthat. Jacob---------->Joseph<--->Jesus.<--->Mary<---------> Heli. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/DavidToJesus (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:21 AM




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Abraham To Moses. Some people think ,Israelites lived in Egyptian Bondage 430-years.Nothing in the Bible to prove that thought. Exodus.12:40 is said something like that ,which is a Translation Mistake. "Now the sojourning of the Children of Israel,who dwelt in the Land of Canaan was 430-years."(Exod.12:40) This same vorse in the Sepyuagent Translation is :-"The sojourning of the Children of Israel,who dwelt in the Land of Canaan and in the Land of Israel ,was 430 years." Jacob and his children did not live in Egypt 430-years The 430-years of Exile of Israel was in Canaan and Egypt.From Abrahamic Covenat to Mosesic Covenant was 430-years.When Abraham was called out into the Land of Canaan to the time when Moses took Israelites out of Egypt was 430-years.When Abraham was called to go to the Promised Land ,he was 75-years old.(Gen.12:4) Abraham received his confirmation about the birth of Isaac 25-years after he migrated into Canaan.Five years later when Abraham offered a sacrifice,God came down and told him that his children would be exiles for 400years.(Gen;15:13)Abraham was 100 ,when Isaac was born.(Gen.21:5)When Jacob was born,Isaac was 60. (Gen25:26)Jacob was 130-when he went into Egypt.(Gen.47:9)When Jacob and his children migrated into Egypt it was 25+60+130=215-years after the call of Abraham.When Jacob went into Egypt his grat-son Kehath was with him.(Gen.46:11)Kehath was the grant-father of Moses.Kehath was 133 ,when he died.(Exod.6:18)Moses' father Amram was 137,when he died.(Exod.6:20)Moses was 80-when he took Israelites out of Egypt.(Acts.7:23) From Kehath to Moses (Two generation)never was 430-years ;when Abraham to Kehath was (Six generation) only 215-years. Finally ,let me show you what Paul said:-Abraham and his seed were promises made.................. The Law which was 430-years after can not dis-nnulthat it makes promises of none effect.......The Law which came 430 -years later can not diss-nnula Covenat which was previously ratified by God so as to make the promises void."(Gala.3:16-18)Here Paul says that Law of Mose came 430-years after the promisess of the Abrahamic Covenant. And my conclusion out of this is that 430 years of Israel's Exile was from the call of Abraham to the Law of Moses the Ten Commandment. Back Home Next

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Tribulation Summary.Chapter.20. Home

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Today we study the 20-th Chapter of Revelation.This is a Summary of the Great Tribulation. Vs.1."And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven,having the Key of the Bottomless Pit and a great chain in His hand."(Rev.20:1) Now Israel Nation is ready for the Millenium,the 1000-Years of Peace on Earth.But there is one thing more to be done for the Peace on earth for 1000-Years.As long as Satan is on the earth there is no peace.He has a great deal of power .(2 Cor.4:4;Eph.2:2;6:11-12;and Jude.9-th Vs.That is why an Angel comes down to chain and take him into the Bottomless Pit.This Angel must be Jesus.Because in Rev.1:8,we see Jesus b says ,He has the Key of the Hell and Death.Secondly ,a regular Angel can not take Satan into the Bottomless Pit and lock him up in there.Remember when Michael the Arch-Angel came down to take Moses Ressurrected up into Heaven,, Satan came down to fight,and he could no rebuke Satanbut he only said,"May the Lord rebuke thee."(Jude.9) Satan was so strong that Michael could not rebuke him.That means this Angel with the Key to the Bottomless Pit must be Jesus In this Summary of the Tribulation,we got to learn about 7-Judgements.Let me line them up one by one. First Judgement:-Upon the Bride of Anti-christ.(Rev.17-th chapter.) Second Judgement:-Upon the City of Rome.(Rev.18-th chapter) Third Judgement:-Upon the Anti-christ to put him in the Lake of Fire,1000-Yrs.(Rev.19:20) Fourth Judgement.Upon the Army of Anti-christ.(Rev.20:21) Fifth Judgement;Upon Satan.(Rev.20:7) Sixth Judgement.Upon Evil Trinity.(Rev.20:10) Seventh Judgement.Upon the Sinners of this world. White Throne Judgement.(Rev.20:11-15) Vs.1.An Angel with a Key of the Boottomless Pit.This is Jesus Christ with the Key to the Bottomless Pit. Vs.2.Jesus binds Satan in chains for a 1000-Years in the Lake of Fire.This is done soon after Jesus and His Bride comes down to this earth after thier Wedding.. Vs.3.Satan is cast into the Bottomless Pit for a 1000-Years and sealed in there ,so that they no longer deceive people for the 1000-Years,and at the end of that Satan will be loosed again.. Vs.4.Ressurrection of the Martyers.Saints of all groups in heaven are rewarded on the first day of the Millenium.(Rev.6:9-11;and 19:2) Vs.5.The First Ressurrection.This is the only place where it is very clearly said when the First Ressurrection and the Second Death which is the Ressurrection of the Wicked will takes place.Here Jesus shows us there is a 1000-Years in between the First and the Last Ressurrection.Daniel said,"And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake ,some for the the Everlasting Life and some for the Evrlasting Contempt."(Dan.12:2)But Daniel did not say there was a 1000-Years gap between them.When Jesus was here onday said,"Marvel not at this :for the hour is come ing in which all that are in the grave shallhear His Voice, and shall come forth ,they that have done good unto the Ressurrection of Life and they that have done evil unto Ressurrection of Damnation".At this point ,even Jesus did not reveal that there would be a 1000-years in between (Luke.14:4;1 Thess.4:16-17;and many other Scriptures like this said about the Ressurrection but it is the first time in Rev.20:4-6;Jesus revealed this Final and clear picture of the Ressurrection.Paul said that there is an order in the Ressurrection."For since by man came death,and by man came the Ressurrection of the Dead. For in Adam all die,even so in Christ shall all be made alive.But every man in his own order."(1 Cor.15:21-23) Let us go see all the Ressurrections listed in the Bible.. 1.Son of the Widow of Zarapeth.(1 Kings.17:22) 2.Son of the Shunemite (2 Kings.4:35)

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3 the Dead Man at the touch of Elisha's Bornes.(2 Kings.13:21) 4.Jairus's Daughter.(Math.9:25) 5.Saints at the Death of Jesus .(Math.27:52) 6.Son of the Widow of Nain.(Luke.7;15) 7.Lazarus.of Bathany.(Luke.11:44) 8.Tabitha.(Acts.9:40) 9.Moses.(Jude.9;Math.17:3) 10.Jesus.Luke.24:50-51;Acts.1:8-11;1 Cori.15:4; Next ,let us see all the Ressurrections we see in the Book of Revelation. First Ressurrection 1.Ressurrection of the New Testsment Church.Rev.3:20-22;1 thess.4:14-18;1 Cor.15:12-18,32; 2.Ressurrection of the Mid-Tribulation Saints.Rev.7:9; 3.Ressurrection of the 144 000 Israelites .Rev.14:3,5; 4.Ressurrection of the Two-Witnesses.Rev.Chapter.11. 5.Ressurrection of the Tribulation Martyers.Rev.20:4-6; Second Ressurrection. The Wicked People of all generations of this World.Rev.20:5,11-15; We will be Ressurrected and taken into the Heaven,seven years before the Fire comes down upon the earth. Just like Noah and his family were taken into the Arck up-up and away before the Flood of waters came down upon the earth ,upon the Wicked People. Vs.6.Participants of the First Resssurrection have no fear of the Death or Hell,but they shall be The Priests of God and reign with Him ,1000 Years.. Vs.7.Satan is loosed from the Bottomless Pit after the 1000-Years.This is the Fifth Judgement. Vs.8.Gog &Magog are called by the Beast to fight a war with Isael Nation ,after the 1000 Years.Read, Ezekiel 38 and 39 for more details. Vs.9.God rains Fire upon the Wicked People.With Satan as their leader,they number as the sand of the sea, and surround Jerusalem ,where Jesus is at that time,and He willsend fire upon them and destroy them all . Vs.10.The Sixth Judgement.The Eviltrinity is sent into the Hell and they will be tormented for ever and ever. Vs.11The White Throne Judgement.This is the Seventh Judgement.New Testament Saints and the Israel Nation are not here at the White Throne Judgement.Jesus Sufffered and Died for the Christians and they do not have any more Judgement.(Rom.8:1)And Israel Nation went through the Great Tribulation and suffered and took their punishment;and they don't have any more Judgement .And the White Throne Judgement is only for the Wicked People alone.. Vs.12-13.Wicked People gets their Judgement.The Unrighteous and Wicked People are judged according to the Books of God including the Book of Life.There is no escape for anyone who refuse the free gift of God ,Jesus Christ and His Redemption.There will be a lot of people in heaven without death comes in from the earth alive.But there will be none going into the Hell without a death.Because "The Wages of sin is death." None comes in before the White Throne Judgement Seat without a Death.And it takes place in the Heavenly Places. Vs.14.The Second Death.Death and Hell are then cast into the Lake of Fire ,which is the Second Death. Vs.15.All Wicked People whose name is not found in the Book of life,will then go to Hell.This is called the Second Death.Death is the Door to the Hell.Eternal Life through Jesus is the Door to Heaven. Let us get ready to meet Jesus Christ , as He comes back very very soon. May God bless you all .

