Assessment Plan Learner: 303
Date of Plan: 09
Sheet No:1 Review
M202 When dealing with sensitive information about children and families, why is it important that it is confidential? What are your security and data protection arrangements for storing and retrieving information in your setting? M203 Why is it important to involve families and colleagues and other agencies in children’s observations, assessments and testing out findings? D204 What safeguards need to be in place when carrying out observations? Why do you need to be objective when observing children? D205 Why is it important to high expectations of children, but making sure they are based on realistic expectations of what they can achieve? D206 List the different techniques you have for observing and how they are appropriate for different purposes?
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Assessment Plan Learner:
Assessor signature:
Date of Plan: 09
Sheet No:2
Learners signature: