Kimono Cottage Photos

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 479
  • Pages: 5
Storyby JudithFertig Fhotosby LandsnCollis


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dows fhrough the distinctive,translucentha[f

curtolns that Debra Smith mode. The pillows are from Blc.ckBamboo ond JoscelgnHimes Gxfiles.Flowersfrom Matneg Florol Design. Above: Smifh odded on entrgwag of weathered wood,graced bg on orf-glosswindow bg Allan Winkler.Eelow, Debro Smith.

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ebra Smith spins "fashionhouse"a new way That'sbecausekimonos fashionablein yearsgone by have given her cotlage a new leas eon lif e The high - e n da r fi s a n s c a r v e ss h e w e a v e sr , irt h s i l <1 < r r ' psof v int agelapanes ek lm ono s a n d t h e q e o m e ln c f e x t i l ea r t s h e c . e a i e s with their linings made the renovationof this late 1gth'centuryVictoriancottagepossible The house,in the westside neighborhood,had a livelypast of its own. once the home of th e Rilz Re vu e a bur les quelr oupe, it was t hen o w n e d b 1 a b l i n d c o u p l e f o r 6 0 y e a r s A n e ' they left in 1984,"nothing but squirrelslived here,"saysSmith. Sh eb ou gh t t hehous ein2004af t er s hem ov e d b a c k t o K a n s a s C r t v f r o m N e w Y o r kl t t o o k

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