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"When the Thosand Years are expired ,Satan shall be loosed out of his prison."(Rev.20:7.) The Great Tribulation is over.Satan,Anti-christand the Evil Spirit (The Satanic Trinity) are chained and put them in the Lake of Fire.Jesus Christ(The Lamb Of God)and His Bride (The New Testament Church)are come down on this earth for their first trip down to the Bride's house. after their Wedding.Their feet touches the earth in the City of Jerusalem.Now Israel Nation accepts Jesus as their Messaiah.Everything is in order for the Kingdom of God to be established for the Israel Nation.This is clear that this Kingdom is real just as well as Babelon ,MedPersia ,Greece and Rome and such .According to Daniel's Prophecy,this is the 5-th Kingdom ."And in the days of these Kings,shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom,which shall never be destroyed,and the Kingdom shall be left for other people,but it shall break in poieces and consume all the Kingdoms and it shall stand for ever."(Dan.2:44)While Jesu was here said,"Come ye blessed of my Father ,inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."(Math.25:34)Before the birth of Jesus,God Almighty sent an Angel and told Mary,"Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a Son,and shall call His name JESUS.He shall be Great and shall be called The Son of the Highest. and the Lord shall give Him the Throne of His father David.And He shall reign over the House of Jacob for ever and and of His Kingdom there shall be no end."(Luk.1:30-33) The Land Mass of the Kingdom of Jesus will be from the Red-Sea over upto the Euphrates River. (Gen.15:18)The Southern border will be Kadesh a hundred mile south of Jerusalem (Ezk.48:28)Northern border will be Hamath ,a hundred miles north of the City of Demascus .(EZK.48:1)The Kingdom of Jesus will be far greater than the Kingdom of David or Solomon.On the West,from Medeteranean Sea ,all the way to the Land of Iran. The Millennium is the -7000-th year from the Days of Adam&Eve.From Adam to the birth of Jesus was 4000 years and from Jesus to the present ,is 2000 years.Now it is 4000+2000=6000-years .Next comes the 7000-th or the Millennium Period for the next Thousand Years.God created everything in six days and on the seventh day God rested.(Sabath Day)7th is always Sabath .After the six thousand years ,Next thousand years is the Millennium Years. (By the way-if anybody want to read and study it is 4000-years from Adam to Jesus,I got a lession on that subject called:-Adam-Jesus.Click on this Link and read it-->Adam-Jesus.) There will be a Temple in Jerusalem,for Israelites to worship.(EZK.44 .)The Priesthood of Aaron will be reestablished.(Ezk.44:15-31)Jesus Christ will be the High-Priest and King of Kings .(Zech.6:12-15)When there is no Satan on earth ,there will be peace on earth as it is in Heaven. No Nation will go against another for war. People will beat their swords into plow-shares and their spears into pruning-hooks .(Micah.4:3)Animal world will be changed .In that day,a Wolf and a Lamb will lie down together ,Leopard and Goats will be at peace and the Calf and the fat cattle will be safe among the Lions and a little child shall lead them all."(Isa.11:6)In these days the Desert shall rejoice and blossom as roses,People will go out with joy and peace and come back home glad and prosperity.Mountains and hills shall break forth before you singing,and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.(Isa.55:12)The Life of man will be prolonged in these days,a child shall die a hundred years old, as the days of a tree ,so shall be the days of the people.(Isa.65:20-22)The Sun-light or the Moon-light is not needed to light up the earth,but Jesus will be the Light of the world More over the light of the Moon will be as Sun-light and the Sun-light will be a seven fold brighter.(Isa.30:26;60:19-20)The Will of God will be here on earth as it is in Heaven. Israel Nation will enjoy the Peace of mind which they never had .One day they said ,"Let His blood be upon us and our children."They had it ever since they crucified Jesus;and they are going to enjoy the peace and happiness for a 1000 Years and after that for ever and ever.

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We now come to a time that all the creation is groaning and waiting to come back.Ever since Adam& Eve sinned ,the whole creation was waiting for this day to come for a glorious life.Remember what God told Adam on the day he sinned?"Cursed is the ground ,for thy sake"(,and) "Thornes also and thistles shall it bring forthto thee."(Gen.3:17-18)Ever since God cursed the earth ,all animals and birds were under this Curse and they were all suffering out of this curse."For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together untill now.And not only they ,but ourselves also,which have the first-fruits of the Spirit,even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the Adoption ,to wit ,to the Redemption of our body."(Rom.8:2223)That means that Paul was telling us that all animals and birds were waiting and groaning for the return of Jesus Christ and for this peacefull Kingdom on earth.Praise God No animal will kill one another or any human beeings ;they are no loger called wild animals and tame animals.All animals will be tame and they all love each other .We the human beeings will not kill any animal any more ,nor we kill one another anymore,because Jesus is the King of the world,and we are his and we will all love each other. Oh! What a wonderfull and glorieous Kingdom that will be, when Jesus Christ rule the world in peace . Let us get ready to meet Jesus when He comes back soon and very soon.May God bless you all.

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Revelation.Chapter.21. Home

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New Things. "And the One sitting on the Throne said,"Behold I make everything New.And He said unto me,".(Rev.21:1) In the begining God created the Heaven and the Earth.In six days God created everything including Adam&Eve. By the sin of Man,he lost the glory of God .God had told Adam,"The day you sin ,you will die.Adm&Eve,the animal world,and everything in the world lost the glory of God and came under sin and death.Jesus Christ ,the Son of God ,in the fullness of time ,camedown and offered His life as a Blood Sacrifice and redeemed man and everything in this world .May I cut short the story and come to the final point,that the Redemption Ministry of Jesus is over and done at the end of the Great Tribulation .In the 20-th chapter,we finished with that study.This 21-st chapter begins with everything New.Everything that Adam&Eve lost in the begining-which is recorded in the Book of Genesis;Jesus redemed and gave us all that was lost and it was recorded in the Book of Revelation. Again I say ;"In the Book of Revelation ,Jesus gives us back everything that Adam lost ,in the Book of Genesis. 1.Heaven &Earth."In the begining God created the Heaven and the Earth."(GN.1:1) I saw the New Heaven and New Earth"(Rev.21:1) 2.Day&Night."God called the light,Day and the darkness He called Night."(GN.1:5) "There shall be no Night there."(Rev.21:25) 3.Sun&Moon."God made two great lights,the greater light to rule the Day and the lesser light to rule the night."(Gen.1:16) "The City had no need of the Sun,neither is the Moon to shine in it."(Rev.21:23) 4.Sea."The gathering together of the waters called Sea."(Gen.1:10 )"There was no more Sea."(Rev.211) 5.Night."And the darkness He called Night."(Gen.1:5) "And there shall be no night there."(Rev.22:5) 6.Death."For the day you eatest thereof thou shalt shurely die.(Gen.2:17) "And there shall be no more death."(Rev.21:4) 7.Pain."I will greatly multiply thy sorrow."(Gen.3:16) "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death,neither sorrow,nor crying,neither there be any more painfor the former things are passed away."(Rev.21:4) 8.Curse."Cursed is the ground for thy sake."(Gen.3:17) "And there shall be no more curse."(Rev.22:3) 9.Satan."Now the Serpent was more subtile."(Gen.3:1) "And the Devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire."(Rev.20:10) 10.The Tree of Life .Adam lost the Tree of life and the Garden of Eden.(Gen.3:24) The Tree of Life and the Garden of Eden is back on earth .(Rev.22:2) 11.God's Face. Adam was lost from God's Presence .(gen.3:24) "And they shall see His Face."(Rev.22:4) When we got all things as it once was in the begining on the day Adam &Eve were created;God said ,"Behold I make everything New."In chapters 21and 22 ,we see Seven New Things. 1.The New Earth. "I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth;for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more Sea."(Rev.21:1) Because of the sin of Adam,God cursed the earth.Earth was in that condition eversince.Now God is cleaning up the earth with fire.(2 Pet.3:5-13)Earth received its Water-baptism and by Noah's Flood waters and was waiting for its Fire-baptism. By the Water-baptism,earth and its residents got a lot of changes.Climate has changed.The http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/New-things (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:51 AM


age of man became 120 from 900 and later became 70-or-80.After the Fire-baptism,man will receive his preflood age span."No longer babis die when only a few days old;no longer man be considered old at 100;only sinners will die young."(Isa.65:20)It is very interesting to see the earth go through the Fire-Baptism and come out with no more Sea on the face of the earth.And the earth go through the firey furnace and come out clean and full of glory.Only those who are washed by the Blood of the Lamb of God live on the earth from now on.Because all the sinners are Judged at the White Throne and sent down into the Hell. When Jesus says ,"The first Heaven and the First Earth were passed away".It doesn't maen that the earth is disappeared from the Solar System.But it only means that the earth is changed into another new and pure form. The term,"Passed away"in its original Greek Language;the word is ,PARERCHOMAI ; which means ,Changed from one form to another.Let me show you two examples to give you more light into this matter.First,Paul used the same word in Titus 3:5,"Not by works of righteousness,but according to His mercy,He saved us ,by washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Gost."Which means our Salvation works by washing and renwing by the Holy Spirit.(PAREERCHOMAI)Second example is ;when Jesus was at the Tomb of Lazarus,after four days of his death,called him back,"Come Forth".He came back with his hands and feet bound .Jesus said ,"Loose him and let him go".(PARERCHOAI)So ,by this word Jesus means "Let loose from old bondage and let go for a new life.This is what happens to this earth,as the Old Earth goes away and a New Earth comes up.This earth is created to be for ever and not to diappear "One generation passeth away and another generation cometh,but the earth abideth for ever."(Eccl.1:4)"As surely as my next heaven and earth shall remain ,so surely shall you always be my people with a name that shall never disappear."(Isa.66:22)This earth is where the Blood of the Son of God , fell upon and it will be here forever.And we will live upon this earth forever.On the New Earth there will be no sin or deseases of any kind.There will be no Ocean on this New Earth.The Garden of Eden will be there .We will drink the Water of life from the Gerden ;and we will eat the Fruit of the Tree of life .We will have the Heaven on Earth for ever and ever.Praise God,I am looking forward to the New Earth. 2.The New Heaven. This is New Heaven( not Heavens).It is only the air-mass,which is wraped arround the earth that is going to catch fire and burned up.In Gen.1:1,and in Rev.21:1,the word is Heaven(in singular form)When God created the earth ,He also created the Air-mass that is all arround it.That sky is the only area ( surface )poluted .That is the only area needs to be cleaned up.When,Peter says ,"The Heaven beeing on fire ,shall be dessolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat",it is said only about the sky or the air-mass that goes arround the earth.(2 Pet.3:12) In the air ,there is all kinds of poluted elements and poisons that makes animals and Human beeings sick.That is the reason why God wants to clean up the air-mass for the inhabitants of the New Earth. Oh! How glorious and wonderfull is the works of the Lord .The Heaven &Earth is so wonderful and we are going to live on it for ever and ever in glory.Then we will be like Jesus,who can go in and out ,when the Door is closed. We can go to the Third Heaven ,to the Throne of God, any time and come back to Earth. Yes Jesus is coming back to take us into the Heavenly Places,Soon and very soon.Let us get ready. Next ,we will study about (3)The New City.The New Jerusalem. May God bless you all.

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Human Kingdom. This is our second lession on the Kingdom Of God.Jehovah God is the Everlasting King. "The Lord prepared His Throne in Heaven and His Kingdom ruleth all."(Ps.103:19) "All that is in Heaven and earth is thine and Thou ruleth over all."(1Chro.29:11) So far we see that God Almighty rules everything in Heaven and earth.When God created the earth ,Lucifer along with his angelic group, was placed in the Garden of Eden as ruler of the earth.God ordained and crowned Lucifer as King of the earth.We saw that Lucifer filled his heart with pride and said he would take over the Throne of God.When Lucifer Challenged the Throne of God ,like it is said in my last class,God did not suffer it at all and Lucifer was removed from his place.Lucifer was removed away to some unknown planet up in the sky. Darkness covered the earth for millions and millions or years.The Spirit of the Lord was safe-keeping the earth during these dark days. The Earth was re-created as we saw in the Genesis 1:3-31. Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden and he was ordained and crowned as King of the whole Earth.And Adam was given the Dominion and Controle of the Earth. Just like Will Of God is all there is in Heaven ,the Will Of Adam is there is on the whole Earth.All the birds in the air,fishes and all other sea creatures and all the animals on the land were under Adam's Controle and they come and go as he oders them.When Adam dis-obayed God and transgressed against the Lord he was the King of the Earth.The Transgression means to go beyond the limits set up.The Eternal plan of God is to keep "The Will Of God on the earth as it is in Heaven".It is violated by Adam and he came out short of the Glory Of God And Adam lost the Dominion and rulership of the earth.And satan took over the power that Adam lost.Satan became "the god of this world." Ever since Adam lost and satan took over the Kingdom of the world(Cosmos)the world system.Through out the Centuries and Centuries ,satan dominated and manipulated the affairs on man and the Nations of the World.This satanic domination can not be denied at all .Even Jesus called satan ,"the Prince Of This World".Satan raised his ugly head up above everyone .The Lord said,"The Seed Of The Woman shall bruise the Serpent's Head".The King Of Kings and Lord of Lords shall come down and destroy the headship of satan and take over what Adam lost.The whole Bible is the picture of what Adam lost and satan's Dominion on the earth;finally Jesus comes down and takes over what Adam lost which is called redemtion.At the end of Revelation Chapter 22 it is all done by Jesus Christ. It is the will of God that all men all over the world ,worship The Lord The Creator Of Heaven and Earth."I am The Lord Thy God........And Thou shalt not have no other gods before me ". But satan started getting people to worship so many other gods or Idols.Now the majority of the world population worship other gods instead of the God Almighty. When Adam transgressed and came short of the glory of God,man lost his relationship or in other words man got his bridge broken between him and God.And he can not go to God without a medeator.Jesus Christ is the Mediator between man and God.The word Medeator is not found in the Old Testament at all ,except one word in the Book of Job."For He is not a Man as I am that I might answer Him,that He should come to trial together ; there is no 'Umpire ' between us that He might lay His hand upon us."(Job.9:32-33)But the word medeator is seen six times;twice about Moses and four times about Jesus.When Moses was the medeator in the Kingdom of God as a servent and Jesus was and is the medeator of the Kingdom of God as the Son of God.The word medeator is used in three aspects;Prophetical,Priestly and Kingly ministry of God.Even though the medeation is stated in the New Testament,it has been done in the Old Testament Days as well."He (Jesus )was in the world and the world was made by Him and they knew Him not".(john.1:10)Jesus was among the Olden days among the Children of Israel and they did not know Him. Now,I am going to show another thing seen only in the Book of Job,which is about the sin of the people of Noah's days.,before the Flood .No other book in the Bible recorded this sins.All Bible scollers believe the Book of Job is the book written,even before the Five Books of Moses.Read the words of the people of Noah's days and see how they rebelled and challenged against God. http://www.geocities.com/konnappara/KingdomHuman (1 of 2)1/1/2006 10:41:54 AM


"Is not God the Highest of Heavens ?And behold the Highest of the Stars,how high they are .And thou sayest ,How does God know?Can He judge through the dark clouds?Thick clouds are a covering for Him that He seeth not and He walketh in the circuit of Heavens.Hast Thou marked the old ways wich the old men have troden?Which were cut down out of time ,whose foundation was overflown with a Flood ,which said unto God,'Depart from us and what can the Almighty do ?"(Job.22:12-17)Here it is recorded as those people in the days of Noah challenged God Amighty.Lord Could not suffer this kind of Challege from man and He destroyed them all except Noah and his family.Time and time again when His Creation rebelled against Him ,He would interveign and re-build the Kingdom Of God according to the Will Of God..That is the History of the Kingdom of God. Just like United States Of America has a Government with its rulership covers the Worldwide Ministry; ; Kingdom Of God In Heaven has a Government That covers the Whole Heaven and the Earth. No matter what the Will Of God will be rulling the Heaven and the Earth with LOVE.Because GOD IS LOVE. So far we saw a picture of what the devil is working against Will Of God and run an Ugly Government on Earth ever since the Garden of Eden.In the Book Of Revelation we will study How Jesus Christ is going to end all that and establsh The Kingdom Of God on the Earth like it shoulkd be according to The Will Of God. "Our Father which art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name.Thy Kingdom Come here on the Earth as it is In Heaven." At the end of Revelation 22,we will see Kingdom of God established on the Earth and The Will Of God comes on the earth As It Is In Heaven. Behold the Kingdomm Of God is at hand.Next week we will continue the study on the Kingdom Of God. Next Class May God Bless You All..

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Kingdom Of Nations "And The Kingdom Of This World has become the Kingdom Of Our Lord and His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever."(RV.11:15) Praise the Lord. This is our sixth Lession on the Kingdom .(1)Kingdom Of God(2)Kingdom Of Satan(3) Kingdom Human(4)Kingdom Of Jesus(5)Kingdom Of Lucifer. And todays Lession is Kigdom Of Nations.It is the Eternal plan of God to Reign and dominate the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on the earth.;and the Will of God is to be done here on the earth as well as it is in Heaven above.This was the reason why God placed Lucifer and his angel group in the Garden of Eden ,the first time the earth was created.For a while the Kingdom on earth was running according to the Will of God;and Lucifer and his group worshiped God on the earth and the Glory of the Lord filled the earth.Lucifer and his angels could go in and out of Heaven any time they want to;,just like any other angels in Heaven.This began to change when Lucifer began a rebellion against God..Lucifer wanted to place his Throne above the Throne Of God .Like I said before,any rebellion against God would not be tolerated .And Lucifer was removed from his place from the Garden Of Eden and his rulership was taken away from him.And The Earth was left 'without Form and Void 'for an un-limited period of time.The Spirit Of the Lord moved upon the face of the earth .As we see in Genesis 1:3-31;God Recreated the the earth and placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to replace lucifer."God blessed them and God said to them(Adam&Eve)"Be Fruitfull ,Multiply,Fill the Earth and Subdue it and bear Ruler over it."(Gen.1:28)See ,God wanted Adam And Eve , Be Fruitfull,Multiply,Fill The Earth,and Rule over the earth.It didn't last too long,and Lucifer came down there and made Adam &Eve to sin against God.Lucifer once again took over the Kingdom on earth and he started to dominate the people on earth according to his will. When the people challenged God ,as was domminated by lucifer;they were all destroyed by a Flood Of Waters. But Noah and his family were save By The Grace Of God.This was the evidence that the Devil took over the controle on the earth over agaist the Will Of God.A few generations passed ,when we come to the days of Noah,When People began to challenge the Almighty God;by saying,"God,go away God.What can you do against us ?Depart from us ."It was what the people said against God ,when the foundations of this people were overflown by a Flood of Waters.(Job.22:12-17)Job was the only one who said this secret of their sin (about the people of the days of Noah). It is a big quistion,How did Job know about Sin of the people ,before the Flood Waters Of Noah's Days? Up here in Job.22,Eliphaz was talking to Job .Eliphaz was the son of Esau,the twin brother of Jacob. (Gen.36:15)Job was the Great-grand-son of Esau.(Esau--Reuvel--Zerah--Job)Some Bible Historians said that Job lived a long Time ;about 195 years old when he was suffered by Satan,and he lived another 195 years more after he was restored back to his health and healing at the end of his sufferings.;as a result he lived about 390 years.He could have seen Shem ,who lived 600 years.(GN.11:10-11)And Job and Eliphaz might have seen Shem and received the News about the Flood of Noah's days. When Jacob and his family went down to Egypt,to meet Joseph;Esau and his family were up in the hill country in the Eastern side of Jordan River (part of the land now called Jordan)When the Children of Israel; Jacob's 5th generation;came back to their Promised Land ,,Job could have been on the Eastern side of Jordan River ,living as king in that area of the land.(Gen.36:31-33)Moses could have met him there and heard the story of Job and accepted the Book Of Job from Job and Moses might have given it to the Children of Israel to place it by the Ark of the Covenant;inside The Tabernacle of God;along with his five Books..Before Moses wrote the Book Of Genesis ,(Some Theologians believe )Job could have his Book written down;and Moses received it from Job and placed in by the Ark Of God .Anyhow,all people believe that the Book Of Job is the first book written among the 66 Books of the Bible. That is why Job and Eliphaz knew about the Flodd of Noah and the sin of the people of that day.(Job.22:12-17) Kingdom Of Nations is branched out into two Kingdom Groups;which are Kingdom of Israel with all her

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Allies and Friendly Nations and Kingdom of Gentile Nations with all their Allies and Other Friendly Nations.These two groups of nations always fight each other for their freedom and existence We can see this war all over the world even today.United States of America and so many other nations always supported Israel.Arab nations all arround Israel and so many other nations always were aginst Israel and fight for existence.Now a days Palastine is fighting against Israel for their Kingdom and existence .So many world Nations are with Israel and so many are against Israel in this war for the Palastine .This war against Israel did not start today;it started ever since the begining of the Kingdom Of Israel.And this war will not end untill Jesus Christ come back as King Of Kings and sit on the Throne of David ,in the City Of Jerusalem. We can study this Two kinds of kingdoms in our future Classes.May god richly bless you all..

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Digitally signed by Sam Pakalomattam DN: CN = Sam Pakalomattam, C = US, O = Orethu Family, OU = Annicattu House Reason: I am the author of this document, as copy of Revelation Studies downloaded from my father's web site! Date: 2006.01.08 12:20:03 -06'00'

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